Forums > Photography Talk > changing the color of a muslin with gels


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

JSchro Photo wrote:'re arguing with people who know the facts, just want to have a little fun and play why argue with that?  I've got a brick wall you can bang your head against if you'd like.

You may be right, I may be crazy, but I just may be the fool that you are looking for!

Aug 07 08 02:16 am Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

JSchro Photo wrote:'re arguing with people who know the facts, just want to have a little fun and play why argue with that?  I've got a brick wall you can bang your head against if you'd like.

I know not what you mean.  We are learning things here.

Aug 07 08 02:16 am Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US're arguing with people who know the facts, just want to have a little fun and play dumb...

??? I'm trying to learn something here. I'd appreciate it if you'd check your attitude at the door, thank you.

Aug 07 08 02:17 am Link


RSF Photography

Posts: 74

San Diego, California, US

JSchro Photo wrote:'re arguing with people who know the facts, just want to have a little fun and play why argue with that?  I've got a brick wall you can bang your head against if you'd like.

We do know the facts and they ain't fooling us!

Aug 07 08 02:17 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Chris Keeling wrote:
That's really cool!  I only have 4 lights and a gray background.  Mine never comes out those pretty colors though.  I need to get me some gels.  smile

Gels are your friend!

Aug 07 08 02:17 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

RSF Photography wrote:
We do know the facts and they ain't fooling us!

Do you seriously believe that this is a photoshop trick?

Aug 07 08 02:18 am Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Do you seriously believe that this is a photoshop trick?

I think it's the black ghosting Chris mentioned that has us suspicious.

Aug 07 08 02:20 am Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

ei Total Productions wrote:

The ghosting is a shadow with an offset soft box.  In addition to using highlight colors, I also used a general background light so you are shadowing over a modified form of illumination.

I do these effects at all of my Nor. Cal. workshops.  Unfortunately, I don't do them down in L.A.  The events are too big and it is just impractical.

Is it because gels are subdueing the background light to the point that the Main Light is stronger than the background light?  And that's causing the shadow that looks like that neat ghosting effect?

Aug 07 08 02:20 am Link


RSF Photography

Posts: 74

San Diego, California, US

Chris Keeling wrote:

Is it because gels are subdueing the background light to the point that the Main Light is stronger than the background light?  And that's causing the shadow that looks like that neat ghosting effect?

Looks more like Photshop artifact.  Right, Rico?

Aug 07 08 02:21 am Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

That's exactly what I was thinking.

Aug 07 08 02:22 am Link


JSchro Photo

Posts: 444

Two Rivers, Wisconsin, US

The only thing we're learning is that some people don't know sarcasm when it bites them in the arse.

Duhhhh... what are gels?  Can I use gel cap pills for the same effect?  Or are you guys using Crest Gel toothpaste to smear the front of your lights with? Duhhh...I didn't know crest made so many colors of toothpaste...duhhh...

I go sleepy now, my brain hurt and I must get up early to look for different colored toothpaste.

Aug 07 08 02:22 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Black Ricco wrote:
Do you seriously believe that this is a photoshop trick?

I think it's the black ghosting Chris mentioned that has us suspicious.

Check out this link:

I can give you as many of those that you want.  That is how I show proofs to models after a test.

Golly gosh, I just have a lot of free time on my hands to photoshop every image identically within an hour or two of a photoshoot.

Get over it, the gel techniques are real.

Aug 07 08 02:22 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

BTW, I think my leg is being pulled here so I am gonna move on.

Aug 07 08 02:23 am Link


RSF Photography

Posts: 74

San Diego, California, US

Gel toothpaste?  Hmmm, have to try that.

Aug 07 08 02:24 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

I will say this though, it is more than just putting a gel on a strobe.  It is also about controlling and understanding the relative intensities of all the lights to get the effect you are looking for.  A lot of it is counter-intuitive.

I have been shooting for almost forty years.  I think I can figure out how to light things properly.

Aug 07 08 02:24 am Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Gel toothpaste?  Hmmm, have to try that.

But do you put the toothpaste on your light or on your lens?

Aug 07 08 02:25 am Link


RSF Photography

Posts: 74

San Diego, California, US

ei Total Productions wrote:
I will say this though, it is more than just putting a gel on a strobe.  It is also about controlling and understanding the relative intensities of all the lights to get the effect you are looking for.  A lot of it is counter-intuitive.

I have been shooting for almost forty years.  I think I can figure out how to light things properly.

Or use Photoshop very well!

Aug 07 08 02:25 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Black Ricco wrote:
Gel toothpaste?  Hmmm, have to try that.

But do you put the toothpaste on your light or on your lens?

Even Ricco knows how to laugh

Aug 07 08 02:26 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

RSF Photography wrote:
Or use Photoshop very well!

Whatever, this is getting old.

Aug 07 08 02:26 am Link


RSF Photography

Posts: 74

San Diego, California, US

Black Ricco wrote:
Gel toothpaste?  Hmmm, have to try that.

But do you put the toothpaste on your light or on your lens?

Not sure.  I thought they were talking about colored Jello.  I can see how the toothpaste would be easier to work with.

Aug 07 08 02:27 am Link



Posts: 2097

Saginaw, Michigan, US

Black Ricco wrote:'re arguing with people who know the facts, just want to have a little fun and play dumb...

??? I'm trying to learn something here. I'd appreciate it if you'd check your attitude at the door, thank you.

Yeah right.  In a PM I just got

Black Ricco wrote:
Subject: Thread went to shit....
Black Ricco
08/07/08 2:14 AM   
It's called a sense of humor.

Here's $20 go but yourself one.

Wow, I mean wow.

Aug 07 08 02:29 am Link


JSchro Photo

Posts: 444

Two Rivers, Wisconsin, US

Putting the toothpaste on the rear element of you lens works best I found.  That way the messy parts are out of sight and not easily smudged up. Easier to keep a consistent background if you're doing a series.

Aug 07 08 02:32 am Link


RSF Photography

Posts: 74

San Diego, California, US

JSchro Photo wrote:
Putting the toothpaste on the rear element of you lens works best I found.  That way the messy parts are out of sight and not easily smudged up. Easier to keep a consistent background if you're doing a series.

Finally!  Now I'm getting something out of this thread.

Aug 07 08 02:33 am Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

LMAO! Ok we were havin' some fun, but here's a question in all seriousness.

When I was at Brooks Institute I did a thesis on light where I argued both theories of light. One that states light is a wavelength, the other that light is made up of particles.

So here's the question I posed to Manny Maes and Mike Verbois who were two of the most respected instructors while I was attending that stopped both of them dead in their tracks.

If incident light falls off with distance as we know it does, and reflected light also falls off with distance as when you move a reflector further from the subject, why does the light reflected off a subject NOT diminish over distance by the time it reaches our eye or camera lens.

Papers due at 9:00 am Monday.

Aug 07 08 02:33 am Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

JMX Photography wrote:

Black Ricco wrote:'re arguing with people who know the facts, just want to have a little fun and play dumb...

??? I'm trying to learn something here. I'd appreciate it if you'd check your attitude at the door, thank you.

Yeah right.  In a PM I just got

Wow, I mean wow.

They're called PM's for a reason, dude!

Aug 07 08 02:36 am Link


RSF Photography

Posts: 74

San Diego, California, US

However in the case of poloraized light perpendicular to the plane of incidence, the intensity of the reflected light diminishes from a perpendicular incidence, up to the anlge of maximum polarization, and afterwards increases.

Aug 07 08 02:42 am Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

RSF Photography wrote:
However in the case of poloraized light perpendicular to the plane of incidence, the intensity of the reflected light diminishes from a perpendicular incidence, up to the anlge of maximum polarization, and afterwards increases.

Can I get an amen?

Aug 07 08 02:44 am Link


Doug Curran Photography

Posts: 51

Smyrna, Delaware, US

Black Ricco wrote:
Gel toothpaste?  Hmmm, have to try that.

But do you put the toothpaste on your light or on your lens?

In the CD tray ... so that Photoshop can use it.  wink

Aug 07 08 02:45 am Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Black Ricco wrote:

They're called PM's for a reason, dude!

He blocked me! Polly afraid I was gonna shake him down for his lunch money.

Too funny.

Aug 07 08 02:46 am Link


RSF Photography

Posts: 74

San Diego, California, US

Black Ricco wrote:

Can I get an amen?

Just my two cents.  But what do I know.  Still looks like Photoshp.

Aug 07 08 02:46 am Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Doug Curran Photography wrote:

In the CD tray ... so that Photoshop can use it.  wink

Eeeew, what a mess that would be, but hey, whatever works.

Aug 07 08 02:47 am Link



Posts: 2097

Saginaw, Michigan, US

Black Ricco wrote:
He blocked me! Polly afraid I was gonna shake him down for his lunch money.

Too funny.

Nope, after being on MM since 2005, you're the first person I thought I'd be better off not ever directly hearing from again.  Congrats!  So far I'm not regretting it.

Aug 07 08 02:49 am Link



Posts: 407

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Ok, so now I put some blue gel on my grey muslin, how do you wash it off? that bathroom stuff is sticky as hell..

oooookkkk... I m kidding ... but the light tone this thread took got me going...

Anyways.. I saw some gel test shots on Flickr, quite impressive results when used well, great range of colors. Never used them myself, but that s on the to-do list.

Aug 07 08 02:51 am Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

What you did was wrong, dude. You know it, I know it, and everyone else who saw it knows it.

Sleep well.

Aug 07 08 02:53 am Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Ok, so now I put some blue gel on my grey muslin, how do you wash it off? that bathroom stuff is sticky as hell..


Aug 07 08 02:53 am Link


RSF Photography

Posts: 74

San Diego, California, US

Baos_ca wrote:
Ok, so now I put some blue gel on my grey muslin, how do you wash it off? that bathroom stuff is sticky as hell..

oooookkkk... I m kidding ... but the light tone this thread took got me going...

Light tones, light toning?  Is that what it's called?

Aug 07 08 02:54 am Link



Posts: 2097

Saginaw, Michigan, US

Black Ricco wrote:
What you did was wrong, dude. You know it, I know it, and everyone else who saw it knows it.

Sleep well.

Sorry if your behavior embarasses you, but that's hardly my fault.

Aug 07 08 02:55 am Link


Allure Vision

Posts: 1438

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Gels have been used for a long time. You can change an entire scenery with them. Take a look at my port. lol!

Aug 07 08 03:05 am Link


Allure Vision

Posts: 1438

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Prime example.

But I don't use muslins.

Aug 07 08 03:08 am Link


Allure Vision

Posts: 1438

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Prime example.

But I don't use muslins.

Aug 07 08 03:08 am Link