Forums > Model Colloquy > Any Vegan or Vegetarian Models Here?



Posts: 322

Los Angeles, California, US


Apr 02 12 10:59 pm Link


Jennifer R K

Posts: 729

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jeffry P wrote:
Still haven't developed a taste for Kale!

Creamy Peanut Kale:

Chop it and fry it up with some peanut butter, peanuts, vegetable oil, minced garlic, hot sauce, leek, chic peas. Maybe a little soy sauce if you're cool with soy products. Sometimes I'll go at it with a potato masher too (to break up the chic peas), depending on my mood. Serve over rice.

I also do a salad like this:

A few kale leaves, chopped fine
An avocado or two, cubed
Chic peas
Fresh lemon juice
Garlic powder
Sea salt
Olive oil
Flax seeds
Apple cider vinegar (I use raw, organic)
Sometimes some sunflower seeds
Strawberries if I'm feeling fancy

A year ago I barely knew what Kale was. Now I find a way to include it in almost every meal, raw or cooked.

Apr 02 12 11:28 pm Link


Jennifer R K

Posts: 729

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Bare Essential Photos wrote:
To OP --

I'm surprised you didn't include those that have a gluten diet. Right now it's trendy for models to have a gluten diet.


Do you mean gluten-free? A lot of people are becoming intolerant to gluten. Personally I avoid it (along with corn and soy, usually). I have no idea what a "gluten diet" would be or why it would be trendy.

I'm not sure if I would compare vegan diet to gluten-free diets (assuming that's what you meant), because there are no real ethical or envinronmental reasons to avoid gluten. It's solely an allergy/nutritional issue.

Apr 02 12 11:40 pm Link


Kells Frenchie Marie

Posts: 6

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Sweet pea wrote:
Vegatarian, i love milk:(

me too):

Apr 04 12 05:25 am Link


Nikki Magnusson

Posts: 6844

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


Apr 04 12 05:35 am Link



Posts: 35440

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Nikki Magnusson wrote:

Haha, funny you mention this, whenever I type 'vegan' with my cellphone when texting, it keeps autocorrecting it to Vegas. lol

Apr 04 12 10:54 am Link



Posts: 35440

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Savilla wrote:

I have seen first hand how organic beekeepers handle their honeybees, and they are not being harmed. Being vegan is not a religion for me... I'm a vegan #1 for health reasons, and #2 because I can not justify killing or harming an animal simply because I'm hungry. There are limitless choices out there for plant-based foods. If you have not seen "Forks Over Knives" yet, I highly recommend it!  :-)

Haven't seen it, but I'll check it out, thanks. smile

When I started being a vegan, I found out I had an allergy to dairy for so many years. The instant I stopped eating it, the full-body rash I'd have all the damn time disappeared. So for me, it's definitely a healthy thing. It made me stop pigging out on candy and crap, and without even trying, I lost around 15 lbs in a few months. I cook a lot more, and I love it!

Apr 04 12 10:59 am Link


Sammie Cartwright

Posts: 665

New York, New York, US

David Lace wrote:
Join the conversation if you are a vegan, vegetarian or raw food model.
I'd love to find out how many "Veggie Models" are on MLM and hear your comments.

Thanks so much.

David Lace - http://DavidLace.Com


I just posted a vegan/vegetarian model search notice in casting:

Apr 04 12 11:10 am Link


Darling Kyttie

Posts: 949

Fremont, California, US

I just broke the vegetarian diet of 17 years. Ha...

Apr 04 12 01:34 pm Link


Sarah Nivri

Posts: 13

Hampton, Virginia, US

I just recently decided to give up beef and pork products for health reasons (thanks, Forks over Knives).
Dating a vegetarian has opened me up to this entire new world. I was originally surprised at how delicious most fake meat products are. I actually prefer the taste of Boca/Morning Star products to real meat.
Thinking about going completely vegetarian over the summer, and see where it goes from there.

Apr 05 12 10:49 pm Link



Posts: 35440

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sarah Nivri wrote:
I just recently decided to give up beef and pork products for health reasons (thanks, Forks over Knives).
Dating a vegetarian has opened me up to this entire new world. I was originally surprised at how delicious most fake meat products are. I actually prefer the taste of Boca/Morning Star products to real meat.
Thinking about going completely vegetarian over the summer, and see where it goes from there.

I'm vegan and I *hate* fake meat products. To me they taste too much like real meat, and I feel like I'm cheating. I also don't like the texture, and the soy taste bit (since it's what they're made of). I'd much rather eat veggies and beans than those fake meats.

Apr 09 12 07:32 am Link


Sarah Nivri

Posts: 13

Hampton, Virginia, US

Scarlett Candee wrote:
I'm vegan and I *hate* fake meat products. To me they taste too much like real meat, and I feel like I'm cheating. I also don't like the texture, and the soy taste bit (since it's what they're made of). I'd much rather eat veggies and beans than those fake meats.

I can understand that; they're very realistic. I've heard people say "if you want something that tastes like meat, why don't you eat real meat?" But for someone like me who's not actually veg, it helps me save a chicken or two while not having to completely give it up.

Apr 09 12 08:04 am Link



Posts: 35440

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sarah Nivri wrote:

I can understand that; they're very realistic. I've heard people say "if you want something that tastes like meat, why don't you eat real meat?" But for someone like me who's not actually veg, it helps me save a chicken or two while not having to completely give it up.

Haha, fair enough. They're good for newbies, but most vegan people I know don't eat them anymore. Actually the best veggie burger I've ever had wasn't a tofu burger, but a quinoa burger. A-ma-zing! smile

Apr 09 12 08:15 am Link


Apparently a Viking

Posts: 17

London, England, United Kingdom

I've been vegan and mostly raw for 4 years now, I made the change for both health and ethical reasons.

Apr 10 12 06:43 am Link



Posts: 35440

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Apparently a Viking wrote:
I've been vegan and mostly raw for 4 years now, I made the change for both health and ethical reasons.

How is raw? I still haven't tried that, and I'm a little unsure about it...

But yeah, health-wise, having gone vegan is one of the best things I've done. My skin is even clearer, I lost almost 20 lbs. I have more energy also.

Apr 10 12 08:22 am Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Scarlett Candee wrote:
How is raw? I still haven't tried that, and I'm a little unsure about it...

But yeah, health-wise, having gone vegan is one of the best things I've done. My skin is even clearer, I lost almost 20 lbs. I have more energy also.

After the move, I'll try the 30-days-raw thingy. I am reading up on it right now, have my non-cook book ready to go, meal plan, everything, I'll let you know how it goes, if you like.

Pescetarian since 10/2011
Lost 10 lbs, skin is better, mood is definitely better!

Apr 10 12 03:03 pm Link



Posts: 39496

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Apparently a Viking wrote:
I've been vegan and mostly raw for 4 years now, I made the change for both health and ethical reasons.

I would love to go completely raw. I can do it for weeks at a time, but it's so time-consuming to prepare meals - dehydrating, sprouting, etc.

Also, when I eat that way, I'm eating mostly produce, so it requires purchasing large quantities of produce every week.

It's difficult to consistently maintain that much time-consuming food prep, and constant shopping.

Apr 11 12 05:00 pm Link



Posts: 39496

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Scarlett Candee wrote:

How is raw? I still haven't tried that, and I'm a little unsure about it...

But yeah, health-wise, having gone vegan is one of the best things I've done. My skin is even clearer, I lost almost 20 lbs. I have more energy also.

The first time I tried complete abstinence from animal foods was in 2006, when I lived in a vegan collective house. I gained about 25-30 pounds. I think the reason I gained was because I was basing my meals on too much rice and pasta. I've been animal-food-free again since December, and my weight stayed steady. I started P90X in February and lost 5 pounds from that. This time, my body-size was unaffected by eliminating animal foods, but I'm also sticking to only ONE serving of grains per day. No more.

Apr 11 12 05:03 pm Link


Susannah Leigh

Posts: 6

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Vegetarian almost 10 years smile. Best decision I've ever made. Trying to get back to a fully vegan diet!

Apr 12 12 05:44 pm Link


Cali Miles

Posts: 1

Los Angeles, California, US


Mar 01 13 12:54 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

I did a PSA for PETA:)

Mar 01 13 04:28 am Link


angel emily

Posts: 1020

Boston, Massachusetts, US

I am mostly vegetarian.

Every once in a long awhile, though, I love me a steak or some fish.

But... mostly vegetarian...  I'm definitely big on the "raw food" thing...

Mar 01 13 06:40 am Link


Jamtron Studio

Posts: 1066

Venice, Florida, US

Vegetarian, trying to go vegan...but I have to have milk in my coffee!

Mar 01 13 07:09 am Link


Eva Marx

Posts: 40

West Hollywood, California, US

All natural vegan, baby! smile

Mar 01 13 08:38 pm Link


allison mindy

Posts: 1495

Gainesville, Florida, US

I'm a veggo smile

Mar 01 13 08:43 pm Link


Caroline SJ

Posts: 1

Jacksonville, Florida, US

I'm vegetarian smile

Mar 03 13 07:41 pm Link


Marlow Rae

Posts: 115

Seattle, Washington, US

I am a vegetarian of five years, considering going vegan. I'm a little torn - I'd like to do it for my health, but being a foodie on a very limited diet could get frustrating pretty quickly.

Mar 03 13 07:46 pm Link


Anna Elise Groves

Posts: 16

Austin, Texas, US

Been a vegetarian for four years now! smile

Mar 03 13 07:48 pm Link


Angelize Photography

Posts: 327

Sacramento, California, US

Vegan photographer!

Mar 03 13 07:54 pm Link


Lela Jesse

Posts: 1148

Shasta Lake, California, US

Vegetarian! smile For 7 years and on. No red meat in my diet for 11 years, and I cut the rest out 7 years ago.

Mar 03 13 09:04 pm Link


Joey Marsh

Posts: 1

Los Angeles, California, US

vegan! over three years now.

Mar 04 13 01:50 pm Link


Alixx Rose

Posts: 225

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Wish I had seen this thread ages ago when it was new. I'd be all about a health food oriented shoot

Mar 05 13 09:34 am Link



Posts: 3

New York, New York, US

Vegan.  And I've actually turned down quite a few paying gigs (some very well-paying gigs) because not only do I not wear fur, I don't wear leather, silk, or wool, either.  (Meanwhile, just stating my position, not commenting on others' positions or starting a debate.)  Perhaps if I had compromised my personal ethics (as well as put school on the back burner), some of those gigs could have led to other gigs, but by doing this for fun and not taking it that seriously, I'm not as inclined to obsess over my hair, my body fat percentage, my skin, getting older, etc. So, for me, it's a lifestyle that helps me not only be healthy and contribute towards a better planet, but also helps me keep my head on straight (even indirectly).

Mar 07 13 07:11 am Link


fine art nudes by paul

Posts: 3296

Oakland, California, US

i'm vegan and trying to be more raw

Mar 07 13 06:55 pm Link


Jen B

Posts: 4474

Phoenix, Arizona, US

David Lace wrote:
Join the conversation if you are a vegan, vegetarian or raw food model.
I'd love to find out how many "Veggie Models" are on MLM and hear your comments.

Thanks so much.

David Lace - http://DavidLace.Com


Transitioning or cyclical vegetarian, vegan, raw foodist and non processed vegetarian too.

At the moment have returned to vegetarian with some processed food...cycling back more and more to raw foodists or vegan each day though

Mar 07 13 09:59 pm Link


Bravo Magic Images

Posts: 765

Temple City, California, US

Virgin Vegan and a Virgo and a none meat slapper lol deadhorse

Mar 07 13 10:06 pm Link


Rayne Tupelo

Posts: 21

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Vegan.  Sometimes raw too.

Mar 08 13 08:30 pm Link


Eric Walton

Posts: 358

New York, New York, US

Vegan photographer here. I've been vegan since 1990. Check out my list of vegan and vegetarian llamas here on MM.

Mar 08 13 09:01 pm Link



Posts: 2

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Sometimes a pesca (I love sushi aha).
I tried vegan, didn't do so well. sad

Mar 08 13 09:02 pm Link

Clothing Designer


Posts: 464

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

I just watched "Frankensteer" on Netflicks ( a documentry on The Canadian beef industry). Any person who still eats American or Canadian beef after seeing that documentry is crazy.

Mar 10 13 11:20 pm Link