Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Martha's Vineyard, 50 Immigrants, $12,000,000



Posts: 1116

Glen Ellyn, Illinois, US

Someone from Florida should understand the impact of undocumented illegal immigrants.  Look at the half million Cubans who washed up on the Florida shores 50 to 60 years ago.  They turned Florida into a wasteland. 
   I'm a result of immigrants who arrive here 115 to 160 years ago from Austria-Hungary, Norway, and Prussia.  I guess I'm happy my ancestors weren't turned away. 
  A little bit of North American history,  How many white folks know a boat load of African slaves arrived on the shores of what is currently Virginia a year before a boat load of Pilgrims from England arrived on the shores of what is currently Massachusetts.

Oct 27 22 08:26 am Link


Tony From Syracuse

Posts: 2503

Syracuse, New York, US

Thats nice that your here, but there is a tipping point to EVERYTHING in life. just as we saw NYC declare a state of emergency over the immigrants getting to a point it was overwhelming the system.  that...will be the obvious end game for state after state if we just turn our backs from border security.

as I always like to do.....tie it to climate change. if we just keep allowing emissions to rise and rise.,..what happens? the climate warms and the domino effect happens. this.... impacts that..... negatively.

crime...if we keep allowing a revolving door from criminals, crime can rise to the point good citizens will start leaving. tipping points.

and thats the point. the point is stopping the flow. not giving them phones as my esteemed college said to track them, thats giving in.
thats making do due to throwing your hands up.    that's a failure of leadership.

Oct 27 22 10:01 am Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

It's always fascinating to watch so many right-wing Americans equate "immigrants" with "criminals".

I.E. Trump's Mexican "Drug dealers, criminals, rapists" racist campaign launch comments, etc...

Here in Canada, Trump did wonders for us.   The world's smartest and brightest (high tech engineers, programmers, etc) that wanted to immigrate to North American, refused to consider the U.S. under Trump.  Note:  Those aren't the ones that are desperate.

So, the big American Tech Companies opened up in Vancouver, and elsewhere in Canada, so that they wouldn't lose access to all of that great talent.  It's been quite a boon for us here in Vancouver.  And that's high-tech investment that WOULD have happened in the States.

These are the people with the skills that drive the economies, going forward.

Previously, Canada has had real trouble reaching our targets for the number of highly skilled immigrants we've been trying to recruit.   For the first time, under Trump, we actually exceeded our targets and we're quite happy to take even more!

Plus, as you all know, starting with Trump (and the dangers that are currently posed to the American Democratic system), we have all-time record numbers of skilled Americans packing up and moving to Canada.

Thank-you very much for all of those highly skilled immigrants.  Not to mention all of the ex-Americans that believe so strongly in rights and freedoms.

Oct 27 22 10:15 am Link


Tony From Syracuse

Posts: 2503

Syracuse, New York, US

I am not equating immigrants to criminals behavior, I gave 3 separate examples of things that will have tipping points.


although I do tend to think that if someone comes over here who is illegal, and undocumented there would be a leaning towards possibly having to do illegal things out of desperation. so the Biden/liberal concept puts their lives in danger twice. making think "all we gotta do is get over to america and get in and life is sweet!" and then they get here and the sad reality kicks in and they might do things that put their lives in danger via criminal endeavors on top of the long dangerous slog to get here.

I see your other point about immigrants and the economy.....there are PLENTY of immigrants who are going thru the process the correct way! I am talking about illegal immigrants.

Oct 27 22 01:47 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

rightwingzealots wrote:
In summation, various rants, lies, half truths, and finger pointing, without accepting any accountability.

Yes, without a doubt, Harris should be standing down on the southern border dealing with the problem in person, because in any well run country, the leadership never, ever, delegates tasks to the various departments of the government and the professionals that work in those departments.  Never you mind that maybe, just maybe, congress has some responsibility to fix this.  The responsibility they have had through administrations run by both Democrats and the self-serving party that would rather not address it because it provides cheap labor- which helps keep their green fees down and provides money for businessmen that hire undocumented people to create profits that can be contributes to their campaign coffers.

You ask us, but, to what significant figure can you accurately recite how many illegal immigrants are coming across the southern border for each month during the last 20 years?  Hell, why not go back to when Reagan (you know, that RHINO from the 80s?) gave people here without the permission of the Federal Government, a path to citizenship?  Then, please provide the data that would be required to address all of the people coming and overstaying their visas through other means of entry like the airports.  When you respond, you may look the numbers up prior to presenting them, since you have access to the real numbers, you should use them.  Then present the numbers in a comprehensive and understandable format.

We don't need to know the precise daily numbers to be aware there is a problem.  That is asinine.  We all know the system is broken.

I challenge our colleagues to provide arrival times for the hundreds of loads of migrants being delivered to northern cities by the ethically challenged governor's programs.  It would take about 10 seconds to goggle and find phrases regarding the migrants sent by the southern miscreants arriving at night.  But hey, let's not let right winged nut job lies and propaganda go to waste- may as well perpetuate them, right?  Moreover, why bother to provide facts and engage in reason.  This isn't a term paper or a place to pursue a debate based on facts and reason.  It is a propaganda shit fest where the faithful of the fanatic get to demonstrate their fealty to mendacity!

Are there logical reason that the administration might be dispersing people across the country into smaller cities and towns and to use night time arrivals, that are not nefarious, as the rightists would have us believe?  Is it possible that the destinations are relative to the services required being available and ready in those locations?  Is it possible that there may be some jobs available in small towns and cities where the population is declining because the current generation of the current inhabitants get out as quick as possible?  Is it possible that flight times are allocated according to available arrival and departure slots?  Would those slots be more available at night and would the task of processing a plane load of people and forwarding them to their next destination, be less disruptive to a very busy airport at night?   No, this can't be.  Cruelty is required! 

Perhaps our colleague is suggesting that commercial flights, with bought and paid for slots, should be left circling and delayed so these government actions can be conducted during the light of day?  We all know that there is never any evidence of malfeasance and only the daylight makes mischief discoverable.   I am sure our colleague is asserting such a solution so that they would then have another irrational complaint to moan about.

Does it matter to migrants if they are arriving in the depth of the night if their needs are being met?  Do you think it might matter more to the migrants that are being deported to fictitious addresses and destinations that have been misrepresented, to find themselves no where near assistance, much less the housing and jobs they were promised and which do not exist? 

Does the press write only about stories which occur in the daylight?  Or, perhaps, the press is smarter than the people that depend on getting information from less reputable sources and the press can write about crimes that occurred, even in weird places, like the basement of a golf course clubhouse, bu interviewing witness and law enforcement?

Has American leadership declined so far that the leadership, who is being subsidized and assisted by the United States Government and the taxpayers of the country, should adopt an attitude, of "we'll show you?"  "If we are going to suffer, we will make other people suffer."  Without regard to the fact that the people suffering are the people they have been charged with helping and have been receiving tax dollars to provide those services?  This party that claims to respect life so much has a tendency to dump human beings on the side of the road to fend for themselves.  There is something philosophically wrong there.  But, what else can be expect from the right besides abject cruelty, hate, a lack of empathy and a lack of values.

Have the ethics of Americans subsided to such a point that these horrid and cruel actions are tolerated?  How many of us would be outraged if our daughter or granddaughter was left on the side of road by her boyfriend to fend off the cold and find shelter and food when she has no idea of where she is and what to do next?  No worries.  There will be a truck load of drunken young men coming by soon enough.  They will help her.

Not surprisingly that the arguments that have been presented in the preceding posts by and for the uninformed rightists have been based on lies and cherry picked data.  It really should be a requirement here that people must substantiate their claims.  Their lies would wither on the vines if they had to put in the effort to tend to them.  But their right to tell lies shall not be impeded.

It would also be really cool if the rightist that bitch about these problems would offer up solutions that are consistent with the law, human decency and the treaty obligations of the United States, which would make significant and long term change.  Despite all their complaining, I notice this herd of political toadies fail to provide references to the Republican bills delayed in congress that would solve the problem.  If they would discuss these proposed changes, then we could discuss the suicide provisions the right puts in the bills to assure that no progress is made.  Maybe all of you that think Putin is doing a good job, could advance bills similar to Putin's methods of conscripting minorities, including recent immigrants, and put them on the front lines somewhere in the next war ya'll start.  Be sure to send them without adequate training and equipment, of course. 

But, like the ethically challenged southern governors, it is much easier to take the easy way out under the guise of highlighting a problem, only to find that they are also highlighting the problem of how they, the Republican party, and a large number of our Faux Christians are nothing more than cruel, inhuman people.

Oct 27 22 02:05 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Tony From Syracuse wrote:
I am not equating immigrants to criminals behavior, I gave 3 separate examples of things that will have tipping points.


although I do tend to think that if someone comes over here who is illegal, and undocumented there would be a leaning towards possibly having to do illegal things out of desperation. so the Biden/liberal concept puts their lives in danger twice. making think "all we gotta do is get over to america and get in and life is sweet!" and then they get here and the sad reality kicks in and they might do things that put their lives in danger via criminal endeavors on top of the long dangerous slog to get here.

I see your other point about immigrants and the economy.....there are PLENTY of immigrants who are going thru the process the correct way! I am talking about illegal immigrants.

"although I do tend to think that if someone comes over here who is illegal, and undocumented there would be a leaning towards possibly having to do illegal things out of desperation."  Which ought to be motivation to be sure the resources are in place to decrease their desperation, or not?  Much as it would make sense to address the root causes of crime in our society instead of acting in response?

"someone ... who is illegal?"  Are you serious?  Do you ever consider your words?

"so the Biden/liberal concept puts their lives in danger twice."

Likewise, wouldn't it have made sense to work to maintain and improve the stability of the governments in the source countries and work to reduce crime in those places so that the people didn't feel the need to flee?  Why then did Republicans do the opposite?  To cut ties instead of working through things?

You may not have noticed but actions outside of our borders have consequences inside of our borders. … SKCN1TI2C7 … 0f75ef4077 … SKBN25K12T … e-house-us … 2fb958a354 … llies.html
And on and on, .... "so the Biden/liberal concept puts their lives in danger twice," is an irrational statement and the product of poor information.

"that's a failure of leadership."  I will agree.  Republicans have accountability regarding that, too.  Remember trump's big, beautiful wall was all about stopping illegal immigration from one source.  Republicans should be accountable for that failure.  Billions wasted on a wall that has not stopped the flow or stemmed the flow.  Which can be expected since other trump actions (see above) increased the flow.

Oct 27 22 02:21 pm Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

Tony From Syracuse wrote:
I am not equating immigrants to criminals behavior, I gave 3 separate examples of things that will have tipping points.


although I do tend to think that if someone comes over here who is illegal, and undocumented there would be a leaning towards possibly having to do illegal things out of desperation. so the Biden/liberal concept puts their lives in danger twice. making think "all we gotta do is get over to america and get in and life is sweet!" and then they get here and the sad reality kicks in and they might do things that put their lives in danger via criminal endeavors on top of the long dangerous slog to get here.

I see your other point about immigrants and the economy.....there are PLENTY of immigrants who are going thru the process the correct way! I am talking about illegal immigrants.

Climate is the real "tipping point' we have to worry about.

Immigration? What would a "tipping point" in immigration mean, EXACTLY? America literally overrun with ILLEGAL immigrants? Immigrants filling parks, streets, public areas, abandoned buildings...Seriously? Yeah, you probably are.

Crime? Well, have to agree. Maybe we are two election cycles away from the trump crime organization completely taking over the country, with the willful and enthusiastic support from your ilk.

"Biden/liberal concept puts their lives in danger twice. making think "all we gotta do is get over to america and get in and life is sweet!"

"making think"?? Are you having a cognitive malfunction, Tony? .I know it must be sad to have your own body undermine you when you need it to perform,

But seriously, how old are you? Twelve? Show some examples of this sophomoric and asinine assertion. And BTW, not that you care, the conditions in some of the countries immigrants come from are pretty horrific, and even a country as cruel to immigrants as the US has been looks "sweet."

And if you are still worried about tipping points, chew on this:


"A new law allowing people to carry handguns without a license has led to more spontaneous shootings, many in law enforcement say."

"“It seems like now there’s been a tipping point where just everybody is armed,” said Sheriff Ed Gonzalez of Harris County, which includes Houston."

Oct 27 22 03:37 pm Link


Tony From Syracuse

Posts: 2503

Syracuse, New York, US

HunterGWPB  Problem with "illegal immigrant?"  sorry I am not up on all the latest woke nuttery terms. what is it now...Country transitional undocumented wall jumper? the terms illegal and legal exist. immigrants are coming here legally by going thru the process and some by not going thru the process and sneaking in. illegal works.

Well Hunter, if Trumps actions increased the flow....and you said that Republicans "   should be accountable for that FAILURE" then it seems to me, Biden should have shown us all how its done and corrected that failure mmmm  hmmmmm.

Focuspuller...what would a tipping point be for illegal immigrants?  well seeing as the SANTUARY destination of Marthas Vineyard received them they made sure to "relocate" lmao as many of them as fast as they could. see I saw the "fact check" on that on CNN how they said,  FALSE  they werent rounded up and deported "as Republicans said"....and just like people could see thru "special military operation" we can see thru the "relocated" excuse.

see the elites dont want to deal with the end results of their own policies anymore than you and I want to.

Yes...we would see them more everywhere.  it is common sense, actually its math.

as far as Texas I applaud it. as a person who was robbed and has had a gun held to his head while walking my dog 15 years ago and having my life in the hands of a couple of thugs I wish NY state would allow that. yes I tell you the shooting rate would have went up in NY state if me and others were able to protect ourselves!  as we see all the victims of subway pushers and murder and robbery in NYC maybe people wouidnt feel the need to MOVE.

and lastly, no I am not 12...but....I digress.
we MIGHT...get the house AND the senate. dont know. maybe.  but I tell you this, if we do....its because we have seen YOU LOT and your politicians....are the ones who have conducted themselves as one would think a 12 year old. I mean, seriously....children have sex reassignment surgery puberty blockers?    The people coming up with YOUR policies are certifiably insane.

Oct 27 22 06:47 pm Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Tony From Syracuse wrote:
I mean, seriously....children have sex reassignment surgery puberty blockers?    The people coming up with YOUR policies are certifiably insane.

Just an FYI Tony...

There's a completely disproven fake story circulating on the right claiming the 5 year olds can take a long list of sex changing hormones, puberty blockers or get sex reassignment surgery.  If you check all the major news fact checker articles, it's just not true.  Period.

While it's strongly advised against for anyone under 18, there is a very strict requirement for those that are already in puberty (and no, puberty does not start at "5 years old"), have proven themselves to be fully aware of all of the implications and give their consent (and they must be judged as truly being mature enough to really give informed consent).  Plus they must have lived publicly as if the change had already happened for at least a year to make sure they truly understand the implications.  EVEN THEN, it's strongly recommended as being only a "social transition" until they are really old enough.


You get the idea Tony.  It turns out to be more completely false bullsh*t.  We keep hoping that you will learn to do some very basic fact checking before repeating these (oh so easily checked) complete lies.  It reflects really badly on you and the views that you promote, every time people realize that you've posted something, yet again, that turns out to be completely false. Especially when it's so easily checked.

You might want to think about that...

Oct 27 22 08:46 pm Link


Tony From Syracuse

Posts: 2503

Syracuse, New York, US

Look.....Biden himself said  banning sex change surgery for children is 'immoral'


that's certifiably...insane and one of the reasons your party is on its way out the door.      children go thru stages, confusion, there are even studies, although I find it hard to believe.... that says some kids even have homosexual thoughts early on in development, but they just pass and they go on to be straight.

I mean thats ridiculous and I suspect its a lie...but if thats true...that underlines the absolute sheer nuttery of Dr FrankenBiden and his sick  predilection for surgery on children to cut off genitals. arent liberals usually against religious ceremonial notions of that? hmmm? well, it turns out the religious version is absolute amateur's to your sides ideas.

it may have existed since 1993 from what I read and yes....while Trump was president but your party sure ran with it.  had it been a known thing under Trump he would have banned it. I doubt incoming presidents get the deets on everything. I didnt know this quackery was  "a thing". it sure must have been done on the down low. well Desantis knows now and he is going to ban it in Florida. as things pop up...they will be dealt with.

and goodness gracious.... the ....5 year olds.... cant get their hands on puberty blockers. you lot and your "if the glove does not fit" loop holes.

Oct 27 22 09:20 pm Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Fine Tony.  You're absolutely determined that "the people coming up with <the> policies are CERTIFIABLY INSANE" (your words, not mine).

The scientists recommended the actual policy (not the bullsh*t claimed policy) back in 2016.  The U.S. Gov't officially adopted these policies (that I described) in 2017.

You know, 2017.  When Trump was President and the Republicans held the Senate and the Congress.

So if you absolutely insist that the "politicians" came up with these policies (or are responsible for them) then, according to you, the ones that are CERTIFIABLY INSANE (again, your words and not mine), are former President Trump and the Republican majority in the Senate and the Congress.  The ones who were in charge when the policy was officially adopted by the U.S. Gov't.

Once again, something you would know if you did a quick "fact check" before doubling down on your ridiculous claims.


Tony, you wonder why so many people refuse to take you seriously.  And you complain about people not accepting your (supposedly) "reasonable" opinions as being equal to anyone else's points of view.   That's great whenever you're not posting completely false, hateful, inflammatory lies.

Be reasonable, and at least attempt to be accurate and truthful, and you'd be viewed and treated accordingly.

Oct 27 22 09:33 pm Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

For everyone else's benefit, I STILL don't believe that Tony is actually a Democrat "plant", whose job it is to make "Trumpist" style Republicans look... well, however you think he "looks" based on his posts.

And there are those, of course, who believe he's just a "Troll", that doesn't actually believe any of the sh*t that comes out of his mouth.

Personally, I think he just blindly accepts and regurgitates whatever the latest wild claim is on the far right.  And how credible the source is, just doesn't factor into it.  That "critical analysis" filter isn't in place simply because he really WANTS to believe the claims.  And questioning it, really thinking about it or actually checking it out to see if it's true, might just disprove it.  So...

I know others have quite a different (much more negative) theory, but that's my personal take on it.  For whatever it's worth (or not!).

Oct 27 22 09:43 pm Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

Tony From Syracuse wrote:
well seeing as the SANTUARY destination of Marthas Vineyard received them they made sure to "relocate" lmao as many of them as fast as they could. see I saw the "fact check" on that on CNN how they said,  FALSE  they werent rounded up and deported "as Republicans said"....and just like people could see thru "special military operation" we can see thru the "relocated" excuse.

Not sure what garbage dump you get your information from:


"The group of Venezuelans unexpectedly forced to stay on Martha's Vineyard departed Friday, bidding an emotional farewell to the islanders WHO OFFERED THEM IMMEDIATE SUPPORT in a fast-moving political saga.

Many of the nearly four dozen migrants said they felt grateful as they prepared to board one of three charter buses to catch a ferry to mainland Massachusetts.

"God bless all of you," one of the men said, raising his hands in gratitude, as he boarded a bus. "

You see, Tony, you do not know the meaning of "sanctuary city". Big surprise. It does not mean a city will accommodate any number of immigrants beyond its ability to do so.. It means it will not share information with Federal immigration agencies, while still turning over those who have committed serious crimes, WHICH IS LEGAL. You see, Tony, being an undocumented immigrant IS NOT A CRIME, no matter what your ill-informed ilk think.

"and lastly, no I am not 12...but....I digress."

Really? Prove it. Post something not pre-adolescent. Or at least true.

Oct 27 22 11:50 pm Link

Hair Stylist

rick lesser

Posts: 1116

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

We can all agree that you are only as informed as the news outlet you listen to. I am a nosey curious person by nature. When I would hear Trumpy say something I thought that can not be right, before the words left his mouth I was looking up what he said.  Sometimes I found he would exaggerate,sometimes I thought, son of a gun, he is right.  Regardless I never let information that seems off or guestionable to go with out trying to research it. And I will dig.  Not the standard fact checkers or the main media outlets but information that sometimes comes from other countries, places other then the US media. (they have no horse in the race) A states website or the US gov agency, the White house site.  Cross checked with some friends and clients in positions they hold that would know. I want to make sure especially if I am going to bring it up in conversation or a public forum. My dad always said the moment you open your mouth people will know how smart you are.  So make sure when you do you know what you are talking about.  And if you make a mistake own up to it.  Jen Psaki 6 months ago stood at the podium and said Biden is giving free smartphones with smart link and telephoics to all individuals crossing the border to be used for us to check on them. I never said they could use the phone to text or face time or whatever.  Still someone is paying for those phones. The CDC is recommending vaccines but they are not mandatory. You can look that up as I did.  What is the correct number of illegals coming accross?  The number I found, almost 3 million was only the documented ones reported by the US border and customs agency. You know, my parents lived in Tucson for 5 years.  My dad said there was a problem with illegal border crossings and crime related to illegals.  I tought let me check that.  Interesting. While the crime in Tucson is not souly being commited by illegals, the number captured since March is 64,300. Wonder what that number is now?  I bring this up because resources are being spent to handle the extra overflow.  Those resorces are being deverted from other areas already tight.  The city is trying to figure out schooling.  They need to hire multilingual teachers.  You know about prop 308 right? It would allow all students who attend high school for at least two years to get free state tuition, regardless of their immigration status. Shall I continue?  Oh, just because someone has a differance of opinion or found information that might have been missing from what is being reported on or false stories being told to cover up what that side is doing themselves is assuming they are a maga republican what the hell is that?  Anyway I find it insulting, and bullying. You have no clue who any of us are or what we might belive. We might suprise you, but I have yet to hear any good old fasshion debating, Just your wrong. your a racest your stupid.  Well from where I sit your brainwashed!  There are always three sides to the story and follow the money is always in the mix. On last thing: CRT and the idea it is ok to teach kids if you want to change your sex without letting your parents know or if you are having dificulties with puberty you can take blockers to hault it without consequences, go to the planned paarenthood website.

Oct 29 22 09:52 pm Link



Posts: 4595

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Rick Lesser.  It sounds like you're trying to be factually accurate, which is good.

So by now, you must realize that when you stated that "Free Phones" were being provided by "Uncle Joe", you should also have mentioned that it applied equally to "Uncle Trump".  As the policy predates the Biden administration.

USA Today points out this SmartLINK phone tracking program has been in use "since 2018, during the administration of President Donald Trump".   Other news articles (that predate the Biden administration) discussing this phone tracking system are also available online.

You must also be aware that your claim of "Free Phones" certainly sounded like devices that they could use to make phone calls!  And you certainly didn't correct that either.

Somehow "Free Tracking Devices for Immigrants" doesn't sound quite as scandalous.  Or "Tracking Apps" required to be installed on smartphones of immigrants that already have their own smartphone".  It just doesn't have quite the same "can you believe what they're doing?" / outrageous "ring" to it, does it?

In your quest for the truth, I'm sure that you'll agree that your original claim was quite misleading, on both counts.

But I appreciate your moves to correct the record.  That's always a good thing!

Oct 29 22 10:12 pm Link

Hair Stylist

rick lesser

Posts: 1116

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

I did forget the dates and Trump in my infor. on the tracking.  I tried to make some notes and tried to hit all the points.  Lets face it both sides suck! they always will report information that makes themselves look good.  I would just remember it is not what they say it is what they do!

Oct 29 22 10:18 pm Link



Posts: 2858

Los Angeles, California, US

rick lesser wrote:
Sometimes I found he would exaggerate,sometimes I thought, son of a gun, he is right.  Regardless I never let information that seems off or guestionable to go with out trying to research it. And I will dig. .

So in all your diligent digging you only found Trump to be sometimes exaggerating and sometimes right, but never outright lying? That is remarkable. Out of curiosity, what did your research tell you about Trump's claim he won the 2020 election? Was that right, an exaggeration, or a lie?

Oct 30 22 12:21 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8260

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

"Not the standard fact checkers or the main media outlets but information that sometimes comes from other countries, places other then the US media. (they have no horse in the race) A states website or the US gov agency, the White house site."  This is contradictory.  I think.  It is not well written so I may be misunderstanding it, but since you didn't specify that  "A states<sic> website or the US gov agency, the White house site," does have a horse in the race, I wonder why you would use these sites because they do have a horse in the race.  Also, it is unreasonable to not check the standard fact checker, and the MSM.  If you are looking for the truth then you should be looking at all of the sources.  How can you find inconsistencies and then delve into the inconsistencies if you won't look at them?  You are starting from a place of bias by saying all these normal sources that Americans have at their disposal are unreliable.  Furthermore, how many of your foreign sources have investigative reporters with boots on the ground across the entire US?  A lot of media across the world depend on sources like the AP.  After that, you have to wonder what their sources are.  I would also question if foreign sources do not have a horse in the race.  Their slant maybe interesting, and their difference in culture could lead to a different view, but certainly the news out of China is not reliable because they don't have a horse in the race.  They do have a horse in the race.

"I never said they could use the phone to text or face time or whatever."  You never said they couldn't and that is an important distinction.

"The CDC is recommending vaccines but they are not mandatory."  They are not mandatory to the people here either.  So, what is your point?

"The number I found, almost 3 million was only the documented ones reported by the US border and customs agency." So, you didn't know?  Then why were you approaching the subject as if we should know?  It is sufficient that we all know there is a problem that is large and costly, is it not?

"I bring this up because resources are being spent to handle the extra overflow."  What is the solution?  Do not spend money and don't throw resources at the problem?  That will not stop the people from coming.  It increases the probability that the people will resort to crime.   What you stated is also one of the reasons that the stunt that the southern, self-serving governors are doing is causing a problem.  They are intentionally to trying to overwhelm the resources of the targeted blue cities instead of working to solve the problem.  They may be blue cities, but they are still taxpayers and state funds are also contributed, with some of those taxes come from the red rural districts.  All the heartless governors have really accomplished is to display their callous disregard for everyone involved and everyone impacted.

The movement of the immigrants could be coordinated with the people on the other end, but these stunts are being done in a way to exacerbate the problem, straining resources much more than they need to be strained.  For instance, if the plumbing in your house breaks on Christmas, it will be far more costly than if it breaks at 10 am on a normal weekday.  What the Southern governors are doing is intentionally creating hardships by sending people to destinations that surprise the people living there. They have the additional costs of not being prepared.  What sense does that make?.

"They need to hire multilingual teachers.  You know about prop 308 right? It would allow all students who attend high school for at least two years to get free state tuition, regardless of their immigration status. Shall I continue?"  All you are doing is listing problems.  You don't seem to notice that these problems occur in the places where the immigrants are dropped off.  Therefore, the stunts are not addressing the issue.  They are making it someone else's problem in a way that compounds the problem.

"Oh, just because someone has a differance<sic> of opinion or found information that might have been missing from what is being reported on or false stories being told to cover up what that side is doing themselves is assuming they are a maga republican what the hell is that?"  I was in Maryland a few weeks ago,  I saw Mallard Ducks in a wildlife refuge.  They looked just like the Mallard ducks I see elsewhere.  Same with the Blue Herons, the Canada Geese, the Great Egrets, and the Yellow-rumped Warblers.  People have characteristics that are physical and philosophical and they are categorized accordingly. 

"Anyway I find it insulting, and bullying. You have no clue who any of us are or what we might belive <sic>. We might suprise <sic> you, but I have yet to hear any good old fasshion <sic> debating, Just your <sic> wrong. your <sic> a racest <sic> your <sic> stupid."  It takes two sides to debate.  A debate is "a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward."  A debate does not occur when one side is making shit up.  It may also surprise you that we also feel that what our opposition in these discussions is doing is insulting and bullying.  One participant has some rhetoric in nearly every post that is demeaning and name calling, such as, but not limited to the term "rookie."  He also taunts with phrases unrelated to the topic.  So, I get why you are unhappy.  You could live with it like we do, or call out the people on your side of the divide to stop the belligerent behavior to prove they are better than us.  But, they won't.  I promise you that.  They get off on being rude, belligerent and bullying.  So, they get it in return.

As for us having no clue of who the people are that we are talking to, you are mistaken.  Again, there are consistencies and traits.  We, and you, do not have to know who each other is across the board.  That doesn't mean we don't know each other within the limits of the material that is under discussion, or based on the behavior of the person.  I am also going to point out that you have accused us of pigeon holing people and yet you have pigeon holed us based on the little bit we show you.

"Well from where I sit your brainwashed!"  Jesus Christ, man.  "Anyway I find it insulting, and bullying." and "your <sic> wrong. your <sic> a racest <sic> your <sic> stupid."   Way to go to prove you are what you are accusing others of being and dong what you accuse others of doing.  Good job with the insulting and bullying, there. 

Isn't the obnoxious repetition of untruths and unsubstantiated claims another form of bullying?  How many times and for how many years must we endure the same lies from the same people?

"My dad always said the moment you open your mouth people will know how smart you are."  Your dad is right.  Despite your claims that we can't know who you are, you contradicted yourself in quoting your father who stated that we can know who you are.  Your father indicated that the people, including us, can deduce a person's intelligence as soon as they open their mouth.  But you are saying we can't deduce who people are from a months long conversation?  Or when a person repeats the same rhetoric we have heard over and over again?  If I see red epaulets on a dark black bird, I do not have to look it up to know it is a Red-winged Blackbird male.  I don't have to get closer.  I do not have to hear it sing.  And I can tell you its mating behavior without it being mating season.

;i'"On last thing: CRT and the idea it is ok to teach kids if you want to change your sex without letting your parents know or if you are having dificulties <sic> with puberty you can take blockers to hault  <sic> it without consequences, go to the planned paarenthood <sic> website."[/i] Who teaches CRT?  Who teaches kids to want to change their sex without telling their parents?  How do kids get puberty blockers?  Why don't you quote and link your sources so we can see exactly what Planned Parenthood information you are distorting?  Do you think that list of rightist talking points does not tell us something about who you are?   You listen to way too much rightist propaganda. 

May I suggest that you write proper paragraphs if your goal is to communicate effectively?  Just to illustrate, please copy and paste my post and remove all the paragraph breaks and then try to read it.

Oct 30 22 03:34 am Link