Forums > General Industry > ::: a question for photogs, about models "shaving":::



Posts: 9122

Posted by Glamour Boulevard: 

Posted by Rowen: 

Posted by theda: 
A lot of women shave because they find it more confortable.  I guess its a good think that you think a shaven woman's genitals look like a little girls' genitals, because that shows you really haven't compared.

Compared what - or compared to what?  I'm certainly not interested in *comparing* a little girls genitals!  Besides, I do believe there's laws about that stuff for people my age! smile

I've been a photographer for 35 years. I've done shoots with many of both types (shaved vs non-shaved).  I think I can certainly say, at this point, I've amassed a fair set of data for comparison.

It wasn't until very recently that I even began to see so many shaved women. It's a fad, trend, whatever you want to call it.  Certainly women want to be "comfortable" (and there's nothing wrong with that!) - but I am not going to believe it took them until the past 5 years or so to figure out being shaved (shaven?) is more comfortable.  Nah.  Don't buy it.

Plus, if you really want to get detailed, a several of the models I've had the *opportunity* to work with had major razor burn, ingrown hairs and spent more time itching themselves than anything else.  Is that comfortable?  Nah, don't think so again.


5 years? where have you been? I recall it started being very common in the late 80s and early 90s

It took you a month to think of that reply?

Aug 08 05 07:32 am Link



Posts: 32

Smyrna, Delaware, US

As evolution would have it, theres no reason for hair on the body other than to keep those areas warm. The cavemen &(women) NEEDED hair almost everywhere for the lean hardy winters. After we were upright & wore animal skins, it became less important, and as such, many american women started shaving off the un-needed hair ( most other countries in the world, women DON'T shave anything & the men find THAT attractive ).

Having said all that, I prefer the woman be shaved completly, as most of my shots are nude/seminude, and hair makes the model seem to look "Neanderthal'ish".....same can be said for men too, as I look at my own pic's from 10-12 years ago, I can't believe I have a "bush" in them...YUCK !

Now as far as the ingrown hairs, that doesn't last & if shaved properly, it won't happen at far as the bumps are concerned, its a non-issue if the person shaves at night after a shower, and applies Neosporin to the area & wears no panties to bed.

Aug 08 05 08:42 am Link