This thread was locked on 2010-06-20 10:17:04
Forums > Photography Talk > why doesnt photographers wants to work with me


yarisbey richardson

Posts: 9

Orlando, Florida, US

hello i have been modeling for a couple of years and i have also helped some other females model get in the doorstep of the modeling industries and they get more attention than me, but what i have noticed lately is that when i got to the modeling events that they hold every month i get dressed up and maked up nice outfit or dress or some implied nude i dont see any photographers want to shoot me they just look at me and walk away i am a petite model and having a hard time to get photoshoots or even paying gig jobs until this day i still havent been offered a paying job and that really sucks so my questions is what is it about my looks or me that doesnt catch theyr attention while other models which by the way they look worse than me are getting all the pics taken and when i ask them if they would like to shoot me they just walk away or tell me that theyr tired or theyr busy and nobody wants to be straight up with me i feel like they being unfair or even nasty with the model for not being sincere and tell them straight up that im not wat they want can any photographer please be honest and tell if i should keep going as a model or just throw the towel down on modeling cause photographers are really being a jackass and making me feel very un appreaciatted for the modeling i do. plis help

Jun 20 10 07:46 am Link


FlirtynFun Photography

Posts: 13926

Houston, Texas, US

Post hidden on Jun 20, 2010 10:15 am
Reason: inflammatory
Don't do this

Jun 20 10 07:48 am Link



Posts: 7079

Huntsville, Alabama, US

reading your profile i can only answer for myself.  actually the answer is in your own words. "oh and i always bring, two escorts to the shoots with me someone to help me with things . ( MUST NOT HAVE A ISSUE). "

No issue.  And no shooting.

Jun 20 10 07:49 am Link



Posts: 8109

Florence, Toscana, Italy

FlirtynFun Photography wrote:
we can't critique you here. If you  want to know- post in the critique forum.

Yes go on General feedback

Jun 20 10 07:53 am Link



Posts: 32780

Detroit, Michigan, US

alessandro2009 wrote:

Yes go on General feedback


Jun 20 10 07:54 am Link


James Andrew Imagery

Posts: 6713

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I think your expectations of what the market will bear are not realistic.

You're a four foot eleven girl in her mid twenties who won't do nudes and insists on bringing TWO escorts with her to a shoot. And now you say you're looking to be paid.

All I can say is, your height alone is a significant barrier.  Each barrier is another reason for a photographer to pass you by.  In your text here you've indicated that other models are getting all the attention, and you indicate you're better than them.

What is it exactly that makes you think this?  There's nothing wrong with being confident, but if you're just blindly following a motivational chant of some kind saying that you're better than them, does that really help your cause? 

What do you bring to the table that no one else does? What are your strengths?

If you can't answer those questions honestly for yourself, then you'll understand why you aren't getting work.

Jun 20 10 07:54 am Link


mooncalled photography

Posts: 283

Oviedo, Florida, US

yarisbey armeral wrote:
hello i have been modeling for a couple of years and i have also helped some other females model get in the doorstep of the modeling industries

Take a few business courses and become a manager or start an agency.

Jun 20 10 07:55 am Link


J Sharp

Posts: 3437

Sacramento, California, US

You need to post this:

to get the answers you're looking for.

Jun 20 10 07:55 am Link



Posts: 99

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Post hidden on Jun 20, 2010 10:16 am
Reason: off-topic
NOT funny

Jun 20 10 07:55 am Link


Razor Sharp Photography

Posts: 220

Aztec, New Mexico, US

A. All photographers passed around this secret letter saying don't work with you...
B. You've not got any pics showing your worth shooting with...
C. Your port/Bio/Demands
D. Your not helping your cause by asking such a question...

Take your pick

Jun 20 10 07:57 am Link


marissa charles

Posts: 2935

London, England, United Kingdom

To be honest, you have not got the look of a model.Just my opinion, but that could be what you are not seeing and togs do see.

Jun 20 10 07:58 am Link



Posts: 742

Blacksburg, Virginia, US

This is a joke, right?

Jun 20 10 08:00 am Link



Posts: 13456

Denver, Colorado, US


The answers you seek are largely self-evident but you either cannot see them or have never opened yourself, your portfolio, your aspirations, and your bio up for a critique.  I suggest you do.  The answers will likely be blunt but they will also be helpful.

As for not "judging a book by it's cover", you really need to understand that doing this very thing is the ESSENCE of modeling..... ALL models are judged by their cover.... It is an inescapable aspect of modeling and saying that you should not be judged that way is silly and shows a level of naivety that many would find reason enough not to shoot with you.

Jun 20 10 08:02 am Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Read your own bio. / thread.

Jun 20 10 08:02 am Link



Posts: 13456

Denver, Colorado, US

landart wrote:
This is a joke, right?

Sadly, I don't think it is......

Jun 20 10 08:03 am Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

This has to be why you don't get photoshoots!    lol

"oh and i always bring, two escorts to the shoots with me someone to help me with things . ( MUST NOT HAVE A ISSUE)."

Jun 20 10 08:03 am Link



Posts: 37

Rochester, New York, US

I would say you havent demo good photos yet ...
If you get with the right photographer and the right makeup artist  you can get the photos your looking for. You just havent found your style yet or photographer.
And as far as the army following you, thats not good. Bring on open minded friend that isnt in the way. Try different things ... there is a style that will work for you ... you just havent found it.

Jun 20 10 08:05 am Link


Kristina J

Posts: 2328

London, England, United Kingdom

Height is a barrier as are two escorts.
Why would a serious photographer want to work with you?

You have to bring something to the table; preferrably with not too many demands.

Jun 20 10 08:05 am Link



Posts: 1971

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Not one escort ... but two? What's your opinion of photographers, in general? Maybe your discomfort/uneasiness is coming through at these events that you attend. It could be your body language, your approach ... it could be a number of things. It's hard to say without actually being at these modeling events and observing.

Jun 20 10 08:05 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

I have worked with many models your size or shorter so it is not your height that is holding you back - especially if you're genre is glamour. At your height though it does limit you to glamour and nudes.

Some pointed out that the escort issue can and will be a deal breaker. As one poster pointed out "MUST NOT HAVE A ISSUE" = no issue because no shoot.

I would suggest that you post in the serious critique form if you want honest answers, we can't critique here.

Jun 20 10 08:06 am Link



Posts: 750

Lithonia, Georgia, US

FlirtynFun Photography wrote:
Maybe it's because you have serious grammar issues...or the fact that you post run-on sentences and nobody can understand them?

By the way...we can't critique you here. If you SERIOUSLY want to know- post in the critique forum.

Your writing is atrocious. It made my head hurt. "Maked up" really! The past tense of make is made. Also there, their, and they're, learn them. OK that is off topic, but I am a 2nd grade teacher, so I had to say something.

I know this is not the critique section, but I believe in giving people what they ask for.
Possible answers:
1. They don't like your look
2. You are the worst looking girl in your crew of models.
3. Your profile is not inviting or written in a way to properly market you as a model.
4. They don't like your photos.

Remember these are only possible answers. There might be no or 100% truth to any of those. I think you are cute, so I would probably shoot you.

Jun 20 10 08:06 am Link


jeffery brown

Posts: 1011

Houston, Texas, US

landart wrote:
This is a joke, right?

i is thinking yes it a joke becuz it thinks this post is kind of odd if you no what i mean and also it is in the wrong forim and also it just seems shrimpy and also wait i think that might be all for now ok thank you for reading and also thank you for responding and i would like to thank god and my producers and also thank god.

point made. and yes please read the rules and place this in to the correct place so that we may critique properly - oh wait, i think i just did?  wink

Jun 20 10 08:06 am Link


marissa charles

Posts: 2935

London, England, United Kingdom

Kristina J wrote:
Height is a barrier as are two escorts.
Why would a serious photographer want to work with you?

You have to bring something to the table; preferrably with not too many demands.


OP, I must say it is a bit rich saying the other girls are worse than you also. They must have something worth shooting.

Jun 20 10 08:08 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

jeffery brown wrote:

i is thinking yes it a joke becuz it thinks this post is kind of odd if you no what i mean and also it is in the wrong forim and also it just seems shrimpy and also wait i think that might be all for now ok thank you for reading and also thank you for responding and i would like to thank god and my producers and also thank god.

point made. and yes please read the rules and place this in to the correct place so that we may critique properly - oh wait, i think i just did?  wink

u gots bad grammer!

Jun 20 10 08:10 am Link


jeffery brown

Posts: 1011

Houston, Texas, US

ps: i seriously doubt you are 26yo, and just because you are 4'11" does not necessarily make you "petite". i am deterred by models demanding one escort, let alone two. just my $0.02

Jun 20 10 08:10 am Link


Edward C D Silva

Posts: 37

Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

You have to answer the question "What have you got that other don't?"

If you want paying jobs, you've got to have something that photographers, agencies, etc, are willing to pay you for. It may also be relations, whether friends or business acquaintances, friend's friend, etc. If you don't have that extra pull towards you, then you'll have a hard getting those jobs.

On the other hand, you first need to have what is being looked for. I'm a qualified male model. However, I've never been selected for any modeling jobs even when I'm the only one with the needed looks, simply because I'm at least 10cm below the required height. Lowest job offer requested 180cm. I don't have what's required, so I don't get the job.

If you're applying for a job, try and see if you can get to know who got the job eventually instead of you. Then you can study what additional criteria did that model have that edged employers to wards her and not anyone else.

Hope this gets you thinking and into action mode wink

Jun 20 10 08:11 am Link


jeffery brown

Posts: 1011

Houston, Texas, US

Jeff Fiore wrote:

u gots bad grammer!

i got country grammer FOOL!  bwahaha!  :p

Jun 20 10 08:11 am Link


Brian Stewart Photo

Posts: 313

Houston, Texas, US

Wow, I think that's the biggest run-on sentence ever!!

Jun 20 10 08:13 am Link


Tom Nguyen Studio

Posts: 433

Shakopee, Minnesota, US

Some people just aren't cut out for modeling.  Hey, I wasn't cut out to play baseball or even become a semi-decent chef  sad   It take some people a while to wake up to reality.

Jun 20 10 08:14 am Link


Paper Doll Nudes

Posts: 206

Chicago, Illinois, US

yarisbey armeral wrote:
hello i have been modeling for a couple of years and i have also helped some other females model get in the doorstep of the modeling industries and they get more attention than me, but what i have noticed lately is that when i got to the modeling events that they hold every month i get dressed up and maked up nice outfit or dress or some implied nude i dont see any photographers want to shoot me they just look at me and walk away i am a petite model and having a hard time to get photoshoots or even paying gig jobs until this day i still havent been offered a paying job and that really sucks so my questions is what is it about my looks or me that doesnt catch theyr attention while other models which by the way they look worse than me are getting all the pics taken and when i ask them if they would like to shoot me they just walk away or tell me that theyr tired or theyr busy and nobody wants to be straight up with me i feel like they being unfair or even nasty with the model for not being sincere and tell them straight up that im not wat they want can any photographer please be honest and tell if i should keep going as a model or just throw the towel down on modeling cause photographers are really being a jackass and making me feel very un appreaciatted for the modeling i do. plis help

This belongs in the critique forum, rather than photography talk...Also, proper punctuation and actually reading your messages, before you hit send, would be a benefit to you.

Jun 20 10 08:16 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

jeffery brown wrote:

i got country grammer FOOL!  bwahaha!  :p

Dat be true

Jun 20 10 08:16 am Link



Posts: 3872

Los Angeles, California, US

Brian Stewart Photo wrote:
Wow, I think that's the biggest run-on sentence ever!!'s some periods for you, maybe that'd help.

.  .   .   .    .    .   .    .

And two escorts is scary to any photographer for a test shoot.  Why 2?  Even shooters that're fine with an escort would find this totally creepy.  Sounds like a bodyguard crew.  No bueno.


Jun 20 10 08:16 am Link


Razor Sharp Photography

Posts: 220

Aztec, New Mexico, US

should keep going as a model or just throw the towel down on modeling cause photographers are really being a jackass and making me feel very un appreaciatted for the modeling i do.

It's throw in the towel..BTW

PS. Please have someone proof read what you write prior to sending...

Jun 20 10 08:17 am Link


marissa charles

Posts: 2935

London, England, United Kingdom

Photo Samurai wrote:
Some people just aren't cut out for modeling.  Hey, I wasn't cut out to play baseball or even become a semi-decent chef  sad   It take some people a while to wake up to reality.

Yeah I know. I wanted to be an astronaut as a

Jun 20 10 08:17 am Link



Posts: 750

Lithonia, Georgia, US

Brian Stewart Photo wrote:
Wow, I think that's the biggest run-on sentence ever!!

Please don't insult the run-on sentence. A run on sentence at least has flow and a clear subject and predicate. That was mean of me. I'm sorry.

Jun 20 10 08:17 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

Paper Doll Nudes wrote:

This belongs in the critique forum, rather than photography talk...Also, proper punctuation and actually reading your messages, before you hit send, would be a benefit to you.

I didn't even touch on the punctuation but it was VERY difficult to read. Punctuation and paragraphs are your friends, use them.

Jun 20 10 08:18 am Link


Tom Nguyen Studio

Posts: 433

Shakopee, Minnesota, US

marissa charles wrote:

Yeah I know. I wanted to be an astronaut as a

lol I think I wanted to be just about everything at least twice when I was a kid  tongue

Jun 20 10 08:18 am Link


bijan studio

Posts: 1854

TARZANA, California, US

Two escorts???lol
Are you going to a shoot with a photographer or to a drug dealer?

Jun 20 10 08:19 am Link


Moon Pix Photography

Posts: 3907

Syracuse, New York, US

yarisbey armeral wrote:
hello i have been modeling for a couple of years and i have also helped some other females model get in the doorstep of the modeling industries and they get more attention than me, but what i have noticed lately is that when i got to the modeling events that they hold every month i get dressed up and maked up nice outfit or dress or some implied nude i dont see any photographers want to shoot me they just look at me and walk away i am a petite model and having a hard time to get photoshoots or even paying gig jobs until this day i still havent been offered a paying job and that really sucks so my questions is what is it about my looks or me that doesnt catch theyr attention while other models which by the way they look worse than me are getting all the pics taken and when i ask them if they would like to shoot me they just walk away or tell me that theyr tired or theyr busy and nobody wants to be straight up with me i feel like they being unfair or even nasty with the model for not being sincere and tell them straight up that im not wat they want can any photographer please be honest and tell if i should keep going as a model or just throw the towel down on modeling cause photographers are really being a jackass and making me feel very un appreaciatted for the modeling i do. plis help

Move to critique.. Honestly, I think you should find another profession...

Jun 20 10 08:20 am Link


Rich Davis

Posts: 3136

Gulf Breeze, Florida, US

Jerry Nemeth wrote:
This has to be why you don't get photoshoots!    lol

"oh and i always bring, two escorts to the shoots with me someone to help me with things . ( MUST NOT HAVE A ISSUE)."

Are they BIG hulking frowning escorts?

Jun 20 10 08:20 am Link