Forums > Critique > OK, I want to see some SERIOUS models only!


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Ambellina wrote:
Any tips for me?

One thing for sure, get a better photographer(s).  Many of your pictures seem to be a bit washed up or the highlights blown away because of overpowering lighting.  The others just don't do anything for me.  The bottom picture, your eyes are looking to the side.  If you're going to do that, then move your whole face so it looks normal.  keep your eyes straight, move your whole head in the direction the eyes are looking.

Jul 17 10 06:11 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Melody Quan wrote:
me too? still doing it

Already done on page 60.

Jul 17 10 06:13 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Krystal Gale wrote:
Definatley let me know what you think.

    I think you have to go back and figure out what you're modeling for, do you fit the genre, what do you need to wear for that genre, what poses and expressions do you use, what photographer do you use, what hair and makeup person are you going to have working on you.  Right now, I just see someone going through the motions...almost something you'd see with senior portraits.  Need to go to the next level, and what I see right now is not that way.

Jul 17 10 06:20 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Anastasia SK wrote:
I would like to know!

Hi Anastasia,
   You certainly have the eyes and looks, but what you need to do is know how to use them.   You should do well if you learn how to use your eye muscles to make different expressions.  Work in front of the mirror and learn to smile with your eyes or frown with them.  When you have that down, learn to match the expressions with the poses.
   I would say you fit the glamour area very well since you have the sexiness and the figure, so you'll probably find plenty of glamour work awaiting you.

Jul 17 10 06:27 pm Link


Stathena Mac

Posts: 51

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I sort of stepped out of the modeling world for the past year so I could probably use a good critique of what I need to add and what my photographers should be doing with me. My focuses have been towards swimwear, lingerie, pin-up, glamour, and artistic. I am short at 5'2" so I have no desire to pursue fashion. Thanks in advanced!

Jul 17 10 06:33 pm Link


Tilli A

Posts: 358

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Me pretty please? xx

Jul 17 10 07:48 pm Link


Nora QQ

Posts: 172

New York, New York, US

This seems like an awesome critique... I dont really have a specific question just a general critic on my work as a whole =] Thanks a ton!! I appreiciate it

Jul 17 10 08:26 pm Link



Posts: 6

Zwijndrecht, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands


I just added my portfolio one the site, so i'm curious what you's just a start!

I had 1 payed assignement (applebee), i would like to get some more payed assignements.

Let me know what you think!

Jul 18 10 01:43 am Link


Brookelyn Nicole

Posts: 44

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

yes please smile

Jul 18 10 03:28 pm Link


Aiyanna Sol Lay

Posts: 145

San Diego, California, US

I would love to hear what you have to say. I'm a new model with little experience and I would like some insight from someone who has experience.

Jul 18 10 05:21 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Kendra Richards wrote:
Me! smile

Hi Kenra,
   You're a pretty girl, but you need to bring in some originality here.  You're not separating yourself from the others.  There use to be a time that people took pride in their own creativity and in this generation it's important to belong...which is the worst thing you can do if you're going to be a model.  Bring something to the photoshoot besides your looks and your generic "modeling 101" poses and expressions.  I believe you do have potential especially since you're only 18.  Get your own style to you that people can identify you with.  Being one of the crowd is very bad for a model.

Jul 20 10 10:29 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

B Paige wrote:
i need some good advice!

   My advice is to get away from nude work.  It really doesn't work for you unless you were going to do fine arts work, which to be effective at, you'd need to pose a lot better...posing for fine arts is an art by itself.  A good example of fine arts nude model is Katy_T (MM# 11311).  She has a lot more stuff at OMP, but she's really great at this sort of work. 

The whole idea behind modeling is putting your basic skills (posing and expressiveness) to work properly for each modeling genre, environment and project type. 

Work on those skills first before going to a studio and saying "OK here I am" and taking your clothes off.  Anyone can do that, but the ones who do better are the ones who don't just count on their looks.

Jul 20 10 10:40 pm Link



Posts: 116

Kettering, Ohio, US

i would love the advice! i have not gotten many opinions overall!

Jul 21 10 06:54 pm Link



Posts: 1004

Tucson, Arizona, US

I'm kind of lost in my direction. I know that a lot of people have told me commercial modeling will be my best option, but I would love to know what you think. I'm sorry that there isn't a lot to work with currently, but if you can give me any tips and/or opinions that would be great.

Jul 21 10 06:58 pm Link


Darious Watson

Posts: 130

Fort Bliss, Texas, US

I would love to know!! smile keep it real Please

Jul 21 10 07:02 pm Link


h a n n a h MARiE

Posts: 84

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Tips. Critique. Something nice to say,  I wanna hear it all.

Jul 21 10 07:06 pm Link


Tanji NYC

Posts: 8

Brooklyn, New York, US

what do you think of my look, and what would your advice be? Thanks for your time smile

Jul 21 10 11:38 pm Link


Eleisha Jemuel

Posts: 4980

BLUE JAY, California, US

Me please.

Jul 21 10 11:45 pm Link


Kayte G

Posts: 10

Orlando, Florida, US

I was just told my port is too sexy and I need more commercial shots.. any ideas? Thanks smile

Jul 22 10 12:36 pm Link



Posts: 125

San Diego, California, US

Are you still going? Would love to know what you think smile

Jul 22 10 12:45 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Karasocki wrote:
Can you do me please?

Do you what?  smile
Well, I don't see much in your portfolio that stands out or exceptional.  Nothing really bad, just that nothing stands out. 

I think you have nice looks, but need to be a bit more edgy.  Right now you look like the girl next door.  So get a bit more edgy and do something with the hair (it's very nice) but you need to be a bit more exotic to get noticed.  Also work on your basic skills as a model, and unless you're interested in doing commercial work, stop looking directly into the camera and smiling. smile

Jul 23 10 05:09 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

DEBRA  A wrote:
I'm game if you are still doing it

Hi Debra,
   You're certainly pretty and quite sexy.  You're obviously doing well with your work, so I would just stick to what you're doing already.  If I had to make a suggestion to you on something besides what you're doing now, I'd say for sure artistic/fantasy work.  I think with your strong looks you would be good for that.   Another avenue  that you may want to consider is that since you're already super sexy, back off from being over the top.  Be more subtle with your sexiness and work on the imaginative part a lot more.  I'm saying think of the classic librarian type where it's not in your face like pam anderson.  I strongly believe less is more.  It will also let people concentrate on your skills as a model instead of the obvious.

Jul 23 10 05:21 am Link


marissa charles

Posts: 2935

London, England, United Kingdom

Not sure if I have posted on here, but I would like to know if you think my port is srong and what can be added to it? cheers x

Jul 23 10 05:23 am Link


Kelly Lenahan

Posts: 128

San Diego, California, US

Hoping you can still get to me:) thank you

Jul 23 10 12:54 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

tzeni_kas wrote:

Hi Tzeni,
   I like some of your images quite a bit and the others not so much.  The ones I like are:
  Row 1: last 3 images
  Row 3: Second image
  Row 5: 1st image

The rest are either passable or just ok...nothing that great.   

Problems with the other images:
  Row 1: #1, Too dark, and being horizontal, hardly anyone will look at it...waste of space.
  Row 2: None stand out...they are all a dime a dozen on MM
  Row 3: #1, your lips look weird, #3, it's nice except that I would have had you crouch down and put your weight on the back of your heals with a side shot and your back using the wall for support.  Also a fan facing you would have been great to give your hair some movement.  #4, just ordinary image...nothing to write home about.
  Row 4: #1 no expression, #2 looking too old and tired, #3 no neck, #4 just a glamour shot everyone's seen a million times
  Row 5: #2 just an eye blink with no real expression other than that, #3 bad try at a fashion pose, #4 wrong type of styling for you.

  Now, I think you can do much better because I see you did fine in the ones I listed at the beginning.  Work hard on being unique.  Forget what everyone tells you (complimentary or otherwise) and do your own thing.  Be different...that's what wins always.

Jul 24 10 05:16 am Link


Lauren Sweeney-Fenton

Posts: 502

London, England, United Kingdom

Hi smile If your still going I'd love some feedback!

At the moment I'm trying to focus on Beauty. However, there are quite a few shots I haven't got back that would be in that category!

I would also love to hear what you think I should do to move towards getting more creative beauty shoots ( & if you have an idea for one... that would be even better wink )

Really hope to hear from you!  smile

Lauren Sf.

Jul 24 10 07:08 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Julian Coj. wrote:
me please?

Hi Julian,
  I'm sorry, I didn't see anything that really caught my eye in your portfolio.  You should research male modeling and take notes on who are the very successful models, what are they like physically, how old they are, how they pose and express themselves, what is their portfolio like and then try to model yourself, at least at the beginning, after them.  Right now, your portfolio is not view worthy at all.  Nothing in there catches eyes.  Go back to the drawing board, find out what is expected and try to do above what's expected.  It does take a lot of effort and as you know people that are successful never tire or stop from working on their skills.

Jul 25 10 06:54 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

C H I N Y E R E  wrote:
tell me :]

Hi Chinyere,
  First thing I'd do if I were you would be to find a good photographer who's willing to work with you.  Next, do something with that hair and try to look like a model using the proper styling and makeup/hair.  Right now, it's just a bunch of badly photographed images that don't show a model but just a plain odinary person.  If you're serious about it, do something about that.

Jul 25 10 06:58 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Misssexyscot wrote:
I am in x

Well you better show up with some good work if you're in.   I don't think you're cut out for Lolita, vampire, maid stuff.  At least you're not posing or attempting to look the part very well.  Anyway, it doesn't do anything for me.  The best shot you have is the first one in your portfolio.  You'd do better with the natural stuff because you're lacking the theatrics to look right for the other genres.   

Also, lose that surprised expression that you wear on at least 50 percent of the images.  It's way too fake to be effective.

Learn the right poses for your body type, and the concept your working on and more importantly for the genre you're targeting.

Jul 25 10 07:03 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

SophieS wrote:
Hiya me please? smile

Hi Sophie, I did yours already its on page: 55

Jul 25 10 07:06 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Vladlena Mitskaniouk wrote:
Me please if your still going?

Hi Vladlena,
    You certainly have the beauty (especially the eyes) and an excellent figure.  I think you'd do well in commercial work.  You only have a couple of years though, so make the most of it.  Practice your smiles a lot.   I think you'll do well in there.  As far as high fashion, I don't see the x-factor with you.  That's something that shows in the eyes and the way you'd photograph.  On top of that I don't see the angular posing.   It's just very girl next door looks.

  Now I know you'd do fantastic in glamour since you have the great shape, smooth skin and a subtle sexiness about you.  I know you might not be interested in that area and I wouldn't blame you at all, but I think you would do well and perhaps in the pinup areas. 

  I would seek commercial though if I were you.

-Romel Evans

Jul 25 10 07:19 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Sarah Y Gambrell wrote:
I'm new, and don't have a lot, but any input that could help me would be appreciated! Thanks!

Hi Sarah,
   I know you're new, but look around please.  Before you start dropping images here, at least make sure that they look half way good.  What can I say about your work?   I mean there's nothing to talk about.  It doesn't seem like you've put much effort into your work and just put some pictures in there just for the sake of showing yourself.  Well, work on yourself, and you know physically you've got to get over the obsticles that will prevent you from being viewed seriously.   On top of that, look around and see what others are doing...I don't mean 90 percent of people here, but there are quite a few that are putting in efforts and doing good work.  This forum, as the title indicates is for (serious models).  You can't possibly be serious and come in here with that portfolio.  Get back to the drawing board and do something eye catching please!

Jul 25 10 07:49 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Sara Flower wrote:
I would greatly appreciate some feedback (I do have a small port for now, but I am working on fixing that).

Sorry you have no profile.

Jul 25 10 07:49 am Link


Brandon Ralph

Posts: 1247

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Hi Image Designer,
Would love to have some serious feedback since i last posted.


Jul 25 10 08:30 pm Link



Posts: 465

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I recieved your input a while ago I believe, but I have some new work up and would like to know what you think smile

Jul 25 10 08:35 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

ElizaMaria wrote:
I recieved your input a while ago I believe, but I have some new work up and would like to know what you think smile

Not a while ago...just recently.  I believe it's one page back.

Jul 25 10 09:06 pm Link


Miss Nyx

Posts: 152

Lacombe, Alberta, Canada

Hello, I have been modeling for approximately... 1 year. I don't have a whole lot of experience, so I would love some critique! I am a tad nervous, because I am a huge personal critique on myself, and I see a lot of flaws in my picture, but I would like to hear what someone else thinks of them. Thank you, I greatly appreciate it.

Jul 25 10 09:16 pm Link


Taylor M Madigan

Posts: 532

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Me please (:

Jul 25 10 09:17 pm Link



Posts: 218

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I would love to hear what you think. I'm in need of some honest feedback. Thanks smile

Jul 26 10 05:29 am Link



Posts: 275

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Hi, If you're still going, I'd love to receive some feedback on how to improve. I'll be updating my port soon (lost a lot of weight from most the pictures in it), and looking forward to hearing some idea of the direction to take, or in fact anything you feel to add. Thanks!

Jul 26 10 06:41 am Link