Forums > Photography Talk > career advice



Posts: 119

Austin, Texas, US

allright, this is my situation, i'm going to school studing photography, and work a kitchen job that words cant go on on how much i hate.
the only reason i'm there, the pay is good, insurance.
i did try getting a assisting job with no luck, or they don't want to pay.
anyway, with my back aganst the wall, i'm thinking of going to (gump)
glammour shots.
i feel like it's a little degradeing, but try working in the kitchen and see how cleaning out grease traps and be yell at by a 50 year old man about not toasting buns.
i also try camera stores and magazines, my back agenst the wall, you think it will look bad on my reume, i also look at there web site, some of the stuff they do isn't that cheesy, and i can do it in my sleep.
i'm also one of those anti-mall, fast food old school punk kid, should i swallow my pride? well what pride i have from working in the restrunt scine i was 16?
thought please

Sep 19 05 08:15 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

robotbones wrote:
allright, this is my situation, i'm going to school studing photography, and work a kitchen job that words cant go on on how much i hate.
the only reason i'm there, the pay is good, insurance.
i did try getting a assisting job with no luck, or they don't want to pay.
anyway, with my back aganst the wall, i'm thinking of going to (gump)
glammour shots.
i feel like it's a little degradeing, but try working in the kitchen and see how cleaning out grease traps and be yell at by a 50 year old man about not toasting buns.
i also try camera stores and magazines, my back agenst the wall, you think it will look bad on my reume, i also look at there web site, some of the stuff they do isn't that cheesy, and i can do it in my sleep.
i'm also one of those anti-mall, fast food old school punk kid, should i swallow my pride? well what pride i have from working in the restrunt scine i was 16?
thought please

You must be young. I worked many a job that I didn't like just to pay the bills while I figured out what I wanted to do and how to go about doing it. None of those jobs had anything to do with what I do now.

There is nothing wrong with Glamour Shots. At least it's in the field you wish to work in: a form of photography. And they have changed a lot since they first came on the scene. It's not as cheesy.

Take it, I won't hate you.

Sep 19 05 08:19 am Link



Posts: 119

Austin, Texas, US

well i'm 35, i was in and out of school, to be honest, i jest cant get the image out of my head of the mid 80's seeing there photos in the mall pink background with purple shapes puff up hair...ect
i think i'm haveing one of those young me debating the old me
then again, if i listin to the young me, i'll be driving around in my 72 ford ltd blasting the dead milk men.
(thats a band for all you young'ins)

Sep 19 05 08:33 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

I don't think it's degrading ... you're just starting out. At a minimum, you'll find out what you don't want to do. I would think you would learn about the business and probably hone relevant people skills working there. At least you'll be working in the field. You can always keep your eyes open for something else. A long time ago, I worked in a studio for a couple months with this guy who was completely unpredictable. It was a "good" experience by learning what not to do. I also learned  about lots of "studio" things despite him.

Sep 19 05 11:38 am Link


Jayson Harrington

Posts: 233

Ormond Beach, Florida, US

At least Glamour shots is a rather steady income....even olin mills would not be bad....and no over head from your own biz....and considering most shooters these day average 25k a year   ( not alot of money ) no over head is not a bad thing

Sep 19 05 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 274

Saginaw, Michigan, US

you ever think of wedding photography?
I've never done it cause I hear it cause be uber-stressful,
but I also hear you can make $1000 - $5000 per wedding.

Sep 19 05 06:05 pm Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

and it's perfectly acceptable for punks to subvert the system from within smile

Sep 19 05 06:12 pm Link


Jayson Harrington

Posts: 233

Ormond Beach, Florida, US

Robert_Vega wrote:
you ever think of wedding photography?
I've never done it cause I hear it cause be uber-stressful,
but I also hear you can make $1000 - $5000 per wedding.

Thats before cost ect taken out...its not all profit...and with so many weekend warriors with D70's and DRebels shooting for peanuts 400-600$...its alot harder to break in...

Sep 19 05 06:39 pm Link



Posts: 54

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I was a full time photographer for for 3 years.  Let me tell you, I became a better photographer because of it.  I shot over 300 images a day.  Shoot 300 images of any subject each and every day and you'll get better at what you do.

If I was just starting out, I would work for GS.  Here is why... You will learn how to work with people.  All sorts of people.  To make money there you have to have good sales.  To get good sales, you need good photos but more, you need good people skills. 

Would I put it on my profile?  Probably not due to pride.  Will it make you a better photographer?  Yep.  Will you end up hating that job?  Oh yes.  Yes you will.  Just have an exit plan.  By the time you are ready to jump out of GS have your book, your site, your promo materials, and a basic set of gear and then jump.


Sep 19 05 06:46 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Nothing wrong with working at Glamour Shots.  It's a living and you'll learn there.  Then you'll do something else, and so on and so on.  I photographed store openings.  Just don't let it keep you from doing what you want as well.


Sep 19 05 07:11 pm Link


Fusion Photography

Posts: 8


i hear ya ive been  working for Life Touch.. im learning alot from the job and at  the same time i get  to  take home the equipment it's very  nice to take home a 2  norman strobes and a nikon f100 with  a 70-200mm VR lens tongue and im  a nikon shooter the VR lens on my d70s is nice smile... and i take home backgrounds and stands and MF bronica ETRSI the pay ok you can  work part time but no equipment to  take home... but the learning curve compared to  going to  school espicaly becasue im shooting Sports and im outdoors shooting all the time and dealing with  people and posing them has improved my photography skills 10 folds.... all i know im happy shooring for a living and im not a bum.. but my car is taking a beating.. but im happy so  go  and work for GS or check out life touch they  are nation wide.... and allways hiring

Sep 19 05 08:26 pm Link