Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > The student loan crisis


What Fun Productions

Posts: 20868

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Mark Cuban Explains the Student Loan Crisis in Less than 90 Seconds

Do you have any student loans? If so how much do you owe, what is your payment and how long to pay it off?

Do you feel the degree you received was worth the debt you incurred?

Jun 23 14 12:00 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

I owe about 43K from an original loan that was 18K.

My school was 26K a year.

Why didn't I pay that shit off years ago?
Well I never had an extra 2/300 bucks paying for rent, living all over the country, etc.

My debt makes me want to throw myself on a bed of nails each and every day and what's ultimately disturbing is that it's not a lot of money, but to me it is.

My education was worth it if you count the numerous corporate jobs I've had in my life that made me want to projectile vomit.

Still glad I have a degree from a university though.

Some of my musician friends don't and they can't get a decent job without breaking their back or doing something a 15 year old would.

Every job is an honest one though.
With a degree, the pain is somewhat less... sometimes.

Jun 23 14 12:14 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Last job I worked at selling franchises, a girl there has over 100K in debt and never finished her Masters.  One of her parents got sick, etc.

She had an administrative job (secretarial), quit and now is working as a receptionist at some car dealership.

She and her husband are living in her parent's basement.

That monkey on my back in a basement would make me want to blow my brains out.

Jun 23 14 12:22 pm Link


Model MoRina

Posts: 6640

MacMurdo - permanent station of the US, Sector claimed by New Zealand, Antarctica

I got my degree a couple years ago.

My student loans were about 36K, I think.  Most of that money I borrowed to buy a new car, because nobody gives out 4% interest car loans...

I have already paid it in full.  I did it the old-fashioned way - by getting naked on the internet!

Jun 23 14 12:29 pm Link



Posts: 2935

Socorro, New Mexico, US

What Fun Productions wrote:
Do you have any student loans? If so how much do you owe, what is your payment and how long to pay it off?

Do you feel the degree you received was worth the debt you incurred?

I owe about $6k I think, and I'm supposed to pay $100 a month.  It's that big mostly due to me ignoring the loan for many years and barely paying on it every chance I got.  My degree was well worth the loan, but I only needed the loan because I was a lousy student and I expended all my financial aid screwing around not passing classes.  Through neglect I've racked up significant interest, but that's entirely my own fault.

Jun 23 14 12:31 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

MoRina wrote:
I have already paid it in full.

People that owe money wish the same.

Jun 23 14 12:33 pm Link



Posts: 14859

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

MoRina wrote:
I got my degree a couple years ago.

My student loans were about 36K, I think.  Most of that money I borrowed to buy a new car, because nobody gives out 4% interest car loans...

I have already paid it in full.  I did it the old-fashioned way - by getting naked on the internet!

I see what you did there!  borat

Jun 23 14 12:38 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

I could have my student loan debt paid of by December if I was more old fashioned too.

Said "No thank you" just recently to this exact scenario.

Jun 23 14 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

Jules NYC wrote:
I owe about 43K from an original loan that was 18K.

My school was 26K a year.

Why didn't I pay that shit off years ago?
Well I never had an extra 2/300 bucks paying for rent, living all over the country, etc.

My debt makes me want to throw myself on a bed of nails each and every day and what's ultimately disturbing is that it's not a lot of money, but to me it is.

My education was worth it if you count the numerous corporate jobs I've had in my life that made me want to projectile vomit.

Still glad I have a degree from a university though.

Some of my musician friends don't and they can't get a decent job without breaking their back or doing something a 15 year old would.

Every job is an honest one though.
With a degree, the pain is somewhat less... sometimes.

Pretty much spot on. Whaddya know Jules, again! smile

Jun 23 14 12:44 pm Link


Model MoRina

Posts: 6640

MacMurdo - permanent station of the US, Sector claimed by New Zealand, Antarctica

DivaEroticus wrote:

I see what you did there!  borat

Hey, who says modeling nude to pay for college has to be just for the young chicks?

Jun 23 14 12:45 pm Link


Model MoRina

Posts: 6640

MacMurdo - permanent station of the US, Sector claimed by New Zealand, Antarctica

Jules NYC wrote:
I could have my student loan debt paid of by December if I was more old fashioned too.

Said "No thank you" just recently to this exact scenario.

You are so much better than me.  Except I don't "want to throw myself on a bed of nails each and every day", so I sleep just fine at night with my choices.

Jun 23 14 12:47 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

MoRina wrote:
You are so much better than me.  Except I don't "want to throw myself on a bed of nails each and every day", so I sleep just fine at night with my choices.

I didn't mean that as insulting at all to you.

I did however get offered something insulting and was just having fun with the 'old fashioned' comment.

...but yes, wanting to throw myself on a bed of nails is not a comforting feeling, is just and expression and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


Jun 23 14 12:49 pm Link


Orca Bay Images

Posts: 33877

Arcata, California, US

Jun 23 14 12:50 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18916

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

He hit the nail on the head. Whenever politicians think everyone should have something the cost goes out the window.

Back in the dark ages when I was in college a year at a private Catholic college in New England was about 8K a year, student loans were limited to about a 1K a year with no interest till you graduated or left school. I had a 4K loan and a job out of college that paid 8K and a nice new car ran about 2 to 4k.

Now Tuition is $44K per year and a dorm room $7.5 and a meal plan another 5.5 or 57K a year. Back then four years was standard now five is common. The campus has more than doubled in size and now has a hockey rink, competition pool and a million dollar + fitness center. Our weight room was 20x20 had four barbells and benches and a mat and we had a top 20 Basketball team, regional champion Hockey team ,Nationally ranked Cross Country team and a national champion Baseball team during a five year period.

Now how many BA/BS jobs have a starting pay of $114,000 a year?

Jun 23 14 01:12 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

I think people that have debt feel horrible about it and people that don't are proud of it.

I think we all want to feel good in life and being reminded how hard the struggle is doesn't feel good if one is a part of the 'in debt' crowd.

No debts make life easier but doesn't steal away happiness.
It's just money.

You work hard and pay it off.

Jun 23 14 01:14 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Bob Helm Photography wrote:
Now how many BA/BS jobs have a starting pay of $114,000 a year?

I think people that make that kind of money are either:

Financial jobs

IT is a booming industry and one can make a ton of money with the right skills... from a trade school/university... doesn't matter.

Artistic fields historically pay squat.
It is what it is.

TV is reflecting the state of the economy.

Jun 23 14 01:16 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18916

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

My HS Economics teacher taught us that there were two types of people in this world: Those that owe money and pay interest and those that own money and earn interest. Back then people saved money and interest rates paid at least 5% but that was before everyone wanted buy now/pay later or better yet for some pay never and the government facilitated that with interest payment deductions and very low interest rates.
With banks paying a fraction of a percent on savings why save for anything,especially a college education?

Jun 23 14 01:22 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18916

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

Jules NYC wrote:

I think people that make that kind of money are either:

Financial jobs

IT is a booming industry and one can make a ton of money with the right skills... from a trade school/university... doesn't matter.

Artistic fields historically pay squat.
It is what it is.

TV is reflecting the state of the economy.

I agree but Law or Medical School is all on top of that $200,000 BA/BS.
There are a lot of trades where you can make good $$ without spending a ton on a college degree.
One of my history professors was talking about the value of advanced degrees (particularly in academic fields) and his advice was if you needed to borrow money to get a Phd... don't because you will not get a good ROI (and he had a Phd)

BTW most of the salespeople I know that were making over $100K also had advanced degrees related to the field plus experience. Didn't hurt to be tall and good looking too.
College loans are killing a generation with debt and IMO hurting our economy big time.

Jun 23 14 01:29 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Bob Helm Photography wrote:
My HS Economics teacher taught us that there were two types of people in this world: Those that owe money and pay interest and those that own money and earn interest.


Easier to be the latter when you're not solely responsible for everything.

Jun 23 14 01:29 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18916

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US


Jun 23 14 01:30 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Bob Helm Photography wrote:

I agree but Law or Medical School is all on top of that $200,000 BA/BS.
There are a lot of trades where you can make good $$ without spending a ton on a college degree.
One of my history professors was talking about the value of advanced degrees (particularly in academic fields) and his advice was if you needed to borrow money to get a Phd... don't because you will not get a good ROI (and he had a Phd)

BTW most of the salespeople I know that were making over $100K also had advanced degrees related to the field plus experience. Didn't hurt to be tall and good looking too.
College loans are killing a generation with debt and IMO hurting our economy big time.

There are a lot of young Doctors/lawyers, etc. that are terrified of their debt.  Takes a while to pay that kind of education off!

You could be a vacuum salesman and sell stocks if you get your Series 7.
A lot of sales people don't have fancy degrees but know how to sell.

I completely agree that college debt is a huge problem.

Check this book out ~ … ron+clarey

Jun 23 14 01:32 pm Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

Jules NYC wrote:

I think people that make that kind of money are either:

Financial jobs

IT is a booming industry and one can make a ton of money with the right skills... from a trade school/university... doesn't matter.

My kid is a lawyer....he won't see that much for at least 3-4 years.
Lives in one of the most expensive US housing markets.
Student loans for law school hover around $150k.

Even at the rate of $114k in a less expensive housing market, he is fucked for years.

Jun 23 14 01:36 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

I must find humor in everything.

These two clips make me chuckle

Jun 23 14 01:37 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Cherrystone wrote:

My kid is a lawyer....he won't see that much for at least 3-4 years.
Lives in one of the most expensive US housing markets.
Student loans for law school hover around $150k.

Even at the rate of $114k in a less expensive housing market, he is fucked for years.

Oh my.

Well, 3/4 years is nothing to a lifetime of struggle.

Jun 23 14 01:38 pm Link



Posts: 10390

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

In regards to the idea of "is it worth it"

wiped mine out when I went to school for health sciences, then I have no idea where I'm at now. Don't really care either. A friend of mine owed over 200 grand in loans, he wiped them out in a couple of years after he started working (Doctor, mind you, but still)

I'll have a diploma in business, a marketing degree in early 2016 and late 2016 perhaps an HR degree. At the end of that it will have been about a total of 6 years pursuing it

I'm not in school to get work, or a "job" after but for personal satisfaction..4 years ago I was where my teachers were at.. I've turned down half a dozen serious job opportunities in the last two years, internationally.. I want to show myself that I can accomplish a goal I didn't think was possible before I started. I'm gifted with finances, with attracting repayment, for me, is of no consequence.

That said, I'm not intelligent. I just make a goal and then have a system in place, almost an obsession, with completing it. If I'm not working at something 350 hours a month, I'm not working hard enough. School was never my strong suit. every other week I want to quit..and I have a form of dyscalcula but, it is worth it for the character building, the experience, the network and referrals and the lifestyle, the maturity built from that and the skills learned.

I probably wouldn't recommend anyone do anything for the sake of it, but wait until you know what you're interested in first. Many people get screwed in the system because, I theorize, they figure the degree is a "ticket" to a good life and now that they hand in their last paper; society owes them. Society owes you nothing. You owe society. You have your entire life to figure out how to pay it back and take care of yourself as well. However you do that is up to you

Jun 23 14 01:41 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Karl JW Johnston wrote:
I just make a goal and then have a system in place, almost an obsession, with completing it to the best of my ability.

Helps with all things in life, paying bills, getting to the next plateau in life/profession, etc.

When I think of having no money and people that don't 'get' artists, I watch this series again:

Jun 23 14 01:51 pm Link



Posts: 14859

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

MoRina wrote:

Hey, who says modeling nude to pay for college has to be just for the young chicks?

Right?  I'd do it in a heartbeat, if I could, in order to get my master's.

Jun 23 14 02:07 pm Link


Erin Holmes

Posts: 6583

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

My husband and I will have an outrageous amount of money to pay back, but when he's done in 3 years he'll be making 70-80k starting, and I will be making about the same. Though I won't be done for about 7 or 6 years. It's heavy taking that plunge, but you have to weight it against how much you believe in yourself and the wisdom of what you've chosen to go into.

Jun 23 14 02:08 pm Link


Model MoRina

Posts: 6640

MacMurdo - permanent station of the US, Sector claimed by New Zealand, Antarctica

Erin Holmes wrote:
My husband and I will have an outrageous amount of money to pay back, but when he's done in 3 years he'll be making 70-80k starting, and I will be making about the same. Though I won't be done for about 7 or 6 years. It's heavy taking that plunge, but you have to weight it against how much you believe in yourself and the wisdom of what you've chosen to go into.

You are basically borrowing the money to make an investment.  Just like any investment, you have to decide if the payoff is worth the risk.

Some people make good investments and some people make bad investments.

Sounds like you have a good plan.

Jun 23 14 02:16 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

I think education is a great investment.
No one can ever take it away from you.

I know I wouldn't have been able to build up my business résumé and have the opportunity for many things (some highly creative and full of enjoyment) without a college education.

I'm up for an art job that pays well.
Without an education I wouldn't be qualified.

The things that I do on the regular and make money for, I didn't go to school for it at all.

Most of my peers went to Juilliard, NYU or Berkeley.

Jun 23 14 03:04 pm Link


Laura UnBound

Posts: 28745

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I never went, so my debt is 0. Thats pretty cool, but I also dont have a degree.

I almost threw away quite a hefty bit of money, but my life changed unexpectedly and school wasn't an immediate post-highschool option anymore and then I just never wound up going. In some ways Im glad, others Im not. I'd have a whole fuckton of debt and probably not a job in the field I was going for, if I had gone to school when I had the opportunity, so Id wind up like most everybody else.

If I do wind up going ever I'll be going in Canada where its a fuckton cheaper, so that will help.

I know at least one person who filed for bankruptcy before 30 because their school loans buried them. And they're not using their degree at all.

Jun 23 14 03:39 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Student loan programs are a scam so universities and teachers unions can continue to jack their prices and budgets up higher than normal people can afford to pay.

If we had more freedom of choice with vouchers and other free-market based access to money for education, to use at more private schools who compete for their business, then kids would receive a higher quality of education at lower prices.

The government run student loan program creates many billions of dollars of false liquidity and pork barrel funding for too many people who are paid far more than they earn, and for too many other inflated budgets and handouts for things that do not contribute to the education of children.

That's it. No more, no less.


Jun 23 14 03:48 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
Student loan programs are a scam so universities and teachers unions can continue to jack their prices and budgets up higher than normal people can afford to pay.

If we had more freedom of choice with vouchers and other free-market based access to money for education, to use at more private schools who compete for their business, then kids would receive a higher quality of education at lower prices.

The government run student loan program creates billions of dollars of false liquidity and pork barrel funding for too many people who are paid far more than they earn, and for too many other fat budgets and handouts for things that do not contribute to the education of children.

That's it. No more, no less.


Too bad I'm not an American Indian. 
I'd be a professional student.

Jun 23 14 03:51 pm Link


Photography by Sean

Posts: 216

Atlanta, Georgia, US

A lot of these people that are caught up in this student loan crisis are in it because they attended college for some useless degree. They obtained a degree in black studies, women studies, history....or some other useless field that isn't in demand. So of course they're not gonna be able to find jobs.

On that note, I'm gonna short S.L.A.B.S. because I too feel that the student loan bubble is gonna burst.

Jun 23 14 03:54 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Jun 23 14 03:55 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Jun 23 14 03:57 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Jules NYC wrote:
Too bad I'm not an American Indian. 
I'd be a professional student.

I thought we are now encouraged to claim any ethnicity, national heritage or gender we want, based on how we feel and what we want to identify ourselves as.

For example, consider the US Census standards. Bill Clinton called himself the "First Black President." Sotomayor calls herself a "Wise Latina" (not sure which Census box that is to check off.)

I'm a Native American. I was born in El Paso, Texas, not far from Rosa's Cantina. Maybe that makes me Hispanic too?

Jun 23 14 03:58 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Click Hamilton wrote:

I thought we are now encouraged to claim any ethnicity, national heritage or gender we want, based on how we feel and what we want to identify ourselves as.

For example, consider the US Census standards. Bill Clinton called himself "the First Black President." Sotomayor calls herself a "Wise Latina" (not sure which Census box that is to check off.)

I'm a Native American. I was born in El Paso, Texas. … americans/

Jun 23 14 04:03 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Jules NYC wrote: … americans/


I'm too much of a smart-ass already. I rarely go to universities anymore.

Jun 23 14 04:06 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Click Hamilton wrote:


I'm too much of a smart-ass already. I rarely go to universities anymore.

Two degrees is enough for me unless I want to yuk it up more at parties.
I paid off the first one.

Jun 23 14 04:08 pm Link