Forums > Critique > Fun and Games > I'll critique your work, no need for tissues!


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Unique Clicks wrote:
so how about me?

I like this image. It makes me wonder what she's doing on a such a nice day, relaxing in the sun with some music on, and a brutal knife in her hand and a sinister look in her eyes! Great pic! I really like the series with Milloux in Malibu, the way you capture her, and continuously capture the beauty of her form, there is a lot to be said for you there. In no way do any of those pics look smutty or trashy, they are, BEAUTIFUL. I would love to see you do some more, glamour, even a bit of alt. Capture that beauty, regardless of how you do it, collaborate on ideas, which I think you mentioned in your port, and get those WOW shots that stay in the lines of beauty. I tend to lean on the side of getting the model with their clothes on as well, because faces are what draw me into images. Eyes, smiles, looks...etc. I know you could get some great shots of these models, and others. Keep pulling creativity out of you, and ask the models. What do they want to see? What is it you want to catch? You have a great start here, and I really hope to see more from you! I think you will do well, especially with art nudes and implied nudes. They are truly gorgeous.

Jan 22 10 09:57 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Bret Sutton wrote:
I was hoping you could take a look at my portfolio, and give me any advice you would be willing to share.

I'm fairly new to photographing people (outside of sports or military action). I use both a Nikon D50 and a Canon 20D (still trying to figure out which camera I like better). I got both my cameras used and don't have users manuals. So I'm still learning how all the settings work, and doing so by trial and error.

Natural light is my friend. I don't have or use lighting equipment. I can’t afford an external flash at the moment, so I do what I can. I have tried cutting up a milk jug and holding the plastic in front of my cameras flash to soften it up. Still playing with that.

I also don't have Photoshop or anything like it, just used the basic Iphoto program on my Macbook to adjust overall contrast and color. So as much as that sucks, there is a reason why I haven’t spent the money. I'm trying to adjust my abilities. I don't want to become a "photoshop" or a "digital darkroom" Photographer.

Thank you for your time.


This is undoubtedly your best image yet! (Unless you are hiding more...) The cameras you are using, I couldnt tell you a thing about. I have no idea what is a good camera, a great camera, or a piece of crap.
You have the right concept...improving YOUR skill. Not the cost of the camera, not the photoshop, getting the best image the first time. Then messing with it a bit, but not changing it so dramatically that I wouldn't know you took the pic, or I wouldnt recognize the model. One thing to watch for with natural light, I noticed it in the first 2 pics. (I am sensitve to natural light, or at least my eyes are.) Now, if a model has the same issue I do, she'll naturally squint in bright light. Try to position her in a way where the sun is a bit to her side, but not behind her (unless you are doing some trippy shot where the sun actually should be behind the model)
The photo might look great when you see it through the viewfinder, but then coming back you find squinting. I know I have to concentrate or wear sunglasses when I'm in very bright light. (natural) If you can get a shot with the natural light, the sun to the side a bit, still illuminating what you wish to capture, AND hopefully keeping the model from having to squint, that's great. Outdoors shoots can be tricky for different reasons, that being one, but also wind and sand, etc. You have some potential here, especially that you know that the equipment doesn't make for a better photographer! I pulled a trick completely by accident once...a friend had pink lens in her sunglasses...I jokingly put the camera behind the lens, and bam. An immediate pink hue to everything in view. THAT can be a really cheap and interesting way to get different looks, and after you've experimented with milk cartons, lens from sunglasses, sunlight, and even house lamps (which can create some amazing shadows) once you have gone through your own type of photography boot camp...(By the way, THANK YOU...I support our military and love every one of you that takes the bull by the horns and protect us.) you can grab photoshop, and see how you work with that. Its all practice, and fun, plus imagination. Use that. I know you have it. Especially trying to shoot through a milk carton. wink Keep going. You'll get more and more like the photo above, and I'd really love to see that.

Jan 22 10 10:11 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Tiffany S Photography wrote:
Me please! smile

Jan 22 10 10:40 am Link



Posts: 467

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Yes please, if you have the time smile xxx

Jan 22 10 10:42 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

The Photo Chase wrote:
If you would be so kind!


I love this image, and the fact that you used a simple everday easy to find item as the background! You keep the model as the focus, and he doesn't get lost in the background. This is something I urge other photographers to do, be creative with your background. It doesn't have to be expensive, elaborate, or perfect...what matters is theres no negative space in the photo except for where there should be. (the white of the shirt) I went through your work, and there are some amazing images. It seems that you work predominately with male models, which is interesting, but at the same time I love that. Male models are beautiful as well, and seem to be undershot. It took me a long time to get back to this forum as I was distracted by the beauty these men have. Men and women can be beautiful. It's all about what you're looking at, or looking for. That being said, I would branch out to include more female models as well. Just to show versatility. The photos you have of the female who is pregnant is gorgeous. The second pregnancy photo in a profile Ive seen that doesnt scream THAT SHOULD BE PERSONAL! LOL. It is gorgeous, the picture is nearly flawless, and she is beautiful. I think you can do well. Maybe do some weddings if you can, I know this is a business for you, but sometimes doing other shoots, random just creative "Im thinking of this" shoot, to bring in different aspects of what you are capable of, and how beautiful your pics are! wink Create! More and More!

Jan 22 10 10:55 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Michael Travis Dunn wrote:
im in

Ok, you'll be next. I apologize for the misspelled words...I think that is also spelled wrong...LOL. Im really tired and definately not inclined to type well at the moment. Ill get back to this thread later. I always come back and critique those that asked. Thank you!

Jan 22 10 10:58 am Link


Sophie St Claire

Posts: 153

Santa Cruz, California, US

Jenn aka Miss Rayne wrote:

Again! I adore you and your work, so it's really hard to even think of critiquing you when I would love to do some of the shoots you have done! I adore the looks you have, the way you know your poses, how awesome you look doing, pretty much, anything...LOL. But I know work does go into that. I'm not here to put my nose up your, yknow. I really do enjoy seeing your photos, it is something I am striving to get into as well, the pin ups, retro, vintage, the look. Really, the only thing I could even say, is watch the license plates in the back...unfortunately I had a pic of a friends car and her license plate was completely exposed. As far as I know, nothing happened with that, but I would have felt terrible if anything did! Thats also something for the photographers to pay attention to when shooting, catching a few numbers won't hurt, but all it comes down to is the privacy of the owner of the car. Other than that, keep shooting. Id love to work with you, collaborate in some kind of shoot...working on a car maybe...I think that would be fun...but you just keep shooting. And the Little Prince tattoo...I love that. wink

Wow! You have just brought me so much happiness! Thank you so much. Your words mean a lot. Sometimes I need a little reassurance that I'm doing the right thing and you just gave it to me! You're beautiful and I can't wait to see more from you!

Jan 22 10 01:08 pm Link


Matt Carmody

Posts: 301

Painesville, Ohio, US

Jenn aka Miss Rayne wrote:

This image is great. I like that I can see YOU. The color and shape of your eyes, face, and bone structure. Its very tasteful, and makes me wonder, where are you going all dressed up like that? wink Imagination. You have some great images in your port, and to be honest, I find you to be gorgeous, so it doesn't take much to get a gorgeous photo. I'd love to see you do something a bit more on the alt side...more color, some drama to the picture. Something more stirring than, "Damn he's hot!" Which, is great of course, but something with emotion and position, something that will make me think, or create my own story that seems to fit the photo. Its your imagination and creativity you can bring to a shoot to see what fits and what doesn't. If you did a really goth/alt shoot, I don't know how it would look on you. If you did a shoot maybe sans the shirt, wearing distressed jeans, and in black and white with a bit of a wild hairstyle, like you rolled out of can be alt, depending on how YOU work the shoot, but also can look high fashion. One of those sexy Calvin Klein models. You can do that look. Keep going...I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Wow! Thanks so much!! smile

Jan 22 10 01:50 pm Link


Kyana B

Posts: 181

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

me? smile

Jan 22 10 01:53 pm Link


Rebecca Newman Photography

Posts: 1631

Tampa, Florida, US

Jenn aka Miss Rayne wrote:

I love this picture. Or pictures. (Coffee is barely kicking in) I love the look you have here, strong, confident, and I do love the splashes of color here and there that are so tastefully and strategically done. I don't know if you were completely aware of that, but you should be! I love a lot of the images in your profile. The fact that you can be fun, and that shows. That you are professional, which also shows, and have an excellent sense of what looks good. I won't tell you to give up on finding an agency, but some are harder to get into or very hard to get into being 5'6" granted when you are photographed, I would think you were taller! Never give up on a dream. And if you can't find what is commonly referred to as an "alt" agency to work with you, keep doing what you're doing now! It's working. I would look at the above image, and the one on the right actually looks like it could be an add for D&G. Granted it was put into black and white or messed with a bit more, but the main thing is YOU. YOU look like a model that is capable of getting that shot. You have the face, you have the drive, and no matter what, keep going with that.

Thank you Jenn! That really means a lot to me. I'm glad that my drive and passion really comes through in my photos. I've been shooting more fashion lately and all of the photographers have been shocked that I am only 5'6"...maybe you'll see my face again! smile You rock, btw.

Jan 22 10 07:13 pm Link


The Photo Chase

Posts: 36

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Jenn aka Miss Rayne wrote:

I love this image, and the fact that you used a simple everday easy to find item as the background! You keep the model as the focus, and he doesn't get lost in the background. This is something I urge other photographers to do, be creative with your background. It doesn't have to be expensive, elaborate, or perfect...what matters is theres no negative space in the photo except for where there should be. (the white of the shirt) I went through your work, and there are some amazing images. It seems that you work predominately with male models, which is interesting, but at the same time I love that. Male models are beautiful as well, and seem to be undershot. It took me a long time to get back to this forum as I was distracted by the beauty these men have. Men and women can be beautiful. It's all about what you're looking at, or looking for. That being said, I would branch out to include more female models as well. Just to show versatility. The photos you have of the female who is pregnant is gorgeous. The second pregnancy photo in a profile Ive seen that doesnt scream THAT SHOULD BE PERSONAL! LOL. It is gorgeous, the picture is nearly flawless, and she is beautiful. I think you can do well. Maybe do some weddings if you can, I know this is a business for you, but sometimes doing other shoots, random just creative "Im thinking of this" shoot, to bring in different aspects of what you are capable of, and how beautiful your pics are! wink Create! More and More!

Thank you for your words of insight and encouragement! I love that you paid attention to detail and offered sound advice. Cant thank you enough :-)

Jan 22 10 07:44 pm Link


Tamara Piranha

Posts: 3681

Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines

Guten Tag! hienvy

Jan 23 10 12:31 am Link


Jef von Berg

Posts: 54

Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands

me me me me me

Jan 23 10 12:34 am Link


Taylor Sites

Posts: 45

TAFTVILLE, Connecticut, US

Pretty please ^.^

Jan 23 10 01:01 pm Link


Blue Moon Photos

Posts: 784

San Ramon, California, US

Jenn aka Miss Rayne wrote:

This is one of my absolute favorite photos from you. The model in a simple gown, and the background, waves, and everything dancing around her and the life growing inside her. This is truly beautiful. Life is everywhere in this photo, and you caught that moment. I love to see photos that stir emotion. I am happy for her. She seems to be serene, and lovely. I'm not a huge fan of pregnancy photos for modeling ports, depending on how they're done. This one I couldn't imagine her profile being without! wink I think that most pregnancy photos, NOT ALL, are usually a great and wonderful thing to have in your family. But this one, not at all. I like to see images that create. Creative images. LOL...Im still tired from being up early and the coffee seems to not want to work!

A lot of your photos are wonderful. I love that you are using the nature around here to get a great background. The use of backgrounds is so important! And even shooting in the same/similar spots (I know that spot) You have been able to catch a variety of images that look different. I saw that your "day job" is interferring here with your photography, but don't completely shut yourself off from other models, I for instance, would love to work with you on implied nudes. I would like to get tasteful images, and you, you are more than capable of that. I don't flake, unless there is an emergency of some sort, and that's not, Oh I spilled my latte getting to you, I have to go home and But other than that, I see you have many profiles, and many things you photograph. I think you know who you are as a photographer, and as a person, and that's great. Other than that, shoot when you can, add to the port, and keep creating! wink

Jenn, thank you for your wonderful comments on my work. You are right, I thoroughly enjoy the creative side of photography.  Before I started shooting models a couple of years ago, I was primarily a landscape/nature photographer.  As such, using nature as a backdrop to a model was a natural extension of my interests.  The particular picture you picked above actually won the MM Picture of the Day Contest on May 17th.

Yes, unfortunately, my "day job"  is interfering with the amount of time I have available for photography.  I really need to update my profile as I have started working with new models again and I would welcome the chance to work with you.  For you, I would love to do some work featuring your tattoos in color and the rest if the image in B&W.  Of course we could come up with plenty of other ideas to create art together.  Let's talk more.


Jan 23 10 02:38 pm Link


PrettyHate Studios

Posts: 23

Tempe, Arizona, US

Jenn aka Miss Rayne wrote:
I love this image. The model is gorgeous, the makeup and work you did on the photo, and everything combined give this that creepy, exciting, gothic, feel to it. Maybe because I am partial to "Day of The Dead" shoots since my birthday falls on the last day of dia de los muertos. (Its actually 3 days long, Oct 31, Nov 1, Nov 2)

Other than that, I didnt see anything that made me think TAKE THAT OUT! Not at all. I was looking at first, and wondering if you only did alt type images like this, but I saw that you have some others that don't go along the same lines. I think only lighting and maybe adding some good headshots of smiling models, (one is sufficient) to also show what you can do with a face alone. The main focus. I love your creativity, and if Im ever in your area, Ill be contacting you to shoot anything really! I like that you can take boredom and make something out of it! And of course, willing models. Keep adding to your port. The only thing I can think of to suggest is more backgrounds, and maybe a really colorful shoot. Something bright, and still make the model the focus. I think you can do, I KNOW you can do that. Just to show versatility. wink

Thanks so much for the feedback, I wasnt sure what was gonna be said and prepared for the worst, but thanks !! and yeah if your ever in Phx def feel free to shout me up, I'd love to shoot you sometime.

Thanks again !

Jan 25 10 12:57 pm Link



Posts: 1208

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

let me know (:

Jan 25 10 01:13 pm Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Michael Travis Dunn wrote:
im in

I love this image. The use of background and props, and still, I'm drawn in to the model. I love the pin up work you do. One thing, I don't know if you have caught it, is you use sepia tones over most of your photos in your port. For some it is absolutely perfect, (the tree, which I adore by the way) and others, it still works, but its taking away from what you do. The black and white for pin up, yes, that works very well, but color works too. I know you know that...LOL...I didn't mean for that to sound kinda of rude or anything. Not at all. I just want to see more color in your work. As far as the pregnancy photo, while it is an image that stirs emotion, it seems to be more of a private candid moment. I mean no disrespect, please, but it draws away from other images, but that is only my opinion. You do what you want, and especially if it is special to you, than do not take it out. Remember, this is only my opinion. Im not a professional critic, this isn't to make people feel bad, it's only to show you what I see, and let you know what I think helps you, or could help you. Other than that, keep working. I love that you use background, a colorful shoot (as hard as it is, cause it does look good, stay away from the sepia!!! wink I prefer my photos in black and white, I love the look, but it's not going to give everyone a chance to see that I can be versatile, I will work "in color" and that is something that I love to see from photographers as well. Colors, backgrounds, black and whites, sepias, props...all kinds of things that bring the picture to life. You have some great images, keep adding to this port when you can. wink Best wishes to you!

Jan 26 10 06:01 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

gregd photography wrote:
Sounds like fun... Count me in

This is just one of MANY images from your port that I adore. I love the movement in this, the fact that you caught the fishnet and it didn't do that...I forget what it's called, but it doesn't look weird at all, and her eyes...if looks could kill! I also like that this particular photo is in black and white. With so much going on I think that color might have caused this one to be too busy. With that said, your work is flat out amazing. You have alt, fashion, regular and interesting head shots, all kinds of things that just work. Plus art nudity, and THANK YOU for the emotive folder. Those images, all of them, are amazing. All of them have their stories. One thing I'd suggest, specifically for that folder, is to title them with What do you see here? or leave them untitled. I tried not to read the title, and let my mind wander with a story. The Intruder for instance, that can be looked at in many different ways...but the viewer has to have a chance to make up the story themselves. (its a way of letting your work tell the story without having to title it with something.) You have a lot of wonderful and amazing images. I can't think of much more to say than keep going!

Jan 26 10 06:16 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Bobbie-Jo Lyne wrote:
I'd value your opinion, if you decide to continue this thread...thanks :-)

This is one of my favorites from your port. Im bummed cause it is a lil fuzzy, but I cant tell if it is supposed to be that way, or not. Either way, I love this look on you. I had a lot of fun looking through your port. I was laughing, and just really having a good time seeing the images you have created. (the foot tart...cant remember the name right...LOL...and the dental nurse.) Those 2 photos are just hysterical. I love to see personality in photos as well. Which you bring in, and make these pictures have a tangible feel to them. I can't imagine the man awaiting the horrific dental treatment from the overzealous yet gorgeous nurse was too afraid of what was about to happen. LOL. I love your work. I would love to see more pin up, because you have that look, that glamour from those years look good on you. I think working with more photographers and getting sharper images would be good as well. Some of them are fuzzy, and I don't think they were supposed to be that way. Thats not you, and Im not bashing the photographer, but even a soft focus would work better than the fuzzy almost blurry pictures. Its taking away from your beauty, and things like that happen, blurry pics, fuzzy or out of focus, etc...they just arent the best for ports. I may be guilty of it myself right now. I have to go look at my port now. Oh no! LOL. Keep going. And keep that theatrical feel in your brings them to life, and in that, you are giving much more to the photo, the photographer, and to yourself!

Jan 26 10 06:30 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Blondie Lisa wrote:
If you get a chance, I'd greatly appreciate it:]

This is one of my favorites in your port. You are so beautiful! That smile is great. You have a very natural beauty and a great energy about you in this pic. I think you can do a lot more. I loved the pic of you in the dress, but there was too much yellow. Honestly, with blonde hair, it sort of washes things out in the photo. You are able to do shoots with darker backgrounds, and stand out, where my head would kinda get lost into the background, depending on how the pic was taken. So darker backgrounds, natural greens, etc, would work great for you. That was more about what the photographer is doing. As for you, I see so much potential JUST in this one photo. I dont know if you noticed this, but you're giving a very similar look in most of your photos. Dont be afraid to smile, make a face...bring out the emotions. Practice how they feel, yes, you can look in the mirror and practice them, but if you know how they look or about how they look when you feel them on your face, it takes time, but its worth it. For instance, you know about how you look when youre happy, smiling, bright eyes, etc..and when youre sad, not smiling, sad eyes, or puffy from crying...etc. Bring an arsenal of looks to your shoots. And, this is just me, but you have a lot of lingerie shots. You have the body, don't get me wrong, but also wearing a flattering dress or shirt can bring another element to your profile. Experiment, see what you like the best, and bring those looks to your shoots and if you are at all unsure of how you are looking, or what look you are giving, you can ask the photographer. Don't be afraid to ask for direction sometimes. Don't let that make you feel's being assertive, and asking for help when you feel you may need it a bit. Keep going! Youre gorgeous, and I love that smile!

Jan 26 10 06:48 am Link


Kevin Greggain Photography

Posts: 6769

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

If you are still doing this, I would appreciate your input on my portfolio. Thank you in advance.

Jan 26 10 07:02 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

David Gaze wrote:
Bring it.  BTW I love your work

First, Thank you! wink I'm revamping my port and trying to get the best images between my photographers and I in that port.

This image is amazing. I love the feel to it. Its different. It talks...not literally...but it has that promise of a great story around it. What is she standing there for? The dates are visible, the name is not (very tasteful when shooting in graveyards +100000 for that!) and is she an apparition? Is she the person buried there? It loads my mind with WHAT could be going on. I adore photos like that. Regardless of content, background, etc. Also that its shot in mostly soft focus, suggesting the thought that she may not be real. But you can still see her face, and important pieces of the photo are sharper. This is just ONE photo you have that strikes me. I took a long time looking at your port. All the images you have, and you have a talent that speaks volumes. On top of that, I admire you in other ways as well, you have stated your stance on escorts, and just the fact that they are allowed, makes me 10 times as comfortable. (jealous boyfriends aside of course...I dont have time for that either!) And you also hit a chord with me personally being a person who supports the troops. Its a different thing from modeling and photography, but to me it shows another side of who you are, and regardless of anyones views, I like that you take that step and put that out there. Be you, be proud. And anyone who has a problem with that, can just click on to another photographer yknow? Youre a photographer I admire for more than just your work, yet again, your work is absolutely stunning. If I were in the area Id be calling you for a shoot. Thank you, for creating the beauty that you do, and for knowing who you are and what youre about.

Jan 26 10 08:21 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Omen_Intendu wrote:
Yes please, if you have the time smile xxx

This is my favorite image. I am a bit bummed cause its just a tiny bit too far away, but I like that I can see you from head to toe in the frame. I like the feel of the picture. I also like the colors! You have some interesting images in your port! Thats not a bad thing. The first image isnt entirely flattering for you, and Ive done the same thing by putting photos in that I liked, but may not be totally great for the site. You are the one who makes the choice ultimately, and again this is only my opinion, and it's only because you have such a great look. Other than that, just work on facial expressions. It happens. I used to think the look I gave was great, and it was, but I did it all the time! Different images, different looks. Smile! I always love to see a model smile. Your eyes are stunning, and smiling brightens the eyes in a way that nothing else can. And then just try to feel what your face is doing when youre happy, sad, mad, etc. Learn how that look FEELS and don't feel like you are less than if you need to ask the photographer how something looks. I see it as being are trying to get the best photos. So let yourself be creative, ask questions, feel like a million bucks, and then let that show through the camera!

Jan 26 10 09:15 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Kyana B wrote:
me? smile

I love this image. There is background, and negative space, balanced with an insane amount of beauty! You are extremely striking. You remind me of Tyra Banks in your avatar. This picture I like because it's much more simple, and you're smiling. I love to see smiles in models. And you have a great one! You have some photos in here that are really great, and others that are not as amazing as you can be...those ones I think are more the photographer than you. It happens. Id love to see you do some different shoots...more emotion in some photos, sad, happy, mad, etc. Basic stuff. And different outfits. Things that push you, the photographer, to be creative. And want to be creative. Props can also help. I love the look of the avatar, as you look stunning doing old school glamour as well. All those old movie stars that look flawless and gorgeous, black and white photos...I would love to see you do some shots like that in a different outfit, more glamour, and in black and white. Wow, I can imagine how amazing that could be! You have a great look, and youre only 18? Wow! Just expand with what you feel comfortable doing, what you like, and know yourself. Have fun!

Jan 26 10 09:26 am Link


Kendra Leigh

Posts: 1325

Fort Wayne, Indiana, US

Would love to have you look at mine.
Thank you.

Jan 26 10 09:28 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

La Tamara Lyn wrote:
Guten Tag! hienvy

This is one of my favorite images in your port. It has the most professional feel to it. I adore how the sun is in the photo, and is ADDING to it, and not washing the model out, or taking away from her. The way you captured all this is amazing. The other, I love your ideas. Truly. You have some amazing things going on...tons of stories, and I love it when a photo can tell a story, or I'll be making one up to go along with the image as I wonder about it. Your profile is a breath of fresh air. The exposures are very differently contrasted, and I don't know if that's on purpose or not. Too much of that isn't good, but because of what those images have...I dont really know what to say! You have an eye for what is art. You are creative, imaginative, and I just want to see more. I love the images and the keep going! wink

Jan 26 10 09:35 am Link


Jenn Kendall

Posts: 443

Rochester, New York, US

Still going?  I would love to know.


Jan 26 10 09:40 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Jef von Berg wrote:
me me me me me

Ok, you will be next Jef..Im taking a break for now...everyone else I will get to you. Sometimes it takes me a couple days to get back to this thread, but I do get back to it! wink

Jan 26 10 09:48 am Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Jef von Berg wrote:
me me me me me

I love this image. It was just one of MANY that I really loved to look at. And continue to just stare at in a way. The movement her hair gives to the picture, the intensity in the eye color. I love the way you captured this.

I also REALLY like that you have taken the time to separate and organize your images, each folder holds the different styles of your work, and I really like that. It automatically eliminates confusion as to what you shoot, etc. I think the only thing Id suggest is to have the models bring more emotion into your photo, and possibly shoot outdoors when you can. You have an amazing gift, and I did see you catch a few really great emotive photos, but that is our job as the model to bring that to you. wink Best Wishes and I cant wait to see more from you!

Jan 28 10 01:09 pm Link



Posts: 592

Asbury Park, New Jersey, US

Me? smile

Jan 28 10 01:13 pm Link


Roget Photography

Posts: 5

Greenwich, Connecticut, US

Go for it...

Jan 28 10 01:19 pm Link


A Ramirez Photography

Posts: 182

Brunswick, Ohio, US

Me please.

Jan 28 10 01:30 pm Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Taylor Sites wrote:
Pretty please ^.^

THIS. I love the look of this photo. Your eyes, the background, all the things that go together make this image. I read your profile as well, and I found it extremely helpful, because these are a lot of questions that need to be gone over before different shoots! Thank you for that alone.

You have a great look, and the only thing I can think of is to do more shoots, as they come up, and also, more facial expressions. Smile, I always love to see a model smiling, it brightens up the entire photo! Practice how different looks feel...what does your face feel like when youre unhappy, when youre mad...etc. Looking in the mirror can help. And I had an idea just as I was typing to you, look in the mirror, and see the look, then shut your eyes, relax your face, and try to do the same look again. Open your eyes to see if you have done that or not. I'll probably start doing the same thing, since I can't see what the photographer sees! But, I can feel what kind of look Im giving the camera. Not always, but most of the time. With that, you have a great look. I love your eyes, keep going and keep that creativity with you. Bring it to your shoots. You'll do better and better and impress yourself as you keep shooting! wink

Jan 28 10 01:31 pm Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

zhiffy wrote:
let me know (:

I love this picture. It has an interesting feel to it. Where are you? What are you doing? Are you waiting for someone? Etc...It tells a story, or rather, leaves it up to the viewer to create the story. Photos like these are always appreciated! As for your port, you have some great images, a lot of facial expressions, and you seem to really have fun with what you're doing! Keep that and bring it with you to every shoot! Its always great to have your arsenal of looks and poses with you every time you step in front of that camera. Just like MUAs have their colors and brushes. Keep creating! Great work.

Jan 28 10 01:57 pm Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

DigitalArticulation wrote:
If you are still doing this, I would appreciate your input on my portfolio. Thank you in advance.

First I have to say, I LOVE your profile! HAH! I was cracking up reading it, and that really is something that I like when I am looking to shoot with someone. A sense of humor, and talent. I even forgot what photo I picked! LOL. You have SO many great images. From "Damiens" photos, dark, alt, creative, to "Kevins" photos which have pin up, glamor, and overall beautiful photos, you have such a wide range I can't even think of anything to say! I love your work, keep creating! More vampires would be cool. Hmm. Maybe a few soft focus fantasy type photos. Other than that, I cannot think of one thing you havent got in your port, cept me! LOL. Id love to shoot with you (Damien) since I also have a love of things dark and macabre at times. Blood, gore, horror, and a mix of humor, great photos!

Jan 28 10 02:11 pm Link


Mara Cirezaru

Posts: 239

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US


Jan 28 10 02:15 pm Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Kendra Leigh wrote:
Would love to have you look at mine.
Thank you.

The photos in this series and your avatar are stunning. They are full of movement, power, beauty, all in a different almost ancient way. (The look of tattered clothing and what looks like dirt or brown makeup applied) The reason I picked this particular photo, is that you are still. And it is absolutely stirring to the mind. My imagination runs wild with what you are doing there. You can tell a story in your photos well. Or again, like Ive said many times, you bring my imagination to life and I start creating my own story to go with the photo. With that said, you can leave out a title for photos...people can go with it and let them. You can even ask what people see. (not generally dumb answers, which dont happen much.) Ask what the picture is saying, what are you thinking...etc. What mood, what happened...all of that. It makes you think. Youre only 16 and doing this already, have fun. Enjoy it, and learn as much as you can! Poses, facial expressions, and continue to inspire the mind to want to learn about the photo, even though it is only a shoot! wink As far as the agency representation goes, be careful. A lot of models that are 5'6" dont usually make it into top agencies, BUT, I will NEVER say to give up on your dreams! Keep reaching for what you want. There are a ton of alt agencies that work with "shorter" models. Besides that, you are still just 16. I grew to be close to 5'7" long after I was supposed to stop growing. I'm still short by agency standards, but the fact is, in life, (at least where I am) I'm usually fairly tall. And wearing heels with a boyfriend can just be funny as I tower over them. Keep up the good work, get creative, have fun, and keep going for your dreams. I cant promise they will come true, but I can say, you will be happier with dreams than without. Best to you.

Jan 28 10 02:23 pm Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Jenn Kendall wrote:
Still going?  I would love to know.


Wow. You have a very stunning look. I love the eyes! You have such a range of emotion in your eyes, and it draws the person viewing the photo right in. And you have a great smile. Always a plus to have a smiling pic! You have this amazing versatility to be sexy, sweet, mysterious, and all kinds of things all at once. The photo I picked above was the best at the "storytelling" kind of photo. Without reading what its titled, there can be a ton of ideas as to what you are doing, what youre thinking, etc. All I can see is that you need to add more pics to your port. And get creative. I love that you can also take a picture and put it in your port (yellow feathers) and bring in the humor aspect. It shows that you are serious about what you do, but you dont take yourself too serious. (In a way that can be bad for modeling.) You can have fun, get the shot, and you still look amazing. More color around the eyes would be something to play with, and just different hairstyles. Your face is beautiful, and I hope you continue on with your schooling. You're a natural, and a natural beauty.

Jan 28 10 02:32 pm Link


Jenn aka Miss Rayne

Posts: 286

Broadmoor, California, US

Elyse Jankowski wrote:
Me? smile

This is my favorite image of you. Im not sure why...but it captures you so well, and it interests me. I love the outfit you put together, and the glasses give it even more of a feeling to it. Almost like Taylor Swift in her "You Belong To Me" video, where she plays this nerd and really, she is beautiful. You can see it all along. (Im not implying you are a nerd or look like Taylor Swift...) Same with your picture. Its similar to schoolteacher, or schoolgirl, in a classy way, and then behind that is, YOU! A gorgeous woman. Its really interesting. As far as your port, there are a lot of great images. A lot from the same series, I would pick your absolute favorites, and also the ones that others seem to like a lot and stick with those. They are great photos, but "too much of a good thing" comes to mind. You dont need to saturate your port with photos from the same have so many different looks, I want to see those too. Watch your facial expressions, this pic is adorable, but in a lot of photos you seem to be giving the same look. Im guilty of it myself, so I totally understand, and it wasnt until later that I noticed it. I love to see versatility in models and photographers. Faces, backgrounds, etc. Ive said it a few times in this thread, just like a MUA brings an array of brushes and colors, you bring your poses and facial expressions! Makes all around for a lot of fun and great shots! Best to you!

Jan 28 10 02:44 pm Link