Forums > Photography Talk > Model escort at shoots?



Posts: 1240

Grand Junction, Colorado, US

Her: I need to bring an escort.

Me: Sure, I have no objection to escorts, but I recommend all new models to contact any of the models on my 'Worked with' list and ask them for references on my personality and the way I work. If after that you feel you need an escort to the shoot, then I have no objection.

They usually (9 times out of 10) don't turn up with an escort.

Just out of interest, a model I shot with last week bough along an escort that turned out to be another model.. and she wanted to get in on the shoot!..

Dec 06 12 08:26 am Link



Posts: 137

Corona, California, US

Just say no to models who want to bring a "llama herder" who is going to wonder through your home un llama herdered looking for things to steal. Do these models have a "llama herder" with them when they go to the gas station late at night, the grocery store, fast food stop etc. ? What about your safety? What about the safety of your personal property?

Dec 06 12 08:40 am Link


Shot By Adam

Posts: 8098

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

-JAY- wrote:

One of the straws that broke the camel's back - an escort let a quite expensive light fall into a pool while he was tweeting.

Fuck that. No escorts.

I'd rather use sandbags. "Dear twitter, I cannot type, as I am holding up expensive shit. Also, I have no thumbs because I am a sandbag."

Every time I had an "escort" show up to a shoot it caused problems and I swore I'd never allow them. Then time would pass and I'd turn into an old softy again and I'd allow an "escort" on a shoot, only to have them fuck it up again. Now I have a very, VERY strict policy on not allowing them.

I had a similar experience to Jay's, which was my straw that broke my camel's back. I was doing a shoot on location in at a ghost town. The model brought her (jealous) boyfriend as her "escort" to the shoot, even though there were numerous people around the immediate area to make sure I didn't rape or murder her. Anyway, I needed to get a light set for a shoot so I brought out my Vagabond II, light stand, etc. to where we were shooting. I got it all setup and mounted the softbox to the light. I had it all setup, but I needed a sandbag or two. So I asked the "escort" to hold the light while I went back to the car. He said, "No Problem" and as I started walking a way...not ten seconds later, I hear this loud crash. I turn around and the "escort" is now sitting on a rock. A gust of wind must have come by and it blew over the light stand. When the light blew over, it went over sideways and the softbox was pierced by a branch sticking up through a pile of rocks. When it fell over, the softbox was ripped off the mounting bracket on the light and, in the process of destroying that, it even broke off both bulbs as well. The softbox and the light were trashed. I look at the asshat sitting on the rocks with his phone in his hands and he says, "Oh, sorry dude."

That was years ago and it was my final and last time I've ever had an escort on a shoot and I will NEVER allow them on any others. PERIOD.

- Escorts make shitty sandbags
- Escorts don't hold reflectors well
- Escorts distract the model in more ways than can be counted.
- Escorts need babysitting
- Escorts frequently cause shoots to end too soon because they are bored
- Escorts get jealous and have been known to cause fights on the shoot
- Escorts cause models to be late
- Escorts cause models to flake alltogether
- Escorts interrupt the creative process of a shoot
- Escorts steal equipment
- Escorts frequently have no clue about anything that takes place on a shoot but always want input ideas.

I'm very serious with my graph above. The more amateur the model, the more they want an escort. The more professional the model, the less they want one. I've done shoots with world famous porn stars, published models, famous entertainers, etc. If you ask any of them why they don't bring an escort to a shoot they'd tell you something like, "What, are you joking? What business would my boyfriend have on the set of a shoot?" But young, amateur models are told that every photographer out there is a rapist, murdering, sex offender, even though there is no basis in truth to that at all. A model has a higher likelihood of being raped or murdered in a grocery store parking lot than they do on a photo shoot.

The bottom line is, "escorts" ruin shoots. PERIOD. And the only photographers who still allow them on shoots are the ones who haven't been burned badly by one yet, but when they DO get burned (it's not "if", it's "when") they'll never allow them on set ever again.

Dec 06 12 08:50 am Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

I don't have a problem with "escorts" per se. Aside from one dipshit that broke a light.

But I have a problem with "models" that need to bring someone "so they feel comfortable". Because every time I shot a "model" like that (years ago), they absolutely SUCKED FUCKING ASS. Horrible, shitty, no emotion, deer-in-headlights, waste-of-time photo session. Screw that.

Dec 06 12 08:51 am Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

Miss Deux wrote:

She mentioned that he said he "didn't think he could contain himself." I can easily see why she would want an escort for that particular shoot, especially if she wanted the pictures (or money)  for it.

You can see? I can't.
What I can not see is why she'd ever get near that photographer or project at all after his declaration. It's not an excuse for an escort, it's idiotic to work with him.

Dec 06 12 08:56 am Link



Posts: 309

Saint Augustine, Florida, US

Welcome Click!

I didn't have a problem with escorts until recently. Here's how it went:

The model didn't ask if it was okay, and I had just assumed that she would bring one, so no big deal. She shows up with her boyfriend, who seemed nice enough. We begin to shoot, and her boyfriend is wandering all over the place. When he wasn't wandering around, we was looking over my shoulder, shooting photos with his cell phone, or making comments about poses and camera angles that he didn't approve of.

The model NEVER relaxed, and was always looking to her boyfriend for approval. I was tense, because of the boyfriend's behavior; it just wasn't good.

Needless to say; my escort policy has now changed.

Dec 06 12 09:16 am Link


Secret Treasures Studio

Posts: 65

BEECH ISLAND, South Carolina, US

I have mixed emotions regarding escorts. Had a model bring her husband who sulked and stretched out in a chair right in shooting area and kept the model on edge. Shot her again without hubby and all went fine. Had a model show up with her 3 year old son that was so well behaved we included him in the shoot. I have no problem with escorts as long as they stay out of the shooting area and don't wander through the studio.

Dec 06 12 09:38 am Link


Loli Scotch

Posts: 78

Dallas, Texas, US

I've never brought an llama herder to a shoot, nor will I ever.  It is not only unprofessional, but why would you even want to go to a shoot if you were not 100% comfortable with the situation and photographer? 

Maybe I am simply too picky, but even if I am getting paid for a shoot I make sure that the photographer has worked with multiple, contactable people that I can reference to be sure he is legit, and that I like their work on a basic level, and am comfortable with what they are asking me to do.

That said, my boyfriend does always drop me off and pick me back up from shoots, mostly because, well, fuck driving in this city, but he goes /home/ in between, even when photographers ask if he wants to stay.  Having another person in on the shoot is distracting and poor form, and something that neither my "llama herder" (hah.) or I would ever request.

I think that the llama herder thing, like the graph earlier so eloquently put it, is in direct relation with the amateur level of the model - not necessarily because they aren't great models, but because they haven't yet built up a sense of stability and comfort in the business.  This could mean they simply aren't sure how to take certain precautions before a shoot (references, etc.), so they freak out and ask their "big, strong" boyfriends to "protect" them from whatever perceived dangers they might feel or whatever their mother's best friend's neighbor told them would happen to models that shoot with strangers.

Dec 06 12 09:47 am Link



Posts: 2351

Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Models vary. Some will come to your studio by themselves and shoot nude, prefer in fact to work 1 on 1. Some will bring their husband to every shoot they do, regardless of the shoot or photographer. This is entirely up to the llama. It's entirely up to photographers whether to accept terms of business or not.

I ran a project in 2003, photographing 40 similar women either nude or in lingerie, who had been shopping in a particular shop and published the results. Out of the 40 women maybe only TWO brought an escort. Coincidentally, both were in fact beginner llamas. One I would describe as an amateur llama who brought her very annoying husband, who thought he was the client and director. The other girl, brought another llama, which I thought was perfectly reasonable due to the location.

So one being very silly, and the other being very sensible.
That's why threads like this will always exist.

If a tog is getting rejected or only working with amateurs that bring bad escorts, then I would take a step back and look at the operation, the marketing, the profile and port. If a llama is having a lot of trouble with photographers, I would say the same thing. Both need to see the successful business llama at work.

Dec 06 12 10:17 am Link



Posts: 353

Tampa, Florida, US

Nope, not escorts present, they can meet the photographer, see where the shoot will be held and what not, but not present. Having friends, family, Bf, Gf etc only distract the model, and you will not get the connection needed to have that chemistry for a photo with eye contact and emotion.

If they don't like it, tell them oh well, my shoot my rules. I've had models bring even there Mom! And I tell them to go stand out of view. And if they insist on bringing a BF, i make him hold the reflector and make it awkward for him (or whom insists on being there), il be damned if i'l be awkward at my own shoot resulting in half assed work when your time is money!. Makes him/her think twice before attending the next one and just say i'l wait outside smile

Dec 06 12 10:55 am Link


Herman Surkis

Posts: 10856

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

TheHonoraryLoli wrote:
I've never brought an escort to a shoot, nor will I ever.  It is not only unprofessional, but why would you even want to go to a shoot if you were not 100% comfortable with the situation and photographer? 

Maybe I am simply too picky, but even if I am getting paid for a shoot I make sure that the photographer has worked with multiple, contactable people that I can reference to be sure he is legit, and that I like their work on a basic level, and am comfortable with what they are asking me to do.

That said, my boyfriend does always drop me off and pick me back up from shoots, mostly because, well, fuck driving in this city, but he goes /home/ in between, even when photographers ask if he wants to stay.  Having another person in on the shoot is distracting and poor form, and something that neither my "escort" (hah.) or I would ever request.

I think that the escort thing, like the graph earlier so eloquently put it, is in direct relation with the amateur level of the model - not necessarily because they aren't great models, but because they haven't yet built up a sense of stability and comfort in the business.  This could mean they simply aren't sure how to take certain precautions before a shoot (references, etc.), so they freak out and ask their "big, strong" boyfriends to "protect" them from whatever perceived dangers they might feel or whatever their mother's best friend's neighbor told them would happen to models that shoot with strangers.

Voice of reason, from the other side.
BTW, that is a driver, not an escort. And I doubt you will find many, if any, photographers who will have a problem with a driver.

Dec 06 12 04:12 pm Link


Sabryna S

Posts: 311

Doylestown, Pennsylvania, US

The reason I "require" an escort is partly due to the fact that I can't drive, so I need someone to drive me. I realize "driver and "escort" aren't the same thing, but a lot of the time the driver/escort I bring with won't want to feel like driving back home only to pretty much drive right back as soon as they get there (right now I only do shoots an hour away at most). Yes, I'm an amateur/new model so that's another reason why. As I gain more experience I'm going to feel more comfortable without an escort.
Also, I only do trade shoots right now. If the photographer was paying me I would certainly understand if they wouldn't want an escort to be there, but I'm not booking paying jobs so at the moment it's not something I need to worry about.
I don't think I'll always "require" an escort, but as of right now, it is my preference.

Dec 06 12 04:20 pm Link


James Crafford

Posts: 63

Carmel, New York, US

As a rule, I will honor the model's request for an llama herder w/o complaint, but in reality, does it make one safer?  I doubt it.  If you run into a pyscho, you are BOTH in danger.

Dec 06 12 04:22 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

John Allan wrote:
If the photographers interested in shooting these llama herder-demanding models, would grow a pair and just refuse to use them with their risky (monetary and safety) demands, then these 'models' would be forced to act professionally or not model.

Of course there are enough timid GWCs on places like MM to keep these wannabe girls in g-string dollars for the 'pretty years' they have left.


Dec 06 12 04:31 pm Link


Flex Photography

Posts: 6472

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Have the escort provide a letter of reference from his warden.

Dec 06 12 08:29 pm Link


Abbitt Photography

Posts: 13564

Washington, Utah, US

Brianne Crystal wrote:
Also, I only do trade shoots right now. If the photographer was paying me I would certainly understand if they wouldn't want an llama herder to be there, but I'm not booking paying jobs so at the moment it's not something I need to worry about.
I don't think I'll always "require" an llama herder, but as of right now, it is my preference.

How does the nature of the compensation offered, affect your safety and need for an llama herder?   Why does offering you money instead of images, make me safer to you?  I don't follow your logic there.

Dec 06 12 08:33 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Brianne Crystal wrote:
The reason I "require" an escort is partly due to the fact that I can't drive, so I need someone to drive me. I realize "driver and "escort" aren't the same thing, but a lot of the time the driver/escort I bring with won't want to feel like driving back home only to pretty much drive right back as soon as they get there (right now I only do shoots an hour away at most). Yes, I'm an amateur/new model so that's another reason why. As I gain more experience I'm going to feel more comfortable without an escort.
Also, I only do trade shoots right now. If the photographer was paying me I would certainly understand if they wouldn't want an escort to be there, but I'm not booking paying jobs so at the moment it's not something I need to worry about.
I don't think I'll always "require" an escort, but as of right now, it is my preference.

Logic fail.

Dec 06 12 08:40 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

James Crafford wrote:
As a rule, I will honor the model's request for an escort w/o complaint, but in reality, does it make one safer?  I doubt it.  If you run into a pyscho, you are BOTH in danger.

I love multiple meat grinder feedings smile

Dec 06 12 08:41 pm Link


Loli Scotch

Posts: 78

Dallas, Texas, US

Herman Surkis wrote:

Voice of reason, from the other side.
BTW, that is a driver, not an escort. And I doubt you will find many, if any, photographers who will have a problem with a driver.

Haha!  Yes, just a driver (or chauffeur if I'm feeling fancy ;P) , I simply thought the word choice was amusing.

Dec 06 12 10:18 pm Link


Herman Surkis

Posts: 10856

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

TheHonoraryLoli wrote:

Haha!  Yes, just a driver (or chauffeur if I'm feeling fancy ;P) , I simply thought the word choice was amusing.

Don't even think about saying the pun that you are thinking>

Dec 06 12 10:39 pm Link


Image Works Photography

Posts: 2890

Orlando, Florida, US

I am usually okay with female escorts. Many times they have ended up in the shoot. What I don't welcome are boyfriends. They normally are too jealous or overprotective.

Dec 06 12 11:20 pm Link



Posts: 998

Hartford, Connecticut, US

GreatMomentsPhotography wrote:
I am usually okay with female escorts. Many times they have ended up in the shoot. What I don't welcome are boyfriends. They normally are too jealous or overprotective.

I don't like escorts, but I tell models they are welcome to bring anyone except a significant other. They usually bring a friend of the same sex at that point. If I'm indoors, the escort can wait outside. No bringing them into my home unattended. Had one smoking pot in my bathroom one time, and then the model wandered into the bathroom. She came out, eyes a bit bloodshot, and I ended the shoot. I've also noticed a few items missing (luckily not equipment but just CDs (when I had a music collection on a bookcase in the living room instead of all stored on an IPod).

If we are outside, the escort can carry her bag, help with a robe or something if she's unclothed. But when we are ready to shoot, I get them as far away as possible. "You go over there to keep an eye out for other people." I don't want the model to see their face nor talk to them.

With all this said, many of us on here have been shooting for years. You stated you are newer. That can have some effect on the model's desire to bring an escort. If the model is a pro they likely won't bring an escort. They can bring a cell phone and check in at random or specific times if they feel the need to do that.

Recommendation for a Las Vegas model? Tomiko. Maybe she has a new profile here because the old one says removed. Reach her at her website, Lots of us will give her a great recommendation.

Dec 07 12 12:06 am Link



Posts: 2797

Fresno, California, US

I understand why a lot of photographers have issues with escorts, I really don't have an issue with escorts. I think part of the reason I don't have a great issue with this is  a model that I had photographed was raped and murdered by a photographer. That being said my guess is a model has a greater chance of being hit by a bus.

I got a couple of simple policies for escorts during the shoot they are not on the set but in the green room. If we are on location we usually have a spot set up with water and snacks so they can hang there.

I make it clear that the escort is their responsibility. We do not feed or pay, lodge or cover travel expenses of the escort. That is all coming out of the models pocket. One of the things that has reduced escorts is we go over all the shoots details before it happens. Also I will have 1-3 assistants during the shoot.

Green room
office05021109 by FullMetalPhotographer, on Flickr

Dec 07 12 02:58 am Link



Posts: 3846

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I have had good luck and bad luck with escorts. But, I prefer to work one on one with the model, so that the "connection" and model's "focus" can be maintained without distraction.

However, I suppose I would rather have an "escort" waiting nearby than the model texting her "status" every 15 f'king minutes. But, all things being equal I'd rather the "escort" was just left at home busily photochopping the RAW files from her last shoot. hmm

Dec 07 12 06:41 am Link


Jim Burns Photography

Posts: 51

Batavia, New York, US

Thaks to every one for the insite.... and then some. My first post and 64 replies. I will try not to let that happend again

I have a couple llamas booked and no escort issues.

Thanks for the recomendations also.

Dec 07 12 08:00 am Link


Kev Lawson

Posts: 11294

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Illuminate wrote:
You would bring an escort too with guys like this

Seriously though, it's a comfort thing. As long as they don't interfere I don't see the issue.

New Art Photo wrote:
--That model looks a little depressed.

No, she just realized the photographer in front of her forgot his zipper and left his willy wonka swinging in the breeze

Dec 07 12 02:24 pm Link


Misty Bradshaw

Posts: 287

Tempe, Arizona, US

So let me ask all of you that oppose to an escort. What if the model has a medical condition that it would just be easier if there was an escort with them at all times?

What if the only escort they could get was a boyfriend or husband??

Would you just say no thanks I don't want to do a shoot with you? Would you go ahead and consider that it might be better to let the escort come with them?

How about if the escort comes with them, but does not stand in the area where to photos are being taken??

Dec 07 12 04:12 pm Link



Posts: 3846

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Misty Matthews wrote:
So let me ask all of you that oppose to an escort. What if the model has a medical condition that it would just be easier if there was an escort with them at all times?

What if the only escort they could get was a boyfriend or husband??

Would you just say no thanks I don't want to do a shoot with you?

Yup! No thanks.

It's very frustrating (usually a waste of time) to try to get a model to focus on the camera "connection" while she's constantly distracted by her "significant other". She often will get self-conscious and be more worried about pacifying and soothing her "escorts" feelings (and insecurities) than focusing on the "connection" and energy of the shoot. No thanks.

Not ALL husbands or boyfriends are like that (but I'd guess probably 90% are)'s a VERY common theme.

And it can be even worse/ugly...what I describe is usually the best-case-scenario.
It CAN turn into a tantrum or worse.

Dec 07 12 07:28 pm Link


pullins photography

Posts: 5884

Troy, Michigan, US

Click Click Click wrote:
I am new to this and just hiring a couple models for a shoot in LV next month, I would like to try to shoot boudoir, lingerie and some artistic body scapes.

Some of the modes profiles say they always bring an llama herder and that it is “nonnegotiable if you don’t like it don’t ask to hire me” I guess I understand why some feel the need to bring an llama herder, apparently there have been issues in the past… to bad that not everyone was able to keep professional.

Why are some of the models so defensive about bringing an llama herder? Do the llama herders get in the way? Inhibit the shoot?

As a photographer what do I need to be aware of here?

Then don't work with the model...models who think that they need an "llama herder" are delusional to think that they need protecting from a photographer. Who protects them from their boyfriend, when he gets jealous or protective?

Dec 07 12 07:38 pm Link


pullins photography

Posts: 5884

Troy, Michigan, US

Shot By Adam wrote:

Every time I had an "escort" show up to a shoot it caused problems and I swore I'd never allow them. Then time would pass and I'd turn into an old softy again and I'd allow an "escort" on a shoot, only to have them fuck it up again. Now I have a very, VERY strict policy on not allowing them.

I had a similar experience to Jay's, which was my straw that broke my camel's back. I was doing a shoot on location in at a ghost town. The model brought her (jealous) boyfriend as her "escort" to the shoot, even though there were numerous people around the immediate area to make sure I didn't rape or murder her. Anyway, I needed to get a light set for a shoot so I brought out my Vagabond II, light stand, etc. to where we were shooting. I got it all setup and mounted the softbox to the light. I had it all setup, but I needed a sandbag or two. So I asked the "escort" to hold the light while I went back to the car. He said, "No Problem" and as I started walking a way...not ten seconds later, I hear this loud crash. I turn around and the "escort" is now sitting on a rock. A gust of wind must have come by and it blew over the light stand. When the light blew over, it went over sideways and the softbox was pierced by a branch sticking up through a pile of rocks. When it fell over, the softbox was ripped off the mounting bracket on the light and, in the process of destroying that, it even broke off both bulbs as well. The softbox and the light were trashed. I look at the asshat sitting on the rocks with his phone in his hands and he says, "Oh, sorry dude."

That was years ago and it was my final and last time I've ever had an escort on a shoot and I will NEVER allow them on any others. PERIOD.

- Escorts make shitty sandbags
- Escorts don't hold reflectors well
- Escorts distract the model in more ways than can be counted.
- Escorts need babysitting
- Escorts frequently cause shoots to end too soon because they are bored
- Escorts get jealous and have been known to cause fights on the shoot
- Escorts cause models to be late
- Escorts cause models to flake alltogether
- Escorts interrupt the creative process of a shoot
- Escorts steal equipment
- Escorts frequently have no clue about anything that takes place on a shoot but always want input ideas.

I'm very serious with my graph above. The more amateur the model, the more they want an escort. The more professional the model, the less they want one. I've done shoots with world famous porn stars, published models, famous entertainers, etc. If you ask any of them why they don't bring an escort to a shoot they'd tell you something like, "What, are you joking? What business would my boyfriend have on the set of a shoot?" But young, amateur models are told that every photographer out there is a rapist, murdering, sex offender, even though there is no basis in truth to that at all. A model has a higher likelihood of being raped or murdered in a grocery store parking lot than they do on a photo shoot.

The bottom line is, "escorts" ruin shoots. PERIOD. And the only photographers who still allow them on shoots are the ones who haven't been burned badly by one yet, but when they DO get burned (it's not "if", it's "when") they'll never allow them on set ever again.

There you go...they are the 5th wheel on a tricycle!

Dec 07 12 07:41 pm Link


Viator Defessus Photos

Posts: 1259

Houston, Texas, US

The last time a model wanted to bring an escort, I told her I'd allow it if she really wanted to bring the friend, but first she needed to ask herself: Can you really be comfortable, relaxed and natural with your friend watching you?

She didn't bring the friend.

Dec 07 12 07:48 pm Link



Posts: 2797

Fresno, California, US

Misty Matthews wrote:
So let me ask all of you that oppose to an escort. What if the model has a medical condition that it would just be easier if there was an escort with them at all times?

What if the only escort they could get was a boyfriend or husband??

Would you just say no thanks I don't want to do a shoot with you? Would you go ahead and consider that it might be better to let the escort come with them?

How about if the escort comes with them, but does not stand in the area where to photos are being taken??

If the model has that serious of a medical condition then they should most likely not be shooting.

Dec 08 12 04:17 am Link


Ben Hinman

Posts: 596

Westwood, California, US

One of my models who hadn't done a whole lot of modeling work told me these horror storys about a photographer she had paid who was touching her breasts and tried to get her to sit on his lap! This is a model who barely had any experience and still had bad experiences with perverts. Its no wonder she brought her mother along!

You can't blame them for bringing an escort along! In fact, their safety should be your priority anyway, so you should encourage them to. Worst case scenario you have an extra hand on set. Escorts to me are like the equivalent of that intern you tell to go get you coffee or hold up the reflector. tongue

Dec 08 12 04:26 am Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

ArtisticGlamour wrote:
It's not a bad idea to bring your own "escort" as never know when the model's "escort" may be just a hired thug that's out to steel your camera gear while the "model" distracts you. wink $10K in camera gear will buy a LOT of Meth.

Messrs. Smith and Wesson are with me on most shoots with official approval by the State of Texas.

They are extremely discrete and have never alarmed anyone, almost as if they aren't there.

Dec 08 12 04:39 am Link


Drew Smith Photography

Posts: 5214

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

OP - try it. See if it works for you.

Dec 08 12 04:40 am Link


- HokusFokus -

Posts: 242

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Misty Matthews wrote:
So let me ask all of you that oppose to an escort. What if the model has a medical condition that it would just be easier if there was an escort with them at all times?

What if the only escort they could get was a boyfriend or husband??

Would you just say no thanks I don't want to do a shoot with you? Would you go ahead and consider that it might be better to let the escort come with them?

How about if the escort comes with them, but does not stand in the area where to photos are being taken??

No shoot from me. 

So a health problem is the only thing keeping you from being a model?  Genetics is the number one reason people don't get to be models.  I don't get to be a model and I am in fine health.  Not everyone gets to do every job.

Dec 08 12 04:46 am Link



Posts: 3846

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Ben Hinman wrote:
You can't blame them for bringing an escort along! In fact, their safety should be your priority anyway, so you should encourage them to. Worst case scenario you have an extra hand on set. Escorts to me are like the equivalent of that intern you tell to go get you coffee or hold up the reflector.

This has NOT been my experience.

Escorts are NOT good at holding lights/reflectors (while either  texting on their cellphone or jealously sulking) , and they end up being a distraction to the llama. The llama loses "connection" with the camera because of the escort.

I don't have an issue with a "driver" who disappears or waits somewhere else.
I have NOT found "escorts" to be the equivalent of an assistant or intern. neutral

Ben Hinman wrote:
Worst case scenario you have an extra hand on set.

No, worst case scenario is an Escort's ugly-jealous temper tantrum, possibly violent, or theft of your equipment, etc.

Dec 08 12 10:30 am Link


Ben Hinman

Posts: 596

Westwood, California, US

ArtisticGlamour wrote:

Ben Hinman wrote:
You can't blame them for bringing an escort along! In fact, their safety should be your priority anyway, so you should encourage them to. Worst case scenario you have an extra hand on set. Escorts to me are like the equivalent of that intern you tell to go get you coffee or hold up the reflector.

This has NOT been my experience.

Escorts are NOT good at holding lights/reflectors (while either  texting on their cellphone or jealously sulking) , and they end up being a distraction to the model. The model loses "connection" with the camera because of the escort.

I don't have an issue with a "driver" who disappears or waits somewhere else.
I have NOT found "escorts" to be the equivalent of an assistant or intern. neutral

No, worst case scenario is an Escort's ugly-jealous temper tantrum, possibly violent, or theft of your equipment, etc.

Damn. Maybe i just got lucky. Worst i've ever seen was at a friends shoot, the escort was a boyfriend, he got jealous and stormed off. The rest of the shoot went great.

Dec 08 12 05:49 pm Link



Posts: 3846

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Ben Hinman wrote:
Damn. Maybe i just got lucky. Worst i've ever seen was at a friends shoot, the escort was a boyfriend, he got jealous and stormed off. The rest of the shoot went great.

I've had a great shoot with a model who's husband was NOT jealous and was totally supportive and helped her with her clothes and was a total gentleman. There are a few good supportive escorts. But they seem to be rare.

More often the "escort" is a distraction with pouting and sulking. Almost to the point of "sabataging" the shoot. I'll stop the shoot before it get's any worse than escort's sulking and distraction...but, I've heard much worse stories from people who didn't (and it escalated).

But, it's almost as bad for a model to show up without the "escort"...then spend the shoot focused on her cellphone to provide "status updates" every 15 minutes. Hell they might as well just bring their "Mommy" or their (dying) grandmother. It's all just various forms of unprofessionalism...and a waste of my time.

These are just some of the many pitfalls of shooting with inexperienced and/or insecure models.

However, I can usually explain all this to a new model and with good "collaboration" communication, an escort is usually deemed not necessary. And I'm totally okay with a "driver" drop-off and pick-up.

Plus, I shoot in a very safe private park, that has gated security so I check both the model and myself in at the gate and check out. Clean, safe (for both of us), quiet, and no bystander or gawker issues.

Dec 08 12 07:21 pm Link


Art of the nude

Posts: 12067

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

Click Click Click wrote:
I am new to this and just hiring a couple models for a shoot in LV next month, I would like to try to shoot boudoir, lingerie and some artistic body scapes.

Some of the modes profiles say they always bring an escort and that it is “nonnegotiable if you don’t like it don’t ask to hire me” I guess I understand why some feel the need to bring an escort, apparently there have been issues in the past… to bad that not everyone was able to keep professional.

Why are some of the models so defensive about bringing an escort? Do the escorts get in the way? Inhibit the shoot?

As a photographer what do I need to be aware of here?

You need to be aware that there is a potential that if you choose not to allow escorts, some models won't shoot with you.  And if you do, some of the time, they will cause the shoot to not go as you'd like.

The balance between those things depends on how you manage your interactions and choices.

Dec 08 12 07:26 pm Link