Forums > Photography Talk > Model escort at shoots?


Nico Simon Princely

Posts: 1972

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I see both sides of it. Which is why I meet with models first so they can see who I am, feel comfortable and then I let them know the escort can drop them off and they can call every so often and check in.

Escorts are distracting, could steal something, could be a jealous BF or wanna be director.

But I do see it from the other side also. I have a model that I'm very good friends with, and she says she normally brings an escort to her other shoots (except me) and honestly here in Vegas and due to her past experience she has told me about I don't blame her.

But still I generally have a no escort policy unless the escort wants to take me out to dinner and get to know me. That happened once and it was fine and he was actually helpful during the shoot.

Feb 07 14 07:20 pm Link


Good Egg Productions

Posts: 16713

Orlando, Florida, US

TRI Terrence Ricci Inc wrote:
This is one of my sticky points.

blah blah blah

Escort or No Escort, take a trip to the local pawn shop and buy a HandyCam for $100. Get the 32GB memory card and the 8 hour battery and video-tape yourself during the shoot. $100 is not too much to pay for 6 hours of proof.

And THAT is one of many models' sticky points.
There aren't many models that I know of who are cool with the entire shoot being video taped for "safety".

Feb 07 14 07:21 pm Link


descending chain

Posts: 1368

San Diego, California, US

Steamy Imagry wrote:
I am just going to say this quickly and easily.... I have a rule, you bring the llama herder, he/she has to work.  Doesn't matter if your bring 3 or 5.... They all get put to work.  Either holding modifiers, helping wardrobe or being a prop in the shot.  You bring, they work.  big_smile

You should probably check with your insurance company to see whether having random people work on your set will affect your coverage.

Feb 07 14 07:53 pm Link


Joe Wow Photos

Posts: 657

Dayton, Ohio, US

TFP is pretty much a Whatever agreement...  But I have seen models bring in guys that look like they need meth and heroin as insentive, and My camera gear is worth a lot, so I always warm a model that her choice of "escort" may mean the cancelling of the shoot without notice. I would rather shoot nothing than shoot with a dangerous pain in the ass in the room.

If it's a paying GIG, THE "ESCORT" MUST SIT OUTSIDE. It;s simply too easy for a stranger in MY studio to screw up the energy. If the "model" has a problem with that, then here;s $10 for the gas money home... No hard feeling, but Go Home!!  If I pay for the Job I make the Rules period...  If an escort has to SIT IN on the shoot right there over my shoulder, then it is no longer MY shoot, it is HIS shoot and he MUST pay for MY Time!! 
It IS Our JObs as professionals to teach the young inexperienced models common professional practice of this industry. And as I stated, I'd rather shoot nothing or divert my time to editing photo from last weeks shoots, than to put up with some hassle from some newby making up their own rules and waiting for YOU dummies to "Fall In Line"
Anything less than this understanding is unacceptable, and you should have the balls and the means to end a pain in the ass shoot abruptly and professionally and shoot a flower vase or whatever is not a hassle.
   On the other Hand, 70% of the time I've had a good model show up with a pleasant escort and everything go well and fun and good pics etc... But again if it's a PAID shoot, the guy or girl has to sit outside! They can hear any problems, and yet not interfere with creativity and good workflow.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Feb 07 14 08:09 pm Link



Posts: 318

Venice, California, US

I have video taped my last 2 shoots.  One of the models noticed the camera and asked why its on.  I said I film my shoots now so everything is one the record.

She was really offended.

Of course, this was the model who threw a fit about bringing an escort to the shoot.

Go figure.

Protection goes both ways.

Feb 07 14 08:52 pm Link


GER Photography

Posts: 8463

Imperial, California, US

I've had good and bad, the last one was going crazy with the phone pics, a bit of a PITA. I've even had some very professional models have someone drop them off and pick them up later. With the way the world is today, I can't blame someone for erring on the safe side. It only takes one evil schmuck to ruin ones life, or take it, it has happened but is much rarer than getting struck by lightening.

Feb 07 14 09:09 pm Link



Posts: 4254

Los Angeles, California, US

Katsung wrote:
I have video taped my last 2 shoots.  One of the models noticed the camera and asked why its on.  I said I film my shoots now so everything is one the record.

She was really offended.

Of course, this was the model who threw a fit about bringing an escort to the shoot.

Go figure.

Protection goes both ways.

It's always nice to let someone know they are being recorded. Hopefully you didn't also record sound?

I'm thinking of putting in a security cam in my studio, facing the front door (not the shooting area), but I'm still going to let models know that it is there.

Feb 07 14 09:10 pm Link


Graficmania Uk

Posts: 29

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

I have no problem with chaperones normally I a model starting out likes to now she's safe.  So as I have had some mums onsite and I find they being their can help the flow and mood so don't mind.

I did have one time when the father came.  I accepted that it was the model that sent him away.  Because I didn't kick up a fuss the model and father were both happy. 

I do understand if you've got a lot of extras like mua stylists and wardrobe but I am a fun shooter then. Just after outstanding shots

I've just sent a email to a model I worked with last year asking about her mother as I found her a great assistant so think how you can change things.

The mother enjoys her daughter having her photograph taken so wants the best for her.  I'm interested in taking the shot so can explain to them both.  Then get two happy people why simple for allowing the model to be chaperoned.  It doesn't both me the model is just having her picture taken

Feb 09 14 01:28 am Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Click Click Click wrote:
As a photographer what do I need to be aware of here?

An escort brings another point of failure to the shoot, meaning that if they decide not to attend, neither will the model.

Feb 09 14 06:50 am Link


Jesse silva

Posts: 4

Los Angeles, California, US

I have to say i have read a couple of these threads on Escorts and i have mixed feelings about it, truly the way i see it is there has to be an understanding from jump, A: He's not a BF, EXBF, or some guy that has been in the friend zone and watches you like your a pervert, if he's just some hired dude that will stay completely out my way then thats cool but I'm not giving him a dime out my pocket. B: The escort can't be there taking phone pics especially if i am the one paying to have the damn shots in the first place, i think us as photographers have to cover ourselves in every possible NonDisclosure forms and Releases to be signed by the escort as well making him liable to be punished for taking "hotshots" while on set knowing he's not supposed too. As a photographer and a professional in my work ethic i know what i won't do i know what i have to do but i don't expect some new random model to know those things based off a few words i typed about myself here on a website so i can say i am understanding of female models protecting themselves, as a father of a little girl i can say i get it.

Feb 28 14 07:46 pm Link


Bare Essential Photos

Posts: 3605

Upland, California, US

Click Click Click wrote:
I am new to this and just hiring a couple models for a shoot in LV next month, I would like to try to shoot boudoir, lingerie and some artistic body scapes.

Some of the modes profiles say they always bring an escort and that it is “nonnegotiable if you don’t like it don’t ask to hire me” I guess I understand why some feel the need to bring an escort, apparently there have been issues in the past… to bad that not everyone was able to keep professional.

Why are some of the models so defensive about bringing an escort? Do the escorts get in the way? Inhibit the shoot?

As a photographer what do I need to be aware of here?

I no longer accept escorts because ...

1) I prefer shooting with models who have self-esteem.
2) Escorts tends to be "back seat drivers."
3) Models tend to take longer breaks.
4) It increases the chance of a "no show."
5) Are more likely to be late if they do show.

These are the main reasons.

Feb 28 14 08:37 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US


Feb 28 14 08:40 pm Link


Personality Imaging

Posts: 2100

Hoover, Alabama, US

I've had a couple shoots with male escorts.  The models totally froze up.  All pics were thrown away.   There was one model on here coming to shoot with me with an escort from Georgia.  Fortunately my mother became ill and I had to go to Colorado.  They went to Florida and robbed and murdered a photographer there.  Lucky for me my mom got sick.  Other than that no problems with escorts.

Feb 28 14 08:53 pm Link



Posts: 5

Chicago, Illinois, US

The only time I have allowed escorts is if the escort is not in the room while shooting.

Apr 13 14 10:22 pm Link


HV images

Posts: 634

Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Apr 13 14 11:43 pm Link


Drew Smith Photography

Posts: 5214

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

Thread started - Dec 05 12 08:52 am

Apr 14 14 12:00 am Link



Posts: 18465

Orlando, Florida, US

I allow escorts they don't bother me

Apr 14 14 05:11 am Link


MC Seoul Photography

Posts: 469

Seoul, Seoul, Korea (South)

Drew Smith Photography wrote:
Thread started - Dec 05 12 08:52 am

Why don't people search? If only people would search, there are already 1000 topics on this subject, why do we need a thread?

Apr 14 14 05:16 am Link


L Bass

Posts: 957

Nacogdoches, Texas, US

J O H N  A L L A N wrote:
If the photographers interested in shooting these llama herder-demanding models, would grow a pair and just refuse to use them with their risky (monetary and safety) demands, then these 'models' would be forced to act professionally or not model.

Of course there are enough timid GWCs on places like MM to keep these wannabe girls in g-string dollars for the 'pretty years' they have left.

My sentiments exactly. Pros haven't needed escorts since their beginning days as a model, IF then. Newbies that are still wet behind the ears do.

Let's see here... do I want to operate my camera, lights, props, accessories, AND teach a 'model' how to do her job while being stared at and questioned by her 'escort' (aka: BF, SO, etc.)... Or do I want to get down to business and get some usable shots of someone that's beyond the 'newbie' stage of modeling?

Apr 14 14 05:31 am Link


Phantasmal Images

Posts: 690

Boston, Massachusetts, US

CHAD ALAN wrote:

It's always nice to let someone know they are being recorded. Hopefully you didn't also record sound?

I'm thinking of putting in a security cam in my studio, facing the front door (not the shooting area), but I'm still going to let models know that it is there.

Depending on location, you may be violating state/federal laws by not telling them... Generally you don't need permission, but they do need to be informed.

Apr 14 14 10:53 am Link


Bee Bop

Posts: 1

Aiyansh, British Columbia, Canada

I just wanted to chime in here that I always bring an escort with me to shoots as one of the other people here pointed out, that I'm not walking into something unexpected.  Some of my work is of the fetish variety and I can get into some rather vulnerable positions.  The decision whether my escort stays or leaves is always left to the discretion of the photographer and if the photographer prefers to shoot alone so neither he or I are distracted that fine, my escort leaves and returns when I call and tell him I'm done working.  To the contrary he has stayed and assisted me with wardrobe changes to keep a shoot flowing and has assisted photographers in positioning me when I'm unable to do that myself.  Honestly, I tend to shy away from photographers who won't even let my escort bring me in to assure that the situation is what it's supposed to be.

Apr 15 14 12:15 pm Link


Mark C Smith

Posts: 1073

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm fine with models bringing a friend or somebody to help with makeup/hair (if I'm not arranging for that myself) But I had one bad experience with an escort of the boyfriend variety and don't wish to waste my time with that again. Ruined a shoot with what could have been a lovely model, but he had her on edge the whole time.

I understand as a male photographer doing quite a bit of nude work that this will limit my choices for trade shoots, don't really care. I'm sure there are plenty of boyfriends/husbands who will sit quietly and let us work, don't really care. They can find a platonic friend to come along with a book or cell phone if an escort is mandatory...or they can find a photographer who doesn't mind a boyfriend coming along smile

Apr 15 14 02:19 pm Link


Paul AI

Posts: 1046

Shawnee, Oklahoma, US

Drew Smith Photography wrote:
Thread started - Dec 05 12 08:52 am

Apr 15 14 02:25 pm Link


Virtual Studio

Posts: 6725

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Katsung wrote:
I have video taped my last 2 shoots.  One of the models noticed the camera and asked why its on.  I said I film my shoots now so everything is one the record.

She was really offended.

Of course, this was the model who threw a fit about bringing an escort to the shoot.

Go figure.

Protection goes both ways.

CHAD ALAN wrote:
It's always nice to let someone know they are being recorded. Hopefully you didn't also record sound?

I'm thinking of putting in a security cam in my studio, facing the front door (not the shooting area), but I'm still going to let models know that it is there.

I hope so too.

It's kinda crepy filming someone without telling them.

Apr 15 14 04:32 pm Link


TRI Terrence Ricci Inc

Posts: 6

Houston, Texas, US

Video is part of my media release.  Yes the model signs.

Think about this:

I don't want an "un-known" escort to recognize my car.
I don't want an "un-known" escort to see my photographic set up and method.
I don't want an "un-known" escort to comment about my behavior to a Judge.
I don't want an "un-known" escort to influence my shoot.
I don't want an "un-known" escort to see my "pawn worthy" equipment.
I don't want an "un-known" escort to open a secure hotel or studio door.
I don't want an "un-known" escort to bring a weapon if he/she wants.
I don't want an "un-known" escort, without release from liability, to be in an area that I control.
I do not wish to be "Out Numbered" at my own damned shoot.
I could give a damn what makes a model comfortable at a shoot with a photographer that she did not investigate. Only a fool would! I have multiple portfolios online, start your investigations there!

I can go on and on, but why bother.  You just don't bring friends to work with you. It is strictly UN-PROFESSIONAL.  Do your research and leave your friends at home.

Apr 16 14 03:53 pm Link


Jim Burns Photography

Posts: 51

Batavia, New York, US


Now that we are almost TWO YEARS past my initial post. I would like to follow up., I read a few posts and appreciated the input, two years ago, but have not read all 4 pages of this.

I have shot with 8 models off of this site since then, 6 of them hired. Not one has had an escort. I had one flake and only one that did not have the experience she claimed to have. All were great learning experiences. The hired models with tons of experience made for some great shoots, I highly recommend seeking out the experienced professionals if you are just starting out.

My advice to me two years ago would have been avoid the models with escorts.

I had some pics from my fist shoot in an exhibit earlier this year, one was even a gallery pic by a local critic. http://www.imagecityphotographygallery. … -Picks.htm

Happy ending.

Apr 22 14 11:51 am Link