Forums > General Industry > SHORT HAIR!!! Positive or negative????



Posts: 8

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

I have just recently had my hair cut short (View my last pic to see how short). Have any other models found it as a negative or a positive to have short hair????

To explain this better has anyone found they were restricted or got less shooting opportunities due to not having long hair??? Or has anyone found they picked up more shoots due to the fact they we in the minority of having short hair???

I would love to hear of other peoples experiences and views on the subject.


May 25 09 10:04 pm Link



Posts: 667

New York, New York, US

I have short hair....thought about growing it out a lot because I feel like I could do more. In the end, what fits you best?

May 25 09 10:06 pm Link


Mike Kelcher

Posts: 13322

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

It really depends on where the short hair is.

May 25 09 10:06 pm Link


Leo Velo

Posts: 1248

Portland, Oregon, US

this is the longest my hair's been in 4 years and i just hacked a bunch of it off to provide layers, have received no complaints.

i doubt anyone would bitch about the cut of my hair though... =P


May 25 09 10:09 pm Link



Posts: 26560

Clearwater, Florida, US

Short hair is so much fun – no hair is a complete blast wink

I shave my head throughout the summer and love it!

The really big advantage of short hair is being able to use a wide variety of wigs. There’s nothing that can change your personality in an image as quickly as a wig change.

May 25 09 10:37 pm Link



Posts: 519

New York, New York, US

I loved my short hair. People got tired of it after a few months though. It was nice. Its growing back now. All my girl friends liked it, my exboyfriend hated it though, he wouldnt shave his chin until my hair grew back -___-

May 26 09 12:31 pm Link


Nikki the pixel NiNja

Posts: 1656

Montpelier, Ohio, US

it all depends on what works with your face shape and if a photog wants a long haired girl he'll find plenty
just market yourself in the area of short haired models

May 26 09 12:39 pm Link


Bunny Bombshell

Posts: 11798

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Mine is just barely shoulder length. I've got a theory on this. If you have a pretty face and nice neck like me then go on and rock it short. Personally my cheekbones and etc are just too awesome to hide behind a bunch of hair.

May 26 09 08:28 pm Link


Miss Anna Evans

Posts: 40233

Astoria, New York, US

Far as I can tell, glamour loves the long hair real hard.

May 26 09 08:50 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Miss Anna Evans wrote:
Far as I can tell, glamour loves the long hair real hard.

That it does.

I see way more castings specifying long hair than short hair.

May 26 09 10:01 pm Link



Posts: 2861

York Harbour, Guam, US

It just depends on what you like for yourself. Personally I tried the short hair thing and although the cut went well with my face everyone got mad at me bc they all loved it the way it was. Now I'm trying to grow it back out... Personally I think that you would look spetacular with brown hair down to mid waist or longer. I think that would go really well with your facial features, but that's just my opinion...

May 26 09 10:07 pm Link


Jennifer Barker

Posts: 8010

Houston, Arkansas, US

JoJo Suicide wrote:
Short hair is so much fun – no hair is a complete blast wink

I shave my head throughout the summer and love it!

The really big advantage of short hair is being able to use a wide variety of wigs. There’s nothing that can change your personality in an image as quickly as a wig change.

Wigs Are Awesome .. So Much Fun ... smile

May 27 09 12:29 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Miss Anna Evans wrote:
Far as I can tell, glamour loves the long hair real hard.

theda wrote:
That it does.

I see way more castings specifying long hair than short hair.

IMO the majority of straight men prefer long hair.

May 27 09 12:31 am Link


Escape Images

Posts: 201

Miami, Florida, US

when hiring female models for TV commercials, I would never hire a model with short hair. The point is very simple, when doing a commercial I am advertising a product only, I dont care about making fashion statements, so everything else have to fall under 'stereotypes'. By stereotypes women have long hair.

The exception would be if I am doing a commercial for a product marketed to punk rock chicks, then I would probably hire a short hair model, but this is the exception, not the norm

May 27 09 04:07 am Link



Posts: 370

Richmond, Virginia, US

It definitely depends on your face/look. And to some extent, your personality.

As a guy, I often find short hair sexy.

As a photographer/artist, I usually find long hair more versatile/desirable.

May 27 09 06:53 am Link


Chloe Model

Posts: 1790

Staines, England, United Kingdom

I've got short hair now through jobs etc but I think I got more jobs when my hair was longer. So now I'm growing it out but its costing me lol. Hair castings just want me to get it shorter haha
Can always put in extensions though :-)

May 27 09 06:59 am Link


Emily Carrington

Posts: 1160

Portland, Arkansas, US

I had really long hair (middle of my back) and then one day, about 8 months ago, randomly decided to cut it short, above my ears.

** It was the best thing I've done modeling wise. **

Despite every once in awhile having a mini-crisis and wondering if I still look 'feminine', my requests for shoots and bookings sky-rocketed after I cut my hair.  I stood out among the sea of girls with long hair.  Clients who need short haired models tend to hire me, as there are so few short haired girls in my agency.

Every once in awhile I will encounter someone who only wants to shoot long-haired models and will/would refuse to work with me because I have short-hair.  But there are plenty who jump at the opportunity and even actively seek out short-haired models.

I will say short hair doesn't really work for everyone.  You really have to rock it.  It really made my face stand-out.  I look like a completely different person now.

May 27 09 07:07 am Link


Emily Carrington

Posts: 1160

Portland, Arkansas, US

VisionWorks Photography wrote:
when hiring female models for TV commercials, I would never hire a model with short hair. The point is very simple, when doing a commercial I am advertising a product only, I dont care about making fashion statements, so everything else have to fall under 'stereotypes'. By stereotypes women have long hair.

The exception would be if I am doing a commercial for a product marketed to punk rock chicks, then I would probably hire a short hair model, but this is the exception, not the norm

And yet, there are still plenty of short-haired models doing mainstream TV commercials.  Print, too. I see them all the time, selling things from yogurt to clothes.   You just have to look good with short hair; it has to work on *you*.

May 27 09 07:10 am Link


Fetish Pixie

Posts: 6435

Montreal, Wisconsin, US

I have short hair. Definitely positive.

May 27 09 07:18 am Link


Yves Duchamp- Homme

Posts: 3212

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Depends on your look and if you can pull it off. Right now, I am looking for a fashion model with short hair. Cannot find one. sad

Also, it depends on the cut. It needs to be a CUTE short haircut.

Edit: Damn! I'm on my men's profile...

May 27 09 07:22 am Link


Escape Images

Posts: 201

Miami, Florida, US

Emily Carrington wrote:

And yet, there are still plenty of short-haired models doing mainstream TV commercials.  Print, too. I see them all the time, selling things from yogurt to clothes.   You just have to look good with short hair; it has to work on *you*.

yea you are right, thinking about it...

this is a snapshot of a commercial I produced, and as you can see the female model has short hair, but I didnt hire her, the ad agency had already picked the models when they hired me to film the commercial, and she was great, one of the best models Ive worked with.

I guess the difference is when doing local TV commercials I hire models for $150 for around 4 hours, I dont have time to meet all the models, I do the hiring by pictures and a phone call. I sincerely wouldnt ask models to "meet" me for a $150 job.

When a model has short hair, I have to make sure it looks good on her and she is comfortable in it, you can not see that by picture, and if I am doing all the hiring by picture, it is a "safest" decision to hire a long hair model. If I was doing a casting it would be different but for local commercials I dont do castings, too much time.

May 27 09 07:34 am Link


Emily Carrington

Posts: 1160

Portland, Arkansas, US

VisionWorks Photography wrote:
yea you are right, thinking about it...

this is a snapshot of a commercial I produced, and as you can see the female model has short hair, but I didnt hire her, the ad agency had already picked the models when they hired me to film the commercial, and she was great, one of the best models Ive worked with.

I guess the difference is when doing local TV commercials I hire models for $150 for around 4 hours, I dont have time to meet all the models, I do the hiring by pictures and a phone call. I sincerely wouldnt ask models to "meet" me for a $150 job.

When a model has short hair, I have to make sure it looks good on her and she is comfortable in it, you can not see that by picture, and if I am doing all the hiring by picture, it is a "safest" decision to hire a long hair model. If I was doing a casting it would be different but for local commercials I dont do castings, too much time.

Yeah.  Do you double as a client or director for the commercials?  I'm not being snide, I'm just honestly curious how it works in your situation.   In my experience, with client shoots, the photographer doesn't have a say in who gets shot -- the client/agency determine that.

Also curious how a model with short hair cannot seem to be hired on the same conditions that a long haired model would be hired on (when you talk about long hair being 'safer').   A photo is a photo, and besides casting calls, it's what all agencies & clients I know use to hire models of all kinds.

May 27 09 09:54 am Link


not on MM anymore 2010

Posts: 2515

I have short hair... and a couple of long hair wigs.


May 27 09 09:57 am Link


Andrew Thomas Evans

Posts: 24079

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

VickyMV wrote:
I would love to hear of other peoples experiences and views on the subject.

Vic  -  I'm seeing either really long hair or short hair, not a lot of medium. -  again, either really longer or short, but a little of both.

and then we go to a smaller market,

where it doesn't seem to matter much.

May 27 09 10:00 am Link


Ginny McQueen

Posts: 614

Los Angeles, California, US

I miss my short hair, and also my bangs. But I've been told by the men that I should have long hair, no bangs. It's a bummer, but I did look good when I had hair down to my butt. I think I look crap with the inbetween length.

May 27 09 10:01 am Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

I love long long hair.  I would hire a model with long hair over short hair.  But I also hire the model and not just the hair.  If it works for you, then it works for me. bs

May 27 09 10:02 am Link


Steve Reganato

Posts: 1680

New York, New York, US

Christy Turlington, Amber Valetta, Shalom Harlow, Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell, Agnes Deyn all have had or currently have short hair looks. That I can tell it has not negatively impacted their modeling. The best work in my port is with a model with short hair for that matter! So, to me at least, it's really more of a thing of if a particular person can carry that look effectively. Some people just look better with long hair, a short look just doesn't work for them, other look great in it.

May 27 09 10:06 am Link


James O Wright

Posts: 616

Kansas City, Missouri, US

My point of view is that it is your hair.  You are the one who has to take care of it and I know from a decade ago when I cut off my ponytail that short hair is much less time consuming.  I shot pictures of a model some years back who had short hair but she had a collection of wigs of various colors and lengths and those wigs turned her into quite a chameleon.  She could have many different looks in one session.

May 27 09 10:14 am Link


Rachel Jay

Posts: 20441

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Short hair looks great on some people, and they totally rock it, whereas others look better with longer hair.  Bottom line is, it's your hair, and as long as your agency (if you have one) has approved the cut, you can do whatever you want with it. 

Sure, you'll find that some people don't like the short hair look, but others are all over it.  I've gotten all sorts of comments about my short hair, from people thinking short hair is "too butch" to others who've shot with me because of it.  I've had some guys tell me short hair is too boyish to be sexy, while others think it's hotter than long hair.  Everyone views it differently, and there's always someone who doesn't like it... but does it matter?  It's your hair.

For me, short hair works MUCH better.  My hair is very fine, stick straight, flat, and impossible to style when it's long (and by "long" I mean longer than chin-length), regardless of cut.  The shorter my hair is, the more versatile it gets, and the better I can style it.  It also looks fuller and has some great texture.

May 27 09 10:37 am Link


Escape Images

Posts: 201

Miami, Florida, US

Emily Carrington wrote:

Yeah.  Do you double as a client or director for the commercials?  I'm not being snide, I'm just honestly curious how it works in your situation.   In my experience, with client shoots, the photographer doesn't have a say in who gets shot -- the client/agency determine that.

Also curious how a model with short hair cannot seem to be hired on the same conditions that a long haired model would be hired on (when you talk about long hair being 'safer').   A photo is a photo, and besides casting calls, it's what all agencies & clients I know use to hire models of all kinds.

Most of the time business owners hire me directly to produce their commercial, in that case I am the one hires the models although I always get an OK from the client on every model I hire.

Sometimes (especially with biggger clients) the business has an advertising agency, in that case its a collaborative process, sometimes they write the copy of the spots or hire the models, sometimes I do. Sometimes I develop a relationship with the ad agency so in the future they hire me to produce their spot for other clients, in that case when I come onboard my job is very simple, everything is ready for me to shoot.

Casting calls are a MUST for national spots or big projects but there is no rule on this, as mentioned I produced a lot of local commercials where I pay models $150 for 4 hours on location. In those cases no I dont make casting calls, like I explained I dont think its worth for a model to drive all the way for a casting of a $150 job and I can get the look I need by just looking at pictures.

I explained on the first post that when doing commercials I do not care for making fashion statements, I hire on stereotypes because the focus shouldnt be on the model  but on the product or service, because of that reason I hire models with long hair because to be honest I dont have time to analize if a model with short hair looks good or not, if it fits or not, there is a lot of other areas that I need to focus on besides choosing the model. Models with long hair are easier to fit into the stereotype of what I am advertising and thats it, I dont have to waste time on that decision. Is that a lazy decision? sure it is! I am just being honest with you, and also I am sure many others make a lazy decision similar to mine, there is just many other things that need preparing and you dont always have time to sit down, drink coffee and analize models, you just hire on the spot.

Please dont take this personal, I have nothing against models with short hair, since you are asking I am just being brutally honest explaining what my process is, thats all.

May 27 09 10:52 am Link


Fetish Pixie

Posts: 6435

Montreal, Wisconsin, US

I need wigs. For serious. big_smile

I'm just really really glad the type of modeling I do doesn't restrict the way I look.

May 27 09 11:10 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

JoJo Suicide wrote:
Short hair is so much fun – no hair is a complete blast wink

I shave my head throughout the summer and love it!

The really big advantage of short hair is being able to use a wide variety of wigs. There’s nothing that can change your personality in an image as quickly as a wig change.

But you do need to choose carefully what you put on your head to project that personality. LOL

For the record, I am very partial to models with short, very short, and even no hair at all on their noggin.


May 27 09 11:47 am Link


Kelly leProbleme

Posts: 770

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I'm pretty sure I lost work when I cut it. Just my market, I guess. Then again I didn't get the greatest cut ever. I'm thinking about getting it cut again, but in a more versatile style.

May 27 09 12:07 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Kevyn Sage wrote:
I'm pretty sure I lost work when I cut it. Just my market, I guess. Then again I didn't get the greatest cut ever. I'm thinking about getting it cut again, but in a more versatile style.

I personally think you would look super with more of a boy cut style... like this


May 27 09 12:27 pm Link



Posts: 727

Englishtown, New Jersey, US

I did lose a shoot when I colored part of my hair green sad

But to answer your question, my hair is short too but if the photographer wants long, I clip in my rats (hair extensions) Since it's human hair, I can style the crap out of it  smile

May 27 09 12:36 pm Link



Posts: 8

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Thanks to everyone who posted. I love my short hair but its always interesting to hear other peoples experiences.


May 30 09 10:15 pm Link


Less Than Two

Posts: 23401

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Having been raised on fantasy stories where all the characters that were attractive or powerful almost always had long hair, I find it very hard to take anyone seriously or find them attractive if their hair doesn't at least pass their jawline.
Certain exceptions may apply.

May 31 09 12:11 am Link


dave wright glam

Posts: 1110

Phoenix, Arizona, US

-velocity- wrote:
this is the longest my hair's been in 4 years and i just hacked a bunch of it off to provide layers, have received no complaints.

i doubt anyone would bitch about the cut of my hair though... =P


do you think someone is actually going to send you a message that says, "just wanted to let you know, i don't want to shoot with you because your hair is short?"

May 31 09 12:24 am Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

Not modeling related:

Case for (really) short hair:

1. No bed head
2. No helmet head
3. Can ride in an open Jeep with no concern
4. Takes me less than 2 minutes to get ready for work in the morning
5. Self cut - saved thousands of $$$$ over the last 20 years


1. I can't really think of one

Modeling related:

No one has made issue of it. If they want me to shoot, I assume they're already ok with short hair.  If I've lost work due to hair length, that's the breaks. Not every model is suitable for every job.

May 31 09 06:52 am Link


Janice Marie Foote

Posts: 11483

I just want to add my 2 cents here.

Short hair doesn't equal lack of femininity that some people seem to state.
And of course like a long hairstyle, shoose a short hairstyle that complements your face.

And I have to add, the short dos that I'm seeing above totally rock!!!

May 31 09 06:57 am Link