
Andrea Rosu

Posts: 1670

San Francisco, California, US

Robert Sawin wrote:

actually I would say the same things in real life as I do here.  And I have many times.

Even though I can easily question/find fault with your stance...I actually don't really find fault with the way you express it. It's harsh in its honesty. Your wording is not what I find problematic.

Apr 20 11 10:17 am Link


Pete Harasty

Posts: 1165

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Images of Light wrote:
Unless your gong to be a nude model, hooker, or striper you dont really need monsters on your chest you look fine. Very sexy look your body has now.

why does a Nude model, hooker or stripper need monsters on her chest?????

Apr 20 11 10:19 am Link


Rik Austin

Posts: 12164

Austin, Texas, US

Moderator Warning!
Moving this to OT.

Apr 20 11 10:27 am Link



Posts: 6438

Cassina de' Pecchi, Lombardy, Italy

Natalie Ann143 wrote:
Pros-Cons..Opinions? If anyone has them and they would feel more comfortable pm'ing me about it that would be great as well.. Im debating.. Im a SMALL 34B right now and I can honestly say I HATE my boobs.. It makes me so uncomfortable.. Not that there is anything WRONG with them.. Just small!

Tell me all the good bad and ugly please smile


I'm sure this thread has gone down the shitter, like all of them do. When I had mine done, I was a 34aa. I doubt if I was your size I would have gotten implants. That being said, do what is right for you. If you hate the way you look and want them, get them. If you don't, don't. If you wanna talk about the procedure and whatnot, PM me. I hate these threads. smile

edit: I'm gonna make a video of my boobs bouncing and squishing, just to dispel all of these "facts" that they are hard and don't move. I'm so tired of reading all the inaccuracies in these threads. If your implants are hard and do not move, they are either 1)brand spanking new, or 2)you are experiencing capsular contracture. Some women do experience this complication, among others. But to say all augmented breasts are hard and immovable is ridiculous.

MODS: If I make such a video and mark it 18+, can I post a link here?

Apr 20 11 11:21 am Link


MisNatalie Ann

Posts: 208

Okoboji, Iowa, US

Natasha240 wrote:

I'm sure this thread has gone down the shitter, like all of them do. When I had mine done, I was a 34aa. I doubt if I was your size I would have gotten implants. That being said, do what is right for you. If you hate the way you look and want them, get them. If you don't, don't. If you wanna talk about the procedure and whatnot, PM me. I hate these threads. smile

edit: I'm gonna make a video of my boobs bouncing and squishing, just to dispel all of these "facts" that they are hard and don't move. I'm so tired of reading all the inaccuracies in these threads. If your implants are hard and do not move, they are either 1)brand spanking new, or 2)you are experiencing capsular contracture. Some women do experience this complication, among others. But to say all augmented breasts are hard and immovable is ridiculous.

MODS: If I make such a video and mark it 18+, can I post a link here?

I think you should be fine posting a link as long as you mark it... :p

Apr 20 11 01:59 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Has anyone posted the obligatory.....

"This thread is useless without pics"

...... comment?

If not, consider it done.

I'm generally not enamored with non-therapeutic surgery (i.e., getting your flesh cut open) or putting large-ish foreign objects in one's body. Unless there's a compelling reason, I wouldn't recommend it. Granted, one's mental health or self-image could be a compelling reason.

Apr 20 11 02:31 pm Link



Posts: 3465

Austin, Texas, US

Your body, your boobies plump them up if you want smile

My advice: If you want the truthful risks/side effects go to a Plastic Surgeon and have a consultation. Do your research and find a well recommended board certified one too. If you're planning to do don't go cheap, it's a major surgery so nothing to toy with.

I know a lot of people who upgraded their racks, no ones had to have replacements put it, no ones had them leak,pop, pucker, etc..

Apr 20 11 02:38 pm Link


Mike Hemming

Posts: 380

Easton, Maryland, US

Natalie Ann143 wrote:
Guys I'm doing this for ME not photographers or others.. just saying smile

Then go ahead and good luck

Apr 21 11 04:38 am Link


MisNatalie Ann

Posts: 208

Okoboji, Iowa, US

Thanks all- If anyone else has any advice for me on finding a place near me or anything at all please put your $0.02 in smile

Apr 21 11 04:00 pm Link



Posts: 22436

Fenton, Michigan, US

Aderyn Photography wrote:
If you ever decide to have children (which I hope you consider seriously someday), the chances are high that implants will ruin your ability to nurse your baby. That introduces all sorts of health and developmental issues for the child and will be a hurdle in developing a relationship with the infant.

Your breasts are made to make milk, after all. Don't ruin that by giving in to what the media tells you to look like.

You can still breast feed with implants, there are no known developmental issues with breast feeding and implants. PLEASE don't spew BS when you have no idea what you are speaking of!!  Here is a little tidbit for you....  Most Drs don't like going through healthy breast tissue, just for this reason (unless you are finished having children).

Apr 21 11 04:34 pm Link



Posts: 22436

Fenton, Michigan, US

Kris Moore wrote:
Fake boobs are disgusting. I have never and will never photograph anyone with a set.

Remember young'ns you are only young and hot for a short time. What are you going to do with those ugly plastic blobs once you hit mid 30 ish?

The end.

Funny, I'm going to be 36 tomorrow mine are the farthest things from ugly blobs.

Apr 21 11 04:35 pm Link



Posts: 22436

Fenton, Michigan, US

Bare Essential Photos wrote:
Non-bouncing fake boobs aren't as attractive as natural bouncing ones. Get over it and move on ... LOL

I think this is more about having confidence and happiness with who we are and not being programmed with what looks good. It's called self-esteem.

There is a very good "Twillight Zone" episode, the original series, regarding this thread. It's prediction was right on the mark.


I have fake bouncing boobs, you can get over it and move on.  I am very happy with my body and LOVE my boobs.  Please if you don't know what you are talking about maybe you shouldn't reply about the subject. mmmmkay?

Apr 21 11 04:37 pm Link



Posts: 22436

Fenton, Michigan, US

OP-  Go to a few different Drs look at their books and see their work.  See where they do their incisions and what kind of implants they use.  My Dr said typically belly button and arm pit are the ones they see a lot of capsulary contraction in.  She likes to manually make a "pouch" for the implant with her finger, she can't do that with the belly button and arm pit techniques.  Making the pouch with her finger insures there is enough space for the implant then some. 

Make sure your Dr is board certified plastic surgeon.

What chest size does your chest cavity support.

Technically when you have the Dr over inflate the implant you have more of a chance of contraction, but it all depends on the person.

If you are really skinny consider under the muscle so you don't have ripples, a lot of people don't realize this and are disappointed when they have ripples or ridges because they have very little body fat.

Don't go with the cheapest Dr, or the most expensive.  Remember price isn't what you are looking for, you want to see their WORK!

If you have any questions please feel free to message me. This is a really bad question to ask this place.  Do a search you will see what I am talking about. smile

Apr 21 11 04:45 pm Link



Posts: 22436

Fenton, Michigan, US

Natalie Ann143 wrote:
Thanks all- If anyone else has any advice for me on finding a place near me or anything at all please put your $0.02 in smile

Apr 21 11 04:49 pm Link



Posts: 8061

Tampa, Florida, US

Natural is best from our prospective.

Apr 21 11 04:49 pm Link


MisNatalie Ann

Posts: 208

Okoboji, Iowa, US

Fergy- THANK YOU for speaking up about stuff I wanted to say but dont really know enough to open my mouth haha!! Im inboxing you smile

Apr 21 11 04:52 pm Link


Erin Taylor

Posts: 1367

Jacksonville, Florida, US

Small Natural boobs = yes
Medium Natural boobs = yes
Large Natural boobs = yes
Fake boobs = ew
Fake boobs are dumb.
They always look fake,
and that's just retarded.

Apr 21 11 04:56 pm Link



Posts: 22436

Fenton, Michigan, US

Natalie Ann143 wrote:
Fergy- THANK YOU for speaking up about stuff I wanted to say but dont really know enough to open my mouth haha!! Im inboxing you smile


Apr 21 11 04:58 pm Link


Dario Western

Posts: 704

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Luminos wrote:
#1 - They attract all the wrong sort of attention
#2 - They will have to be replaced every six to ten years to remove scaring and buildup
#3 - Most men don't like them
#4 - The kind that do, you won't like

Please don't.

Best answer out of the whole lot! 

Say "no" to artificiality and 'yes' to individuality.  big_smile

Oh, and Natalie-Ann: if you do get them done, then expect your modelling workload to diminish unless you want a career doing porn or working for Hooters. 

DON'T mess with what nature gave you, cos you will regret it later on.  If you are smart then learn to accept what you've got.

Apr 21 11 10:52 pm Link



Posts: 6715

Seoul, Seoul, Korea (South)

Stephen Markman wrote:
You're 19 years old.  You don't do nudes.

You have a respectable sized chest.

Prettymuch. You're 19, you have more growing to do! Boobs included!

I don't like fake breasts and I would never get them, ever! What really turned me off them was a friend of mine who shot to fame for being natural and just stunning. She was an international model and starred in some movies.
Then she got fake breasts and it took away the natural beauty she had. She got less modelling jobs and lots of criticism.

And you can tell who's got them! Watch models on a catwalk, it's amazing to actually see implants in a person! haha.

I really hope, OP, you don't decide to get fake breasts. You are lovely as you are smile

Apr 21 11 10:57 pm Link


Chris Wolf Photography

Posts: 906

Toledo, Ohio, US

Natalie Ann143 wrote:
Pros-Cons..Opinions? If anyone has them and they would feel more comfortable pm'ing me about it that would be great as well.. Im debating.. Im a SMALL 34B right now and I can honestly say I HATE my boobs.. It makes me so uncomfortable.. Not that there is anything WRONG with them.. Just small!

Tell me all the good bad and ugly please smile


My general opinion in a nut shell: First off, I think women with boobs proportional to their bodies are far more attractive than say a petite woman with eyeblowing DD's. 2nd, if you overdo it I've been told it causes shoulder and back problems. At least, that's what a couple of "naturally gifted" friends of mine have told me. They are considering reductions for just this reason. 3rd, if they're not done right, you will look abnormal. I don't like boobs that don't act like boobs. For instance, no woman with over a B cup defies gravity on her own. Also, if you lay down and your boobs don't, it looks weird. From a purely photographer perspective, I'd rather you were natural so I don't have to add removing your implant scars to my list of touch ups.

There are some women I can understand the implants for, serious competative atheletes, for example. Since most of your chest size is dependent on body fat, those that are constantly burning every calorie they take in tend to not develop. For them, I can understand implants. But sometimes it's still not necessary. I dare anyone to tell me Mila Jovovich isn't stunning exactly the way she is.

For you personally, you're 19 and look great. There is NOTHING wrong with your boobs (or the rest of your body for that matter). If you seriously hate them, ask yourself why. If you come up with any answer close to "Well I see all these other women . . . " or "The girls in the magazines . . . " then DON'T DO IT. If you can honestly, HONESTLY tell yourself that you really just don't like yourself for purely personal reasons that have nothing to do with comparing yourself to anyone else, then maybe, just maybe, you could consider adjustment. Personally, I would say just stay exactly as you are. You have nothing to be self-conscious about.

Besides, fake tits are like Nazis . . . For everyone's amusement, Robin Williams!

Apr 21 11 11:17 pm Link


Kirsten Moore

Posts: 305

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Make your own decisions.

Google "Dr. Revis"

I looked into implants because mine aren't the same size.
He's amazing, and will respond personally to any e-mails.
I didn't go through with my intentions to get some,
but I know his website will help you.
PM me if you want more info I researched.

Apr 21 11 11:24 pm Link


Virgin Isles Test Shoot

Posts: 334

Flora, Illinois, US

Kymberly Jane wrote:
they look pretty when done well... they feel nice.. when done well..

mine are real.. and squishy..

EDIT: my boobs float.. not sure if fakies do?...

Nothing in the world wrong with squishy.

Float or sink,  I doubt anyone would really notice a difference while swimming. If they sink in the hot tub, turn up the whirlpool! Gush them upwars! big_smile

Breast size has nothing to do with volume of milk produced. (Not a nurse, merely a trained and certified emergency first responder.)

When I did a stint as a funeral director and embalmer, we cut out the falsies both for embalming and cremation. For embalming, overstuffed boobs tended to be more prone to skin sloughing (the tendency for skin to fall away after death from collagen degradation) because of the tautness from stretching or sometimes poor surgical procedure. For cremation, to avoid popping and any potential for toxic fumes from silicone.

Thus, there is also surgery after death. Oooooo!!!

Apr 22 11 12:06 am Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Erin Taylor wrote:
Small Natural boobs = yes
Medium Natural boobs = yes
Large Natural boobs = yes
Fake boobs = ew
Fake boobs are dumb.
They always look fake,
and that's just retarded.

What about sagging deflated empty sacks of skin with nipples on the end.
Boobs that look old well before their time?
That you had to almost roll up into place to whack em in a bra?
Are they better too..?
I was damned if I was going to be lumbered with those for the rest of my life..
A wee example below

Apr 22 11 01:00 am Link


Kincaid Blackwood

Posts: 23492

Los Angeles, California, US

Natalie Ann143 wrote:
Im a SMALL 34B right now and I can honestly say I HATE my boobs.. It makes me so uncomfortable..

That's really all that matters.

People might say this or that about how you're not doing xyz with your modeling or how natural is better BUT FUCK ALL THAT. I mean, really, who gives a hairy ass fuck about what some photographer in East Nowhere, S. Dakota thinks of your breasts? What matters is what YOU think.

If you're not satisfied with your body, be like everyone else who's cut or colored their hair or pierced something or tattooed something or tanned or whatever and make the change that you want. Do lots of research on breast enhancement surgery and don't listen to people who simply have an opinion (as opposed to people who have facts). For instance a lot of people still ignorantly talk about the dangers of silicone when almost all current augmentation procedures are done with saline. To top it off, silicone is STILL used, but you know when? In reconstructive surgery for breast cancer victims. Imagine that. The big, bad silicone wolf apparently is safe enough to use in instances as sensitive as with breast cancer survivors. Who knew?

I have known many women who've had breast augmentations and all of them love it. None of them have issues. And only a couple opted for a non-natural look. That's just what the wanted. The rest went for full Bs or modest C-cups. One went for D-cups but, honestly, hers still looked real. Do your research and give it some time. You're still young and you don't want to do something rash.

But it's your body. Again: if you are unhappy with it, that's all that matters. And it's no more indicative of low self-esteem than disliking the tone of your legs or the cut of your hair.

Apr 22 11 05:58 am Link


Carl Roberts

Posts: 33090

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Dario Western wrote:
Say "no" to artificiality and 'yes' to individuality.  big_smile

Oh, and Natalie-Ann: if you do get them done, then expect your modelling workload to diminish unless you want a career doing porn or working for Hooters.

Well there you go!

I think we have a winner here

So girls...

If you get implants, you are brainless conformists and your opportunities are limited to Hooters or being a Porn star

I'm relatively sure this will go over well

Apr 22 11 06:17 am Link



Posts: 22436

Fenton, Michigan, US

Dario Western wrote:
Say "no" to artificiality and 'yes' to individuality.  big_smile

Oh, and Natalie-Ann: if you do get them done, then expect your modelling workload to diminish unless you want a career doing porn or working for Hooters.

Carl Roberts wrote:
Well there you go!

I think we have a winner here

So girls...

If you get implants, you are brainless conformists and your opportunities are limited to Hooters or being a Porn star

I'm relatively sure this will go over well


Funny, Dario- my twin sister Jen had hers done and she is still doing a TON of modeling.  Hers didn't diminish and actually she isn't doing porn...and WTF is wrong with Hooters?  I love their food and know people who work there!  They get good tips!  HA!

Apr 22 11 06:49 am Link



Posts: 22436

Fenton, Michigan, US

Kincaid Blackwood wrote:

That's really all that matters.

People might say this or that about how you're not doing xyz with your modeling or how natural is better BUT FUCK ALL THAT. I mean, really, who gives a hairy ass fuck about what some photographer in East Nowhere, S. Dakota thinks of your breasts? What matters is what YOU think.

If you're not satisfied with your body, be like everyone else who's cut or colored their hair or pierced something or tattooed something or tanned or whatever and make the change that you want. Do lots of research on breast enhancement surgery and don't listen to people who simply have an opinion (as opposed to people who have facts). For instance a lot of people still ignorantly talk about the dangers of silicone when almost all current augmentation procedures are done with saline. To top it off, silicone is STILL used, but you know when? In reconstructive surgery for breast cancer victims. Imagine that. The big, bad silicone wolf apparently is safe enough to use in instances as sensitive as with breast cancer survivors. Who knew?

I have known many women who've had breast augmentations and all of them love it. None of them have issues. And only a couple opted for a non-natural look. That's just what the wanted. The rest went for full Bs or modest C-cups. One went for D-cups but, honestly, hers still looked real. Do your research and give it some time. You're still young and you don't want to do something rash.

But it's your body. Again: if you are unhappy with it, that's all that matters. And it's no more indicative of low self-esteem than disliking the tone of your legs or the cut of your hair.

I sure do love you. 

Apr 22 11 06:49 am Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Kincaid Blackwood wrote:

That's really all that matters.

People might say this or that about how you're not doing xyz with your modeling or how natural is better BUT FUCK ALL THAT. I mean, really, who gives a hairy ass fuck about what some photographer in East Nowhere, S. Dakota thinks of your breasts? What matters is what YOU think.

If you're not satisfied with your body, be like everyone else who's cut or colored their hair or pierced something or tattooed something or tanned or whatever and make the change that you want. Do lots of research on breast enhancement surgery and don't listen to people who simply have an opinion (as opposed to people who have facts). For instance a lot of people still ignorantly talk about the dangers of silicone when almost all current augmentation procedures are done with saline. To top it off, silicone is STILL used, but you know when? In reconstructive surgery for breast cancer victims. Imagine that. The big, bad silicone wolf apparently is safe enough to use in instances as sensitive as with breast cancer survivors. Who knew?

I have known many women who've had breast augmentations and all of them love it. None of them have issues. And only a couple opted for a non-natural look. That's just what the wanted. The rest went for full Bs or modest C-cups. One went for D-cups but, honestly, hers still looked real. Do your research and give it some time. You're still young and you don't want to do something rash.

But it's your body. Again: if you are unhappy with it, that's all that matters. And it's no more indicative of low self-esteem than disliking the tone of your legs or the cut of your hair.


Apr 22 11 06:51 am Link


Ricardo Sevilla 2

Posts: 863

Miami, Florida, US

I don't like fake boobs. Not to offend anyone, but I find them gross. I prefer natural small ones over bigger fake ones.


Apr 22 11 06:57 am Link


Virgin Isles Test Shoot

Posts: 334

Flora, Illinois, US

Sirensong wrote:
What about sagging deflated empty sacks of skin with nipples on the end.
Boobs that look old well before their time?
That you had to almost roll up into place to whack em in a bra?
Are they better too..?
I was damned if I was going to be lumbered with those for the rest of my life..
A wee example below

Question: Can you tell your mate to like you the way you are if you do not like yourself the way you are?

Whine, whine, my butt too big? Are my breast too small? Do they sag too much? Do my thighs look fat? Should I get a tummy tuck. Good grief!

A great laugh is watching a TV commercial with a model whose breasts are obviously overstuffed advertising organic foods! All natural my fat A**!

Apr 22 11 08:16 pm Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Karl Callwood wrote:

Question: Can you tell your mate to like you the way you are if you do not like yourself the way you are?

Whine, whine, my butt too big? Are my breast too small? Do they sag too much? Do my thighs look fat? Should I get a tummy tuck. Good grief!

A great laugh is watching a TV commercial with a model whose breasts are obviously overstuffed advertising organic foods! All natural my fat A**!

You sidestepped the questions.
I asked if the real/natural breast examples given were still attractive/better than fakes.
Its all very well saying natural is better if they are a decent enough set but not everyone has those.

Ive been bald since I was 8 years old, trust me if I havent excepted myself for who and what I am by now I will never do so, but now I get to do it with nice new boobs.

So technically given your logic, I like myself my mate would like me more too tongue

Apr 23 11 01:53 am Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Savannah- wrote:

WAIT! a womans growth ends at around the age of 22
my best friend just got boobs  two cup sizes more when she was 23 smile

But, this is America!

We don't want to wait...

The OP wants big boobs NOW!


Apr 23 11 01:56 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Kincaid Blackwood wrote:

That's really all that matters.

People might say this or that about how you're not doing xyz with your modeling or how natural is better BUT FUCK ALL THAT. I mean, really, who gives a hairy ass fuck about what some photographer in East Nowhere, S. Dakota thinks of your breasts? What matters is what YOU think.

If you're not satisfied with your body, be like everyone else who's cut or colored their hair or pierced something or tattooed something or tanned or whatever and make the change that you want. Do lots of research on breast enhancement surgery and don't listen to people who simply have an opinion (as opposed to people who have facts). For instance a lot of people still ignorantly talk about the dangers of silicone when almost all current augmentation procedures are done with saline. To top it off, silicone is STILL used, but you know when? In reconstructive surgery for breast cancer victims. Imagine that. The big, bad silicone wolf apparently is safe enough to use in instances as sensitive as with breast cancer survivors. Who knew?

I have known many women who've had breast augmentations and all of them love it. None of them have issues. And only a couple opted for a non-natural look. That's just what the wanted. The rest went for full Bs or modest C-cups. One went for D-cups but, honestly, hers still looked real. Do your research and give it some time. You're still young and you don't want to do something rash.

But it's your body. Again: if you are unhappy with it, that's all that matters. And it's no more indicative of low self-esteem than disliking the tone of your legs or the cut of your hair.

I agree with most of what you say, but silicone gel was approved for cosmetic procedures about 5 years ago. Even before that, it wasn't too hard to qualify as a "reconstructive" case. However, I just looked it up and the OP would still be too young to get silicone so it's not applicable to her unless she waits a few years.

Apr 23 11 06:09 am Link


Lindsay MB

Posts: 187

Golovin, Alaska, US

I  believe strongly that natural small boobs look great in about anything you wear. mine are a 34 b and ive never had a problem looking good in something. Yeah id like to know what its like to fill up a swimsuit top a little more but your body will thank you in the future for not getting them. wearing confidence looks better than fake boobs : )

Apr 23 11 06:28 am Link



Posts: 2457

London, England, United Kingdom

Fashionvue wrote:

You mean wide pelvis in women... yes they are very attractive sexually because they portray the image of having a large space for the baby to grow and be healthy... again it's all about sex and reproduction.

Butt is also sexy because it is

I dont see a cracking pair of boobs or a nice figure and think... "Wow her reproductive organs must be superb for carrying a child and feeding it"

Im actually rather partial to the smaller breasts, but big ones make a nice pillow

Apr 23 11 06:31 am Link


The Art of Churchwell

Posts: 3171


Sirensong wrote:

Does your butt stop your clothing from fitting? does it sag down to your knees all empty like a sock with a spoon of oatmeal in the end?
Do you have to lift it to put it in your pants?
Do you have to wear pants that lift and push up just to retain some shape?

yes and no

Apr 23 11 04:48 pm Link


255 West

Posts: 6468

New York, New York, US

Natalie Ann143 wrote:
Guys I'm doing this for ME not photographers or others.. just saying smile

Women do it for how they believe they'll be perceived, and it's driven by feelings of inadequacy with their natural body.

Apr 23 11 05:13 pm Link


255 West

Posts: 6468

New York, New York, US

Kincaid Blackwood wrote:
[...] But it's your body. Again: if you are unhappy with it, that's all that matters. And it's no more indicative of low self-esteem than disliking the tone of your legs or the cut of your hair.

Spending recovery time wrapped in bandages after going under general anesthesia and after signing an agreement that you understand that complications, up to and including death, are real possibilities, is not part of any haircut I've ever heard of.

Your words may offer reassurance and comfort to those women who have done it and may be having post-surgery doubts, but you ought not be encouraging someone contemplating a procedure she hasn't yet had with these absurd comparisons to coloring or cutting hair.

Apr 23 11 05:35 pm Link


Jess Keegs

Posts: 345

Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

why are some people so uptight about fake boobies? you probably walk past heaps everyday and would never know. It's amazing the people that have them! Just because glamour models get them to ridiculous sizes doesnt mean all fake boobs are yuck.
If someone did research about what they want done, went thru pros and cons and be smart about it all then go for it, if someone just wants to get them done because... well that's their stupidity.

Not ALL fake boobs look "fake"

Apr 23 11 09:42 pm Link