
LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

dgold 2 wrote:
James...sorry, but, between dj's intentional 30 minute late vote(he knows better and therefore, to me, was a vote made to stir up shit for Jonathan's "late" vote that you had counted given the fact you were in-proccess and that Jon has no known quick-access to a computer whereas dj has a computer at his fingertips and is a co-administrator to the POD 18),and, the fact you had posted the results and sent me a congradulatory email - leave me with a sour taste all around.
I cannot, at this time, accept your apology.

You know, in the POD competition Tom ends voting when he deems it appropriate given a day's voting situation/activity, assumes control and responsibility and I cannot recall a retraction of an awarded victory over some belly aching.

Have fun.

David G

anybody that would make fun of me not having an internet connection is just lame so someone thinks they are cute voting late to mock me, who thinks they are bad, thats just really sad and shows no class

Sep 26 08 09:52 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

anything else i need to address before i walk home?

Sep 26 08 09:53 am Link


Wet Ltd

Posts: 1936

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Thanks to everyone that voted today, you have started my weekend of watching over the 18+POD a fun won with a tie right out of the blocks..and 2 excellent images on top of it.  But you all know I can resolve any of these little tie things, was a good thing that I have been looking at these 2 images today as I got stuck away from home out in Boston this evening.  Will be back home in the morning (plane willing). 

Thanks and here's to more excellent images this weekend.


Sep 26 08 11:21 pm Link



Posts: 3965

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

Well I should be having some excellent images real soon, guess you guys can't guess whos here and we are shooting tomorrow? !!!   wink

Sep 27 08 12:06 am Link


jandj studios

Posts: 3785

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

here's the link to the list. Be sure the person whose work you want to discuss is on the list ( per site rules) . … 34&page=98

OK so we disgree on a what was voted on - why did you vote for what you voted for. what didn't you like about the others.
Inspite of what you may have been led to believe I don't only vote for so called fine art. But simply putting a pretty woman in a photograph doesn't make it worthy of a vote. And being in or out of focus is only relevant if it works or doesn't work in the overall presentation of the picture.

Enuff said.

Sep 28 08 02:59 pm Link


Fernon II

Posts: 203

Annapolis, Maryland, US

this place is entertaining

Sep 28 08 03:23 pm Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

Holy shit, I got a vote!  lol

There must be a new guy.

Sep 29 08 01:18 am Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

jandj studios wrote:
here's the link to the list. Be sure the person whose work you want to discuss is on the list ( per site rules) . … 34&page=98

OK so we disgree on a what was voted on - why did you vote for what you voted for. what didn't you like about the others.
Inspite of what you may have been led to believe I don't only vote for so called fine art. But simply putting a pretty woman in a photograph doesn't make it worthy of a vote. And being in or out of focus is only relevant if it works or doesn't work in the overall presentation of the picture.

Enuff said.

I know.  It also has to be lit badly with harsh shadows, and there has to be a river somewhere in the frame.

Rocks are good too.  If they can be rocks with moss growing on them you're golden.


I kid I's a joke!  smile

Sep 29 08 01:25 am Link


Gary Melton

Posts: 6680

Dallas, Texas, US

I'm curious as to what y'all thought of my first attempt at "light painting" - my entry for yesterday:

18+ … id=8589710  18+

(Shot in darkened room, F18 @ 3 seconds - used flashlight to "paint" Jessica with light.)

I have a few more of these attempts to edit yet, but this was my favorite on initial review of them.

Sep 29 08 08:07 am Link


Fernon II

Posts: 203

Annapolis, Maryland, US

Chris Keeling wrote:
Holy shit, I got a vote!  lol

There must be a new guy.


Sep 29 08 09:23 am Link


MC 2

Posts: 2531

New York, New York, US

LeDeux Art wrote:

anybody that would make fun of me not having an internet connection is just lame so someone thinks they are cute voting late to mock me, who thinks they are bad, thats just really sad and shows no class

It's not right to twist his words. He didn't mock you he expressed his feelings about being awarded the win and then having it taken away.

As far as your votes, you've had several that you labeled as a late vote and I think in some cases, commenting that they're not making any difference. So why make them?

Going back to all the early vote discussions people have posted about all sorts of hardships related to time and what not. Why should you be allowed special voting privileges that others are not?

Hell, maybe the contest should run for 25 hours as it would solve the early vote problem too.

I didn't have the right combination of time and internet access since Thursday to either enter and image or vote. Should I be able to enter and vote now? Where's the cut off? The answer is 11pm.

I wouldn't have commented on this at all except I think you twisted dgold's words to make you the victim rather than him.

Removing your vote from that contest made it a six way tie and then the winner was changed, which I think is really absurd as people have repeatedly describeed this as a meaningless contest for attaboys. If so, since he was in the tie for the win, leave it that way.

While we're going down this road of negativity, I have to say that I do agree with Chris Keeling about the tie break decision being a little weird. I lost a tie a couple of months ago to a non-18+ image. It didn't occur to me at the time because the chosen photo was a great image and the photographer was someone I like, so when I did realize the error, I didn't complain, but it strikes me as there are only a few issues with the contest that are so easily fixable and I don't get why everyone just sticks their head in the sand for these discussions.

Sep 29 08 03:12 pm Link


MC 2

Posts: 2531

New York, New York, US

Chris Keeling wrote:

I know.  It also has to be lit badly with harsh shadows, and there has to be a river somewhere in the frame.

Rocks are good too.  If they can be rocks with moss growing on them you're golden.


I kid I's a joke!  smile

I like rocks, especaily when they're really black. They're are two people who do that really well.

Sep 29 08 03:14 pm Link


StudioCMC II

Posts: 487

Bountiful, Utah, US

bump for thread

Oct 01 08 03:58 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Not ONE vote for my entry for today?  (Saturday the 4th)

SERIOUSLY?  This gets nothing? … id=8672900 (18+)


Oct 04 08 11:02 pm Link


F Stop Photography

Posts: 1711

Boynton Beach, Florida, US

I liked it...really! But there were some really good ones in there today, don't you think? Hell in comparison to some of them, I was surprised to had gotten one! ;^)

Oct 04 08 11:06 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

F Stop Photography wrote:
I liked it...really! But there were some really good ones in there today, don't you think? Hell in comparison to some of them, I was surprised to had gotten one! ;^)

Oh yeah, there were good images.  I just found the lack of even a single vote disheartening.

Oct 04 08 11:20 pm Link


F Stop Photography

Posts: 1711

Boynton Beach, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:
Oh yeah, there were good images.  I just found the lack of even a single vote disheartening.

And tomorrow the same image could draw 5 votes no? I saw a few votes today that had me shaking my head in wonder. I'm gonna sleep on tomorrow's posting and get mine out in the AM... perhaps see what I'm up against! LOL nite!

Oct 04 08 11:25 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I have to agree with dj about today's win.  Makes me a little sad both that I posted what I thought was a really well done image & it got no votes and that the image I thought deserved to win (Janice's) did not... both in the face of a very well done image but one that's essentially a direct recreation of a famous & popular work.

Oct 05 08 02:02 am Link


jandj studios

Posts: 3785

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

SLE Photography wrote:
I have to agree with dj about today's win.  Makes me a little sad both that I posted what I thought was a really well done image & it got no votes and that the image I thought deserved to win (Janice's) did not... both in the face of a very well done image but one that's essentially a direct recreation of a famous & popular work.

I'm sorry you didn't get a vote James. Certainly, yours was more deserving than one that could- depending- on the intrepreatation of the law be considered plagarism. It is  sad that so few people seemed not to recognize Dali's work or not to care.

Oct 05 08 11:12 am Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

SLE Photography wrote:
Not ONE vote for my entry for today?  (Saturday the 4th)

SERIOUSLY?  This gets nothing? … id=8672900 (18+)


Welcome to my world, LoL.  smile

Oct 05 08 11:15 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

im voting now, as i dont know how long ill be online today

Oct 05 08 11:17 am Link



Posts: 1633

Norwalk, Ohio, US

SLE Photography wrote:
I have to agree with dj about today's win.  Makes me a little sad both that I posted what I thought was a really well done image & it got no votes and that the image I thought deserved to win (Janice's) did not... both in the face of a very well done image but one that's essentially a direct recreation of a famous & popular work.

jandj studios wrote:
I'm sorry you didn't get a vote James. Certainly, yours was more deserving than one that could- depending- on the intrepreatation of the law be considered plagarism. It is  sad that so few people seemed not to recognize Dali's work or not to care.

In an attempt to maintain my role of Mr. Popularity around here let me play devil's advocate:

This thread was started originally by Dave and I through discussions of differences in viewpoints. Sadly these differences led to some head butting but ... this contest has always been an amazement to me.

On a regular basis I've seen things that I consider top quality - from very skilled and throughtful photographers - passed over without comment, often in favor of mediocre-to-cheesy work, emotional ploys and/or someone's birthday.

Is it our place to take potshots at voting patterns (peoples' opinions) in this public contest?

It is what it is. I've won with things that aren't huge favorites of mine, have won with things that I dearly love and have had some of what I consider to be my best work ignored.

There was mention recently of this going to the new contest system, is that still in the works?

I am really interested in seeing how the ability to post photos will affect voting patterns - wonder if it will realize Chris's hopes of increased participation creating more "fairness" or if it will generate even less thoughtful "shooting from the hip" votes ... in any event it will be interesting.

Oct 05 08 12:33 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

jandj studios wrote:
I'm sorry you didn't get a vote James. Certainly, yours was more deserving than one that could- depending- on the intrepreatation of the law be considered plagarism. It is  sad that so few people seemed not to recognize Dali's work or not to care.

*shrug*  It was a well done photo, as I said I didn't think mine deserved to win but I was surprised the image I thought the best didn't do better.

Oct 05 08 01:43 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Tommy Dee wrote:
There was mention recently of this going to the new contest system, is that still in the works?

I am really interested in seeing how the ability to post photos will affect voting patterns - wonder if it will realize Chris's hopes of increased participation creating more "fairness" or if it will generate even less thoughtful "shooting from the hip" votes ... in any event it will be interesting.

Yes, that's coming soon.  It will be interesting to see what happens.

Oct 05 08 01:44 pm Link


F Stop Photography

Posts: 1711

Boynton Beach, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:

It will be interesting to see what happens.

Probably more of the same. To be truthful, while proud that I happened to win POTD with an earlier entry, I NEVER thought it'd happen. The quality level of the pics being entered from photographers whose proficiency is top shelf made me zero in on POTD 18+. It's what I love to shoot!

By taking an active interest in the contest, I have been able to admire the works of others and to thoroughly review their entire ports. Most of the regular contestants AND winners have images that leave me envious of their talents! Not to mention the gorgeous models they've worked with as well! It also teaches me how far along I still have yet to travel to get to those lofty heights.

Some of us shoot by the old Southern adage that "Even a blind squirrel will occasionally find a nut!" Such is my style, for better or worse! LOL Will I ever win POTD 18+ again? Who knows, but that's my goal.

As to the voting format, or who votes how, that's not as important to me as the importance of the venue itself. For me, it's about the ability to grow as a shooter and to network with those whose work I greatly respect. IF I get a vote from any of these photographers, THAT I consider a true compliment. I know that it beats the hell out of some of the comments I receive day in and day out!

Oct 05 08 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

Tommy Dee wrote:

In an attempt to maintain my role of Mr. Popularity around here let me play devil's advocate:

This thread was started originally by Dave and I through discussions of differences in viewpoints. Sadly these differences led to some head butting but ... this contest has always been an amazement to me.

On a regular basis I've seen things that I consider top quality - from very skilled and throughtful photographers - passed over without comment, often in favor of mediocre-to-cheesy work, emotional ploys and/or someone's birthday.

Is it our place to take potshots at voting patterns (peoples' opinions) in this public contest?

It is what it is. I've won with things that aren't huge favorites of mine, have won with things that I dearly love and have had some of what I consider to be my best work ignored.

There was mention recently of this going to the new contest system, is that still in the works?

I am really interested in seeing how the ability to post photos will affect voting patterns - wonder if it will realize Chris's hopes of increased participation creating more "fairness" or if it will generate even less thoughtful "shooting from the hip" votes ... in any event it will be interesting.

More participation means less favoritism, less voting for birthday kids, less voting for certain genre's.

I'm interested in if you think people who don't vote for fine art images are less thoughtfull voters?  Do you consider good glamour thoughless?  Do you consider good bondage thoughtless?

My whole point the whole time has been genre doesn't matter.  Good is good, bad is bad.  Lack of participation has meant that many undeserving images have naturally snuck through....not all the time, but sometimes.  It also means outsiders images who aren't within the favorite genre here have been ignored.

I've also said consistently that the regular players aren't to blame for this problem, that they are only voting for what they it should be.  Unfortunately those regular players are like minded and that excludes others. 

It isn't just is what it is.

If anybody thinks I have selfish intentions with this way of thinking, I'll point out that once the competition goes site wide, my chances of winning are practically nill, it's going to take much better than what I'm capable of producing (right now) to win.  I've got nothing to gain by this happening, other than seeing the contest become fair.

Oct 05 08 05:23 pm Link



Posts: 1633

Norwalk, Ohio, US

F Stop Photography wrote:
Probably more of the same. ...

And I have to respectfully disagree. Will be interesting to see but the way things are now it takes a certain amount of effort to vote - even the "I posted something so I will look at the last thing that was entered ... VOTE!!!" takes the effort to open the link then come back and vote.

When images are posted inline I think that there will be many more casual voters and my cynical side thinks that the "Zowie!!!" factor will be even more important than it is now. As I say, it will be interesting to see what shakes out.

F Stop Photography wrote:
... As to the voting format, or who votes how, that's not as important to me as the importance of the venue itself. For me, it's about the ability to grow as a shooter and to network with those whose work I greatly respect.

You are preaching to the choir. But read back through this thread and you will see that there are those here to whom the vote is of prime importance.

If you vote at certain times, there are those who will shrilly denounce you for "cheapening" the contest. Wait until any chance for a truly spectacular entry has passed and you will be equally shrilly denounced as a "vote counter" whos goal is to throw the contest.

Point being that there are some who value this for what it is ... but you will find the "Winner!!!" element to drive most of the more vocal here.

F Stop Photography wrote:
IF I get a vote from any of these photographers, THAT I consider a true compliment. I know that it beats the hell out of some of the comments I receive day in and day out!

Again you are preaching to the choir. But your "run of the mill" comments might be coming from voters here ... the demographics are exactly equal: any member of MM may comment on your photos; any member of MM may vote in this contest.

Tailoring ones work to suit any of the above seems exceedingly silly to me. Shoot what you love. If others love it, fine. If others hate it, fine.

Oct 05 08 08:57 pm Link


jandj studios

Posts: 3785

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

sorry i have been remiss- doesn't look like it matters

Oct 09 08 11:22 am Link


Andree de Villers Nudes

Posts: 151

Detroit, Michigan, US

Sending Love and Positive Vibes to all in this thread big_smile

Oct 10 08 05:58 pm Link


Andree de Villers Nudes

Posts: 151

Detroit, Michigan, US

Hey I have a question for someone who is in charge, lol.  Can I post an entry that I don't have posted on my MM, but the photographer does??  It's breaks my heart a little more everytime I have to delete a photo...

Oct 10 08 06:02 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Andree de Villers wrote:
Hey I have a question for someone who is in charge, lol.  Can I post an entry that I don't have posted on my MM, but the photographer does??  It's breaks my heart a little more everytime I have to delete a photo...

Yes.  Just make a note in your post that it's on the photographer's portfolio.

Oct 10 08 06:03 pm Link


F Stop Photography

Posts: 1711

Boynton Beach, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:

Yes.  Just make a note in your post that it's on the photographer's portfolio.

Jeeeeze, in the middle of a knock down drag out to do in another thread and he still had time to get to this before the brigging? Kewl!  ;^)

Oct 12 08 02:01 am Link


Casablanca Lightwerks

Posts: 157

Glen Burnie, Maryland, US

Friday's results are still not posted.  Is it possible for someone to look into that.

Oct 12 08 10:05 am Link


F Stop Photography

Posts: 1711

Boynton Beach, Florida, US

I'll look into it and see it's done! Following up on that now!  ;^)

Oct 12 08 11:11 am Link


Andree de Villers Nudes

Posts: 151

Detroit, Michigan, US

SLE Photography wrote:

Yes.  Just make a note in your post that it's on the photographer's portfolio.


Thanks big_smile

Oct 12 08 11:20 am Link


Wet Ltd

Posts: 1936

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Special ANNOUCNMENT for those waiting for FRIDAYS Oct 10 they are!!

Congratulations to MDI Studios LLC for the First Place win for Friday~!!
Second Place goes to ~ Brett Wyatt, Studio CMCII, LEO III, Tommy Dee and Andree deVillers!!

Thanks to all who played & voted~!!

MDI Studios LLC … id=8750644

You can discuss today's contestants HERE:

VOTE count for Friday, October 10th
Brett Wyatt ~ 2
Studio CMC II ~ 2
MDI Studios LLC ~ 3
David Hilton ~ 1
Orixx ~ 1
F Stop Photography ~ 1
Wet Ltd ~ 1
Tommy Dee ~ 2
Andree deVillers ~ 2

Sorry for the delay and unusual format of the result, but I can't edit SLE's posts.


Oct 12 08 02:10 pm Link



Posts: 1544

Annapolis, Maryland, US

why am i here?

Oct 13 08 08:50 pm Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

Fernon wrote:
why am i here?

To give me someone to look up to.

Oct 13 08 09:42 pm Link



Posts: 3880

Arcata, California, US

Fernon wrote:
why am i here?

Chris Keeling wrote:
To give me someone to look up to.

that got a giggle... thanks~ I needed that...

Oct 13 08 11:16 pm Link



Posts: 1544

Annapolis, Maryland, US


Oct 14 08 01:36 pm Link