Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Tampa M&G Chit Chat 6


i c e c o l d

Posts: 8610

Fort Myers, Florida, US


Feb 19 11 07:13 am Link


i c e c o l d

Posts: 8610

Fort Myers, Florida, US

bgcfoto wrote:
There is no like button here but "like"

Feb 19 11 07:16 am Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

i c e c o l d wrote:

Your thumb is huge compared to your head..

Feb 19 11 07:18 am Link


i c e c o l d

Posts: 8610

Fort Myers, Florida, US

Keith aka Wolfie wrote:

Your thumb is huge compared to your head..

Thats what she said!!! lol

on a lighter is a great live performance of Roger Hodgson of Supertramp doing one of his classics...

Feb 19 11 09:29 am Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Hits the virtual "like" button for Ice`s link....

Stunning day..
Workout done by 11..
Laying out right now...
massage at 4:45...

then my day comes to a screeching halt because
there is no place for a 41 year old metalhead who is socially awkward
to go tonight sad

Feb 19 11 11:29 am Link


Carl Roberts

Posts: 33090

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

I bet the Florida State fair is INSANE today

Feb 19 11 11:42 am Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Carl Roberts wrote:
I bet the Florida State fair is INSANE today

Stop the INSANITY!!!!  big_smile

Feb 19 11 12:22 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Carl Roberts wrote:
I bet the Florida State fair is INSANE today

Yeah...just what I want to do...
walk around in huge crowds and eat food that is awful for you
all day...
I`ll pass

Feb 19 11 01:07 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Chris Rifkin wrote:

Yeah...just what I want to do...
walk around in huge crowds and eat food that is awful for you
all day...
I`ll pass

Make it a scouting expedition for potential models.. Ya never know...

Feb 19 11 01:40 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Keith aka Wolfie wrote:

Make it a scouting expedition for potential models.. Ya never know...

oh yeah..
me walking around a carnival all by myself....
at 41 years old.....
playing the "I`m a photographer" card..

lwhats not creepy about thay?

Feb 19 11 03:14 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Chris Rifkin wrote:

oh yeah..
me walking around a carnival all by myself....
at 41 years old.....
playing the "I`m a photographer" card..

lwhats not creepy about thay?

Do you NOT have any way to show work???  Pics on phone or a small album to show images??  Not at a fair, but I've asked people off the street before.. Helps if you have images to show or a biz card with web addy and contact info. And that you DON'T ask them for contact info, leave it up to them to contact you..

Feb 19 11 03:17 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Why the fuck do I even bother anymore.....

I guess its over for me...
Might as spend all my time on the road....because its
the same thing whenever I`m home for a weekend.....
Dammed if I sit home on my phone on the internet...
Dammed if I go out with my catastrophic social ineptness
on my phone on the internet.....

sad sad

Feb 19 11 07:59 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Chris Rifkin wrote:
Why the fuck do I even bother anymore.....

I guess its over for me...
Might as spend all my time on the road....because its
the same thing whenever I`m home for a weekend.....
Dammed if I sit home on my phone on the internet...
Dammed if I go out with my catastrophic social ineptness
on my phone on the internet.....

sad sad

Que???  hmm

Feb 19 11 08:11 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Keith aka Wolfie wrote:

Que???  hmm

Basicly being a catastrophicly inept socially awkward 41
year old single dude=high likelyhood I die lonely....
And the frustrating thing is I have all the qualies(well,except
my credit issues)I would think a girl I would be into would
want...a good looking guy in amazing shape with a good paying job
who would treat a girl right,not a creep,great in the kitchen...artistic...

but then again....being 100% off the grid pop culture wise(and have
no interest in being mainstreem),....and my job(there is a reason
most truckers end up with BBWs from a trailer park)turns
off most of what I would like here.....

Lets just say that I now hate being home if there isn`t anything going on,
I mean Iove the Tampa area .....but it would be the same anywhere I
lived......I don`t fit in anywhere.....and I`m equally bummed
if I sit home and do what I`m doing....
The only thing I like doing by myself (because most of the
metal friends I moved down to hang with in the first place
just got as frustrated as I am and did the worst possible thing,
just settled for the first woman that would have them...and
yes....all of them are now  in marriage hell with someone just to have osomethi to wake up next to every morning...and have kids....not that they
did anything when they were single that was fun,unless going to tit bars
and wasting half your paycheck supporting strippers bf`s drug
habbits fun)is going to get sushi....but dropping $50 or so a nigh
is not my idea of being responsable.....

Feb 19 11 08:30 pm Link


EdwinR Photography

Posts: 3154

Gainesville, Florida, US

Chris Rifkin wrote:

Basicly being a catastrophicly inept socially awkward 41
year old single dude=high likelyhood I die lonely....
And the frustrating thing is I have all the qualies(well,except
my credit issues)I would think a girl I would be into would
want...a good looking guy in amazing shape with a good paying job
who would treat a girl right,not a creep,great in the kitchen...artistic...

but then again....being 100% off the grid pop culture wise(and have
no interest in being mainstreem),....and my job(there is a reason
most truckers end up with BBWs from a trailer park)turns
off most of what I would like here.....

Lets just say that I now hate being home if there isn`t anything going on,
I mean Iove the Tampa area .....but it would be the same anywhere I
lived......I don`t fit in anywhere.....and I`m equally bummed
if I sit home and do what I`m doing....
The only thing I like doing by myself (because most of the
metal friends I moved down to hang with in the first place
just got as frustrated as I am and did the worst possible thing,
just settled for the first woman that would have them...and
yes....all of them are now  in marriage hell with someone just to have osomethi to wake up next to every morning...and have kids....not that they
did anything when they were single that was fun,unless going to tit bars
and wasting half your paycheck supporting strippers bf`s drug
habbits fun)is going to get sushi....but dropping $50 or so a nigh
is not my idea of being responsable.....

sounds like someone needs some antidepressants...**ok picture Cher  slapping the shit out of your left cheek,  screaming **  snap out of it..!!!

Feb 20 11 05:28 am Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Is the Dr. in????

Feb 20 11 06:53 am Link


Carl Roberts

Posts: 33090

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Chris Rifkin wrote:
Basicly being a catastrophicly inept socially awkward 41
year old single dude=high likelyhood I die lonely....
And the frustrating thing is I have all the qualies(well,except
my credit issues)I would think a girl I would be into would
want...a good looking guy in amazing shape with a good paying job
who would treat a girl right,not a creep,great in the kitchen...artistic...

but then again....being 100% off the grid pop culture wise(and have
no interest in being mainstreem),....and my job(there is a reason
most truckers end up with BBWs from a trailer park)turns
off most of what I would like here.....

Lets just say that I now hate being home if there isn`t anything going on,
I mean Iove the Tampa area .....but it would be the same anywhere I
lived......I don`t fit in anywhere.....and I`m equally bummed
if I sit home and do what I`m doing....
The only thing I like doing by myself (because most of the
metal friends I moved down to hang with in the first place
just got as frustrated as I am and did the worst possible thing,
just settled for the first woman that would have them...and
yes....all of them are now  in marriage hell with someone just to have osomethi to wake up next to every morning...and have kids....not that they
did anything when they were single that was fun,unless going to tit bars
and wasting half your paycheck supporting strippers bf`s drug
habbits fun)is going to get sushi....but dropping $50 or so a nigh
is not my idea of being responsable.....

Hope things get better for you brother

Feb 20 11 07:47 am Link



Posts: 5446

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Nice day out today...

Feb 20 11 03:10 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Maybe one week I won`t have to call Penske SOS emergency
roadside service because I had a breakdown this year..

This week won`t be that week...because my truck is totally
dead....somehow my battery was run down....
And I`m AT A PENSKE(Palm River Drive),but because its closed...

yep...SOS is called YET AGAIN...

*bangs head against wall*

Feb 20 11 05:53 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Before bed bump...

Feb 20 11 08:12 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

insomnia bump

Feb 21 11 01:00 am Link


Carl Roberts

Posts: 33090

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Worked the parade last night

Good time!

Feb 21 11 05:48 am Link



Posts: 23798

Orlando, Florida, US

Carl Roberts wrote:
Worked the parade last night

Good time!

Let's hear yer "cajun"  .  .  .  wink


Feb 21 11 05:53 am Link

Feb 21 11 07:24 am Link


Carl Roberts

Posts: 33090

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Feb 21 11 08:02 am Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Carl Roberts wrote:

Here you go Chris

Lets see..
A total of 3 bands I would pay to see live out of that entire lineup..
Would have to fly in,get lodging....
Figure I`d spend about $900 that weekend to
hear guttoral screams for 3 days....with aprox 500
guys and maybe 50 females,of which probably 40 would be horrifficly
ugly,and the other 10 that were kinda good looking would be
with guys in the headliner bands......

yep....I`ll pass..
I go to enough metal sausage fests during the year with music
I actually like..

Feb 21 11 08:51 am Link


i c e c o l d

Posts: 8610

Fort Myers, Florida, US

For Chris.... (read thread title)

She is young, a model and lives in Jersey! WIN! What more could you want! j/k

Just sometime to give you a laugh while waiting for your truck!

I see Doug has already jumped in for some fun!! And with a name like hers (I'm thinking short for In a Gadda Da Vida) you know she is a rocker chick! lol

Feb 21 11 09:57 am Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Ha lol
I actually replied...I never do that section......
Some real notorious creepos in that thread as well..

Feb 21 11 11:49 am Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

Burp...  So wish this day was over..  But for a holiday, we did have good numbers.. Just a slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow day.....

Feb 21 11 02:47 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

page 2 save..

Feb 21 11 08:03 pm Link


Carl Roberts

Posts: 33090

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Happy Birthday Chris O'Meara!


By the way...
Isn't the Shuttle Launch on Thursday?

I would think the Mosquitos should be hatching in huge numbers right about now

Good times, good times

Feb 22 11 05:21 am Link


i c e c o l d

Posts: 8610

Fort Myers, Florida, US

Another officer was shot and killed in St. Pete last night.....tragic! … -continues

Feb 22 11 06:19 am Link


Mark Reese Photography

Posts: 21622

Brandon, Florida, US

i c e c o l d wrote:
Another officer was shot and killed in St. Pete last night.....tragic! … -continues

So very sad.

Feb 22 11 06:25 am Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

i c e c o l d wrote:
Another officer was shot and killed in St. Pete last night.....tragic! … -continues

DAMN!!!  And to think Orlando was listed as one of the top 10 most dangerous cities.. 

Condolences go out to his family..  Couldn't pay me enough to be a cop.. Well, maybe if it was in Mayberry.. And Otis was the worst criminal... smile

Feb 22 11 06:39 am Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US


Feb 22 11 10:58 am Link


i c e c o l d

Posts: 8610

Fort Myers, Florida, US

Welcome to St. Jetersburg.... lol
7.7 million plus Minka Kelly to boot! … n-yankees/

Feb 22 11 12:14 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

i c e c o l d wrote:
Welcome to St. Jetersburg.... lol
7.7 million plus Minka Kelly to boot! … n-yankees/

And this all but assures the way overdue Cat 5 'cane rides right into the bay
just because this now exists yikes

oh...and PM bub

Feb 22 11 12:17 pm Link


Tropical Photography

Posts: 35564

Sarasota, Florida, US

This thread confuses me...

Feb 22 11 04:04 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

Keith aka Wolfie wrote:
This thread confuses me...

The usual combination of stuff that goes on here,boredom,
the usual people irritating a few of us,other assorted stuff..

BTW,we have to talk about what we discussed earlier...
I should be getting that check within a week,maybe earlier
Somebody be purchasing some nice toys big_smile

Feb 22 11 04:34 pm Link


i c e c o l d

Posts: 8610

Fort Myers, Florida, US

Looks like they caught the guy who shot the St. Pete Police Officer.....the suspect, who was arrested is 16 years old!!! He is a local high school student already with a criminal past!

Unfrocking believable!

Feb 22 11 08:05 pm Link