What’s Stopping You from Being the Model You Want to Be?

I had a tendency to postpone my goals “until later” only to wind up discovering I waited too long. I’d consider my goals weren’t as important as those of the people around me, or that my talent even sufficient.

Well, I’ve made a shocking discovery recently…I was wrong. I had wasted precious time questioning my ability to do what I wanted and waiting until I’m “ready.”

Model: Magda Kulpinska

What changed? I decided to do things NOW. Waiting, postponing and doubting, these were things that were banned from that moment on. I even went so far as to exclude those people that made me feel “worth less.”

It didn’t happen overnight. It started with a decision however, and as I saw the changes it brought about I knew I’d found the right path. The truth of the matter is, you know. You might not have the courage to do it immediately but you know what you should be doing.

When you postpone achieving your goals you not only take time for granted, often saying things like, “I’ll do it later,” but you might not even be here later! You’re actually purposely choosing to not live the life you want. Sounds harsh? Absolutely, but think about it this way, what could possibly be more important than your purpose? Yes, there are many things that stand in our way but no one said it’s going to be easy, and, how much harder is a purposeless life, devoid of dreams?

My certainty in this matter grew day by day. I started by just doing a little bit, one step at a time. Within just a couple months, a few weeks, in fact, I had the most life changing events occur. Better and faster than what I could have wished for and that is just the beginning.

Model: Magda Kulpinska

How does this relate to modeling? I think it does in a lot of ways. I wanted to be a model from the age of 12 but I thought I was too thin and too young, etc, etc. I waited seven more years only to be told by my future agent that I was “too old and too fat.” I’m able to laugh about it now but back then I couldn’t get over the fact that I had wasted so much time simply because of some false ideas.

What is preventing you from having the career you’d like? Not enough time? Are you seeking approval from others? Are you asking permission to do what you’d like to do?

Don’t. You’re the one who decides what’s going to happen with your life. I’ve learned my lesson the hard way and I’d like others to avoid committing the same mistake.

What is stopping you from achieving your goals in modeling? Write down all the reasons on a piece of paper. Include every single thing until you run out of ideas. Now tear up what you wrote. I’m serious…Do it!

How did that feel? It’s time for a new beginning. If you want to achieve something there’s no time to lose. You took the first step and now you need to determine the next one. What could you be doing right now in order to advance your career? Perhaps you could be shooting new photos, browsing castings or posting something cool on social media. There’s always something you can do to help advance your modeling career and achieve your goals. The trick is to do it now and to remind yourself to keep on doing it every day.

It’s up to you to live the life you want.

Magda Kulpinska

Magda Kulpinska is a professional model based in Paris, France. Magda is also a trained actress and operatic mezzo-soprano. Follow Magda on Instagram: @magdakulpinska

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5 Responses to “What’s Stopping You from Being the Model You Want to Be?”

  1. October 06, 2017 at 3:23 am, Marcus Massey said:

    Another fantastic article Magda.


  2. October 18, 2016 at 9:40 pm, Whitney Morrow said:

    Sounds like my recent decision. I have to stop talking about it, stop looking to others for guidance, and get off my butt and put in the work. If it doesn’t go anywhere then I’ve lost nothing… But if it does, then I’ve just gained everything.


  3. October 15, 2016 at 5:14 pm, Rosemary Jacalyn James said:

    Thank you for this post! I am going through a process of finding myself and I am really feeling your words. I am at a point of getting more active about reaching my goals and it feels great! Your words are very motivating and I really appreciate reading them! Much Love!


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