
Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I'm not really here people. Remember i quit, and am out hunting with the VP of the US.

But I read something in another thread, and it went something along the lines of "if you hate your life that much, end it."

That's not cool to me. But it got me to thinking that I do not remember suicide being discussed around here. "I" do not remember if I am wrong, please forgive me.

Years ago, I used to live in Ak. I had a friend who told me that people who commit suicide are SELFISH. As someone who struggles with my own personal battles, I thought this was a bit shortsighted. Selfish yes, to a certain extent. But there is so much more going on.

So, let's discuss...

Mar 09 06 07:51 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

No! because you scared the crap out of me.
I saw suicide and Angel and went  NO!! you are not thinking!

So, I am not speaking to you!

Do you expect deep Socratic discourse on suicide and the value of life on MM?

Mar 09 06 07:57 pm Link


Shawn Ray

Posts: 361

Tampa, Florida, US

I can see both sides.  Selfish?  Maybe self absorbed.  Unfortunately, they can't see past their situation to see how it will affect everyone around them.  A double edged sword, I guess.

Mar 09 06 07:57 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
No! because you scared the crap out of me.
I saw suicide and Angel and went  NO!! you are not thinking!

So, I am not speaking to you!

Do you expect deep Socratic discourse on suicide and the value of life on MM?


well, hell, we talk about everything else!


I'm sorry I scared you!

Mar 09 06 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 365

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

hey i thought bout it but thanks to god i got ova that feelin of desparation and did somthin about it rather than sitting on my hands and letting it eat me on the inside..

i faced racism when i was young at the age of 6  and thru out skool i was a loner and when in high skool i was cheated on 5 times in a row and it all came together to cause this thought of there must me something wrong wit me ... but one at at 1am at a train station it hit me im better than this and i forgave every1 who did anythin 2 me and i realized live is better and i was goin to live it now im wit a beautiful woman that loves me ive done may amazin thngs in my life ... i so many friends and people that want to kno me and im doin some thing i love ... so im content ,... and glad that god helped me

thats my story and i thats y i am who i am now .. the experiences molded me and i wont forget them cus jus to remind me so i dont bcome like the ones that did it to me ..

i love makin friends and enjoyin life ... so if u want to b friend hit me up and we can hang peace
god bless

Mar 09 06 08:00 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

TG Photography wrote:
hey i thought bout it but thanks to god i got ova that feelin of desparation and did somthin about it rather than sitting on my hands and letting it eat me on the inside..

i faced racism when i was young at the age of 6  and thru out skool i was a loner and when in high skool i was cheated on 5 times in a row and it all came together to cause this thought of there must me something wrong wit me ... but one at at 1am at a train station it hit me im better than this and i forgave every1 who did anythin 2 me and i realized live is better and i was goin to live it now im wit a beautiful woman that loves me ive done may amazin thngs in my life ... i so many friends and people that want to kno me and im doin some thing i love ... so im content ,... and glad that god helped me

thats my story and i thats y i am who i am now .. the experiences molded me and i wont forget them cus jus to remind me so i dont bcome like the ones that did it to me ..

i love makin friends and enjoyin life ... so if u want to b friend hit me up and we can hang peace
god bless

that was wonderful! Thank you for sharing!!!!

Mar 09 06 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 365

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Angel Tara wrote:
that was wonderful! Thank you for sharing!!!!

if my story can help some one i will tell it as many times as i can.. im stronger now and my thing is " if u have a problem wit me its ur problem, not mine " it helps to think llike that ... my close friend died playin ball at the age of 18 he was a great person his death changed me and every 1 at my Highskool

Mar 09 06 08:05 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

Well, the *selfish* comment is with regards to the fact that they often transfer whatever issues that are plaguing them to those they leave behind. They leave friends and family with significant pain and long-term feelings of guilt. Along with that guilt can be feelings of poor self-esteem in the survivors, where they feel they were not good enough to stay around for, etc.

They add the additional scarring to whomever finds the body, and depending on the methods used, leave a mess to clean up.

Mar 09 06 08:07 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Geez, Angel, you scared the crap out of me, too.  Holy smokes...yesterday you were crying like a baby, now you have a "suicide" thread.  sad

I can't shoot you very well if I die from a heart attack!

Mar 09 06 08:09 pm Link


Andrew Gettler

Posts: 126

Pueblo, Colorado, US

Shawn Ray wrote:
I can see both sides.  Selfish?  Maybe self absorbed.  Unfortunately, they can't see past their situation to see how it will affect everyone around them.  A double edged sword, I guess.

Biting tung....... I don't believe anyone wants me in this conversation...... biting tung

Mar 09 06 08:10 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

lll wrote:
Geez, Angel, you scared the crap out of me, too.  Holy smokes...yesterday you were crying like a baby, now you have a "suicide" thread.  sad

I had a bad feeling before opening the thread.

Mar 09 06 08:10 pm Link



Posts: 52

Gaithersburg, Maryland, US

I've had friends who were suicidal and some who tried to commit it, and only one who actually died. They were all different reasons, some I felt were just stupid and selfish, like the "no one likes me, i'm ugly ones" but then there was the one who actually attempted but is still alive. He lost his kids and fiancee in an accident, and before that he lost his parents and he was just alone. After all that I understood why he would want to be with them. In his case, I wouldn't know how to handle something like that if it happened to me.

Mar 09 06 08:14 pm Link



Posts: 365

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

u kno this isnt a scary topic .. i took psy in university and its common for many people to think about it in their lives atleast once and thats wat cause the fear to talk bout it ...

Mar 09 06 08:14 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I am SOOO sorry for scaring people....

gosh, I don't know what to say.

I have been through way too much to kill myself. If I wanted to die, I'd have let the cancer do that.

In the hate thread, someone said "if you hate your life that much, end it"

that is really what prompted this.

I have been through a lot, lost a lot...and I'm still kinda young.

I'm so sorry for scaring people. Really, I am.

Mar 09 06 08:15 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Angel Tara wrote:
I had a friend who told me that people who commit suicide are SELFISH.

Selfish? For leaving behind the people that will miss them? Sounds more like the people they are leaving behind are the selfish ones.

Sometimes, the only thing a person can control in their life is when they end it. The social pressures against suicide are largely religious; thus there's no reasoning behind them. It makes sense that religions that claim there's a golden afterlife would need a rule against suicide to keep everyone from choosing to head directly to heaven right away. Do not pass Go do not collect $200. So religion has to bar suicide.

If someone chooses to die, let them do it. Especially terminal patients or people who feel their quality of life is so poor they don't want to live any more. The trick to socially sanctioning suicide would be to determine who is "in their right mind" when they choose to die. Arguably, that's an oxymoron.

When I was a kid in college I came fairly close to suicide a few times, mostly out of sheer testosterone-fueled angst over nothing in particular. But every day I found an excuse not to, until I realized that there was a mountain of great excuses - which meant that life was pretty sweet, indeed. smile When that sweetness is utterly gone, I support a person's choice to willfully and knowingly choose death.


Mar 09 06 08:16 pm Link



Posts: 365

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

u kno wat alot of people jus people who think about death but i dont think its their place to judge if they havent experienced it ... another thing most time the person that is thinkin about it self esteem has been damaged over time and takes to long to heal cus they are in constant battle wit the internal and external .. i ve been there i kno thats y all we can do is help and talk to them i save a friend from doin it cus i kno wat it feels like . and shes great now ...

Mar 09 06 08:21 pm Link



Posts: 760

Orlando, Florida, US

I once thought about doing suicide. I felt that my best friend's death was my fault and I could get seeing her go out of my dreams and my mind.I got addicted to paxil fought with my family and felt no one understood me. I felt horrible and had a horrible psycologist and was in and out of hospitals getting tests run on me for my heart all the time.I was on all of these different kinds of antidepressants.I almost went through with suicide when I was 17 but my other friend put her finger down my throat and made me vomit the paxil I had taken. she saved me and with her help and my boyfriend now fiancee's help I saw I needed to shape up not only for me but for my neices,my family and them. I then got a good therapist and got off the paxil and I realized that ending my life would not bring my friend back, nor would it make life easier for my family. It really is a selfish thing to do, I think about how I was at that age and cant understand why I thought that life wasnt worth living. There is so much to see and do in life that I could have missed. I feel so silly when I think about it.I also feel weird telling everyone about it.

Mar 09 06 08:26 pm Link


The Thorny Rose

Posts: 14142

Chicago, Illinois, US

Oh my... opening up lots of old wounds here, but maybe if people hear this from someone who has been personally touched by the topic, it'll keep out anyone who has a tendency to not know how to be tactful when talking about such a delicate topic...

Ok, here goes: Junior year of high school, I was at home studying when I recieved a phone call from my best friend asking if I'd seen one of our friends.  She and I has just spent a day over the weekend with him.  I hadn't seen him since then.  We found out later that evening that he'd chosen to take his own life.  He was hooked up to machines for a few days, but he wouldn't be able to survive otherwise so his parents decided to take him off the machines.  Just like that, one choice, my good friend, only 16, was gone.

Fast forward to this past May: while visiting my brother (who himself was in the hospital being treated for depression), we found out that my sister had tried to overdose on pills.  She was treated in the ER then after about a week of hospitalization, she was released.  She's doing much better now.

Now, with the backstory out of the way, here's my stance on the topic: suicide is not really something someone does for fun... generally they see it as the only way out from their problems... usually, this stems from a chemical imbalance in the brain (just watch all those commercials for anti-depressants)... suicide isn't the same in all cases, so its hard to generalize it... it may be short-sited; others may have planned it for weeks or months...

Personally being touched by it, I can see how people feel it is selfish, but after having time to heal, I'm not sure if that's how I feel.  I can't really put a finger on how I feel about the topic, but I can see both sides of the issue

Mar 09 06 08:27 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Angel Tara wrote:
I am SOOO sorry for scaring people....

gosh, I don't know what to say.

I have been through way too much to kill myself. If I wanted to die, I'd have let the cancer do that.

In the hate thread, someone said "if you hate your life that much, end it"

that is really what prompted this.

I have been through a lot, lost a lot...and I'm still kinda young.

I'm so sorry for scaring people. Really, I am.

I'm a tough-skinned S.O.B., but, damn.

I see you already apologized and I see a few others almost fellout like I just did.
But, DAMN.....

::Checks to see if heart is still chest::

Geez....ok what's this thread about again?

Mar 09 06 08:46 pm Link


Rebecca Tillett

Posts: 68

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

My father committed suicide and I'll never blame him for the choice he made.
I will, however, blame him for not saying goodbye in some form or another.

and that's all I'll say about it.

Mar 09 06 08:55 pm Link



Posts: 25784

Newark, California, US

My wife passed away suddenly at a very young age leaving me to be a single parent of an infant daughter.
     It took 6-8 months for the shock to wear off, then the depression, pain, loneliness set in.
     I was driving one night, my daughter was asleep in her seat, I thought about how we had had a fun all day at the park, it would be so easy just to speed up and slam into the side of a bridge and put an end to it all. She was sleeping, she wouldn't even wake up.  And thepain and loneliness would end for both of us.
     But I think suicide is about selfishness and cowardice.  Being to afraid to face the coming day.
     I'm not saying that the last 20 years have been a piece of cake, they haven't, but my wonderful daughter just got a great job, has been seeing a good young man for a few years now and they're getting married this fall.
     My daughter has made any pain, hardship, or loneliness of the last 20 years - worth every second of it.  It would indeed been an act of extremely momentary selfishness and cowardice to end life 20 years ago.
     It would have been the ultimate act of looking inward and only seeing inward.

Mar 09 06 09:15 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Suicide is almost always a SYMPTOM of a deep underlying depression. So, is it selfish? I don't think one can really think of it in that terms. People who commit suicide are not usually (if ever) in a space where they can think of things in a 'sane and rational' manner.

It almost goes without saying, but I will say it anyway...if someone seems preoccupied with suicide or death, try to get them some professional health. If you think they are in acute risk of taking their own life, get them to an ER. This is a serious problem, and not one to really be dealt with morally, but rather medically.

Mar 09 06 09:19 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Mar 09 06 09:19 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Angel Tara wrote:
I have been through way too much to kill myself. If I wanted to die, I'd have let the cancer do that.

Fellow cancer survivor, huh?

My favorite little kid's father shot himself.  PhD in Physics, one of the most intelligent persons I know.  He had a warm personality and he was the person who got me into rock-climbing.  But I know why he killed himself (one big reason why I will never buy Intel products), and I almost admired his courage.  I don't find him selfish; it was a choice he had to make.  Living on a known miserable path or finish it early so you know you don't waste more of the Earth's resources.  This guy was smart, he could probably what was going to come and he saw through it, found nothing of value to hold on to, and ended it.

Mar 09 06 09:20 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Nobody is without the thought of the act of finality.  The key is to approach it similar to the weather.  Even under the darkest of clouds, sunny days are always ahead.

Mar 09 06 09:23 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

I have a bipolar son with schitzo tendencies.  Talk of suicide is a daily part of my life.

Mar 09 06 09:25 pm Link



Posts: 135

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

It highly depends.  Ive known 3 people who have killed themselves.  (hmm i wonder if that makes me a curse? Oh well if it does) and each and every time...they never once hinted that they would do that.  Not once did they bitch and groan about how horrible their life was.  Not once did they reveal their intentions.  Reason? Because TRUE suicidals see suicide as a way out of the when they make up their mind to do it, they see a way out, and so theyre usually pretty happy. me callous but...the people that are constantly claiming depression and or suicidal tendencies just for attention? They need to quit playing the victim and pull themselves up by the boot straps....either that or get their WHOLE head in front of the shotgun and shut the hell up.

Mar 09 06 09:33 pm Link


The Thorny Rose

Posts: 14142

Chicago, Illinois, US

Nocturnity wrote:
It highly depends.  Ive known 3 people who have killed themselves.  (hmm i wonder if that makes me a curse? Oh well if it does) and each and every time...they never once hinted that they would do that.  Not once did they bitch and groan about how horrible their life was.  Not once did they reveal their intentions.  Reason? Because TRUE suicidals see suicide as a way out of the when they make up their mind to do it, they see a way out, and so theyre usually pretty happy.

Yep, that's how it was when I saw my friend the weekend before he made his choice to end his life.  He was happy and having a good time.  He had always been a quiet one, so we never really knew much about his life besides when he was hanging out with us.

Mar 09 06 10:33 pm Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

Shooting naked chiks is the best way I find... to stay away from depression smile

Mar 09 06 10:39 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

My best friend Joe tried suicide by sticking a large knife in his stomach.  After about half a second, he said, "Ow!  That f..ckin hurts!"  He decided to go on living.

Mar 09 06 10:57 pm Link



Posts: 135

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

Louis Braga wrote:
Shooting naked chiks is the best way I find... to stay away from depression smile

LOL i knew that we would have a comment about naked women in here somewhere, even if it is a suicide thread.  Oh well, keeps things lighthearted smile

Mar 09 06 11:02 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576


Can we go back to talking about escorts on shoots or dating models or pervert photographers or politics?

You folks are revealing WAY too much information here. You're bumming me out!

It's like the scene at Gas N' Sip in the movie Say Anything:

"Hey man, I was in love once ... I got hurt really bad ... I never wanna go through that again."

(long pause)

"Man, you're bringing me down!"

"Shutup man!"

Mar 09 06 11:08 pm Link



Posts: 135

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

Eric Muss-Barnes wrote:

Can we go back to talking about escorts on shoots or dating models or pervert photographers or politics?

You folks are revealing WAY too much information here. You're bumming me out!

It's like the scene at Gas N' Sip in the movie Say Anything:

"Hey man, I was in love once ... I got hurt really bad ... I never wanna go through that again."

(long pause)

"Man, you're bringing me down!"

"Shutup man!"


Mar 09 06 11:11 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

In short:
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.  Period.  Those that commit suicide typically have lost all hope in recovering from the pain/despair/depression they feel inside.  They can't adequately relay what's going on to others and feel like a burden to those that they "try" to talk about their pain with. 

There are so many things that factor into why people commit suicide that it simply cannot be surmized as a "selfish" act.  I almost did it. The mindset I was in was that everyone else's life would be so much better without me in it, bothering them, pestering them, living off them.  But what kept me from actually "doing" it was the fact that I still had some level of hope left.  If I hadn't had that. . .I wouldn't be here.  God (or faith in some kind of higher power) helps a LOT!!  That's my two cents.

Mar 09 06 11:18 pm Link



Posts: 539

Portland, Oregon, US

My wife worked for a mental health facility a few years ago as an intake counselor. I went there one night (she worked the night shift when all the real crazy people came in) and in the lobby was a guy with two bandages on either side of his neck... you guessed it, he tried to shoot himslef but aimed a little low.

I told my wife to counsel him to aim a little higher if he wanted results.  lol  ok it was sick but we needed something to lighten the air that night.

Letter on she had a guy try to kill himself with a pocket knife while in her office and another guy outside was trashin the place by tossing file cabnets arround.

I decided she should look for another job.. she did.

Mar 10 06 12:23 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Katalina Daer

Posts: 158

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Angel Tara wrote:
I'm not really here people. Remember i quit, and am out hunting with the VP of the US.

But I read something in another thread, and it went something along the lines of "if you hate your life that much, end it."

That's not cool to me. But it got me to thinking that I do not remember suicide being discussed around here. "I" do not remember if I am wrong, please forgive me.

Years ago, I used to live in Ak. I had a friend who told me that people who commit suicide are SELFISH. As someone who struggles with my own personal battles, I thought this was a bit shortsighted. Selfish yes, to a certain extent. But there is so much more going on.

So, let's discuss...

Im now not ashamed to say that I am a sufferer of depression as a result of my (thankfully) short lived anorexia. I sat down with two filled prescriptions of my medication in my hanf with a glass of water one night in Singapore after a bad bad depressive episode ( i really really did feel like my world was ending). Suicide is so easy to do. Thankfully i slept on it and didnt feel as bad in the strange as it sounds i thought about all the things I wouldn't see.. its like Dior literally saved my life.

Mar 10 06 03:44 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17824

El Segundo, California, US

Mikel Featherston wrote:
They add the additional scarring to whomever finds the body, and depending on the methods used, leave a mess to clean up.

That's why choosing a suitable location is important. Fortunately(?) it took weeks to decide, by which time the episode had passed.

Marcus J. Ranum wrote:
Sometimes, the only thing a person can control in their life is when they end it.

It's certainly often perceived as such, whether it's true or not.

The Thorny Rose wrote:
suicide is not really something someone does for fun... generally they see it as the only way out from their problems... usually, this stems from a chemical imbalance in the brain (just watch all those commercials for anti-depressants)... suicide isn't the same in all cases, so its hard to generalize it... it may be short-sited; others may have planned it for weeks or months...

One of the best short summaries I've seen.

SKPhoto wrote:
But I think suicide is about selfishness and cowardice.  Being to afraid to face the coming day.

Afraid, unwilling, or unable? Projecting one is risky; see Thorny Rose's note above. Your situation is different than many others'; in particular, "My daughter has made any pain, hardship, or loneliness of the last 20 years - worth every second of it. Many others do not have something to make it worthwhile--or, again, perceive it as that way.

area291 wrote:
Even under the darkest of clouds, sunny days are always ahead.

Yet they do not always appear to be so from the inside. An unrelenting depression that's gone on for months or years can easily seem endless, especially since perception and memory are skewed by the condition.

Nocturnity wrote: me callous but...the people that are constantly claiming depression and or suicidal tendencies just for attention? They need to quit playing the victim and pull themselves up by the boot straps....either that or get their WHOLE head in front of the shotgun and shut the hell up.

I've known roughly a dozen people who either attempted or succeeded at suicide. Roughly half had been visibly 'down' and depressed for some time; the others showed no symptoms that I saw, even in retrospect.

Some members of each group chose methods with high effectiveness ratings, or used multiple methods (e.g. poison+blood loss).

Just as people are different at their best, so are they different at their lowest.

Mar 10 06 04:20 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Katalina Daer

Posts: 158

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Nocturnity wrote: me callous but...the people that are constantly claiming depression and or suicidal tendencies just for attention? They need to quit playing the victim and pull themselves up by the boot straps....either that or get their WHOLE head in front of the shotgun and shut the hell up.

I never said anything to anyone, it was my mother who said to me "you need to get some help becuase im concerned you are becoming depressed" before that it never entered my mind.

Mar 10 06 04:29 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

I once worked on a suicide hotline and boy was that both stressful and rewarding.

In training they taught us there were three types of suicide attempts.

1. the cry for help..
this usually takes the form of only talking about suicide

2. The LOUD cry for Help..these include the actual attempt...but just half assed enough to be rescued

3. the committed suicide...THESE people are serious and there is no saving.

Now, I dont know how selfish it is. I have always felt it is my life and I can do what I choose as long as I dont hurt anyone. And that doesnt include you missing my sorry ass.

If a person truly wants to die, they have that right..RIGHT OR's one of those decisions you cant reverse.....

As long as you dont take out a bus station or local school while you are doing it. And be kind, make a mess at your own home...better yet...dont make a pills and put plastic on the sheets. that way everybody will say you were a selfless suicide...


Mar 10 06 05:05 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

I suspect this thread is prompted by the suicide pact nine kids had this last week and that is going to leave a hole in the hearts of those they love forever.

When one is young, the thoughts of suicide are melodramatic with few thoughts past "man, are they gonna be sorry and I wonder how many people will come to my funeral?"

Here is a personal truth I discovered about suicide many years ago - once you seriously decide to kill yourself, you no longer have to go through with it because ALL other options now become open.

In debt? Leave town.  Hate your family - desert them, you're gonna leave them behind anyway.  Lousy job - go join a circus.  See?  You always have the final option to do yourself in later if ALL the other options don't work. 

I wonder how many people started the greatest adventures in their lives by being willing to put it all out on the line with those thoughts.

Mar 10 06 07:07 am Link