Forums > Photography Talk > My first shoot, a no show


XE Photography

Posts: 171

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Well I know that no shows are normal, but I didnt expect it to be my first shoot.  This particular model contacted me to be a friend...we traded many emails and decided to do a shoot.  We discussed location, what to wear, how long, etc.  It all seemed to be going just perfect.  The day before the shoot, I called voice mail..  I called to just give directions and find out which backdrop she wanted to use first so I could get it all set.  No response.  So I sent a message here...  no response (she did read it).

I called again later that night..I left a similar message (want to touch base, are we still on, etc).  no response.  So the night before I sent one more message here with directions and indicated I had left 2 voicemails...

no response. She never read the address message.

Well last night, I thought hmmm maybe she got in an accident, or some emergency happened, so I sent this message here:

(name removed of the flake in question), hope all is well. I was disappointed that our shoot for today didnt happen. I tried to contact you Friday to confirm via phone and messages here. Did you get any of them? I would like to have heard from you if you were going to cancel. I hope you are ok and not hurt or something horrible like that. Please let me know what happened for my own piece of mind. Maybe we can reschedule?


NO RESPONSE! and she did read this one.

What did I do wrong?  Is she the ultimate flake?  Is the flake's silence part of the flakeness?  Have I been too nice?  Is it normal to be upset, as I am, I just feel like I have bent over backwards and its a slap in the face to be ignored.  I would be a lot less upset if she just canceled, or as one photographer friend here said, used an excuse like "her dog died" hehehe

I would be interested in your take on my first shoot, or should I say non-shoot.

Aug 26 07 08:47 pm Link



Posts: 50

Orange, California, US

Aw I am sorry Chuck sad It sounds like mabye she is just a flake? I don't know her so I can't judge her, is she a working model?

Aug 26 07 08:49 pm Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

dont give up man.

Aug 26 07 08:50 pm Link



Posts: 838

Amesbury, Massachusetts, US


Aug 26 07 08:51 pm Link



Posts: 838

Amesbury, Massachusetts, US

Koray wrote:
dont give up man.

I agree .

Aug 26 07 08:51 pm Link


Jason Haven

Posts: 38381

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Never had a flake here. smile

Aug 26 07 08:52 pm Link


tom wise 3wisestudio

Posts: 25

Milledgeville, Georgia, US

How old was she/he, How experienced? We all know so many folks say yes, but mean no. And many folks haven't got the guts to just say NO!
Let it go and I cannot see anything at all wrong with being nice...

I had two recently do the same, but...just chalked it time flows you'll be able to pick out the no-shows from afar~~tom

Aug 26 07 08:53 pm Link


Kelly Watkins

Posts: 4144

San Diego, California, US

wow - that is incredibly rude. i think you are totally justified in feeling the way you do. it's a shame you had to experience this so early on - but there will be others. hang in there.

Aug 26 07 08:56 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Chuck Condron Photograp wrote:
Well I know that no shows are normal, but I didnt expect it to be my first shoot.  This particular model contacted me to be a friend...we traded many emails and decided to do a shoot.  We discussed location, what to wear, how long, etc.  It all seemed to be going just perfect.  The day before the shoot, I called voice mail..  I called to just give directions and find out which backdrop she wanted to use first so I could get it all set.  No response.  So I sent a message here...  no response (she did read it).

I called again later that night..I left a similar message (want to touch base, are we still on, etc).  no response.  So the night before I sent one more message here with directions and indicated I had left 2 voicemails...

no response. She never read the address message.

Well last night, I thought hmmm maybe she got in an accident, or some emergency happened, so I sent this message here:

Bobbi, hope all is well. I was disappointed that our shoot for today didnt happen. I tried to contact you Friday to confirm via phone and messages here. Did you get any of them? I would like to have heard from you if you were going to cancel. I hope you are ok and not hurt or something horrible like that. Please let me know what happened for my own piece of mind. Maybe we can reschedule?


NO RESPONSE! and she did read this one.

What did I do wrong?  Is she the ultimate flake?  Is the flake's silence part of the flakeness?  Have I been too nice?  Is it normal to be upset, as I am, I just feel like I have bent over backwards and its a slap in the face to be ignored.  I would be a lot less upset if she just canceled, or as one photographer friend here said, used an excuse like "her dog died" hehehe

I would be interested in your take on my first shoot, or should I say non-shoot.

This is all too typical.
My best advice - never spend too much on a non-agency model you have never worked with.
The first time I rented studio space and had a no-show was a hard lesson.
Keep at it there are a lot of reliable models here, even if they are a minority.

Aug 26 07 08:56 pm Link


Cogito Ergo Zoom

Posts: 5105

Alpharetta, Georgia, US

My rule of thumb is to only leave 1 message. If they are interested they will respond, otherwise I blacklist them and move on. Don't waste your time leaving multiple messages, that time can be spent trying to find a last minute replacement.

Aug 26 07 08:57 pm Link


DGB Photography

Posts: 682


Sounds like a flake.
Most models  won't call or email, contact due to the fear of someone being mad at them.
Some just forget, don't feel like getting up, getting ready, driving ect. to the shoot.
Flakes suck and most of the time it's best to put them on the no-shoot list. Once a flake always a flake.

Aug 26 07 08:57 pm Link



Posts: 532

Irvine, California, US

It happens. Some models don't respond back because they are thinking about the answer and reply back a day or two afterward and some don't respond back because they are just not interested in working with you. Don't take it personally. That's how the internet modelling goes. It's sucks, but it happens.
Not every model here is a full time model, some are doing this just for fun and some just whatever. So, probably they are busy?
Well, it's not fun for the first shoot, but what else can you do.
Move on and learn the lesson: no reply, no shoot.

Aug 26 07 08:57 pm Link


XE Photography

Posts: 171

Phoenix, Arizona, US

no she is just starting out and only 18.  The same age as my daughter.  I hope my daughter doesnt flake like that to someone hehehe.  Oh im not giving up, im determined to get my damn portfolio off the ground so my poor children can stop being my models heheh.  Thank you all for listening. From what I hear, it can happen to the best of you.

Aug 26 07 08:57 pm Link


Model With Camera

Posts: 1807

Huntington, New York, US

just a flake, blacklist her!

Aug 26 07 08:58 pm Link


Free at last

Posts: 1472

Fresno, California, US

Consider yourself ahead of the game. Models don’t even bother responding to me.

Aug 26 07 08:59 pm Link


Cogito Ergo Zoom

Posts: 5105

Alpharetta, Georgia, US

Also when possible, book multiple models when it's your first time working with them, especially when going out of town. That will keep you from wasting your day hopefully.

Aug 26 07 09:00 pm Link


That Look Photography

Posts: 1581

Clearwater, Florida, US

I think it is happening more now then ever. I never had a model flake on me. But the last two new models that contacted me to shoot them both flaked. This website is loaded with flakes. For now on just work with models with good reps..


Aug 26 07 09:00 pm Link



Posts: 50

Orange, California, US

Chuck Condron Photograp wrote:
no she is just starting out and only 18.  The same age as my daughter.  I hope my daughter doesnt flake like that to someone hehehe.  Oh im not giving up, im determined to get my damn portfolio off the ground so my poor children can stop being my models heheh.  Thank you all for listening. From what I hear, it can happen to the best of you.

O ok, sounds typical to me. I personaly would NEVER do that. If you commit to do something do it, if you do flake at least tell the person why and express your self. No harm, no foul.

Aug 26 07 09:02 pm Link


Abbitt Photography

Posts: 13564

Washington, Utah, US

I've had a few no-shows.  Now I wait until a few days before the shoot before giving them directions.  That way if they stop communicating, I know they don't know where to go, and I know they won't show up, so at least I'm not waisting as much time and effort setting up for a no-show.

Stick with it. - There are many responsible models on this site.

Aug 26 07 09:03 pm Link


Alexander Image

Posts: 679

Edison, Georgia, US

Don’t expect too much for this kind shooting. If she didn’t respond first time, probably she already refused you. “A friend request” didn’t mean a model wants to work with you. It is just a networking thing. Probably you should try “casting” call, which probably is a better way. Good Luck!

Aug 26 07 09:04 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Model With Camera wrote:
just a flake, blacklist her!

She is a flake, Chuck. Whitelist her....meaning just let her disappear from your "To Shoot" list.

Aug 26 07 09:04 pm Link


Dan Lippitt

Posts: 3266

Pontiac, Michigan, US

Chuck Condron Photograp wrote:
Well I know that no shows are normal, but I didnt expect it to be my first shoot.  This particular model contacted me to be a friend...we traded many emails and decided to do a shoot.  We discussed location, what to wear, how long, etc.  It all seemed to be going just perfect.  The day before the shoot, I called voice mail..  I called to just give directions and find out which backdrop she wanted to use first so I could get it all set.  No response.  So I sent a message here...  no response (she did read it).

I called again later that night..I left a similar message (want to touch base, are we still on, etc).  no response.  So the night before I sent one more message here with directions and indicated I had left 2 voicemails...

no response. She never read the address message.

Well last night, I thought hmmm maybe she got in an accident, or some emergency happened, so I sent this message here:

Bobbi, hope all is well. I was disappointed that our shoot for today didnt happen. I tried to contact you Friday to confirm via phone and messages here. Did you get any of them? I would like to have heard from you if you were going to cancel. I hope you are ok and not hurt or something horrible like that. Please let me know what happened for my own piece of mind. Maybe we can reschedule?


NO RESPONSE! and she did read this one.

What did I do wrong?  Is she the ultimate flake?  Is the flake's silence part of the flakeness?  Have I been too nice?  Is it normal to be upset, as I am, I just feel like I have bent over backwards and its a slap in the face to be ignored.  I would be a lot less upset if she just canceled, or as one photographer friend here said, used an excuse like "her dog died" hehehe

I would be interested in your take on my first shoot, or should I say non-shoot.

YOU called the MODEL to see what background SHE wanted to use???


seriously, that sucks and you may never know why.  i have models flake as well, 3 this past week as a matter of fact.  i don't ever sweat shouldn't either...



Aug 26 07 09:05 pm Link


JT Hodges

Posts: 2191

Austin, Texas, US

Get used to won't be your last.

Just for the record it sucks every time.

Aug 26 07 09:06 pm Link


Erika Snyder Photograph

Posts: 30

Jacksonville, North Carolina, US

Wow I am sorry to hear that. : (

Aug 26 07 09:07 pm Link


XE Photography

Posts: 171

Phoenix, Arizona, US

In response to Alexander, no it was more than just a friend request, we talked for a good week about the shoot, set the time, etc.  I was just saying she was the first to contact me, showing me she had some interest in me as opposed to me contacting her and persueing it from the start.

I thank all of you for the overall support and understanding.  Nice to know I have a few friends on my side, and a host of professionals that have seen it all.   You folks are awesome.

Aug 26 07 09:08 pm Link


Kismet Filmworks

Posts: 8

Bowie, Maryland, US

The fashion world is a small one. This kid you dealt with hasn't figured that out yet. I think everyone is right. Blacklist her. Models are to easy to replace for that kind of trouble.


Aug 26 07 09:09 pm Link



Posts: 1179

Freedom, New Hampshire, US

May I suggest removing the model's first name.... I had no difficulty finding her in browse which may qualify this thread as an outing.

Aug 26 07 09:09 pm Link


Steve Daubs Studios

Posts: 148

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Hey Chuck---

Flakes definitely suck, and especially for the first shoot! The same thing happened to me, but you have to remember the flaking is not a statement about you. She got cold feet or was out too late the night before or never will know why.

But just keep booking (after my first flake, I booked 2 or 3 a day until they all started showing up and I could barely hold that damn 1D up any and chalk it up to the vagaries of dealing with people.


Aug 26 07 09:09 pm Link


Robert Mossack

Posts: 1285

Joplin, Missouri, US

Well man, all I have to say is "welcome to the internet", even though it does happen in the real world too. No shows happen, just keep the faith. Move on, things will get better.

Aug 26 07 09:09 pm Link



Posts: 1557

Orlando, Florida, US

POST HER NAME!!!!!!!@$)*!@_$)!@!!!!!!! BLACKBALLING BEGINS!


Aug 26 07 09:11 pm Link


Love the Arts

Posts: 1040

Malibu, California, US

Koray wrote:
dont give up man.

Give it time... the good ones will come.

Aug 26 07 09:15 pm Link


XE Photography

Posts: 171

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I am attempting to edit my post to remove the name, but it seems to be taking its time in saving...maybe it has to edit everyone's quotes as well.  Thank you for the suggestion.  I didnt mean to expose the flake...just discuss the flake heheh

Aug 26 07 09:15 pm Link


XE Photography

Posts: 171

Phoenix, Arizona, US

well I guess it doesnt remove from the quoted messages...

Aug 26 07 09:16 pm Link



Posts: 1557

Orlando, Florida, US

i think, we should set up a feedback system on this site, and be able to leave feed back about models+photographers..etc..

rAvi - v2L

Aug 26 07 09:34 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

v2lab wrote:
i think, we should set up a feedback system on this site, and be able to leave feed back about models+photographers..etc..

rAvi - v2L

I wasn't a fan of this kind of system but I'm begining to be now.  This is really
getting out of hand.  Everybody has a cell phone.  Everyone knows how it feels
to have people do this crap to you.

Aug 26 07 09:45 pm Link


XE Photography

Posts: 171

Phoenix, Arizona, US

The MM version of Craigs List?  The Flake List? hehhe

Aug 26 07 09:50 pm Link


Sean Tobin

Posts: 7

San Antonio, Texas, US

v2lab wrote:
i think, we should set up a feedback system on this site, and be able to leave feed back about models+photographers..etc..

rAvi - v2L

I agree a feedback system would be a great way of cutting thru the flakes both models nad photogs alike.

Aug 26 07 09:53 pm Link



Posts: 537

Miami, Florida, US

If they dont respond to a even one email, or any single call in a timely manner, blacklist.

Dont waste your time or thoughts any further after one miss.

And I mean 12 hours for a return call and 24 for an email.

Anyone that doesnt return calls or email in that time is not professional and will waste your time.

Aug 26 07 09:53 pm Link



Posts: 393

San Francisco, California, US

Chuck Condron Photograp wrote:
Well I know that no shows are normal, but I didnt expect it to be my first shoot.  This particular model contacted me to be a friend...we traded many emails and decided to do a shoot.  We discussed location, what to wear, how long, etc.  It all seemed to be going just perfect.  The day before the shoot, I called voice mail..  I called to just give directions and find out which backdrop she wanted to use first so I could get it all set.  No response.  So I sent a message here...  no response (she did read it).

I called again later that night..I left a similar message (want to touch base, are we still on, etc).  no response.  So the night before I sent one more message here with directions and indicated I had left 2 voicemails...

no response. She never read the address message.

Well last night, I thought hmmm maybe she got in an accident, or some emergency happened, so I sent this message here:

(name removed of the flake in question), hope all is well. I was disappointed that our shoot for today didnt happen. I tried to contact you Friday to confirm via phone and messages here. Did you get any of them? I would like to have heard from you if you were going to cancel. I hope you are ok and not hurt or something horrible like that. Please let me know what happened for my own piece of mind. Maybe we can reschedule?


NO RESPONSE! and she did read this one.

What did I do wrong?  Is she the ultimate flake?  Is the flake's silence part of the flakeness?  Have I been too nice?  Is it normal to be upset, as I am, I just feel like I have bent over backwards and its a slap in the face to be ignored.  I would be a lot less upset if she just canceled, or as one photographer friend here said, used an excuse like "her dog died" hehehe

I would be interested in your take on my first shoot, or should I say non-shoot.

Definitely don't give up and don't let a no-show, flake spoil your mood. In the future, you'll probably throttle back a little sooner, and do a little less of that bending over backwards stuff.

This kind of thing happens; hopefully it won't happen very often. I think what you experienced is probably rare. I haven't been flaked on by a model... yet, but I think we've all been flaked-on, on more than one occasion. Just take it in stride and move on to the next model.

Chris Ford

Aug 26 07 09:56 pm Link


Robb Mann

Posts: 12327

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Hey Chuck,

I've only done a handful of actual model (vice friend) shoots, and I'm batting about 70% right now. My first several were no-shows, they dropped of the face of the earth 1-3 days before the shoot. You learn the signs, and eventually figure out where, and whom, to invest your time with. Or, you can drive yourself crazy. I'm on a "winning streak" now that the Yankees would be envious of (four or five in a row).

Personally, I wouldn't try to rebook with the model you described. If the other person can't contact you to let you know they won't make it, that's simply not professional. I don't care how rediculous or far-fetched the excuse is, as long as they contact me.   

Cheers, Rob.

Aug 26 07 09:59 pm Link