Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Help Chris Christie Take Down The Big Dump!



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Even if, like me, you are not a Republican and will never vote for him, we ALL need to see Chris Christie on a debate-stage across from The Big Dump. Christie is the only one willing and able to take on TFG.

Although he is not expected to win the nomination, I think he is the most grounded of the GOP candidates, and tolerably liberal in many respects, so I could live with him as President if it were ever to come to that.

Under the GOP's 2024 candidate requirements for getting onto that stage the only way to ensure that possibility is if Christie amasses at least 40,000 SMALL DONOR contributions this year!

Democrats, Independents, and Republicans who don't want TFG again should take out some cheap insurance and contribute $5-$10 to the Christie campaign .

You can do that semi-anonymously at:
Chris Christie For President, Inc.
613 Washington Blvd. #1381
Jersey City, NJ 07310

Or, with less privacy, at:

EDIT 6/12/23:
Yesterday I happened to catch C-Span Radio's rebroadcast of Chris Christie's campaign announcement of last week. I also heard part of the "town-hall" session he held immediately after. That was a tour-de-force of political honesty and connection-making with people who did not support him in 2020 and, very surprisingly so to me, I found it quite uplifting and hopeful.

As a whole, it was very impressive event, well introduced with a history-based preamble, as well as honest, humble, fiery, imaginative,and well-reasoned. He was uncommonly open, direct, funny, very affecting, and sincere. As a lifelong Democrat, I actually found him to be very refreshing as a politician, and someone with enough vision and political realism to realistically lead the country in a better direction than any other Republican, and maybe than (m)any of the Democrats as well. At this point I'd be inclined to donate more than the minimal amount I'd previously considered making.

That is certainly not an evaluation I would ever have imagined myself making. Even if you harbor many bad-impressions of his past actions (which he openly admitted to), you owe it to yourselves to try to find the radio or video version of his entire announcement event and to listen to it in its entirety, and with an open mind.

Jun 08 23 06:53 pm Link



Posts: 20636

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

In 2016 ALL of the GOP were bashing Trump badly, then when Trump got the nomination they all turned into Orange Penis Suckers.  Gov Christie talks shit now, but if Trump gets the nod again you'll see orange semen oozing out of Christies mouth.

He's worthless.

Jun 08 23 06:58 pm Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

SayCheeZ!  wrote:
He's worthless.

You can still feel that way and help Christie get onto that stage. Dumpy needs to be taken down before the GOP convention, and Christie can be a significant part of that strategy. Who cares what he does after that if he is successful in keeping TFG away from the White House?

Jun 08 23 07:11 pm Link


Skylark Photo

Posts: 29

Austin, Texas, US

You can also vote in the Republican primary for the candidate you think is best, even if you plan to vote for another party in the general election.

Jun 08 23 07:30 pm Link


Adventure Photos

Posts: 125

Palos Park, Illinois, US

Even if Chris is not going to win an election, or even get the nomination, at least his effort may be seen as a 'self sacrifice' to do something to save the Party and at least toss a grenade into the pile and hope that common sense gets someone else nominated.   What is more important to Republicans today?   To earn the respect and trust of the American people again, ( without MAGA hats), or to just blast through any living flesh to take the White House again?  It might take steps....First, undo the chaos and lies of the past dufus.   2nd, find a decent nominee who supports historic values of Republican views, where part of the process in a democracy has always been to work for a consensus within the legislature. FOR the people,  working together.  Please.

Jun 08 23 07:38 pm Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

Christie has a lot to answer for and maybe that is his motivation - to salvage his reputation. The only candidate to go straight at trump with fixed bayonet, it doesn't seem likely he could convince the still trump-loving former Republican Party to abandon their dear leader. He could not even get on the debate stage, having already stated he would not support trump again if he were nominated, a deal breaker for the party.

Jun 08 23 07:45 pm Link



Posts: 60

Corcoran, California, US

Chris is just like Donald but with bigger moobs.

Stand by for the next Q-Drop.  Make Archie Bunker Great Again.

Big protest in D.C. 1/7/2025.  Be there.  Will be wild.

Jun 08 23 07:53 pm Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Focuspuller wrote:
He could not even get on the debate stage, having already stated he would not support trump again if he were nominated, a deal breaker for the party.

Good point, which I was forgetting. However, it my never come to that. Dumpy could also refuse to debate, even while staying in the race. That would give Christie a big platform for putting Big Dump's insufficiencies and criminality front and center.

In addition, between now and the debates, Christie is bound to let loose with a lot of inside information from his days on TFG's campaign staff, and he will no doubt often remind voters of all of Dumpy's many flaws, crimes, dishonesty, and his embodiment of the dangers to the republic. Anything that can be done by anyone along those lines should be welcomed and assisted, no matter who it comes from.

Make a small donation to Christie. Empower him to empower us!

Jun 08 23 08:36 pm Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Adventure Photos wrote:
Even if Chris is not going to win an election, or even get the nomination, at least his effort may be seen as a 'self sacrifice' to do something to save the Party and at least toss a grenade into the pile and hope that common sense gets someone else nominated.

Exactly, though just for limited effect.

We still need the GOP to lose the 2024 elections in a big way so that the DEMS can have a chance to keep on making positive differences in the trajectory of the U.S. democracy. Its future is not looking so healthy at this point.

Jun 08 23 08:43 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Christie won New Jersey's governorship twice, so that is something.  But so did Christine Todd Whitman and she was a much better leader.  As governor, Chris Christie lost his appeal among Republicans because he worked with Obama for the benefit of people in New Jersey, as he should have, after Jersey was hit hard by (Hurricane) Sandy.  Prior to that, Christie was a poor governor in that he lead in the style of trump.  He was a bully.  He was disrespectful to people that didn't agree with him.  He was a harbinger of trump and then he was an enabler of trump.  Christie lost any appeal that I would have had for him when he was governor, even though at that time I was still foolish enough to support some Republican ideals.  Of course, they had some ideals at that time.  Unlike now.

Wether he was not involved in punishing the people of Fort Lee or just couldn't be tied to it, he had corruption in the upper echelon of his administration, and it didn't seem like the people of New Jersey were so keen on supporting him after that- in combination with him granting praise to Obama.

Christie may be able to take the hard hitting legitimate shots, as well as the cheap shots at trump that trump ought to be pummeled with and maybe that would earn Christie some points with the irreverent, enraged and aggrieved voter that symbolizes the modern Republican party, but it does not exemplify a decent or good leader to me.  Nor would he promote unity.  He didn't as New Jersey Governor.  He didn't as a previous contender for president.  All he has done is point out some reasons to justify trump's disqualification. 

I will wait.  I would rather make a donation to Cheney, especially as a third party candidate, even thought I would not want her to win either.  Christie could have been speaking up loudly about trump long before now.  Cheney sacrificed for our country.  What has Christie done?

Jun 08 23 09:35 pm Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Thanks Hunter for your background information on Christie's history and reputation.
However, all of that is beside the point!

The idea I want to convey is that, as a strategy to take down Dumpy, it makes sense for those of us in favor of trying to accomplish that end to each make small contributions to Christie's campaign this year so that he will be able to accrue the minimal 40,000 small contributions from individual contributors which the GOP is requiring for a seat at the debates. If he has that minimal support, he can be an effective and funded opponent for TFG all the way until the debates at minimum, whether or not he ever appears there.

As to what Christie has done, and whether or not he has done anything to disown and/or argue against a second term for Daffy, I refer you to his many months worth of ABC Sunday talk-show appearances wherein he took part in numerous discussions of the evils of T-ism until just two weeks ago when he was preparing to announce his candidacy. He was outspoken there about the Dumpy-One and his antics.

Nobody expects Christie to win the '24 Republican nomination, and perhaps not even him. The real story is that we need him to do as much damage as possible to Humpty-Head, and we can ensure that he is able to carry that message far and wide as long as possible. I'm not asking anyone to actually support Christie for POTUS, and am instead saying that he is a good, believable, relatable mouthpiece for the anti-Dump side. He needs just a minimum of support from each of us in order to carry forward the anti-Dump message to the Independent and Republican voters nationwide for the next six-months at minimum.

And, for God's sake, DON'T VOTE FOR A THIRD PARTY CANDIDATE! We can't afford any dilution of the voting pool this time for sure. We need every vote we can get!

Jun 09 23 01:26 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

I didn't say I would vote for Cheney.  She is way too far right, but she is not on the lunatic right fringe that supports the anarchy of turning the country into a white supremacist state.  A third party candidate that would split the right's vote as Ross Perot did would be welcome. 

Between Christie and Cheney, Cheney is the one with the balls to face trump.

Jun 09 23 03:43 am Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
I didn't say I would vote for Cheney.  She is way too far right, but she is not on the lunatic right fringe that supports the anarchy of turning the country into a white supremacist state.  A third party candidate that would split the right's vote as Ross Perot did would be welcome.

But a third party candidate like Ralph Nader would be disastorous.

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
Between Christie and Cheney, Cheney is the one with the balls to face trump.

I don't know what informs your opinion, but I don't see anything like "shrinking-violet" behavior from Christie. Moreover, I think he could inspire many people in both parties to take a different tack in their political activity and beliefs. Please see following post.

Jun 12 23 02:32 pm Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

This is a re-post of the edit I added to the OP today:

"EDIT 6/12/23:
Yesterday I happened to catch C-Span Radio's rebroadcast of Chris Christie's campaign announcement of last week. I also heard part of the "town-hall" session he held immediately after. That was a tour-de-force of political honesty and connection-making with people who did not support him in 2020 and, very surprisingly so to me, I found it quite uplifting and hopeful.

As a whole, it was very impressive event, well introduced with a history-based preamble, as well as honest, humble, fiery, imaginative, and well-reasoned. He was uncommonly open, direct, funny, very affecting, and sincere. As a lifelong Democrat, I actually found him to be very refreshing as a politician, and someone with enough vision and political realism to realistically lead the country in a better direction than any other Republican, and maybe than (m)any of the Democrats as well. At this point I'd be inclined to donate more to his campaign than the minimal amount I'd previously considered making.

That is certainly not an evaluation I would ever have imagined myself making. Even if you harbor many bad-impressions of his past actions (which he openly admitted to), you owe it to yourselves to try to find the radio or video version of his entire announcement event and to listen to it in its entirety, and with an open mind.

Jun 12 23 02:36 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Where ever I have been registered to vote, I have registered in the majority party because too many elections are settled in the primaries.  As a life long Independent in a state that hindered independents and third party voters so much that it took a federal court case, an overturned decision and a new ruling that was founded in the observation by the judge that independents didn't run in Pennsylvania.  While third party candidates are a little more common now, the primaries are closed and independents don't get a say.

What formed my opinion was what I had explained above.  I watched the dude on the nightly news for eight years of his administration and more after he got out of office.

It is okay and acceptable that you were impressed with his town hall meeting.  However, that thing was scripted and rehearsed.  Who was in the audience and how did they get there?  Not changing my mind from what I saw of his announcement is not reflective of a mind that isn't open.  Let him prove himself.  Let him overcome the support and silence instead of criticism of trump for all these years.  It will take more than a one night announcement, especially when I have seen him being a guest on political shows since he announced and he continues to disgust me.

When Christie belittled voters on the boardwalk and other public settings on the nightly news years ago, that was him, unrehearsed and unscripted.

Christie can apply the same nasty, bullying tactic that trump does.  I am not sure I would enjoy seeing such a catfight between guys that could be sumo wrestlers.  What Christie is now is a former trump supporter.  That he was an ardent trump supporter shows a lack of character, and don't be surprised, if trump gets the nomination or wins the election, Christie is going to be an ardent supporter of trump again.

You can chose to be one of the forty thousand small donors Christie needs to get on the debate stage.  It would cost me 63 cents for the stamp, plus the price of an envelope and my time to mail him a one dollar check, and that is about two bucks and more time than I want to invest in him.

As for third party candidates, Kennedy might be an issue, but he will suck votes from anti-vaxers on both sides.

As I recall, there was a Republican push in 2020 to get a third party candidate to hurt Biden.  They also pushed for Bernie because they figured he couldn't win. 

I will hope for a bonafide conservative that is not a security risk to run against trump as a third party.  Or as a Republican and let trump run as a third party candidate as he has threatened to do.

Whatever.  It will be what it will be and if the facts and articulation of the criminal cases, on top of trump's obnoxious personality, isn't enough to move people away from trump, I can't see Christie making a dent.  If you don't like obnoxious and nasty people then why would you trade in trump for Christie?  In the meantime, every additional candidate that opposes trump in the Republican playoffs, is helping trump. … ird-party/
Court: Pa. unfair to third parties … d-parties/

Jun 12 23 04:30 pm Link



Posts: 846

Charleston, South Carolina, US

Modelphilia wrote:
That is certainly not an evaluation I would ever have imagined myself making. Even if you harbor many bad-impressions of his past actions (which he openly admitted to), you owe it to yourselves to try to find the radio or video version of his entire announcement event and to listen to it in its entirety, and with an open mind.

It must be all that sun and surf and beauty in Hawaii that keeps your head clear and allows even handed thinking!  My wife like Christie and I have no opinion at this point, but I shall thanks to you and her begin to look at him. I find it sad that we are looking at an election in which there is (at this point) no exciting choice. An old man with a wandering mind or a bombastic bully - not a choice I think is representative of this nation. We really can and need to do better.

Jun 12 23 04:38 pm Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

The only thing that matters in 2024 is that the party of trump is DESTROYED electorally to the point that it must cleanse itself of trump and trumpism and the craven cowards who willingly let their party be taken over by a malignant fascistic disease. That Christie FINALLY drew the line at OUTRIGHT INSURRECTION after years of supporting what was clearly a toxic aberration I suppose is worth a word of praise, but I would no sooner vote for him, a bully in his own right, BTW,  than I would ANY republican before the party thoroughly and convincingly renounces trump and trumpism and repents for putting the country through absolute HELL.

To those who are unenthusiastic about the choice in 2024, I cannot agree. It is a RARE opportunity when by simply exercising the democratic right to vote, citizens can actually STEP UP and defeat a real and existential threat to the country whose democratic system has survived for over 230 years. It will be the greatest victory over autocracy and totalitarianism since World War II, and accomplished by the new Greatest Generation.

Jun 12 23 08:24 pm Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
It is okay and acceptable that you were impressed with his town hall meeting.  However, that thing was scripted and rehearsed.  Who was in the audience and how did they get there?  /

I'd suggest you find and listen to or watch the entire announcement and the town-hall afterwards. Sure, he put some thought into his announcement, and likely gave himself at least an outlne, but it was a coherent speech, well thought out, forceful, well-delivered, and optimistic in its overall trajectory. He was actually speaking a lot of truth,, and was taking on conservative thought patterns and habits as much as anything else. The town-hall portion seemed very spontaneous in terms of his responses and demeanor. I found him to be very skilled as a politician trying to make a difference, and was truly impressed by his ability to relate to common people in an effective and often humorous way. He really seems to have "the common touch". Go ahead, give it a listen. It won't hurt, promise.

Jun 12 23 11:29 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

In the vein of what you are saying, I never thought much of Hillary until I watched the convention where she was nominated.  That did help me to see through the propaganda and smear campaign against her and separate some fact from fiction.  Where as watching trump during the 2016 campaign (et al) supported and exponentially multiplied and reinforced all the negative things I thought of the nasty blow hard.  Considering that before he ran for office, trump was nothing but an obnoxious rich man, but he became well worthy of contempt based on his political rhetoric.

The qualities you saw in Christie's speech are fine and valid for you, but we are starting with different levels of experience regarding the man.  New Jersey politics are local politics for me, even though I am not a citizen of the state.  For me, one practiced, rehearsed speech in a controlled situation in front of a friendly audience does not negate years of prior experience of seeing him display his personality unrestrained.  I had a visceral reaction to Christie as I watched him, on the news, eviscerate New Jersey taxpayers, way back when.  And like trump, the hard right cheered his nastiness. Everything Christie has done since then only reinforces my opinion of him being a callous bully and, as I said, his support of trump makes me question his character and commitment to the rule of law.  Even Christie, while stating that trump's indictment is a self inflicted wound, has to bring up that Hillary should have been charged without explaining the evidence and law based reasoning?  The two cases were not the same and Hillary not being charged is right wing subterfuge to indicate that the law is not sufficient and that prior acts of other people temper the subsequent application of the law against one's idol?

What you are asking me to do, is take Christie's despicable and disgusting trait of being a bully and an attack dog, and accepting the very things I don't like about him, simply because the characteristics are turned on trump.  Characteristics which Christie possessed all along and did not employ against trump to publicly rein him in or chastise him since Christie withdrew from the 2016 race until now? 

Where was Christie's scathing rebuke of trump after January 6th?  It was November of 2021 before Christie had anything to say about the insurrection?  ""I was desperate to try to get in touch with him because I felt like what was happening was awful and it was going to be a stain on his presidency. I wanted him to be the guy to stop it," Christie said."[1]  That seems like a nonchalant comment.  It is certainly restrained compared to what Christie is capable of.  Christie expressed concern for trump's reputation, he did not condemn trump for the utterly disgusting attack and the obvious instigation trump engaged in to make the attack happen.

What did Christie say last year when it became public knowledge that trump had defied a subpoena?  In 2022 Christie was hitting the Republican talking points about the search warrant while merely acquiescing the DOJ had the right to serve the warrant and conduct the search.  He demurred that trump needed to be handled differently for disregarding the Espionage Act.

""I trust that it had to have been [reviewed by Garland] and I hope that they understood the implications, both from a policy perspective for the Justice Department and politically, of doing something really as unprecedented as raiding the home or office of a former president," [Christie] added."[2] That is classic straddling the fence.

[1] … -6-1649249
[2] … search-fbi

Jun 13 23 05:59 am Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
The qualities you saw in Christie's speech are fine and valid for you, but we are starting with different levels of experience regarding the man.

With that as a given, doesn't is still make sense to help Christie achieve access to the GOP debate stage (via the aggregation of small donors) so that he can have the opportunity to take on Dumpie live in a national venue? Anything and anyone who can help us avoid a second DT administration, and all of the danger that represents, seems to be called for at this point. We shouldn't leave any weapons unused in the battle.

Jun 14 23 02:57 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Modelphilia wrote:
With that as a given, doesn't is still make sense to help Christie achieve access to the GOP debate stage (via the aggregation of small donors) so that he can have the opportunity to take on Dumpie live in a national venue? Anything and anyone who can help us avoid a second DT administration, and all of the danger that represents, seems to be called for at this point. We shouldn't leave any weapons unused in the battle.


"What you are asking me to do, is take Christie's despicable and disgusting trait of being a bully and an attack dog, and accepting the very things I don't like about him, simply because the characteristics are turned on trump."

Christie making one speech does not outweigh years worth of observation.  Nor does it counteract his CONTINUED use of disgusting comments.  This event is not about Hillary.  It is about trump, but Christie continues to distract us away from what trump did with the fact that Hillary has not been prosecuted- but he ignores the FACT that trump promised to weaponize the DOJ and develop political charges against Hillary and punish her to please his base- and in four years trump failed to procure an indictment!  This has nothing to do with whether or not Hillary should have, could have, would have been charged.  So, why would Christie continue to give trump cover and curry favor with trump's base by saying Hillary should have been prosecuted if you wish to destroy trump's political future? 

Christie is playing a political card to become relevant in a crowded field under the shadow of a criminal with a considerable raft of followers. Christie is not the attack dog you are making him out to be. 

With all due respect, I have given you ample reason to not sign on to your approach.  You are questioning my reasoning, which is fine, but not providing any additional, novel, or new information to bolster your case or sway my opinion.  Each time I respond to you, I am providing an alternative view for all others to read which contradicts your stated goals and may dissuade others from adopting your perspective.

If the rest of the Republican field cannot get up on the debate stage and disembowel trump then they might as well resign from the race now, because not being able to go toe to toe with the lying, ignorant bastard is as good telling the Republican base you aren't mean enough for them- because a level headed moderate with leadership abilities has no place in the Republican party's presidential primary.

Jun 14 23 04:03 pm Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Not sure why you suddenly interjected "Hillary" into your response, and into this conversation. As far as I know I've never mentioned anything about her here, nor have I seen Christie mention her recently, (though he could have). Nonetheless, i don't see you as a prospective enlistee in my organizing attempts here, so I'll see you around the threads sometime.

Jun 14 23 08:12 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

"The qualities you saw in Christie's speech are fine and valid for you, but we are starting with different levels of experience regarding the man," is what you quoted above, and was from my post on June 13th.  Your comment to that is what I responded to earlier today, and the following is in response to your comment regarding what I said earlier today.

In the June 13th post, I said:

"In the vein of what you are saying, I never thought much of Hillary until I watched the convention where she was nominated."
1st sentence June 13

"Even Christie, while stating that trump's indictment is a self inflicted wound, has to bring up that Hillary should have been charged without explaining the evidence and law based reasoning?"
2nd paragraph June 13

"The two cases were not the same and Hillary not being charged is right wing subterfuge to indicate that the law is not sufficient and that prior acts of other people temper the subsequent application of the law against one's idol?"
last sentence 2nd paragraph June 13

There was nothing sudden about mentioning Hillary.  Because you have been commenting on my posts, further information and depth has been provided per your queries.  In regards to prosecuting trump, Hillary has been integral since 2015!  In discussing the suitability of supporting Christie in any way, Christie's opinions and expressions are valid topics.  We are not limited to the points that you bring up.  A large part of my discussion about Christie has been relative to his time as Governor of New Jersey and my negative image of him was formed way before he was on the national stage. 

I have mentioned Christie's support of trump as a negative impacting my willingness to concur with your suggestion.

Regarding Hillary, Christie brought Hillary into the conversation this week, like a good little rightist, which exemplifies one of the problems with Christie.  As a prosecutor, he should be above creating any appearance of validating that Hillary getting away with it has any bearing- not to mention that the cases are dissimilar and that prosecuting Hillary is just right wing hate rhetoric.  Therefore, mentioning that Christie continues to mention that Hillary should have been charged is a valid criticism of Christie.

If you want to see Christie say, since trump's indictment, that Hillary should have been charged, try this:
time stamp 2:36 & c

This is not the only place I have seen Christie speak to this in last week.  It was just the easiest source to be specific about.

I am not a prospective enlistee in your goal.  If you don't want me expressing opposing views, please do not quote me.  The only thing that will happen by having the two horrible human beings going after each other with their brutal, demeaning, combative styles is that we will have two horrible people going after each other with brutal, demeaning, combative styles.

Jun 14 23 08:58 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Regarding the Mueller Investigation, Mueller concluded there were crimes committed.  Some people were charged and convicted.  trump was not charged.

Regarding the crimes involved in the first trump impeachment, the justice department has not indicted trump on anything relative to Ukraine.  Not being convicted by the Senate, did not clear trump of criminal wrongdoing.

Regarding the second impeachment, the justice department has not indicted trump on anything relative to attempted coup, yet.  Not being convicted by the Senate, did not clear trump of criminal wrongdoing, and McConnell made mention of the possibility of criminal charges after refusing to neuter the SOB.

Should the Democrats, for the next twenty years be harping on how trump got away with x, y and z and disparage the entire justice systems of the country and various states?  Should they rip the FBI?   No.  I think not.  Get on with life and seek a better justice system.

Hillary was investigated and investigated.  Her campaign was seriously hurt, but no charges were filed.  McCarty revealed the true nature of investigating Hillary.  I believe it was Goetz that did something similar with the bullshit the Republicans are doing now. 

Hillary's emails first came up in March 2013.  It has been ten freaking years, and both parties have had power since the discovery and if the DOJ is weaponized, I think we would have seen a political prosecution by now or a valid one if there was any reason other than politics to charge Hillary.  Yet Christie continues to bring it up that Hillary should have been prosecuted?

McCarthy 2015: "What you’re going to see is a conservative speaker, that takes a conservative Congress, that puts a strategy to fight and win. And let me give you one example. Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?

But we put together a Benghazi special committee. A select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known that any of that had happened had we not fought to make that happen."
[1] With Republicans it is not about the truth.  It is the propaganda value.

"I think my conservative colleagues for the most part support Limit, Save, Grow, and they don’t feel like we should negotiate with our hostage. Gaetz 2023 [2] The hostage ultimately being the American people.

Under the auspices that Christie could somehow defy all odds and become the nominee, I would be ashamed of myself for giving him one dollar in help considering that he is not a law and order candidate- because law and order people don't do this shit- and I don't want to experience him in office again after seeing his style in New Jersey.

[1] … y-benghazi
[2] … -rcna85969

Jun 14 23 10:01 pm Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

It seems I have some company in thinking the way I do of Christie's potential usefulness as an anti-Dump spokesman and candidate, and also in thinking that he held an interesting town-hall meeting in New Hampshire.

Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post has a Wednesday feature in which she answers readers' questions, Here is one such interaction from today's column:

"Your impressions on Chris Christie's town hall?
Bruce in Seattle

I watched a few minutes of the Trump and Pence town halls on CNN just out of curiosity and lost interest in both after a few minutes. I then tuned into the Chris Christie town hall on Monday and ended up watching the whole hour and a half. I don't agree with him on much politically, but I thought he was quite impressive. He was well-prepared, coherent, knowledgeable, quick on his feet ( figuratively) and even personable. It might never happen, but it would be really entertaining to watch him go one-on-one with Trump. Your impressions?

Jennifer Rubin
Opinion Columnist

He is by far the most interesting and articulate candidate. For that reason, I really doubt Trump would ever get on a stage with him." … reader-qa/

Jun 14 23 11:47 pm Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:
It seems I have some company in thinking the way I do of Christie's potential usefulness as an anti-Dump spokesman and candidate, and also in thinking that he held an interesting town-hall meeting in New Hampshire.

Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post has a Wednesday feature in which she answers readers' questions, Here is one such interaction from today's column:

"Your impressions on Chris Christie's town hall?
Bruce in Seattle

I watched a few minutes of the Trump and Pence town halls on CNN just out of curiosity and lost interest in both after a few minutes. I then tuned into the Chris Christie town hall on Monday and ended up watching the whole hour and a half. I don't agree with him on much politically, but I thought he was quite impressive. He was well-prepared, coherent, knowledgeable, quick on his feet ( figuratively) and even personable. It might never happen, but it would be really entertaining to watch him go one-on-one with Trump. Your impressions?

Jennifer Rubin
Opinion Columnist

He is by far the most interesting and articulate candidate. For that reason, I really doubt Trump would ever get on a stage with him." … reader-qa/

Wake me when Christie hits double figures. Until then he is an entertaining sideshow.

Jun 15 23 12:34 pm Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Focuspuller wrote:
Wake me when Christie hits double figures. Until then he is an entertaining sideshow.

I guess that makes you a "political-inactivist" then with respect to the 2024 Presidential election.  Last I heard, that is the best guarantee for a failure to effect positive change.

Jun 15 23 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:
I guess that makes you a "political-inactivist" then with respect to the 2024 Presidential election.  Last I heard, that is the best guarantee for a failure to effect positive change.

Quite the opposite. What I won't be doing is wasting my finite time or money supporting a trump opponent who at this time has generated zero momentum, as momentarily satisfying as his rhetoric may be. At the end of the day, trump remains in total control of his cult, which support (so far) two indictments have failed to dent. After blindly backing trump's bullshit for 8 years, the cult is not likely to flip from all-trump to not-trump by election day. Right now, it looks like the only way trump loses his base is the calculation he cannot win, is a loser, and the beneficiary of that would be DeSantis.

Jun 15 23 07:28 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Christie indicates he won't agree to a loyalty pledge that would require him to support trump, a carve out the RNC rejects.  Questions why a loyalty pledge has become a thing in the republican party.  Christie calls trump a loser and a petulant child. … -00102536.   I still wouldn't support Christie,

The loyalty pledge for a party does seem somewhat authoritarian/fascist- though we do make out school kids recite one everyday in school.  It seems like if the Republicans were loyal to the United States, they would be requesting an oath in regards to that.  However, we all know how much trump's oath of office meant to him.

Jun 18 23 08:35 am Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
Christie indicates he won't agree to a loyalty pledge that would require him to support trump, a carve out the RNC rejects.  Questions why a loyalty pledge has become a thing in the republican party.  Christie calls trump a loser and a petulant child. … -00102536.   I still wouldn't support Christie,

The loyalty pledge for a party does seem somewhat authoritarian/fascist- though we do make out school kids recite one everyday in school.  It seems like if the Republicans were loyal to the United States, they would be requesting an oath in regards to that.  However, we all know how much trump's oath of office meant to him.

It's worse.

“I’m going to take the pledge just as seriously as Donald Trump took it in 2016,” the former New Jersey governor said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

In other words, Christie would sign the pledge to get on the debate stage, with no intention of honoring it. Great. You will be just as dishonest as trump.This is another example of the toxic trumpism pervading the republican cult. Bad faith, mendacity, dismissal of reality, willful disinformation all at a level never seen before. It's what happens when you elevate a piece of human excrement to the highest office in the country.

Jun 18 23 09:56 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Face the Nation- TODAY

Christie again repeats false equality of charging Hillary and the deranged donald trump

When asked if the DOJ is weaponized NOW against donald trump, Christie deflects to the DOJ under Eric Holder
1:57 "Are your rivals wrong about the DOJ becoming weaponized?"
2:00 Christie responds about Holder refusing to prosecute Hillary Clinton
2:25 And now, Christie said, people see things as being inequitable, that if you don't prosecute Hillary Clinton and you chose to prosecute [deranged] donald trump, that that raises real questions in Republican's minds, AND IT SHOULD.(????). BUT, we would not be here if [deranged] donald trump had simply returned the documents, (comments about requests and subpoena] but trump waited and waited, eic.  Then they found over 100 more classified documents- that conduct is indefensible in my view.  If true as alleged in the indictment, trump is in legal trouble. [Notice I did not use quotes.  I endeavored to get what he said but not exactly.)

Maybe the questions arise because assholes like Christie and assholes in the Republican leadership harping on there being valid charges, if not having convicted Hillary already, when there is no there there- only typical Republican hate.

On another show

Andrew McCabe was asked about the difference in the facts between the Hillary case and the case of nutjob trump.

You should listen to the lead up where Lindsey Graham is claiming that trump did not commit espionage as he misconstrues the charges against trump, but starting about at 2:30,  the host says, "I want to ask you about Hillary Clinton, ... and tapes of three unreliable Republican cheer leaders repeat the lies the base wants to hear. 
3:18 To McCabe: "What are the facts"
3:23 McCabe: These two cases could not be more different.
Yes, Clinton maintained private servers.  emails went across those servers.  She RETURNED 30,000 emails.  In addition thousands more emails were found.
THE TOTAL CLASSIFIED MATERIAL FOUND FROM THE REVIEW WERE 55 EMAIL conversations - 8 top secret, 37 secret, 10 classified-
IT is important to remember- THOSE WEREN'T CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS, that was simply the CONTENT of the email exchanges, THAT WAS LATER DEEMED to be classified.  These weren't documents that had classified markings or stampings- etc.
Should it have happened?  No.  But what we didn't have evidence of was that Hillary Clinton had intentionally exchanged or withheld classified information, &c..
In the trump case we have 300+ classified documents, full documents, etc. 

(time stamp there was 4:36 and the explanation continues.

So, for those of you who wish to be informed, and complain about a little bit of reading being too much for you, both of these can be heard in less than 12 minutes.  Invest some time.

Meanwhile, I reiterate my previous question regarding Christie, if Hillary should be charged, then WHY?  Enough with the comments Hillary should have been charged and tell us WHY? 

It is a political calculous, not a legal one, from someone who represented the people in the DOJ and that he insists on the political argument makes him unqualified for president.  Like trump, Christie lies.  Yes, trump lies continuously and non-stop, but Christie repeats political lies to cuddle the base and that is not taking the high road.

(Again, I strived for accuracy but not perfection.  Watch it yourselves.  Get a transcript when one becomes available.)

Jun 18 23 11:04 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Jun 18 23 09:26 pm Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
Christie on Faux.

9' 20"

Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Biden, Biden, Biden. Oh yeah, trump is a loser.

Pathetic. Fuck him.

And sorry Christie, but you will never be on a debate stage with trump. Just another GOP former all-in trumper throwing a Hail Mary.

Jun 19 23 10:54 am Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Focuspuller wrote:
Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, Biden, Biden, Biden. Oh yeah, trump is a loser.

Pathetic. Fuck him.

And sorry Christie, but you will never be on a debate stage with trump. Just another GOP former all-in trumper throwing a Hail Mary.

But, how do you really feel?

Even if you hate Christie, and even if he never makes the GOP debate stage, he can still be useful to the cause of helping to make sure we don't end up with Dumpy deja vu next year. Anything that any leading Republican has to say against TFG is more tinder for his electoral funeral pyre. Long and soon may it burn!

Jun 19 23 01:30 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

The Lincoln project is far more useful to the cause.  If Christie can't man up and challenge the lies he is telling, much less perpetuating them, then he isn't any good for the cause.  He isn't any good for the truth.  He is just another liar in pursuit of votes from the people that want to live lies.

Jun 19 23 05:44 pm Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

For all of you Christie haters, here's why he is useful, per Frank Bruni, New York Times 6/21/23 … icans.html

EDIT: Oops, that's from a "Subcribers Only" newsletter, so you may not be able to see it if you are not one. He points out, as I have said here earlier, that it doesn't matter whether he actually wins the nomination (which he almost certainly will not), but rather his function is to wittily and clearly expose Dumpy-Boy for what he is.

After all, if NO ONE calls him out for all of his disgusting and illegal behavior, T-boy he will almost assuredly win the GOP nomination –unless, that is, a majority of GOP voters suddenly decide that potentially having a convicted felon for President might not be a good look for either their party or the country.

Send a dollar to Christie's campaign fund, get him into the debates! Even though Dumpy will never appear on that debate stage, he will still be susceptible to a great take-down by Christie. Plus, you may have noticed that Christie is the only GOP candidate with a positive outlook on what can be done for the country, as opposed to all the other contenders who seem to only be concerned with covering their asses.

Jun 27 23 03:18 am Link


Red Sky Photography

Posts: 3898

Germantown, Maryland, US

Modelphilia wrote:
After all, if NO ONE calls him out for all of his disgusting and illegal behavior, T-boy he will almost assuredly win the GOP nominatio.

No. You don't understand. If all his disgusting and illegal behavior did not dissuade the voters in 2016, nothing he has done since will change their minds. MAGA do not care what Liberals say about him, nor do they care what they call RINOs say about him. They care only that he hates the same people they do. 'They aren't coming for me, they are coming for you and I'm in the way.' Fear and anger drives them.

Jun 27 23 07:13 am Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Red Sky Photography wrote:
Fear and anger drives them.

You are forgetting about a few other important factors in our having the Dumpistas to deal with. Lack of education and certainly a huge dose of conformity, for instance, are major factors. If no Republican stands up and gives them an alternative, then they have no reason to question their Faux News, their political think-tanks, their neighbors, and what their favorite unhinged talk-show hosts tell them to think.

Christie actually has some good things to say, some grand plans, a sense of humor, a sense of humility, a common-touch, and a realistic attitude towards political compromise in the name of progress. He didn't get re-elected governor of New Jersey, a longtime Democratic stronghold, without knowing how to get along with the opposite party in the name of the public good.

I'm not asking anyone to vote for him, just to make sure that he has enough small-donor support to enable him to get on stage with anyone else who shows up for the debates. He doesn't have to win the nomination in order to make a huge difference in the public mind and in the election! 

This is a very easy and cheap way to have a potentially profound political effect.
Time is running short. Donate, even just $1, before August!

Jun 27 23 05:51 pm Link



Posts: 1033

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Here's a current example of how Christie's attacks on The Orange One are useful things for GOP voters to hear. It shows why we need to be sure he is on the GOP debate stage. Read this Poiitico article about how Christie has just attacked Ole Small Hands for illegally using those hands to move campaign donations into his legal-fees fund. … s-00103956

Jun 28 23 04:26 am Link


Red Sky Photography

Posts: 3898

Germantown, Maryland, US

Modelphilia wrote:
You are forgetting about a few other important factors in our having the Dumpistas to deal with. Lack of education and certainly a huge dose of conformity, for instance, are major factors.]

Yes, many of the trump supporters are poorly educated and gullible.No, listening to Christie is not going to change their minds/loyalty to Trump.

Many are saying today that they won't even listen to the newly revealed tape because Trump says it vindicates him. Trump supporters can't focus past a sensational headline from their Master. 'I did nothing wrong' is enough.

Jun 28 23 06:39 pm Link