Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Does anyone know how to quit smoking?


Knows how to Pose

Posts: 646

Olathe, Kansas, US

I've given it up for 2 days now and these off the wall withdrawal symptoms are ruining my days! I keep taking small drags of ciggarettes hoping my migraines and nausea would go away but it ends up ruining my whole mood to where I have nothing better to do than pass out.

Anyone have any bride ideas? Old wives tales also welcomed!

Mar 12 06 01:53 am Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

Simple: Don't buy or smoke any more cigarettes.  Best way to quit.  The body is going to reject the clean air coming in and you may get pretty sick for a while, and that should help illustrate what it is you've been doing to it.

Understand how completely disgusting a habit it is to non-smokers, how bad you stink when you smoke and acknowledge that you've lost all control by your constant "need" for these expensive little annoyances.

Personally, I've stopped & started many times over the past 24 years.  The final straw came from seeing my mother in the hospital with cancer.  That's pretty damned humbling and real motivation.

Replace that bad habit with a good one.

Mar 12 06 02:00 am Link


Knows how to Pose

Posts: 646

Olathe, Kansas, US

Wow, I never thought about it that way.

Mar 12 06 02:02 am Link



Posts: 15650

New York, New York, US

cut off both hands maybe? i'm off cigs 4 over a year but i still seek out 2nd hand smoke hits and use any cig substitutes on hand like patchs, inhalers, commit lozinges and even nasal snuff which is nasty but it does the trick.

Mar 12 06 02:23 am Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

my mom bribed my dad with a new boat.....

Mar 12 06 02:51 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

lollipops, toothpicks, pens...whatever it is, you might find the need to replace the oral fixation.

Mar 12 06 02:57 am Link


Knows how to Pose

Posts: 646

Olathe, Kansas, US

Gum is my new obsession!

Nemi wrote:
lollipops, toothpicks, pens...whatever it is, you might find the need to replace the oral fixation.

Mar 12 06 03:00 am Link



Posts: 724

Healdsburg, California, US

I visited Russian healer Yefim Shubentsov in 1999 to quit smoking, I am no longer a smoker. … index.html

Mar 12 06 04:35 am Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

You have to quit completely. The little teases that you allow yourself with the rationalization that they are just to ease the cravings, do nothing but prolong the agony. Forget the patch, nicotine gum, etc. Regular gum is fine because it gives your mouth something to do. Use it at all of the times you know you are going to want to to smoke .. in the morning, after a meal, when in a bar, etc.

Nicotine withdrawal is no fun but you have to go through it so don't keep injecting the stuff into yourself, even if only is small amounts. We will forgive you for being crazy for a few days and then congratulate you for being free!

Mar 12 06 04:58 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

The Patch has a high rate of success. /tim

Mar 12 06 05:05 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Nemi wrote:
lollipops, toothpicks, pens...whatever it is, you might find the need to replace the oral fixation.

And pots ....

Mar 12 06 05:06 am Link


Knows how to Pose

Posts: 646

Olathe, Kansas, US

I'll try the patch and some gum!

Mar 12 06 05:33 am Link


Rachel Steele

Posts: 17

Tampa, Florida, US

I quit using the patch. Give it a try. It's still hard but it can be done. Good luck.

Mar 12 06 05:40 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Have a friend randomly insert those little explosive things in your cigarettes. Aversion therapy is really quite effective. smile


Mar 12 06 09:08 am Link


JT Hodges

Posts: 2191

Austin, Texas, US

I think this was already mentioned (replace an old bad habit with a good new one; and curb the oral fixation):

Give out hand jobs and blow jobs whenever the urge hits.

Keeps your hands and mouth occupied so you don't smoke. It was the greatest thing when my girlfriend quit smoking.

Mar 12 06 09:20 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

I used the Commit Lozanges - was a smoker for 25 years - likely will die from it anyway but at least my clothes smell better now.

Put some cigarette butts into a jar of water and put a lid on it.  Anytime you want a smoke, open the jar and smell it.  Yes, it IS nasty but that's why its effective.

Mar 12 06 09:34 am Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

JT Hodges wrote:
I think this was already mentioned (replace an old bad habit with a good new one; and curb the oral fixation):

Give out hand jobs and blow jobs whenever the urge hits.

Keeps your hands and mouth occupied so you don't smoke. It was the greatest thing when my girlfriend quit smoking.

I suspect you lost a lot of weight before she finally quit or you two made a lot of new friends.

Mar 12 06 09:35 am Link


Mike Mancuso

Posts: 94

Harleysville, Pennsylvania, US

Today is Day 7 for me. I did it coldturkey. It hasn't been easy but I was just fed up with my habit. I have been sick this year a few times and felt like smoking was keeping me from getting better, I feel 100x better already.

Those little drags and what have you are not helping you at all, you need to get the nicotine out of your system completely or you wont be able to quit.

Best of luck to you!!

(I also made a bit of a promise to myself that if I quit I would treat myself to something nice)

Mar 12 06 09:40 am Link



Posts: 801

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

Josianne Junkie wrote:
I've given it up for 2 days now and these off the wall withdrawal symptoms are ruining my days! I keep taking small drags of ciggarettes hoping my migraines and nausea would go away but it ends up ruining my whole mood to where I have nothing better to do than pass out.

Anyone have any bride ideas? Old wives tales also welcomed!

First and foremost, unless you really want to quit, you never will.  You can't just say it, it has to be something that's in your heart.  Second, realize that odds are very good that you will fail, but so what, keep quitting and when you fail, don't beat yourself up about it.  I smoked for 17 years, I quit 9 years ago.  Quitting is the hardest thing that you are ever going to do.  Apply the philosophy of AA, one day at a time, if necessary break it down even more if it helps you.  Go an hour without a cigarette.  When you crave one, just make yourself wait one hour before you smoke it.  Then, make it through another hour.  Soon you've made it through an entire day without one cigarette, then that one day will turn into a week and so on until one day you realize, you've beaten it.  The biggest thing to remmber, you have to be ready to quit or it won't happen and good luck....I hope you beat it!

Mar 12 06 09:41 am Link


Paul Morgan

Posts: 329

Fort Worth, Texas, US

I ate starburst candy for a couple of weeks when I quit. Helped as a replacement for the cigarette. After a couple of weeks the cravings were very weak and controllable. I have been smoke free for 15 years now.

And you do have to want to quit.

Mar 12 06 09:46 am Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

When I quit, I promised myself that if I stayed clean for a year, I would reward myself with a ski trip to Colorado. What I saved in cigarettes easily paid for the vacation. (I was a 3 pack a day smoker.)
I've  never lit another cigarette.

Mar 12 06 09:59 am Link


Mike Mancuso

Posts: 94

Harleysville, Pennsylvania, US

Lens N Light wrote:
When I quit, I promised myself that if I stayed clean for a year, I would reward myself with a ski trip to Colorado. What I saved in cigarettes easily paid for the vacation. (I was a 3 pack a day smoker.)
I've  never lit another cigarette.

Damn thats a lot of cigs!

Mar 12 06 10:02 am Link



Posts: 79

Dallas, Texas, US

If you have the money, visit

My husband tried everything to quit smoking, and couldn't do it. (it also didn't help that he was allergic to some of the over the counter and prescription methods). He went and had this done, and hasn't smoked since. It's pricy, but it works.

Mar 12 06 10:09 am Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

The easy way is to not buy them and get rid of anything around you that has to do with smoking, including friends and household items.
Of course the friends can have consideration for you and trying to quit and not smoke around you and the furniture can be cleaned/shampoo'd.
It will be easier if you have nothing around you that starts you down that path to "Wanting" one. If you really want to test yourself then keep your life the same and the withdrawels will last longer. Think of yourself as a sponge, you hold the nicotine level lowers from your body/sponge, then your body/sponge will draw from other sources.....some of those sources you dont even have to be aware of like the smoke smell in your furniture or in your car or on your clothes.
What will help out a bit is walking outside or at the mall while breathing deep, this will make the blood flow more thus circulating the nicotine out and replacing it with fresh oxygen your blood needs. Exercise or just be more active will do the same thing.
The most important thing is that "YOU HAVE TO WANT TO STOP SMOKING"........It has to be "Your" choice, your willpower to not go back that will get you thru it.
Try this....You want to stop smoking.......give yourself a know it can kill know it can shorten your life span and give you cancer........So think of something that you want to see when your 80-90....your kids, family, husband or wife, the sunset, a river, hear birds chirping......breath fresh air........

In the end if you have a real pashion to quit for a really good cause.....then you have the determination and strenth you need for those hard times to say "NO i dont want one"
Good luck with that, you can do it.....just beleive in yourself and you will do fine. I know you can do it already because you made a choice to try.....thats the first step.

Mar 12 06 10:21 am Link


Faerie Wind Studios

Posts: 8

Tacoma, Washington, US

I recommend Commit Lozenges.  It worked for me better than anything.  I did relapse, but am just about ready to quit again.  While it works for some, I think the best way to quit using the patch is to put it over your mouth smile

Zyban/Wellbutrin helps, also. 

In any case, best of luck.

Mar 12 06 10:29 am Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

i got over smoking by simply not quitting.  i still smoke one or two when i'm trashed, but i have no desire to smoke any other time.  i think if you resolve to eliminate something altogther, it becomes a looming dark cloud. 

it also helps to have one too many nicotine hangovers and shortness of breath.  best way to quit!

if you decide to try the patch, make sure to wear it while asleep.  wicked dreams!

Mar 12 06 10:33 am Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

Death is a permanent method to quiting smoking.  This quick and easy 1 step program has a 100% success rate.  NOBODY who has graduated from this program has ever gotten back into smoking.  And what's so easy about if you are already a smoker, is that you don't have to change anything. Just keep doing what you are doing. smile

Mar 12 06 10:49 am Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

What Jay said.

Mar 12 06 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Duct tape your mouth shut.

Mar 12 06 03:30 pm Link


Les Sterling

Posts: 439

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Drink lots and lots of water - keep a bottle nearby at all times. It will help with the detox-ing part.

Sugarless gum that you like. A little peppermint oil on your temples will help with the headaches.

Chewing straws, or celery sticks are good for the hand-to-mouth habit breaking.

This is part of my most recent attempt. It's been a few days. Sensitivity to smell will come back really quickly. I discovered how stinky my coat actually was.

You aren't alone... sounds like there's a few of us trying to reclaim our lungs on here! smile

Mar 12 06 06:59 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 47

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I quit 4 years ago. It was the worst time of my life. I was sick to my stomach, migranes, and SO moody for 2 weeks. I've always said if I start again I will never quit again. It keeps me from starting again.
I did the patch. Or I thought I did. It was expired and it was the lowest dose. So essentially, I went cold turkey.
I recommend the patch and steering clear on anyone you love. Keep lots of chocolate and gum around. Forget your figure for now, you can always lose the weight after you've gotten the nic out your system.
One last thing that my Mom told me, you WILL have cravings but they pass. It's true, they do, just try to get through them and think of something else.
When it was really bad, I would stand next to a smoker and that satisfied me enough to get through that moment.
Best of luck to you, I SO feel your pain!

Time since quitting
Beneficial health changes that take place

20 minutes
Blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal.

8 hours
Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in blood reduce by half, oxygen levels return to normal.

24 hours
Carbon monoxide will be eliminated from the body.
Lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.

48 hours
There is no nicotine left in the body.
Ability to taste and smell is greatly improved.

72 hours
Breathing becomes easier.
Bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase.

2 - 12 weeks
Circulation improves.

3 - 9 months
Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve as lung function is increased by up to 10%.

1 year 
Risk of a heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker.

10 years
Risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker.

15 years
Risk of heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked.

Mar 12 06 07:32 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Josianne Junkie wrote:
Anyone have any bride ideas?

Was that a Freudian slip?  smile

I quit several years ago after smoking for 35 years.   Yep, I started before they started executing shop owners for selling them to kids.  During most of that time, I was smoking 2+ packs a day.  I tried many times to quit, but it wasn't happening and it was getting frustrated as hell.

The secret is to quit believing all the bullshit about how addictive it is and how it controls your life.  It doesn't control your life.  You control your life.  Those cigarettes don't crawl up on your chin and force themselves between your lips.  You put them there deliberately.

Aside from that, the single best strategy is to interrupt all the habits you have that lead you to smoke.  Don't do the things where you smoke.  Don't go on coffee breaks, if that's what it takes.  Do something new.  Drink different drinks if that will help.  You need to break the automatic responses that your body has grown accustomed to.  Quitting is an intellectual challenge.  You have to sit down and think about what you can do to interrupt those cycles in a positive way.

When I finally did it, my wife didn't even notice I that I quit.  There was no change in my behavior aside from making mysef more busy around the house.  No edginess, no ranting, nothing.

If you've quit for two days already, then you are past physical withdrawal.  The effects of the chemicals are out of your system.  The only withdrawal symptoms you're having now are the one's your mind wants you to think you have to get you to start again.

This worked for me when nothing else did and it was like a night and day difference with other attempts I've made in the past.  There is so much BS out there about drugs, alcohol, and smoking drummed up by the multibillion dollar rehab industry, that you are better off just using your own common sense.  Be prepared to gain weight.  You metabolism will slow down a lot.  You can lose the weight later, but to worry about it now will make quitting even harder.  Of couurse, staying busy will help you stay away from the smokes and also help burn calories.

Good luck!


Mar 12 06 07:47 pm Link