Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Help Chris Christie Take Down The Big Dump!


Motordrive Photography

Posts: 7092

Lodi, California, US

Chris Christie is not your friend. Just because he is not a Trump stooge any longer,
doesn't mean he wouldn't enact the same policies his first chance.

I do however, want him to run to help expose the hypocritical Republicans that
go to the debate wearing a MAGA hat while running against Conald Trump.

Jun 28 23 10:40 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Motordrive Photography wrote:
I do however, want him to run to help expose the hypocritical Republicans that
go to the debate wearing a MAGA hat while running against Conald Trump.

Therefore you ought to send a small contribution to his campaign!
Give him a bigger stage to make direct hits on T-boy and other malodorous GOP candidates.

I don't want Christie elected, just to be better enabled to be the Doberman snapping at Rump's legs.

Jun 29 23 01:01 pm Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:

Therefore you ought to send a small contribution to his campaign!
Give him a bigger stage to make direct hits on T-boy and other malodorous GOP candidates.

I don't want Christie elected, just to be better enabled to be the Doberman snapping at Rump's legs.

The only thing a token donation to Christie will likely accomplish is getting you on dozens of republican mailing lists.

Jun 29 23 05:48 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Focuspuller wrote:
The only thing a token donation to Christie will likely accomplish is getting you on dozens of republican mailing lists.

Send a postal M.O. and they won't have your financial info at least. Not sure if they can accept it anonymously, but where there is a will . . .

Jul 01 23 12:19 am Link



Posts: 1034

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Maureen Dowd today on Chris Christie vs. Dump: … trump.html

We have both known the blackguard for decades. And let’s be honest. We want Christie on that wall. After years of watching Republicans cower before Trump, it’s bracing to see the disgraced former president finally meet his mean match.

Even my Republican sister, who does not want to vote for Trump — but may if it’s Trump versus President Biden — sent Christie money to help him secure a spot on the debate stage.
. . .
'I think that he’ll show up at the debates because his ego won’t permit him not to,' Christie said. 'He can’t have a big TV show that he’s not on.
. . .
“I don’t think he’s ever gone up against somebody who knows how to do what he does. He’s never run against somebody from New Jersey who understands what the New York thing is and what he’s all about.  . . . He knows I know what his game is.'

I'm not the only one thinking in this strategic fashion.

Jul 02 23 05:09 pm Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:
Maureen Dowd today on Chris Christie vs. Dump: … trump.html

We have both known the blackguard for decades. And let’s be honest. We want Christie on that wall. After years of watching Republicans cower before Trump, it’s bracing to see the disgraced former president finally meet his mean match.

Even my Republican sister, who does not want to vote for Trump — but may if it’s Trump versus President Biden — sent Christie money to help him secure a spot on the debate stage.
. . .
'I think that he’ll show up at the debates because his ego won’t permit him not to,' Christie said. 'He can’t have a big TV show that he’s not on.
. . .
“I don’t think he’s ever gone up against somebody who knows how to do what he does. He’s never run against somebody from New Jersey who understands what the New York thing is and what he’s all about.  . . . He knows I know what his game is.'

I'm not the only one thinking in this strategic fashion.

GOD bless Maureen, have been following her for years, but make no mistake. After covering the lying bullshitter trump for years she absolutely wants to see him "get his comeuppance", a la Georgie Minafer in "The Magnificent Ambersons", in the form of a face-to-face lambasting by Christie. As do we all. But it is not a "strategy" for taking down trump, and making some kind of hero of Christy is a mistake.

The man who wrote “Republican Rescue: Saving the Party From Truth Deniers, Conspiracy Theorists, and the Dangerous Policies of Joe Biden” will not get a dime from me. He is republican trumpism minus trump, which is just republican conservative policy. Maggie Haberman of the NYT wrote about Christie:

"I think it was really important for people to understand why I did support the president for so long,” Mr. Christie said. “And the reason was, because I generally agreed with the policies that he was pursuing.” When they would argue over the years, he added, “it was rarely over policy.”

Hate the man, love the policy. Got it.

"Mr. Christie does not blame Mr. Trump’s speech on Jan. 6 for the violence that followed at the Capitol by his supporters."

"Christy: 'I don’t believe he anticipated that people would cause violence up on Capitol Hill. But I don’t think he thought about it, either.'”

On Biden:

"Mr. Christie is unsparing in the book about Mr. Biden, whose policies he says he cannot align himself with. In the interview, he faulted the president for running as one kind of politician but governing as another."

“I think his family should let him go home.” He asked, “Are they actually motivated by love for this guy, or is it motivated by the grift?” … trump.html

He's talking about BIDEN. What "grift" is Christie talking about?

So I will continue to cheer Christy's assault on donnie dipshit because it's satisfying. I will save my money for more worthy candidates I actually want to win.

Jul 02 23 06:25 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Yes. I read most of those statements as well. The most puzzling to me was the Biden "grift" comment. I can only imagine that he was referring to the whole Hunter Biden affair. I've never heard him say anything like that before and, while he doesn't support Biden policies, he seems to like him personally. Hunter Biden does seem to deserve that criticism to a significant degree though, unfortunately for his father.

I get your point about not wanting to give Christie anything due to his varying non-supportive positions. However, I am more politically practical, and open to the possibilities he presents for taking Dumpy down a peg or two, –on a regular basis. He's certainly very unlikely to ever get elected even if he were to somehow get the nomination, and so I am more willing to "compromise" by trying to get him in a position to do some good where it's needed. Political principle sometimes needs to give way to having a strategically positive political effect that, in the short term, aids our reaching our own  goals in many situations.

I don't expect any of that to change your mind, but that's how I look at it

Jul 02 23 09:17 pm Link



Posts: 4590

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Modelphilia wrote:
Yes. I read most of those statements as well. The most puzzling to me was the Biden "grift" comment.

When Chris Christie says that, he's explicitly backing the House Republican's "big lie".

I.E.  That Biden is only President so that his son, Hunter Biden, can (supposedly) collect bribes on his family's behalf.

Read Chris Christie's quote once again, to thoroughly understand exactly what he is saying, once you understand that context:

"I think his family should let him go home.  Are they actually motivated by love for this guy, or is it motivated by the grift?”

And yes, this is one of the House Republican's key pretenses as to "why" they are planning "to impeach him".

Back whatever strategy you choose but make no mistake.  THAT is Chris Christie.

Jul 02 23 10:13 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Yeah, I thought it was a surprising adoption of the current GOP rhetoric by Christie. He usually seems to have better ammunition than that. Still, there is some truth behind the rhetoric insofar as Hunter is concerned, and it is not a good look for any Biden that he did some of the things that he definitely did do that seem to be out of line and/or illegal. Certainly they are an embarrassment to Joe Biden, and not something that is going to be allowed to disappear as a political weapon.

Dems may do well to fight back with some of the Tales of Kushner, but it's probably better if they rise above the fray and emphasize vision and plans for the future.

Jul 03 23 12:50 am Link



Posts: 4590

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Let's be very clear...

President Joe Biden is NOT guilty of taking bribes or any of the other Republican claims supposedly tying Joe Biden to Hunter Biden's actions during his drug years.  PERIOD.

Republicans are FURIOUS that the two Trump appointed investigators came up with nothing related to the President.  And the grand total of what they came up with related to Hunter Biden was failing to pay income tax and not declaring that he was a drug addict (at the time) when he applied for a gun license.   NOTHING related to any bribes or influence pedaling, etc.

Those are the facts, as established by Trump and Bill Barr's appointed prosecutors after an extensive 4-year investigation.

Jul 03 23 05:31 am Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

LightDreams wrote:
Let's be very clear...

President Joe Biden is NOT guilty of taking bribes or any of the other Republican claims supposedly tying Joe Biden to Hunter Biden's actions during his drug years.  PERIOD.

Republicans are FURIOUS that the two Trump appointed investigators came up with nothing related to the President.  And the grand total of what they came up with related to Hunter Biden was failing to pay income tax and not declaring that he was a drug addict (at the time) when he applied for a gun license.   NOTHING related to any bribes or influence pedaling, etc.

Those are the facts, as established by Trump and Bill Barr's appointed prosecutors after an extensive 4-year investigation.

Pathetic. While donnie fuckhead continues to bray about being "so unfairly treated", the public shaming and merciless persecution for political gain of this damaged, drug-addicted human being is further proof  of the depravity of today's republican shit-show. Shame on all of them.

Jul 03 23 09:42 am Link



Posts: 1034

Hilo, Hawaii, US


My goal has been met. Chris Christie will at least have a platform from which to make mincemeat of of the Orange Roughy! ("a relatively large deep-sea fish belonging to the slimehead family")

For those Christie-haters on this thread, just wait and see how good a job he will do of at least that much. He will effectively tear Dumpy to pieces whenever he gets a chance, and that was all I was after here.

May we all survive the campaign and the next presidency  –except perhaps for the two leading GOP guys.

Jul 17 23 12:40 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45298

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:

My goal has been met. Chris Christie will at least have a platform from which to make mincemeat of of the Orange Roughy! ("a relatively large deep-sea fish belonging to the slimehead family")

For those Christie-haters on this thread, just wait and see how good a job he will do of at least that much. He will effectively tear Dumpy to pieces whenever he gets a chance, and that was all I was after here.

May we all survive the campaign and the next presidency  –except perhaps for the two leading GOP guys.

I look forward to the debates.  In fact, I wouldn't object to Chris Christie as POTUS as long as the Democrats win a BIG majority in both the House and Senate of Congress.  The best outcome would be a Blue wave all the way around in the next election.

Jul 17 23 03:10 am Link



Posts: 4590

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Modelphilia wrote:

My goal has been met. Chris Christie will at least have a platform from which to make mincemeat of of the Orange Roughy

I'm not sure how effective it will be watching Chris Christie attacking the (likely) empty podium spot.  And how many Trump supporters will even bother watching, without Trump there...

Trump doesn't like REAL questions or hearing ANYTHING other than "how great he is".  So as long as he believes that he doesn't need to show up to win, he just won't.

Jul 17 23 08:47 am Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:

For those Christie-haters on this thread, just wait and see how good a job he will do of at least that much. He will effectively tear Dumpy to pieces whenever he gets a chance, and that was all I was after here.

All of which he is doing now, and on just about every network, YouTube channel, and podcast, and with what result? Donnie dickhead has an immovable majority of the repugnican  base and will not likely appear on a stage with Christie. All you seem to care about is your emotional satisfaction. Sorry. That will not defeat trump. The needle that has to move is on the Democratic side. Democrats have to be dissuaded from frivolous third-party spoilers who could deliver the presidency to trump, and pro-actively and vigorously support the only choice they have - Joe Biden. That's all that matters. No issue is more important. Christie preaching to the choir wont matter.

Jul 17 23 09:40 am Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:

Modelphilia wrote:

In fact, I wouldn't object to Chris Christie as POTUS as long as the Democrats win a BIG majority in both the House and Senate of Congress..

And in what quantum realm do you see that happening? Or even acceptable?

Jul 17 23 10:42 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

trump is a threat to the nation's security.  He was when he got elected and he is a far greater threat now.

trump is a threat to the rule of law. He was when he got elected and he is a far greater threat now.

trump is a threat to democracy. He was when he got elected and he is a far greater threat now.

Yet millions of people are willing to vote for him.  Christie is just one more guy trying to change minds that demand the right to believe lies. 

Given that trump lost Georgia by 11,780 votes (and he admitted that was one more vote than trump had) then maybe Christie could sway a number of people that would prove statistically significant in some states.  However, trump supporters have clearly shown their disregard for the rule of law, democracy, and the nation's security.  Given that those people do not respond to reason, facts or logic, pointing out all the criminal and unethical things the trump crime family has done will not move the needle on the support that trump gets from the basket of deplorables.  Christie's impact can only be positive if he can sway those to dense to be prevailed upon.  Everyone else has moved on.

Jul 17 23 01:25 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
I look forward to the debates.  In fact, I wouldn't object to Chris Christie as POTUS as long as the Democrats win a BIG majority in both the House and Senate of Congress.  The best outcome would be a Blue wave all the way around in the next election.[/quote

Focuspuller wrote:
And in what quantum realm do you see that happening? Or even acceptable?

Although I am not yet disinclined to agree with him on his point, your quote has conflated my "He Made It!" quote with a quote from Patrick Walberg.

Nonetheless, in response to your statement, I think anything is possible in a quantum universe, and also that the government envisioned by Patrick might not be too terrible. Christie does have some fresh ideas, and no shortage of fresh vision, so if he somehow made it into the office under those conditions, it would certainly be preferable to the pump-and-dump con-artist being there.

Jul 17 23 04:08 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
trump is a threat to the nation's security.  He was when he got elected and he is a far greater threat now.

trump is a threat to the rule of law. He was when he got elected and he is a far greater threat now.

trump is a threat to democracy. He was when he got elected and he is a far greater threat now.

Yet millions of people are willing to vote for him.  Christie is just one more guy trying to change minds that demand the right to believe lies. .

True, I suppose, but he can be a pretty effective actor in this play, and will likely lead some to look elsewhere for their candidates than to DJT.  In that regard, I see him as a DEM weapon of war.

Jul 17 23 04:19 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Hilo, Hawaii, US

LightDreams wrote:
I'm not sure how effective it will be watching Chris Christie attacking the (likely) empty podium spot.  And how many Trump supporters will even bother watching, without Trump there...

Trump doesn't like REAL questions or hearing ANYTHING other than "how great he is".  So as long as he believes that he doesn't need to show up to win, he just won't.

That is a likely outcome, but hope springs eternal. He most likely will at least be further down the road of responding to his myriad potential and current indictments by then, so, just maybe ...

Jul 17 23 04:24 pm Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:
I think anything is possible in a quantum universe, and also that the government envisioned by Patrick might not be too terrible. Christie does have some fresh ideas, and no shortage of fresh vision, so if he somehow made it into the office under those conditions, it would certainly be preferable to the pump-and-dump con-artist being there.

Putting aside the zero probability of a Christie presidency and Democratic congressional majority, we would be looking at  a gridlocked government, particularly when Christie tries to enact his "fresh vision" of repealing Obamacare, raising the social security retirement age, and all the trump policies he had no trouble supporting until the day after the 2020 election. Not too terrible? I disagree.

Jul 17 23 06:52 pm Link



Posts: 4590

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Patrick Walberg wrote:
I look forward to the debates.  In fact, I wouldn't object to Chris Christie as POTUS as long as the Democrats win a BIG majority in both the House and Senate of Congress.  The best outcome would be a Blue wave all the way around in the next election.

If you are already aware of Chris Christies move against Marriage Equality (vetoing same sex marriages in New Jersey), and when overturned by the courts said that "Christie Appointed Judges" would NEVER rule in favor of Marriage Equality, his refusal to back legal adoptions by gay couples, his (twice) veto of bills supporting Transgender Equality, his vocal opposition to the Obama Administration’s guidance aimed at protecting transgender students, etc...

Not to mention his backing of the lie that President Biden accepted bribes for the family (supposedly the only reason he's running again), AND SO MUCH MORE...

If you are quite aware of all of these Chris Christie positions and still wouldn't "object to Chris Christie", then fine.  That's completely up to you.  I just want to make sure that you understand what he stands for, and just what his record is.

Jul 17 23 06:56 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Focuspuller wrote:
Putting aside the zero probability of a Christie presidency and Democratic congressional majority, we would be looking at  a gridlocked government, particularly when Christie tries to enact his "fresh vision" of repealing Obamacare, raising the social security retirement age, and all the trump policies he had no trouble supporting until the day after the 2020 election. Not too terrible? I disagree.

My earlier comment was based solely upon my agreeing with someone else that a democratic majority in the House & Senate would be an effective curb on anything that an unlikely Christie-as-Pres might want to get going. It also wouldn't  necessarily lead to gridlocked government. After all, that is a feature more common to GOP control of those entities, but not when the Dems get in such a position. Also, Christie did have to work with and compromise with united Democratic opposition for both of his two terms as governor. He is not beyond compromising with his opposition in order to accomplish things for the common good.

You and others are raising what may be very valid points in not wanting Christie to ever get near the WH, but that's not the point. It is also not purely for my "own emotional satisfaction" that I want to see him continue to attack the Dough-Boy. I want the rest of the Republican world to hear whatever attacks he might want to hurl at TFG, in hopes that he may challenge some Republican voters to question their support for the dictator-in-waiting.

Also, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of Democrats regaining control of the House. Jimmie-Boy Jordan and his compadres are making pretty big fools of themselves, as have all of the GOP-controlled states. All of the "investigations" will continue to go nowhere, and even MTG has been booted down the line by other Republicans. Gerrymandering by GOP states has also been met with court-mandated do-overs, as have their severe state-mandated abortion restrictions. House Republicans could also get their comeuppance when election time comes around.

Jul 18 23 03:21 am Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

For those who believe Chris Christie would be a tolerable President, this is the verdict of the people of New Jersey, near the end of his two terms as Governor:


"Seventy-seven percent of New Jersey voters disapprove of the job Christie is doing, with a majority of those surveyed for the Quinnipiac University Poll saying he is dishonest, lacks strong leadership qualities and does not care about their needs or problems" … al-rating/

AND, in the next election. for which Christie was term-limited from running, (as if he would have) the people of New Jersey replaced him with a Democrat.

Jul 18 23 09:50 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45298

San Juan Bautista, California, US

LightDreams wrote:
If you are already aware of Chris Christies move against Marriage Equality (vetoing same sex marriages in New Jersey), and when overturned by the courts said that "Christie Appointed Judges" would NEVER rule in favor of Marriage Equality, his refusal to back legal adoptions by gay couples, his (twice) veto of bills supporting Transgender Equality, his vocal opposition to the Obama Administration’s guidance aimed at protecting transgender students, etc...

Not to mention his backing of the lie that President Biden accepted bribes for the family (supposedly the only reason he's running again), AND SO MUCH MORE...

If you are quite aware of all of these Chris Christie positions and still wouldn't "object to Chris Christie", then fine.  That's completely up to you.  I just want to make sure that you understand what he stands for, and just what his record is.

When saying I would not "object" IF Christie were elected lawfully and Democratically DOES NOT mean that I want him as POTUS.  I would rather someone who understand the rule of law, and the Constitution were duly elected than someone who is a criminal.  I'll make an early prediction that Trump's lawyers will convince Trump to take a plea deal rather than take a chance on a trial that could very well put him in prison. If convicted in one of the State cases, he cannot give himself a pardon if he were by some long shot to win back the White House, only Federal cases might he pardon himself.  NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

Trump being able to continue his running for the White House is doubtful with all cases piling up against him. He will have to focus on keeping himself out of prison, and that is why I predict he will take a plea deal and drop out of the race. Since Trump looks and sounds terrible he will probably come up with an excuse to tell the public that he is not feeling health. The bully/coward is terrified of going to prison, as he would not last a day in prison. The stress of running for POTUS and dealing with multiple criminal and Civil cases at the sametime is too much for him;.  With his diet and weight, he might have a heart attack.

Jul 21 23 01:46 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45298

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:

My earlier comment was based solely upon my agreeing with someone else that a democratic majority in the House & Senate would be an effective curb on anything that an unlikely Christie-as-Pres might want to get going. It also wouldn't  necessarily lead to gridlocked government. After all, that is a feature more common to GOP control of those entities, but not when the Dems get in such a position. Also, Christie did have to work with and compromise with united Democratic opposition for both of his two terms as governor. He is not beyond compromising with his opposition in order to accomplish things for the common good.

You and others are raising what may be very valid points in not wanting Christie to ever get near the WH, but that's not the point. It is also not purely for my "own emotional satisfaction" that I want to see him continue to attack the Dough-Boy. I want the rest of the Republican world to hear whatever attacks he might want to hurl at TFG, in hopes that he may challenge some Republican voters to question their support for the dictator-in-waiting.

Also, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of Democrats regaining control of the House. Jimmie-Boy Jordan and his compadres are making pretty big fools of themselves, as have all of the GOP-controlled states. All of the "investigations" will continue to go nowhere, and even MTG has been booted down the line by other Republicans. Gerrymandering by GOP states has also been met with court-mandated do-overs, as have their severe state-mandated abortion restrictions. House Republicans could also get their comeuppance when election time comes around.

I do believe that the majority of citizens are getting tired of the drama that the MAGA Republicans have brought to Congress. I'm hoping for a Blue wave, but I will not bet on it.  What I would bet on is that Trump will not be able to run in November,  I think Jack Smith is doing his best to bring Trump to justice. The closer it will be to his trial dates the more intense the pressure taking him off the campaign trail.  A jury is not impressed if the defendant is not there, so he will have to sit in that chair in court!  We are talking about criminal trials with serious consequences.   He can't excuse himself from it!  What is more frightening to Trump is if he does not take a plea deal what he could be sentenced for.  He would die in prison.

Jul 21 23 02:00 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45298

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Focuspuller wrote:
For those who believe Chris Christie would be a tolerable President, this is the verdict of the people of New Jersey, near the end of his two terms as Governor:


"Seventy-seven percent of New Jersey voters disapprove of the job Christie is doing, with a majority of those surveyed for the Quinnipiac University Poll saying he is dishonest, lacks strong leadership qualities and does not care about their needs or problems" … al-rating/

AND, in the next election. for which Christie was term-limited from running, (as if he would have) the people of New Jersey replaced him with a Democrat.

Did I say I want Christie for POTUS?  No!  I do not want Christie or any Republican as POTUS for that matter  .. but I would tolerate him more than I would Trump.   As much as Republicans are complaining about Biden, I see many improvements with him as POTUS,  Biden is old, and I'd like to see someone younger, but Trump is rather old too.

Jul 21 23 02:06 am Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:

Did I say I want Christie for POTUS?  No!  I do not want Christie or any Republican as POTUS for that matter  .. but I would tolerate him more than I would Trump.   As much as Republicans are complaining about Biden, I see many improvements with him as POTUS,  Biden is old, and I'd like to see someone younger, but Trump is rather old too.

And I did not say you wanted Christie for POTUS, but that he would be tolerable. I disagree. Saying he is more tolerable than trump is not faint praise, it is no praise at all. Ask the people of New Jersey..

Jul 21 23 09:38 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28711

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Meh.. nevermind. I don't have time to deal with this..

Jul 21 23 05:51 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
What I would bet on is that Trump will not be able to run in November . . .  What is more frightening to Trump is if he does not take a plea deal what he could be sentenced for.  He would die in prison.

Donnie McDonald-Face is running for re-election, and even more desperate to win it this time, in great part because he sees that as his only escape. If elected before the DOJ is done with him, he thinks he can dismantle the whole thing. And, the DOJ might even stick with its self-chosen policy of not trying a President while in office. Thus, his lawyers will even more than usual be dragging out every case as long as possible so that nothing of consequence can happen before he would theoretically re-take office. If imprisoned, Doughboy Donnie would likely have a short half-life left to him, dying perhaps within the first six months simply from the indignity and deprivation he would feel –and it couldn't happen to a more deserving person!

Jul 23 23 02:10 am Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:

Donnie McDonald-Face is running for re-election, and even more desperate to win it this time, in great part because he sees that as his only escape. If elected before the DOJ is done with him, he thinks he can dismantle the whole thing. And, the DOJ might even stick with its self-chosen policy of not trying a President while in office. Thus, his lawyers will even more than usual be dragging out every case as long as possible so that nothing of consequence can happen before he would theoretically re-take office. If imprisoned, Doughboy Donnie would likely have a short half-life left to him, dying perhaps within the first six months simply from the indignity and deprivation he would feel –and it couldn't happen to a more deserving person!

The best possible scenario for the country and the planet, as dangerous as it is, is that donnie dickhead overwhelmingly wins the cultist party nomination, and he and his cult are existentially DESTROYED in the election.

The next best scenario would be Ron DeSantis is nominated and HE is destroyed in the election along with the trump cult.

At this point in time there is no reason to conjecture a Christie nomination; the likelihood of the trump cult flipping to Christie right now is hovering just above zero.

If trump is convicted of any charge before the election, he will continue to run, and the polarization of the country hardens to the brink of civil war.

The worst possible scenario is trump incarcerated before the election, as highly unlikely as that is, and he still runs, precipitating a constitutional crisis, and quite possibly outright civil war.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Circle the date. Will the US still be a country on the 6th?

Jul 23 23 09:26 am Link



Posts: 1034

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Focuspuller wrote:
The best possible scenario for the country and the planet, as dangerous as it is, is that donnie dickhead overwhelmingly wins the cultist party nomination, and he and his cult are existentially DESTROYED in the election.

The next best scenario would be Ron DeSantis is nominated and HE is destroyed in the election along with the trump cult.

Other than reversing your ranking of those two scenarios, I would agree with your analysis. The danger of civil war seems real, and perhaps somewhat likely under a number of other scenarios as well.

On the other side, I think Biden is playing his political hand very well, making noticeable progress towards his societal goals, and real economic progress, while exerting a steady and patient approach with his administration. The election seems to come down to decency vs. indecency, and also to rabid political action vs. the furtherance of social idealism and honesty towards their goals.

Jul 23 23 10:13 am Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

Modelphilia wrote:

Other than reversing your ranking of those two scenarios, I would agree with your analysis. The danger of civil war seems real, and perhaps somewhat likely under a number of other scenarios as well.

On the other side, I think Biden is playing his political hand very well, making noticeable progress towards his societal goals, and real economic progress, while exerting a steady and patient approach with his administration. The election seems to come down to decency vs. indecency, and also to rabid political action vs. the furtherance of social idealism and honesty towards their goals.

I just think the American people need to reject trump emphatically and overwhelmingly as part of the national cleansing of the MAGAt filth which the former POSUS inflicted on the rest of us. Defeating a DeSantis doesn't really do the depth of detoxing that's needed. IMHO.

And in a "normal" election, Biden's actual record should guarantee re-election, but in trump's America of "fake news," "alternate facts", and millions of "know-nothing" voters abandoning founding principles and willing to blindly follow an obvious fraud, and an ignorant buffoon to boot, anything is possible.

And without deifying Biden, because he and the Dems are far from ideal, the next election really is between Evil and Not Evil, and we really don't know who wins, sadly.

Jul 23 23 10:45 am Link



Posts: 4590

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Focuspuller wrote:
And without deifying Biden, because he and the Dems are far from ideal, the next election really is between Evil and Not Evil, and we really don't know who wins, sadly.

Sadly, we live in a world of alternate realities, built on (so-called) "Alternate Facts".

The end result is that there are many who agree with you that "the next election really is between Evil and Not Evil", yet honestly differ as to which side is which.

Actual FACTS are more important than ever.  And on many major issues of disagreement, the facts (rather than opinions) normally would quickly take certain issues right off the table.  Yet somehow, for far too many, real facts just don't matter anymore.

Jul 23 23 11:38 am Link


Adventure Photos

Posts: 125

Palos Park, Illinois, US

Modelphilia wrote:
Thanks Hunter for your background information on Christie's history and reputation.
However, all of that is beside the point!

The idea I want to convey is that, as a strategy to take down Dumpy, it makes sense for those of us in favor of trying to accomplish that end to each make small contributions to Christie's campaign this year so that he will be able to accrue the minimal 40,000 small contributions from individual contributors which the GOP is requiring for a seat at the debates. If he has that minimal support, he can be an effective and funded opponent for TFG all the way until the debates at minimum, whether or not he ever appears there.

As to what Christie has done, and whether or not he has done anything to disown and/or argue against a second term for Daffy, I refer you to his many months worth of ABC Sunday talk-show appearances wherein he took part in numerous discussions of the evils of T-ism until just two weeks ago when he was preparing to announce his candidacy. He was outspoken there about the Dumpy-One and his antics.

Nobody expects Christie to win the '24 Republican nomination, and perhaps not even him. The real story is that we need him to do as much damage as possible to Humpty-Head, and we can ensure that he is able to carry that message far and wide as long as possible. I'm not asking anyone to actually support Christie for POTUS, and am instead saying that he is a good, believable, relatable mouthpiece for the anti-Dump side. He needs just a minimum of support from each of us in order to carry forward the anti-Dump message to the Independent and Republican voters nationwide for the next six-months at minimum.

And, for God's sake, DON'T VOTE FOR A THIRD PARTY CANDIDATE! We can't afford any dilution of the voting pool this time for sure. We need every vote we can get!

I love seeing him on Sunday morning news in the 'round table' group, where we can count on him to do more damage on Humpty 'T'   This week was satisfying, and I predict the mugshot will be a favorite mask for Halloween this season.

Aug 28 23 08:22 pm Link


Roaring 20s

Posts: 142

Los Angeles, California, US

Is anybody else in a position that benefits from gridlock? Basically where no party can really get their pet projects through?

I travel with a lot of wealthy people and in their US activities they're content with a divided Congress, and do what they can to keep that specific outcome.

No party has had enough seats to pass the filibuster in the Senate for 44 years, and despite everyone blocking their friends and neighbors on social media the Senate is 50-50 every single time. For what?

The only thing that gets passed is the double-stuffed budget reconciliation bills, since that's allowed to have simple majority in the Senate.

I can kind of see those wealthy people's perspective of doing what they do for the next century at this rate. It does seem beneficial. There's almost no possibility that the Democrats get unilateral power, no possibility that the Republicans get unilateral power, and neither are willing to cross the aisle on basically any bill these days.....

Outside of that group, I see a lot of emotion lately, but I also know that's because people get presented with an isolated reality now, where it appears that there's a tidal wave of red support, or it appears like there's a tidal wave of blue support, really just depending on your zip code, what sites you visited, what sites your friends visited.

Yeah, there's more to politics than just the Senate, or the Presidency. But just wondering if anyone else here is in a position to view things this way.

Aug 28 23 10:20 pm Link



Posts: 4590

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Roaring 20s wrote:
Is anybody else in a position that benefits from gridlock? Basically where no party can really get their pet projects through?

Aren't things far more serious than that?

Where the MAGA group keep threatening civil war or violence if anyone DARES to bring Trump to justice.  And how the legal system mustn't be independent and should become a political tool (retribution!) to stop those from bringing Trump to justice.  All while claiming that the justice system has already become "politicized" for doing the job it is supposed to do...

Where they are being fed propaganda constantly that (supposedly) the only way to "save" their country is overturn Democracy.   Yes, they have a remarkably strange version of "saving" what the U.S. always used to stand for, but...

Threats of violence and civil war, "retribution" for daring to charge Trump for his crimes, and an increasing "any means necessary" approach, i.e.  overturn Democracy and basic freedoms as part of the campaign to impose their beliefs and will on everyone else.  Because no one else's desires, votes or freedoms actually count to them.  They just "want what they want" and are "fed up" with not getting it.  Supposedly due to all of these "pure evil" liberals, intellectuals, scientists, doctors and teachers and all their inconvenient "damn facts" and "basic rights".

Yep, what they call "Make America Great Again", by destroying everything it ever tried to stand for.  Democracy, an Impartial / Fair Justice System, the importance of Individual Rights and Freedoms, and so much more.

I would suggest that GRIDLOCK on trying to get bills through, is pretty LOW on the spectrum of the country's political problems, right now.

Aug 29 23 07:56 am Link



Posts: 2857

Los Angeles, California, US

LightDreams wrote:
Aren't things far more serious than that?

I would suggest that GRIDLOCK on trying to get bills through, is pretty LOW on the spectrum of the country's political problems, right now.

Yes, except for the debt ceiling. Forcing a government shutdown and/or debt default due to gridlock, as the trump cult is threatening, would be catastrophic .

Aug 29 23 09:05 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8259

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Christie and the rest of the Republican field are bemoaning the efforts to disqualify a presidential contender under the 14th amendment.  "Don't do it that way," the Republican stooges say, "Do it at the ballet box."

Thinking back, I remember the outrage about Reagan being a divorced man and the difficult position conservatives were in as they cast a vote for such a man.  But the end was worthy when the only price was their ethics.

Thinking back, I remember the outrage conservatives had over the womanizer and schemer that Clinton was, but they willing set those concerns aside a few years later when it came time to vote for a man that had credible accusations against him, indicating he was capable and probably culpable regarding a series of sexual assaults, much less his well known serial infidelities, and they cast their votes for him with little more than the blink of an eye.

Thinking back, I remember the enthusiasm conservatives had for their darling movie star and Governor of California, whom they wanted to run for president, and that pesky requirement that disqualified him because he was not a natural born citizen (a gebürtiger Bürger), was a criteria that could be considered a bump in the road to  be scraped away.  They were willing at the time to propose and further the Arnold Amendment to give their man a chance.  The wisdom of the Founding Fathers be damned.

Now a days, not only is it acceptable to nominate and attempt to elect a man who has now been determined to be liable for one of his past sexual assaults- one in which the judge equated his actions to that of a rape, when rape is used as the term is commonly used.  They are also willing to overlook many of his previous and subsequent crimes in office, including his extortion attempt and misuse of funds allocated by congress; his attempt to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power; and the theft of classified documents- congruently, they are now insisting that the constitutional order be ignored and the 14th Amendment be curtailed in favor of a popular vote.  The Constitution be damned.

Arnold had no legal right to reach for the presidency of the United States- he was disqualified from that office upon his birth. In uniformity, when Trump took it upon himself to summon a mob and send them on a path which was bent on violence against us and our nation, he has sacrificed his right to the seat as well.  Are we a nation of laws or are they there to serve us only when it is convenient?

That Christie believes we should circumvent the United States Constitution shows that he and those that are like minded are also unfit for any Office of public trust.

Dec 29 23 04:27 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
Christie and the rest of the Republican field are bemoaning the efforts to disqualify a presidential contender under the 14th amendment.  "Don't do it that way," the Republican stooges say, "Do it at the ballet box."

Thinking back, I remember the outrage about Reagan being a divorced man and the difficult position conservatives were in as they cast a vote for such a man.  But the end was worthy when the only price was their ethics.

Thinking back, I remember the outrage conservatives had over the womanizer and schemer that Clinton was, but they willing set those concerns aside a few years later when it came time to vote for a man that was capable of serial sexual assaults, and they cast their votes with little more than the blink of an eye.

Thinking back, I remember the enthusiasm conservatives had for their darling movie star and Governor of California, whom they wanted to be president, and that pesky requirement that disqualified him because he was not a natural born citizen (a gebürtiger Bürger) could be considered a bump in the road to scraped away.  They were willing at the time to propose and further the Arnold Amendment to give their man a chance.  The wisdom of the Founding Fathers be damned.

Now a days, not only is it acceptable to nominate and attempt to elect a man who has now been determined to be liable for one of his past sexual assaults- one which the judge equated his actions to be a rape, when commonly used as the term is commonly used.  They are also willing to overlook many of his previous and subsequent crimes in office, including his attempt to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power and the theft of classified documents- therefore, they are now insisting that the constitutional order be ignored and the 14th Amendment be curtailed in favor of a popular vote.

Arnold had no legal right to reach for the presidency of the United States- he was disqualified from that office upon his birth. In uniformity, when Trump took it upon himself to summon a mob and send them on a path which was bent on violence against us and our nation, has sacrificed his right to the seat as well.  Are we a nation of laws or are they there to serve us only when it is convenient?

That Christie believes we should circumvent the United States Constitution shows that he and those that are like minded are also unfit for any Office of public trust.

Well said and 100% spot on!

Dec 29 23 04:36 pm Link