Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > MUA Hygiene Horror Stories

Makeup Artist


Posts: 2

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Sanitary Kit Procedures ... Are so crucial ... I wipe down all of my Shadows, and Blushes with tissue... I have even spritzed them with Alcohol 90%.. but 70% will work too... I wash my Brushes with Shampoo, after every shoot.  Disposable lip wands for glosses are the hardest to find.. I have scraped the gloss on to a spatula if I am out of applicators.. Alcohol your lipsticks after use everytime even if you SCRAPE them .. !!!.. OMG.. I have worked in the Makeup Industry for over 7+ years, and I have seen pillbox dippers , and all sorts of things.. you can't wipe down lipstick in a pill box... MOUTHS AND EYES ARE DIRTY!!!... Makeup artists seem to forget this.

Apr 25 08 12:51 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Reine D

Posts: 520

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

I buy my lip brushes for under $2 each from an art store and I have at least 7-8 on hand when doing a shoot. I did 2 models a few weeks ago and retouched 4 others throughout the shoot--they came in very handy; one application per brush and then washed them afterwards.

Teresa Tatsch MUA HS wrote:
anyone got any links to disposal lip brushes?  I did a search but the ones I see are synthetic and very blunt looking they do not appear to be very good.  I do makeup for workshops where there are multiple models and I find that having them would save time rather than having to sanitize my brushes and wait for them to dry between models and color changes.

Apr 25 08 01:48 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Reine D

Posts: 520

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

I was taught proper cleaning techniques when I took my course -- but I've witnessed a MUA give her model the tube of gloss to share between 2 models (while on set) and I know that she was going to put it back in her kit when the model brought it back -- EWW!

Here's what I do. I have a clean brush case -- when I'm done with each brush, they go into a zip lock bag so they can get cleaned with shampoo when I get home -- this way I don't mix them up with my clean brushes. I do use paint jars for my lipsticks (little plastic ones that I smash the tubes into) -- but I scoop out color with a wooden spatula. Actually anything creamy, I will scoop with a spatula.

As for mascara, I use disposables and never double dip ---one brush per eye. If I'm running low on disposables, I will put in my dirty brush bag and take home and use shampoo to clean them.

My powders, if they are loose powders, I'll put some on my mixing palette or a tissue and use one per model (if on the palette, I will sanitize it between models using 99% alcohol). I do the same with my shadows/blushes, I'll give a quick spritz of alcohol and I'm ready to go.

As for sponges, I use one per item per model and toss them afterwards so that I don't mix them up with the next model's sponges. And because I use spatulas, there is no fear of contamination.

If I must reuse a brush while on set, I will clean it with alcohol first then reuse it.

I also carry hand sanitizer in my kit so I clean my hands between models. I have paper towels and tissues in my kit too -- you never know when you may need some.

That's pretty much what I do --- and glad to hear that others take it seriously as well; how gross!!!

Sanitary Kit Procedures ... Are so crucial ... I wipe down all of my Shadows, and Blushes with tissue... I have even spritzed them with Alcohol 90%.. but 70% will work too... I wash my Brushes with Shampoo, after every shoot.  Disposable lip wands for glosses are the hardest to find.. I have scraped the gloss on to a spatula if I am out of applicators.. Alcohol your lipsticks after use everytime even if you SCRAPE them .. !!!.. OMG.. I have worked in the Makeup Industry for over 7+ years, and I have seen pillbox dippers , and all sorts of things.. you can't wipe down lipstick in a pill box... MOUTHS AND EYES ARE DIRTY!!!... Makeup artists seem to forget this.

Apr 25 08 01:55 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Relaxing Minds- MUA Taj

Posts: 280

Memphis, Tennessee, US


Well the problem is that some of the resources for disposable applicators require you to have a License.  I purchase from Universal Companies and The Industry Source/The Beauty Book which both can be found on the web. They do sell disposable blush brushes (tiny) and lip gloss wands.  I just hate ordering and waiting on stuff plus sometimes there is that sometimes added shipping charge. Prices are reasonable. I also check the local professional beauty supply stores. 

Qosmedix also sells them but in bulk. They are a medical/salon/spa quality disposable merchant. The 2006 catalog is 300 pages.  No license needed to purchase but you do need a Federal Tax Id #.  I was a buyer for a body product company and still had their catalog.  They will send free samples.  I emailed them yesterday and when they asked for a Federal Tax Id, I explained I didn't have one but I did have an EIN which I provided.  I explained that I did not need the products for retail but for providing sanitary services.  They are sending the catalog and samples.  It may be a case where several MUA's place one order together if the order minimum is astronomical.  I'll post here when I find out cause the catalog I have has no price but minimums listed.

Next choices for unlicensed people are Sally's, Wal-mart, Target, Beauty supply, Kmart, etc.  Also try an Avon, Mary Kay, Beauticontrol, Jafra or any kind of cosmetics ind rep as they can buy them.  Ask can you purchase from them.  I know, I sold Avon for years and was able to purchase quality double ended (long) eyeshadow applicators, mascara wands, lip brushes, spatulas, foundation sponges, qtips and cotton rounds for CHEAPER than anywhere else on the market.

Last choice, go in Sephora and any other cosmetic counter where they have applicators out and "borrow" a few.  I went in Sephora on Sunday and was happy to see lip gloss wands, I asked did they sell them and she said know but grab as many as you want.  Well... I decided not to be greedy and got about 15 of them.   also liked their thin foundation sponges.

Apr 25 08 08:20 pm Link


mm display name

Posts: 4076

Did a show a while back with about 10 other models.

I swear, everyone was horny as hell and ready to pounce each other. I questioned their 'cleanliness'. Then I noticed the MUA was using the same products on everyone...lip liner, lipstick, mascara, etc. No disposables.

I did my own makeup that day.

Apr 25 08 09:37 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Relaxing Minds- MUA Taj

Posts: 280

Memphis, Tennessee, US

Relaxing Minds wrote:

Well the problem is that some of the resources for disposable applicators require you to have a License.  I purchase from Universal Companies and The Industry Source/The Beauty Book which both can be found on the web. They do sell disposable blush brushes (tiny) and lip gloss wands.  I just hate ordering and waiting on stuff plus sometimes there is that sometimes added shipping charge. Prices are reasonable. I also check the local professional beauty supply stores. 

Qosmedix also sells them but in bulk. They are a medical/salon/spa quality disposable merchant. The 2006 catalog is 300 pages.  No license needed to purchase but you do need a Federal Tax Id #.  I was a buyer for a body product company and still had their catalog.  They will send free samples.  I emailed them yesterday and when they asked for a Federal Tax Id, I explained I didn't have one but I did have an EIN which I provided.  I explained that I did not need the products for retail but for providing sanitary services.  They are sending the catalog and samples.  It may be a case where several MUA's place one order together if the order minimum is astronomical.  I'll post here when I find out cause the catalog I have has no price but minimums listed.

Next choices for unlicensed people are Sally's, Wal-mart, Target, Beauty supply, Kmart, etc.  Also try an Avon, Mary Kay, Beauticontrol, Jafra or any kind of cosmetics ind rep as they can buy them.  Ask can you purchase from them.  I know, I sold Avon for years and was able to purchase quality double ended (long) eyeshadow applicators, mascara wands, lip brushes, spatulas, foundation sponges, qtips and cotton rounds for CHEAPER than anywhere else on the market.

Last choice, go in Sephora and any other cosmetic counter where they have applicators out and "borrow" a few.  I went in Sephora on Sunday and was happy to see lip gloss wands, I asked did they sell them and she said know but grab as many as you want.  Well... I decided not to be greedy and got about 15 of them.   also liked their thin foundation sponges.

I received my catalog and samples from qosmedic today. The catalog now 400 pages.  They sent me a nice selection of their makeup disposables as requested in individual packages with price minimums.  There prices are not bag at all.  1,000 lip gloss wands are $53.00 meaning they are about $ .05 each and some of the spatulas are $25 per 1,000.  Cheaper than my other suppliers.  The different is that qosmedix only sells in BULK so you have to buy 1,000 at a time.  I seriously suggest to check out their website to see everything they sell.

Apr 30 08 10:54 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Anatomy FX

Posts: 808

Toms River, New Jersey, US

A long time ago someone posted a disgustingly enlarged pic of micoscopic bugs you could get from sharing mascaras. Does anyone have that pic? I want to print it and put it on the shop wall as a reminder to all of my makeup artists to NEVER get lazy

May 01 08 02:48 am Link



Posts: 6427

Spade wrote:
Did a show a while back with about 10 other models.

I swear, everyone was horny as hell and ready to pounce each other. I questioned their 'cleanliness'. Then I noticed the MUA was using the same products on everyone...lip liner, lipstick, mascara, etc. No disposables.

I did my own makeup that day.

Just found out she's doing my makeup again soon.


May 01 08 10:06 am Link

Makeup Artist

Nicole Rivera Makeup

Posts: 7

Jersey City, New Jersey, US

Meredith wrote:
I was once at a photoshoot in Texas for a formalwear catalog and the makeup artist was REUSING the false eyelashes on all the models.  She told all the models to remove the lashes so that she could use them again on the models all week.  Luckily I had my own stock of lashes - sometimes it's better to pay a little to save your health!

Dec 19 08 12:36 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nicole Rivera Makeup

Posts: 7

Jersey City, New Jersey, US

Oh heeelllllll no!

Dec 19 08 12:37 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Ashley Elizabeth

Posts: 1127

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Bonne Nuit wrote:
Did a show a while back with about 10 other models.

I swear, everyone was horny as hell

What in the world???  LMAO

Dec 19 08 12:56 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Lilium Makeup Artistry

Posts: 157

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

Eyelash mite:

Dec 19 08 02:29 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Michelle Pellecer MUA

Posts: 268

Seattle, Washington, US

Lilium Makeup Artistry wrote:
Eyelash mite:

This is the scariest thing I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!

I always try to educate (in away) my models when I do their makeup and ask me why I am so careful with my mixing palette, disposables, and spatula. They don't even think about how dangerous it can be, not to mention gross and unsanitary.

I wash my brushes after every use with shampoo and sanitize them as well so they are fresh wink.

I never take back false eye lashes from the models, I rather give them away because it is a hassle to clean them and I like to give them to the model when we are working again the next day or so...but I tell them how they should clean them.

Another thing I read yesterday in a thread is to get a portable (pop-up) trash can....I hate when I have a huge pile of tissues, wands and sponges...I like to keep my area clean since I'm kinda messy when I work wink

Dec 19 08 05:40 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Al Chapoy

Posts: 234

Phoenix, Arizona, US

SoAddicted wrote:
When I 1st began modeling I had a makup artist lick his liner brush to give me a more presice line on my eye lid. I smacked the brush right out of his hand and told him NO you will not ut that in my eye.

hahaha!.. omg that's so awesome that you did that!!


p.s. bad make-up artist!!.. sick!

Dec 20 08 01:12 am Link

Makeup Artist

Al Chapoy

Posts: 234

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Lilium Makeup Artistry wrote:
Eyelash mite:

great..  great.. this image is gonna haunt me for the rest of my life..

(great thing I use dispossable mascara wands and bring alcohol and brush cleaner everywhere I go)


Dec 20 08 01:14 am Link

Makeup Artist

Rachel Lisa

Posts: 2975

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Something like this just happened to me the other day. I have been looking for an assistant to take on big jobs, so I have been having the candidates come to my home and basically do a test run on me. This girl was here on Tuesday, and she went to do my mascara. She pulled out a disposable wand and did my left eye, but then used the SAME WAND to dip again and do my right eye. I can only assume she does this with everyone, and had just given me any cooties that had come from all the users of that tube of mascara. Even worse, she didn't understand why she needed a new wand before every dip.

Dec 20 08 04:00 am Link


MEK Photography

Posts: 6571

Westminster, Maryland, US

Lilium Makeup Artistry wrote:
Eyelash mite:

You guys know that every human has these, right??  Even all of you saying "gross!", have them crawling around your eyelashes and eyebrows as you're reading this.  They're kinda like the "good" bacteria that is on your skin...

(and yes, I am a microbiologist)

Dec 20 08 04:05 am Link



Posts: 148

Los Angeles, California, US

I'm on a friend's computer and can't be arsed to switch over to my account, but I'm a model on here...

Anywho, I just did a runway show on Thursday, and the makeup and hair was done by the Aveda school in St. Petersburg, FL.
The makeup and brushes were disgusting.
TONS of double (triple, quadruple) dipping, using the same brushes on different girls (and the brushes looked dirty to begin with), putting liquid foundation on with unwashed fingers, dirty sponges...
I watched as one MUA set down an eyeliner pencil and another immediately picked it up and used it on another alcohol, no sharpener, no nothing.
Another MUA covered her mouth with her hand as she coughed, then wiped something out of the corner of her eye with her fingers, and THEN stuck her fingers all over a tube of lipstick and started smearing it on the model's lips, saying she was sorry but she couldn't find a lip brush.
Luckily I carry my own set of brushes and some basic makeup with me to all jobs, and I insisted they use those. There were a few things I couldn't avoid using, like the liquid foundation, but I did make sure the MUA rubbed her hands with some Purell before she touched me.
A few of the MUA's were trying to maintain some level of cleanliness, but the majority were treating it like a teenage slumber party makeover session...

Dec 22 08 03:09 am Link

Makeup Artist

Brittany Ludwig

Posts: 251

Oceanside, California, US

Amanda Jeanne wrote:
I once had a few make up artists ticked off with me because I asked to use my own mascara (they were all using 1 tube of mascara, same brush, for a pretty large group of models). Apparently half of the girls ended up with an eye infection. It was a pretty big event, about 40+ models.

If a model has decent mascara I will use theirs. I don't use disposable wands. I just buy the 2 for 1 packs of Great lash and use that and then give it to the model or throw it away.

Dec 22 08 11:51 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3391

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Cold Rain Arts wrote:
I'm on a friend's computer and can't be arsed to switch over to my account, but I'm a model on here...

Anywho, I just did a runway show on Thursday, and the makeup and hair was done by the Aveda school in St. Petersburg, FL.
The makeup and brushes were disgusting.
TONS of double (triple, quadruple) dipping, using the same brushes on different girls (and the brushes looked dirty to begin with), putting liquid foundation on with unwashed fingers, dirty sponges...
I watched as one MUA set down an eyeliner pencil and another immediately picked it up and used it on another alcohol, no sharpener, no nothing.
Another MUA covered her mouth with her hand as she coughed, then wiped something out of the corner of her eye with her fingers, and THEN stuck her fingers all over a tube of lipstick and started smearing it on the model's lips, saying she was sorry but she couldn't find a lip brush.
Luckily I carry my own set of brushes and some basic makeup with me to all jobs, and I insisted they use those. There were a few things I couldn't avoid using, like the liquid foundation, but I did make sure the MUA rubbed her hands with some Purell before she touched me.
A few of the MUA's were trying to maintain some level of cleanliness, but the majority were treating it like a teenage slumber party makeover session...

The Aveda school I went to didn't teach ONE course on sanitation. They scheduled a photoshoot without teaching anything on makeup (literally, nothing), and just let the girls go at it.

I'm not surprised that happened to you.

Dec 22 08 12:00 pm Link


Spooky bo Peep

Posts: 40

Clearfield, Utah, US

Now I am thankful and feel better about carrying my own makeup.

Dec 22 08 02:35 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Lilium Makeup Artistry

Posts: 157

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

Video Evidence that even "pro" artists aren't sanitary.  Just makes my stomach turn.

I bet the mascara she used was use on more than one model.  And the lipstick was obviously used more than once, and she "double dips".  Bah!

Dec 22 08 03:21 pm Link


Dark Moon Photography

Posts: 112

Mesa, Arizona, US

Bah! wrong account

Dec 22 08 05:29 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Lilium Makeup Artistry

Posts: 157

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

Relaxing Minds- Taj wrote:

Well the problem is that some of the resources for disposable applicators require you to have a License.  I purchase from Universal Companies and The Industry Source/The Beauty Book which both can be found on the web. They do sell disposable blush brushes (tiny) and lip gloss wands.  I just hate ordering and waiting on stuff plus sometimes there is that sometimes added shipping charge. Prices are reasonable. I also check the local professional beauty supply stores. 

Qosmedix also sells them but in bulk. They are a medical/salon/spa quality disposable merchant. The 2006 catalog is 300 pages.  No license needed to purchase but you do need a Federal Tax Id #.  I was a buyer for a body product company and still had their catalog.  They will send free samples.  I emailed them yesterday and when they asked for a Federal Tax Id, I explained I didn't have one but I did have an EIN which I provided.  I explained that I did not need the products for retail but for providing sanitary services.  They are sending the catalog and samples.  It may be a case where several MUA's place one order together if the order minimum is astronomical.  I'll post here when I find out cause the catalog I have has no price but minimums listed.

OMG Thank you so much for posting this info.  I am almost 100% sure that this is the company that Sephora uses for all of their disposables (I used to work at Sephora so I got to see how they came to the store.)

I'm definitely going to be placing an order so if anyone wants to do an order with me just let me know..

Dec 22 08 05:39 pm Link

Makeup Artist

At Face Value

Posts: 13

Woodbridge, Virginia, US

DreadDoll wrote:
Not to hijack the thread... but I'm curious about what everyone considers hygenic?
Everyone has different standards right?

Personally, I grew up with a microbiologist mother, who in turn made me into a germaphobe.
I think I'm obsessivley clean about my kit.  I

Just wondering how everyone keeps their shadow and blush palettes sanitary?

I bring 2-3 sets of brushes for a shoot, but I will clean them before any are reused. It takes up time... but it's worth it becuse I don't get the application I like with disposable sponges/wands etc. (with the exeption of mascara/eyebrow set)

but even the pencils I'll wipe off with a cleaning/alcohol wipe.

Dec 23 08 12:49 pm Link



Posts: 330

Bernalillo, New Mexico, US

With the amount of you posting how clean you are, I'm surprised at the amount of "gross" MUA's. Remind me to never work with anyone I haven't seen work before, ick.

And the eyelash mites are actually normal - I took a class that went over them a bit, too. Everyone has them, they aren't bad. Just creepy as hell.

Dec 24 08 06:28 pm Link


Eleisha Jemuel

Posts: 4980

BLUE JAY, California, US

I am now scared at what could have happened on previous shoots. Makes me want to learn how to do all my own makeup so nobody ever touches me.

Dec 27 08 11:19 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 425

London, England, United Kingdom

People whom re use their glitter tattoos and pro shields, including the ones that have been on the genital area on the grounds that they are still sticky and still usable. YUCK

Face painters and body painter whom don't change their water between each and every child...

If their kit isnt clean send them home without pay, this is what your are paying professionals for, or at least tell them, show them if you think they will listen and learn.

Dec 28 08 03:55 am Link


Chloe Model

Posts: 1790

Staines, England, United Kingdom

Rhonda M wrote:
I was doing makeup for a fashion show here a few years ago and one of the other MUA's had one sponge for each shade of foundation.  I mean she was reusing one disposable sponge on the models of same complexion.  I thought I was going to DIE.  Most of the models did not even say anything about it.

I had that as well, although I did say something, she just carried on.
I came out in a rash on my cheeks, lasted for over a week. neutral

Dec 28 08 04:11 am Link

Makeup Artist

Stephanie Jun

Posts: 3

Riverside, California, US

Eleanor Sabaduquia wrote:
I shall now tell my friend's tale of woe:

Back in the early 80's my friend was a makeup artist in N.Y. and I guess hygiene wasn't a huge issue then. She was working in Macy's (at the counter) and decided to use a (counter) pencil in the inside (waterline) of her eye. She told me that she never used the counter cosmetics, but she was going out that night and wanted to amp her makeup up.

-Flash forward 2 weeks- her eye was red and itchy and she thought, "Oh, must have gotten pink eye from that eye pencil".

Then her iris started to turn milky (which she thought was cool looking) and during the course of the year she started to lose vision in her eye. Turns out that the eye pencil that she used was used as a lip pencil. By a person who had a cold sore. And that she had herpes in her eyeball.

She ended up getting a cornea transplant.

Since she has told me that story, I've sharpened and alcohol-ed every lip and eye pencil before I use them on people. So it shortens the life of the pencils (not that I would ever touch anything of mine on a cold sore), but you don't know what buggies that people have, and you haven't seen her cornea.

When I work with other artists, the models will remark upon how needlessly sanitary I am-hand sanitizer, paper palette, scraping creams out, every talent has their own brush cup, disposable wands, a gazillion brushes, alcoholing tweezers and small scissors, etc. (I guess we're a bunch of slobs in Cali)-I usually recommend to models that they bring their own mascara and liner if they see that the artist isn't hygienic. They are, after all- their own product- and they need to protect it as best as they can.

I have also noticed that the huge print makeup artists are really unsanitary. And that Canadian trained makeup artists are the most sanitary.

My own tale-

I was on a game show and had to go through makeup. Makeup artist was eating a slice of greasy pizza, talking to her friend, and perfunctorily wiped her hand off on a tiny napkin and proceeded to do my makeup. I didn't want to say anything like, "Hey-uh...can you wash your hands? See...uh...I'm a makeup artist and...uh..."

Besides, I was too petrified to go on the show and nervous as all get out. Ended up winning $1000 though.

When I read this, I think I literally felt my heart drop...

Apr 12 09 12:50 am Link



Posts: 591

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

As a photographer, I barely notice what the make-up artist is doing, I just let them get on with what they have to do.

After reading the horror stories above, I will pay more attention in future! smile

Apr 12 09 01:52 am Link

Clothing Designer

Eclectic Visions

Posts: 1251

El Paso, Texas, US

Kaylene Scherb wrote:
Eyelash mite:

I literally screamed in horror when I saw this! sad ugh thats so gross I wanna cry, and I've never even had this!

Apr 12 09 11:47 am Link

Clothing Designer

Eclectic Visions

Posts: 1251

El Paso, Texas, US

MEK Photography wrote:

You guys know that every human has these, right??  Even all of you saying "gross!", have them crawling around your eyelashes and eyebrows as you're reading this.  They're kinda like the "good" bacteria that is on your skin...

(and yes, I am a microbiologist)

oh their normal ones? I thought it was from unsantiary reasons. Ok I'm not as scared anymore

Apr 12 09 11:49 am Link

Makeup Artist

Angela Sapphire Conniss

Posts: 279

Preston, England, United Kingdom


I love being clean and carry with me IPA and tea tree based face wipes plus a brush cleaner which dries almost instantly.  I do not double dip any cream or liquid based make up but will do blusher and eye shadow but before moving on to another  model I lightly q tip the top of the eyeshadow or blusher with IPA.  Also I do not like a lot of waste so now I buy the rubber ended mascara wands.  Why?  well the rubber brushes are easily cleaned with the wipe and then I use IPA to sanitising them.  I have a couple of disposable ones (rubber) which a friend gave me which I use if I need to go back into the pot.  I hate normal disposable wands as they do not give a good finish.  All my brushes are washed with brush cleanser and air dried when I am finished with them and once a month I dip them into boiling water.

My ick moment.  When I first started out I was asked to go to a photographer's studio which turned out to be his front room.  To black out the room all the windows had wooden boards placed over them.  In the front room was a a tank with a lizard in it and another with spiders.  He had 10 cats and over a dozen dogs.  he also said his back room contained over 30 rat cages. The smell was bad enough but what happened next makes me cry just thinking about it. I have set up using a small table I had brought with me thank god. Everything else was in my case.  I put my brushes out on a towel (again I brought this) and kept everything else away from any of his surfaces.  I am leaning over getting something out of my case when there was an almighty crash and I get hit badly from behind.  One of the cats had jumped up behind one of the boards and had toppled it over.  I had the board on top of my back and the cat had jumped onto my table sending it flying with all my brushes all over the floor.  When I picked them up they all got put into a plastic bag they were so gross and I used q tips to apply the rest of the makeup.  As soon as I got them home I boil dipped them and put them into milton sterilising liquid (unfortuantely ended up having to chuck a lot of them cause the milton and boiling water had warped and damaged the brushes).

Apr 14 09 01:20 am Link



Posts: 860

Traralgon, Victoria, Australia

Roshar wrote:
One time a model was being so rude to me- so I spit on her face and said "Dont worry, thats how you set the makeup"

just kidding.

Although one time I was talking and accidntly spit my mint onto the models hair. That was embarssing.


Apr 14 09 01:29 am Link

Makeup Artist

Fierce About Face

Posts: 691

Akron, Ohio, US

Madelynn Austin wrote:
My aunt works for the What Not To Wear show, and I asked her about Carmindy's stuff. She said that every participent gets the products Carmindy used on them, meaning the double dipping is fine; the tube of mascara is theirs in the end. Same goes for the hair products used by Nick.

Sorry to bring up an older thread, but I wanted to ease some of your minds. smile

Ooof, thank goodness! My boyfriend's sister just got me Carmindy's book for my birthday (wouldn't have been my first choice) and after reading this thread I was all ready to go exchange the book for someone else's! I'm glad to know she's not icky. I couldn't understand how someone could have gotten so far while being so unsanitary. Phew!

Apr 14 09 10:28 pm Link


Mandy Stockholm

Posts: 3

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US


I've never even thought of half this stuff before! I don't think very many other models do either. D:

Apr 24 09 05:47 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Gina Cicero

Posts: 822

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Roshar wrote:
One time a model was being so rude to me- so I spit on her face and said "Dont worry, thats how you set the makeup"

just kidding.

Although one time I was talking and accidntly spit my mint onto the models hair. That was embarssing.


WOW you kill me!!!

Apr 24 09 06:10 pm Link


Jessika Dorian

Posts: 912

Riverside, California, US

Kaylene Scherb wrote:
Eyelash mite:

In a way, I think they're kinda cute smile

Apr 24 09 09:30 pm Link


Jessyka Ann

Posts: 10660

Hyannis, Massachusetts, US

why would someone blow on brushes? I have never done that and I'm no MUA! lmao

Apr 24 09 09:36 pm Link