Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Martha's Vineyard, 50 Immigrants, $12,000,000


John Silva Photography

Posts: 591

Fairfield, California, US

$12 million is a lot of tax payers $$ just to pull off a publicity stunt to get the adoration of a bunch of confederate waving racists.
It's not like DeSantes is using his own money but what a waste! That works out to $240,000 for each man, woman and child just to send them to MV as a prank.
Imagine if rather than be the consummate brain-dead asshole that DeSantes is, he actually got the advice of someone with an actual brain and had used the money to buy each family a house, put those old enough through college, paid for childcare and put both parents through a tech school to teach them a skill/career? You know, the old saying, "give a man a fish and he can feed his family for a day, teach him to fish and he can feed his family for a lifetime"!
Why are conservatives so STUPID???
Or do you think DeSantes did the right thing to send the immigrants to a Sanctuary State just to make a point? Could this stunt possibly come back to bite DeSantes on the ASS?
How could the $12 million be better spent to help alleviate the situation?

Sep 15 22 11:17 pm Link


Red Sky Photography

Posts: 3898

Germantown, Maryland, US

A little context might help. It's clear that the money came from a 12 million dollar fund that Florida set aside. It's unclear exactly how much was spent on this particular stunt.

It is horrible that Desantis is using Florida funds to send legal immigrants from Texas to any other place without telling those people where they are going. It has been reported that some were told that jobs were waiting for them at their destination. Very cruel to use these poor people to score points with his base.

Sep 16 22 06:19 am Link



Posts: 3321

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

John Silva Photography wrote:
$12 million is a lot of tax payers $$ just to pull off a publicity stunt to get the adoration of a bunch of confederate waving racists.
It's not like DeSantes is using his own money but what a waste! That works out to $240,000 for each man, woman and child just to send them to MV as a prank.
Imagine if rather than be the consummate brain-dead asshole that DeSantes is, he actually got the advice of someone with an actual brain and had used the money to buy each family a house, put those old enough through college, paid for childcare and put both parents through a tech school to teach them a skill/career? You know, the old saying, "give a man a fish and he can feed his family for a day, teach him to fish and he can feed his family for a lifetime"!
Why are conservatives so STUPID???
Or do you think DeSantes did the right thing to send the immigrants to a Sanctuary State just to make a point? Could this stunt possibly come back to bite DeSantes on the ASS?
How could the $12 million be better spent to help alleviate the situation?

Setting aside all the political crap, are the immigrants better off being in Martha's Vineyard and the surrounding areas or are they better off in Florida? Where would you rather be? Shouldn't we concentrate on what's best for them?

Sep 16 22 06:42 am Link



Posts: 217

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Znude! wrote:
Setting aside all the political crap, are the immigrants better off being in Martha's Vineyard and the surrounding areas or are they better off in Florida? Where would you rather be? Shouldn't we concentrate on what's best for them?

No, because Martha's Vineyard is a small island which can be empty most of the year.

Sep 16 22 08:36 am Link



Posts: 3321

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Aisbarika wrote:

No, because Martha's Vineyard is a small island which can be empty most of the year.

How far from there would they have to travel from MV to be in a place that is hospitable to immigrants? Surely they would be closer to a good place than had they been left in Texas or Florida. You wouldn't want them stuck in some conservative hell hole would you?

Sep 16 22 09:37 am Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

What we are witnessing is nothing more than craven cult party governors vying for the title "The Next Trump" who will inherit  the MAGAt human centipede. Which ass will the centipede choose? The most vile, of course.



Sep 16 22 10:31 am Link



Posts: 8866

Antioch, California, US

Am I reading all this correctly?

FLORIDA Gov. Ron DeSantis spent FLORIDA taxpayer's cash to send immigrants who crossed into TEXAS to Martha's Vineyard?

Not immigrants in FLORIDA--- immigrants in TEXAS.

I hate the politics of the voters in Florida who elected that scumbag----but it seems to me even THEY should have some concern about THEIR cash being spent to "benefit" TEXAS citizens not FLORIDIANS......

Sep 16 22 11:14 am Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

rfordphotos wrote:
Am I reading all this correctly?

FLORIDA Gov. Ron DeSantis spent FLORIDA taxpayer's cash to send immigrants who crossed into TEXAS to Martha's Vineyard?

These were mainly legal asylum seekers from Venezuela,  which last I checked does not border Florida, so apparently yes. 

Now EVERYONE, note that peak hurricane season is approaching so start saving now to donate millions in disaster relief to bail out Florida and Texas. Again. Maybe states this time could return the favor and send immigrants to help dig out Texans and Floridians from the devastation they usually suffer this time of year. I'm sure MAGAts deSantis and Abbott would be happy to pay for their transportation and housing.

Sep 16 22 12:09 pm Link



Posts: 217

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Znude! wrote:

How far from there would they have to travel from MV to be in a place that is hospitable to immigrants? Surely they would be closer to a good place than had they been left in Texas or Florida. You wouldn't want them stuck in some conservative hell hole would you?

31 miles over the sea, to get to mainland massachussetts.
I'm not sure how Massachusetts treats its immigrant population, so I can't tell.

Sep 16 22 01:37 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

John Silva Photography wrote:
$12 million is a lot of tax payers $$ just to pull off a publicity stunt to get the adoration of a bunch of confederate waving racists.
It's not like DeSantes is using his own money but what a waste! That works out to $240,000 for each man, woman and child just to send them to MV as a prank.
Imagine if rather than be the consummate brain-dead asshole that DeSantes is, he actually got the advice of someone with an actual brain and had used the money to buy each family a house, put those old enough through college, paid for childcare and put both parents through a tech school to teach them a skill/career? You know, the old saying, "give a man a fish and he can feed his family for a day, teach him to fish and he can feed his family for a lifetime"!
Why are conservatives so STUPID???
Or do you think DeSantes did the right thing to send the immigrants to a Sanctuary State just to make a point? Could this stunt possibly come back to bite DeSantes on the ASS?
How could the $12 million be better spent to help alleviate the situation?

Znude! wrote:
Setting aside all the political crap, are the immigrants better off being in Martha's Vineyard and the surrounding areas or are they better off in Florida? Where would you rather be? Shouldn't we concentrate on what's best for them?

I think the point is that the 3 southern governors (DeSantis, Abbott, Ducey. (See Ducey's hypocritical statement on Hispanic Heritage Month [5]) that are doing this, are doing it to make political points and showing the rest of us how cruel and vindictive they are.  Nearly everyone who has a modicum of knowledge about the border system, knows the immigration system is broken.  Therefore, I have to wonder why the Republican showboaters didn't do this during the trump administration?  At the end of his term, yeah, we had the wait in Mexico policy.  What about before that?  And Biden, like it or not, had no legal choice but to undo the wait in Mexico policy when it was no longer justified (if it ever was justified) by the public health emergency.  (If Covid was not a public health crisis in Republican states, then why would it be a public health crises for immigrants to come? (Not specifically asking Knude. Anyone?))

"Leaders of those cities have complained that the busing is overwhelming their city services, particularly because Texas is not coordinating with them or giving them advance notice of when buses will arrive."  [1]

I have to believe that the federal government contributes big bucks to the border states to deal with immigration.  Ignoring protocols and channels by sticking people on a bus or 2 private, chartered airplanes and sending them somewhere, where the government where they are going may not even know they are coming, is malfeasance.  These Republican acts of ignorance aren't proving anything except that (1) the southern governors in charge in those states are nasty, un-christian people.  And (2) the people in the North are able to rise to the occasion.  Much like they did in the years following succession when the North slowly, but surely, ended up kicking southern ass.

"Bowser said the city will seek reimbursement from the federal government for its new migrant program. Abbott has criticized the city mayors for seeking federal help." [1]  Abbott's reaction seems political and it is really a shit-headed, un-christian kind of thing to do.  Immigration is a federal problem.  It is unreasonable to assume that Texas and the other "un-christian" states that are taking this action, are not using federal dollars to do it.  All those deadhead Republican governors are doing is forcing a reallocation of federal dollars.  Federal dollars that their states are contributing, as well.

Abbotts office complained, “Instead of fearmongering and complaining about a few thousand migrants in her sanctuary city, Mayor Bowser should call on President Biden to do his job and secure the border—something the President continues failing to do.” [1] The problem with that approach is that it is not Biden's job.  The responsibility belongs to Congress and the Republicans in Congress could introduce reasonable and effective solutions that do not involve requiring the United States to break treaties to address the problem.  However, like in many other situations, the Republicans feel they are more effective by not solving problems and blocking solutions, because fearmongering and constant belly aching is about all that a party without ideas or morality is capable of doing.

It is important to note that various teachings of Christ go against the attitudes of those "good" Christians down there.  Note that in the story about the good samaritan, it was the people full of false piety- the religious scholars and leaders that failed the test.  [2] They chose to define who their neighbors was as narrowly as possible to avoid responsibility and to manifest hate. 

"There are countless modern parallels to the Jewish-Samaritan enmity—indeed, wherever peoples are divided by racial and ethnic barriers. Perhaps that’s why the Gospels and Acts provide so many instances of Samaritans coming into contact with the message of Jesus. It is not the person from the radically different culture on the other side of the world that is hardest to love, but the nearby neighbor whose skin color, language, rituals, values, ancestry, history, and customs are different from one’s own." [3]

Also, the scriptures are clear about how to treat people, even those from other lands. There are many more and these and several others can be found here: [4]. The words in the scripture should make any Christian have doubts about the righteousness of the political right and these words certainly illustrate the hypocritical actions of those Governors as they attempt to force a theocracy based on a false religion (their brand of Christianity) upon the nation.

Leviticus 19:34
"You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God."

1 Peter 4:9
"Show hospitality to one another without grumbling."

Matthew 25:40
"And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’"

Deuteronomy 10:19
"Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt."

[1] … emergency/
[2] … ersion=NIV
[3] … samaritans
[5] … tage-month

Sep 16 22 08:59 pm Link


John Silva Photography

Posts: 591

Fairfield, California, US

So let me help tie all these loose ends together. What is the difference between the southern governed states and California(my state)? Lets start with CA also shares a border with MEX.  Lets also note that CA has MORE Hispanics than ANY of the other southern states including Tx and Fl! Did you hear Jerry Brown whining about a border problem? Do you hear Newsom whining about a border problem? What have those 16 million Hispanics in CA done for CA? Do you think they suck the welfare system dry? If you said yes you don't live here or are very naive. In CA I've never seen a Hispanic begging for money on a corner. What those 16 million Hispanics have done for CA is drive it's economy to be the 5th largest economy in the world, just behind Germany. Maybe those racist states should take note. Maybe if they could figure out how to harness the power of their immigrants they could have economies that rival CA, rather than pulling stunts and crying like retarded babies because they can't manage their new workforce to their own benefits. Those Immigrants aren't coming to beg, they're coming to WORK, so give them jobs! Unless you're an idiot like the big orange clown and want to use scare tactics like they're all rapist and gang bangers just because they're not all orange and born with silver spoons in they're asses.
Those southern governors need to fill their scrotums with something a bit bigger than they currently have and govern their states effectively. They need to come to CA and takes some lessons from Newsom. Newsom will be president long before any of those southern clowns that have no answers. Unless you think spending $12,000,000 on 50 immigrants is an answer!

Sep 16 22 10:32 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Does anyone doubt the racist attitudes of the South in 1962?  I don't remember this, nor have I heard of it as an adult- but it demonstrates the expression, the more things change the more they stay the same.  The south is still controlled by racists.

It is also interesting to read about the musings of the Southerners involved in the current plot.  "liberal outrage, conservative glee."  Good policy and programs are not considered because owning the libs is paramount.

Every step DeSantis and his cohorts take illustrate their depravity. … index.html

It is time for the GOOD people of the south to kick the racsists out of office.

Sep 17 22 12:04 pm Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
Does anyone doubt the racist attitudes of the South in 1962?  I don't remember this, nor have I heard of it as an adult- but it demonstrates the expression, the more things change the more they stay the same.  The south is still controlled by racists.

It is also interesting read about the musings of the Southerners involved in the current plot.  "liberal outrage, conservative glee."  Good policy and programs are not considered because owing the libs is paramount.

Every step DeSantis and his cohorts take illustrate their depravity. … index.html

It is time for the GOOD people of the south to kick the racsists out of office.

Better to ask if the racist attitudes of the South in 1862 resemble the racist, "states' rights" attitudes of 2022. Seems the Civil War changed very little, in the end.

Sep 17 22 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

It's the same old extreme rightwing playbook.  You have to have "someone to hate" to rile up your base...

Whether it's those "evil" immigrants, women who actually want to be able to control their own bodies, gays who "dare" to want to marry the ones that they love, or those mythical "liberals" who are going send in the army, going "door to door" to "confiscate everyone's guns".

Now, of course, it's those evil "satanic worshipping pedophiles" that run "sex trafficking operations",  (i.e. the Democrats).   

They ALWAYS have to have someone to "hate", real or imagined.   It's pretty f*cked up...

Sep 17 22 12:27 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

What these Southern Governors are doing is mimicking the "Reverse Freedom Rides" of the early 1960s.  Sending busloads of people north to destinations, including the summer home community of the Kennedy family in the 1960s, parallels with the action to send busloads of people to the home of VP Harris and planeloads to Martha's Vineyard.  Surely it is reasonable to lie to people that jobs and housing are waiting at places that are not expecting people and are not set up to provide jobs and housings- but such is the level of depravity of the Republican party that they are telling the same lies in 2022 that were used in the 1960s. 

Of course the term "Reverse Freedom Ride" implies there was also a Freedom Ride.  Since I wasn't aware of these things in the days when I was in kindergarten, or about that age, I have had to read about the history.

Freedom rides were meant to fight discrimination and Jim Crow when young people put their lives on the line to ride buses into the south and use facilities that were reserved for whites only.  The original efforts, in 1947- yeah, 1947, were interracial bus rides across state lines to test "a Supreme Court decision that declared segregation on interstate buses unconstitutional." In the 1960s, Freedom Rides were testing "an Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) ban on segregation in all facilities under their jurisdiction," was part of the motivation.

The riders in the 60s were met by white mobs, fire bombs, ruthless beatings and arrests across the south, as police turned their backs on the violence and also encouraged the violence. 

"The Freedom Riders famously encountered frequent and brutal backlash from local residents and law enforcement officials, who deployed terrorism and illegal arrests and imprisonment. The Freedom Rides, still in force a year later, proved a costly embarrassment to Southern elected officials and business leaders, who saw the region’s violent lawlessness splashed across papers around the world." [2]

"When an angry mob held a group of Black worshipers hostage inside the First Baptist Church in Montgomery, Ala., the columnist Murray Kempton captured popular opinion in the North and beyond when he caustically remarked, “These are proud, brave and faithful people and some of them even found time to worry about the wives of pillars of the White Citizens’ Councils who were in danger of having to cook their own breakfasts in the morning.”"[2]

Subsequently, white segregationist groups developed the plan of Reverse Freedom Rides, hoping to uncover the hypocrisy of those in the north.  Another parallel with what the southern governors are doing. 

"By busing thousands of Black Southerners to Northern communities, the Citizens’ Council could bring the civil rights movement home to the North. Northern whites, he surmised, were no more interested in sharing their towns and suburbs with Black people than were Southern whites. It was with this sentiment in mind that the Mississippi House of Representatives passed a nonbinding resolution that proposed to “redistribute [the] dissatisfied Negro population to other areas where the political leadership constantly clamors for equal rights for all persons without regard to the constitution, judicial precedent and rights of the states.”" [2]

It is illustrative of the duplicity of the Republican party that they took a tactic to counter people who were struggling to be able to enjoy their rights as American citizens, any where in the country, when those rights were not available to them because of the color of their skin, and the governors resurrected the racist tactic to make political points in 2022 without regard to the people they are manipulating.

"But for the most part, Northerners pointed to the Reverse Freedom Rides as yet another example of the South’s deplorability. It was “a cheap trafficking in human misery on the part of Southern racists,” the New York Times editorialized. The governor of Ohio likened it to “Hitler and his Nazis forcing Jews out of Germany.” Northern senators denounced the White Citizens’ Councils as “cruel and callous,” and demonstrating a “shameful lack of judgement.” When asked to weigh in, President John F. Kennedy, normally restrained in his condemnation of the white South, responded that “it’s a rather cheap exercise.”" [2]

"Even many white Southern civic leaders joined the chorus of criticism. The Richmond Times-Dispatch rued that “we shall be open to the imputation that we are not concerned with human problems, but rather with propaganda.” In Little Rock, the Arkansas Gazette argued that the scheme had “never been condoned by the better thinking people here” and argued that “these people” — Black community members — “are our responsibility, unless they choose to leave on their own initiative.” In New Orleans, a popular radio program denounced the campaign as “sick sensationalism bordering on moronic.”"[2]

One would have to consider that the Republican governors impugning their reputations and the reputations of their states, had not considered the negative recriminations of the 60s would also be revisited today.  They are wrong and demonstrably deplorable people.

Among what I read, and for the purpose of this post, my source was: … terminals.
also: [2] … s-00057339

If you would like to know more about these events in the 1960s, both of these could be a good place to start.

How does anyone who considers themselves a Republican in these days, not feel their skin crawl as the Republican leadership rolls out all these racists and fascist tropes?  The south certainly has not come very far in developing human decency if these are the people they select to lead them.

Sep 18 22 04:36 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

This sage is less in the news now that trump is getting his assed kicked in court the last couple of days.  But there are still some interesting things going on.  A sheriff inTexas is investigating the Martha's Vineyard flight to see if laws were broken.  I believe he will find broken laws.  The migrants, having obtained willing and able legal representation, have filed a federal suit against DeSantis and at least one of his Florida cronies.

Among the possible criminal charges would be kidnapping.  There is already talk of DeSantis being "above" the law regarding kidnapping charges because no one would charge a sitting governor with such crimes.  Of course, we can hope that the good people of Florida out vote the bad people of Florida and change the gubernatorial status of DeSantis this November.

I was also curious as to how some of the "usual suspects" would distort the law regarding this nauseating bit of deceit and trickery the Republican party leadership is now condoning.  (Not that they have, in recent memory, ever been unwilling to embark on deceitful and dishonest endeavors.)  Consequently, I looked up what was going on with the right's repulsive constitutional law scholar, who is consistently willing to mischaracterize laws for the benefit of the most dishonest people on the right.   Our colleagues hero, Jonathan Turley, has, not unexpectedly, chimed in and managed to disregard some parts of the law.

Here is a reference to surmise Turley's willful and purposeful ignorance on the matter as he continues to submerge his reputation in the rankest of sewer sludge. … for-shame/

Sep 22 22 07:06 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Do we know yet how much money it cost to move those 48 men, women and children from Texas to Marta's Vineyard.

The estimated cost is $460,000 to $615,000. … estimates/

We do not know how many state employees or contractors of Texas and Florida were involved to get this off the ground.  The cost mentioned above most likely do not count the costs to bamboozle the people onto the plane or what Massachusetts had to pay to put together resources to care for the people and then move them to mainland to house and care for them. Massachusetts' cost included activating 125 National Guards and providing an additional flight.  Because DeSantis and Abbot do these things so they can take conservative glee in harming others, we can be assured that Massachusetts endured additional costs because of the last minute nature of the, most likely, criminal pranks, because we all know that doing things the last minute cost more than when they are well planned in advance.

Now we know that we will be adding the costs of lawyers, court costs, and, most likely, some judgements to the cost.  At this rate, Florida's allotment of 12 million to move legal immigrants to other places as political stunts will be deleted quickly.  But hey, it is taxpayer money, right?  Who cares about wasting taxpayer money?  Certainly not Republicans.

And then there is this: … -rcna48627

Sep 22 22 07:52 pm Link


John Silva Photography

Posts: 591

Fairfield, California, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
Do we know yet how much money it cost to move those 48 men, women and children from Texas to Marta's Vineyard.

The estimated cost is $460,000 to $615,000. … estimates/

No, we don't know the costs as the actual contracts to the airline has not been disclosed. I did read that the charter airline received DOUBLE what the ordinary rates would be. Lots of shady ties between the charter company and the state of Florida akin to a kickback.
And there are all the cost involved with getting it off the ground, as have mentioned. I'm the extended costs will come out since there is a class action suite filed and the court i'm sure will need to have all the #'s in order to access damages.
The 12 mil was apparently the the money apportioned by the Florida legislature to move undocumented illegal migrants but these were NOT in Texas illegally, so lots of questions still remain about the legality of such an action. It seems that it was more akin to human trafficking and public money fraud which are both likely illegal in every state!

Sep 22 22 11:17 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US … f-a-crime/


Texas Sheriff Javier Salazar on Thursday certified that the group of migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., last month by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) were victims of a crime, qualifying them to obtain a visa.

Salazar, the Bexar County sheriff, submitted certification documents that will allow the nearly 50 migrants to apply for U visas, which grant crime victims nonimmigrant status in the U.S. to ensure that they are available as witnesses during investigations or trials.

The certification comes a day after the Department of the Treasury announced that it would investigate DeSantis’s usage of COVID-19 relief money and the “allowability” of funding migrant transportation with that money or interest earned on it.

“These certifications will ensure that the migrants can continue to help our law enforcement officials, and that they will be able to process and heal from the incredibly traumatic experiences they have suffered as a result of the cruel, heartless acts committed against them.”

The migrants have also filed a class action lawsuit against DeSantis based on allegations of “fraud” and “misrepresentation.”

“Defendants manipulated them, stripped them of their dignity, deprived them of their liberty, bodily autonomy, due process and equal protection under law, and impermissibly interfered with the Federal Government’s exclusive control over immigration in furtherance of an unlawful goal and a personal political agenda,” reads the lawsuit, referring to its plaintiffs. … y-00061370


The Treasury Department is examining Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ migrant transports and whether the Republican governor improperly used money connected to Covid-19 aid to facilitate the flights.

The agency’s inspector general’s office confirmed to several members of Massachusetts’s Democratic congressional delegation that it planned “to get this work underway as soon as possible” to probe Florida’s spending as part of ongoing audits into how states have used the billions in sent to them as part of the American Rescue Plan, according to a letter provided by Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey’s office.

Florida did not directly use federal Covid-19 funds to transport the migrants. But state legislators earlier this year directed that $12 million in interest earned off Covid-19 aid be used to pay for the transport of “unauthorized aliens from this state.” So far, Florida paid a Panhandle-based company $1.56 million to fly migrants but DeSantis has vowed to continue transporting them to Blue strongholds.

Oct 14 22 06:30 am Link


Tony From Syracuse

Posts: 2503

Syracuse, New York, US

I applaud Desantis and his brilliant.....I dont know...ploy?......prank? not sure. either way, you cant get democrats to get worked up about hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants streaming thru our border any other time ...unless...they literally ...are walking on their vacation hot spot lawns...then its......

RED ALERT...... the cost to the American tax payer!  if thats what it takes for you to see the upcoming "NYC style state of emergency" regarding immigrants and their impact on states in the future, its money well spent. Hey....
I can make it easy... just imagine the immigrants are like global warming! hey man don't be a denier. a tipping point is coming!

maybe if the financially incompetent nincompoops you lot voted in worried about such things BEFORE the immigrant express they wouldnt be about to be booted out on their bony butts.    the American tax payers have seen you lot couldnt be trusted to run the finances for a ARBY's let alone a country.

Oct 14 22 05:27 pm Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Tony's really getting into a "one trick pony" rut.

Anyone else notice that no matter what the issue is, his posts come down to "the Democrats are going to be tossed out for incompetence on the economy".

WHY does Tony keep changing the subject (no matter what it is) to repeatedly saying the one same message over and over?   He REALLY doesn't want people thinking about anything else at election time.

You know, Trump's moves to overthrow Democracy backed by a remarkable cross section of Republican politicians, or Abortion / the massive Restrictions on Women being Imposed by Republicans all over the country, or Republican's dramatic moves around the country to try and restrict Americans from voting (the non-Republican voting demographic groups).

You know.  This consistent pattern of Republican's working to restricting everyone's core rights, as THEY want to be the "Deciders" of what everyone else should be allowed to do.

So, no matter the issue, Tony wants you to ONLY think about the value of his stock market holdings.  Period.  EVEN THIS thread about DeSantis's flying immigrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard under false pretenses.

Oct 14 22 05:55 pm Link


Tony From Syracuse

Posts: 2503

Syracuse, New York, US

You are showing the prime example why democrats are considered out of touch. 
you basically are saying...."all the voters want to do is complain about the economy!"

what would you rather talk about? billions of dollars in military weaponry in the hands of our enemies?
as usual immigrants streaming in by the thousands? the homeless encampments popping up everywhere?
the insanity of the mentally ill woke policies?

when voters fill out their ballot....they wont be thinking about any of the latter. its all about the former.
money for dinner, investments, gas, the lowest denominator is what life is. everything else is abstract

Oct 14 22 06:07 pm Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Okay Tony, so you are absolutely determined to hijack every single thread, regardless of the topic, to your one single message.

I certainly understand why you desperately need to do so.   And I also note that in the other thread how carefully you completely ignored so many core economic indicators where Biden is SERIOUSLY outperforming Trump.

But yes, as we've covered before, inflation is a serious worldwide problem.  Especially due to oil (transportation costs of almost everything) and oil shortages with the embargo on Russia and OPEC's moves to help Russia.  It's a really serious worldwide problem.  And the (independent) Fed's move to depress your stocks, etc, by pushing their fight on inflation via interest rates definitely hurts (and no, I am not a fan).  Still, I'd note Biden's current strong economic numbers on GDP Growth, Job Growth and the tremendous Jump in the Value of the American Dollar.  All economic indicators that Trump could only dream of...


Now how about you ACTUALLY stick to the appropriate thread?  Where this was already well covered previously?   You know, before you HIJACKED this completely unrelated thread to try and start your same old argument here as well.

Oct 14 22 06:25 pm Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

Tony From Syracuse wrote:
I applaud Desantis and his brilliant.....I dont know...ploy?......prank? not sure. .

Let me help you out. It was a clumsy, mean spirited stunt. Giving a cult party donor's aviation firm a windfall of taxpayer money, Little Gov Pudgy had legal asylum seekers (NOT illegal immigrants) lied to and conned, -  promised nonexistant jobs, housing, and resettlement, and didnt even have the decency to inform the targeted location, which, BTW WELCOMED completely without warning the victimized men, women and children looking to escape horrendous home conditions. Pretty shabby treatment by a shabby trump manque.

THAT is what you applaud.

As to the rest of your "post", its just you frothing at the mouth. As usual.

Oct 14 22 06:26 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Yes, Tony.  Maybe in the 2022 election cycle the Democrats will lose their majority.  Or 2024.  Yes Tony, many people are only concerned about the value of their investments and many people believe all the lies and garbage that you do.  Many people don't want solutions, only mayhem and they are aligned with you lot..

We are all aware the immigration system in this country is dysfunctional.  When the Republicans had a majority in the house, a majority in Senate, and a Republican imbecile in the White House, why wasn't the immigration system fixed?  It is because the Republicans are incompetent and because they have no real policy agenda.  Just like you do not advance solutions.   Nor do the Republicans.  Your discussion technique is to use empty taunts and childish pranks like DeSantis did.

The problem with what DeSantis did is not that he highlighted the immigration problem.  He also highlighted the immorality of the Republican party. (As you do, also.)  He highlighted the willingness DeSantis has to break the laws of the United States.  He highlighted that Republicans are still willing to ignore human decency.  (As you do, also.)

You are right, the cost is a factor.  Just as the cost for trump's ineffective vanity wall was.  So, how much good could DeSantis have done if he spent 1.6 million dollars to help people instead of 1.6 million dollar to move less than 50 people from Texas to Florida?  How much more will the lawsuits and criminal investigations cost?  But that waste of money you lot care nothing about.

In another portion of your petulant post for the day, you are still harping on the military equipment that trump left in Afghanistan?  Did you read the news yesterday?  "President Donald Trump ordered a rapid withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Somalia in the wake of his 2020 election loss, but senior officials never followed through on the plan, according to testimony released by the congressional January 6 committee on Thursday. The order was for an immediate withdrawal, and it would have been catastrophic,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., one of two Republican members of the special panel.  "And yet President Trump signed the order.”"  That excerpt is from the liberal news media known as the Military Times. … tion-loss/

You have been given the information before about what trump did leading up to the change of the administration regarding Afghanistan.  You haven't refuted it.  You lot just ignore those facts just as you ignore them elsewhere.  You continue to make impressively ignorant comments, Tony.  Yet you lot, who lost the house, the senate and the executive office all over the course of two election cycles, tell us you can do better.  You can't do better.  You can't even write a decent post.  You can't tell the truth. 

Cry me a river about all of the misinformation you proffer here.  Gloat and gloat some more.  Such emptiness you offer.  You have nothing to offer.  You will never be part of a meaningful conversation.  But, please, enjoy your money.

And we will skip over, in this thread anyway, the many examples of how Republicans are out of touch.

Oct 14 22 06:45 pm Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

Tony From Syracuse wrote:
You are showing the prime example why democrats are considered out of touch. 
you basically are saying...."all the voters want to do is complain about the economy!"

what would you rather talk about?

The transformation of the Republican Party into a proto fascist anti-democratic theocratic racist personality cult.

The politicization of the Supreme Court by the extreme theocratic racist right.

The undermining of the democratic electoral process by a growing anti democratic cohort fueled by fascistic leaders and pandering propaganda outlets which promulgate the distraction that "money for dinner, investments, gas, the lowest denominator is what life is. everything else is abstract."

Just for starters.

Oct 14 22 07:02 pm Link


Tony From Syracuse

Posts: 2503

Syracuse, New York, US

Focuspuller wrote:
The transformation of the Republican Party into a proto fascist anti-democratic theocratic racist personality cult.

The politicization of the Supreme Court by the extreme theocratic racist right.

The undermining of the democratic electoral process by a growing anti democratic cohort fueled by fascistic leaders and pandering propaganda outlets which promulgate the distraction that "money for dinner, investments, gas, the lowest denominator is what life is. everything else is abstract."

Just for starters.

Oh yes, fascism, that ole standbye.  whose party actually tried to create the Goebbels style "Ministry of Truth" before the public backlash reminded the tone deaf mentally ill woke buffoons that that Orwellian nuttery might not be a good idea. at least...certainly not with your party of social justice warriors in power.

its a sad commentary that in the democrats America, a brave person.... is one who says....."I dont agree."  that will get you fired/cancelled for saying children shouldnt be subjected to your parties loony paddy wagon woke science pubertal blocker craziness and actually deleting information from actual scientists on social media as misinformation..... this is the people..... who would have been in charge of the Ministry of Truth ladies and gents.

so... the voters and voting process integrity you seem to be so worried about is about to work very very effectively and vote your vampires out.  gee, I hope you accept the voting results!

Oct 15 22 06:46 am Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Tony From Syracuse wrote:
Oh yes, fascism, that ole standbye.  whose party actually tried to create the Goebbels style "Ministry of Truth" before the public backlash reminded the tone deaf mentally ill woke buffoons that that Orwellian nuttery might not be a good idea. at least...certainly not with your party of social justice warriors in power.

its a sad commentary that in the democrats America, a brave person.... is one who says....."I dont agree."  that will get you fired/cancelled for saying children shouldnt be subjected to your parties loony paddy wagon woke science pubertal blocker craziness and actually deleting information from actual scientists on social media as misinformation..... this is the people..... who would have been in charge of the Ministry of Truth ladies and gents.

so... the voters and voting process integrity you seem to be so worried about is about to work very very effectively and vote your vampires out.  gee, I hope you accept the voting results!

Earth to Tony...

There never WAS an American (nor Canadian) "Ministry of Truth".  Remember?  Despite your absolutely absurd conspiracy website claims?   I think that's when we all KNEW what your strange sources of "information" were.

And you keep refusing to acknowledge it when everyone keeps telling you they'll accept the voting results.  It was originally heading, in the spring, for a landslide midterm election.  But Trump and Republican Abortion policies, reversed it into a real tight race.

Republicans will take the House (but by much less than originally expected) and the Senate is currently borderline in favor of the Republicans (it's been changing back and forth).  So the midterm elections results, whatever they are, are not going to be a surprise and, despite your claims, will be accepted (at least by Democrats).

Unlike the 299 CURRENT REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES that are election deniers.  Remember?

I still can't understand why you ever thought this was a "winning" point for you.  Especially considering Trump's INSURRECTION because he STILL (at least to his followers) DENIES the election results.

You seem to have trouble thinking your points through.  It's almost as if you read something on a conspiracy site and just immediately regurgitate it here(?).  And if the facts don't go your way, you just repeat it again.  And then wait a while and start the same claims all over again from scratch.  Don't you think there's anything a little strange about that?

Oct 15 22 08:41 am Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

And Tony, people who just "don't agree" are FINE.  And WELCOME.  That's how a healthy Democracy is SUPPOSED to work.

But most people realize the difference between those who "don't agree" and those who have decided they want control over everyone else, by any means necessary, Democracy be damned.

Those who want to, and have, taken away Women's fundamental rights.  Those who want to remove American's right to vote, just because they're not voting the way some want them to.

And those who have supported, or continue to support, overturning Democratic elections and/or armed insurrection.

That's when it's NOT "fine".

And let me suggest some really great ways for Trump to avoid having the "Fascism" tag applied to him:

- Stop posting pictures of himself wearing the QAnon badge and including "The STORM is Coming" caption (the round up and murder of "Liberals").

- Quit demanding that he just be "made" President (immediately), regardless of the Election results, and to refuse to endorse those who actually "accept" the free election results.

- Stop supporting racist and armed insurrectionist groups like the Neo-Nazis, the White Nationalists, the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys.

See Tony, it's really easy to stop being labelled a "Fascist".   Just quit doing Fascist things.

Oct 15 22 08:52 am Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm afraid that I only just realized that once again Tony hijacked this "Martha's Vineyard" thread.   Instead of making his election claims in the "Politics" thread.

My apologies to all, I should have checked before responding.

Oct 15 22 09:28 am Link



Posts: 1116

Glen Ellyn, Illinois, US

LightDreams wrote:
See Tony, it's really easy to stop being labelled a "Fascist".   Just quit doing Fascist things.

I think the republican party wants to establish a South African apartheid style of government where the whites maintain power as long as possible until a much larger non-white majority takes power.  Like the native South Africans in 1994 replaced the European whites from power.  One of those white families that emigrated out of South Africa in the late 80's became one of my neighbors.  And they talked about the history of black oppression by the whites and how the countries natives might respond when they gained control of the country to the remaining minority whites.  So they left.  Other families they knew moved to England or Australia.

Oct 15 22 09:45 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Tony From Syracuse wrote:
Oh yes, fascism, that ole standbye.  whose party actually tried to create the Goebbels style "Ministry of Truth" before the public backlash reminded the tone deaf mentally ill woke buffoons that that Orwellian nuttery might not be a good idea. at least...certainly not with your party of social justice warriors in power.

its a sad commentary that in the democrats America, a brave person.... is one who says....."I dont agree."  that will get you fired/cancelled for saying children shouldnt be subjected to your parties loony paddy wagon woke science pubertal blocker craziness and actually deleting information from actual scientists on social media as misinformation..... this is the people..... who would have been in charge of the Ministry of Truth ladies and gents.

so... the voters and voting process integrity you seem to be so worried about is about to work very very effectively and vote your vampires out.  gee, I hope you accept the voting results!

Long before the Republican party jumped off the cliffs into the sea so they could get further right, the Republicans were, and still are, decrying liberals as subhuman and anti-American.  So, cry me a river about the way the right is being called fascist now.  You used the following statement in your post: "the tone deaf mentally ill woke buffoons," and you have the balls to cry a river about being called a fascist?  Civility is something you never bother with in your posts, ladies and gents.

Then there was this incoherent (sans grammar), irrational and incredible rant, "your parties<sic> loony paddy wagon woke science pubertal<sic> blocker craziness and actually deleting information from actual scientists on social media as misinformation."  This is how you- YOU- want to make other people look crazy?  Look in the mirror, dude.  (BTW, what scientist publishes on social media?  Is that the right's new peer review process?)  It is always hard to tell what is behind your rants since you can't be troubled with facts or to engage in rational and civil discussion.  This is exactly why the right talks like you do.  Falsehoods are easy to refute.  The angrily expressed generalizations with no substances are the fodder you lot believe because facts are too much effort.

Let's look at what fascism is:  "Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy."  The first descriptor eliminates the left.  The current brand of Republican non-policy leadership is certainly each of the the following: "far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement."  Of course, you lot would deny that.  You lot are also very much associated with "militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy."  You lot's natural social hierarchy is illustrated in their condemnation, marginalization and dehumanizing of the poor and worship of the rich, as well as the persistent racism of you lot.  I am sure if we all put a little effort into it, we could present examples of the fascism of the right for each descriptor listed above.

In typical rightist propaganda style, you want to take a single act of creating an anti-propaganda entity into a real life version from part of the fictional story in one of the right's favorite propaganda tools- Orwell's 1984.  Yet, how many "Stop the steal" rallies turned violent and doesn't that lend itself to the fascist description of you lot?  The trump administration was the entity that has most resembled both Orwell's 1984 and the description of the coming of the anti-christ.

What was the Disinformation Governance Board?   "The Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) was an advisory board of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), announced on April 27, 2022. The board's stated function is to protect national security by disseminating guidance to DHS agencies on combating misinformation, malinformation, and disinformation that threatens the security of the homeland. Specific problem areas mentioned by the DHS include false information propagated by human smugglers encouraging migrants to surge to the Mexico–United States border, as well as Russian-state disinformation on election interference and the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[1][2][3] On May 18, the board and its working groups were "paused" pending review, and board head Nina Jankowicz resigned, as a result of public backlash, mostly from the political right, although criticism also came from progressives and civil libertarians.[3][4][5][6] On August 24, 2022, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas disbanded the board.[7]"[1].

The narrow minded view of the right that the Disinformation Governance Board was a problem is countered by the reality that the right's screams of "I dont<sic> agree" was said and heard and acted upon, despite your melt down claiming otherwise.

However, regarding the Disinformation Governance Board, wasn't there some value in standing against the propaganda of child traffickers and Putin cronies? Given that the right is very prone to believing lies and propaganda, are you afraid that all of your favorite sources will dry up and you will no longer be able to live off the constant anger and fear that the right thrives on?  You are saying that misinformation and disinformation is not a threat to the nation?  Or, are you saying that you are willing to sacrifice national security for political haymaking regarding the DGB?  As the right has in many other instances.

Let's talk about your own propensity to deny people of their opportunity to speak freely!  You make every post, every topic into insults and demean everyone with broad generalizations when they do not adhere to the rightist ideology of hate.  Why would anyone participate when it is assured that you will respond with childish, thoughtless condemnations devoid of facts and full of hateful vim?  You will not listen.  You will not consider facts.  You projectile vomit words like 'woke' without consideration that a woke person is open to discussion while proving that you are not open to discussion.  You and the rightist here are consistently displaying their opposition to free speech.  You demand conformity to your hateful ideology.

It is alway a laugh when the lunatic rightists talk about liberals preventing free speech.  Isn't it the lunatic right that is so afraid of free speech that they pass laws prohibiting doctors from telling their patients their options regarding reproduction, family planning and gender medical issues?  What is it that you lot are so afraid of that you have to stop other people from talking about things?  What are the laws like “Stop Wrongs To Our Kids and Employees Act,” or “Stop WOKE Act” if they aren't conservatives suppressing free speech?  Much like family planning, anything the Republicans don't like is banned from being taught in school and thrown out of the library. That is why red states have more children giving birth.  Well, that and that conservatives more readily accept and participate in child abuse.  Now the Republicans are expanding their bans into private businesses.

"To defend the Stop WOKE Act, Florida asks court to eliminate any academic freedom exception to government employee speech doctrine."" That does not sound like they are encourage free speech, right? … 876f637ca6
"ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — A Florida judge on Thursday declared a Florida law championed by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis that restricts race-based conversation and analysis in business and education unconstitutional. Tallahassee U.S. District Judge Mark Walker said in a 44-page ruling that the “Stop WOKE” act violates the First Amendment and is impermissibly vague. Walker also refused to issue a stay that would keep the law in effect during any appeal by the state."
“If Florida truly believes we live in a post-racial society, then let it make its case,” the judge wrote. “But it cannot win the argument by muzzling its opponents.”

"Why have the Republicans been passing anti-protest laws if they are pro free speech? … c-freedom/

You want to talk about people "that will get you fired/cancelled for saying" things and losing their jobs because of right wing suppression of free speech?  How about government attacking businesses because they have the audacity to speak up on behalf of their employees or customers?  And the government passing laws prohibiting training and conversations that benefits the business because the Republican led governments hate anything liberal and woke, so they outlaw anything that doesn't fit their pathetic ideology which idolizes white and straight over all others?   Even though "woke" is more akin to Christianity than the Republican indoctrination strategies and policies?

Conservatives claim that free speech to the left, is the right to indoctrinate.  Yet the rightist relishes in indoctrination.  That is why everyone of you lot in these forums preach the same false arguments over and over again.  You lot are (is?)  indoctrinated.  (It sucks mimicking a style of speech which resembles the patterns of one who is uneducated.)

Talk about being out of touch- the Republicans, and you, are consistently proved to be out of touch.  Why go into it further?  The right doesn't care about facts.

And finally, unlike your party, only an outlier doesn't accept the results of elections.  Truly, before 2016 when trump won and still claimed he was cheated, when did it last happen?  Or since, with a non-Republican making the claim?  But suddenly, Republicans across the country are banking on cheating because we all know they have no substance to offer, so they claim faulty elections.  Crying a river is the norm with the 'the tone deaf mentally ill comatose buffoons that that the Orwellian nuttery conspiracy obsessed who think it might not be a good idea. at least...certainly not with your party of social oppression and racist warriors in power in your party.'

[1] … ance_Board
[2] … and%20race

Oct 15 22 09:59 am Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

Tony From Syracuse wrote:
Oh yes, fascism, that ole standbye.  whose party actually tried to create the Goebbels style "Ministry of Truth" before the public backlash reminded the tone deaf mentally ill woke buffoons that that Orwellian nuttery might not be a good idea. at least...certainly not with your party of social justice warriors in power.

its a sad commentary that in the democrats America, a brave person.... is one who says....."I dont agree."  that will get you fired/cancelled for saying children shouldnt be subjected to your parties loony paddy wagon woke science pubertal blocker craziness and actually deleting information from actual scientists on social media as misinformation..... this is the people..... who would have been in charge of the Ministry of Truth ladies and gents.

so... the voters and voting process integrity you seem to be so worried about is about to work very very effectively and vote your vampires out.  gee, I hope you accept the voting results!

Oh yes, bullshit ranting, your "ole" standby.

Its a sad commentary that in the republicans' America, a brave (and rare) person.... is one who says....."trump lost the election", or "trump lied", or "trump incited an insurrection",  or just "trump is full of shit."

"so... the voters and voting process integrity you seem to be so worried about is about to work very very effectively and vote your vampires out. "

...And let the republicans do their thing - plunder the economy and resume skimming even more wealth off the table and into the off-shore accounts of the obscenely rich, leaving all the little shmucks who smugly associate with the plundercrats moaning about Democrat socialist baby eaters while the economy gets "GOP-doed" yet again. Some little piggies just never learn.

Oct 15 22 10:09 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

LightDreams wrote:
I'm afraid that I only just realized that once again Tony hijacked this "Martha's Vineyard" thread.   Instead of making his election claims in the "Politics" thread.

My apologies to all, I should have checked before responding.

Of course Tony brings his brand of irrational posts to every thread possible, but the Martha's Vineyard type of nonsense this thread was meant to talk about fits squarely into discussions of racism regarding the Republican party and the propensity of the Republican's application of situational ethics and politics by trolling. (Politics by trolling fits very well with Tony's efforts.)   Since the Republican party's mantra is based on racism and greed and a lack of empathy is highly valued, which is somehow canceled out in their weak, feeble, ignorant minds, (See, Tony?  We can both do it.)  by the Republican brand of faux Christianity which conveniently has nothing to do with loving your neighbor or treating the poor, foreigners, or non-whites as you would treat Christ, it will be difficult to maintain the narrow focus on the OP's comments about the continued bad behavior of the right and limit it to Martha's Vineyard.

Oct 15 22 10:15 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

the voters and voting process integrity you seem to be so worried about is about to work very very effectively and vote your vampires out.  gee, I hope you accept the voting results!

This is, of course, important.  It isn't that Tony is right.  His post is just another example of bad behavior on the right.  But voting is important.  If you are happy being lead by a party that supports lies; favors oppression based on race and wealth; silencing ideas and amplifying falsehoods; dissolving the right to privacy; accepting pollution as a normal part of doing business; ignoring climate change; the party that deflects all arguments away from policy and morality to falsehoods and name calling;  the ones that insist that your children fit a mold that pleases the right and nothing else, then vote Republican.

Otherwise, vote for Democrats for sanity, decency and freedom.  Help keep Tony's fascists and the minions of satan out of office.  (See, Tony, we can both do it.)

Oct 15 22 01:30 pm Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

All in on the need for voting...

"(Quinnipiac polling)  69% of Democrats and 69% of Republicans think the nation’s democracy is on the brink of collapse. And the figure for independents, 66%, isn’t much better."

To paraphrase a famous quote, "the time to save a democracy is before it is lost".  And it's needed now, more than ever...

Oct 15 22 02:20 pm Link

Hair Stylist

rick lesser

Posts: 1116

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Question. Before DeSantis pulled his stunt, did any of you know how many illegals had crossed the border this year? Did you all think it was business as usual or were you concerned that there might be a problem with the surge in migration?Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, Iran, are just some of the countries people are coming in from. Did you think that Harris was dealing with it?  She has not gone there but maybe she zoomed her trips?   Did you know when during processing they are asked if they want to be vaccinated for covid?  It is not mandatory. Some are on watch lists for terrorism some are adults posing as underage kids. Remember the one kid" that murdered the guy that tried to help him?  Lets not forget the ones not caught.  Any thoughts to what happens when they get into this country? Where do they live? How are they now feed themselves?  The phones provided by the US government, the food they are now eating the hotel stays,all provided by Uncle Joe.  With amnesty being discussed. Think these new citizens will vote for Demarcates?  And why wouldn't they?  The Biden Administration changed the immigration rules to make it easier to become an American citizen. Example:  Now it doesn't matter how long you have been here or how you managed to get here. Oh yeah sorry that number that crossed the US border, 2,766,582.  The final numbers arent in yet for Oct. Who do you think is paying for those individuals?  You are. You should be thanking DeSantis for helping you by not having to pay for the 50 he sent to Martha's vineyard. After all they went in style. They were greeted by the lovely folks there, in a state the boasts it is a sanctuary state, Martha's a sign greeting you when you arrive that all are welcomed. For only 48 hours. Then the national guard took them to a military base. There is nothing wrong with Florida.  In fact itś great because I know you all will not be coming any time soon.  Except Tony.  He seems to understand reality.

Oct 26 22 11:51 pm Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Wow!  If you can manage to sort out that long rant full of every wild rightwing social media claim imaginable, you'll quickly realize just how crazy some of the claims are.   Anyone can easily fact check it for themselves.

Including everything from his outrageous numbers, their supposed ability to vote for "Demarcates" and "Free Phones", etc, etc.

Just a SMALL example, "free phones".  To help track each immigrant, everyone that already owns a smartphone is required to load an app onto that phone.  It communicates various "check in" information and requirements, updates, etc and TRACKS THEIR LOCATION AND MOVEMENTS IN REAL TIME.

IF they don't have their own smartphone, the Gov't provides them with a basic DEACTIVATED phone that can ONLY run that app, including the real time tracking capability.  No ability to make phone calls, or send texts or emails, or otherwise access the Internet, etc.

You didn't REALLY think that the Gov't was happily welcoming these (supposed) MILLIONS of illegal immigrants with "Free Smartphones", did you?   Despite some people jumping up and down repeatedly claiming all of this complete bullsh*t?

Anyway, in his long rant (making every rightwing social media claim imaginable), you'll find all sorts of other lies, that anyone can easily check.

But I certainly can understand the desire to change the story.  The midterms are coming, and the Republicans moves against women and individual freedoms, plus the legal challenges that would allow the Republican States to override the elections, Trump's continued attempts at overturning the elections, etc, ALL pose a problem for the Trump version of the Republican Party.

So, as we see above, "Let's change the story" and "Facts be Damned"...

Oct 27 22 07:24 am Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18916

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

The southern governors are doing the same thing that the federal government is doing by redistributing the illegal immigrants around the country from the border states.

The only difference is that they are doing it by bus into terminals during the day while the Feds are flying them into secondary or local airports in the dead of nite with no advance notice. In one recent car the but taking them from the airport was detained by local police for suspicion of human trafficking.

The Fed do it in the dark to avoid publicity while the governors do it in the light of day to get publicity. Both strategies work as intended ad the MSM ignores the action by the Fed and gave the governors an issue that the Press had two cover.

The bigger issue is why has the Biden administration promoted policies that have had 4 MILLION people enter the country ( from over 100 countries) that se caught at the border and almost 1 million know "Got aways
' including 68 this year on the Terrorist watch list ( Trump caught 6 in one year)

Four million in ln less than two years a lot, remember when we were told there were 12 million illegals in the country?

Oct 27 22 07:46 am Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Bob Helm Photography wrote:
Four million in ln less than two years a lot...

Yes it is.  Just like 22.7 million in two years (2016 and 2017) under previous administrations, like Trump's, was also a lot (more).

(Source - Pew Research "5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.")

Short version:  The numbers "ebbs and flow" dramatically, on a yearly basis, depending on what's happening.  I.E.  Covid (down), major political upheavals in South America (up), etc.

I've included one of those peaks (under Trump), to help keep things in perspective.

Oct 27 22 08:03 am Link