Forums > General Industry > Lose the attitude... humble pie tastes GREAT!


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

OK... I'd like to see a show of hands from all the photographers here on MM who have 100's of magazine covers to their credit... worked with hundreds of thousands of models, and make millions of dollars every year... what?... ZERO!... thought so (profit & loss statements will be a must).  OK... I'd like to see a show of hands from all the models here who have reached 'supermodel' status, gracing the covers of those same few hundred magazines, with thousands of television showcases and fashion show performances to your credit... what?... ZERO AGAIN... amazing! (your mountain of tearsheets and videos clips will be a must).  So riddle me this Batman... why is it that so many times, when the two parties above (both models & photographers) meet in a social environment (chatrooms, parties, forums, meetups, photoshoots, network functions, workshops, whatever) they have to throw out this 'my shit dont stink', hollier than thou' attitude, broadcasting to all in attendance that they are Gods gift to the photographic image?  Well guess what!... sorry to burst your bubble, but I dont see ANY of you sportin halos over your heads, and the reason bathrooms need cleaned more than any other room in the house is because your shit DOES stink.  How about trying this FIRST... the next time you're at a social function with large groups of the 2 parties listed above, try whipping your hand out for a friendly handshake and a warm hello greeting, instead of whipping out your 100 page 11x14 portfolio, attempting to impress everyone with (what you think is) your 'Mount Everest' of accomplishments.  Instead of attempting to impress someone with who you know, what you know or all that you've done, try impressing them with your character.  How about making some friends instead of trying to make some points, for as much as you think you've accomplished, there's always another guy or another girl, sitting at the next table, standing somewhere nearby, chatting with you or someone else in that same room who has probably accomplished more.  I personally never lose track of the fact that I'm a sponge... sucking it all in... listening INSTEAD of talking, until I'm asked to do so, or find an appropriate time to interject some of my twisted (but not off color) humor... wink  In most cases, its usually the person who speaks first (other than saying hello) that loses.  It's called humility and humbleness people... try those pants on... you may find them to be a perfect fit.  I mean come on... you're here on MM to make friends and influence people... RIGHT?... then lose the fucked up attitude and let your WORK speak the volumes... NOT your mouth... for in most all instances, its your work that will win your case, while your mouth could easily lose it for you... wink

Feb 08 06 09:15 am Link


P Howard III

Posts: 18

New York, New York, US

Preach!!!! Everything you said is 1000% correct! Many of us get to a point in where we think we've "arrived". That's ridiculous! I know I'm not the hottest thing out there by far and there is no need for me to act like it.....We really need to support and encourage each other...

Feb 08 06 09:25 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

dwtenor wrote:
Everything you said is 1000% correct!  We really need to support and encourage each other.

Cool... thanks... I was shootin for 100%... but 1000% will do.  And about 'supporting and encouraging' each other... word up on that... wink

Feb 08 06 10:35 am Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

YAY! Glad to see a photographer type this! LoL I know I've said something in regards to this before.  Not too many people at this site seem to be of any help, seeing as how everything is negative.  Humility is a hard pill to swallow for some...

You have my support! I totally agree with everything you have said.

Feb 08 06 10:38 am Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

hmmm.. someone's pissy..... I think in my bio on my website I say something to the effect; I let my work speak in forums where my voice cannot be heard. Many of us here have pretty good work and "the work" speaks for itself, others have shitty work, and that speaks too, although a different language, it still speaks.

I can tell you that I'm feeling myself sometimes, other times; I hate everything that I look at that came from me. I'm very confident in my work, both on and off the camera - so muthaf*ck'n what!

My covers, portfolios, tears, and accollades can all be brought to the table if you like, but who does that impress? No one, because damn near zero times has someone contacted me and asked if I had any of them. The work speaks for itself and it fits in places that are designed around its style.

I kinda wish you would have labeled this a RANT because that's what it is.... We all get pissed off, but you know what they say; "It's better to be pissed off, than to be pissed on"


Feb 08 06 10:44 am Link



Posts: 38

New York, New York, US

hmmm.. someone's pissy..... I think in my bio on my website I say something to the effect; I let my work speak in forums where my voice cannot be heard. Many of us here have pretty good work and "the work" speaks for itself, others have shitty work, and that speaks too, although a different language, it still speaks.

I can tell you that I'm feeling myself sometimes, other times; I hate everything that I look at that came from me. I'm very confident in my work, both on and off the camera - so muthaf*ck'n what!

My covers, portfolios, tears, and accollades can all be brought to the table if you like, but who does that impress? No one, because damn near zero times has someone contacted me and asked if I had any of them. The work speaks for itself and it fits in places that are designed around its style.

I kinda wish you would have labeled this a RANT because that's what it is.... We all get pissed off, but you know what they say; "It's better to be pissed off, than to be pissed on"


Excellent Reply, 1000% wink

Feb 08 06 10:50 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

I kinda wish you would have labeled this a RANT because that's what it is.... We all get pissed off, but you know what they say; "It's better to be pissed off, than to be pissed on"


Hmmmmm... well... it wasnt really designed to be a RANT... just an observation from events that I've witnessed taking place in the shoutbox, in a few forums, and at gatherings where M's & P's meet... wink

Feb 08 06 10:50 am Link



Posts: 8022

Forks, Washington, US

I  love how you dress us down then in the very same post tell us how much your shit doesn't stink. Man what a perfect example of what you speak. LOL  smile

Now I am just teasing calm down smile

Feb 08 06 10:56 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Nikki S. wrote:
Not too many people at this site seem to be of any help, seeing as how everything is negative.

Everything is negative?!?!?!... hmmmmm... I dont see alot of that... maybe you've just been hangin in the wrong crowd here.  There are ALOT of helpful and good natured people on this site.  As you scroll thru the forums, you WILL spot some... wink

Feb 08 06 12:12 pm Link



Posts: 180

Los Angeles, California, US

Pretty interesting thread or rant, whatever the label.  I have found both sides to the coin.  Some people are stuck up, and they choose to show it by acting in a shitty way, I think that is a given, this industry will perpetuate that.  On the other hand this site has shown and offered some cool folks with intelligence and appreciation for the arts.  I do agree this was more of a rant, but getting this word out won't hurt.  Everyone at this point should have the big boy pants on and let the little shit go.  If someone gives the wholier than though treatment, it's the real world tell em to stick where the sun don't shine or wait your opportunity and with a little karma maybe you get to offer them a little humble pie.

Feb 08 06 12:21 pm Link


Sexiest Carly

Posts: 530

Los Angeles, California, US

Select Models wrote:
... why is it that so many times, when the two parties above (both models & photographers) meet in a social environment (chatrooms, parties, forums, meetups, photoshoots, network functions, workshops, whatever) they have to throw out this 'my shit dont stink', hollier than thou' attitude, broadcasting to all in attendance that they are Gods gift to the photographic image?

ok so i'm sure here lately as a result of one of my forums posting, that everyone could look at me responding to this as "that girl should take her own advice..."

BUT YESSS!!!!! Nail+hit=head.

I hate hate hate contacting photogs b/c i either get
"oh, honey i don't DO TFPs" and/or "OH. i don't PAY models"

so which is it? why are you on here if it's neither or. We, as models cannot pay a photog, we just can't. And i understand it's both ways, but cut the attitude out. what happened to professionalism, b/c a LOT of this industry is just biting your tongue and smiling.....

just be nice everyonceinawhile. please?

Feb 08 06 12:28 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US


I never thought I would hear the word "Humble" come from your mouth, but ... I wish you would have reduced your rant to 100 words or less, but ... some of it was tough to follow because you rambled a bit, but ... I am still shocked to hear you use the word "humble," but ... I find that I do agree with quite a bit of what you said.

But gosh it was hard to follow.

Feb 08 06 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

I admit that sometimes I get the holy attitude. However, I prefer to be nice if I can help it. When I went to a gathering with models and photographers, I was usually the one standing in the corner until someone came up to introduce themself. I am completely different off the camera than I am on. I'm actually pretty shy, but I will greet you with a friendly hello and a nice handshake. I can't say a warm handshake, though...because my hands are usually cold!

I do hate how cold and arrogant some people can be, just because they have gotten paid shoots, or are signed with a big agency, or so on and so on. It still doesn't make them any better, just means they have a little more money than me.  I am nice to those who are nice to me. If someone acts like they are better than me or thinks they are God's gift to the earth, then I either ignore them, or plainly show them the door and my little size 7 pointed toe boot.

Feb 08 06 12:50 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Since when is showing your portfolio "attitude"?  Seems to me the most straight forward and honest way to show people you're intersted in working with what you're capable of.  And that's one of the main points of meet and greets and places like MM isn't it?

Maybe I just haven't witnessed what you're talking about but I don't quite get it.  What bothers me more is people who are all talk.

Feb 08 06 12:55 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Gary Davis wrote:
Since when is showing your portfolio "attitude"?  Seems to me the most straight forward and honest way to show people you're intersted in working with what you're capable of.

No arguement there Gar.  It's the matter and method of 'introduction' that I was referring too.  The 'handshake/portfolio'' senario was used to explore the 2 differences in greetings... wink

Feb 08 06 01:11 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Select Models wrote:
No arguement there Gar.  It's the matter and method of 'introduction' that I was referring too.  The 'handshake/portfolio'' senario was used to explore the 2 differences in greetings... wink

Wondering in what circles you "circulate" where this is common...

Let's take my current situation right now!

I am shooting fashionweek (now, they cut out solo photographers who are not published with fashionspreads) and guess what... no portfolios there... hundreds of photographers at one place.

Friends, hollers when you see a fellow shooter, handshakes, hugs, exchanging of "war stories" and all are professional media and all are published. Most help each other out, with crates or sharing steps on a ladder to have a better view, boxing in so that the colleague behind has a clear shot...

When I went to the few MM meetings here in NYC, there were models and photographers, and none displayed the attitudes you describe in your post of "absolutes and outrageous numbers".

I am attending constantly all kinds of fashionindustry events and that attitude is missing as well... and if someone (mostly models) have their books, those are offered after asking for or within discussions (context).

I understand that there are certainly people that have such an attitude, but I see it rather to be the exception than the rule as you describe it.

Why do we both have diametrically opposed exeriences?



Feb 08 06 01:24 pm Link



Posts: 1638

San Anselmo, California, US

Gary:    I will have to agree to about 98% of your "rant" Having an attitude like many people in the model & photo field is just a way of reinforcing their own egos. Its a trait.  When it becomes overbearing or rude then it becomes inexcusable. I know from personal experience that if a model does not fit "a look" I want  is no great shakes to politely say " I am sorry, but I have already filled the slot" doesn't take much effort to say" no" in a polite way without offending or being abrupt.  Sure,  its nice to get paid for any work done.  But the TFP concept does not seem to be understood by some models. If a client is paying for  pics then of course a model must be paid.  But if a photographer has to dig the funds out of his own pocket to pay a model.....he usually  has to be flushed with money/rich/ or desperate.   If he has any skills or abilities THAT creativity may be worth "more" than money exchanged if the model shares in the results.     Most of us appreciate being treated with courtesy and professionalism and KUDOS are welcomed as much as well intoned criticisms.  I have only been on MM about 4 months, but I notice there are a few amongst us here who are always willing togive a fellow MM member a helping hand....and thats what it is all about.  Life is too short for morbid hangups, selfishness  & extreme anti social attitudes. And I regard the element of friendliness  in a business relationship as a precious and desirable adjunct..I dont like to work with people who have an attitude. In fact I wont....  It doesnt add to the creative process.

Feb 08 06 01:38 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

"It's better to be pissed off, than to be pissed on"

Especially if you're at R. Kelly's house.

Feb 08 06 01:39 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

UdoR wrote:
I understand that there are certainly people that have such an attitude, but I see it rather to be the exception than the rule as you describe it.  Why do we both have diametrically opposed exeriences?



Diametrically opposed experiences?!?!?!?!?... hmmmmm!  Well... I never said that their existance WAS the rule, rather than the exception.  The fact that you acknowledged their existance indicates to me that maybe we're not so 'diametrically opposed' afterall... wink

Feb 08 06 01:40 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

mphot wrote:
Most of us appreciate being treated with courtesy and professionalism and KUDOS are welcomed as much as well intoned criticisms.  I have only been on MM about 4 months, but I notice there are a few amongst us here who are always willing togive a fellow MM member a helping hand....and thats what it is all about.  Life is too short for morbid hangups, selfishness  & extreme anti social attitudes. And I regard the element of friendliness in a business relationship as a precious and desirable adjunct..I dont like to work with people who have an attitude. In fact I wont....  It doesnt add to the creative process.

Word up on this... thanks for the addition and input... wink

Feb 08 06 01:44 pm Link


Aurora PhotoArts

Posts: 18

Tampa, Florida, US

I completely agree.
I'm not immune to the attitude, either. I often sit back and look at the work of other photographers to keep myself in check. There are a lot of really good, talented photographers out there.
That said, I'm proud of my work, and know where the improvements have to be made. Half the joy of this work is improving yourself, coming up with great pictures that you never realized you could do, and outright learning.
Attitudes never did anything but hold you back from advancing your craft, because you delude yourself into not trying anymore by default.

Feb 08 06 01:50 pm Link


Sara Beth

Posts: 487

New York, New York, US

carlyerin wrote:
BUT YESSS!!!!! Nail+hit=head.

I hate hate hate contacting photogs b/c i either get
"oh, honey i don't DO TFPs" and/or "OH. i don't PAY models"

so which is it? why are you on here if it's neither or. We, as models cannot pay a photog, we just can't. And i understand it's both ways, but cut the attitude out. what happened to professionalism, b/c a LOT of this industry is just biting your tongue and smiling.....

just be nice everyonceinawhile. please?

it's one thing for a person (photog or model) to be rude or have an attitude...there's NEVER an exuse of it, modeling world, real world, or anywhere else you might spend your time...but i think a lot of models have this whole thing backwards. i kno there are TONS of posts on this, but we as models ought to remember that photog's don't pay us, the clients do (and in that vien, pay the photog too)...unless we fit a special project they have, or they're just oozing with $$ and are generous...models pay photog's for portfolio if someone bills themselves as a professional, and says they don't do tfp then you have to accept that. if you can't afford them, find someone you can afford or who does do tfp. in a GREAT place like MM, there are plenty. just had to add that in...and now back to your regularly scheduled thread...

Feb 08 06 02:03 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Select Models wrote:
... try those pants on... you may find them to be a perfect fit.  I mean come on... you're here on MM to make friends and influence people... RIGHT?... then lose the fucked up attitude and let your WORK speak the volumes... NOT your mouth...

Amen my brutha. Amen! On the note of humility, well, I have a pantry full of humble pie, home made and tastes better than any of yours. Hmpf. ha ha. tongue   ...LOL

Feb 08 06 02:06 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

wow, impressive sir, and first thing in the morning i can attest, them thar bodily empties shar do stinkie up the place, but seriously gary well said, i keep my head on by shooting regularly with a couple of associates, one who makes my aviation work look like crap, and another who reminds me how to take glamour photos that look great all of the time not just some of the time.

Feb 08 06 02:11 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

I started hosting a photographer and model meet and greet 8 months ago which now is open to photographers, models, makeup artist, stylist, designers and agents/agencies.

We welcome anyone regardless of experience or stature to come and network.

It’s a wonderful place to come and meet with old friends and contacts as well as make new ones.

One of the members made a sign which was displayed at one of the meetings which read “Leave your ego at the door; you can pick it up when you leaveâ€?.

I’ve since removed that sign as it draws unwanted attention to the obvious.

Can I get a group hug?

Feb 08 06 02:13 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
One of the members made a sign which was displayed at one of the meetings which read “Leave your ego at the door; you can pick it up when you leaveâ€?. I’ve since removed that sign as it draws unwanted attention to the obvious.

Can I get a group hug?

Here's Gary tossin a handshake towards the Craigmeister... but about that hugging stuff... well... Im not from 'that part' of California... LOL!  Keep up the great job on the MM meetings.  We're going to be hosting one on the end of March... details coming soon... wink

Feb 08 06 02:24 pm Link


Jessica DeMore

Posts: 26

Houston, Texas, US

It is really nice to hear a photographer that feels the way you do.  Some photographers seem to think when a model is nice and humble that she is insecure or something but I would think that particular model would just be fun to work with and be open to different creative ideas. . .anyway thanks for writing that. . .just my two cents though. . .

Feb 08 06 02:29 pm Link



Posts: 796

no matter what level we're at, we should support and encourage... because there's always a next level we all can achieve until we exit 6 feet under or our ashes are blowing in the wind...

Feb 08 06 02:32 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Savannah Skye wrote:
no matter what level we're at, we should support and encourage... because there's always a next level we all can achieve until we exit 6 feet under or our ashes are blowing in the wind...

For sure... kinda reminds me of that song 'Living Years' by Mike and the Mechanics... "It's to late... when we die... to admit we don't see eye to eye"... wink

Feb 08 06 04:27 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Select Models wrote:
Here's Gary tossin a handshake towards the Craigmeister... but about that hugging stuff... well... Im not from 'that part' of California... LOL!  Keep up the great job on the MM meetings.  We're going to be hosting one on the end of March... details coming soon... wink

Thank you for the introduction Gary, it's more then welcome. Being new to photography as well as a hobby shooter, it's fun to meet all the new people on all sides of the camera and try to learn what does what.
I find it somewhat humorous to see the monster egos here on MM as well as in person, but when I'm shooting at the live performances in Seattle and Tacoma, I get to see some of the photographers and models I've grown to respect and appreciate their work up close.
They know I'm new and yet they still take some time to help me understand certain things. No finger pointing or snickering and to me, that’s what a human should act like.

Again, thank you for the welcome Gary and good luck with your group meetings, if you feel there is anything I can do to help you, just ask.

Feb 08 06 04:43 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Doug Mackay    DMP wrote:
them thar bodily empties shar do stinkie up the place, but seriously gary well said,

Awwwww... thanks Dougmeister... bodily empties... LOL... you guys 'down under' sure put an interesting twist on the English language... amusing no doubt... wink

Feb 08 06 07:17 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

I think that it is an insecurity issue.  I was at a shoot recently where the model was a complete bi%ch.  She was attractive, not gorgeous, but pretty enough.  I could tell she was being a bitCH7 because she was insecure.  Her body language portrayed this.  Also, it did not help that I am close with the photographer and the hair person.  I truly tried to coax her out of her mood, because I am the last person she encounters before she hits the set.  So I stroke the ego this way.  I stroke the ego that way.  At least she loosened up a bit.  But she was still a bit$h. 
I have found the same thing with photographers and other makeup artists.  I try to be real with myself.  I laugh at myself.  I kick myself when my works stinks. 
It's the whole sniffing each other out thing.  Is my work better?  Does she think my work stinks?  Do I stink?
Just my observation.

Feb 08 06 07:28 pm Link


Horsie Girl

Posts: 1453

Santa Rosa, California, US

Select Models wrote:
OK... I'd like to see a show of hands from all the photographers here on MM who have 100's of magazine covers to their credit... worked with hundreds of thousands of models, and make millions of dollars every year... what?... ZERO!... thought so (profit & loss statements will be a must).  OK... I'd like to see a show of hands from all the models here who have reached 'supermodel' status, gracing the covers of those same few hundred magazines, with thousands of television showcases and fashion show performances to your credit... what?... ZERO AGAIN... amazing! (your mountain of tearsheets and videos clips will be a must).  So riddle me this Batman... why is it that so many times, when the two parties above (both models & photographers) meet in a social environment (chatrooms, parties, forums, meetups, photoshoots, network functions, workshops, whatever) they have to throw out this 'my shit dont stink', hollier than thou' attitude, broadcasting to all in attendance that they are Gods gift to the photographic image?  Well guess what!... sorry to burst your bubble, but I dont see ANY of you sportin halos over your heads, and the reason bathrooms need cleaned more than any other room in the house is because your shit DOES stink.  How about trying this FIRST... the next time you're at a social function with large groups of the 2 parties listed above, try whipping your hand out for a friendly handshake and a warm hello greeting, instead of whipping out your 100 page 11x14 portfolio, attempting to impress everyone with (what you think is) your 'Mount Everest' of accomplishments.  Instead of attempting to impress someone with who you know, what you know or all that you've done, try impressing them with your character.  How about making some friends instead of trying to make some points, for as much as you think you've accomplished, there's always another guy or another girl, sitting at the next table, standing somewhere nearby, chatting with you or someone else in that same room who has probably accomplished more.  I personally never lose track of the fact that I'm a sponge... sucking it all in... listening INSTEAD of talking, until I'm asked to do so, or find an appropriate time to interject some of my twisted (but not off color) humor... wink  In most cases, its usually the person who speaks first (other than saying hello) that loses.  It's called humility and humbleness people... try those pants on... you may find them to be a perfect fit.  I mean come on... you're here on MM to make friends and influence people... RIGHT?... then lose the fucked up attitude and let your WORK speak the volumes... NOT your mouth... for in most all instances, its your work that will win your case, while your mouth could easily lose it for you... wink

Ah, I will be your friend, you sound like you need a big hug.

Feb 08 06 07:38 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Horsie Girl wrote:
Ah, I will be your friend, you sound like you need a big hug.

Awwwwwww... thanks HG... I wasnt actually soliciting... BUT... hugs surrrrrrre feel good... AND... I noticed you're in CA... hmmmmmm... so am I... so ah... hop on your pony and come on down... or better yet... hop in that VIPER (on your photo page) and I'll seeya in a few hours... LOL... wink

Feb 08 06 07:49 pm Link



Posts: 760

Orlando, Florida, US

it seems like you needed that venting session my friend. a big hug..... feel better? You know I have to say I am not one to say my pictures are better than so and so's cause In my opinion my photos are never good enough, and I know I am not of super model status.

Feb 08 06 07:55 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Funny you mentioned this..and kudos to you for it!

I try to keep my ego in check, almost to a fault. Partially because I feel that no matter what I have accomplished, there is MUCH more out there.

I Do not offer the information of what I do. If someone asks, I will hesitantly tell them. My sister just came to visit and asked how my career was going. I hummed, and hawed. When she left my hubby asked why I was so brief about it. I don't know. It is just not something I am anxious to talk about.

My thing is really don't know what the other person in the conversation has accomplished. While you are so busy tooting your own horn, you could in fact be putting your foot in your mouth and also be ruining a working relationship.

I am confident on the inside about where I am going, I just don't have a need to  prematurely broadcast it to the world. '


Feb 08 06 08:01 pm Link


Lovely Little Lady

Posts: 41

BRONX, New York, US

I like what U wrote. And I especially loveee the fact that U kept it real! Which is something most forget to do! U do have a point but dont drive yourself nuts over it, remember that one of the downsides to modeling/photography is that it tends to get a little "superficial" at times. I agree with you though. ThUmBs up 2 U! It's good to see people with useful brains here!

Feb 08 06 08:03 pm Link


Shan L Photography

Posts: 131

Los Angeles, California, US

Select Models wrote:
OK... I'd like to see a show of hands from all the photographers here on MM who have 100's of magazine covers to their credit... worked with hundreds of thousands of models, and make millions of dollars every year... what?... ZERO!... thought so (profit & loss statements will be a must).  OK... I'd like to see a show of hands from all the models here who have reached 'supermodel' status, gracing the covers of those same few hundred magazines, with thousands of television showcases and fashion show performances to your credit... what?... ZERO AGAIN... amazing! (your mountain of tearsheets and videos clips will be a must).  So riddle me this Batman... why is it that so many times, when the two parties above (both models & photographers) meet in a social environment (chatrooms, parties, forums, meetups, photoshoots, network functions, workshops, whatever) they have to throw out this 'my shit dont stink', hollier than thou' attitude, broadcasting to all in attendance that they are Gods gift to the photographic image?  Well guess what!... sorry to burst your bubble, but I dont see ANY of you sportin halos over your heads, and the reason bathrooms need cleaned more than any other room in the house is because your shit DOES stink.  How about trying this FIRST... the next time you're at a social function with large groups of the 2 parties listed above, try whipping your hand out for a friendly handshake and a warm hello greeting, instead of whipping out your 100 page 11x14 portfolio, attempting to impress everyone with (what you think is) your 'Mount Everest' of accomplishments.  Instead of attempting to impress someone with who you know, what you know or all that you've done, try impressing them with your character.  How about making some friends instead of trying to make some points, for as much as you think you've accomplished, there's always another guy or another girl, sitting at the next table, standing somewhere nearby, chatting with you or someone else in that same room who has probably accomplished more.  I personally never lose track of the fact that I'm a sponge... sucking it all in... listening INSTEAD of talking, until I'm asked to do so, or find an appropriate time to interject some of my twisted (but not off color) humor... wink  In most cases, its usually the person who speaks first (other than saying hello) that loses.  It's called humility and humbleness people... try those pants on... you may find them to be a perfect fit.  I mean come on... you're here on MM to make friends and influence people... RIGHT?... then lose the fucked up attitude and let your WORK speak the volumes... NOT your mouth... for in most all instances, its your work that will win your case, while your mouth could easily lose it for you... wink

LOL funny post, I agree with you on most of your points also. It's so interested how going from a model to an amateur photographer helps you see both sides. I think it boils down to there are very egotistical PEOPLE waking this earth. People who think their photography is just so hot, when it honestly looks as if they've never seen a fashion magazine in their lives. Or models that can't show more than ONE facial expression or have to have YOU actually sit up and direct them on how to pose while you shoot with them. But insist they are the best at "what they do" LOL uh huh, riiiight.  Truth is, not everyone with a size C cup and above, or a flat stomach and beautiful face can model to perfection or even GOOD. Just the same as not every person with a DIGITAL camera and miniscule skills in photoshop can call themselves a spectacular photographer. I do think people should realllly stay humble, it's almost like some photographers don't look at other people's work and compare their own (QUALITY wise and creatively) Or models don't look at the poses, style and grace of professional models and learn to step their skill up some notches. I laugh it all off, and continue to learn.

Feb 08 06 08:06 pm Link



Posts: 2505

Englewood, Florida, US

*starts singing*"Why can't we be friends... why cant we be friends..." I love hugs too.

Feb 08 06 08:17 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Shan L Photography wrote:

I think it boils down to there are very egotistical PEOPLE walking this earth. People who think their photography is just so hot.  Or models that can't show more than ONE facial expression or have to have YOU actually sit up and direct them on how to pose while you shoot with them. But insist they are the best at "what they do" LOL uh huh, riiiight.

Word up on this Shan L... great observation... wink

Feb 08 06 09:07 pm Link