Forums > General Industry > why doesnt anybody want to shoot me clothed!?!?



Posts: 71

JT Hodges wrote:

It varies state to state. From as young as 14 (I think). But "Adult content" must be from 18-21 (again depending on the state).

Actually adult content is 18, not 18-21. Viewing of adult content however is 18-21 depending on your locale.

Feb 06 06 05:38 am Link



Posts: 71

Robert Perez wrote:
4. When it comes to porn offers on the net they do not care who it is as long as they are alive.

You care to elaborate on that please?

Feb 06 06 05:41 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Torrence Williams wrote:
You are "under-age".

That's just HER point she is NOT "under-age" in the UK where she lives.


Feb 06 06 05:45 am Link



Posts: 71

StMarc wrote:

So the day before she turns 18, it's sick, sick people who want to photograph her naked, but the day after, it's all good?

Am I the only one who finds this turn of thought utterly ridiculous?

No, in fact 'teen' niche is the 2nd best selling in the adult industry behind hardcore(if I remember correctly) which is of course filled with teen actresses. Seems the desire for teen content by the masses is at full on high. So what does that say about peoples interest in barely legal material?
The idea of making the legal age for adult material 21 has been passed around. I can't say I am entirely against it. The impact of shooting adult material at 18, 19 or 20 may not entirely sink in before it's too late.

Feb 06 06 05:57 am Link



Posts: 71

You know after reading this thread and others like it I have to say I feel bad for many of the people in the business. In my part of the business (adult) there is no room for ambiguity. Things need to be percise. I get exactly what I want from my models and they get paid what we agree upon. I treat my models with the respect I would expect to be treated with, and I certainly have no intrest in them sexually even though I am looking right up their privates. I have talked models out of getting into the business and explain to them the possible consequesnces of being in this business. I crossed over the line once with a model and she is the love of my life, and we hadn't even worked together before we met.
There is a lot of human drama in my part of the business and I have leaned a thing or two about human nature. Having said that there are times I wouldn't mind trading the heartbreak and human drama for ambiguity...
Sorry to hijack your thread there Leila. Just do what you are comfortable with and don't ever be afraid to say no under any circumstances.

Feb 06 06 06:17 am Link


Ceehawk Multimedia

Posts: 319

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

For God sake  dear child just say NO!!! or HELL NO!!!  Your are a very beautiful young lady but much too young I think to be doing nudes.  The pervs don't care though it is up to you to be on the look out for them.

Feb 06 06 06:33 am Link


Ceehawk Multimedia

Posts: 319

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

glenn usdin wrote:
how about do nothing and stop complaining and ignore the requests?

That'll wortk too.

Feb 06 06 06:33 am Link


ang m

Posts: 511

Chicago, Illinois, US

Yes Glenn is right    Just ignore it and say NO firmly.


Feb 06 06 06:36 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Maggie Shirk wrote:
I find it sad that you are expected to be and treated like an adult at such a young age.  Very interesting the cultural differences.

Not really...the idea of adolecense continuing to 18 is a creation of the post industrial revolution primarily in the US.  Post IR, kids on famrs still worked from a very young age, but as farm jobs faded & jobs moved to industrial and service the concept of "adolecense" and mandatory schooling times were extended more with the aim of warehousing workers the system couldn't accomodate.  While you wouldn't have been considered a legal adult for some legal purposes 100 years ago, at 16 you'd have been expected to act as, be treated as, and shoulder the responsibilities of an adult, often including working & being married.
Please note, I am NOT stepping in to the argument about photographing a naked 16 yr old  :-)
I'm just saying the idea of the cultural difference is based on a pretty modern & easily shifted paradigm.

Feb 06 06 09:50 am Link



Posts: 209

Ceehawk Multimedia wrote:

That'll wortk too.

I dont ignore people..thats just rude..i say no politely smile

Feb 06 06 10:07 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

SLE Photography wrote:
Not really...the idea of adolecense continuing to 18 is a creation of the post industrial revolution primarily in the US. 

While you wouldn't have been considered a legal adult for some legal purposes 100 years ago, at 16 you'd have been expected to act as, be treated as, and shoulder the responsibilities of an adult, often including working & being married.
Please note, I am NOT stepping in to the argument about photographing a naked 16 yr old  :-)

I'm just saying the idea of the cultural difference is based on a pretty modern & easily shifted paradigm.

And in some pre-industrial emerging economies children as young as 8 - 10 are still now expected to shoulder their burden - you don't work - you don't eat!

In the US, on the other hand... indirect parental control now extends, and until only VERY recently in some cases and still existing in others, even to over-18 college/university students - as in - "no drinking in your dorm room" rules; "no overnight F guests"; "no porn on your TV"... ect ect. ALL of which is designed and intended to artifically prolong "childhood."

Not so... definitely NOT SO... in European society where even age of sexual consent ages are being LOWERED and the ability to live independently of your "family" [parents] is on offer from the mid-teens onward.


Feb 06 06 10:17 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

studio36uk wrote:
And in some pre-industrial emerging economies children as young as 8 - 10 are still now expected to shoulder their burden - you don't work - you don't eat!

In the US, on the other hand... indirect parental control now extends, and until only VERY recently in some cases and still existing in others, even to over-18 college/university students - as in - "no drinking in your dorm room" rules; "no overnight F guests"; "no porn on your TV"... ect ect. ALL of which is designed and intended to artifically prolong "childhood."

No so... definitely NOT SO... in European society where even age of sexual consent ages are being LOWERED and the ability to live independently of your "family" [parents] is on offer from the mid-teens onward.


Very true.  In the US, for some reason, the trend seems to be for parents to increasingly spread & extend this forced lack of adult hood & independence & responsibility to the point that some universities are now setting up protocols & policies to get parents to butt the heck out of their kids' lives, as they were interfering not only to the point where the kids were learning nothing about living on their own & being responsible for themselves but were actively interfering in the business of the university in an effort to coddle & shelter their kids.
Don't get me wrong, a parent needs to be a parent & take care of their kid (which often doesn't happen), but at the same time as that kid moves in to the mid to late teens s/he needs to be pushed towards independence & responsibility.
The OP, for instance, posted about going on holiday abroad alone at 16.  How many US parents would be OK with that?

Ok, I am going to stop before this goes TOTALLY ranty lol

Feb 06 06 10:25 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

GunnCat wrote:
The idea of making the legal age for adult material 21 has been passed around.

I always thought this idea was kinda self defeating. If that IS passed, 20 will become the new 17. The cycle will just repeat itself, just with different numbers.

Feb 06 06 11:30 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

SLE Photography wrote:
Very true.  In the US, for some reason, the trend seems to be for parents to increasingly spread & extend this forced lack of adult hood & independence & responsibility... to the point where the kids were learning nothing about living on their own & being responsible for themselves...

Ok, I am going to stop before this goes TOTALLY ranty lol

Rant away... if you sell wine you are entitled to a whine now and then. LOL

Actually I agree wholeheartedly. I was raised on a different planet than the one kids are raised on today. Tear in the pants? There's the sewing machine - learn how to use it! Missing button on the shirt? - The needle and thread are in the cabinet! Hungry? The stove is over there and there's food in the ice box [and yes it WAS an ICE BOX - with real block ice in the top - until I was over about 6 years of age, Then we went all modern and got an electric one.] Dirty clothes? Washing machine available just for you to use! Always under the watchful eye but non-interference from my parents.

A lot of kids today, too many, and even at college age, [and I see this every day] would have problems feeding and watering themselves if the food didn't come in a fast food wrapper or drinks didn't have have a twist off top. God help them if they were starving and had to, mystery of mysteries, boil a potato.

ROTFLMAO it's TRUE! Sad as hell, but TRUE! Don't get me wrong I don't look back on that upbringing as "The Good Old Days" - and in retrospect I believe it was more like "Basic Training" [for LIFE]

I suppose, now, that there will be posts after this one from all and sundry claiming that they can too boil a potato. LOL


Feb 06 06 01:30 pm Link



Posts: 209

as long as you keep it to ''A lot of kids today'' its all good..i have to cook my own tea every bloody night! sad lol

Feb 06 06 01:42 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

leila wrote:
as long as you keep it to ''A lot of kids today'' its all good..i have to cook my own tea every bloody night! sad lol

And let that be a lesson to 'ya too Leila. [just having you on - how did I guess that of all the people here you would be able to do it?]

No need for the sad when you should be smile


Feb 06 06 01:46 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

leila wrote:

I dont ignore people..thats just rude..i say no politely smile

A concept practiced by a 16 year old that most adults don't practice.
You have a fantastic attitude.

Feb 06 06 01:50 pm Link


Forget Me Not Photograp

Posts: 12

Columbus, Ohio, US

There is an industry problem I think. I ony shoot fully clothed women. I do no nude photography at all. So, if you have concerns of this nature, please put them to rest. My policy is, "if it can't be shown in a Christian Church, then I don't shoot". As unpopular as that is, I stick to my guns! Contact me if you are really serious.

Feb 06 06 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 209

lol i have to otherwise i get hungry and i cant be doing with that love my food too much smile

Feb 06 06 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 209

Monsante Bey wrote:
You have a fantastic attitude.

...i know! smile

lol im kidding

Feb 06 06 02:02 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

We've got a live one here! ^_^

Feb 06 06 03:12 pm Link


Mai De La Cruz

Posts: 3

Pasadena, California, US

youre not doing anything wrong, legit gigs are hard to find and i'm sure you wil find some photographers who aren't perverts. just keep by your standards. smile i noticed this post cuz its how i feel too! have a good one!

Feb 06 06 03:15 pm Link



Posts: 209

i dont get

Feb 06 06 03:16 pm Link



Posts: 209

Mai De La Cruz wrote:
youre not doing anything wrong, legit gigs are hard to find and i'm sure you wil find some photographers who aren't perverts. just keep by your standards. smile i noticed this post cuz its how i feel too! have a good one!

ill try!

Feb 06 06 03:17 pm Link



Posts: 164

West Hollywood, California, US

regardless if you're 16 or 61 write back and just politely say..
"No thank you, that's not the direction I'm looking to go with my work. Thank you and good bye" and leave it at that.
16 years old you're old enough to know what you're looking to accomplish, or in hopes of accomplishing (what you dreamt of becoming a model would be) in your career and an idea of what direction you want to take it. If you are undecided then just say at this point that isn't a direction you're looking to explore at this time, or simply No you're not interested in that type of shoot.

Some suggestions I'd recommend is add in your profile that you're not looking for nudity work and list some of the types of shoots you'd like to add. (swimsuit, fashion, b/w etc). Give someone an idea of what you're here for and what from your angle you want to achieve.
Also listing the type of work you'd like to do as goals will shows others reading  what type of model you're hoping to become (print, runway, ect.).

Just some ideas.

I didn't read every post so not sure if it was mentioned but did they come out and ask you to do nude work or to do a shoot? I have shot with photographers that do do nude work, yet I don't. I usually write back asking what type of shoot they were looking to do and mentioned the fact I do not do nudity and they weren't looking for me to do nude modeling and they were aware of my limitations. It's good to make sure the intentions of the photographer then just looking at his photos and assuming that's what he wants. Photographers are like models and have a variety of types of modeling shoots/photos they like to take. Not sure if that would apply to your situation at all, but just food for thought.

Don't take the emails personal just state what you "will do" and "won't do" and that should take care of most problems.

Feb 06 06 03:53 pm Link


Rob Ryan

Posts: 368

Glendale, California, US

nathan combs wrote:
people wont to photo you nude EEEEEWWWWW your 16 that is nasty

She's in the UK. Isn't there a newspaper or magazine where girls as young as 16 are featured topless? I think they are called page 3 girls.

Feb 06 06 03:59 pm Link



Posts: 209

Rob Ryan wrote:
She's in the UK. Isn't there a newspaper or magazine where girls as young as 16 are featured topless? I think they are called page 3 girls.

yea up untill a couple of years ago in the sun newspaper on page 3 funnily enough! smile
..but its 18 now
its certianly not nasty tho

thanks for the advice ashley, much appreciated
night night everyone

Feb 06 06 04:15 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

studio36uk wrote:
Rant away... if you sell wine you are entitled to a whine now and then. LOL

Actually I agree wholeheartedly. I was raised on a different planet than the one kids are raised on today. Tear in the pants? There's the sewing machine - learn how to use it! Missing button on the shirt? - The needle and thread are in the cabinet! Hungry? The stove is over there and there's food in the ice box [and yes it WAS an ICE BOX - with real block ice in the top - until I was over about 6 years of age, Then we went all modern and got an electric one.] Dirty clothes? Washing machine available just for you to use! Always under the watchful eye but non-interference from my parents.

A lot of kids today, too many, and even at college age, [and I see this every day] would have problems feeding and watering themselves if the food didn't come in a fast food wrapper or drinks didn't have have a twist off top. God help them if they were starving and had to, mystery of mysteries, boil a potato.

ROTFLMAO it's TRUE! Sad as hell, but TRUE! Don't get me wrong I don't look back on that upbringing as "The Good Old Days" - and in retrospect I believe it was more like "Basic Training" [for LIFE]

I suppose, now, that there will be posts after this one from all and sundry claiming that they can too boil a potato. LOL


It really IS sad
I spent part of my time in the early 90's working my way thru school as the assistant manager at a gas station/convenience store directly across from the main entrance to the local university & was often appalled at how poorly the kids were prepared for life when they arrived.  It was common for the girls to have no clue how to check their oil, water, or tires and for the boys to have no clue on food.
The WORST was a girl who came in one day with (I am NOT making this up) no idea how to pump her own gas.  Now, to be fair to her she came from a state (New Jersey, one of two states with this law) that didn't permit self-serve gas (I don't know if that's still the case).  But her parents had driven her down & left her in a state where you NEVER find full serve gas & didn't bother to teach her.  Ugh.

Feb 06 06 04:39 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

leila wrote:
lol i have to otherwise i get hungry and i cant be doing with that love my food too much smile

Tea is food now? No wonder so many models are so thin! lol

Feb 06 06 05:27 pm Link



Posts: 209

lol i duno if the was sarcasm..its too early to think but tea is dinner in the uk

Feb 07 06 01:39 am Link



Posts: 1

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

Have you seen the Dateline NBC series on child predators?.....thats why.

Feb 07 06 02:31 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

leila wrote:
lol i duno if the was sarcasm..its too early to think but tea is dinner in the uk


"England and America are two countries separated by the same language"
--- George Bernard Shaw, poet, [1951][closest match]
--- also: Oscar Wilde, writer, The Canterville Ghost [1887]
--- also Winston Churchill, British MP and Prime Minister, [date unnown - 1930's?]


Feb 07 06 04:26 am Link


Sebastian Spades

Posts: 357

Enumclaw, Washington, US

for me im 18 and in my about me i had to say i'm 17 cause i was gettin hit with porn requests. i still am but they've decresed a lot...maybe put like in the about me ur specific limitations. It might help if u say u'll be sexy with clothes on maybe thats all they need. I don't know. It says that i  WILL NOT take any clothing part that covers up anything i don't want to show.

Feb 07 06 04:32 am Link



Posts: 25

Stratford, Ontario, Canada

leila-- stick to your guns. I admire someone with principles.

If you ask me there is way too much T&A here on MM. Doing classy, tasteful, edgy fully-clothed shoots (which is the only kind I do as a photographer) is a way to set yourself apart. Be patient. There are a few of us still left...

Kind regards...m

Feb 07 06 04:51 am Link



Posts: 12249

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

Gosh, now I am getting my feelings hurt b/c nobody has asked to do shots with skimpy clothes (or none)!  LOL  I'm j/k.  This topic has kind of digressed, but I would like to add that I am a 17 year old from a very small town and I know how to cook, sew, do laundry, check my oil, change a tire, AND saddle a horse!  I have also lived in L.A. without my parents for 6 weeks at a time and managed quite well at 15.  Also, I wouldn't mind telling ANYONE that suggests I do something that's not right, whether it's another teenager or a photographer, no thanks, I'm not interested.

Feb 08 06 12:47 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

MartyO wrote:
leila-- stick to your guns. I admire someone with principles.

If you ask me there is way too much T&A here on MM. Doing classy, tasteful, edgy fully-clothed shoots (which is the only kind I do as a photographer) is a way to set yourself apart. Be patient. There are a few of us still left...

Kind regards...m

You know, there's really nothing wrong or immoral (or whatever) in photographing the nude. It's been a part of art since art was first created, and it always will be. It's simply another subject matter and a valid art form. While I do much more than nude photography it was one of my first subjects when I became more serious about photography back in '96.

  However, I can fully understand and appreciate why a model would get sick of these "offers," especially if they're porn offers. Again, as I said before, I would highly reccomend that models put in their bio what they're are comfortable doing and what they don't want to do. That way, photographers won't have to send notes asking and possibly annoy these models. Of course, I know they're getting emails from somewhat "shady" photographers, but for someone like me I don't want to bother people asking them about something they have no interest doing. Sorry I'm sort of rambling here... I hope I got my point across.

  And Marty -- I looked at your work and it's very good; I like the square format and the B&W. Very nice work!

  Right. I'll go away now.


Feb 08 06 12:59 am Link