Forums > Model Colloquy > What can a photog do to attract nude models?



Posts: 580

Woodland Hills, California, US

I am just curious as a fine art photographer what I can do, if anything, to attract to shoot fine art nudes with me on a trade basis?

If you shoot fine art nudes on a trade basis what do you look for?
What can I add in my port to help?



May 13 13 05:22 pm Link



Posts: 3557

Muncie, Indiana, US

I don't know what you can add but your definition of fine art nudes does not jive with what mine is.

I have done nude TF only twice. Both were at a fabulous location, an 1875 renovated church. I was supplied lots of images by both photographers and prints by one of them as well. Maybe you need to sweeten the deal.

May 13 13 05:35 pm Link


Eros Fine Art Photo

Posts: 3097

Torrance, California, US

Very difficult to say without being able to provide a critique to go along with my comments.  If you move this to the Critique forum, I'd be a lot more comfortable giving you my thoughts.

May 13 13 05:41 pm Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

it helps if you make friends with them and then are willing to shoot whatever they might happen to need for their portfolio (and maybe you can shoot some stuff for yours while you're at it).

aside from that i think cash is your friend unless you can develop a world-class brand where they are beating down your door for TF or offering to pay you.

May 13 13 05:42 pm Link


Eva Marx

Posts: 40

West Hollywood, California, US

I would say pay them...that's the easiest way to get models to work with you.

If that's not an option, having something the model can benefit from other than just a bunch of naked pictures helps....reputation, creativity, great location, etc.

May 13 13 05:49 pm Link


Jute of Memphis

Posts: 27

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

Only if the model can see in your portfolio that you have done a large amount of very high quality art nudes do most models even consider it.  So the fact is, you'll have to be patient and do good work.  When your reputation and work become known, you'll get more opportunities than when you're just beginning.

Other than that.. there's always the option of paying their set fees for their time.

May 13 13 05:49 pm Link


Risen Phoenix Photo

Posts: 3779

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Ok I shoot over 200 nude shoots a year. All of my shoots are on a trade basis. I see no fine art work in your port. I don't want to criticize but that is your problem.  PM me if you want to know the unvarnished truth

May 13 13 05:50 pm Link


Fotografica Gregor

Posts: 4126

Alexandria, Virginia, US

shoot the sort of content and quality of imagery that helps them make money from other people by adding quality to their portfolio....

May 13 13 05:50 pm Link


Kezins Photography

Posts: 1389

Beckley, West Virginia, US

I've done maybe half a dozen nude shoots in the past couple of years..definitely not my specialty but they have all been TF.  I'd say you just need to ask more people.

May 13 13 05:55 pm Link


DVP Photography

Posts: 2874

Broomfield, Colorado, US

You are in the wrong forum. If you want real help other than the obvious statement that there are no fine art nudes in your port, go to the critique forum.

May 13 13 05:56 pm Link



Posts: 11271

Seattle, Washington, US

Get good and they'll come knocking on your door.

May 13 13 05:57 pm Link


Carle Photography

Posts: 9271

Oakland, California, US

I have found that producing work that models love and want to show in THEIR portfolios is the key to getting models to work with you on a TFP basis.

The other factor is what are you DOING with the images?
Are you in gallery shows?
Are you currently getting published?
Are you selling prints?

Photographers who have current relevant active projects are more likely to find models to work with than those who just take pretty pictures and let them rot on a hard drive.


I went to a local winery who does several exhibits a year, they loved my work, and we came up with some new ideas, I had a model friend who helped and posed for the photo above. Then another person saw the image and loved it, next day SHE was in my studio posing on that wine cask. The models KNOW that this is a relevant project that is scheduled for exhibit. They want to be a part of it.

If you want models to work Time For Print
You need to produce current relevant Prints that others desire.

May 13 13 06:07 pm Link


Laura UnBound

Posts: 28745

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

puff up your chest, fan your tail feathers, and do a masculine strut.

or...take quality art nude photos. theres no real trick to it, theres nothing specific that art nude models ALL want or need in their portfolios, besides technically sound and visually interesting images.

May 13 13 06:07 pm Link



Posts: 25319

Bath, England, United Kingdom

Fotografica Gregor wrote:
shoot the sort of content and quality of imagery that helps them make money from other people by adding quality to their portfolio....


Even the very best and most popular models will shoot nudes on a trade basis IF they think they're going to get something out of it that will improve their portfolio and generate bookings.

Ironically, the worst and least popular models often don't seem to understand this and are the ones who resolutely demand pay regardless of the quality of the photographer, and thus their portfolios never improve and they end up not getting the bookings they so desperately chase!

Just my $0.02


May 13 13 06:19 pm Link


Sal W Hanna

Posts: 6686

Huntington Beach, California, US

The best advice is shoot quality lighting that is gallery art style. Once you achieve that, create a concept and message models that may fit your concept to see if they'd be interested. Your quality is already good, so you shouldn't have a problem with this.

May 13 13 06:24 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Lennon wrote:
I am just curious as a fine art photographer what I can do, if anything, to attract to shoot fine art nudes with me on a trade basis?

If you shoot fine art nudes on a trade basis what do you look for?
What can I add in my port to help?

Regardless of what content you shoot, if you're shooting trade, you need to either A. produce content they can use for their own port or B. pay the model (think of it as an investment in your work) or C. get them jazzed about a particular project where even if things don't pan out for them, they've already participated in it.

You could also target your local college community. Use resources beyond MM like FB or Craigslist. Get people to give you a good reference (maybe giving them a bonus for a successful referral). Get involved with your local shooting community (even if they don't specifically shoot people). Among many other options.

May 13 13 07:06 pm Link


Jason Haven

Posts: 38381

Washington, District of Columbia, US

No different than attracting any other sort of model.

$$$ and/or images they want.

May 13 13 07:08 pm Link



Posts: 13053

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Well you could put some amazing fine art nudes in your portfolio or you could simply hire them.

May 13 13 07:13 pm Link


Barely StL

Posts: 1281

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

ASYLUM - Photo wrote:
No different than attracting any other sort of model.

$$$ and/or images they want.


The best model attractant for any type of trade shoot is a strong portfolio.

Models who do artistic nudes only will also want to know that you know the difference between artistic, glamour and erotic nudes (as they see it).

May 13 13 07:15 pm Link


Oscar Partida

Posts: 732

Palm Springs, California, US


May 13 13 07:24 pm Link



Posts: 1546

Atlanta, Georgia, US

There are but two methods of finding models to work with:

1. Pay them.

2. Provide them with absolutely spectacular work unattainable anywhere else.

It doesn't matter if you think you are producing "Art", it only matters if others believe it.

May 13 13 07:30 pm Link



Posts: 629

Newcastle, Limerick, Ireland

Put some fine art nude images in your port. If you don't have any, then pay someone to pose for you. When you have a few, it will be easier to get a model to work with you.

Any nude shoot for TF needs to have something spectacular going for it and the photographer needs to be impressive.

May 14 13 06:35 am Link



Posts: 9317

New York, New York, US

Lennon wrote:
I am just curious as a fine art photographer what I can do, if anything, to attract to shoot fine art nudes with me on a trade basis?

If you shoot fine art nudes on a trade basis what do you look for?
What can I add in my port to help?



message them.

May 14 13 06:39 am Link


GER Photography

Posts: 8463

Imperial, California, US

Very few models worth shooting, need the photos that most of us can provide to them, they already have tons. So $$$$ is the way to go.

May 14 13 06:43 am Link



Posts: 14859

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

Oscar Partida wrote:

No.  No amount of money will entice me if the portfolio is shit.

ETA:  I'd TF all day with the likes of Stefano Brunesci, Neil Snape, Renee Jacobs, Marc Lagrange, and others.

May 14 13 07:01 am Link


Decay of Memory

Posts: 682

Asheville, North Carolina, US

Make the most of your opportunities, develop a name. Models like good work, models like fame.

Yeah, a lot of them will do it for money. A sense of purpose and place in the world can help things along.

and beauty counts.

May 14 13 07:06 am Link


- Aina -

Posts: 747

Redlands, California, US

After going through your portfolio, I would definitely be sure that it needed artistic nudes since, frankly, you have MAYBE one or two that could be defined as such. However, portfolio aside, you put up a casting call like everyone else and personally reach out and message models. Unfortunately, the good/great ones may ask for payment (which ranges, depending on your person).

May 14 13 07:21 am Link


Gina Dee

Posts: 322

BRONX, New York, US

Pay is the way. Top flight models want either a top flight photographer, top flight pay or both. And that's for nude or clothed.

May 14 13 07:29 am Link



Posts: 2532

Los Angeles, California, US

Develop a stellar reputation of being professional and creating superb work that models can't live without.

May 14 13 09:39 am Link



Posts: 109

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

great portfolio pics.

May 14 13 09:42 am Link


Shot By Adam

Posts: 8098

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Go find the top five nude models in your area and pay them to do a high-end shoot that you organize. Put a huge amount of time and effort into making the shoot really amazing. This will then help you leverage your ability to find more models willing to work with you on a TF basis.

As others have stated though, until you post in the critique section, there is little more we can truly answer your question with in here.

May 14 13 09:46 am Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

to me if you're going to say you do art nudes then that implies a certain level of artistry and then if you say you do "fine art nudes" that kind of takes it to another level. i wonder if the models the OP approaches are seeing his portfolio as full of "fine art nudes"? i don't think it's a quality thing so much but more of a genre thing.

i'm willing to shoot with just one stripbox and have worked with great art nude models but i don't claim to be an art nude shooter much less a fine art nude shooter. i just shoot cheesecake for the most part and am happy with that. the fine art guys i know agonize over what kind of paper to use for their gallery prints of models on driftwood or models as pretzels.

Shot By Adam wrote:
As others have stated though, until you post in the critique section, there is little more we can truly answer your question with in here.

May 14 13 10:01 am Link


SG-4 Photography

Posts: 129

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Gina Redd wrote:
Pay is the way. Top flight models want either a top flight photographer, top flight pay or both. And that's for nude or clothed.

Spoken by a model who shoots nudes.   

And she's right.  GWC's who want to photograph naked women come a dime a dozen.  If you want something worthwhile you need to offer up something of value.

I am sure a non top flight model will do it for non top flight pay, (top flight is a subjective term of course) ...  I'm sure you can find what you are looking for for a couple of hundred bucks.  Once your port shows the desired quality, the tf nudes will follow.

May 14 13 10:59 am Link



Posts: 2647

New York, New York, US

as others have said, pay a few to start, and once people like the quality of your work it usually goes from there. Probably researching who the most popular fine art nude models in your area are and working with them would be a good start. Word of mouth gets around too if people like your work. sorry to say though that I like others don't really see any fine art nude work currently in your port or your tumblr. If you don't mind moving this thread to the critique forum, we can give you a lot better feedback on what to try for your port. good luck

May 14 13 11:23 am Link



Posts: 6822

Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

- pay
- make mindblowing work

May 14 13 11:24 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

AJScalzitti wrote:
Well you could put some amazing fine art nudes in your portfolio or you could simply hire them.


Or ANY Fine Art Nudes. I don't mean that as a Critique, just an observation. I would find it very difficult, if not impossible, to attract models to shoot High Fashion as a Trade, if I had no High Fashion images in my portfolio.

It's a bit of the Chicken/Egg argument. How do I attract models for Fine Art Nudes when I don't have Fine Art Nudes? And how do I get Fine Art Nudes if I can't attract the models?

Unless it's a model I know, who is willing to help me out of the goodness of her heart, I might have to pay a model in order to accumulate the type of genre I want to pursue.

May 14 13 11:50 am Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

An alternative, if you can't afford to hire models right away to build your book, is to go to some nude workshops.  That can be helpful both for networking with local people, and for the opportunity to shoot with multiple models for what it might otherwise cost to hire just one.

Good luck!

May 14 13 12:00 pm Link



Posts: 7884

Monmouth, Wales, United Kingdom

Why would we need another nude photograph no matter how good on our ports? There are only so many nude photos we need.

So perhaps maybe offer to shhot a llama's idea eg maybe she wants to do some corset shots too; or if she wants an escort and you are coolmwith it maybe a few shots of them together. A trade is a trade it needs to be something the llama wants and generally we have so many shoots of fine art nude we don't bother putting them up.

May 14 13 12:03 pm Link



Posts: 25319

Bath, England, United Kingdom

Eliza C wrote:
Why would we need another nude photograph no matter how good on our ports? There are only so many nude photos we need.

All nude photos are not the same.

Sometimes people get bored with what they have and want or need something fresher. Or maybe they just like a photographer's work enough to want some of it in their portfolio?

I'm not going to mention names but I've shot nudes with a few well known nude models who have more than enough nude photos of themselves to last most people a lifetime, and yet these girls approached me and asked/offered to shoot nudes on a trade basis! I was very flattered, of course, but in a couple of cases even I (with my well known huge ego) was somewhat mystified as to why they might be asking to shoot with me, but hey - never look a gift horse in the mouth, right!! smile

Just my $0.02


May 14 13 12:10 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Eliza C wrote:
Why would we need another nude photograph no matter how good on our ports? There are only so many nude photos we need.

So perhaps maybe offer to shhot a model's idea eg maybe she wants to do some corset shots too; or if she wants an escort and you are coolmwith it maybe a few shots of them together. A trade is a trade it needs to be something the model wants and generally we have so many shoots of fine art nude we don't bother putting them up.

It needs to be something BOTH parties want. How is suggesting the OP do a Couple's shoot with the model's escort remotely something he expressed any interest in?

And who is the "we" you're referring? You state "we have enough nudes in our portfolios." But then you suggest offering to take some "corset shots." So, the logic there is that all models have enough nudes in their portfolios, but can always use another "corset shot." Oh Eliza lol.

May 14 13 12:14 pm Link