Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > will LA be in flames at 12:02???



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

taking bets now.

Dec 12 05 06:38 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Why are they having a new parade?

I thought it was in June.

Dec 12 05 06:40 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

obscure, but probably also obscene...taking bets...

Dec 12 05 06:42 pm Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

BCG wrote:
taking bets now.

I hope not.  The last thing we need is more African Americans on TV looting and Rioting.  I promise you this...the TV stations want it to happen.  I wonder if it's
Bush's or FEMA's fault yet.

Dec 12 05 06:43 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Hmmmm.... Bush or FEMA.... that is a really good question.  Though I think this time we'll be able to blame it on the Terminator. 

As for flames.... I think Hollywood is safe..... HAHA

Dec 12 05 09:31 pm Link



Posts: 226

BRONX, New York, US

BCG wrote:
taking bets now.

So, are you betting yes or no?

Dec 12 05 09:34 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

flames, for sure.

Dec 12 05 09:36 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Justin N Lane wrote:
flames, for sure.

Lets just say I'm not going anywhere near LA for awhile

Dec 12 05 09:40 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

I think not.

Dec 12 05 09:41 pm Link


Landra Lee Photography

Posts: 276

Los Angeles, California, US

Sorry if this makes me look dumb, but I don't own a TV, don't listen to the radio, and don't read the newspaper. Shame on me.

What are we worried about LA going up in flames for?

*ducks flying tomatoes*

Dec 12 05 09:44 pm Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Landra Lee Photography wrote:
Sorry if this makes me look dumb, but I don't own a TV, don't listen to the radio, and don't read the newspaper. Shame on me.

What are we worried about LA going up in flames for?

*ducks flying tomatoes*

Gov. Terminator denied Williams request to have his death penalty sentence for killing 4 people in the 70's changed to life in prison.  He's to be executed tonight at 12:01

Dec 12 05 09:48 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

When is L.A. not in flames?

Dec 12 05 09:54 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

Brandon Smith wrote:

...death penalty sentence for killing 4 people in the 70's

not to mention the legions of gang related shootings subsequent to his actions...

Dec 12 05 09:58 pm Link


Landra Lee Photography

Posts: 276

Los Angeles, California, US

Wow. Don't know what to think of that.

No flames though, I don't think so.


I guess I might have lied a little bit, because I did read the LA Weekly the other day (totally random, was waiting for food at a restaraunt) and read this:

The inside story of the governor’s anointing of a lesbian Democrat   -   By BILL BRADLEY 

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s appointment of Democrat Susan Kennedy as his new chief of staff has fired up the Republican right wing. There’s plenty of red meat for the wingers. She is a former top aide to Gray Davis, a lesbian married on Maui, ex-head of the California Abortion Rights Action League. “She’s a lifestyle socialist and this is an outrageous betrayal,â€? fumes former state Republican chairman Shawn Steel.

The right’s apoplexy may actually be the idea here, since one fast way for Arnold to convince Californians he isn’t the partisan conservative they’ve regretfully come to consider him is to be attacked by the right wing. Schwarzenegger is alarmed by the widespread view of him as a Bush Republican — something he made plain, in talks with me as he considered his candidacy in 2003, he intended never to happen.

This dramatic move came as a shock to the political system. In fact, it has been under consideration for at least nine months.

Last spring a friend of Schwarzenegger’s began asking me what I thought of Kennedy, whom I’ve known for many years. It quickly became apparent that the focus was not on her as a Public Utilities Commission (PUC) member, as the questions were about her as a political operative and a person.

She was in play as a replacement for Pat Clarey, a partisan Republican, former HMO lobbyist and Pete Wilson veteran. I didn’t think she would do it. When she left the Gray Davis administration after serving as cabinet secretary, Kennedy said she would never take on such a demanding job again. She and her spouse, psychotherapist Vicki Marti, received appointments from Davis to $100,000-plus state commissions (Marti to the Medical Assistance Commission, a board Arnold has criticized as a sinecure), and Kennedy lived a pleasant life in Marin County with an intellectually challenging post across the Golden Gate on the PUC. And Schwarzenegger, not unlike the T-1000 opponent of his most famous character in his biggest hit, Terminator 2, was rapidly morphing from popular centrist into unpopular Republican.

Talk about her increased after Schwarzenegger lost his “Year of Reformâ€? initiatives and early favorite Bob Hertzberg, former Democratic Assembly speaker and L.A. mayoral candidate, proved unavailable. Schwarzenegger was radioactive, the job too hot for a name Democrat. Except Susan Kennedy, who shocked and mostly dismayed her longtime friends and associates, notwithstanding some positive public comments.

Garry South, who was Davis’ chief strategist and hired Kennedy on to the former governor’s operation, says: “She says she wants to build a new center in California politics and I’ll take her at her word. But she’s going to work for the man who just spent the last year wrecking any center.â€?

The Arnold chief of staff position has long been problematic. I heard from Arnold insiders a year ago that Clarey’s days were numbered. “I believe it’s time for Pat,â€? said a ranking Arnista.

The whole article can be found here:  ... I don't know my opinion on it all to be honest.

As for the execution, I think it is pretty bad that he has sat in jail so long and NOW gets executed, especially after so much money spent on incarceration, but he did kill 4 people... I am not a fan of vengeance or killing or harm of any kind, but had he been executed when it actually happened, I would not have been opposed. 35 years later? Yeah, a l

Dec 12 05 10:08 pm Link


nick latino

Posts: 291

Tucson, Arizona, US

The truely sad part is going to be how a "White" governor refused to over turn a conviction on a "Black" man for killing 4 people during a criminal act.  Now let's say one thing, Williams has convicted of killing 4 people, what about the others he may have killed.  What about the other crimes he committed?  What about the years of terror he commintted against the public as a member of the Crips in Los Angeles.

I would like to see the "Justice" system change to where no matter who you are, no matter how much money you have, no matteer what class, color, or any other way we have for seperating ourselves from one another are all given the same rights.  Then once a verdict is passed down from the court and a jury the clock starts ticking.  Five years from the date of coviction the sentence is carried out.

Some people may say what about those who have been found not guilty after 20 years of sitting in prision.  I think the lost of 1 out of a 1,000,000 isn't too bad for protecting the rights of the accused.  Because if we were to check I'm sure it is more like 1 out of a 1,000 victims who are allowed to receive protection from the harrassement, questioning, embarrassement, and the feeling of having been victimized.  After all we need to protect the rights of the criminal over the public well being.

Dec 12 05 10:08 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

HenryS wrote:

So, are you betting yes or no?

regardless...we all have lost...the victim...the families...society...God forgive us all.

Dec 12 05 10:15 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

All hell is going to break loose.

Dec 12 05 10:19 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28711

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Oh great. More smog!

Dec 12 05 10:22 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

GOOD! Burn Baby burn! 

said an Official spokesperson from-RFLAAG
(Recovering From Los Angeles Annonymous Group.)

Dec 12 05 10:27 pm Link



Posts: 801

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

BCG wrote:

regardless...we all have lost...the victim...the families...society...God forgive us all.

Society has lost?  Once that plunger is pushed on the syringe, yes, society will have lost a viscous murderer....and please when it comes to asking God for forgiveness, I will ask for myself, don't do it for me.  This man is guilty of far more than 4 murders.  He started the gang he is responsible for everything they carried out.

Dec 12 05 10:29 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Oh great. More smog!


Dec 12 05 10:36 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

in war, i subscribe to the theory, nuke them all and let God sort them out...but when it is on our home front, these folks that so quickly will push the plunger, what have they done to prevent another beast from being born??? they take a kid with talent and teach him or her photography??? they mentor a lost child???...let he who is without sin push the plunger...regardless of the outcome, the families will not have relief...and society is not safer either...we have all become the enemy.

Dec 12 05 10:46 pm Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

BasementStudios wrote:

Society has lost?  Once that plunger is pushed on the syringe, yes, society will have lost a viscous murderer....and please when it comes to asking God for forgiveness, I will ask for myself, don't do it for me.  This man is guilty of far more than 4 murders.  He started the gang he is responsible for everything they carried out.

Actually, he didn't start the gang. It was started in the 60s when he was in juvenile hall. He HELPED start a local "branch" of the gang in his neighborhood after he got out. In the early days, the gang put a price on his head because of his crimes because they did not think it was right to kill civilians and bring un-necessary attention to their activities. Another gang member turned him in. What he DID do was change the gang into what it has become.

Jus setting facts straight.

Dec 12 05 10:54 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Is this evidence that the rehabilitation aspect of reform is not the goal?  Is death the answer to serve purpose of the fate life has taken for both the criminal and the victims?

I'm not sure it is, but I'm also not sure it isn't.  That shadow of a doubt should keep him alive for further study...

Dec 12 05 11:44 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

bencook2 wrote:

I hope not.  The last thing we need is more African Americans on TV looting and Rioting.  I promise you this...the TV stations want it to happen.  I wonder if it's
Bush's or FEMA's fault yet.

well that is untrue, there were as many anglo-saxons rioting as african american's. I admit the footage aired was primarily of black mean and women, BUT, the common denominator in the riots and looting was economically distressed people, of every color, not race.

Dec 13 05 01:20 am Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

we are currently having race riots as we speak, lebanese v australians  and its not much fun at all, as sydney is right now finding out.  hope it does not happen in la.

Dec 13 05 01:40 am Link



Posts: 46

West Hills, California, US

NO there won't be......nobody gave a crap for the past 24 years the guys been in why should they now....Media hype only...

Dec 13 05 01:41 am Link



Posts: 131

Evansville, Indiana, US

Hope not...

Dec 13 05 01:42 am Link


Mark Coleman

Posts: 61

Portland, Oregon, US

I hope it won't happen but if it does, I won't be surprised.
I'm with BCG it's a sad day any way you look at it.

Dec 13 05 01:45 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

No riots. None of his former gang members were even at the protest, except for the five witnesses he allowed in to view his execution.  I believe most 17-18 years 1) don't know who is is; 2) could care less.  The world as moved on.  May he rest in peace or in hell (if one believes in these things), where ever he is preordained to spend his next life. /t

Dec 13 05 04:01 am Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US

David Moyle wrote:
Actually, he didn't start the gang. It was started in the 60s when he was in juvenile hall. He HELPED start a local "branch" of the gang in his neighborhood after he got out. In the early days, the gang put a price on his head because of his crimes because they did not think it was right to kill civilians and bring un-necessary attention to their activities. Another gang member turned him in. What he DID do was change the gang into what it has become.

Jus setting facts straight.

Setting the facts straighter....  That local "branch" you speak of was the absolute bloodiest and most murderous crip gang sect - the Insane Crip Gang in Long Beach California - and Tookie started it...  After Tookie was sent to prison his protege took over..  It was this kid by the name of "Kool Aid" (seriously - I'm not joking - that was his street name)...  If you think Tookie was bad - he was a boy scout compared to what Kool Aid did...  I actually remember seeing the guy on America's most wanted .... Twice... 
You see, Tookie was basically a stick up kid with a pension for murder...  Kool Aid was an organized criminal - far more dangerous because he had killers killing for him..  Have you ever wondered how the crip gang exists in places in the midwest and down south?  That's becuase the insane Crip Gang were drug dealers... And they traveled extensively...  Imagine a group of criminals funded by cocaine and crack money - not only dispensing instant - but selling it in the form of crack... Not a pretty picture...  Tookie Williams may not have started the Crips - but he definately started the most dangerous sect of Crips...   Even if Tookie never killed those four people his involvement and resulting murders from having formed the Insane Crip Gang is reason enough to have locked him UNDER the jailhouse...  It's funny how people in here are commenting on  riots in California...  People don't riot in California when Killers are killed...  They riot when Cops run free,beat,kill, and mame unchecked....  I.E. the Watts riots, I.E. the Latino Moratoreum I.E. Rodney King...

Dec 13 05 04:32 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

i wish these celeb baboons who use their "star status" would focus on getting kids off the damn street and from getting involved in these gangs to begin with.

Dec 13 05 05:32 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Are you people crazy or something????

Oh wait, I get it. If black people have something happen to them politically that they don't agree with, they burn down cities.... As opposed to white people who burn down their cities when some sports team wins a Championship.

Ok, I get it now.

BTW, LA is still standing, people went to work today like it was a normal Tuesday, and another drug dealer/murderer got his just desserts.

Dec 13 05 09:05 am Link


giovanni gruttola

Posts: 1279

Middle Island, New York, US

Monsante Bey wrote:
Are you people crazy or something????

Oh wait, I get it. If black people have something happen to them politically that they don't agree with, they burn down cities.... As opposed to white people who burn down their cities when some sports team wins a Championship.

Ok, I get it now.

BTW, LA is still standing, people went to work today like it was a normal Tuesday, and another drug dealer/murderer got his just desserts.

The doomesday scenario...Tookie executed AND The Lakers win on the same day!

Dec 13 05 09:14 am Link



Posts: 472

Chicago, Illinois, US

Monsante Bey wrote:
Are you people crazy or something????

Oh wait, I get it. If black people have something happen to them politically that they don't agree with, they burn down cities.... As opposed to white people who burn down their cities when some sports team wins a Championship.

Ok, I get it now.

BTW, LA is still standing, people went to work today like it was a normal Tuesday, and another drug dealer/murderer got his just desserts.

Bey I mentioned something similar in a private email to another photographer. I appreciate the honesty of some of the people on this site. It shows where we are as a nation, how people struggle to get past their belief systems and how it is convienient to blame others. I am not condoning the action of any gang members, to include those that bring drugs into the country, traffic weapons or launder money by the boat load. But so many people are incapable of moving beyond selective reasoning-and it is a waste of time to entertain they will experience any revelation.

Dec 13 05 09:17 am Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

Star wrote:

well that is untrue, there were as many anglo-saxons rioting as african american's. I admit the footage aired was primarily of black mean and women, BUT, the common denominator in the riots and looting was economically distressed people, of every color, not race.

That is no where near acurate but that is not what my post supposed anyway.  I was merely saying the last thing the AA community needs is another three day news cycle concentrating on looting and lawlessness.

Dec 13 05 09:32 am Link


Carlton Primm

Posts: 304

Dallas, Texas, US

Monsante Bey wrote:
Are you people crazy or something????

Oh wait, I get it. If black people have something happen to them politically that they don't agree with, they burn down cities.... As opposed to white people who burn down their cities when some sports team wins a Championship.

Ok, I get it now.

BTW, LA is still standing, people went to work today like it was a normal Tuesday, and another drug dealer/murderer got his just desserts.

Very well said.  It's all media hype.  The media has made this a circus for the last couple of weeks.  I'm sure someone is a little sad today that all hell did not break loose.  (would've made great tv) I believe that a guilty man should have to pay the price.  If he is guilty, then justice was served. 

It really gets old that whenever a black face is shown, it becomes a black/white issue.

I also agree and am a little frustrated over everyone who is now coming to his aid.  The man has been sitting there for 25 years!  Where was everyone for the last 25 years who seem to care so much now?  Everyone wants to make a big deal out of his books.  If they are doing anyone any good, ( I think they only sold a couple of hundred copies) they will be there long after he's gone.  You can never replace what those families have lost. 

I just feel bad that if Mr. Williams was so charismatic and had so much potential, that someone didn't turn him in the right direction many years ago, while he was still a child.  He may be gone, but there are hundreds if not thousands more waiting in the wings for their turn at bat.  Now is the time to help the children.  That's what many don't seem to understand.  Everyone is so involved with him/herself that nothing else is important.  That is until they are standing, looking at the business end of a semi-automatic weapon. 

There are many lessons to be learned here.

The comment was made that it's okay if you have a small percentage of innocents that get the death penalty.  Yeah, it's cool, until it's your son, or your daughter or any loved one, that becomes that one in a million innocents.

I don't know about anyone else, but I have kids.  I really would like to see them grow up in a world that wasn't so misguided and sensationalistic.  I'm not very optimistic though.

Dec 13 05 09:34 am Link


Harrison Sweazea

Posts: 986

Jefferson City, Missouri, US

I think if Tookie Williams REALLY wanted to set an example for kids to stay out of gangs he should have gone to his execution without a whimper, explaining that "this is what happens when you lead a life of gang is the price one pays." and then quietly meet his maker.

Clemency would have been the wrong option in this case, but justice was served.

Dec 13 05 09:41 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

...Stacy wrote:
GOOD! Burn Baby burn! 

said an Official spokesperson from-RFLAAG
(Recovering From Los Angeles Annonymous Group.)

Careful what you wish for. You may get a little water to douse those flames ......


Dec 13 05 10:08 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

nick latino wrote:
Some people may say what about those who have been found not guilty after 20 years of sitting in prision.  I think the lost of 1 out of a 1,000,000 isn't too bad for protecting the rights of the accused.  Because if we were to check I'm sure it is more like 1 out of a 1,000 victims who are allowed to receive protection from the harrassement, questioning, embarrassement, and the feeling of having been victimized.  After all we need to protect the rights of the criminal over the public well being.

If you truly believe the lives of innocents are worth it, then offer up one of your children to the cause.   Do as they do in the Bible, offer a child of yours for sacrifice.  Only then do you words have meaning, otherwise, they are worthless offerings of empty philosphy without any true grief or pain.

Dec 13 05 10:44 am Link