Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Favorite tips and tricks

Digital Artist

Mac is Live

Posts: 2340

Bermuda Dunes, California, US

I'm getting bored with all the non relevant threads.

So what are some of your favorite features and functions of Photoshop?
Elaborate as much as you'd like.

Aug 21 09 12:15 pm Link



Posts: 4520

Evansville, Indiana, US

I love the masking tool because it makes it easy to fix minor problems plus cutting out and pasting other images . I also like the pen tool , it makes it easier to select eyes etc ...Andthe layer modes are far superior to other programs .

Aug 21 09 12:26 pm Link

Digital Artist

Mac is Live

Posts: 2340

Bermuda Dunes, California, US

Tytaniafairy wrote:
I love the masking tool because it makes it easy to fix minor problems plus cutting out and pasting other images . I also like the pen tool , it makes it easier to select eyes etc ...Andthe layer modes are far superior to other programs .

Masking is one of my fave's. big_smile

Aug 21 09 01:03 pm Link

Digital Artist

Michael C Pearson

Posts: 1349

Agoura Hills, California, US


Copies your current selection to a new layer, or duplicates current layer if no selection is active

Aug 21 09 01:32 pm Link


Roxy Vandiver

Posts: 2842

Houston, Texas, US

mikedimples wrote:

Copies your current selection to a new layer, or duplicates current layer if no selection is active

That'll come in handy.  Thanks. smile

Aug 21 09 01:35 pm Link


Dannielle Levan

Posts: 12865

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

The actions window, i have most of mine set up automated to a degree.

Aug 21 09 01:39 pm Link


Cody Winfrey Touch-Up

Posts: 26

Spokane Valley, Washington, US

Bracket keys to change bush size is awesome, makes workflow a lot smoother.

Aug 21 09 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 1269

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

shift+ctrl+alt+e makes a merged layer of all layers in your stack. I'll generally add an inverted mask to it and use only the parts of the layer that i need.

Aug 21 09 02:07 pm Link

Digital Artist

Mac is Live

Posts: 2340

Bermuda Dunes, California, US

Exile Creations wrote:
shift+ctrl+alt+e makes a merged layer of all layers in your stack. I'll generally add an inverted mask to it and use only the parts of the layer that i need.

Yes. Its called stamp visible. I use that quite often.

Aug 21 09 02:20 pm Link


Dragon Ink - Sean William

Posts: 1062

Hackettstown, New Jersey, US

Exile Creations wrote:
shift+ctrl+alt+e makes a merged layer of all layers in your stack. I'll generally add an inverted mask to it and use only the parts of the layer that i need.

+1   I love this shortcut.  Use it all the time.

Aug 21 09 02:20 pm Link

Digital Artist

Mac is Live

Posts: 2340

Bermuda Dunes, California, US

Cody Winfrey Touch-Up wrote:
Bracket keys to change bush size is awesome, makes workflow a lot smoother.

Yeah, now that I use a wacom, I find myself rmb clicking and changing sizes. Brackets are easier though.

Aug 21 09 02:21 pm Link


Kym Trice

Posts: 73

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Brackets are the bomb, Lasso/Magnetic tool....still trying to figure out brushes and their "TRUE" importance or how I can use them more effectively

Aug 21 09 04:01 pm Link



Posts: 3307

Fullerton, California, US

Channels as masks.

While I don't often need to mask out areas to correct, I do find it useful to use masks for enhancements, and the fact that Photoshop makes so many different pre-built ones is very very handy. Color-specific channels (RGBCMYab), tone-based (~CMYKRGBL), and any combination of them can be used to create perfectly registered masks for a whole bunch of tasks.

Aug 21 09 04:24 pm Link


Good Egg Productions

Posts: 16713

Orlando, Florida, US

The Diffuse Glow filter.

It's AWESOME.  It makes all of my photos look dreamy and makes the girls look like angels.

Aug 21 09 04:27 pm Link


Pixel Fist

Posts: 3404

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Good Egg Productions wrote:
The Diffuse Glow filter.

It's AWESOME.  It makes all of my photos look dreamy and makes the girls look like angels.

What planet are U on?

Aug 21 09 06:04 pm Link



Posts: 867

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

Mac is Lost wrote:

Yes. Its called stamp visible. I use that quite often.

I've used PS since v6.0 and the first time I ever heard of that was Saturday while reading one of these threads. Since then, I have looked hard in CS3, to find the menu command that would have given me the inkling that the command even existed.

Once I tried it, I started having all kinds of practical ideas where that would be handy.

Where is it?

Aug 23 09 10:19 pm Link


Duncan Hall

Posts: 3104

San Francisco, California, US

KB9NDF wrote:
I've used PS since v6.0 and the first time I ever heard of that was Saturday while reading one of these threads. Since then, I have looked hard in CS3, to find the menu command that would have given me the inkling that the command even existed.

Once I tried it, I started having all kinds of practical ideas where that would be handy.

Where is it?

Don't think it exists. Just use the shortcut. Once you realize how useful it is, you'll be using it too much to bother with a menu anyway.

My favorite tricks are D&B with color and isolating an RGB channel for B&W photos.

My favorite tip is "Save all of your layers".

Aug 23 09 10:27 pm Link



Posts: 3307

Fullerton, California, US

KB9NDF wrote:

Mac is Lost wrote:
Yes. Its called stamp visible. I use that quite often.

I've used PS since v6.0 and the first time I ever heard of that was Saturday while reading one of these threads. Since then, I have looked hard in CS3, to find the menu command that would have given me the inkling that the command even existed.

Once I tried it, I started having all kinds of practical ideas where that would be handy.

Where is it?

Option-Merge Visible or Alt-Merge Visible (Hold the option or alt key when selecting Merge Visible from the menu) will work if you don't like the multi-button approach. The 'Merge and stamp layers' page in Photoshop's help has more details.

Aug 24 09 01:06 am Link


Barbie Austin

Posts: 484

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Good Egg Productions wrote:
The Diffuse Glow filter.

It's AWESOME.  It makes all of my photos look dreamy and makes the girls look like angels.

Your pretty cute yourself Good egg! smile

Aug 24 09 01:37 am Link

Digital Artist

Eithne Ni Anluain

Posts: 1424

Dundalk, Louth, Ireland

Ctrl+Alt+Z its very necessary! lol and the brackets for brush sizing and CTRL+J and the toolpallet shortcuts on keyboard......

Fav trick (at the moment) is a "bright" curves adjustment layer mask, filled with black and then painted on in white with a low opacity brush for removal of shadows, big pores etc etc...

Aug 24 09 02:06 am Link


Michael Brittain

Posts: 2214

Wahiawa, Hawaii, US

Mac is Lost wrote:
I have looked hard in CS3, to find the menu command that would have given me the inkling that the command even existed.

Where is it?

There is no specific menu command, but holding down the alt key while clicking on merge visible does it. Play around with your alt, shift, ctrl, exc.... when using brushes and menu commands and you'll come across many differnet new tools.

Aug 24 09 02:16 am Link


Michael Brittain

Posts: 2214

Wahiawa, Hawaii, US

For adjusting brush sizes, I just like holding down the alt key and pressing the button on my pen while dragging. You can do the same thing by clicking your mouse as well. For me its a lot quicker than bracket keys.

Aug 24 09 02:18 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Smart Objects.

You use a filter then go on to work on another layer. You then realize you need just a bit of tweaking on that filter. If you set a layer as a smart object and run the filter on that, you can go back and readjust the filter settings without messing up the rest of your work.

There are other reasons for using Smart Objects, but this is my most common reason.

Aug 24 09 03:08 am Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

Kevin_Connery wrote:
Channels as masks.

While I don't often need to mask out areas to correct, I do find it useful to use masks for enhancements, and the fact that Photoshop makes so many different pre-built ones is very very handy. Color-specific channels (RGBCMYab), tone-based (~CMYKRGBL), and any combination of them can be used to create perfectly registered masks for a whole bunch of tasks.

Like throwing one of those into Calculations as a mask to do a B&W conversion. Sometimes it works very nicely.

Aug 24 09 03:10 am Link


Virtuoso Skins

Posts: 333

Asheville, North Carolina, US

Kevin_Connery wrote:
Channels as masks.

While I don't often need to mask out areas to correct, I do find it useful to use masks for enhancements, and the fact that Photoshop makes so many different pre-built ones is very very handy. Color-specific channels (RGBCMYab), tone-based (~CMYKRGBL), and any combination of them can be used to create perfectly registered masks for a whole bunch of tasks.


I'll contribute, this is a simple & handy little action I made and use a lot. Just photographers and retouches alike can make good use of this. It diminishes ISO noise and minor artifacts without detail loss to an image.


1) Convert to LAB Color Mode

2) Select Channel "A"

3) Despeckle Filter then Median Blur @ 4 pixels (You can go more, but be careful if you go too much you can "spill" color tone outside of the intended detail - if you feel you need more consolidation of ISO noise, just run the filter again)

4) Select Channel "B"

5) Despeckle Filter & Median Blur & 4 pixels again.

6) Convert back to your original color mode.

That's it, works like a charm smile


P.s. My very favorite action is "PhotonPixel" wink

Aug 24 09 03:49 am Link



Posts: 8652

Winston-Salem, North Carolina, US

My Contour Shuttle with the keys programmed for all my favorite shortcuts.... One hand on my pen and one on the shuttle...

Aug 24 09 06:53 am Link


Phil Drinkwater

Posts: 4814

Manchester, England, United Kingdom

"X" switches between foreground and background colour and brackets "[ ]" increase and decrease the brush size. That halves my retouch time when doing dodge & burn on a new layer...

Aug 24 09 09:04 am Link


Retouching-Rolanda Dawn

Posts: 41

Memphis, Tennessee, US

Liquify is my personal favorite. :-)

Aug 24 09 09:08 am Link



Posts: 285

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

Good Egg Productions wrote:
The Diffuse Glow filter.

It's AWESOME.  It makes all of my photos look dreamy and makes the girls look like angels.


Aug 26 09 04:14 pm Link



Posts: 285

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

As simple as it sounds, the feature I use the most and the feature that saves the most time is keyboard shortcuts. Love 'em.
Bracket keys for brush sizing, cmd-j for copying a layer or selection to a new layer, ctrl-shift-E to merge visible, and all of the tool & window shortcuts.
I can't live without masks. I use them extensively.

A quick and helpful shortcut I learned about recently is Alt-clicking on a mask will show you the contents of the mask. This is useful when I'm dodging & burning larger areas to make sure I haven't missed anything.

Aug 26 09 04:23 pm Link



Posts: 285

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

Phil Drinkwater wrote:
"X" switches between foreground and background colour and brackets "[ ]" increase and decrease the brush size. That halves my retouch time when doing dodge & burn on a new layer...

Don't forget about "D". Which sets the colors to the defaults - black & white.

Aug 26 09 04:24 pm Link



Posts: 476

Los Angeles, California, US

I've been meaning to start a thread like this.

One thing I've done for years, and never been able to talk anybody else into, but personally couldn't live without - I make the shortcut on my Wacom stylus' lower button the space bar. Makes getting around and making small brush based corrections on a heavily zoomed in picture a breeze - especially if I need my left hand free to eat dinner, or hold my head (or eyelids) up.

Speaking of shortcuts, ever since CS2 (CS? CS3?) you've been able to edit your own shortcuts, for menu items, palette menu items and tools. What didn't occur to me until recently, is not only can you add shortcuts, you can delete shortcuts too.

I used to hate trying to select the brush tool only to discover that I'd already been using it, and I just selected the (rarely useful) pencil tool. So now "B" only picks the brush. I toggle between the Dodge tool and the Burn tool far more often than I use the Sponge tool (never), so now the Sponge tool no longer shares the "O" shortcut.

Similarly, I've taken away shortcuts for the Single Row and Single Column Marquee tools, Magnetic Lasso tool, Red Eye tool, Pattern Stamp tool, Paint Bucket and Sharpen tool. Many of these tools are useful, but get used so seldom compared to their roommates, that they just slow me down by sharing a shortcut.

Oh yeah, and if I'm on a job where I need to do the same thing more than 50,000 times, I create an action.

Aug 26 09 05:38 pm Link


Photons 2 Pixels Images

Posts: 17011

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US


I use Snapshots all the time. If I want to grab a mask from a channel in another mode, I don't open up another copy of the image. I'll make a Snapshot, change modes, grab my mask, and go back to the Snapshot. Then I can paste the mask.

Aug 26 09 05:52 pm Link


MacLeod Designs

Posts: 3309

Mooresville, North Carolina, US

btdsgn wrote:
For adjusting brush sizes, I just like holding down the alt key and pressing the button on my pen while dragging. You can do the same thing by clicking your mouse as well. For me its a lot quicker than bracket keys.

i just set up the wacom pen buttons on the side of the pen to do brush size

my fav tool right now is clone tool set to lighten, reduced to 20-30 percent opacity

Aug 26 09 09:17 pm Link



Posts: 3307

Fullerton, California, US

ezpkns retouching wrote:
Oh yeah, and if I'm on a job where I need to do the same thing more than 50,000 times, I create an action.

I'm more inclined to do so if I have to do it more than 5 times, but I'm lazy.

Aug 26 09 09:20 pm Link


MacLeod Designs

Posts: 3309

Mooresville, North Carolina, US

Photons 2 Pixels Images wrote:
Smart Objects.

You use a filter then go on to work on another layer. You then realize you need just a bit of tweaking on that filter. If you set a layer as a smart object and run the filter on that, you can go back and readjust the filter settings without messing up the rest of your work.

There are other reasons for using Smart Objects, but this is my most common reason.

OMG i love you...

i kept deleting the layer and re doing it trying to change it just that little bit

Aug 26 09 09:21 pm Link


susan patrick harris

Posts: 454

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

great shares--
my  head may explode before i assimilate them all!

Aug 27 09 05:20 pm Link



Posts: 4520

Evansville, Indiana, US

I just could not do without the pen tool to extract people and put in things to images .

Aug 27 09 05:40 pm Link



Posts: 627

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Shadow/Highlight I love. It's a simple tool and does wonders to adjust poorly lit backgrounds in location shoots.

Aug 27 09 06:09 pm Link



Posts: 4226

Jacksonville, Florida, US


Drobo Pro storage, gigabit ethernet, 8x2TB SATA II


Aug 27 09 06:19 pm Link