Forums > Photography Talk > How do you deal with a rude, difficult model?



Posts: 116

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I can't really comment on models and bad behavior or giant ego's, because some photograhers are the same way. I think the best way is to act professional and try to understand why the person is angry or demanding...ask them what it is you can do that will make them happy. If they say you're doing it all wrong and it won't work, then tell them you're sorry the time was wasted and offer another day. Kill them with kindness. They will go home and realize what an arsehole they were.

Jun 09 05 11:47 am Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by Reese: 
Hmm... there was that one photographer that posted the best answer in another forum... take about 50 shots - then say okay... that's it, I got what we need...

or just pretend you have film in the camera... cheaper

Jun 11 05 06:27 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

The rude models, after discussing their behavior with them and assuming it doesn't change, we generally terminate their services, in private, on the spot.  End of shoot.  If it's a TFP shot, we bill her for our services (set up, assistant, take down, any time wasted on the model - this language is in our Model Release form, which we go over with her/him before the shoot), and our attorney sends her/him a letter stating that her termination was because of (insert reason here)(he's my partner, so I don't have to pay him). 

I've just encountered what one of the other photographer's posted in either this or another room: a model emails us 6 months after a shoot and wants her photographs removed from our site because her parents don't like them, or they don't like her modeling at all.  First time in 20+ years of shooting.  She said all the other photographers had ask her before they used any of her images (she is using some of our images on her website, incidently).  I replied, "please re-read the contract, that's the agreement you and I had, and I can't get into the middle of family arguments - it does say we own the copyrights and can use all images shot by us in any way we desire (so can the model use them).  I just took her 4 photos off our site and emailed her back that this was a breech of our agreement and I'd suggest, perhaps, she find a new line of work.  I know photographers can be a pain in the butt, too, but g.d. - I'm just about at the point of going back to staight commercial work.  It only takes a few bad models (like bad photographers) to make the rest suspect.  Of course, we have our sweet hearts who we shoot and work together as a team, but more-and-more, with this TFP business, we're seeing (or at least I am) the bad "I'm-a-model-this-week" coming out of the woodwork.

Think I'm going to go clean a lens of something.


Jun 11 05 06:37 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I don't.  Ever.  One of the side effects of the type of art i do is that I have to make certain the model and I understand each other as clearly as possible.  This requires a bit of "getting to know you" time in advance of the shoot.  Through the process of clarifying what we both expect of the shoot, I get a pretty fair idea of what the model is like as a person.  The few times I've gotten a bad vibe from models, I simply let them know I didn't have a good feeling about the shoot and perhaps she should find someone else to work with.  They're usually so shocked by my candor that they don't have time to get upset.

There are other ways to tell what a model is going to be like as well.  Just read her profile:  If she has a lot of declarations about I DON'T DO THIS and I WON'T DO should probably avoid them.  I'm sure models think this is just them "being safe," but it's acutally a rather immature way to get a point across.  I mentioned in another thread here that I called off a shoot with a really well known [web] model simply from reading her daily blog...The constant torrent of negative energy and disdain for the very type of work I was hoping to do with her made it clear that I was better off saving my time, energy and money for another project.

And if all else fails, just ask a new model for references...They have no problem asking for OUR references -- what's good for the goose is good for the gander.  Heading off unpleasant situations is just a matter of keeping your eyes and ears open.

Jun 11 05 08:45 pm Link



Posts: 15

Portland, Oregon, US

My MUA loves to get in the face of bitchy models, she flips it right back at them, and you know what? they usually become good friends by the end of the shoot, and the models alway become a pleasure to work with after my MUA has been in their face LOL ... gotta love having someone who has the special way of turning around those situations smile

Jun 11 05 09:19 pm Link


Jon Scott Visual

Posts: 1529

"How do you deal with a rude, difficult model?"

If she is truly, really rude, the words I use are:

We're done here, have a nice day.

If she's just a diva, I calmly and quietly hand her the camera and leave.  Works every time.

Jun 12 05 02:24 am Link


Dubious Intentions

Posts: 371

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

I can see a couple of ways of dealing with such a model.

If it is just you and her, try talking to her about it. or when she doesn't take directions you tell her too, then ask her what she wants to get from the time.

It she's part of a group, then I would take her aside and talk to her in private during a break.  There may be a legitamate reason for her attitude and it may just be best to either reschedule or not work with her anymore.

Then again, I have yet to actually deal with one, so I can't say for sure if any of that will work.

Jun 16 05 08:27 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Did anyone see my roll of Duct Tape!!

Jun 16 05 08:32 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Not that I have shoot a multi-model shoot before, But I think in that situation, I would do something like this.

Ann = B1tch
Margaret = good
Becky = good

" Ok, Now girls, Let's do the three together. " Ann, Can you move to the left a little, Maybe a little more. Yeah right there, now hold it."

hmmm Interesting.
Ann, Can you move out of the picture for a minute I want to see Just Becky and Maggy.'
Click click Click Click....
"oh yeah, you two really mesh well together. Now put your hand up there, Yes..."
"Hang on Ann, In a minute."
"Ann, Not when I am shooting please, That is unprofessional."

"Yes Maggie! Good, Good....."
click click click...

"Ok, Ann, Now just you on"
"Good, Now Becky and Maggie again."
click click click...
"And behind her now Maggie"
click click click...
click click click...
click click click...
"Ok Ann, stand right there... um wait, Come mere a minute.
Look at those two, see how easy they seem to work together. What do you think of that pose...."
click click click click click...
"Ok, Ann, your turn again."
"And now all three one time."
click click click...
"And now without Ann again....."
click click click click click click click click click...

Ok, Now you see why I do not shoot more than one at a time :-)

Jun 16 05 08:45 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Star: 
How do you deal with a rude, difficult model?

Just tell her to shut up.  That's what I do.

Jun 18 05 05:20 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Again, I agree with John (I always agree with John, whoever he is LOL!) ....just start cutting them out of the shots. 

The energy at a shoot is so important, I work on the models mood the entire time I am working with her in makeup and hair...I try to get her in an energy to shoot, I compliment her as I do makeup on whatever I can find (everyone has posititve features) ego building is important. I try to make the conversation positive and upbeat but there are times when the model walks in the door with an attitude and there is nothing anyone can do to shake it. It will drag the shoot down.

I had the opportunity to watch one very good well known photographer handle a similar situation.  The client pulled the photographer aside and said he wanted the model gone (there were 3 others and this one wasn't working in the shot, attitude was the main issue).  The photographer smiled started shooting her, shot her for about 5 minutes alone, upbeat smiling the whole time (she just kinda stood there) he is saying.... ..."YES!....YES!.... YES!..., perfect, you're perfect....We got it!  thank you sweetie, you're wrapped" kissed her on the cheek and that was the end of it.  I smiled and congratulated her on the great job she did, helped her gather her belongings and that was it.

If it were a test I think the same thing would work....photographer gets real excited about the bad model and just shoots for 5 or 10 minutes straight, tells her he or she got the shot, not need to repeat perfection and send her on her way.

Jun 18 05 10:28 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

I like tys suggestions as well LOL!   Hand her the reflecter and tell her how to use it properly.  Give her the pizza order and tell her to make it snappy....

Jun 18 05 10:31 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

Be honest! Just say "you're being very rude and unprofessional" and ask her to leave if she cant straighten up her attitude.

Jun 21 05 07:22 pm Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

Posted by Star: 
How do you get rid of a model who is bringing down the whole room?

My last TFP one of the models was a b&tch, so hard to work with, wouldn't take direction etc... But honestly how do you get rid of someone like that without making
a. the other models feel uncomfortible
b. a scene with the model you "invite" to leave
c. risking adverse consequenses down the line from the model talking crap about you

This particular model was so bad that in my opinion none of her shots are usable. I put one up on my site, but I don't like the image because it is of her.

I know some people will just say, throw the girl out or some such advice but in a TFP situation I am not comfortable being rude, even if it isn't really being rude. I tried ignoring her, but it hurt my energy too. I know she got on every one of the MUA's nerves.

Usually I encounter one of these girls about every 20 models or so, but I have never asked one to leave. I know she hurts the energy of the room, but I don't know how to you know, throw her out...

Maybe my problem is most of the models I deal with are just sweethearts to work with, very giving, very understanding, and just plain fun to be around so that when one comes in who isn't I am taken aback and don't know how to react...

Any advice on a polite way to make clear to a model that she is no longer welcome and we will be wrapping her session up now?


Sorry to hear about that. Maybe not asking her back would be the best thing for you to do. As it is you are doing her a favor by even doing a TFP session in the first place and this is how she repays you with her ungrateful attitude. You don't need her, you can find way better talent out there.

I had a similar experience on my show a few months ago. I invited this band to come up to Portland to play on my live taping. Well when they got there, they treated my crew like shit and then after that taping, they had the nerve to tell me the sound was not up to their standards. It would have been if their sound guy would have communicated with my audio tech at the time. Because of these ungrateful little bastards, my crew almost walked out (and to be honest I would not have blamed them one bit if they would have, I was close to pulling the plug myself, but we were about to go live within 5 minutes).

After the taping a few days later, the manager e-mailed me telling me that we were awful with the sound and that we were the ones being unprofessional. Before they came they were sweet as pie and kissing my ass via e-mail but when it came time to set up, they were treating my crew like they lower lifeforms because they recently released a CD and acted like they were hot shit. In other words, total rock star assholes from a small town in Coos Bay, Oregon.

After the way myself and my crew were treated they never got another invite to come back. It's not something I take kindly too because I put a lot of work into my show. But fuck them, it's their loss.

And it's her loss too because she chose to act like a raging cunt. I hope that you don't work with her again because she's really not worth your time, especially since you are trying to run a business.

Jun 23 05 05:29 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US


Alexandra... ONE TIME ONLY will I warn you... Watch which profane words you use... 

Jun 23 05 08:52 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Reese: 

Alexandra... ONE TIME ONLY will I warn you... Watch which profane words you use...   

How do I deal with rude models?

Reese! Come over here and sit down now!

see, works wonders :-P

Sorry Resse, you just became my new obsession :-P

Jun 23 05 09:04 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Can I list you as a stalker or a fan?  The fan's are cool.. but the stalkers send me better gifts...

Jun 23 05 09:07 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Reese: 
Can I list you as a stalker or a fan?  The fan's are cool.. but the stalkers send me better gifts...

I am a stalker fan. I am cool and will still send you great gifts!

What do you want first?

Jun 23 05 09:12 am Link


Robb Radford

Posts: 7911

Margate, Florida, US

How do I deal with rude models?

I usually find that 3 Iron works well but for the really rude ones I use a driver. I get better distance with the really rude ones. smile

Jun 23 05 09:20 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 

Posted by Reese: 
Can I list you as a stalker or a fan?  The fan's are cool.. but the stalkers send me better gifts...

I am a stalker fan. I am cool and will still send you great gifts!

What do you want first?


Jun 23 05 09:23 am Link



Posts: 25

Miami, Florida, US

Posted by Monsante Bey: 
Don't use her pics. Destroy or warehouse them.

Most of my problems have come AFTER the shoot, when the model decides that she thinks she can tell me what to do with the images or something foolish like that. That's when they start lying, acting ignorant and things like that. So far i've only had one crazed chick do this, who's also been hit with a restraining order from another model that she's been stalking for 2 1/2 years. If you're in Ohio, you should know who i'm talking about.

Make sure your policy on image manipulation is a well stated fact.  I have my policy EXTREMELY detailed on every page where my port appears. That way that problem wont show up

Jun 23 05 09:29 am Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

Posted by Reese: 

Alexandra... ONE TIME ONLY will I warn you... Watch which profane words you use...   

Excuse me Reese, there are others who have used profanity too. Why are you singling me out? Oh wait, you have a hidden agenda and and only moderate who you see fit. I guess if I were a real model in your eyes then you wouldn't have this problem. Right?

I suggest if you are going to 'moderate' you moderate everyone equally, not just me. And BTW let's stick to the subject shall we? Oh and another thing. I was only sharing a similar experience dealing with rude people. So now matter what the industry, you're always going to get prima donnas.

That's how I deal with rude people in general.

And let's not forget about your earlier personal attacks against me when I first joined this site. They were laden with several profanities.

Do the words "Fuck you you fat bitch" ring a bell Reese? If you want, I can dig those old posts up if you'd like. That is, if you haven't deleted them already. Now I'm trying to be civil, but if you abuse your powers as a mod, then I am going to call you on it.

Jun 23 05 05:15 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Alexandra Paris: 
Do the words "Fuck you you fat bitch" ring a bell Reese?

I am curious what you "didn't do" to elicit such a response early on!

A response like that from Reese would take quite a lot of aggravation before she uses this kind of language.

If you feel constantly attacked here... I am wondering how much of this is really a response to your own way of posting and replying and voicing your opinions.

To tell you the truth, I am reading so many of your posts and it's not always easy NOT to reply in an agressive manner.

Now... I don't know what I would come up with in an actual argument between you and me.

Remember that tip to old people... if those old folks complain that EVERYBODY around them can't drive and is honking their horns... maybe they should stop getting on the road because it's them and not the other drivers.

What I am trying to say is that if so many people here (not only Reese!) arguing with you all the time, so often that you think that you are a "target", and you don't know why... maybe it's you who is provoking this with your worldview and are just feeling "innocent" and then hurt.

Jun 23 05 05:40 pm Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

If you read my previous post about dealing with rude people, yes it did have a few curse words. Reese comes in and starts jumping my ass about it. (Yes! I said ASS!) But EVERYONE has used a curse word in this forum at one point, even the mods! So they are not perfect! I was only sharing my opinion, nothing more. And so what if it was laden with a few profanities. The last time I checked I was living in United States, unless the domain itself is registered in Iraq or some other communist country.

I remember the immaturity that went on in here and now that certain people are mods, they are abusing their power and moderating who they see fit. And it's BULLSHIT! Yes I used a profanity again. The last time I checked I did live in the US and I thought I did have the freedom to say whatever the FUCK I wanted.

So if you feel the need to ban me because I'm not following the same rules you're obviously not, then go ahead. It's only proving my point. So if you ban me just for using a few swear words that others in the past have done and hve not been warned about. It will only prove what I have been suspecting all along.

That mods here on this site play favorites.

Jun 23 05 05:54 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Alexandra Paris: 
So if you feel the need to ban me because I'm not following the same rules you're obviously not, then go ahead. It's only proving my point. So if you ban me just for using a few swear words that others in the past have done and hve not been warned about.

Not sure if you are addressing me... but I am NOT a moderator and I don't ban... I am just here since the beginning and make some observations that I am sharing with you.



Jun 23 05 06:05 pm Link



Posts: 202

WINSTON SALEM, North Carolina, US

"The last time I checked I did live in the US and I thought I did have the freedom to say whatever the FUCK I wanted"


Try yelling "Hi-Jack" on a plane or "Everyone down" in a bank and see how free you will remain.

Take care,

Jun 23 05 07:58 pm Link



Posts: 16

Toronto, Iowa, US

how to deal with rude models....
ask ike turner...

Jun 23 05 09:27 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Alexandra Paris: 
The last time I checked I was living in United States, unless the domain itself is registered in Iraq or some other communist country.

Irag is a communist country? Does your civics knowledge derive from the same place as your medical knowledge?

Posted by Alexandra Paris: 
That mods here on this site play favorites.

Does it ever occur to you you that you are especially irritating? Does it ever occur to you that most of the warnings are given via private message? Do you recall the time when I actually asked someone to stop calling you things like "public access queen" even though you richly deserved it? Did you notice that even though Reese and I openly consider you a raving idiot, you haven't been banned?

I know which word in particular Reese spoke up about. It starts with a C and so far as I can recall, you're the first to use it here. Personally, I don't give a rat's ass, but a lot of people (particularly women) have real issues with it.

So, in closing, fuck you, you fat bitch.

Jun 23 05 11:40 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by theda: 
So, in closing, fuck you, you fat bitch.

Stop mincing words, Theda. Say what you really feel.

Jun 24 05 12:00 am Link


Arturo J

Posts: 126

Fremont, California, US


Jun 24 05 12:42 am Link



Posts: 3

San Diego, California, US

Sorry... I came in late to this post...perhaps someone can clear this up for me...

So I noticed the topic of this post is "How do you deal with a rude, difficult model?"

So is this the  actual live demonstration part????  tongue

Posted by theda:
So, in closing, fuck you, you fat bitch.

Jun 24 05 01:59 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Alexandra Paris: 

Posted by Reese: 

Alexandra... ONE TIME ONLY will I warn you... Watch which profane words you use...   

Excuse me Reese, there are others who have used profanity too. Why are you singling me out? Oh wait, you have a hidden agenda and and only moderate who you see fit. I guess if I were a real model in your eyes then you wouldn't have this problem. Right?

I suggest if you are going to 'moderate' you moderate everyone equally, not just me. And BTW let's stick to the subject shall we? Oh and another thing. I was only sharing a similar experience dealing with rude people. So now matter what the industry, you're always going to get prima donnas.

That's how I deal with rude people in general.

And let's not forget about your earlier personal attacks against me when I first joined this site. They were laden with several profanities.

Do the words "Fuck you you fat bitch" ring a bell Reese? If you want, I can dig those old posts up if you'd like. That is, if you haven't deleted them already. Now I'm trying to be civil, but if you abuse your powers as a mod, then I am going to call you on it.

It is not that you are using profane words... it is WHICH words you use... and you know EXACTLY what I am talking about. 

Also, I never posted "F U Fat B****" so stop your crap.

Jun 24 05 07:46 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Alexandra Paris: 
If you read my previous post about dealing with rude people, yes it did have a few curse words. Reese comes in and starts jumping my ass about it. (Yes! I said ASS!) But EVERYONE has used a curse word in this forum at one point, even the mods! So they are not perfect! I was only sharing my opinion, nothing more. And so what if it was laden with a few profanities. The last time I checked I was living in United States, unless the domain itself is registered in Iraq or some other communist country.

I remember the immaturity that went on in here and now that certain people are mods, they are abusing their power and moderating who they see fit. And it's BULLSHIT! Yes I used a profanity again. The last time I checked I did live in the US and I thought I did have the freedom to say whatever the FUCK I wanted.

So if you feel the need to ban me because I'm not following the same rules you're obviously not, then go ahead. It's only proving my point. So if you ban me just for using a few swear words that others in the past have done and hve not been warned about. It will only prove what I have been suspecting all along.

That mods here on this site play favorites.

How I deal with a rude model is I ask Alexandria to leave...

Jun 24 05 07:50 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Yes, You live in the United States.
Yes, This domain is registered in the United States.
No, It does not give you the right to Spew profanities!

First, there are laws against it in almost every jurisdiction. Tell a cop to F*ck Off and watch how quickly he sites you for violating the law.
Also, It is Tyler's Server, Tyler's Website, And Tyler's Forums.
If Tyler says, "You can not have a name that has an A in it!" then You can not have a name that has an A in it, Regardless of where you, he, the domain, the server, or the website actually reside!
They are his rules.
He has asked Reese and Theda to ploice the site for him.
As such, they can revoke your "Right" to be here and your "Right" to spew forth profanity.

By being aggressive and confrontational, You are only making things worse.
You are here as a guest of Tyler's. If you were a Guest in My house, I would have forcibly removed you long ago for your language.

Ever person is entitled to their opinion, no matter how skewed and off the wall it may be. That is not the issue.
What is at issue is how you present your opinion.

Me, I am neutral, I could care less.
However, I have to agree with the mods that your use of profanity is excessive, and the words you use are the extreme end of profane.

Ass - Yep, not really profane unless you use it as such. Means a Donkey. And it is in the bible, and actually shows that women have been trying to dominate men throughout history. "And Mary rode Joseph's Ass allthe way to Bethlehem." - Guess he should have made better reservations or something.

Bitch - Not really profane, unless you use it as such. Means a Female Dog.
A big misunderstanding took place the first time a German Girl met my ex-girlfriend. My Ex was on the Bed with our dog, daisy. The German Girl came into the room with me, and she said, "So that is you bitch." Had to intercept the Ex as she sailed across the room with talons out!

F*ck - Profane unless you put the "."s in it.
F.U.C.K. - For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge - citation you used to get for pre-marital sex.

Tone it down, and people will not attack you as much.

You want to scream at me, Go ahead, I enjoy it actually. I live for it! and besides, in 3 hours, I can stop and leave you seething since I will be gone on Vacation for 10 days!!


War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873)

Jun 24 05 08:05 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by Alexandra Paris: 
If you read my previous post about dealing with rude... It will only prove what I have been suspecting all along.

That mods here on this site play favorites.

How I deal with a rude model is I ask Alexandria to leave...

She has left and if she pops up again I want to be notified...  IMMEDIATELY.

I think since I have "moderated" even my own favorite photographers and models... I am VERY FAIR. ENOUGH is ENOUGH. 

Alexandra has pushed the limit one too many times and it will no longer be tolerated.

Jun 24 05 08:13 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Reese: 

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

How I deal with a rude model is I ask Alexandria to leave...

She has left and if she pops up again I want to be notified...  IMMEDIATELY.

Damn. I was hoping she'd complain about the i in her name...

Jun 24 05 08:15 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Reese: 

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by Alexandra Paris: 
If you read my previous post about dealing with rude... It will only prove what I have been suspecting all along.

That mods here on this site play favorites.

How I deal with a rude model is I ask Alexandria to leave...

She has left and if she pops up again I want to be notified...  IMMEDIATELY.

I think since I have "moderated" even my own favorite photographers and models... I am VERY FAIR. ENOUGH is ENOUGH. 

Alexandra has pushed the limit one too many times and it will no longer be tolerated. 

An after that extremely long dissertation to try to get her to change her ways!!!

What a waste of two minutes that was!


Jun 24 05 08:25 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by theda: 

Posted by Alexandra Paris: 
The last time I checked I was living in United States, unless the domain itself is registered in Iraq or some other communist country.

Irag is a communist country? Does your civics knowledge derive from the same place as your medical knowledge?

Posted by Alexandra Paris: 
That mods here on this site play favorites.

Does it ever occur to you you that you are especially irritating? Does it ever occur to you that most of the warnings are given via private message? Do you recall the time when I actually asked someone to stop calling you things like "public access queen" even though you richly deserved it? Did you notice that even though Reese and I openly consider you a raving idiot, you haven't been banned?

I know which word in particular Reese spoke up about. It starts with a C and so far as I can recall, you're the first to use it here. Personally, I don't give a rat's ass, but a lot of people (particularly women) have real issues with it.

So, in closing, fuck you, you fat bitch.

"Yes, RAVING idiot...That's the perfect term"

Jun 24 05 08:37 am Link


Tim Bell

Posts: 31

Saint Louis, Michigan, US

Show em the door!!

Jun 25 05 03:47 pm Link