Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Subject of Sex Assault Probe


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Source: … e_assaults

Fri Feb 3, 6:20 AM ET

HARTFORD, Conn. - Police are investigating whether as many as seven teenage girls have been sexually assaulted by men they met through the popular Web site

The girls, ages 12 to 16, are from Middletown and say they were fondled or had consensual sex with men who turned out to be older than they claimed. None of the incidents appeared to be violent, said Middletown Police Sgt. Bill McKenna.

He said it was difficult to determine the exact number of victims because some girls have been reluctant to disclose that they met their assailants online.

The social networking Web site allows users to create profiles that can include photos, personal information and even cell phone numbers.

In a statement Thursday, said it was committed to providing a safe environment for its users. The site, which includes safety tips, also prohibits use by anyone younger than 14, though a disclaimer says the people who run the site can't always tell if users are lying about their ages.


Feb 09 06 05:08 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I'm sorry, but I have very little pity for anyone who meets strange men online then has consensual sex with them. What difference does it make if this person is older than he stated. He's a fucking stranger! You're having sex with someone you do not know. My main concern would be "Geez, maybe I have contracted some venereal disease from this person I know nothing about". The least of my concerns would be his age.

They have set themselves up for what happens next the moment they agree to meet anyone online. ( I don't just run off when any photographer. I check references and meet beforehand to ensure the person I'm meeting is who they claim to be. )

It is not as though teenagers are not aware of the dangers online. Almost nightly there is a story to some degree about a  rape / murder / kidnapping that has taken place due to meeting people online that turn out not to be who they said they were.

I don't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for these naive twits.

Feb 09 06 07:23 pm Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

I recently started to use myspace to look for local people who might make good t-shirt/clothing models.
I did find many, but I also got replies from girls calling me a pervert or a pediphile.

What really sucks is that I did my search for anyone over 22, and so many of them were girls that were 12 to 16 years of age, or at least that's what they told me while calling me a pervert in their replies.

So I'm guessing these girls just lie about their age, and then they get contacted by old pediphiles who lie about their age as well.  Silly me just tells the truth in my profile and put in my actual age of 40 stating I'm married with kids, and yet I get called the pediphile/pervert - lol!!

This has made me give up using myspace all together.
It's not worth the possible problems it could cause me.

Feb 21 06 09:20 am Link



Posts: 702

Portsmouth, Virginia, US

I only use Myspace to chat with my friends from high school and college that I havent seen in a while, but alot of people do use it to date! I cant see how anyone would have consensual sex with a complete stranger and then complain when they find out they were deceived...come on people its the internet most people dont tell the truth, and you are trusting them to tell the truth about their age...give me a break! I personally dont feel bad for these people, yes it would have been unfortunate if something terrible happened to them in accordance to this but dont you think that they put themselves in that situation! People just have to be smarter when it comes to the internet there are alot of perverts and crazos out there!

Feb 21 06 09:33 am Link



Posts: 346

Portland, Oregon, US

Yeah, MySpace is dangerous for lil' kiddies...but thats where the parents have to come in and do monitoring AND be ready with a can of *whoop a$$* my oldest daughter is 12 and I regularly do scans to see if she has a profile on there! Homey don't play that........

Bottom line is...these parents need to pay A.T.T.E.N.T.I.O.N!

Feb 21 06 10:29 am Link



Posts: 144

New York, New York, US

Envy wrote:
I'm sorry, but I have very little pity for anyone who meets strange men online then has consensual sex with them. What difference does it make if this person is older than he stated. He's a fucking stranger! You're having sex with someone you do not know. My main concern would be "Geez, maybe I have contracted some venereal disease from this person I know nothing about". The least of my concerns would be his age.

They have set themselves up for what happens next the moment they agree to meet anyone online. ( I don't just run off when any photographer. I check references and meet beforehand to ensure the person I'm meeting is who they claim to be. )

It is not as though teenagers are not aware of the dangers online. Almost nightly there is a story to some degree about a  rape / murder / kidnapping that has taken place due to meeting people online that turn out not to be who they said they were.

I don't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for these naive twits.

So these 12 year old girls should have known better?

Feb 21 06 01:15 pm Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

i don't have pitty for these girls either.  apparently they wanted some attention and they got it.  not good attention but they didn't do anything to stop the guys.  they were foolish and their parents should have taught them to make better desicions. at the age of 12 they should know the difference between right and wrong.  if they don't, then what the hell kind of world do they live in??? the world of raging hormones where they wanted to have sex but were disappointed when they found out they did it with someone older??? i'm sorry but at that age they shouldn't even be doing anything like that with anyone.  they're just stupid.

Feb 21 06 01:39 pm Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

JulieB wrote:

So these 12 year old girls should have known better?

Yeah they should have.  tell me when you were 12 you didn't know how to distinguish between things that were right and things that were wrong??? O.o

Feb 21 06 01:42 pm Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

Thuy Anh wrote:

Yeah they should have.  tell me when you were 12 you didn't know how to distinguish between things that were right and things that were wrong??? O.o


These days kids are much more sophisticated at a much younger age.  They know what they're doing when they lie about their age and say they're 19 and they're chatting with some stranger who says he's 24.  What they may not know is that the guy they're talking too could be any age. I tell my daughter this all the time. She's quite addicted to myspace, which I'm not too happy about, but she's smart as a whip and I keep an eye on who she's talking to.  She only talks to people she knows from school and her theater group.

Feb 21 06 01:49 pm Link



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

uhm yeah at 12 you are definately old enough to say.. hey.. meeting a stranger from the internet? dangerous. hey. im 12. having sex with a stranger?   yeah. dangerous and stupid and YOU"RE FREAKIN 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF! I was picking my nose and blowing up little green army men with Firecrackers at 12! I barely had just JUST seen my first non-national geographic Booby on a piece of paper in the trash can outside!
(thats where i blew the army men up... made a louder boom! hehehehe)

WTF!? uhm 12.. yeah..... you're old enough to know that doing that kinda crap is just plain stupid dangerous and not what a 12 yo... or anyone should be doing. unless you WANT to get into trouble......

which...maybe..???????  no one mentioned the psycological profiles of these girls.
maybe they have abuse in their past and need treatment. .... Im no doctor BUT I DO KNOW!!!! THEY're 12!? WTF?! (though 16 i know..but still!)

Feb 21 06 01:50 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

JulieB wrote:
[So these 12 year old girls should have known better?

i how couldnt they have known better...if they are old enough to be online and flriting and what not...and they had sex...showing how "experienced" they are...there is no sympathy for them in my book...i sometimes get angry when gurls who are permiscuous teens try to play the victim when they start to feel bad about something and frame a man ...then again the men probrably didnt know thier real ages either....Teens these days are not stupid at all they watch the news, t.v and browse on the internet they know the game by now...and if they dont and they chose to go out and meet and great with online strangers....then no one is a victim in this my eyes..i know my mother taught me not to talk to strangers...photographers are different smile

Feb 21 06 01:57 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

CristinaLex wrote:

i how couldnt they have known better...if they are old enough to be online and flriting and what not...and they had sex...showing how "experienced" they are...there is no sympathy for them in my book...i sometimes get angry when gurls who are permiscuous teens try to play the victim when they start to feel bad about something and frame a man ...then again the men probrably didnt know thier real ages either....Teens these days are not stupid at all they watch the news, t.v and browse on the internet they know the game by now...and if they dont and they chose to go out and meet and great with online strangers....then no one is a victim in this my eyes..i know my mother taught me not to talk to strangers...photographers are different smile

Well said!

Feb 21 06 01:58 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

Parents  are partially to blame

The Internet is like a highway into your home.

Allowing 12 to 14 years old to play on the side of the Highway unsupervised and not expect any problems is ridiculous.

Ron Blake

Feb 21 06 02:03 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Ok, First of all, MySpace is NOT under investigation.
That is libel.

Second, You make it seem like this is the first time a predatoir has hooked up with a victim via MySpace.

Do a google search for "Sexual Assault" and MySpace, and there are articles from all over the country!

Now, let's put it in perspective here.
The Girls are not the ones going to the police and saying "he raped me!"
the parents of the girls are the ones that initiated the police reports, because they found out their precious daughters were dating / sleeping with adult men.

None of the sex assault cases in that list, nor the other 5 that the original AP article mentioned involved force of any kind.
In all cases listed the "victim" had consensual sex (although we do not believe that sex is consensual at that age) and all but one was multiple times.

Feel pity for no one involved.
The Girls damn sure knew what they were doing.
The Guys knew damn sure what they were doing was illegal.
Both did it with Eyes Wide Open!

Feb 21 06 02:03 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

Bill Tracy wrote:
I recently started to use myspace to look for local people who might make good t-shirt/clothing models.
I did find many, but I also got replies from girls calling me a pervert or a pediphile.

What really sucks is that I did my search for anyone over 22, and so many of them were girls that were 12 to 16 years of age, or at least that's what they told me while calling me a pervert in their replies.

So I'm guessing these girls just lie about their age, and then they get contacted by old pediphiles who lie about their age as well.  Silly me just tells the truth in my profile and put in my actual age of 40 stating I'm married with kids, and yet I get called the pediphile/pervert - lol!!
This has made me give up using myspace all together.
It's not worth the possible problems it could cause me.


I can relate and hardly log into myspace account

Some like name calling and drama

then again who is to say it is the person in the profile ?

its all  Bullhit

Ron Blake

Feb 21 06 02:05 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

UdoR wrote:

Well said!

thanks a bunch, i just got two younger sisters and they have profyles on myspace...but they aint stupid i tell them straight up wat they need not my momma didnt raise n e fools

Feb 21 06 02:06 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

JulieB wrote:
So these 12 year old girls should have known better?

Yep. I have a niece who is 13. The little slut puts up half naked pictures of herself  and writes in her profile about skinny dipping, getting drunk and getting high with men 19 and 20 years old. If she was to meet a strange man online and had consensual sex with him I wouldn't bat an eye or feel sorry for her. She has put herself in this predicament. She knows damn well what she's doing .
If you believe for a moment these girls don't "know better" you are just as naive as they are.

I'm not by any means condoning men having sex with minors. They should be locked up and treated like the perverts they are.

Feb 21 06 02:10 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

I sure hope that DGB frog guy from Texas doesnt have a myspace account

Udors buddy  lol


Feb 21 06 02:10 pm Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

I've had this conversation with people many a times.  Many people at work, usually older people who dont know who to use the internet, let alone myspace, think myspace is to blame.  ~smh~  Hello? Was there any parental advice coming from this girls mother... first off, sex at the age of 12? WOW!  Maybe I was a late bloomer, but I was still playing with barbie dolls at that age.  And yes, at the age of 12, you do know right from wrong.  I the neighbor girls next door stand out on their porch and catcall at guys during the summer and it disgusts me.  Not only are they ranging from ages 12-17, their mother lets them get away with this!  And lawdy be, I digress... Lets not forget about things of this nature that happen on aol, yahoo, blackplanet, facebook, xuqa, and even MODELMAYHEM where people are using these networking sites to "hook-up".  I'm on myspace, but out of the 65 people on my friends list, there are only maybe 7 that I dont know personally.  Ahh, where are the parents when things like this go down?  Doesnt it always seem like the mother/father are totally oblivious as to what is going on in their childs life?  This is so much more than myspace, it starts at home.

Feb 21 06 02:14 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

Envy wrote:

Yep. I have a niece who is 13. The little slut puts up half naked pictures of herself  and writes in her profile about skinny dipping, getting drunk and getting high with men 19 and 20 years old.

i dont mean to laugh...but damn you called her a lil slut...i.e my lil cuzzin who is 16 years old is i guess she knew what she was doin to without a condom and birth control....she aint THAT F***ing stupid....

Feb 21 06 02:14 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

Myspace.!!   Yahoo chat rooms !!! or AOL etc. etc.

There just providing a service for people to interact while shoving advertisement down there throats

People that young need parental supervisions and strong guidance.

There to young and dont understand the potential for anything from anyone on line

Feb 21 06 02:18 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

CristinaLex wrote:

i dont mean to laugh...but damn you called her a lil slut...i.e my lil cuzzin who is 16 years old is i guess she knew what she was doin to without a condom and birth control....she aint THAT F***ing stupid....

I call it like I see it. She is portraying herself as a whore.
Don't get me wrong, she's family, I care for her. Her mother has been made aware of what her daughter does. Yet, she still allows her to use Myspace unattended.

Feb 21 06 02:20 pm Link


Phil Kimpton

Posts: 1844

Taunton, Massachusetts, US

Not like myspace is going to be the only site badgered like that... There's friendster, among a host of others...

And truly people that meet somone completely out of the blue for some fun is just crazy... Most times I meet anyone from myspace is usually at a concert and most of the time it's coincidendal.. not on purpose. Just like every other form of media the net is always going to be under fire...

Feb 21 06 02:24 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

it seems like parents act like they dont wanna recognize the fact tht thier children are whores or man whores...i dont play tht double standard shyt...young boys are just as worst too...because i know there are some sexy ass grown women on MS that have met or slept with boys that are 15-17 years both parties are wrong... but parents dont and wont sit down with these kids and lay down the damn rules about sleepin around....4 realz

Feb 21 06 02:25 pm Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

when I was 14, I was introduced to the world of chat rooms, and internet hang out spots!  I made lots of "friends" through these portals, but never, hooked up with anyone.  I wasnt crazy! BUT, I will admit that when I graduated, and I was 19, I did meet someone that I met on blackplanet.  Since then, I have met a few people.  I personally see nothing wrong with meeting people that you speak to online and you feel comfortable meeting, sheesh, if I did, I wouldnt have had great photoshoots!  But I do feel that you need to be old enough to make better decisions about who you're meeting and the reasons for meeting that person. 

There are controls that parents can put on their childs account to assure that they arent going to these sites.

Feb 21 06 02:28 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

There's an old joke about a streetwalker, making a deposit at the bank, who is told the money is counterfeit.  She screams, "Rape!"

There's something similar in a girl who has sex with a guy and then feels "taken" when she later learns he's older than he said he was.  So?  It's the same guy.  What, he got uglier?

Feb 21 06 02:28 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

We would be having this discussion if a young person robbed a bank? 
These girls wanted to have sex and they did.  Myspace was slimply how
they hooked up but it could have been one of those cell phone party line
text groups.  The point is teach your children and watch what they do and pray
they do the right things.  I saw a Oprah show a few days ago where a young
man was seduced into porn.  I thought waitaminute.... This young man was
a honor student but was 'tricked' into a life of porn.  He was making thousands
a month.  Was he a victim?  Sure at some level but he also made choices.
The men of course are wrong and they knew how to use words to attack his
self worth but after the first sexual encounter why go back and if you do, why.

Feb 21 06 02:30 pm Link



Posts: 50

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I have met a lot of people on my space

Feb 21 06 02:31 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

William Coleman wrote:
There's an old joke about a streetwalker, making a deposit at the bank, who is told the money is counterfeit.  She screams, "Rape!"

There's something similar in a girl who has sex with a guy and then feels "taken" when she later learns he's older than he said he was.  So?  It's the same guy.  What, he got uglier?

My thoughts exactly.

Would these girls have come forward with what happened to them if they didn't feel betrayed by someone's age? Unlikely.

Feb 21 06 02:32 pm Link


Miss Rochelle

Posts: 41

San Jose, California, US

I use on a regular basis. And not only do I know first hand people lie about their ages but they also post fake pictures. I on a personal level have changed my age from 20 to 14 so that my profile can become private so that anyone who is not already on my friends list cannot add me or see my profile with out being on my friends list. I use the site for networking or reuniting with old highschool friends even some from elementry school. But myspace is truely causing a rukus these days flashing up in newspapers and in the news, but if you really think about it myspace is just the new networking probe. There are still things like American Online that have been used for years and years and have been used for online "predators." Myspace can be used for various ages, but as many have already said if these young people want to be involved in the "it" site there are barriers to protect them such as warnings, but it's up to the parents to monitor their childrens site visits.

Feb 21 06 02:36 pm Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

Envy wrote:
Would these girls have come forward with what happened to them if they didn't feel betrayed by someone's age? Unlikely.

It's not the girls comming forward, it's the parents that find out that their little angels are willingly having sex with older men.

Feb 21 06 02:38 pm Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US

This scares the sh%t out of me...I have 3 girls under 3...
oh me oh my...what a sh&tty world it is.

Feb 21 06 02:42 pm Link


Miss Rochelle

Posts: 41

San Jose, California, US

Envy wrote:
Would these girls have come forward with what happened to them if they didn't feel betrayed by someone's age? Unlikely.

It's not the girls comming forward, it's the parents that find out that their little angels are willingly having sex with older men.

Yeah it's definately that, the girls are not really ashamed for what they have done, because for some reason it seems like more and more girls are having sex at such a young age it's ridiculous. Little girls are having sex when I was still playing with barbies. Most of these girl are probably not upset that these guy portrayed themselves as young males but they are probably more embarassed when their parents found out or even fellow associates found out that they met the guy off an internet site.

Feb 21 06 02:43 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Bill Tracy wrote:

It's not the girls comming forward, it's the parents that find out that their little angels are willingly having sex with older men.

If I recalled the article correctly, these kids came forward claiming to have been fondled and had sex with men who had lied about their age.

I could be wrong... hrm.

Feb 21 06 02:46 pm Link



Posts: 11189

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Miss Rochelle wrote:
Yeah it's definately that, the girls are not really ashamed for what they have done, because for some reason it seems like more and more girls are having sex at such a young age it's ridiculous. Little girls are having sex when I was still playing with barbies. Most of these girl are probably not upset that these guy portrayed themselves as young males but they are probably more embarassed when their parents found out or even fellow associates found out that they met the guy off an internet site.

Interesting. I was under the impression the parents found out after the kids came forward. I wish the article was still present.

Feb 21 06 02:48 pm Link

Makeup Artist

The Faces of Maranda

Posts: 5

Yuma, Arizona, US

veester wrote:
Yeah, MySpace is dangerous for lil' kiddies...but thats where the parents have to come in and do monitoring AND be ready with a can of *whoop a$$* my oldest daughter is 12 and I regularly do scans to see if she has a profile on there! Homey don't play that........

Bottom line is...these parents need to pay A.T.T.E.N.T.I.O.N!

Couldn't agree with you more.  Yes the little girlies are old enough to know better but when parents turn a blind eye then don't bitch when you're little girl is talking with somone older.

And on that note...has anyone actually LOOKED at what some of these 11-16 yo girls are wearing?  I'm a people watcher and it's amazing what their parents let them wear, unless they change after they leave the house.  And people wonder why there are so many teens getting abducted, raped, and worse.  Parents need to step up to the plate, law down the law/discipline a little more, and the "law" needs to back off some when it comes to so called chilc abuse.  Sometimes a "time out" or taking away of privs just doesn't cut it and a good ol' fashioned butt whooping like many of us got when we were kids is called for.

My two cents, take it or leave it!


Feb 21 06 02:51 pm Link


Craig Seay

Posts: 8606

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Bill Tracy wrote:
I recently started to use myspace to look for local people who might make good t-shirt/clothing models.
I did find many, but I also got replies from girls calling me a pervert or a pediphile.

What really sucks is that I did my search for anyone over 22, and so many of them were girls that were 12 to 16 years of age, or at least that's what they told me while calling me a pervert in their replies.

So I'm guessing these girls just lie about their age, and then they get contacted by old pediphiles who lie about their age as well.  Silly me just tells the truth in my profile and put in my actual age of 40 stating I'm married with kids, and yet I get called the pediphile/pervert - lol!!

This has made me give up using myspace all together.
It's not worth the possible problems it could cause me.

Feb 21 06 02:53 pm Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

ok, just for some humor, click this profile  and listen to the myspace mix song that is playing... you may have to hit the pause button on the song that is playing above that

Feb 21 06 02:54 pm Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Envy wrote:

If I recalled the article correctly, these kids came forward claiming to have been fondled and had sex with men who had lied about their age.

I could be wrong... hrm.

and it makes it any better if the men were the little girls' ages???  i don't think so, either way they were being fondled and having sex at a young age.  either way, they come out to be tiny sluts.  they got themselves into that situation when it was easily avoidable.

Feb 21 06 02:54 pm Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Nikki S. wrote:
ok, just for some humor, click this profile  and listen to the myspace mix song that is playing... you may have to hit the pause button on the song that is playing above that

lol the remix on my page is better, LOL
maybe it's not as funny though.

Feb 21 06 02:57 pm Link