Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Pandemic Warnings



Posts: 8866

Antioch, California, US

LightDreams wrote:
Some bad news and then some good news...

The Bad News:

- The U.S. is now averaging 2,441 new Covid-19 deaths a day.  That's up another 7% from last week.

- The U.S. is likely to surpass 900,000 Covid-19 deaths in the next day or so.

The Good News;

- The death rate is a lagging indicator.  Despite it's very high, seven day average of daily deaths, it's been holding steady (and not increasing) over the last few days.  That suggests that it may have "peaked" for this particular surge.


76,204,058 Total Cases

900,334 Total Deaths

60,640 Deaths in the past 28-Days

COVID-19 Dashboard
by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University

Feb 04 22 02:16 pm Link



Posts: 8866

Antioch, California, US

rfordphotos wrote:
For any folks that might be interested- you can now order the "Free at-home Covid Tests" Biden promised on the govt website- it went active today--- they say it is still in beta, so dont know how reliable it will be.

A follow-up on the free "at home" quick covid test kits offered by the government.

I ordered mine mid morning Jan 18th- on the beta release of the site---it officially went active the next day, the 19th----- and  received my test kits today.

Feb 04 22 03:54 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Feeling numb about the numbers of covid deaths?  Check this perspective. It isn't a video with music and drama, but those that rely on visual sources for information should find it acceptable. … c-numbness

Feb 04 22 04:07 pm Link



Posts: 4593

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

"(The Washington Post)  Wearing any kind of mask indoors is associated with significantly better protection from the coronavirus, with high-quality N95 and KN95 masks providing the best chance of avoiding infection, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Friday.

In indoor public settings, surgical masks reduce the chances of testing positive by 66 percent, the CDC estimated. Top-of-the-line N95 and KN95 masks, the tightfitting face coverings often worn by health-care workers, cut the odds of infection by 83 percent, the health agency said."


Two notes on the above:

- They also looked at cloth masks, but with the Delta variant "the findings were not statistically significant".

- The study was conducted just before Omicron took over.   As Omicron is more contagious it will likely affect those percentages.  But it's clear that it's even more important to consider the N95 or KN95 masks.

Feb 05 22 08:45 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US … 684144001/

An unvaccinated father in New Brunswick, Canada, lost custody of his three children, one of which is a 10-year-old immunocompromised child, according to reports from the CBC.

The father presented research to the judge that he believed questioned the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, but the judge ruled against it.

His own anecdotal research on such a highly specialized topic carries little to no weight in the overall analysis when measured against the sound medical advice of our public health officials," wrote Justice Nathalie Godbout of the Court of Queen's Bench.   (see note 2)

The order allows the father to interact with the children over Zoom and reevaluate the sentencing if he does get vaccinated, but the mother can overrule his lack of parental consent to get her children vaccinated, according to the ruling, CBC reports.

Even with the new variant, kids are still far less likely than adults to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19.

n a report last month by the World Health Organization, experts recommended that even if children have less severe symptoms for COVID, they should still get vaccinated to avoid disruptions to their education. They recommended that children who have possible comorbidities get vaccinated and boosted as soon as possible to reduce risk.

Children who have diabetes, Down Syndrome or cardiac, lung and kidney diseases are at a much higher risk of severe COVID-19, according to the WHO report.

(note 1:The article references and links a custody case in Chicago where a mother lost visitation rights, but the decision was overturned on appeal.)
(note 2: ie, the equivalence of the unimportance of observations in bar, on a beach, a little while outside of the hospital one day, or the opinions of nurses that may or may not have been involved to unknown levels of covid care.)

Feb 06 22 05:16 pm Link



Posts: 195

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

Well, I was given a time out, got my posting rights back, tho maybe temporary since I just sent a less than kind message on my apeal. LOL.   The reason for my time out, was our moderator deemed my post misinformation and I respect the man, but disagree with verdict.  It was maybe outdated information by which this entire thread up until a few months back would all be deemed misinformation, in any case it looks like it was still true recently as project veritas reported.  In any case, I will no longer be replying to posts as it's what usually leads to the censorship anyway, and yes it's censorship, call it anything else you like, but that's what it really is. 

Going forward I'll just post some INFORMATION, you decide for yourself.
This one is an exchange between a tool of the state department and Matt Lee from AP which is usually a terrible organization these days but at least Matt Lee is a journalist who's been around many years one of the few still working on corporate media.  This shows that it's really the government who actually gives out MISINFORMATION.

Feb 07 22 07:10 pm Link



Posts: 195

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

This here shows a powerful speach among that fringe minority in Canada up to their crazy antics of racism and whatever else we can call them to get you not to look for yourself, and he's right, "Canada has become a beacon of light for the entire world"  if this works i'm gonna hug and kiss the first Canadian I run across.


Feb 07 22 07:16 pm Link



Posts: 4593

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Some facts regarding the very "political" supposed anti-vaccine rules protest above.

So the Americans with their Confederate flags (many Canadians, especially the uneducated ones, don't even know what a Confederate flag looks like!), their Trump signs and their Nazi symbols, have now reached a new low...

Recorded on video, setting fire to a lobby of a neighboring apartment building and then running outside and sealing up the doors, trying to block anyone from escaping.   Fortunately their attempt to burn the place didn't succeed.

Between the FBI (investigating on the U.S. side) and the Canadians, they've identified the key organizers, mainly U.S. right wing extremists and White Supremacists, and have intercepted $9 million in funds from the U.S.

The locals have launched a class action suit against the group (they've been photographing the lawbreakers, which is how the FBI found it so easy to identify them).

Apparently, according to their American right wing forums where this was organized, it sounds like the groups were starting to get tired of "losing" and thought that they could just spend a few million dollars up in Canada and easily "bring down the Government".   A "quick and easy win".  Real brain scientists this lot!

While claiming that Trudeau "had fled the country", he was in Parliament, right next to the protesters, debating the opposition (in person, of course).  Yes, Canadian leaders actually have to answer questions in the house and debate the opposition over policy.  Can you imagine Trump trying that.  Hah!

These political geniuses DID cost one party leader his job.  The Conservative (right wing) leader who's only hope of winning a Canadian election was to move the party further towards the middle (Canadians will not vote for anything remotely like what the GOP has become).   Instead, he didn't strongly support these idiots, so some of his Parliament MPs made a move to dump him.   Liberals are all celebrating because presumably those Conservative MPs want someone who's further right wing, guaranteeing that the Liberals remain in power for many years to come.  Definitely a great development!

By the way, Governor DeSantis is livid that the U.S. funds were intercepted before getting to those on the ground in Ottawa and is demanding hearings.

The good news / bad news?  The groups are currently debating what's gone wrong (apparently they're actually surprised at the raid on their fuel supplies, the latest injunction barring them from honking, and the class action suit).  And, of course, the fact that everyone leaving the area (which has been sealed) is personally identified when they leave, unless they can prove that they live or work in the area.

SO...   Now they're talking about moving their protest back to the States, where they think they'll get more support.

And hopefully in an area where no one lives in apartments that some idiots may try and burn down / sealing up the escape exits.

Feb 07 22 07:46 pm Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

Globefunseekers wrote:
Going forward I'll just post some INFORMATION, you decide for yourself.
This one is an exchange between a tool of the state department and Matt Lee from AP which is usually a terrible organization these days but at least Matt Lee is a journalist who's been around many years one of the few still working on corporate media.  This shows that it's really the government who actually gives out MISINFORMATION.

Save yourself the trouble. NOTHING you post here will be considered INFORMATION, based on your history.

Oh, and that video you posted, which proves nothing, has ZERO to do with the subject of this thread.

Feb 07 22 07:47 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Globefunseekers wrote:
Well, I was given a time out, got my posting rights back, tho maybe temporary since I just sent a less than kind message on my apeal. LOL.   The reason for my time out, was our moderator deemed my post misinformation and I respect the man, but disagree with verdict.  It was maybe outdated information by which this entire thread up until a few months back would all be deemed misinformation, in any case it looks like it was still true recently as project veritas reported.  In any case, I will no longer be replying to posts as it's what usually leads to the censorship anyway, and yes it's censorship, call it anything else you like, but that's what it really is.

You didn't reply to posts in any meaningful way anyway.  So there is no great loss if you don't now. 

Your misinformation wasn't current information and it was never representative of the truth.  You had been told before why it was a bogus claim. You ignored the facts at your peril because you are too good for the truth?   You were told again why it was a bogus claim and you still haven't taken the time to research it out with an open mind.  You will be gone again.

You decry censorship, yet promote lies, deceit, and falsehoods.  You are, quite literally, the cause of the censorship.  So, please, don't give us that bullshit about you being a victim.  Especially when your side promotes censorship by banning many books and entire points of view such as CRT while hero worshipping scum like KKK leaders, secessionists and authoritarians and fascist like Putin, Hitler and Orban, burning books, banning business owners and local governments from setting reasonable health rules in their own establishments and jurisdictions, and threatening violence where ever and whenever.  Do you think what the assholes in the Ottawa protests were respectful of other people's rights and appropriate public discourse?  Were they not trying to silence the significant majority of Canadians that disagreed with them?

Regarding Lee, yeah, he was doing his job, which BTW, is off topic for this thread.  But, the other guy was doing his job, too. Of course it wouldn't be necessary at all if Putin wasn't threatening another neighbor, and given Russia's past use of false flag operations- it is no wonder why you are supporting the Russians on this.

Feb 07 22 08:34 pm Link



Posts: 4593

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The saddest part of this whole thing, is that the same American politicians who really screwed up the Covid response, can't bare to see how much better Canada's results were.   So they're actively promoting and FUNDING attempts to try and sabotage those results.  Not to mention the calls to "bring down the Prime Minister / the Canadian Government".  You know, like any responsible ally or American political leader would normally do.

Fortunately, they seem to be stunningly incompetent at it all.  Which seems to be a bit of a recurring pattern...

Feb 07 22 09:29 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Fascinating isn't it?  Our colleague wants to imply that the protesters in Ottawa aren't fringe lunatics, racists, and whatever else we can justifiably call them, which means he supports the actions perpetrated by the two men who ignited fire starters in the lobby of an apartment building, at night, and taped the door handles to prevent the escape of people through the front doors.  I cannot imagine why someone who is sane would indicate that these men and the people that support them, as anything less the full fledged members in the fringe lunatic category.  What's next?  Blowing up churches and killing and maiming little girls that are inside?

The protesters are disrupting the lives of the people in the area and what are they protesting?  The disruption of their lives because they are being asked to act in a civically responsible manner?  And yet, somehow, God knows why, these people are not fringe lunatics.  Can we trust the assessment, say, of a guy, that will not check to see if his positions are based on current and accurate information and whom put significant credence into information from sources that promote fringe lunitic positions?

Meanwhile, Ottawa police were investigating a fire at an apartment building that was apparently set by protesters. Matias Munoz said residents of the building south of Parliament Hill were already at their wits’ end Saturday night as the noise of the protest blared through their homes for the ninth night in a row.

When he came downstairs Sunday morning, Munoz said the carpet and floor were charred, and there were blackened fire-starter bricks strewn across the lobby.

Surveillance video showed two men light a package of the bricks in the lobby and tape or tie the front door handles together before leaving through a side door before dawn. The video also showed a different man entering the building and putting the fire out a short while later, Munoz said.

“Somebody trying to do something as insidious as taping the door shut so people can’t leave if there’s a fire in the main lobby — it’s terror, is what it is,″ Munoz said. … 4f372c38b6

Feb 07 22 10:16 pm Link



Posts: 4593

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

And my personal favorite right wing politician quote was from Ted Cruz.  Who positively gushed on TV about how the truckers in Ottawa were "defending America".

Not quite sure if he wanted Trudeau overthrown before he could order Canada's long planned "invasion of America", or something like that.   I'm afraid that the logic seems to get somewhat fuzzy.

But then again, he attacked Sesame Street's "Big Bird" over the Covid vaccines, so why not overthrow Canada?

Seems perfectly logical in this "alternative reality world" we seem to live in...

Feb 07 22 10:27 pm Link



Posts: 195

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

LightDreams wrote:
"(The Washington Post)  Wearing any kind of mask indoors is associated with significantly better protection from the coronavirus, with high-quality N95 and KN95 masks providing the best chance of avoiding infection, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Friday.

In indoor public settings, surgical masks reduce the chances of testing positive by 66 percent, the CDC estimated. Top-of-the-line N95 and KN95 masks, the tightfitting face coverings often worn by health-care workers, cut the odds of infection by 83 percent, the health agency said."


Two notes on the above:

- They also looked at cloth masks, but with the Delta variant "the findings were not statistically significant".

- The study was conducted just before Omicron took over.   As Omicron is more contagious it will likely affect those percentages.  But it's clear that it's even more important to consider the N95 or KN95 masks.

Ok, I'm just asking a question.  So the cloth masks don't work now.  I'm just curious, so the expert of experts Dr. Fauci who initially said they don't work, but later changed it that it worked, now we're back to not working, and although everyone I follow, every expert I've listened to for 2 years has been "they don't work" and Dr. Fauci who has been seen since mid 2020 sporting his cloth mask, didn't know for 2 years that it didn't work, or knew all along that it didn't but pushed for clowns to wear them anyway.  So the obvious question is...Is he incompetent or just can't stop lying???

Feb 08 22 07:57 am Link



Posts: 195

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

LightDreams wrote:
Some facts regarding the very "political" supposed anti-vaccine rules protest above.

So the Americans with their Confederate flags (many Canadians, especially the uneducated ones, don't even know what a Confederate flag looks like!), their Trump signs and their Nazi symbols, have now reached a new low...

Recorded on video, setting fire to a lobby of a neighboring apartment building and then running outside and sealing up the doors, trying to block anyone from escaping.   Fortunately their attempt to burn the place didn't succeed.

Between the FBI (investigating on the U.S. side) and the Canadians, they've identified the key organizers, mainly U.S. right wing extremists and White Supremacists, and have intercepted $9 million in funds from the U.S.

The locals have launched a class action suit against the group (they've been photographing the lawbreakers, which is how the FBI found it so easy to identify them).

Apparently, according to their American right wing forums where this was organized, it sounds like the groups were starting to get tired of "losing" and thought that they could just spend a few million dollars up in Canada and easily "bring down the Government".   A "quick and easy win".  Real brain scientists this lot!

While claiming that Trudeau "had fled the country", he was in Parliament, right next to the protesters, debating the opposition (in person, of course).  Yes, Canadian leaders actually have to answer questions in the house and debate the opposition over policy.  Can you imagine Trump trying that.  Hah!

These political geniuses DID cost one party leader his job.  The Conservative (right wing) leader who's only hope of winning a Canadian election was to move the party further towards the middle (Canadians will not vote for anything remotely like what the GOP has become).   Instead, he didn't strongly support these idiots, so some of his Parliament MPs made a move to dump him.   Liberals are all celebrating because presumably those Conservative MPs want someone who's further right wing, guaranteeing that the Liberals remain in power for many years to come.  Definitely a great development!

By the way, Governor DeSantis is livid that the U.S. funds were intercepted before getting to those on the ground in Ottawa and is demanding hearings.

The good news / bad news?  The groups are currently debating what's gone wrong (apparently they're actually surprised at the raid on their fuel supplies, the latest injunction barring them from honking, and the class action suit).  And, of course, the fact that everyone leaving the area (which has been sealed) is personally identified when they leave, unless they can prove that they live or work in the area.

SO...   Now they're talking about moving their protest back to the States, where they think they'll get more support.

And hopefully in an area where no one lives in apartments that some idiots may try and burn down / sealing up the escape exits.

Just asking questions again,  So what do you make of the 100s of videos that show the exact opposite of what your statements say here, you only need to go on instagram and search the hashtag #freedomconvoy2022 and thousands of photos and many videos showing literally the opposite of that, are the 100s of videos fake and the 1 of the one racist flag by what was described as undercover cop real? Is the video of one protester trying to stop someone from burning a flag, or the truck load of rocks the police left in hopes they used them are those fake too?  Are all the natives, black, muslims who joined them racist too?  I'm really curious to know. .

Feb 08 22 08:17 am Link



Posts: 195

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

OHH NO.  I might need to apologize to Lightdreams.  Look at these violent Nazis.  How could I have been so wrong?

Feb 08 22 08:26 am Link



Posts: 4593

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Globefunseekers wrote:
Ok, I'm just asking a question.  So the cloth masks don't work now.  I'm just curious, so the expert of experts Dr. Fauci who initially said they don't work, but later changed it that it worked, now we're back to not working, and although everyone I follow, every expert I've listened to for 2 years has been "they don't work" and Dr. Fauci who has been seen since mid 2020 sporting his cloth mask, didn't know for 2 years that it didn't work, or knew all along that it didn't but pushed for clowns to wear them anyway.  So the obvious question is...Is he incompetent or just can't stop lying???

Never quite sure if you honestly don't have any idea, or if you're just pretending / trolling.    Ignoring your false statements that Dr. Fauci is "incompetent / just can't stop lying".     More completely false misinformation, as usual.

Do you understand that there was the first version of the Covid virus, Alpha, which was far less contagious?   And during the initial medical mask shortage, cloth masks had a reduced, but still effective level of protection against Alpha?

Then we had the Delta variant which was far more powerful.  It took much less to get into your system than Alpha to infect you?   Reducing the effectiveness yet again of cloth masks?

And now we have Omicron, plus another new subvariant of it, which are much more contagious again.  At which point the cloth masks, which the health officials strongly recommend that you replace with something better, are no longer very useful.

This isn't brain surgery and you should have no problem understanding this.  It's really basic stuff.

So maybe you can demonstrate to everyone that you are actually capable of learning something about Covid.

Or are you STILL determined to completely hijack this thread and use it solely to discredit anything that might actually help people fend off Covid?   And will you ever stop using this site as a platform to promote all of your false claims and conspiracy theories???

Feb 08 22 08:41 am Link



Posts: 4593

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Globefunseekers wrote:
OHH NO.  I might need to apologize to Lightdreams.  Look at these violent Nazis.  How could I have been so wrong?

Please feel free to continue defending your people.  I notice that you've tried to change the story from "Nazis" to whether they're "violent Nazis" or not.

I've got news for you.  When you have to defend Nazis, confederate flags and racist placards as part of your campaign against Covid protections, well you're clearly on the wrong side.


Feb 08 22 08:54 am Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

Globefunseekers wrote:
Ok, I'm just asking a question.  So the cloth masks don't work now.  I'm just curious, so the expert of experts Dr. Fauci who initially said they don't work, but later changed it that it worked, now we're back to not working, and although everyone I follow, every expert I've listened to for 2 years has been "they don't work" and Dr. Fauci who has been seen since mid 2020 sporting his cloth mask, didn't know for 2 years that it didn't work, or knew all along that it didn't but pushed for clowns to wear them anyway.  So the obvious question is...Is he incompetent or just can't stop lying???

'In any case, I will no longer be replying to posts."

That didn't last long, now did it? Too good to be true.

And kudos for the insight into the conservative "mind." Rigid. Cast in cement. Impervious to new information. Antagonistic to change. Out of touch. Ignorant.

Feb 08 22 10:51 am Link



Posts: 195

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

LightDreams wrote:
Please feel free to continue defending your people.  I notice that you've tried to change the story from "Nazis" to whether they're "violent Nazis" or not.

I've got news for you.  When you have to defend Nazis, confederate flags and racist placards as part of your campaign against Covid protections, well you're clearly on the wrong side.


That's the only one, that picture has made it to every news organization you can think of, LOL. but it's just that one. hahaha.  I guess you never heard of a false flag.  I'd bet my finger that was a government employee or even a corporate media stooge who set that up to make the convoy look bad.   Someone would have to be a special kind of stupid to think that's not staged on purpose.

and FYI since you been lying about me, saying I'm defending that tool, I actually wish they had beaten him senseless and shoved that flag up his ass, I bet the news would be defending him then, and so would you.  But he would have deserved it, even if he is a cop.

Feb 08 22 11:14 am Link



Posts: 8866

Antioch, California, US

Globefunseekers wrote:
That's the only one, that picture has made it to every news organization you can think of, LOL. but it's just that one. hahaha.  I guess you never heard of a false flag.  I'd bet my finger that was a government employee or even a corporate media stooge who set that up to make the convoy look bad.   Someone would have to be a special kind of stupid to think that's not staged on purpose.

well--- maybe not the ONLY one-----

But- as usual for you you completely miss the point- You get your information from places like Bitchute or Odysee--- hotbeds of conspiracy nuts and Neo Nazi racists, white supremacists etc etc. Not just the fringe of society-- the dregs of society.

You defend Joe Rogan--- who is falling all over himself after being called out on his MANY overtly RACIST statements--- not to mention his anti vaccine bullshit.

You support nutjobs like Malone- who now is trying to say we are all hypnotized...

There may have originally been a small bunch of Truckers who protested the mandates, but that crowd is now funded by money from every right wing extremist group worldwide who could figure out how to send money....

{{{{ edit: OK, a bit of hyperbole on my part- sorry! Certainly not EVERY group is involved, but many are and they are sending donations....}}}}

but it is a waste of time talking to you- you are a conspiracy nut- facts mean nothing to you because you see conspiracy behind EVERYTHING...

As has been said MANY times---- you have a tight to your opinion---- YOU DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO YOUR ALTERNATE FACTS.---- or in other words---LIES

Feb 08 22 12:04 pm Link



Posts: 8866

Antioch, California, US

Globefunseekers wrote:
[...]in any case it looks like it was still true recently as project veritas reported.  [...]

as I just said----

"Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups. Project Veritas also uses entrapment to generate bad publicity for its targets, and has propagated disinformation and conspiracy theories in its videos and operations.

----- Wikipedia

Feb 08 22 12:17 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Globefunseekers wrote:
Ok, I'm just asking a question.  So the cloth masks don't work now.  I'm just curious, so the expert of experts Dr. Fauci who initially said they don't work, but later changed it that it worked, now we're back to not working, and although everyone I follow, every expert I've listened to for 2 years has been "they don't work" and Dr. Fauci who has been seen since mid 2020 sporting his cloth mask, didn't know for 2 years that it didn't work, or knew all along that it didn't but pushed for clowns to wear them anyway.  So the obvious question is...Is he incompetent or just can't stop lying???

Attempting to disguise misinformation as a question, does not make it not misinformation.   If the standard of care here is to avoid that misinformation which is readily disproven with an easy google search, then you should try doing a google search first, before you 'don't respond' to one of us.  There is nothing different about your question than the other things you have said regarding the subject.

Perhaps if you actually researched it, presented actual quotes chronologically, you would see the truth.  You won't do that, however, and you wouldn't see the truth because you will not see the truth.  Part of that is because you will grasp on to a misspoken or poorly explained, or even an incorrect response someone made, and no amount of contradictory information will be considered by you.  You have demonstrated that tactic repeatedly.

Feb 08 22 12:44 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Globefunseekers wrote:
Just asking questions again,  So what do you make of the 100s of videos that show the exact opposite of what your statements say here, you only need to go on instagram and search the hashtag #freedomconvoy2022 and thousands of photos and many videos showing literally the opposite of that, are the 100s of videos fake and the 1 of the one racist flag by what was described as undercover cop real? Is the video of one protester trying to stop someone from burning a flag, or the truck load of rocks the police left in hopes they used them are those fake too?  Are all the natives, black, muslims who joined them racist too?  I'm really curious to know. .

What exactly do these hundreds of videos prove that is the opposite of what is being said?  You didn't list anything specific.  Please list the specific falsehoods they prove as falsehoods.  For instance, do you have one video that shows an accurate count of all of the trucks involved?  Do have a compilation of videos that show all of the trucks involved?  Remember, there were videos when this things started that people pretended were related to the event and the videos were not.  They were lies promoted by your people.

The fact that there are hundreds of videos, in and of itself, isn't relative it you aren't specifying how they are proving different things.  Is it required to have a certain number of videos of something to prove it as fact?  If I capture a video of a shooting in the background of something I am filming, does it mean it didn't happen if there aren't 20 videos?  There was only one video of the Aubrey murder.  The jury was convinced it happened as a murder.

You said the "the one racist flag by what was described as undercover cop real?"  Are you saying a racist flag was an under cover cop?  Are you saying the flag was carried by an undercover cop?  Do you have any proof that the person carrying the flag was an undercover cop- which offers the possibility that the one guy in the crowd (only one according to you) was a false flag operation?  If he is a cop, then can you prove he was not there representing his own views?

Were cops arrested as part of the trump insurrection?  You, who doesn't believe anything that comes from the government, except when it suits your agenda, believes that no cops are racist?

Can you show where the people in the protest forced the racist flag guy out of their midst because they found his racist flag to be reprehensible and they did not wish to be associated with it? 

Does it mean that everyone in the crowd is racist because some are?  No.  Does it mean that everyone in the crowd condones racism?  No.  But what it does mean is that the racists are affixing themselves to the same people that you adhere to, and therefore, whether you are a racist or not, you are willing to stand with racists who are expressing racist ideals.  Therefore, you are associated with it. 

Do you understand that the groups you support often have various racist flags and that people are known for who they keep company with?  I will ask again, which political parties and political affiliations in the United States are most likely to have racists and anti-semites in their midsts?  Is it not the Republicans and libertarians and right wing fringe groups?  So, if you aren't coddling nazis and racists, when are you going to speak out against them in unequivocal terms?

Don't you associate everyone at a black lives matter protest to be associated with black lives matter?  And then you assign negative attributes to those people to further your agenda?

Can you prove cops left rocks hoping people would use them as weapons?  If someone threw a rock, is it the fault of the police if they did leave a truck load of rocks?  I see that people on both sides were arrested for throwing rocks.  So, what does that say other then those people are stupid and violent enough to throw rocks.

Have all the blacks, indigenous people and muslims that were there defended the racists that were there like you do?  I am curious how you mixed a religion in there with two racial identities.  Does that mean you associate racial attributes to a religion?  What your statement does prove is that YOU DO lump people together.

Feb 08 22 01:29 pm Link



Posts: 195

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

rfordphotos wrote:
well--- maybe not the ONLY one-----

But- as usual for you you completely miss the point- You get your information from places like Bitchute or Odysee--- hotbeds of conspiracy nuts and Neo Nazi racists, white supremacists etc etc. Not just the fringe of society-- the dregs of society.

You defend Joe Rogan--- who is falling all over himself after being called out on his MANY overtly RACIST statements--- not to mention his anti vaccine bullshit.

You support nutjobs like Malone- who now is trying to say we are all hypnotized...

There may have originally been a small bunch of Truckers who protested the mandates, but that crowd is now funded by money from every right wing extremist group worldwide who could figure out how to send money....

{{{{ edit: OK, a bit of hyperbole on my part- sorry! Certainly not EVERY group is involved, but many are and they are sending donations....}}}}

but it is a waste of time talking to you- you are a conspiracy nut- facts mean nothing to you because you see conspiracy behind EVERYTHING...

As has been said MANY times---- you have a tight to your opinion---- YOU DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO YOUR ALTERNATE FACTS.---- or in other words---LIES

That's the same guy. LOL.  Look at the flag, same exact one, just has it sideways rather than upwards.  Same "fuck trudeu" on top and the racist one in the bottom.  Not surprised you failed to notice tho.

Yes, I do support Joe Rogan.  Those attacks were by a left wing super pack organization, videos taken out of context. 
And Yes, Robert Malone is an expert who's actually got the science on the vaccine right from the beggining, when everyone tried to fool you saying it would stop you getting it and spreading it, he was saying it leaked and you would still get it and spread it.  I listen to the experts who get things right not the ones that say,  "the mask doesn't work"  "ok it works now"  "oopps sorry, it doesn't work again"

Feb 08 22 04:39 pm Link



Posts: 4593

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Yeah we know.  You think the intelligence reports of the White Supremacists forums discussing and advance planning the operation in Canada, are all fake.   "False Flag" operations, as you call it.  Because the White Supremacists and the Proud Boys would certainly NEVER carry Nazi Flags, or use Nazi symbols...

The latest fundraising channels used by the "Proud Boys", etc, are actually just "False Flag" operations.

The background images of the swastikas painted onto different surfaces were also "False Flag" operations.

The Confederate flags, the initial Trump support signs and the racist placards were also "False Flag" operations.

The three flags were all (apparently) carried by only one man who, you tell us, is actually a cop working to discredit the protesters as part of a "False Flag" operation.

The 80+ current Criminal Investigations due to the assaults, robbery of the food that was supposed to go to the homeless shelter, the attempted building fire, the smashed glass windows and, the assaults on the police officers by the crowd when they tried to get to the second fuel depot, were also ALL "False Flag" operations.

Absolutely EVERYTHING is a conspiracy, they are all actually perfectly wonderful, law abiding people who would never harm a fly.  They just like to happily celebrate with their horns 24 hours a day to keep all of the residence up for night after night.   You know, the ones suing them in the Class Action Suit due to the noise, the violence, the fear and intimidation and the damage to their buildings.  You know, for being such "wonderful" peaceful protesters.


I think that pretty well sums up your major "Covid Disinformation Campaign" for the day.

But YOU are happy.  You've turned MM into your personal platform once again for promoting conspiracies and dangerous lies.   And in record time.

Feb 08 22 04:50 pm Link



Posts: 195

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

rfordphotos wrote:

as I just said----

"Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups. Project Veritas also uses entrapment to generate bad publicity for its targets, and has propagated disinformation and conspiracy theories in its videos and operations.

----- Wikipedia

Funny how Wiipedia works when you agree with it.  Those allegations on Project Veritas have all been part of smear campaignes most of which had to print retractions, over 300 of them,  they even make videos pointing out every retraction as part of an ongoing joke on corporate media on their youtube channel, go look for yourself. You know who's not constantly getting sued to retract stories, Project veritas, because they publish the truth.

Feb 08 22 04:52 pm Link



Posts: 195

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:

What exactly do these hundreds of videos prove that is the opposite of what is being said?  You didn't list anything specific.  Please list the specific falsehoods they prove as falsehoods.  For instance, do you have one video that shows an accurate count of all of the trucks involved?  Do have a compilation of videos that show all of the trucks involved?  Remember, there were videos when this things started that people pretended were related to the event and the videos were not.  They were lies promoted by your people.

The fact that there are hundreds of videos, in and of itself, isn't relative it you aren't specifying how they are proving different things.  Is it required to have a certain number of videos of something to prove it as fact?  If I capture a video of a shooting in the background of something I am filming, does it mean it didn't happen if there aren't 20 videos?  There was only one video of the Aubrey murder.  The jury was convinced it happened as a murder.

You said the "the one racist flag by what was described as undercover cop real?"  Are you saying a racist flag was an under cover cop?  Are you saying the flag was carried by an undercover cop?  Do you have any proof that the person carrying the flag was an undercover cop- which offers the possibility that the one guy in the crowd (only one according to you) was a false flag operation?  If he is a cop, then can you prove he was not there representing his own views?

Were cops arrested as part of the trump insurrection?  You, who doesn't believe anything that comes from the government, except when it suits your agenda, believes that no cops are racist?

Can you show where the people in the protest forced the racist flag guy out of their midst because they found his racist flag to be reprehensible and they did not wish to be associated with it? 

Does it mean that everyone in the crowd is racist because some are?  No.  Does it mean that everyone in the crowd condones racism?  No.  But what it does mean is that the racists are affixing themselves to the same people that you adhere to, and therefore, whether you are a racist or not, you are willing to stand with racists who are expressing racist ideals.  Therefore, you are associated with it. 

Do you understand that the groups you support often have various racist flags and that people are known for who they keep company with?  I will ask again, which political parties and political affiliations in the United States are most likely to have racists and anti-semites in their midsts?  Is it not the Republicans and libertarians and right wing fringe groups?  So, if you aren't coddling nazis and racists, when are you going to speak out against them in unequivocal terms?

Don't you associate everyone at a black lives matter protest to be associated with black lives matter?  And then you assign negative attributes to those people to further your agenda?

Can you prove cops left rocks hoping people would use them as weapons?  If someone threw a rock, is it the fault of the police if they did leave a truck load of rocks?  I see that people on both sides were arrested for throwing rocks.  So, what does that say other then those people are stupid and violent enough to throw rocks.

Have all the blacks, indigenous people and muslims that were there defended the racists that were there like you do?  I am curious how you mixed a religion in there with two racial identities.  Does that mean you associate racial attributes to a religion?  What your statement does prove is that YOU DO lump people together.

You know for someone who writes so well, you seem to lack any understanding of basic things, and just go on and on about the same thing.  Let me school you on a short answer to the point.

If there's a BLM protest going on, and some nutjob shows up waving a Trump flag, it doesn't make it a Trump rally, it's still a BLM protest, with some nutjob waving a flag to get attention.  See using your brain is simple.

Feb 08 22 04:59 pm Link



Posts: 4593

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Post hidden on Feb 08, 2022 07:28 pm
Reason: not helpful

Feb 08 22 05:03 pm Link



Posts: 195

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
Fascinating isn't it?  Our colleague wants to imply that the protesters in Ottawa aren't fringe lunatics, racists, and whatever else we can justifiably call them, which means he supports the actions perpetrated by the two men who ignited fire starters in the lobby of an apartment building, at night, and taped the door handles to prevent the escape of people through the front doors.  I cannot imagine why someone who is sane would indicate that these men and the people that support them, as anything less the full fledged members in the fringe lunatic category.  What's next?  Blowing up churches and killing and maiming little girls that are inside?

The protesters are disrupting the lives of the people in the area and what are they protesting?  The disruption of their lives because they are being asked to act in a civically responsible manner?  And yet, somehow, God knows why, these people are not fringe lunatics.  Can we trust the assessment, say, of a guy, that will not check to see if his positions are based on current and accurate information and whom put significant credence into information from sources that promote fringe lunitic positions?

Meanwhile, Ottawa police were investigating a fire at an apartment building that was apparently set by protesters. Matias Munoz said residents of the building south of Parliament Hill were already at their wits’ end Saturday night as the noise of the protest blared through their homes for the ninth night in a row.

When he came downstairs Sunday morning, Munoz said the carpet and floor were charred, and there were blackened fire-starter bricks strewn across the lobby.

Surveillance video showed two men light a package of the bricks in the lobby and tape or tie the front door handles together before leaving through a side door before dawn. The video also showed a different man entering the building and putting the fire out a short while later, Munoz said.

“Somebody trying to do something as insidious as taping the door shut so people can’t leave if there’s a fire in the main lobby — it’s terror, is what it is,″ Munoz said. … 4f372c38b6

That's rich, "the protesters are disrupting the lives of people"  I'm pretty sure the lives of the protesters have been disrupted for the last 2 years for no reason at all.  But they are winning, and that's what matters.  Freedom always prevails.

Feb 08 22 05:04 pm Link



Posts: 195

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

Post hidden on Feb 08, 2022 07:29 pm
Reason: not helpful

Feb 08 22 05:08 pm Link



Posts: 195

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

Post hidden on Feb 08, 2022 07:29 pm
Reason: not helpful

Feb 08 22 05:11 pm Link



Posts: 4593

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

No, although you DO make me wonder on occasion whether you might be part of this so-called (and apparently massive) "False Flag" operation...

After all, has anyone else on here EVER done so much to make people with those kind of views look just so (I can't even find the words to adequately describe it).

You've done SO MUCH damage, almost single handedly, to the positions that you claim to represent, that it's really tough to tell.  Are you honestly that far gone in the Alt Reality world?  Or are you trying to make people with the views you claim to represent, all look just so stunningly "out there"?   Or do you just enjoy the trolling so much, that you'll do and say absolutely anything to get a response?  Whatever your motivations the results are the same.

Dangerous disinformation affecting the ACTUAL theme of this thread, which is the pandemic.  And trying to share useful information that can help keep people healthy, or at the very least, alive.   Despite all your attempts, hijackings and dangerous misinformation.

Feb 08 22 05:21 pm Link



Posts: 4593

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Post hidden on Feb 08, 2022 07:29 pm
Reason: not helpful

Feb 08 22 05:23 pm Link



Posts: 8866

Antioch, California, US


Feb 08 22 05:31 pm Link


Joe Tomasone

Posts: 12612

Spring Hill, Florida, US

Moderator Warning!
Keep this on topic and stop taking digs at each other.

Final warning before the briggings get serious.

Feb 08 22 07:30 pm Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

Globefunseekers wrote:
'...they even make videos pointing out every retraction as part of an ongoing joke on corporate media on their youtube channel, go look for yourself. You know who's not constantly getting sued to retract stories, Project veritas, because they publish the truth."

Your argument is almost as funny as the comedian "experts" you cite.

Project Veritas makes videos to prove their fake videos are not faked? HILARIOUS.😂😂😂

Feb 08 22 08:04 pm Link



Posts: 195

Elizabeth, New Jersey, US

LightDreams wrote:
No, although you DO make me wonder on occasion whether you might be part of this so-called (and apparently massive) "False Flag" operation...

After all, has anyone else on here EVER done so much to make people with those kind of views look just so (I can't even find the words to adequately describe it).

You've done SO MUCH damage, almost single handedly, to the positions that you claim to represent, that it's really tough to tell.  Are you honestly that far gone in the Alt Reality world?  Or are you trying to make people with the views you claim to represent, all look just so stunningly "out there"?   Or do you just enjoy the trolling so much, that you'll do and say absolutely anything to get a response?  Whatever your motivations the results are the same.

Dangerous disinformation affecting the ACTUAL theme of this thread, which is the pandemic.  And trying to share useful information that can help keep people healthy, or at the very least, alive.   Despite all your attempts, hijackings and dangerous misinformation.

I'm not a False flag.  But for the first time you do make a fair point, I don't show that I too understand the other side of this.  I actually try to view things from different sides, problem these days is the majority of so called trusted sources have been discredited.  I do try to point out that it's now the people who are the news, and you're better informed if you just listen to those people.  That includes you by the way.  So for those living in Ottawa and want a fair exchange, here's a video from a live stream, that interviews the counter protest.

Feb 08 22 08:23 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Globefunseekers wrote:
That's rich, "the protesters are disrupting the lives of people"  I'm pretty sure the lives of the protesters have been disrupted for the last 2 years for no reason at all.  But they are winning, and that's what matters.  Freedom always prevails.

I see.  So you are okay with me coming by your house all night and you will cheerfully accept me, and many friends, blowing loud horns, lighting fireworks, and during the day, interfering with your business.  Someone igniting your residence or business on fire is just part of your day, right?  Your neighbors won't mind a bit because they understand how important it is to educate you and they will gladly give up sleep for days on end even though they have nothing to do with the discussion.  What was it you were saying about using your brain?

Not one of those protesters has been subject to any inconvenience that the people that aren't protesting haven't been subject to, except the inconveniences they have brought on themselves by being turds.  In the process they are also inconveniencing others, but not a single protester is inconvenience by someone wearing a mask or getting vaccinated.  The antis can't make that claim.

You are not promoting freedom.  Freedom has responsibilities.  Freedom requires giving up freedom for the sake of the freedom of the society. You are promoting selfishness and anarchy. 

Despite the criminal activity, potentially deadly activity, and documented harassing done by the protesters against people that have no ability to give the protesters what they want, I notice that you did not condemn a single action of the protestors.  In fact, you defend them by dismissing the negative aspects of their actions.  That is also how you defend the racists in your ranks.

Feb 08 22 09:03 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Globefunseekers wrote:
You know for someone who writes so well, you seem to lack any understanding of basic things, and just go on and on about the same thing.  Let me school you on a short answer to the point.

If there's a BLM protest going on, and some nutjob shows up waving a Trump flag, it doesn't make it a Trump rally, it's still a BLM protest, with some nutjob waving a flag to get attention.  See using your brain is simple.

The problem with your analogy is that you want to take an established pattern of behavior, behavior that has been repeated ad nauseam over a period of many years to the point of it being normal and expected, and make it into an equivalency for a one off hypothetical event, which can be described literally as a false flag operation.  Where as, there is nothing false about the representation and acceptance of racism in your ranks.  There have been numerous examples of trump and his followers using racist language, memes, intimidation, violence, and other actions.  trump has aligned himself with racists and accepted racist among his ranks from the beginning.  It appears that you do not understand the difference between tolerating, welcoming, accepting someone into your group, and having a trouble maker excercising his freedom to be an ass, attempting to interfere with other people.  What were you saying about the simple use of your brain?

trump has had counter protesters removed from his meetings.  He publicly demeans them and about everyone else he disagrees with.  But trump, Republicans and Libertarians don't remove racists from their meetings.  trump, doesn't condemn the carrying of racist symbols.  trump doesn't publicly discuss the other side of the argument regarding the display of southern insurrection memorabilia, but openly endorses honoring people that fought a war and divided this nation over the issue of enslaving people because of their race.  To keep this on topic, I must point out that same cretins are the ones protesting in Ottawa and elsewhere because they chose made up crap and misinformation over the truth, as you do, regrading covid-19, the vaccines, and efforts to save lives.  trump, which for the sake of these comments, is representative of you and all the other anti-vaxxers, anti-freedom, anti-society people,

I reject the notion that saying something silly, as you did, and keeping it short and essentially thoughtless, is a good way to communicate.  Nor is it an effective method for in engaging in debate.  You may wish to consider that a well developed and supported point is much harder to dispute and the childish responses people (you) ultimately use as come backs, and those come backs just make the responder (you) look bad.  I see no objective reason for lowering myself to your well established standards of posting or thinking.

Since your argument failed, I hope you were able to learn something and that you might dedicate some time to developing thoughtful answers in the future and improving the quality of the debate. 

You may notice that in important writings like a judge's ruling, a doctoral thesis, or even a decent high school term paper, they are not written according to the suggestions you made.  For instance, in the post you responded to, your previous arguments were dismembered and cast aside, and this, the latest of your petulant antics, was all you could come up with to support your previously stated illogical and unsupported claims and positions?  You understand that you conceded every point I made with your inane response?

Feb 08 22 09:29 pm Link