This thread was locked on 2009-05-10 17:49:22
Forums > General Industry > In Memory - George Hoffmann, Onyx Photography



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

glenn my name today wrote:
well Tim got brigged for 4 days for it.

I wouldn't have written what he wrote, but I don't feel he deserves to be punished for it.

I can relate to what Tim said having lost a son to suicide in 2006 and wrestling with emotions that include not respecting him for his decision.

He was a prominent member of a major "prankster" site and during the many threads that were made in his honor, there were a few responses a lot like Tim's.

Jan 22 09 07:14 am Link


Taryn True

Posts: 1875

Union City, New Jersey, US

omg he was one of my inspirations.
i still have printed thumbnails of his pictures in my folder of inspirational images.

Jan 22 09 09:37 am Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Christopher Hartman wrote:

I suspect he was sick. If you look at his port, in December he indicated he wasn't scheduling ANY shoots until further notice.

I saw that on his port early in Jan as a model I am going to work with was supposed to shoot with him and just to see if he had anything new up.Found that quite odd.Probably a clue of somesort?

Jan 22 09 11:34 am Link



Posts: 1017

London, England, United Kingdom

Your images have left a lasting impression on the world R.I.P.

Jan 22 09 11:43 am Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

The thing that is so tragic that when someone comes to the point to do this,they truly do not know how many people do love and cares,and that things do change..I know,I HAVE been there,and thankfull that someone who did care intervened.I do suffer bouts of depression from time to time,meds don't work,what does work for me is knowing that the next shoot I do I'm going to create amazing images,or knowing I have about 5 CDs of music inside my head that will never be heard if I check myself out.Or just knowing my father would be heartbroken when he would have to arrange my funeral.
We have a thread dealing with all these issues in off topic that is a great ongoing group therapy session.
I created a tribute to Onyx on my page in the form of a list,taking as many of my favorite images I could find,his work will live on.

Jan 22 09 11:45 am Link



Posts: 197

Los Angeles, California, US

timothy dolph wrote:

So GW, are you telling me that George checked out himself.  That's bullshit.
That totally changes my whole perspective on him.  I have had friends and relatives to do the some thing and I have all lack of respect for them in the afterlife.  Sorry, It sux but that is how i feel.

And my feeling are the same for Van Gogh, Hemingway, Cobain, Ledger, and my cousin Nick at age 14 as well.

Life is hard enough for the living.  How bad could it have really been for George?.  Somewhere between being elected president and living under a bridge I would assume.  Though I do not know the exact circumstances, how did it really come down to this?  How bad could it of REALLY been?

In my own experience, I have lived a pretty eclectic life so far.  Many, many, many ups and downs mentally, physically, spiritually, artistically, romantically, financially, ...  But I have never given up.  Why take the easy way out.

I have more respect for Elvis, James Dean, Stan Winston, Helmut Newton, Bob Carlos Clarke, and most of all... my best childhood friend since 8 years old:

Chief Petty Officer - Jacques Fontan - Special Operations Navy SEAL Team 10, whose MH-47 Chinook helicopter was shot down near Asadabad, Afghanistan, June 28, 2005.  A total of 11 SEALs and 8 Army Commandos died that day as they were attempting to rescue 4 other SEALs from a forward listing post that were engaged in a fire fight against overwhelming Taliban forces.  It was the greatest single loss of life for Navy Special Warfare forces since World War II.  If you are interested in the story...

So back to the OP, am I to forgive Robert Hoffmann and wish him a R.I.P. for what he did?  I never knew him... How bad could it of REALLY been?Could the reason be a terminal incurable illness or just an "F" on his report card?
I will, however, wish all this friends and family members of Onyx Photography a L.I.P. for they are the ones that will have to endure the unanswered questions for the rest of THEIR lives.  A long road for recovery.

Sorry if I hurt feelings on this reply post.  It's not very P.C. now is it?

"I have wrestled with death. It is the most unexciting contest you can imagine. It takes place in an impalpable greyness, with nothing underfoot, with nothing around, without spectators, without clamour, without glory, without the great desire of victory, without the great fear of defeat."
- Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

The fact that you do not know the exact circumstances which drove George to do such a thing is precisely the reason why you should keep your mouth shut about the matter. Cool avi, by the way.

Jan 22 09 12:40 pm Link


JT Hodges

Posts: 2191

Austin, Texas, US

Dave Wright Photo SF wrote:
Take a minute to send a few messages to photographers you admire. smile

fbimagery wrote:
and this goes for everyone who has touched your life in a positive way. Life is too short, and Death comes unexpectedly to some, and how much effort is it to send  an email or message or even say hello to someone whom you feel has enriched your life at any point?....

Such a simple gesture ... contacting those you admire and love. You may never know it, but it could save their life. 

May Mr. Hoffmann find the peace and happiness that eluded him. May his family and friends also find peace. May we all celebrate the good and profound ways in which he positively impacted our lives.

Jan 22 09 01:44 pm Link


Danny Does Glamour

Posts: 2346

Atlanta, Georgia, US

timothy dolph wrote:
So GW, are you telling me that George checked out himself.  That's bullshit.
That totally changes my whole perspective on him.  *snip*

I understand your point Tim. Really I do. However, I choose to look at suicide under a different light. My opinion won't be popular either because some (possibly even you) might misinterpret my post as glorifying the act. However, I am not.

Sometimes suicide is the BRAVE and HONORABLE thing to do. Sometime people are suffering from a physical, terminal illness and they choose to die on their terms before the illness leaves them no choice.

Sometimes people suffer from a mental illness so debilitating that their minds are buried deep in a pit of hopelessness and despair. There is simply no perceivable way out and, without someone recognizing their plight and intervening on their behalf, they choose to fight the feelings and take charge of their lives in one final act.

I don't think for one minute that victims of suicide act in a cowardly or selfish manner. Their line of thought is simply well beyond that.

I am reminded of the victims of 9/11 who leaped to their deaths from the open windows. It is my belief that their decision to jump was their one final means of taking charge of their own lives. They must have wondered, "do I stay inside this building and burn alive? Or do I decide, on my own terms, how my life will end?" I think it was an incredible act of bravery that allowed them to make their decision.

George was likely in a sort of burning building himself. He had a decision to make and regardless of our feelings on the matter he made it on his own. I hope the man believed he was going someplace better and I wish his family and friends peace in knowing that, if just for a few moments, George was in control.


Jan 22 09 02:22 pm Link


CSI Studios LLC

Posts: 3

Richmond, Virginia, US

It is truly a sad loss, I only had the opportunity to have a couple of web chats
with him in appreciation of his work, which he returned the favor. He seemed
to be a grounded, cool guy. His work will stand the test of time, and be favored
for years to come.

My condolences to his family, friends, and those who only just discovered his
talents. But take comfort in that he lived his life doing what he loved, and making
a great living at it.

God Bless George in his passing and those he left behind.

CSI Studios LLC
Richmond, VA

Jan 22 09 09:45 pm Link


Will Tham

Posts: 596

Los Angeles, California, US

Ariana Diabla wrote:
This is very sad sad... No matter how it happened.. He was very very talented. I was a big fan of his work!

i very much agree. and it sounds like he was a very good guy too.

Jan 23 09 12:28 pm Link


Visual Into-xXx-ication

Posts: 83

Senecaville, Ohio, US

May He Rest In Peace!

Jan 28 09 12:53 am Link



Posts: 1113

Redding, California, US

Wow, what an incredible loss.  Like so many, I never got a chance to know him, but found his work truly inspirational.  He was definitely one of the best photographers I was aware of.

I know of about 2 MM suicides in the past month or so.  Are suicide rates increasing?  Could it be the economy?  Rational thinking is very difficult in the midst of deep depression.  That's what most 'non-depressed' people don't realize.

Jan 28 09 04:59 am Link


anna men

Posts: 281

Los Angeles, California, US

I was his huge fan, I was about to pay him to take pictures of me when i was in miami.... omg i cannot believe it happened... R.I.P. i am so sad...

Jan 28 09 05:42 pm Link



Posts: 19211

Madison, Wisconsin, US

sad I contacted him not too long ago to do a future shoot while he was nearby...

Such a loss to the industry. His work was amazing.

Jan 29 09 02:21 pm Link


Kylea Killeen

Posts: 543

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

This is so sad! I love his work, but he knew that. I know I left him tags and such to let him know.

Wherever he is, may peace be with him.

Jan 30 09 05:17 pm Link


Bianca Carosio

Posts: 1128

New York, New York, US

I'm writing for George's family and close loved ones.

Every time a legend leaves without facts given out the public will always jump to extreme conclusions. This is NOT the case with George. Please do not spread rumors and make these accusations of George because he would not be proud of many of the responses going on and it doesn't show much consideration to his family.

I was a good friend and working partner of George' for all of us that was close to him I ask for everyone to just remember everything he has ever shown to the world because he'd prefer to keep it like that exactly.

Thank you


Jan 30 09 07:18 pm Link


Nicola Ward

Posts: 325

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

Photo-Retoucher wrote:
I'm writing for George's family and close loved ones.

Every time a legend leaves without facts given out the public will always jump to extreme conclusions. This is NOT the case with George. Please do not spread rumors and make these accusations of George because he would not be proud of many of the responses going on and it doesn't show much consideration to his family.

I was a good friend and working partner of George' for all of us that was close to him I ask for everyone to just remember everything he has ever shown to the world because he'd prefer to keep it like that exactly.

Thank you


Thank you Bianca for sticking up for a wonderful man who is no longer able to defend himself. It really is beneath contempt to speak badly of people who can no longer defend themselves. I know the truth and only a very few people do. Why people should want to know the gritty details of the death of somebody they never even knew is beyond me. His fiancee is being tortured by people emailing her hate mail and going so far as to set up fake my space accounts to send her nasty emails. Talk about fucking warped minds. Sad losers with nothing else to do but, gossip about somebody they never even knew. George was extremely private and it is just awful people are judging him when they know absolutely nothing. They hear a rumour and assume it is true....  May God forgive them. Nobody has the right to judge another human being when they nothing of the facts and they shall never know the truth,never....

I consider myself lucky to have known him.... a nicer man I never met. He leaves us the legacy of his beautiful work. I am honoured to have know him. A man in a million he was. I know he is at peace now and hopefully all the gossip mongers will crawl back in the holes they crawled out of or find something else to worry themselves with. 

RIP George.......... :-( I miss ya

Jan 30 09 09:06 pm Link


Bianca Carosio

Posts: 1128

New York, New York, US

Nicola Ward wrote:

Thank you Bianca for sticking up for a wonderful man who is no longer able to defend himself. It really is beneath contempt to speak badly of people who can no longer defend themselves. I know the truth and only a very few people do. Why people should want to know the gritty details of the death of somebody they never even knew is beyond me. His fiancee is being tortured by people emailing her hate mail and going so far as to set up fake my space accounts to send her nasty emails. Talk about fucking warped minds. Sad losers with nothing else to do but, gossip about somebody they never even knew. George was extremely private and it is just awful people are judging him when they know absolutely nothing. They hear a rumour and assume it is true....  May God forgive them. Nobody has the right to judge another human being when they nothing of the facts and they shall never know the truth,never....

I consider myself lucky to have known him.... a nicer man I never met. He leaves us the legacy of his beautiful work. I am honoured to have know him. A man in a million he was. I know he is at peace now and hopefully all the gossip mongers will crawl back in the holes they crawled out of or find something else to worry themselves with. 

RIP George.......... :-( I miss ya

thank you very much.....I know what she is going through and talk to her often about it.....I hope everyone will just appreciate everything George has done and continue loving his work...

Jan 30 09 09:27 pm Link


Nicola Ward

Posts: 325

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

Photo-Retoucher wrote:

thank you very much.....I know what she is going through and talk to her often about it.....I hope everyone will just appreciate everything George has done and continue loving his work...

thank you.... I speak with her several times a day. It would break her heart to see this thread.  Yes... it would be so nice if everyone just remembered what an amazing artist he was. He leaves us an amazing legacy in his beautiful work. Nobody could ever imitate his work he had his very own style ;-)

Jan 30 09 09:34 pm Link


Bianca Carosio

Posts: 1128

New York, New York, US

Nicola Ward wrote:

Photo-Retoucher wrote:
Nobody could ever imitate his work he had his very own style ;-)

I know myself.. smile

Jan 30 09 09:59 pm Link



Posts: 23

Tampa, Florida, US

the best are always gone too soon.

Jan 31 09 10:40 am Link


Bianca Carosio

Posts: 1128

New York, New York, US

ValerieMarie wrote:
the best are always gone too soon.

Yes...but we have to continue appreciating their work forever... smile

Jan 31 09 11:48 am Link



Posts: 1012

Nashville, Tennessee, US

( ANT ) Mgaphoto wrote:

Sad! I always admired his style

I admired his unique visions as well

Jan 31 09 11:54 am Link


Tabatha Miami

Posts: 1819

Miami, Florida, US

It is not OUR position to judge others. Clearly, Onyx photographer and HAD DEEP UNDERlYING problems, probably depression that led him to take his own life.

I find it saddening whenever ANY human takes his/her own life. It is not a competition to judge the more saddening suicides against other suicides.

Just have respect for this soul who took his own life and STOP judging OTHER PEOPLE, HE IS DEAD FOR GOD'S SAKE.

timothy dolph wrote:

So GW, are you telling me that George checked out himself.  That's bullshit.
That totally changes my whole perspective on him.  I have had friends and relatives to do the some thing and I have all lack of respect for them in the afterlife.  Sorry, It sux but that is how i feel.

And my feeling are the same for Van Gogh, Hemingway, Cobain, Ledger, and my cousin Nick at age 14 as well.

Life is hard enough for the living.  How bad could it have really been for George?.  Somewhere between being elected president and living under a bridge I would assume.  Though I do not know the exact circumstances, how did it really come down to this?  How bad could it of REALLY been?

In my own experience, I have lived a pretty eclectic life so far.  Many, many, many ups and downs mentally, physically, spiritually, artistically, romantically, financially, ...  But I have never given up.  Why take the easy way out.

I have more respect for Elvis, James Dean, Stan Winston, Helmut Newton, Bob Carlos Clarke, and most of all... my best childhood friend since 8 years old:

Chief Petty Officer - Jacques Fontan - Special Operations Navy SEAL Team 10, whose MH-47 Chinook helicopter was shot down near Asadabad, Afghanistan, June 28, 2005.  A total of 11 SEALs and 8 Army Commandos died that day as they were attempting to rescue 4 other SEALs from a forward listing post that were engaged in a fire fight against overwhelming Taliban forces.  It was the greatest single loss of life for Navy Special Warfare forces since World War II.  If you are interested in the story...

So back to the OP, am I to forgive Robert Hoffmann and wish him a R.I.P. for what he did?  I never knew him... How bad could it of REALLY been?Could the reason be a terminal incurable illness or just an "F" on his report card?
I will, however, wish all this friends and family members of Onyx Photography a L.I.P. for they are the ones that will have to endure the unanswered questions for the rest of THEIR lives.  A long road for recovery.

Sorry if I hurt feelings on this reply post.  It's not very P.C. now is it?

"I have wrestled with death. It is the most unexciting contest you can imagine. It takes place in an impalpable greyness, with nothing underfoot, with nothing around, without spectators, without clamour, without glory, without the great desire of victory, without the great fear of defeat."
- Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

Feb 02 09 07:11 am Link


Whitney Bensfield

Posts: 2


George was a really good friend of mine. We only shot once together but we continued to keep in touch years after. He was always a gentleman and very kind. He mentored me and always had something positive to say. The circumstances of his death does not matter; what does it that the world lost a wonderful person and will be horribly missed.  Wherever he is now, I know he is well. Thank you George for everything

Feb 08 09 07:35 pm Link


Photos by Dwayne

Posts: 34

Altamonte Springs, Florida, US

God speed George on the other side. You had great photos and provided the rest if us with inspiration.


Feb 11 09 07:17 pm Link


Rhian Alise

Posts: 1435

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Danny Does Glamour wrote:

I understand your point Tim. Really I do. However, I choose to look at suicide under a different light. My opinion won't be popular either because some (possibly even you) might misinterpret my post as glorifying the act. However, I am not.

Sometimes suicide is the BRAVE and HONORABLE thing to do. Sometime people are suffering from a physical, terminal illness and they choose to die on their terms before the illness leaves them no choice.

Sometimes people suffer from a mental illness so debilitating that their minds are buried deep in a pit of hopelessness and despair. There is simply no perceivable way out and, without someone recognizing their plight and intervening on their behalf, they choose to fight the feelings and take charge of their lives in one final act.

I don't think for one minute that victims of suicide act in a cowardly or selfish manner. Their line of thought is simply well beyond that.

I am reminded of the victims of 9/11 who leaped to their deaths from the open windows. It is my belief that their decision to jump was their one final means of taking charge of their own lives. They must have wondered, "do I stay inside this building and burn alive? Or do I decide, on my own terms, how my life will end?" I think it was an incredible act of bravery that allowed them to make their decision.

George was likely in a sort of burning building himself. He had a decision to make and regardless of our feelings on the matter he made it on his own. I hope the man believed he was going someplace better and I wish his family and friends peace in knowing that, if just for a few moments, George was in control.


I already knew you were amazing but this even furthur proved it.
+2 to you for writing this.

Mar 04 09 02:36 am Link


Mark Orman

Posts: 72

Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia

Prayers to you.  A star now burning brightly in the sky.

Mar 04 09 02:43 am Link


Bad Ass Photography

Posts: 545

Cheyenne, Wyoming, US

Does anyone know how old he was??  Just curious.

Mar 04 09 03:04 am Link


a HUMAN ad

Posts: 1148

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Tabatha Miami wrote:
It is not OUR position to judge others. Clearly, Onyx HAD DEEP UNDERLYING problems, probably depression that led him to take his own life.

I suffer from depression and can relate to ONYX choosing to end his life. If I decided to do so as he chose to do, it would be because I do not enjoy life - If I were happy, I would not end my life.

Mar 09 09 12:29 pm Link



Posts: 103

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

a HUMAN ad wrote:

I suffer from depression and can relate to ONYX choosing to end his life. If I decided to do so as he chose to do, it would be because I do not enjoy life - If I were happy, I would not end my life.

Suicide is not the solution to depression
Seek help
Seek your happiness
Find the ways to enjoy and do what makes you happy
There is hardly any one who is happy %100
We all try our best and keep fighting
Appreciate your self your work your friends and close once
Do you know how many people were sad when they heard the news about George?
I wonder if he knew how many people loved him, including me...
I only met him once for a shoot, but he changed my life forever,his work inspired me and i travelled to USA to meet him to have his photos!! And will continue to travel and work with talanted people like him no matter what it takes...
Seek and do not end whatever is given to you
It is given for a reason
Some one some where loves you:)

Mar 09 09 04:24 pm Link


DruPhotoDesigns INC

Posts: 1126

Miami, Florida, US

Bad Ass Photography wrote:
Does anyone know how old he was??  Just curious.

late 30's? i believe his myspace says 36?

Mar 09 09 04:25 pm Link


Eric Jackson

Posts: 1290

Dayton, Ohio, US

My prayers and condolences to his family

Mar 09 09 04:31 pm Link


Exotic Jewel Unedited

Posts: 15

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

They really should delete this whole thread or whatever its called here.  Lets just remember his talent, this is not a place to discuss delicate personal issues like this.

May 10 09 05:06 pm Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

Tina Marie Blonde wrote:
They really should delete this whole thread or whatever its called here.  Lets just remember his talent, this is not a place to discuss delicate personal issues like this.

Congratulations on bumping it so now people can continue posting in it. It was fine buried where it was.

May 10 09 05:18 pm Link