Forums > General Industry > Boobs, Bootay and Beauty....Three B'z that I like.

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

Whats the matter with focusing on what everybody really wants to see in your pictures, videos or any entertainment genre? Truth is Truth, the external is the first thing noticed on any individual, not their heart.

Jan 31 06 12:35 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Because while the external is the first thing we notice, when we are able to move beyond that moment, we find other things that are much more important.

So while boobs, beauty and booty may draw you in, it's a warm smile and presence that may make you stay.

Jan 31 06 01:00 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

On a personal or spiritual level that is totally true. Nevertheless, in entertainment no one will make a decision to cast you, place you in ads, hire for films or have you walk that catwalk based on Yin/esoteric/internal/microcosmic values or beliefs/feelings. This fact is not something that I am happy about it is just a part of human nature to be attracted to the physical or external first. On some levels we do get that "gut" feeling about someone or something at times. That is another story.....

Jan 31 06 01:13 pm Link



Posts: 209

thats true still gotta love the boobs, bootay and beauty! although beauty is inside aswell sometimes

Jan 31 06 01:15 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Struggle Dezign Co wrote:
On a personal or spiritual level that is totally true. Nevertheless, in entertainment no one will make a decision to cast you, place you in ads, hire for films or have you walk that catwalk based on Yin/esoteric/internal/microcosmic values or beliefs/feelings. This fact is not something that I am happy about it is just a part of human nature to be attracted to the physical or external first. On some levels we do get that "gut" feeling about someone or something at times. That is another story.....

On the consumer level, a company must market their product to the consumer and we are more likely to buy something that appeals to us. I think we find more than just the 3 b's appealing. I do not think this is yin, yang whatever. Ass and tits is only going to go so far in selling me a product.

All ads and pictures are not just ass and tits slapped on a board. They have to appeal to a person, not JUST sex drive. They may be primary in certain markets, but not all of them.

And if you have two equally gorgeous girls, the rational person MAY pick the one that seems easier to work with, all else held constant. You may not hire me because I'm nice, but you may use me again because of it.

Just my humble opinion. And I'm not into all that ying yang whatever.

Jan 31 06 01:31 pm Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Inner Beauty

There's a certain superficiality inherent in the sanctimonious, intentional denial of external attractiveness as a healthy and important quality.

Jan 31 06 01:42 pm Link


Suzi Uzi

Posts: 2

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

photography is not about taking pictures of pretty girls. pretty girls don't always make pretty models. photography is about capturing an image that portrays emotion, life, excitement, passion and beauty (but i'm not talking about human appearances). I'm talking about taking a photograph that speaks to you. what does that picture say? most portfolios on this damn website only say one thing... "i'm a f$*#@%! sleezy guy who liks to take pictures of chicks with boobs." that's not photography!!! that's PORNography. come on, if you claim to be a REAL photographer you see beauty in architecture, landscapes, buildings, animals, cars, everything in the world around you that doesn't always include people. I'm completely appauled by what people think is good photography. You wanna see a REAL picture that shows some REAL emotion, go to my profile and look at the last picture. THAT my friend is real photography. or better yet, visit some of my friend's profiles... "Sat Ra" or "Krystles" to name a few. these people are photographers and they know how to take a damn picture. get over yourself with your profile full of tits 'n ass.

Jan 31 06 01:46 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Nihilus wrote:
There's a certain superficiality inherent in the sanctimonious, intentional denial of external attractiveness as a healthy and important quality.

Thank you!

Jan 31 06 01:49 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

Photography is one thing and Modeling is another, as well as, advertisements. Thats what this boils down to....what the ad agencies want and dictate. They pay the bills, buy the pictures and hire the models based on their looks for certain ads...THE THREE B'z, Period.

Jan 31 06 01:52 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Struggle Dezign Co wrote:
Whats the matter with focusing on what everybody really wants to see in your pictures, videos or any entertainment genre?

I'm not saying we aren't attracted by the external first.

I'm not saying attractiveness is bad. It is human nature to be attracted to symmetry, etc. It has been studied before and is even exhibited by babies.

But if it's the 3 B's that everyone  really wants to see, I guess I'm not everyone.

Jan 31 06 01:52 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Nihilus wrote:
Inner Beauty

There's a certain superficiality inherent in the sanctimonious, intentional denial of external attractiveness as a healthy and important quality.

Damn it, I was eating when I clicked on that!

Jan 31 06 01:54 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Struggle Dezign Co wrote:
Photography is one thing and Modeling is another, as well as, advertisements. Thats what this boils down to....what the ad agencies want and dictate. They pay the bills, buy the pictures and hire the models based on their looks for certain ads...THE THREE B'z, Period.

well I guess the business man selling the cellphone and the old lady selling the antacid exhibit those as well. Nice

Jan 31 06 01:57 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

Great point, Angel. I concur. Nevertheless, those are small markets in the advertisement/entertainment industries and or they do not apply to pretty faces and beautiful looks within the entertainment industry. The vast majority of our industry is superficial.

Jan 31 06 02:02 pm Link


Suzi Uzi

Posts: 2

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

are you kidding me with this??

honestly, you are not a photographer, you shouldn't even be on this website. I just went to your profile and saw your "portfolio" if that's what you could call it. quite unimpressive.

the general public YOU are talking about would be young males between the ages of 14 and 27. that is not the general public. you are leaving out the women, the elderly, corporate america (which consists of male/femal ages 28-50) and children. your version of the "general public" is very limited. broaden your horizens a bit and you could possibly become a decent photographer/ad agency.

Jan 31 06 02:11 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Struggle Dezign Co wrote:
Great point, Angel. I concur. Nevertheless, those are small markets in the advertisement/entertainment industries and or they do not apply to pretty faces and beautiful looks within the entertainment industry. The vast majority of our industry is superficial.

Actually, the commercial market is EVERYTHING BUT small...

Product is sold to the masses, using imagery (including models) who have mass appeal in a way that the target group can identify themself with.

A gorgeous Angel Tara will be able to sell Scott Bathroom Tissue (as we all had the pleasure to see... wink ) but won't sell a single adult diaper for senior citizens.

People won't buy everyday products if presented by a supermodel, simply because they won't be able to identify themself with.

Hence we have the huge commercial market for people that look above normal (even the older people used in certain ads have gorgeous faces!) yet are close enough to ideal how the consumer would like to look, or see themself...

Jan 31 06 02:15 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Emily Pratt wrote:
are you kidding me with this??

honestly, you are not a photographer, you shouldn't even be on this website.

Stylists, wardrobe, make up artists, are no photographers and not models... but they are all part of our industry and those have the right to be on Model Mayhem, because they are in the categories we allow.


Jan 31 06 02:17 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Hollywood, Alabama, US

Angel Tara wrote:
Because while the external is the first thing we notice, when we are able to move beyond that moment, we find other things that are much more important.

So while boobs, beauty and booty may draw you in, it's a warm smile and presence that may make you stay.

I have to agree....

Jan 31 06 02:18 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

Emily Pratt wrote:
are you kidding me with this??

honestly, you are not a photographer, you shouldn't even be on this website. I just went to your profile and saw your "portfolio" if that's what you could call it. quite unimpressive.

the general public YOU are talking about would be young males between the ages of 14 and 27. that is not the general public. you are leaving out the women, the elderly, corporate america (which consists of male/femal ages 28-50) and children. your version of the "general public" is very limited. broaden your horizens a bit and you could possibly become a decent photographer/ad agency.

I guess you have a problem with the requirements of MM, it is for Models, "Stylists", Photographers, etc. Not just photographers. I have enough hits and friends on my list to argue diferently about my portfolio as impressive. Look at yours/yourself first before criticizing others. My 20+ experience years speak for themselves.
Personal attacks only show your mindstate, insecurity and maturity. Stay on subject...

Jan 31 06 02:22 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

Thank you sincerely, UdoR.

Jan 31 06 02:32 pm Link


Ivy Vynes

Posts: 163

Toledo, Ohio, US

I've been readiing through most of this, and I have to say boobs, booty, and beauty are deffinatly a major attraction in the industry today.... that sucks.... mostly because I'm an A cup *sighs*

I'm in the adult industry right now though, so it's deffinately not the only factors. Its a sad fact that the women with the bigger breasts, and better booty will always come out on top.

Hopefully one day I'll be able to get past that and get myself an upgrade. Untill then I'm fine with the fact that I'll be a bottom feeder. I like to think that I'm at least pretty in the face, so maybe I can do something that doesn't require my whole body to be the factor for now.

arg... now I'm depressed. Thanx... *chuckles*

Jan 31 06 02:43 pm Link


Brian Hillburn

Posts: 2442

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I'm with Angel on this one. I'm just as impressed with her inner beauty as her obvious external beauty. My two favorite models I work with as just as beautiful off camera as they are behind the lens. The external fades with time for us all, but it's nothing compared to a well balanced human being, whether photographer,model, MUA etc...
Just my amateur 02 cents...

Jan 31 06 02:50 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

Brian Hillburn wrote:
The external fades with time for us all, but it's nothing compared to a well balanced human being, whether photographer,model, MUA etc...
Just my amateur 02 cents...

I agree about the external fading after a while, nevertheless, the truth is that the initial attraction is someone looks. Whether it may be for a pretty face, elderly look, emotional aspect, etc. needed for the picture/ad. The first attraction is external.

Jan 31 06 02:56 pm Link


Brian Hillburn

Posts: 2442

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

More so true with our species than with the ladies. However, as we get older and wiser, we realize just how silly initial motives can be in the long run.
On a side note, I have time to read forums now because I was stood up again on a shoot. My record for the year: 2 no shows, two last minute reschedules, and one shoot. Aw, the life of a hobbyist. My no shows were knockouts on camera, but are the most unprofessional and rude folks when they so feel inclined...
Somehow this ties into the current thread(lol)

Jan 31 06 03:04 pm Link


Carlton Primm

Posts: 304

Dallas, Texas, US

Seems to me we are talking about two different things.

The "3b's" and beauty and attractiveness.  They are not necessarily synonymous.
In modeling and advertising, it's more about what will draw a person in.

Certainly sex does sell, but sexiness is sometimes deeper than just boobs and such.  There's a certain attitude as well as appeal that a photographer tries to capture that is not always necessarily about titties and ass.  It can be, but it doesn't have to be.

We are often attracted to that which interests us.  I guarentee you if every model on this site only had T&A pix, they would soon become boring.  Creativity has to be more than than that base appeal.

Jan 31 06 03:18 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I think it needs to be clarified..

I took the OP to mean "we" as people, not "we" the industry.

So are we talking about the industry, or people (humans?) Because they behave differently. Your post stated something you said you like, so it sounds as though you are talking about what we as individuals may or may not like. But then you speak of the industry. So which one are we arguing about? wink

The industry is superficial because they only have so many seconds to pull you (the consumer) in. (Or is it because it's run by men who like booty, beauty, and boob? KIDDING! smile)The people behind the ads are just doing their job.

Jan 31 06 04:28 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

We individuals are the industry, not just the large conglomerates. In fact the large companies are ran by individuals, hence, the quote...three B's what I like. Refers to what we as individuals and consumers are driven by and what the large industrial entities look for and desire for advertisements, etc.

P.S. I have to say that this is the best dialogue in a long time that I have received from my collegues in the Fashion Entertainment Industry. There is more than Beauty in Angel Tara. You are an intelligent and inquisitive individual.

Jan 31 06 05:33 pm Link



Posts: 348

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Carlton Primm wrote:
Certainly sex does sell, but sexiness is sometimes deeper than just boobs and such.  There's a certain attitude as well as appeal that a photographer tries to capture that is not always necessarily about titties and ass.  It can be, but it doesn't have to be.

Definitely true.  To me, Prince (or the artist formerly known as, or whatever) is by NO means a physically attractive man.  And even if he was, the way that he dresses would make it that much worse (my opinion...)...  But I saw him in concert, and he had such a stage presence that made me want to do him.  Explain that!

Jan 31 06 05:41 pm Link



Posts: 591

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Angel Tara wrote:
Because while the external is the first thing we notice, when we are able to move beyond that moment, we find other things that are much more important.

So while boobs, beauty and booty may draw you in, it's a warm smile and presence that may make you stay.

As in life, so it is online...

Jan 31 06 06:49 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

The responses I am receiving seem to convey that you, the models, seem to feel as if the 3 B'z are not of the upmost importance. If this is true then why is it that your (models) sites are full of the 3 B'z. Is it due to the fact that the industry dictates your agenda or is it because you feel as if it is a major part of your make-up (physical beauty) or do you just feel if you got it flaunt it! Let me know the real deal!
You may be wondering why my sites are full of the 3 B'z? One of my primary fashion lines is Swimwear. That is where sex-y sells, period.

Feb 01 06 11:00 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

I see some are getting a bit personal on here. Sad. Does sex sell? Realistcally yes...It's sad, but it is true. The sex sales craze is what dominates the commercial industry. Especially these days. It's just like many are looking for the youth to put into their adds if be commercial or whatever.

I believe in the inner beauty. Security in oneself is very important. But I also detect some insecurities on here. And I'm not pointing the finger at any paituclar persons because I see it with others and I see some contradictions.

A skinny model is no more different than that ass, titties etc..That skinny model for the majority is what is in demand in fashion and high fashion. Look at how many women are killing themselves to have that look. That look to stay in the modeling buisness or just that look to fit in. As well as what is defined as sex appeal.

True that the commercial business sells to multi-things, but it is also a minority thing when it compared to sex and youth. Some can't see this because many have thier perception of what is sexy. But sex really does sell. And it sells more than just to the 4 to 27. Anyone believe in the that b.s. is crazy. Alot of dirty old men and freaky young and old women out here. Sex doesn't have to be big ass and big breast. It can be a add in a book that has a skinny women showing breast. Using a product in a erotic way. Or a shampoo commercial with a woman having orgasims. For those that think sex doesn't sell are living in a world of illusions. Sex isn't just what the photographer above wants.

For the guy that made the comment/judge the other photographer's work. Nice class act on your part. You are critiquing the guys work, but in turn did the samething that you accuse him of doing. His work and his statements are irrelevant. In that case, there are alot of nudity on this site that aint all about big ass and breast. Some are just plain ole out there. Whips, chains etc. To each his own I guess.

Feb 01 06 11:29 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Mandie wrote: Definitely true. To me, Prince (or the artist formerly known as, or whatever) is by NO means a physically attractive man.  And even if he was, the way that he dresses would make it that much worse (my opinion...)...  But I saw him in concert, and he had such a stage presence that made me want to do him.  Explain that!

Easy to explain that. Sometimes what we despise we really want deep down inside. When a man can come on stage and display what you fantasize about about, it brings to the surface what was already there all the time.

I remember when alot of guys were player hating on Prince. they'd call him a fag. This was do to the fact that he is a lady's man. Ladies would and still do break their necks wanting this man.

Sex does sell. And he sold it to you on stage and off stage.

Just like Dennis Rodman doesn't appeal to many women, but at the sametime those same women said that they would do him too. Sex sells.

Feb 01 06 11:36 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Struggle Dezign Co wrote:
We individuals are the industry, not just the large conglomerates. In fact the large companies are ran by individuals, hence, the quote...three B's what I like. Refers to what we as individuals and consumers are driven by and what the large industrial entities look for and desire for advertisements, etc.

P.S. I have to say that this is the best dialogue in a long time that I have received from my collegues in the Fashion Entertainment Industry. There is more than Beauty in Angel Tara. You are an intelligent and inquisitive individual.

While I appreciate your comments, I am not sure I agree with your statement about the industry.

yes it is ran by the very same consumers out there in the market, but their PURPOSE is different when in front of and behind the counter.

As the person behind the counter, it is to SELL, by whatever means necessary, hopefully within the confines of the law.

In front of the counter, it is to fulfil a need as a human being, whether it be shelter, clothing, food, wipe ya ass, etc. smile

A person is going to behave differently based on which side of the counter they stand.

So the industry, based on us individuals, is going to have different behavioral characteristics than those who are acting as the consumers in the industry.The industry is going to behave in such a way to SELL a product and the consumer is going to behave in such a way to fulfill a need. These will not always be the same. When people don't understand the other side of the coin, products, business, and advertising ad fail.

So, once again...yes the INDUSTRY is shallow, yes sex sells.

It sells because it is easy to draw us in in the 3 seconds or whatever that marketers have to do this.

But, after that 3 seconds is up, there better be more behind the ad to KEEP the consumer's attention.

As an Udo has said, the commercial market is alot bigger than some people seem to think! There is much more to sell to America, or the world for that matter, than sex!

Yea for sex, I love sex, you love sex, we all love sex...but it's not the end all in marketing and advertising.

Btw....most men I talk to don't find a damn thing sexy about a 5'11, 110 lb coat hanger. Appealing, yes. But ass and tits...none there! smile Gotta have some fat tissue, or muscle when it comes to the booty, for those things. Designers want coat hangers and they don't want boobs and ass interfering with the way the fabric lays. (So I've read)

No knock against you fashion models out there. I'd love to be yah! smile

Feb 01 06 04:15 pm Link


angela camp

Posts: 319

Los Angeles, California, US

Mandie wrote:
[Definitely true.  To me, Prince (or the artist formerly known as, or whatever) is by NO means a physically attractive man.  And even if he was, the way that he dresses would make it that much worse (my opinion...)...  But I saw him in concert, and he had such a stage presence that made me want to do him.  Explain that!

Prince is extremely sexy! My future babies daddy! lol.

On the topic, I find myself becoming increasingly bored with explicitly sexual images and find many of them lacking in taste. As a consumer they turn me away.  I am rarely intrigued by boobs and booty, I'm assuming most heterosexual women feel this way... I'm not the least bit prudish, subtleness is just more interesting to me

Feb 11 06 07:50 pm Link



Posts: 6078

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

Surface suggests character, and most in theater will tell you a fair part of an actor's job is building in enough stuff for a role on the inside to let it come through the body in performance.  That's method.

More interesting, so I'm seeing this year, is how much of an artist can be seen by looking back toward him through his works.

Feb 11 06 08:06 pm Link



Posts: 438

Dallas, Texas, US

Emily Pratt wrote:
photography is not about taking pictures of pretty girls. pretty girls don't always make pretty models. photography is about capturing an image that portrays emotion, life, excitement, passion and beauty (but i'm not talking about human appearances). I'm talking about taking a photograph that speaks to you. what does that picture say? most portfolios on this damn website only say one thing... "i'm a f$*#@%! sleezy guy who liks to take pictures of chicks with boobs." that's not photography!!! that's PORNography. come on, if you claim to be a REAL photographer you see beauty in architecture, landscapes, buildings, animals, cars, everything in the world around you that doesn't always include people. I'm completely appauled by what people think is good photography. You wanna see a REAL picture that shows some REAL emotion, go to my profile and look at the last picture. THAT my friend is real photography. or better yet, visit some of my friend's profiles... "Sat Ra" or "Krystles" to name a few. these people are photographers and they know how to take a damn picture. get over yourself with your profile full of tits 'n ass.

I couldn't agree with you more~ I am so tired of going to workshops and being in a room full of models and all they want to shoot is the ones that are tan, big booty and fake tittys....then there is always a few of us that look great but we are natural and for some reason no one wants to shoot with us..I have thought about getting implants just so i can get more photographers intrested in shooting with me..but then i sit and realise why should i change..If they dont like me for who I am then i sure as hell dont want to be added in their port full of fake barbie dolls....if you have a port with just fake barbies what does that say about you????
Look at the whole picture of a model not just if he has fine ass and titties...does she pose well, does she take direction is she puncual????

Feb 11 06 08:14 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

It's not strictly sex that sells, it's creating an image that you want to project yourself into, it's about creating a need or emotional void in your target audience.

Feb 11 06 08:15 pm Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

KayleeT wrote:

I couldn't agree with you more~ I am so tired of going to workshops and being in a room full of models and all they want to shoot is the ones that are tan, big booty and fake tittys....then there is always a few of us that look great but we are natural and for some reason no one wants to shoot with us..I have thought about getting implants just so i can get more photographers intrested in shooting with me..but then i sit and realise why should i change..If they dont like me for who I am then i sure as hell dont want to be added in their port full of fake barbie dolls....if you have a port with just fake barbies what does that say about you????
Look at the whole picture of a model not just if he has fine ass and titties...does she pose well, does she take direction is she puncual????


Feb 11 06 08:18 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

You all work in a segmented industry.
Runway model are NOT short - waste of time to complain if you are 5'4"
Music videos demand significant flesh - if you have nothing to shake got home.
Glamour shots prefer boobs, blonds, butts in that order.
Agencies push this, photographers know this, models like it when they fit the mold but scream when they dont.

If you shoot for  mens magazines; you wont sell a photo of a 5'.0" 95lbs brunette. Photographers know this. Blondes with boobs sell mens amagazine.  Ethnic girls with booty sells men magazines. Photographers have rent and mortgages! 

I rarely work with very young models - but when young models see my portfolio (much more than on MM) I hear one thing - "how come you models are so old, they too old to be models".  Can I tell that same model she is not what I was looking for?

So when you boobs are nor big enough, or you are not tall enough for runway, or not cute enough or not sexy enough it is because of industry stereotype and our acceptance of it. The stereotype is easy to SELL! the differnt takes convincing.

There are people on this board who 'go their own way' and not succumb to the one lane vision of beauty. That takes inner beauty.
Whining is just whining!

I have my own vision of beauty; so from now on I am only working with Angel!

Feb 11 06 08:51 pm Link


Amanda May

Posts: 39

Laguna Niguel, California, US

Boobs are great any way shape or form.....Like the old song by Joe Walsh...I.L.B.T'S

Feb 11 06 08:56 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

Amanda May wrote:
Boobs are great .....Like the old song by Joe Walsh...I.L.B.T'S

I agree, SISTAH!

Feb 12 06 07:40 am Link