
Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Why is there so much "I've met him and this is why I hate him" fluff like this from Richard Johnson, at the top of all the "breaking news" top stories lists now?

Read this character assassination piece with a critical eye, and tell me if you can find anything of substance here about drugging and raping women: … publicist/

"A journalist I’ve known for many years recalls..."
(who didn't want to be named)

"outing his daughter" ...?
"swinging with Sammy Davis Jr." ...?
Not wanting to attend a funeral ...?

"“My editor told me that daddy Cosby was the source. He ratted out his flesh and blood,” said my source."

[drip, drip]

Frankly, I don't like and rarely attend funerals either. I prefer to deal with these things in my own ways.

There's a massive media dog-pile going on amongst the gossip-mongers to cut this man into pieces then wipe their feet on the carcass. Why? Who is pumping the energy of all this negativism?

As I remember, Bill Cosby has been under similar attack for at least the last half of his career with the same M.O. The attack formula is the same, but the litany of alleged despicable behavior changes with each flurry of condemning news. It seems like the people who decided they hate him for some reason have been meandering for years searching for something that will stick, and finally crush him.

Is Bill Cosby officially on the Hollywood Black List of people to trash because he doesn't toe the line? Who are the people he pissed off, who wield so much damaging influence?

[To those of you who like to disparage and chirp about "conspiracies" as being conjured up only by nutjobs like me, I assure you that the Hollywood Black List is very real and ostracism from the favors of the ruling elites of Hollywood can be brutal.]

I think this article says a lot about the emptiness and libelous emotional nature of many attacks being hurled at him. 

The opening statement of the article: "Bill Cosby is a horrible human being"

The ending statement of the article: “I’m not a Cosby fan and never will be.” "Cosby’s reps did not return requests for comment."

PS - Who-TF is Richard Johnson? (rhetorical question because I really don't care)

This is a "paint by the numbers" template for manufactured character assassination and PR fluff. Sadly, this and many other similar personal attacks are at the top of the "news" list today.


Nov 26 14 07:30 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Enquiring mines wanna know!
cir. 1986

"Like me!"

Nov 26 14 08:15 am Link


Kincaid Blackwood

Posts: 23492

Los Angeles, California, US

I was going to stay out of this discussion entirely but I feel like this comment hasn't been properly addressed/dismissed.

Lovely Day Media wrote:
This brings up another idea in me: what if someone, somewhere is angry with Cosby for engaging in interracial relationships?

If you are saying that this is all because someone is angry with him for engaging in interracial relationships, then you're also saying that there's someone out there with enough hatred regarding interracial relationships AND the ability to pull this off. IF those two assumptions were true (and I'm not saying they are) then there should have been plenty of other black men being burned for it also. Lots of other outspoken public figures to choose from.

I think you overestimate the effect interracial relationships have on people these days.

Nov 26 14 06:34 pm Link


Lovely Day Media

Posts: 5885

Vineland, New Jersey, US

Kincaid Blackwood wrote:
If you are saying that this is all because someone is angry with him for engaging in interracial relationships, then you're also saying that there's someone out there with enough hatred regarding interracial relationships AND the ability to pull this off. IF those two assumptions were true (and I'm not saying they are) then there should have been plenty of other black men being burned for it also. Lots of other outspoken public figures to choose from.

I think you overestimate the effect interracial relationships have on people these days.

2 things: First, I did say "what if". Second, I should probably let this go because SB is closed, but this is my thinking: as a person who used to be in an interracial relationship, a person just might be surprised at what goes on because of it.

For instance, this woman had a sister who lived next door to her (condo complex). When the sister found out she was dating me, they stopped talking. Eventually they started talking again but not if I was around. A day came when we were all leaving at the same time. The sister's boyfriend pulled his collar up on his shirt so he wouldn't even have to see me for longer than a split second.

A few weeks later, we were in her car going somewhere. I was driving. There was a car tailgating me big time for at least 2 miles before. When we got to this particular intersection, I saw the light turn yellow. I looked in my mirror to see if I was going to get rear ended if I stopped. By this time, it was too late to stop but the light was still yellow. I went through it and got pulled over. The cop insisted that the light was red and didn't want to hear anything about that car tailgating me. He gave me a ticket, too.

That same day, we stopped at a diner along the way (it was getting close to lunch time). The woman asked the waitress (who had taken at least 15 minutes to get to us) for a breakfast menu. The waitress said she couldn't have one because it was lunch time. Okay ... whatever.  2 minutes later, a family came in and sat down. The mother asked for a breakfast menu and the exact same waitress got one for her.  ?? 

She came back with our food and almost broke the dishes with the way she practically dropped them on the table. She slammed the bill down at the same time. We didn't see her again except when she was serving that other family. When it came time to go, I left a nickel on the table. This woman says I shouldn't have left anything. I said if I leave nothing, maybe I forgot. It's far more insulting to leave a penny or a nickel. If I had a penny, I'd have left that. When I got to the register, they asked how everything was.

I said the food was okay, the service sucked bad enough for us to never come back here again. The woman looked at me like I was nuts but didn't say anything.

The cop could've gone either way. Maybe he was anti interracial relationships, maybe he's just an @$$hole, maybe he had a quota to meet or possibly something else I haven't thought of yet. The woman's sister was definitely anti interracial relationships. I can't think of anything else that bothered that waitress so much as she seemed really nice to those other people.

I may well be over estimating the effects of interracial relationships ... but I don't think I am. As I said before ... I'm not nearly important enough for the media to follow. I don't have a pot, a window or 2 nickels to rub together. I know people who could sell ice to Eskimos and pork to Muslims. I can't give cold water to a man who has spent the last 10 days in the desert without water (assuming he's still alive). I have that little influence in the grand scheme of things. 

Also ... maybe there is only one person who has a hardon for Bill Cosby (maybe his sister felt used by the man). He doesn't have the power, influence or money to try destroying everyone who is involved interracially but he does have enough to mess with Bill Cosby.

Nov 26 14 09:31 pm Link


Figures Jen B

Posts: 790

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Oh, let me try again, (bad wording before.)

Women who took settlements for silence should be open to lawsuits by women who were (if) raped afterwards.

Unless of course, the settlement was all they really wanted and not justice...

Nov 27 14 06:06 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Figures Jen B wrote:
Oh, let me try again, (bad wording before.)

Women who took settlements for silence should be open to lawsuits by women who were (if) raped afterwards.

Unless of course, the settlement was all they really wanted and not justice...

Where did you read women got paid for silence? If a case settles, no one is up on the stand for testimony. The women can say anything they want outside of court... if they choose to.

Nov 27 14 07:18 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Kincaid Blackwood wrote:
I was going to stay out of this discussion entirely but I feel like this comment hasn't been properly addressed/dismissed.

If you are saying that this is all because someone is angry with him for engaging in interracial relationships, then you're also saying that there's someone out there with enough hatred regarding interracial relationships AND the ability to pull this off. IF those two assumptions were true (and I'm not saying they are) then there should have been plenty of other black men being burned for it also. Lots of other outspoken public figures to choose from.

I think you overestimate the effect interracial relationships have on people these days.

I think some people have a BIG problem with interracial relationships. Just because it's PC as a standard in America doesn't mean everyone agrees.

If there is any conspiracy here, I highly doubt it's racial.

Nov 27 14 07:26 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Nov 28 14 06:59 am Link