This thread was locked on 2013-01-24 00:51:37
Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > What's with the "What's with the [...]?" threads?



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

2013 Revival and Edit

Ya know...?

Those threads were photographers/models complain about a specific type of often used shooting "themes", because the "creator" seem to lack the creativity to do something new...

What's up with that?

Why are you disturbed by "cliches", such as booty shots, arm over the head, duct tape, girls on toilettes, caution tape, girls wrapped in the American flag, on construction sites, with construction belts on their hips, with... arrrghhhh...?

I am more offended by such a snobbism than by the "lack of inspiration".

If you, the complainer, are so much better and so much more creative, why don't you rather post examples of your totally unique ideas, that have not been done in a similar way already a few million times on this planet?!

I want to include the habit of some photographers who try to diminish the talent and achievement of famous photographers with the "they don't deserve their fame, their work sucks" attitudes.

Dudes... maybe you are not good enough to see the subtleties in those photos... there is so much more to what makes a photographer famous.

Just my few cents... stop bitching how the others are not up to YOUR standards, and take care of your very own vision and art, and let others do their thing, let them experiment and grow in their own art.



Aug 07 06 08:25 pm Link


Adrienne Aurora

Posts: 2745

Atlanta, Georgia, US


Aug 07 06 08:35 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

udor for president.

Aug 07 06 08:39 pm Link



Posts: 236

New York, New York, US

Adrienne Aurora wrote:

ducktape over the mouth to relay a message like hear/see/say no evil shot with naomi campbell and i think cindy crawford back in the 80's. i think its a cute look. but just like he said there's only so much originality in the world eventually someone is going to repeat an idea since everyone is influenced by someone.

Aug 07 06 08:39 pm Link



Posts: 236

New York, New York, US

Adrienne Aurora wrote:

ducktape over the mouth to relay a message like hear/see/say no evil shot with naomi campbell and i think cindy crawford back in the 80's. i think its a cute look. but just like he said everyone's just trying to do their thing. there's only so much originality in the world eventually someone is going to repeat an idea since everyone is influenced by someone.

Aug 07 06 08:40 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Preaching to the choir here.  smile

Now I'm off to shoot a model having sex standing on her head in a hammok.


Aug 07 06 08:43 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28719

Phoenix, Arizona, US

While we're at it, in my opinion the race, religious, & political threads are getting out of hand. I logged onto Model Mayhem this evening and every friggin' recent thread on the main page was about one of these topics. I'll admit that I have been guilty about this as well. But, I've decided to refrain from them from now on.

There are sites dedicated to these topics. Why do folks insist on posting them here? Also, you ever notice that the worst offenders never ever seem to have any new photos in their portfolios? What's up with that?

Also the junior news casters. Knock it off! Jesus! Everytime there is a "breaking news story" it's only a matter of minutes till someone creates a thread.

It's pretty sad that a google search for "N*****" or what have you, brings up model mayhem in the search list.

Just my thoughts. Attack at will.

Aug 07 06 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

UdoR wrote:
If you, the complainer, are so much better and so much more creative, why don't you rather post examples of your totally unique ideas, that have not been done in a similar way already a few million times on this planet?!

Just my few cents... stop bitching how the others are not up to your standards, and take care of your very own vision and art, and let others do their thing, let them experiment and grow in their own art.

I agree.  And besides, when you take into consideration the number of models and photographers there are on the planet, it's kinda hard to come up with a never-been-used-before idea for a shoot, because chances are that it's been done already (but so what?).

Aug 07 06 08:58 pm Link


Gibson Photo Art

Posts: 7990

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I love! Call them out Udor!

Aug 07 06 08:58 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US


(chili goes into his jack impersonation yet again and sez)

"its just chinatown (er i mean mayhem)"

Aug 07 06 09:20 pm Link


Claire Elizabeth

Posts: 1550

Exton, Pennsylvania, US

UdoR wrote:
Ya know...?

Those threads were photographers/models complain about a specific type of often used shooting "themes", because the "creator" seem to lack the creativity to do something new...

What's up with that?

Why are you disturbed by "cliches", such as booty shots, arm over the head, ducktape, girls on toilettes, caution tape, girls wrapped in the American flag, on construction sites, with construction belts on their hips, with... arrrghhhh...?

I am more offended by such a snobbism than by the "lack of inspiration".

If you, the complainer, are so much better and so much more creative, why don't you rather post examples of your totally unique ideas, that have not been done in a similar way already a few million times on this planet?!

Just my few cents... stop bitching how the others are not up to your standards, and take care of your very own vision and art, and let others do their thing, let them experiment and grow in their own art.



A fabulous point of view.

Aug 07 06 09:22 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

turncoat Claire,, in the thread blasting wings and tape and now kissing Udor's ample behind.

Aug 07 06 10:00 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
turncoat Claire,, in the thread blasting wings and tape and now kissing Udor's ample behind.


I don't have an ample behind... I've got buns of steel (those are famous among female connoiseurs!)... it's just my abs that flab! big_smile

P.S.: I didn't read her posts in the other thread... but apparently, she was able to see another point of view...

P.S.S.: Claire... please continue kissing... my... well... it feels good.... LMAO

Aug 07 06 10:01 pm Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

Thank God this was posted!

haha ducktape..I used to call it that too!

Edit: for people who didn't get it...its duct tape

Aug 08 06 01:03 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Christine Summers wrote:
Thank God this was posted!

haha ducktape..I used to call it that too!

Edit: for people who didn't get it...its duct tape

80% of America thinks it ducktape; if you want duct tape, move to Canada.

4 years of expensive education: the result - duct tape.

Aug 08 06 02:53 am Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

I think I may lock all of those threads and just use the search function list on the one I already locked. The threads themselves are such a cliche' they annoy the hell out of me. Does anyone else have a strong opinion for or against this?

Aug 08 06 03:31 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Thank GOD for Udor.  I swear that shit grinds my gears.

Aug 08 06 03:34 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

~Krista~ wrote:
I think I may lock all of those threads and just use the search function list on the one I already locked. The threads themselves are such a cliche' they annoy the hell out of me. Does anyone else have a strong opinion for or against this?

I expected a great deal of creatitvity from the port of folks starting these cliche thread but found they were dull and lacking of any new vibrant ideas.  so why complain ?

Aug 08 06 03:36 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

I expected a great deal of creatitvity from the port of folks starting these cliche thread but found they were dull and lacking of any new vibrant ideas.  so why complain ?

The logic is that if you complain about it, it makes you better than the people that do it.

Aug 08 06 03:38 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

What's with the calling Udo Udor?

Aug 08 06 05:53 am Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

~Krista~ wrote:
I think I may lock all of those threads and just use the search function list on the one I already locked. The threads themselves are such a cliche' they annoy the hell out of me. Does anyone else have a strong opinion for or against this?

It's "Off Topic", yes? Let people talk about what they want to talk about. I'm bored with those too and I have a solution. Don't open the damn thread!

Sorry, I just noticed that ths is the General Mayhem forum! Just move them to "Off Topic".

Aug 08 06 07:03 am Link


Stonekey Photography

Posts: 507

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

I am just sick of hearing the word cliché.  I made a thread about it somewhere.  Udor is right, just stick to getting better.  If you don't want to shoot it...  don't.  smile

Aug 08 06 07:13 am Link


jon mmmayhem

Posts: 8233

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

preeeeeeeecisely, sir.
i know that some things may have been done many many times, but you can either look at it as practice, or as a chance to take a new look at an old theme.
i work in art schools, and the people are still painting and drawing the same still life subjects, the same statues and casts, and models striking the same classic poses.
why? because it's educational. because it helps you hone your skills. and because some things are so good they deserve to be repeated.
i don't see how photography should be any different.
obviously, something novel and well done is refreshing, but if you can make a picture of a model naked in a cowboy hat with a couple six shooters look good, do it.

Aug 08 06 07:30 am Link



Posts: 521

Maricopa, Arizona, US

cliche' or 're-interpretation''s all in the execution.

BTW you need a copyright symbol if you call it "duck" tape. That's a brand name! smile

Aug 08 06 07:59 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Yeah, quit bitching at me!

Aug 08 06 08:01 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Adrienne Aurora wrote:

Geez... I didn't even realize that I was the one who wrote "ducktape"... and I am using soo much of it... How could I... How could I? sad

But wait... a quick Wikipedia search says the following:

"Duct tape, originally known as duck tape, is a strong, fabric-based, multi-purpose adhesive tape, usually silver or black in color, although many other colors, including transparent, have recently become available. Duct tape is usually 1.88 inches (48 mm) wide. It was originally developed during World War II in 1942 under the name "Duck Tape" as a waterproof sealing tape for ammunition cases."

Aug 08 06 08:49 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

80% of America thinks it ducktape; if you want duct tape, move to Canada.

4 years of expensive education: the result - duct tape.

You can get the same knowledge in an HVAC trade school.

Aug 08 06 08:57 am Link


Cassandra Panek

Posts: 1569

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

You can get the same knowledge in an HVAC trade school.

or home depot. Duck is a brand. Duct is a type. big_smile

Aug 08 06 09:00 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Lens N Light wrote:
Sorry, I just noticed that ths is the General Mayhem forum! Just move them to "Off Topic".

I don't know...this sounds a bit like a Site Related Discussion.  tongue

Aug 08 06 09:05 am Link



Posts: 2463

Merrimack, New Hampshire, US

You can always buy the DuckTape brand of Duct tape!
And then use it in a shot of a model wearing 'Caution tape' across her bewbs and a gas mask on!

Aug 08 06 09:07 am Link


Stonekey Photography

Posts: 507

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

Kind of like Kleenex; how about a Kleenex Duck tape shoot... ?

Aug 08 06 09:07 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Synthetic Shadows wrote:

or home depot. Duck is a brand. Duct is a type. big_smile

You don't have to tell me.  I've taped ducts.  smile

I really don't buy the Wikipedia explanation.

Aug 08 06 09:07 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Lens N Light wrote:

It's "Off Topic", yes? Let people talk about what they want to talk about. I'm bored with those too and I have a solution. Don't open the damn thread!

Sorry, I just noticed that ths is the General Mayhem forum! Just move them to "Off Topic".

This thread belongs into General Mayhem, because it discusses threads started by photographers AND models.

The threads the OP (me!) is talking about are also not OT, since they are photography/modeling related.


Aug 08 06 09:07 am Link


Stonekey Photography

Posts: 507

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

You don't have to tell me.  I've taped ducts.  smile

I really don't buy the Wikipedia explanation.

Straight from the ducks mouth:

Aug 08 06 09:11 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Bryan Patrick Coleman wrote:

Straight from the ducks mouth:

We're to take that seriously?

Jack Kahl, former CEO of Manco, Inc., changed the name of the product to Duck Tape and recruited the help of a very talented young duck named Manco T. Duck. Manco T. Duck really embraced the product, lending his likeness to the Duck Tape logo and giving personality to a commodity product.

Aug 08 06 09:15 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

UdoR wrote:

This thread belongs into General Mayhem, because it discusses threads...

That's why I'd think Site Related Discussion.

Aug 08 06 09:16 am Link



Posts: 20636

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

PK Digital Imaging wrote:
Preaching to the choir here.  smile

Now I'm off to shoot a model having sex standing on her head in a hammok.


Too late.
Been there.
Done that.

; )

Aug 08 06 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 20636

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


Aug 08 06 01:30 pm Link


Wolf 189

Posts: 4834

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

UdoR wrote:
Ya know...?

Those threads were photographers/models complain about a specific type of often used shooting "themes", because the "creator" seem to lack the creativity to do something new...

What's up with that?

Why are you disturbed by "cliches", such as booty shots, arm over the head, duct tape, girls on toilettes, caution tape, girls wrapped in the American flag, on construction sites, with construction belts on their hips, with... arrrghhhh...?

I am more offended by such a snobbism than by the "lack of inspiration".

If you, the complainer, are so much better and so much more creative, why don't you rather post examples of your totally unique ideas, that have not been done in a similar way already a few million times on this planet?!

Just my few cents... stop bitching how the others are not up to your standards, and take care of your very own vision and art, and let others do their thing, let them experiment and grow in their own art.



Great post!

Aug 08 06 02:57 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Dave Wright Photo wrote:
udor for president.


Sep 02 06 04:06 pm Link