

Posts: 198

New York, New York, US

Has anyone on this site had any experiences with ghosts?  Has anyone ever thought they saw/heard one?  I'm just curious.  I would love to see one.  I've been to a lot of old houses and always got weird feelings inside them, but I have never actually seen or heard any ghosts.

Oct 31 05 01:46 pm Link



Posts: 72

New York, New York, US

Hello Annalyn,

I actually have.  I lived in Fort Riley, KS for 7 years before I moved the NYC.  And that fort is ridiculously haunted.  When I was about 17 or so, a next door neighbor was telling all of us that there were weird things going on in the gym that he worked at on the old side of the Fort.  Like lights coming on and off and the like.  I didn't believe so he took me with him one night when he was closing up.  When we got into the front part of the gym, everything seemed ok, but when we went upstairs into the exercise room everything was complete dark.  And when I say dark, I mean I couldn't even see my hand 5 inches from my face.  Now the upstairs is covered with windows and it was still light outside, but alas there was nothing.  I started to get a funny feeling and said, "We shouldn't go in anymore" so we went downstairs.  He was telling me how he used to talk to General Patton when he was closing and telling him how the army had become so corrupted and that's when all the funny stuff started to happen.  Well, as we walked across the basketball court(which the exercise room overlooks, and it still pitch black up there) we heard something like a small pebble being thrown across court.  This is when I was like, Ok it's time to go.  When we exited the back of the gym, there was a church across the street that began to toll and the full moon was dirctely behind it when the clouds and everything, very spooky.  And as we left we noticed that there was a building next to the church named "Patton Hall" which my neighbor claims he didn't know was there.  But the weirdest thing of all was the excerise room because there's about 8 windows that you can see into from there and theres a street lamp at the corner window that was on when we left, yet we couldn't see anything at when we were up there.   There was definitely something in there with us.  Weird.

Oct 31 05 02:02 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night?

Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic?

Have you or your family ever seen a spook, spectre or ghost?

If the answer is "yes," then don't wait another minute. Pick up the phone and call the professionals...


Our courteous and efficient staff is on call 24 hours a day to serve all your supernatural elimination needs.

We're ready to believe you.

Oct 31 05 02:45 pm Link


Uma von Diehl

Posts: 135

Charlotte, Iowa, US

The Mansion I formerly lived in had them. There was a graveyard in the backyard, about 10 kids under 15 buried, as well as a few adults.

I had a few experiences with the kids. Once in an upstairs bedroom I was cleaning and the sink in the bathroom turned on full blast for about 5 seconds and then turned off.

Then a few days later I heard a girl giggling from the breakfast room downstairs, it sounded like she was talking to someone, but it was too faint for me to understand it.

That night, the Owner of the House was upstairs on the computer around 2am and when he started to walk downstairs he saw that a light had been turned on in a back hallway.

And there were a few other times of clapping and giggling. Always seemed like happy children, still gave me goosebumps.

People that stayed with us have said they heard kids talking in the closets.

Since I've left, He said that he was away from the house one day and when he came back the thermostat had been turned up 90! He went down to the basement and sure enough the radiator was on.

Oct 31 05 02:57 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

My house in LA had a suicide back in the early 70's.

Some dude hung himself in the garage. 

Sometimes the renters claim to hear creeks from the attic in the garage late at night.

I had to sign a 3 page disclosure release from the escrow company before they’d start escrow explaining that there was a death in the house and I'd divulge this to future owners and or renters.

Kind'a spooky, but never got the full story why the guy went off the deep end.

Oct 31 05 03:05 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

i've had tons of odd experiences!
i definately believe in the supernatural.

one time a few friends and i went to an abandoned house we visted a few times.
we were sitting outside in the car and had this feeling that someone was beside my window. shortly afterward i began to get this odd feeling.  if you apply pressure at the base of your neck (almost like you're choking yourself-but use the part of your hand between your thumb and pointer finger). my chest hurt, i had trouble breathing, vision got all cloudy and all sound was muffled. the feeling wouldn't go away and continued to get more intense as we sat there-so i told my friend we had to leave cuz i was gona pass out.  the feeling went away when we pulled off of the property. 
another time i was there with a friend-we were driving up the driveway and the windows suddenly fogged up-they remained that way until we left the property. 
that house is no longer there.  it was located off of kennedy in caledon just north of old school rd. there's stories about old school rd too.

i also swear there's a few spirits in my house.
a few things taking place in the basement.
first-age 9-just moved in-tv used to be in basement-watching tv with my mum and sister and something blew really hard on the side of my face-neither of them did that.
second-i used to have a cat-and he was in the basement-a few of us were in the kitchen-when all of a sudden we heard kingston run halfway up the stairs and hiss at something at the bottom-nothing was there. he sat there for a while-hair on end and extremely stiff.
third-a friend and i witnessed the laundry room door open by itself.  the doorknob turned! we were the only one's home!

there's so much more-but i will leave it at that for now.

Oct 31 05 03:24 pm Link



Posts: 5402

Bainbridge Island, Washington, US

Not too long after my step father's passing. My mother saw his spirit in our old home.I have no doubt that spirits exist .. .

Oct 31 05 03:29 pm Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

YES,,, back in 1990,, ( NEVER believed in ghosts) I, AND my family had several unexplainable encounters in a very old home, including actually seeing the guy. He was absolutely harmless and a bit of a practical joker. Seven years after moving there, we left,, and found out that the original owner MATCHED the description of the guy we saw. Turns out his only wish was to die at home,, and was denied this and ended up dying in a nursing home.

Oct 31 05 03:39 pm Link


Bill Gunter

Posts: 547

Daytona Beach, Florida, US

"There are no haunted places, just haunted people".

Oct 31 05 03:43 pm Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

Oh yes,,, forgot about this one.. Many years ago I worked as a  teacher's aid in VERY old school building  and when I say old I mean OLD! It was the kind that had the big iron bell and bell tower,, you had to ring the belll with a big rope! LOL!

Anyway the building was empty one afternoon while all the kids and teachers were at an assembly at another building across the street. I was on the first floor and stopped to get a drink of water from one of the fountains. All of a sudden I heard a child giggling just as plain as day,, sounded like it came from behind me maybe ten feet away.

Oct 31 05 03:47 pm Link


Curtis Ray

Posts: 40

Nope.. I don't belive in ghosts

Nov 01 05 03:55 am Link



Posts: 198

New York, New York, US

pamela mars wrote:
i've had tons of odd experiences!
i definately believe in the supernatural.

one time a few friends and i went to an abandoned house we visted a few times.
we were sitting outside in the car and had this feeling that someone was beside my window. shortly afterward i began to get this odd feeling.  if you apply pressure at the base of your neck (almost like you're choking yourself-but use the part of your hand between your thumb and pointer finger). my chest hurt, i had trouble breathing, vision got all cloudy and all sound was muffled. the feeling wouldn't go away and continued to get more intense as we sat there-so i told my friend we had to leave cuz i was gona pass out.  the feeling went away when we pulled off of the property. 
another time i was there with a friend-we were driving up the driveway and the windows suddenly fogged up-they remained that way until we left the property. 
that house is no longer there.  it was located off of kennedy in caledon just north of old school rd. there's stories about old school rd too.

i also swear there's a few spirits in my house.
a few things taking place in the basement.
first-age 9-just moved in-tv used to be in basement-watching tv with my mum and sister and something blew really hard on the side of my face-neither of them did that.
second-i used to have a cat-and he was in the basement-a few of us were in the kitchen-when all of a sudden we heard kingston run halfway up the stairs and hiss at something at the bottom-nothing was there. he sat there for a while-hair on end and extremely stiff.
third-a friend and i witnessed the laundry room door open by itself.  the doorknob turned! we were the only one's home!

there's so much more-but i will leave it at that for now.

how old is your house?

Nov 09 05 07:50 am Link



Posts: 306

Oakland, California, US

This is great! Yeah, I actually grew up in a haunted house. My room was right next to the attic and my walk in closet had the only door to lock on it! Very scary stuff would happen over the years such as night terrors and seeing glowing or mist in the corner of my eye. I would constantly hear footsteps on the carpet. It all seems typical of what you would hear, but then my family moved out into the country.

I lived in that house until about a year ago. Now that was the mecca of scary and from the very first time I set foot into that house. The house was abandoned for three years and the people who lived there before had dissapeared (probably just ran to another state- what my dad tells us.) They got the house super cheap for such a huge 6 bedroom home. There are two ghosts which haunt that house, both are female and I believe one is a little girl. I had a room on the second floor. When I was alone in the house I could hear two people talking at the bottom of the stairs. Some days I would just sit in the door to my room and try and make out their conversation. When I did have family home, I would always hear my name being called...and I would believe it was my mother and I would run down stairs to see what she wanted, but she never called me to begin with. This happened too many times to count.

One day I was home alone and working on some art work. Everyone was at work or football practice. I had the house completely quiet. In the middle of my work, I heard a cabinet door slam in the kitchen I figured someone was home, right? Well, the slam happened again, but I did not want noise or to be disturbed in my painting. I yelled from the stairs for the slamming to stop. (figured it was my little brother being a terd). The cabinet slammed again. So this time I wasn't so nice in my tone of voice. Then the cabinet slammed 7 consecutive times, all very fast. I was so mad, I flew down the stairs....but guys, no one was there. The doors were locked and everyone was still gone. I waited outside for two hours until someone else came home.

I could write a book about the other things that have happened to my brothers and to me. Now my room only has my old furniture in it, and no one sleeps there. My parents have their room directly underneath my room. My mom says she hears furniture moving all of the time at weird hours of the night. When I first moved out, she thought it was me comming home for more stuff out of my room, but now she sees it a little differently.


Nov 09 05 10:04 am Link



Posts: 306

Oakland, California, US

And I haven't just experienced the paranormal in my houses! I have been to the abandoned babtist mental hospital, which is connected to abandoned half way houses. That was the creepiest. Also, a while ago I went to this abandoned amunitions factory in Millington (just outside of memphis). The driveway was paved in bullets. This past June I was apart of a group photo shoot in Nashville at the abandoned Tennessee State Prison....I snuck away to see death row. I stood where the chair was.

In a few of my photos in my portfolio, the building I am in is an abandoned brewery in downtown memphis. It was built in 1890, but has been empty for 50 years. BBC did a Most Haunted visit to this site. I have been in there alone....and with one other person. I have to say, I do believe in ghosts.

Nov 09 05 10:12 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 181

Holiday, Florida, US

For those of you who like a good ghost story or are intrigued with the supernatural, check out the ebay listings under everything else, do a search for haunted and read some of the crazy ass stories on there, it is very entertaining, some of it is beleiveable, others I thin just have good writing ability.


Nov 09 05 10:17 am Link


Brian Brant

Posts: 123

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

I'm not sure if it was ever haunted but there is a small church in North Carolina, I used to go to at night to take photos of.  It was a church that had the graveyard in front of the church with the only access was a horseshoe driveway, surrounded by big oak trees. The actual church building, was a typical front with the steeple but had a bell attached above the doorway, that had a porch light further up.  When it was on at night the light would forecast a shadow from the bell that looked liked the grim reaper.

Nov 09 05 10:47 am Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Annalyn wrote:

how old is your house?

my house was built in the 70's.
it used to be all rural and all forest.

Nov 09 05 10:49 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

I was visiting a friend for a few days a few years ago when I had an encounter. His sister was there one day telling me about how she saw a little girl in one of the bedrooms one day.

That night when I went to bed I woke up in the middle of the night with this feeling that someone was staring at me. I looked over in the corner and there was the little girl. Just staring right at my face. She went into the closet as I ran out of the room.

I left the next morning.

This house that my friend bought used to be a children's home. Apparrently he didnt do his research and found out a few of them died there.

He sold it a few months later.

Nov 09 05 11:18 am Link


Phil Kimpton

Posts: 1844

Taunton, Massachusetts, US

I've felt stuff in my house... As my dad died here well over 10 years ago. And if my mom wasn't in the nursing home the lung cancer she fought for a year would of taken her in the house as well. Other than that I've lost several pets.  But I know alot of times in my sleep still to this day even after 2+ years I still hear my mom's voice haunting me... very creepy...

Nov 09 05 10:03 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

There's definitely some weird presence in my apartment and something in the walls makes a rustling noise at exactly 3:47 every morning.

I REALLY want to see a ghost. I've even been on "haunted" tours and did a shoot in an abandoned mental hospital in the hopes of seeing one, but no luck. They must sense my desperation.

Someone PLEASE haunt me!!!!

Nov 10 05 04:53 pm Link


jeff s

Posts: 282

Springfield, Massachusetts, US

Phil Kimpton wrote:
I've felt stuff in my house... As my dad died here well over 10 years ago. And if my mom wasn't in the nursing home the lung cancer she fought for a year would of taken her in the house as well. Other than that I've lost several pets.  But I know alot of times in my sleep still to this day even after 2+ years I still hear my mom's voice haunting me... very creepy...

I don't think she is haunting you.  It is believed that when a deceased relative is "talking" to you, they are trying to tell you to that they are still with you "in spirit", that you are not alone.

Eight years ago my mother-in-law died, we were all very, very close.  My wife was worried about her mother being "alone", and of course was going through normal mourning.  A few weeks after the funeral, my wife sat up in bed and was talking to her mother.  She asked her if she was alone, who she was with.  My mother-in-law told her that she was fine, was with her parents and other realtives and that she had to go as it was time for tea.  My wife asked in a shocked voice if they had tea in heaven.  My mother-in-law said they did and that she was fine and one day we would all be together again....

It was as if a dark cloud lifted off my wife's mourning.  She came back to reassure my wife that she was not alone, which was my wife greatest fear. 

There was no way this was a dream

To this day, my wife says when she is really down, she can smell the scent of flowers at her mothers funeral, as if her mother is trying to life her spirits.

Nov 11 05 07:22 am Link



Posts: 3043

Swoyersville, Pennsylvania, US

I live in a 100 year old house...and we have ghosts.  Cats and people, maybe even a dog or 2!  I've seen them, talked to them (they're confused about these computers and a bit ticked about the wireless transmissions messing up their house)

1 time, while trying to insulate the 3rd floor (unused living space) windows by putting up plexiglass, i tried for days to get the plexi to fit.  Finally, as i was reaching for more nails the plexi was thrown out of the window (away from me, not an attack) and I hear very loud in my head "NO .  GO DOWNSTAIRS" (not being a fool, I do.)  Later in the insulation process, in that same room (the closet of) I see written in red letters (crayon, I hope) "I am Scared" and "I hate you" in little girls' script.  I don't think I've been in that closet since.

Mostly, our ghosts are friendly, very interested in what we're doing and they LOVE their radio!  I can hear them (very softly) moving around in the front meditation room on 2nd floor sometimes, or see them downstairs on occasion. 

At my former house, there was a little boy ghost, looked like a coal miner (they started at 8 back then) who hid in the corner...

the ad agency I used to work for was in an old underground railroad location...and we had a ghost that liked practical jokes.  Once, after a big office move, we came in for weeks afterward to find monitors upside down and backward, filing cabinets tilted against doors, and other stuff.

Nov 12 05 05:52 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I have had many and still do. I recall one time a friend of mine was talking about how she always felt her grandfather who died when she was a little girl was always keeping an eye out for her and keeping her safe. She told me this before we were close enough to be friends. In fact, it was only a couple of days after I met her.

I asked her then if he was a tall man with short black hair, liked plaid and flannel shirts and wore a tan colored had with a black band around it. I had never seen someone sit so still in shock in my life. Then she broke out in tears.

I have experiences that could fill several chapters of a book,lol.
My grandparents built their home in the 40s over what has been rumored to be an indian brual ground, my great aunt who lived across the street had found grave markers laying flat on the ground beneath the dirt by her pool after having her pool there almost 20 years. A friend of mine had a home in Cincinnati Ohio which was part of the underground railroad and had  tunnels under it. I tell ya, those were interesting locations to be in.

Nov 12 05 05:58 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

yes, but its not a load of fun, cannot recommend it in anyway.

Nov 12 05 06:01 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Alyssa Lovelle wrote:
There's definitely some weird presence in my apartment and something in the walls makes a rustling noise at exactly 3:47 every morning.

I REALLY want to see a ghost. I've even been on "haunted" tours and did a shoot in an abandoned mental hospital in the hopes of seeing one, but no luck. They must sense my desperation.

Someone PLEASE haunt me!!!!

Ever hear of rats?

Nov 12 05 06:39 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Rats that make noise at the same damn time every morning?

They must be some sneaky rats.

Nov 12 05 09:01 pm Link