Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > My opinion on Pit Bulls has changed for the better



Posts: 2109

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Image K wrote: people are quite defensive about your pit bulls.

Some people don't appreciate complete strangers making incorrect assumptions about them, and what is important to them, and why.

I'd get as defensive about someone saying a friend was a no good worthless piece of shit that they hate as well. You wouldn't?

Jun 11 13 01:47 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Nicolette wrote:
If you had a dog that you loved dearly, and who was nothing but an amazing, sweet pet to you... wouldn't you be defensive if someone came in and tired to shit all over you and your dog?

He didn't "shit all over you and your dog". He expressed an opinion that many people share.

Nicolette wrote:
Wouldn't you be upset if someone came in and said you only want your breed for "perceived power" and that "statistics don't matter?"
Wouldn't you be defensive if someone, with an obnoxious attitude, came in and tried to completely invalidate your relationship with your dog?

No, I would probably laugh, because I would know that it wasn't true.

If someone called me a drug dealer, I would be rolling on the ground laughing, because I've never even tried drugs.

If someone that doesn't know me makes a character indictment about me on the internet that is blatantly and laughingly false, my response wouldn't be as venomous and as profanity-laced as yours was...if it wasn't true.

Nicolette wrote:
Wouldn't you be defensive if they tried to act as though they know how your dog behaves better than you do?

No...because I would know my dog, and the stranger on the internet doesn't.

Nicolette wrote:
My pitbull is a member of my family. Someone basically came in and said they hate my family. I'm not okay with that.

He didn't say that, and you took what he said WAY to personally...which seems fairly common with pit bull owners when they defend their dogs.

Jun 11 13 01:50 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

JessieLeigh wrote:

Some people don't appreciate complete strangers making incorrect assumptions about them, and what is important to them, and why.

I'd get as defensive about someone saying a friend was a no good worthless piece of shit that they hate as well. You wouldn't?

If it was a stranger from the internet that didn't know the person? Nope

Jun 11 13 01:50 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Nicolette wrote:

I used to have a big, beautiful pure bred German Shepherd.
She was being attacked by my moms Whippet.
She was attacked by my neighbors black lab.

Both times, she just laid there and took it. She let them do it. She never once snapped, bared her teeth, or growled, the entire time I had her.
She, like my pit, also was rescued from an abusive home.

I...think you missed my point.

It's ok, though. I won't get as defensive as some on this thread.

Jun 11 13 01:52 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

Image K wrote:
He didn't say that, and you took what he said WAY to personally...which seems fairly common with pit bull owners when they defend their dogs.

We get defensive because people do shit like that ALL. THE. TIME.
People make assumptions about who we are, what we do, what we're like... entire based on their incorrect "knowledge" of what our dog is like.
We have to defend our dogs because of stupid shit like what was posted. So yes, I take it very personally. But... given all the awful, and incorrect, stereotypes about pitbulls.. can you really blame me? We deal with this shit almost daily.

Jun 11 13 01:53 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Nicolette wrote:

We get defensive because people do shit like that ALL. THE. TIME.
People make assumptions about who we are, what we do, what we're like... entire based on their incorrect "knowledge" of what our dog is like.
We have to defend our dogs because of stupid shit like what was posted. So yes, I take it very personally. But... given all the awful, and incorrect, stereotypes about pitbulls.. can you really blame me? We deal with this shit almost daily.

Perhaps if you responded in a more factual and rational manner, and leave the profanity and venom out of the responses, people would be more receptive to your perspective.

Just a thought.

Jun 11 13 01:56 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

JessieLeigh wrote:

Some people don't appreciate complete strangers making incorrect assumptions about them, and what is important to them, and why.

I'd get as defensive about someone saying a friend was a no good worthless piece of shit that they hate as well. You wouldn't?


Jun 11 13 01:56 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Image K wrote:


If it was a stranger from the internet that didn't know the person? Nope

Jun 11 13 01:57 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

Image K wrote:
Perhaps if you responded in a more factual and rational manner, and leave the profanity and venom out of the responses, people would be more receptive to your perspective.

Just a thought.

Someone who "doesn't want to hear statistics" doesn't care about facts. They got the venom they deserved for coming into a thread that RP started specifically about my dog and shitting in it.

As far as leaving out profanity... lolno. Not gonna happen. I swear like a god damn sailor even when I'm not angry. lol

Jun 11 13 01:57 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Nicolette wrote:


Then feel free to rant, take it personally, and bang away on your keyboard defending the honor and integrity of your dogs to people that don't know you, and don't matter.

Jun 11 13 01:59 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Nicolette wrote:

Someone who "doesn't want to hear statistics" doesn't care about facts. They got the venom they deserved for coming into a thread that RP started specifically about my dog and shitting in it.

As far as leaving out profanity... lolno. Not gonna happen. I swear like a god damn sailor even when I'm not angry. lol

If you want to reinforce the stereotypes surrounding pit bull owners, that's your choice.


Jun 11 13 02:01 pm Link



Posts: 2109

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Image K wrote:

If it was a stranger from the internet that didn't know the person? Nope

To each their own.

Not sure why you are here, making your little jabs about people getting defensive about something that they are clearly passionate about.

Jun 11 13 02:02 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

Image K wrote:
If you want to reinforce the stereotypes surrounding pit bull owners, that's your choice.


If I want to defend my dog [who is family] the way I would defend my family, that's my choice. And I will continue to do it. wink
But seeing as 90 pound ginger isn't the "pitbull owner stereotype," I'm not quite sure where you're going with that.

Jun 11 13 02:06 pm Link


Skydancer Photos

Posts: 22196

Santa Cruz, California, US

JessieLeigh wrote:

To each their own.

Not sure why you are here, making your little jabs about people getting defensive about something that they are clearly passionate about.

He's a stranger on the internet. That's his raison d'etre.


Jun 11 13 02:07 pm Link



Posts: 23798

Orlando, Florida, US

My boy Jake (an old family RED, out of an Ironhead lineage) is about as dangerous as a doorstop  .  .  .  course, I guess ya could trip over him ifin ya wasn't watchin' where ya was agoin'  .  .  .  wink  Nice to see such a good lookin' fella, with such a beautiful model, thanks for posting Mr. OP  .  .  .


Jun 11 13 02:09 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

sospix wrote:
My boy Jake (an old family RED, out of an Ironhead lineage) is about as dangerous as a doorstop  .  .  .  course, I guess ya could trip over him ifin ya wasn't watchin' where ya was agoin'  .  .  .  wink  Nice to see such a good lookin' fella, with such a beautiful model, thanks for posting Mr. OP  .  .  .


OOOOHHHH. I'd love to see photos of him! I bet he's beautiful.

Jun 11 13 02:10 pm Link



Posts: 23798

Orlando, Florida, US

Image K wrote:

If you want to reinforce the stereotypes surrounding pit bull owners, that's your choice.


Sorry, I think my dawg jest crapped in yer yard  .  .  .  wink


Jun 11 13 02:10 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

sospix wrote:

Sorry, I think my dawg jest crapped in yer yard  .  .  .  wink



Jun 11 13 02:14 pm Link


Siddy Pain

Posts: 593

Stratford, Taranaki, New Zealand

My rednose cross AB. I never particularly liked dogs, and she definitely isn't the kind of dog I would go out of my way to own, but she's a good dog and I couldn't ask for better temperament. She is good with my daughter and cat smile

Jun 11 13 02:38 pm Link



Posts: 19885

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Siddy Pain wrote:
My rednose cross AB. I never particularly liked dogs, and she definitely isn't the kind of dog I would go out of my way to own, but she's a good dog and I couldn't ask for better temperament. She is good with my daughter and cat smile

Look at that face big_smile

Jun 11 13 02:42 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

Oh my goodness, what a CUTIE PIE


Jun 11 13 02:43 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

For shits and giggles, I'm gonna post my favorite picture of Beast [the dog that inspired this thread!]

This was actually taken on the way to shoot with the OP. Beast was a star!

Jun 11 13 02:46 pm Link


Siddy Pain

Posts: 593

Stratford, Taranaki, New Zealand

Nicolette wrote:
For shits and giggles, I'm gonna post my favorite picture of Beast [the dog that inspired this thread!]

This was actually taken on the way to shoot with the OP. Beast was a star!

Hahaha it looks like he is posing! He is a model at heart lol

Jun 11 13 02:48 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

Siddy Pain wrote:

Hahaha it looks like he is posing! He is a model at heart lol

Like I said... Beast is more of a model than I could ever be lol
He has a gnarly lazy eye too; it cracks me up!

Jun 11 13 02:50 pm Link


Robb Mann

Posts: 12327

Baltimore, Maryland, US

It really depends on the owner. Pit bulls can be great. They can also be terrible. Rarely can a terrible pit bull be fixed.

Jun 11 13 03:22 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

Robb Mann wrote:
It really depends on the owner. Pit bulls can be great. They can also be terrible. Rarely can a terrible pit bull be fixed.

That goes for any dog...

Jun 11 13 03:26 pm Link



Posts: 19885

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Nicolette wrote:

That goes for any dog...

I was just gonna say...

oh and Beast sure does have the look smile  haha

Jun 11 13 03:38 pm Link



Posts: 3656

New York, New York, US

Yeah change my opinion after working in an ER..

come see the horror stories that more than out number the wonderful pet stories.

Jun 11 13 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

The F-Stop wrote:
Yeah change my opinion after working in an ER..

come see the horror stories that more than out number the wonderful pet stories.

They don't outnumber the wonderful pet stories. You just don't hear them as much because mass media has such a vendetta against bully breeds.

I was attacked by my dads springer spaniel as a kid. I had to get stitches. And spaniels are actually pretty known for being a little nutty.
But you don't see an every day vendetta against them, now do you?

I grew up with "vicious" dogs. I had a German Shepherd [Namine], a Rotty [Bear], a Doberman [Slipper] and a Chow [Simbad]. Now I have Beast and Molly. None of them are the slightest bit vicious.

My moms Whippet [Astrid]... that dog has been known to attack things just for moving.

Jun 11 13 03:46 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

j3_photo wrote:
I was just gonna say...

oh and Beast sure does have the look smile  haha

big_smile He's a cutie, isn't he?

Jun 11 13 03:48 pm Link



Posts: 33239

Quebec, Quebec, Canada

Nicolette wrote:

big_smile He's a cutie, isn't he?

she must feel safe with you protecting her. tongue

Jun 11 13 03:54 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45289

San Juan Bautista, California, US

ELiffmann wrote:
Right, and I'm sure that a vast majority of the assault weapon owners out there are very responsible.  I've met sweet pits.  I'd bet most will live out their lives without maiming or killing because nurture can often overcome nature.  I don't  understand how thoughtful people can deny that certain dogs were bred over thousands of years to fulfill a specific purpose of killing and these genes are occasionally going to manifest themselves.  And fwiw, I'd be much more leery of two pits than one(pack thing).

Get your facts correct, please!  The Pitbull has NOT been with us for thousands of years.  The dog breed was developed in the United Kingdom for hunting a little a bit over 200 years ago.  It's only been in recent times that the breed has been recognized by American and UK kennel Associations.  So you are completely wrong about developing the breed thousands of years ago, or for that particular breed of dog to be meant for killing people. 

I know from experience of being around dogs all my life that Pitbulls are not by far more likely to bite than most any other breed of dog.  The Chihuahua is most likely to bite than any other breed, followed closely by the Chow Chow.  Not all pitbulls are alike, but pits are far more likely to kill cats, other smaller dogs, rodents, or other smaller animals as well because they are a hunting dog. 

From what you are saying ... "I've met sweet pits.  I'd bet most will live out their lives without maiming or killing because nurture can often overcome nature." nearly contradicts your misinformed following statement.

Jun 11 13 05:11 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45289

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Image K wrote:
No, I would probably laugh, because I would know that it wasn't true.

Yes, ignorance can cause great laughter from those of us who know better!

Some of us still try to educate the misinformed though.

All the back and forth will not change some peoples minds if they've already made up their minds to be closed.  I'm not fearful of any animals ... just aware.  I also understand that humans are by far the most dangerous animal on this Planet!

Jun 11 13 05:16 pm Link



Posts: 9640

Charleston, South Carolina, US

I haven't been able to read through the many replies, but the OP makes me very, very happy as a pittie owner who is on a crusade to change the stereotype. Much kudos to Nicolette and her dog and those are gorgeous photos!!!

I have my very own pit bull and he's a great breed ambassador. When we first moved to the neighborhood, all the other dog owners avoided us. But slowly I made sure every chance the got, they saw my dog being obedient, good dog, like any other.

Now, they greet us BOTH by name and always ask how he's doing. One, whose dog was previously attacked by two pit bulls, has even complimented us on my dog's obedience progress.

I know it's a hot topic, but one dog at a time, people can slowly begin to change their views on the breed and that is exactly what me and my dog are setting out to do.

Jun 11 13 07:11 pm Link


Ryan South

Posts: 1421

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Damon Banner wrote:

ELiffmann wrote:
For all of you bully-breed lovers out there, I don't need statistics.

translation:  you won't let facts get in the way.

not true in the least, but you've already told us that facts won't ever get in the way of your opinions

I guess I'll start at the top.  My statement that I don't need statistics comes from my previous back and forth and a woman quoting that there were only 30 deaths a year from dogs.... still, I hold the belief that dogs were bred to perform certain functions.  I think if one were to type in "dog attacks" into wikipedia I'd bet a hugely disproportionate amount of those bites which were worth reporting would come from pits or pit mixes.

Jun 11 13 07:34 pm Link


Ryan South

Posts: 1421

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Skydancer Photos wrote:
Hey Mr Eiliff... Why bump someone else's old thread? Start your own fearmongering thread if you need a little drama.

Somebody would tell me there is already a pit thread.  There were two.  It was 50/50

Jun 11 13 07:35 pm Link


Ryan South

Posts: 1421

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Nicolette wrote:

ELiffmann wrote:
I fucking HATE Pit bulls. The only reason I can see for somebody getting one of these is the perceived power.  It's not the breed, it's the owner... BULLSHIT.  Just like it's not guns that kill people, it's people.  For all of you bully-breed lovers out there, I don't need statistics.

Cool story, bro? I don't care. Don't talk shit about my dog. Beast is like family to me. He's the sweetest god damn dog I've ever had. I've dealt with fucking kittens more ferocious than him. Seriously. Wtf. If you don't like bully breeds, why come into a thread about one?

I let him play with our other dogs. I pay attention to him. I treat him like a loving member of my fucking family. I treat him like a dog. He gets rawhides, walks, play time with our other dog, and swims in the pool. THAT'S what I do with my Pit. He's a fantastic dog and a great pet.

I didn't adopt him from a shelter. My boyfriend's older brother got him straight from the owner who was breeding him out. He was rescued from a very abusive home and he has been nothing but sweet. Shit, if you walked in a room yelling [even as a stranger] Beast would just run and hide. I have dropped a spoon on the floor in the kitchen, only to see him take off upstairs because it scared him.


What the fuck ever.

You obviously love your dog.  I didn't say all pits were dangerous or should be put down.  I sincerely hope you're not brought around to my way of thinking.

Jun 11 13 07:37 pm Link


Ryan South

Posts: 1421

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Nicolette wrote:
They don't outnumber the wonderful pet stories. You just don't hear them as much because mass media has such a vendetta against bully breeds.

I was attacked by my dads springer spaniel as a kid. I had to get stitches. And spaniels are actually pretty known for being a little nutty.
But you don't see an every day vendetta against them, now do you?

I grew up with "vicious" dogs. I had a German Shepherd [Namine], a Rotty [Bear], a Doberman [Slipper] and a Chow [Simbad]. Now I have Beast and Molly. None of them are the slightest bit vicious.

My moms Whippet [Astrid]... that dog has been known to attack things just for moving.

Yeah, did you see the story.  She had a couple of stitches too. … index.html  I don't think that a majority of these dogs are bad... just like assault weapons, when things do go badly the results are horrendous.

Jun 11 13 07:41 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

ELiffmann wrote:

Yeah, did you see the story.  She had a couple of stitches too. … index.html  I don't think that a majority of these dogs are bad... just like assault weapons, when things do go badly the results are horrendous.

Yes, I read it. It was just another bullshit "pitbulls are evil, let's get rid of the species" commentary [speaking strictly of the comments, not the article].
The article leaves out that those dogs were not properly trained and left to their own devices as back yard fighters/breeders. One commenter left a link to another article about that same woman, only less based [or so it seemed]. Any dog would snap under those conditions. It's truly sad what happened to her, but that has more to do with a woman mistreating dogs who then snapped at her than about pitbulls.

Jun 11 13 07:53 pm Link



Posts: 12718

Houston, Texas, US

ELiffmann wrote:

You obviously love your dog.  I didn't say all pits were dangerous or should be put down.  I sincerely hope you're not brought around to my way of thinking.

You're absolutely right. I love my dog to death and would be heartbroken if anything happened to him.

Stuff like this reminds me of what happened to my German Shepherd. Some rabbits were getting killed in the neighborhood. My dog got blamed, just for being the breed she is. I had to get a bunch of signatures so that the local animal control people wouldn't put her down. Turns out... she didn't kill the rabbits. The neighbors Jack Russel did. But that didn't matter, with her being a "vicious breed" and all.

It sucks when people judge a breed based on shitty, mass hysteria as opposed to the reality of the situation. That's all.

Jun 11 13 07:55 pm Link