Forums > General Industry > Foray into adult (take two)



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Matthew asked me to repost my question, and I'd like to point out that I'm not looking for ads or buyers or solicitations. I'm looking to learn.

A model friend of mine has never done any adult work. She confided this morning that she's thinking about doing some adult work because her financial situation is going from bad to worse. Knowing her, I suspect that she doesn't mean actual sex, but full-nude and perhaps even sets with toys and the like.

And thus you reach the end of my knowledge of the adult industry.

Hence I ask - if a female model, attractive, wanted to make money doing solo adult web work, where would they go? How much could they make?

Someone educate me. I'm not interested in getting into that part of the industry, but I am curious about how it works (and not afraid to admit to my ignorance).

May 03 05 03:59 pm Link


Steve Mills

Posts: 4783

Hermiston, Oregon, US

It is terrribly sad to hear someone is desperate enough to think this is a good alternative. If you've not seen the aftermath of choosing porn to solve a crisis situation, you soon will.

May 03 05 04:16 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Again, don't say "you." This isn't me. This is someone I know (honestly, nobody would ever want to see me in porn - I'm a 30-something male). And what my friend chooses to do is her choice. But since she brought it up, it made me realize that this is a market tangential to my own, and I know nothing at all about it, hence my question.

Your comment is also tangential, at best.

May 03 05 04:19 pm Link


Steve Mills

Posts: 4783

Hermiston, Oregon, US

I'll say you, because you are helping this person. BTDT, and you will see the end result. She has alternatives, and if this isn't her preference in modeling, there are consequences she is ignoring. Those who don't care what it will bring them, carry on. Those who might regret it later, think twice.

You asked for education, Chris. This is part of it.

May 03 05 04:21 pm Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

There are several web distribution companies. seems to cover the neighborhood from nearly nude to ... well ... pretty much everything. The have a copy of their contract on-line. A read through that should give you a good idea how the web part works. It's not too awfully different from what Ty said in the previous thread.

May 03 05 04:27 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Steve Mills: 
I'll say you, because you are helping this person. BTDT, and you will see the end result. She has alternatives, and if this isn't her preference in modeling, there are consequences she is ignoring. Those who don't care what it will bring them, carry on. Those who might regret it later, think twice.

You asked for education, Chris. This is part of it.

I have no idea what BTDT is. And where did you infer that I was helping her? She told me what she's going to do, I said, "Oh, that's interesting," and then realized I know nothing. I don't like knowing nothing. So I asked.

Please don't make assumptions, especially when you inject your personal moral bias into them.

May 03 05 04:38 pm Link


Steve Mills

Posts: 4783

Hermiston, Oregon, US

BTDT means Been There, Done That. A friend of mine took the journey you are helping this girl into, and she will forever regret it.

You can assume anything you wish about my advice to you, Chris, and you can cast me aside as tangential. That's your prerogative. I'm giving you advice you should pass along to your friend. You aren't asking for advice here solely for your own education, don't pretend we're so naive. You're doing her leg work.

Best of luck to you both.

May 03 05 04:48 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Yikes is this a public forum if not point the way!!!

May 03 05 04:48 pm Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

Posted by Hugh  Jorgen: 
Yikes is this a public forum if not point the way!!!

How did you get into this post without your adult password? I want my money back! lol!

May 03 05 04:58 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Steve Mills: 
You can assume anything you wish about my advice to you, Chris, and you can cast me aside as tangential. That's your prerogative. I'm giving you advice you should pass along to your friend. You aren't asking for advice here solely for your own education, don't pretend we're so naive. You're doing her leg work.

I believe the proper response here is that you can get stuffed. You don't know me, so how dare you presume?

There are those here who do know me and will surely know that I'm asking for my own education. I could not care less if my friend chooses to do adult content or not. I'm just very curious what's involved (and seeing the money in it, very tempted to help her, yes, but choosing not to simply because I don't want to be known for shooting adult content).

But you, sir, are a presumptious and moralistic ass and I resent your assumptions about my character. Kindly go amuse yourself elsewhere.

May 03 05 05:18 pm Link


Joi Carey

Posts: 551

Phoenix, Arizona, US

If someone is comfortable creating erotic images all the more power to them. I dont think anyone should be penalized for creating erotica...Basic rule: If it make you feel bad..don't so it!
It seeems more acceptable to do girl/girl and toy scenes rather than boy girl adult work.
It is a bit of a double standard, but unfortunately true.

May 03 05 05:22 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

Ounique is a place to start, but they are not the end all/be all of what is out there.  Plus there are varying degrees of adult.  There's stuff like mine, which, despite the look is relatively tame, all the way up to willing to work with anything.

An idea would be to come up with a list of what she will and won't do, and then looking around for opportunities that fit.  There are adult model forums out there, and other model forums will allow you to list adult limitations. 

Agonybliss is right, there are n-tuple standards out there, in that folks who do stuff like mine are less "scandalized" than those who do nude solo photos, who are less scandalized than those who do toys.... etc.  Fair?  No, of course not, because no one should be ashamed of doing anything they want to do.

The only shame is doing something you don't want to do...

May 03 05 05:33 pm Link



Posts: 1343

Los Angeles, California, US

[BTDT means Been There, Done That. A friend of mine took the journey you are helping this girl into, and she will forever regret it.

WALOC!  yeah, i'm sure every girl who ever made a dime in the adult industries "will forever regret it." life ruined, end of story, no coming back from that, right?

and this guy who's helping her is like the drug dealer hanging around schoolyards, right?

steve, please.

i think there's a screening of "Reefer Madness" coming soon to an evangelical church near you that we all might want to catch cuz it's probly true that every girl whoever took a hit on a joint (assuming they inhaled) might have been tempted to enter porn which then would have forever caused her regret and worse.

look, dude. doing adult content ain't for everyone. and it's certainly not a decision to be made lightly. (and neither is glamour modeling or stripping.) and it's true that most girls make such decisions out of their desire to make some quick cash. but we all make decisions that effect us everyday and sometimes ones that effect us for the rest of our lives--positively and/or negatively--and often enough they also involve making quick and/or (so we thought) easy money.  the key is, it's EACH OF OUR OWN PERSONAL FREAKING DECISIONS TO MAKE!  and for every porn horror story that ended in some way tragic or had negative consequences, there's twenty porn stories that are didn't-matter-to-the-rest-of-her-life stories.

and BTW, steve. if you don't think that everytime you shoot an image of a naked chick you're not shooting for the gratification of much of the same audience as the audience for the kind of stuff this girl is thinking of doing you are seriously deluding yourself.

(Note: WALOC = What A Load of Crap)

May 03 05 05:37 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

If someone wants to work in the adult industry that is their decision. Personally I think that desisson should be made based on the person's comfort level, not their financial situation. Unfortunetly not everyone has the option of ignoring their financial situations. I got so many offers (though OMP) to do porn. I briefly thought about it but never actually got into it.
One thing she should be careful of is people trying to make money off of her. There are lots of people out there who will offer to set up a site for you, for a certain percentage of the profits. These people are in the bussiness to make money and will try to make as much as they can off you. I'm sure there are a lot of other things she should be looking out for but thats the only thing I know about that.
She probably could make some decent money as long as she's smart about it.

May 03 05 07:24 pm Link


David Holloway

Posts: 713

Liberty Lake, Washington, US

I think educating someone also should include the consequences you refer to. You talk of alternatives and consequences but that's as far as you go and to me that is not educating anyone. List the pros and cons of the adult industry and why the alternatives are better.

Chris was asking for an understanding of the adult industry not just there are consequences. Elaborate and give him a better understanding of why his friend would be better off not working in the adult industry.

Just my two cents.


Posted by Steve Mills: 
I'll say you, because you are helping this person. BTDT, and you will see the end result. She has alternatives, and if this isn't her preference in modeling, there are consequences she is ignoring. Those who don't care what it will bring them, carry on. Those who might regret it later, think twice.

You asked for education, Chris. This is part of it.

May 03 05 07:32 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Does your model friend have a picture?  hehe


May 03 05 07:49 pm Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
Matthew asked me to repost my question, and I'd like to point out that I'm not looking for ads or buyers or solicitations. I'm looking to learn.

A model friend of mine has never done any adult work. She confided this morning that she's thinking about doing some adult work because her financial situation is going from bad to worse. Knowing her, I suspect that she doesn't mean actual sex, but full-nude and perhaps even sets with toys and the like.

And thus you reach the end of my knowledge of the adult industry.

Hence I ask - if a female model, attractive, wanted to make money doing solo adult web work, where would they go? How much could they make?

Someone educate me. I'm not interested in getting into that part of the industry, but I am curious about how it works (and not afraid to admit to my ignorance).

A great way to handle this is 1) what kind of content will she shoot 2) is there a demand for it online

Once you figure out these 2 things, goto adult sites that offers the content she wants to shoot, and see if they are buying sets. Joining a site like Suicide Girls - only pays around $300 PER accepted set.... some other places like pay upwards for a few grand for an exclusive set if the girl and content is right

May 03 05 08:07 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Just make sure she makes the descision and noone else...

If she is pretty - I am sure she can get paid 100-150.00 an hour for glamour work - or topless work and that does not even need to be "porn"

But Porn is easy money - with of course massive issues associated with it....

It is a thin line - i woudl want to help also - but I rather see her open her own site (which is damn hard to get going usually) and then shoot all content with a select photogrpaher to control what is posted etc... plus the need for a good - non-skuzbag webmaster..

Why not just help her get more non-porn realted work - everyone here I am sure would be happy to help if she is a quality model..

May 03 05 08:18 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

All of the replies here are either pro/con the industry, or suggestions on what someone should do.

Nobody's actually answered my question yet!

How does the industry work? Where do sites get their content? What do they look for? How much do they pay? How do they decide? Are there content brokers and distributors, or do models go to the sites directly? If the latter, how do they submit their stuff on spec? Are there photographers who shoot this stuff as their main business and handle all the details for a cut? If the model shoots her own stuff, can she write her own ticket?

I understand that there are pros and cons. I understand that there are sites that pay, and that some models set up their own. I even realize that there are lots of genre of porn out there.

I'm just curious about the business end of it.

Apparently, nobody here knows.

May 03 05 09:14 pm Link


Joi Carey

Posts: 551

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Relax Chris!
Its model mayhem not porn pay'em:)
There are photographers who make there bread selling pure adult content. So she could shoot with them but her best bet is to find someone private to shoot her and sell her own content so she doesent get robbed starting out.
Im pretty sure there are adult stock companies as well you could hook up with.
Just do a google search for adult content providers and stock companies and see who they are listing as their main clients,and contact both for details involved. She really needs to figure out what route she wants to before she heads in though.

May 03 05 09:27 pm Link



Posts: 1343

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by agonybliss: 
Im pretty sure there are adult stock companies as well you could hook up with.

there was a time when content (stock) companies like matrix and cloud 9 and others did pretty well. but the bottom kind of fell out of the content market when certain companies started blowing stuff out for pennies and TGP galleries became plentiful. then companies like vivid and LFP and more started dumping the mountains of content they had in their vaults on the web.  looking or googling for someone to simply broker content is likely to get you screwed. the net ain't the goldmine it was 4 or 5 years ago. a hot chic putting up a site is very "iffy."  most of the big website guys are now in the traditional markets as well. the net is SO oversaturated with adult content it's tuff to make a dime. most of the traffic they try to sell you sucks. ther's so much for free, why would surfers pay? the money is back where it originally was: distributing to the brick and mortar biznesses.

May 03 05 09:43 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Thank you, Jimmy, that's the kind of stuff I'm trying to learn - the dynamics of the market.

May 03 05 10:34 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
How does the industry work?

Usually on it's back. LOL

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
Where do sites get their content?

Most sites today manufacture their own content. We've done all our own content for the last 9 years and have NEVER purchased content from anyone else.

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
What do they look for? How much do they pay? How do they decide?

Usually for willingness and at least moderatly attractive. And in some cases not even that.

Industry standard pay rates: (AVERAGES for VIDEO and Print)
Solo Girl(Playboy Style) - $100.00 an hour with a 2 hour minimum.
Solo Girl (Hustler Style) - $150 - $200.00 an hour.
Girl Girl - $300 - $400 per scene
Boy/Girl (BJ) $300 - $400 per scene
Boy/Girl (Intercourse) - $350 - $800 per scene
Boy/Girl (Anal) $600 - $800 per scene. First anal $1100 - $1500.00
Gangbang - $1100 - $2000

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
Are there content brokers and distributors, or do models go to the sites directly?

Yes there are. But they are a different animal usually. However the models can submit her work to the sites or make requests for modeling information. Many of the sites have links for models.

Generally the girls find an agent or manager or suitcase pimp. But that can be a hairy situation to say the least ESPECIALLY if she has no experience.

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
If the latter, how do they submit their stuff on spec?

Email it or click the models link many of the sites have. If she wants I can send some of her stuff around and see who bites. She will have a difficult time though finding much work doing only solo but it's out there.

If you wish you can send me some of her stuff and I can pass it around to people I know and see what I can come up with.

Also I notice I think that you were in Washington but I could be mistaken, if she is out there as well she will need to get to Los Angeles as that is where 90% of all porn is made. And that is where the money is. However take note, the summer months the industry pretty much shuts down shooting. So it gets even tougher! But it CAN be done.

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
Are there photographers who shoot this stuff as their main business and handle all the details for a cut?

It's all I've done for the last 9 years pretty much. Well I should say it was 98% of what I have been shooting for the last 9 years. I am not sure what you mean handle the details about for a cut. Please expand the question if you can.

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
If the model shoots her own stuff, can she write her own ticket?

Im not totally understanding the question. But usually the only time a model shoots her own stuff and gets financial reward for it is when she has her own pay site. Or is requested to shoot her own "Custom" content which is VERY rare.

See... SOMEONE here knows. LOL

Also per capita adult models stand to work more and make WAY more money than models who wont do nudes and or adult. Just some food for thought. I mean really we're talking about a multi-BILLION dollar industry with LOTS of room to grow. How many models here for instance will ever grace the cover of Vogue, Cosmo, ELLE or reach the status of Supermodel? But the majority of the models I've seen here and at other model places stand a GREAT chance of making it big in the adult industry.

May 04 05 04:40 am Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Steve Mills: 
It is terrribly sad to hear someone is desperate enough to think this is a good alternative. If you've not seen the aftermath of choosing porn to solve a crisis situation, you soon will.

Steve, I am guessing that you are saying this from your EXTENSIVE knowledge and years of experience in the business? Or are you basing this simply on ONE experience?

The adult industry like any other does have a dark side, sure. But by that same token there are literally HUNDREDS of men and women in the industry who are making great money, and living normal lives just like anyone else. In fact did you know that MANY of the adult stars are married or in commited relationships. Even have children. It's a choice. Not one to be made lightly. But still a choice.

I find myself during many an interview with new female talent trying to talk them OUT of getting into the business by letting them know upfront EVERYTHING that goes along with it. Including the reactions from small minded people .... etc. And guess what 9 out of 10 of them are cool with that and off we go to shoot! And many of them are still in the business doing very well.

The BIGGEST problem with the industry comes from people who are so quick to judge what the industry produces without the benefit of knowledge. Like those who say that there is nothing to shooting adult videos and photos. Well let me say this those people are full of shit and have no idea what they are talking about.

It's much more complex shooting adult than anything else in terms of models. With fashion you can cover up blemishes and flaws with clothes. In adult the talent is bare. Also I put just as much time and energy into my adult work if not more than my fashion - non adult work.

May 04 05 04:56 am Link


Steve Mills

Posts: 4783

Hermiston, Oregon, US

Posted by Chris Ambler: 

Posted by Steve Mills: 
You can assume anything you wish about my advice to you, Chris, and you can cast me aside as tangential. That's your prerogative. I'm giving you advice you should pass along to your friend. You aren't asking for advice here solely for your own education, don't pretend we're so naive. You're doing her leg work.

I believe the proper response here is that you can get stuffed. You don't know me, so how dare you presume?

There are those here who do know me and will surely know that I'm asking for my own education. I could not care less if my friend chooses to do adult content or not. I'm just very curious what's involved (and seeing the money in it, very tempted to help her, yes, but choosing not to simply because I don't want to be known for shooting adult content).

But you, sir, are a presumptious and moralistic ass and I resent your assumptions about my character. Kindly go amuse yourself elsewhere.

So quick to judge my motivation (I haven't even brought up my morals, kiddo), so sharp with your nasty remarks, so I shouldn't be surprised when you reject my input out of hand. Chris, young man, you asked for an education on the business. You didn't care to hear my input because it wasn't comfortable, or maybe it exposed your personal interest in this subject. Whatever the case, I guess we're not going to be "friends" now. You want to go on pretending you are just asking for your own edification, huh? What, you won't tell your friend what you learned here? What kind of friend ARE you?

As for your analysis of me and what I can do with myself, I've heard enough back from you already to know the source, so it's just breeze talking. Take all the excellent information you have picked up here and use it to your own good. Maybe you'll even learn how to address people who have been respectful toward you, in spite of your insolence. I honestly wish you and your friend well.

DJ Foothill,

You might be right, and you might be wrong. So might I, even coming from my experience. I've been shooting for over 35 years, so I have a thought or two based on experiences, though I brought up only one that eats my guts because it's fresh. I offered advice, and I got the response I should have expected. Money talks, bullshit walks. I wasn't offering money. smile

May 04 05 06:02 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

I apologize for my post in the other thread...

I did not mean it to sound like advertising porn.

I was advertising me :-)

Anyway, I will take the discussion offline.

Again, Sorry.

May 04 05 07:02 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Steve, you're very good at taking the moral high-ground. I hope that works for you. I've learned enough about the way the adult industry works to realize that it's a diluted market and my suggestion to her will be to find a different avenue of revenue generation simply based on the business aspects. But you keep presuming what you wish. I did give your comments all the consideration that they were due.

May 04 05 08:50 am Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
Steve, you're very good at taking the moral high-ground. I hope that works for you. I've learned enough about the way the adult industry works to realize that it's a diluted market and my suggestion to her will be to find a different avenue of revenue generation simply based on the business aspects. But you keep presuming what you wish. I did give your comments all the consideration that they were due.

Chris it really isn't as dilluted a market as you might be thinking. Daily hundreds of shoots take place, and people make money at it if they know where to be and who to deal with. So for a producer sure it may be somewhat dilluted. But as a model whole nother ball game.

Steve - I do appreciate the amount of time you have spent shooting. But I ask that you please respect the amount of time that I have been in the business which is the specific topic of this thread. As I said the industry does have a dark side and I was not questioning your motives or experience per sey. Just more the statement that made it sound as if everyone has a bad experience in the industry.


May 04 05 01:01 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Porn?  Did someone say porn?  Where? Where?! I wanna see....

May 04 05 01:13 pm Link



Posts: 1343

Los Angeles, California, US

It's much more complex shooting adult than anything else in terms of models. 

which explains why its done so unbelievably poorly and ineptly by so many?

May 04 05 01:19 pm Link



Posts: 1343

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by Reese, VA . MUA: 
Porn?  Did someone say porn?  Where? Where?! I wanna see....

i got your porn... right here. ;-)

May 04 05 01:21 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

:::looks at JimmyD:::

Show me yours and I'll show you mine...

May 04 05 01:27 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

on second thought...  show me yours and I'll show you my sister...

May 04 05 01:28 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Reese, VA . MUA: 
Porn?  Did someone say porn?  Where? Where?! I wanna see....

What I find absolutly hysterical about your post is that your little photo there looks just like what you posted.

Posted by jimmyd: 
which explains why its done so unbelievably poorly and ineptly by so many?

Again I hear this nonsense rhetoric. Have you ever looked at the work of Suze Randall, Clive McLean, Earl Miller, Denys Defrancisco, and soooo many others? What people need to understand is that there are three catagories of adult.

Amateur - Which you see mostly on the net and who most of do it more for fun and per capita makes more money than MOST other photographic work put together. And makes up a great many billions of dollars generated in the adult industry. Hell PRO sites try and copy the terrible point and shoot poor lighting of Amateurs. But these people aren't claiming to be photographers.

Pro-Am - Still amateur and not corporate but they have some photographic background and perhaps some technical talent.

Pro - See the names mentioned above along with MANY others.

So to lump people who proudly carry the label amateur and don't tout themselves as professional photographers in with the pros is like comparing the guy who goes out Sunday afternoon and plays softball with his kids and church group with Babe Ruth.

People really need to get over it. The only major difference between what many models do and what models for adult do is the content of the finished product. And at least for the most part the adult models are honest about thier craft. Models are selling SEX some just pretend NOT to be by being nude but covering up. Adult models are selling sex and they know you're buying it.

But that might just be me.

MM's resident pornographer ---- ha ha ha.

May 04 05 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 1343

Los Angeles, California, US

Again I hear this nonsense rhetoric. Have you ever looked at the work of Suze Randall, Clive McLean, Earl Miller...

i know suze, i knew clive (fairly well), i've had dealings with earl... and there's a bigger list of people who know what they're doing (in the adult biz) than the list you provided.  my guess is that you know perfectly well these aren't the people i was refering to.

MM's resident pornographer ---- ha ha ha.

no dis intended, but i'll also guess you might not wanna compare porn credits, bio, resume, whatever with me. and i can guarantee you don't wanna assume i don't know what i'm talking about regarding this subject.

May 04 05 08:21 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by jimmyd: 
i know suze, i knew clive (fairly well), i've had dealings with earl... and there's a bigger list of people who know what they're doing (in the adult biz) than the list you provided.  my guess is that you know perfectly well these aren't the people i was refering to.

Perhaps they weren't but what I was refering to was your GENERAL statement about how it is ALL shot poorly. Hense the reason I broke it down in the manner I did.

Posted by jimmyd:
no dis intended, but i'll also guess you might not wanna compare porn credits, bio, resume, whatever with me. and i can guarantee you don't wanna assume i don't know what i'm talking about regarding this subject.

None taken. And I do not ever ASSume anything. You've guessed wrong. Love people who have more experience than my own. Gives me someone to learn from.

May 04 05 10:50 pm Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Another option is for her to do her own business.  I'm no expert- but like alot of folks (read, everybody) on the net- I have seen my share of adult websites on the net.  It seems the key is to get a membership and create a loyal base following.  If this llama runs the site herself or works with someone she can trust (ala you) she has a HUGE advantage in that she can get these net visitors to fall for her (thus creating loyal, monthly paying members).  She can do weekly cam shows, she can post content of herself, etc.  A weekly webcam show is a great idea as this almost guarantees their membership renewal which is the real key (monthly subscriptions- not 3 day trials).  Then she can even sync up with cam show networks which are basically a collection of web cam business owners (usually the llamas themselves) who do one show a week where any of the members site from any participating web can view.  This increases her exposure to the right kind of member- the one who signs up and is loyal.

You were asking if people are willing to do this (run the site/ shoot/ do video/ etc) for a cut- sure they are.  Here is a related, recent MM thread:

Is this a proven business plan?  Isn't this just what about every ex bunny and pet do?  Well, multiply that by several hundred for amateur llamas.  Its a huge business.

May 05 05 01:20 am Link



Posts: 7840


''Nobody's actually answered my question yet!
How does the Porn industry work?


''Where do sites get their content? ''

SO MY ANSWER IS  -  Anywhere!!

''What do they look for? ''


''How much do they pay?''

depends what  whom and what she can negotiate obviously

''How do they decide?''

they take anything
its porn!!

makes my fleash creep
Since u really cant figure this out...
Top notch fab gals and prime site
is when the model is awesome
very expeprienced, has contacts (ie with the photographers  who do it etc)
she just has to start small

how about live shows?

''Do models go to the sites directly?''
just ask the sites

Direct those deciding to her on line portfolios
have a test shoot etc

''Are there photographers who shoot this stuff as their main biz? ''
they might point her at options too
write to the ones you find on line

''If the model shoots her own stuff, can she write her own ticket?''
If she has her own site

I''understand that there are pros and cons.''


''I'm just curious about the business end of it.
Apparently, nobody here knows.''



Then theres a site where they ram huge things up teen age girls butts that doesnt pay
and the expensive ones?
she would have to start off doung a litle for free to learn it ..I would think, then write to the prime sites to offer - refering to her pics
or better still shoot with one of their photogs to get some inside info


i have never done this or talked about it with anyone who has  ~ its just logic!

May 05 05 06:49 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US


Silly me, I thought that's what I was doing.

May 05 05 09:25 am Link



Posts: 28

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US


check your mail

May 05 05 09:45 am Link