Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Who Would Win in a Fight?


Erin Holmes

Posts: 6583

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

Engel Schrei wrote:
Is a psycho little bitch and would pwn ALL thier asses.

+1 That little girl fucked up Lestat, come on!

Aug 14 09 09:46 pm Link



Posts: 3007

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Jesus, just Jesus.

AdelaideJohn1967 wrote:
I like that answer........
Seriously I wonder what Jesus would do  if faced by a vampire?

Cast his soul into the swine, which would run down the hill and drown in the sea.  Clean and simple.

Aug 14 09 10:01 pm Link

Body Painter

Extreme Body Art

Posts: 4938

South Jordan, Utah, US

Chris Keeling wrote:
...People who could kick Edward's ass:

1  Blade
2  Chuck Norris
3  Lestat
4  Claudia
5  Cartman and/or Wendy
6  A gay chicken
7  Christopher Lambert
8  Mike Tyson
9  Don Knotts
10 Speedy Gonzales

Totally printing this and making this into a poster!

Aug 14 09 10:07 pm Link


John Photography

Posts: 13811

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

DGCasey wrote:

Jesus, just Jesus.

Cast his soul into the swine, which would run down the hill and drown in the sea.  Clean and simple.

Not if he was physically attacked....... And who says he has special powers....

I did like the movie Dracula 2000 and the notion that Judas was made a vampire by god

Aug 14 09 10:49 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

DGCasey wrote:

Jesus, just Jesus.

Cast his soul into the swine, which would run down the hill and drown in the sea.  Clean and simple.

Vampires don't have souls.

You fail.

Aug 14 09 10:55 pm Link


Orca Bay Images

Posts: 33877

Arcata, California, US

Extreme Body Art wrote:
ANYONE would win against Edward (pansy)

A pair of My Little Ponies could and would kick and stomp Edward into a weeping heap of raw hamburger and shattered bone just for making sensitivity look so lame. They might even play a 45 of "Teddybear's Picnic" on a Fischer-Price record-player first, just to ice his ass. Then they'd feed the freshly stomped Edwardburger to a crippled diarrhetic goat and then they'd kick and stomp the bleating, pleading goat to smithereens because even it can't shit Edward out of its system fast enough. Then they'd pour Edward and the diarrhetic goat into a Mason jar, screw on the lid and drop the jar into freshly poured concrete at a New Jersey construction site. There in the jar sealed in reinforced concrete Edward will spend all of eternity listening to the screaming soul of the sick goat.

There's a price to pay for abusing sensitivity and nobody fucking DARES to try out-wimping a My Little Pony. Those little fuckers are dead serious about their work and they're not above sending a message.

Aug 15 09 08:16 am Link


Darragh Mason Field

Posts: 21

Hastings, England, United Kingdom

Fixed that for you smile

Chris Keeling wrote:
...People who could kick Edward's ass:
1 Paul O'Connell
2 Blade
3 Chuck Norris
4 Lestat
5 Claudia
6 Cartman and/or Wendy
7 A gay chicken
8 Christopher Lambert
9 Mike Tyson
10  Don Knotts
11 Speedy Gonzales

Totally printing this and making this into a poster!

Aug 15 09 10:59 am Link


Adam David Photography

Posts: 1361

Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom

JLC Images wrote:
Edward would win in a staring contest


Aug 15 09 11:35 am Link


Kincaid Blackwood

Posts: 23492

Los Angeles, California, US

You know that moment in Kill Bill Vol.I where the Bride kicks the shit out of the Crazy 88s and then there's one left who's whimpering an' shit and has his sword whittled down to a nub and then the Bride bends him over and spanks him with the flat of her sword and tells him to get out and go home and go back to his mother? 

Remember that?

Um, yeah, The Daywalker would do that perpetually adolescent bloodsucker just like that.  W'up the little fucker like a 4 year old in WalMart.  He might just go Nino Brown on the boy and things could get real ugly real fast in a "See ya!  And I wouldn't wanna be ya!" kind of way...

Aug 15 09 12:15 pm Link


Living Canvas

Posts: 2039

Denver, Colorado, US

Ummm... pretty boy from Twilight is just a girls fantasy boy toy.
Blade would whoop his pansy-ass all over the place.

Aug 15 09 12:51 pm Link


John Photography

Posts: 13811

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Orca Bay Images wrote:

A pair of My Little Ponies could and would kick and stomp Edward into a weeping heap of raw hamburger and shattered bone just for making sensitivity look so lame. They might even play a 45 of "Teddybear's Picnic" on a Fischer-Price record-player first, just to ice his ass. Then they'd feed the freshly stomped Edwardburger to a crippled diarrhetic goat and then they'd kick and stomp the bleating, pleading goat to smithereens because even it can't shit Edward out of its system fast enough. Then they'd pour Edward and the diarrhetic goat into a Mason jar, screw on the lid and drop the jar into freshly poured concrete at a New Jersey construction site. There in the jar sealed in reinforced concrete Edward will spend all of eternity listening to the screaming soul of the sick goat.

There's a price to pay for abusing sensitivity and nobody fucking DARES to try out-wimping a My Little Pony. Those little fuckers are dead serious about their work and they're not above sending a message.

No the Care Bears are evem wimpier..... Massive pwnage of My little Pony there with the Care Bears going back door on the ponies and making them cry...

They then would grab Edward and care bear him to death.  He'd want to commit suicide then spend a day in their company.

Aug 21 09 08:14 pm Link


Deanna Deadly

Posts: 4469

Chicago, Illinois, US

Im sorry but NEITHER. I miss the classics.

Oct 31 09 12:04 am Link



Posts: 4587

Dover, Delaware, US

Blade is so badass he doesn't pay his taxes file tax returns! big_smile

Oct 31 09 12:08 am Link


Duncan Hall

Posts: 3104

San Francisco, California, US

I'm confused. Why is this an argument? Didn't Blade do him already?

Oct 31 09 12:11 am Link


Orca Bay Images

Posts: 33877

Arcata, California, US

Deanna Deadly wrote:
Im sorry but NEITHER. I miss the classics.

Bela's too busy guzzling the Sterno.

Oct 31 09 12:40 am Link


Angele Fonce

Posts: 5157

Dayton, Ohio, US

What if Edward blinded Blade with his sparkling?

Oct 31 09 01:32 am Link


Angele Fonce

Posts: 5157

Dayton, Ohio, US

David Shinobi wrote:
I'd even put my money on Selene that she could kick that pansy Edwards little ass.....

I heart Selene...shes hot and kicks kitten is named after her

Oct 31 09 01:36 am Link


Roxy Vandiver

Posts: 2842

Houston, Texas, US

Angele wrote:

I heart Selene...shes hot and kicks kitten is named after her

I bet even your kitten could kick Edward's ass.

Oct 31 09 06:52 am Link



Posts: 463

Austin, Texas, US

Careful Blade's Edward without his makeup!

Oct 31 09 07:48 am Link



Posts: 14895

Seminole, Florida, US

Ronnie_Smith wrote:

Careful Blade's Edward without his makeup!

Edward wishes...

Blade will turn him into sushi...

Oct 31 09 07:59 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Come on , you sissy sucker!

Oct 31 09 08:04 am Link



Posts: 8109

Florence, Toscana, Italy


Ah ah ah some very funny shot! LOL!

Oct 31 09 08:05 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Monique can whip Edward.

Oct 31 09 08:05 am Link



Posts: 14895

Seminole, Florida, US

UnoMundo wrote:
Come on , you sissy sucker!

He could beat Edward about the head and shoulders with that "weapon"...

Oh wait, Edward would like it...

Oct 31 09 08:06 am Link


John Photography

Posts: 13811

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Orca Bay Images wrote:

Bela's too busy guzzling the Sterno.

I'm not in the USA so have to ask.  What is Sterno?

And the flipping Care Bears could beat Edward

Oct 31 09 08:15 am Link



Posts: 406

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

Even Dewy could kick his ass

Oct 31 09 08:29 am Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

Blade. No doubt .That emo vampire kid would be toast.

Oct 31 09 10:47 am Link



Posts: 1148

Columbus, Ohio, US

Roxy Vandiver wrote:
Edward, the vampire from Twilight or Blade.
This is a debate I had recently and I'm curious what others think.
EDIT:  I suppose I should have specified, Blade gets my vote.  He'd rip that kid to pieces.



Oct 31 09 10:51 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US


Oct 31 09 12:44 pm Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

MF productions wrote:
Blade. No doubt .That emo vampire kid would be toast.

milk toast no doubt

Oct 31 09 12:46 pm Link



Posts: 123

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Phyxi wrote:

Oct 31 09 02:28 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

David Shinobi wrote:
I'd even put my money on Selene that she could kick that pansy Edwards little ass.....

She's a Blade wannabe. That movie kind of has that Blade atmosphere.

Oct 31 09 02:37 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

J C ModeFotografie wrote:

Either Eric or Godric from Trueblood would literally tear BOTH of them apart.

blade has too many skills for their asses.

Oct 31 09 02:40 pm Link


Living Canvas

Posts: 2039

Denver, Colorado, US

Easy... Blade.

Oct 31 09 02:42 pm Link


Mister Sifuentes

Posts: 1078

San Antonio, Texas, US

Blade of course.

*I rather see a Blade Vs Spawn Vs Ghostrider

Oct 31 09 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 2088

Los Angeles, California, US

Count Chocula could kick edwards ass... enough said


Nov 01 09 01:17 am Link


Dannielle Levan

Posts: 12865

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

Blade.  Durrrr.  No contest.

Nov 01 09 01:18 am Link

Body Painter

Extreme Body Art

Posts: 4938

South Jordan, Utah, US

Deanna Deadly wrote:
Im sorry but NEITHER. I miss the classics.

This thread again?

You woke the dead Deanna. lol

Nov 01 09 01:25 am Link



Posts: 16084

Herkimer, New York, US

Mercy wrote:
Count Chocula could kick edwards ass... enough said



Spike coulda kicked his ass while he was in the wheelchair!

Count von Count could kick his ass!

Nov 01 09 01:30 am Link


Angele Fonce

Posts: 5157

Dayton, Ohio, US

Legacys 7 wrote:

She's a Blade wannabe. That movie kind of has that Blade atmosphere.

Not really storyline and all are quite different. Have you see the third movie?

Nov 01 09 01:32 am Link