Modeling In Your 30s

As my 30th Birthday has just past on Facebook and sites such as here, Model Mayhem, I have a confession to make. It was not actually my 30th Birthday at all, but my 33rd. Age is a topic of conversation most of us avoid as we get older, however it is even more taboo in the entertainment industry. Searching movie stars, models and rock stars on Google one can find numerous dates of birth for our favorite stars, and having worked in the industry since I was 21, I can see why.

At 21 I was already ‘too old’ for a lot of work that agencies could supply or I was ‘too old’ to invest time into as I did not have many years left as a model. Or so I was told. Yet despite what some said I managed to get many jobs just fine, modeling was, and still is, my only income and has been for over a decade. These jobs were from clients directly booking me through freelance work as well as through agencies that signed me even now at 32 years young. Despite the jobs coming in I found myself rolling back my age online to suit jobs my body and look could still represent. After all, age is only a number right? So that brings me to the question of what is too old for modeling if I felt compelled to be dishonest regarding my age and is there hope after 21-25 years of age?


It is true that not all modeling markets are suitable for models in their 30’s and above, yet I do not hasten to add that neither is everyone’s ‘look’ regardless of age, suitable to be destined for the cover of Vogue or Playboy. It is merely finding what is right for your look, as well as your age.

Most markets available for models in their 30’s and above is usually in print and TV commercials, lifestyle advertisements and age appropriate clothing brand print shoots. However if one is comfortable in ones skin there is always a need for nude models at any age! Artists and life drawing classes, as well as movie rolls and acting, and even glamour actively seek talent in their 30’s and above, and I know of several very successful full time models in their 30’s whom are very much still in demand in one, if not all of these genres. My Playboy days began at the age of 27 years old and my last centerfold was shot when I was 31 years old. Yet for some glamour agencies, magazines or jobs my age at that time was already deemed 4-8 years too old. My story is testament to the fact that one does not have to be 18-21 years old to make it as a model, so do not let anyone tell you it cannot be done and I hope my story inspires you.

Acting roles for ‘older’ people are more abundant than print and runway gigs, and acting agents will usually take on talent in their late 20’s and above. Sometimes they seek talent in their 80’s! The more experience one has already in the industry, the easier it is to be taken on by an agent, so do sign up for acting classes and workshops and get a fabulous reel together before approaching one if you are not already experienced.

In terms of traditional modeling work one will find in ones 30’s there are many clients looking for models that fit the criteria of the ‘mom’ or ‘family’ role and many clothing companies aimed at older clientele will use age appropriate, or what the main modeling industry states as ‘older than the average model’ talent. It is important to be aware that the number of jobs does diminish as you get older. However the good news is that the talent pool also decreases, meaning competition is less fierce. Due to the fact that the jobs become less plentiful the older the talent gets it is important to invest wisely into oneself in terms of what you will do to support yourself if jobs dry up as time goes by.


Most agencies sign talent at a young age, and if they have a look which will transfer into another field once they get older, they are likely to keep representing them if they have a division suitable. Not all agencies represent older talent so it is pointless to apply to an agency without an appropriate division if you are already above the cut off age they seek. Most agencies state the age of talent they are looking for on their website and one will find many have a cut off age of about 23 years old. However do not let this discourage you! Just look for one which does represent a wider range of talent and apply to those.

If you already have established yourself as a working model with tear sheets under your belt you will find it easier to get signed, as was the case with me whereby my current agency was impressed with my prior modeling experience and tear sheets and signed me on the spot at 32 years old with no problems.

Starting out a modeling career in your 30’s is harder but it does not stop you from trying, and with the internet it is easier than ever to use sites such as Model Mayhem to freelance model and network to get jobs under your belt. One may even manage to freelance through such sites and do well without an agency too.

Beauty Routines, Diet and Exercise

A good beauty routine, exercise, a healthy balanced diet and lots of sleep are important for any model, but even more so when approaching and throughout one’s 30’s. This will not only increase the longevity of your career, but also improve one’s health in general which can never be a bad thing!

I recommend a diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, protein from fish, eggs and lean meats, or pulses and beans and meat alternatives if you are a vegetarian. Water helps rehydrate the whole body and makes skin look younger so drink plenty on a daily basis. Excessive drinking of alcohol, and drugs and smoking are a no-no. Enough said. A full night of sleep is also important to help keep one’s body healthy, as is reducing stress which can take its toll physically on your body.

There are many creams, lotions and potions out there to help with reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and of course plastic surgery, Botox and other surgical enhancements. Whilst it is the individual’s choice, I am not a fan of such excessive treatments and I am not endorsing it here, but moisturizing your skin and being careful when out in the sun are basics anyone can do relatively easy, pain free and cheaply!

Whatever your choices in terms of exercise, beauty routine and diet, remember to listen to your body and look after it to prolong your career as a model. After all, your looks as well as your skills in the area you work, be it acting or modeling, are what pay the bills, so you are investing in your future not just physically.


To summarize modeling in your 30’s all I can say is you only live once so if you want to try it – go for it! Do not let a number hold you back, but set realistic expectations and goals and work hard to achieve them. Do not expect to be handed work and look for the right markets and age appropriate casting calls or agencies. There is a calling out there for any age, skin color and ‘look’, so research and aim towards what is achievable and be proud of yourself for trying if nothing else. If you are already modeling and wanting to prolong your career, look after yourself in terms of a beauty routine, get plenty of sleep and keep your body in top shape by being active. Look towards transitioning into a differing area or field such as from high fashion into the commercial or lifestyle sector if your look lends itself. Lastly, please remember that modeling in a lot of ways does have a finite length, and the jobs become less plentiful as you age, so invest wisely in a second career or education as you go along.

Maria Eriksson

Maria Eriksson is a three-time international Playboy centerfold (Croatia 2010, Singapore 2011 and South Africa 2013). She has appeared on magazine covers and billboards, walked in runway shows and appeared in both FHM and Playboy’s Top 100 lists. Maria used to be a high school science teacher and has a Master’s degree. She was born in the United Kingdom but currently lives in Los Angeles, California. She has lived in many countries working as a professional full-time model. Her articles have appeared in magazines around the world. For more information please visit

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38 Responses to “Modeling In Your 30s”

  1. October 19, 2017 at 6:19 pm, Heather Kish said:

    Hi my name is Heather I’ve wanted to model sice I was a kid my mom kept turning down scouts because of what happened to JonBenet Ramsey so I could have had my chance when I was a kid then my mom past away when I was 16 and I was planning on moving to California with her insurance money but my sister’s never gave me my portion so I lost there to I even went to Barbizon Modeling School but ended up not having a ride to the final day so I losted out the to but my dream has never died and I still want and has always wanted to be a model but I’m from a small city and don’t know where to start!!!? Plzzzzzzzzz help!!!


  2. August 31, 2017 at 3:51 pm, Rob said:

    I want to model underwear or swim suits and I’m in my thirties but I am in great shape how can I do this even if its just a part time gig?


  3. August 23, 2017 at 9:18 am, Ebere Ezeugwu Ani said:

    People have always wondered and asked if I am a model cos of my height and body built but I was never one. Recently I’ve been thinking alot about it and would like to try it out. Problem is that I have no idea where to start. I’ve searched for modeling agencies for women above 30yrs but have found none yet. Can anyone assist me here?


  4. February 12, 2017 at 8:53 am, Jay J. Rodriguez said:

    Nice article!


  5. February 09, 2017 at 7:53 am, David Tyson said:

    I’ve just read your article and thinks its truly wonderful for you to be as successful as you are but I have to say there are a lot of companies out there who know how desperate people are and take advantage of them, I contacted a modelling platform early last year and paid a small fortune for photos, got told I’d never be a fashion model but catalogues or corporate work I’d be suitable for, 12 months later, I’ve had no modelling jobs whatsoever, never even been put forward for any to my knowledge, I apply all the time for jobs I’m age appropriate for but feel I was taken advantage of. I’m 43 but have a playing age of 35 to 50 depending on make-up etc. Is it worth me sticking at it? I want to but like I say, feel I was taken advantage of.


  6. February 20, 2016 at 12:10 pm, Agatha Delicious said:

    lol I have a better body now than I did at 21. Oh and I am way more fit and disciplined to be fit. I really hate that they lump all age groups into one stereotype. Like magically at 30 you have to cover up and be a mom.


    • February 20, 2016 at 1:14 pm, Don Christian said:

      Yeah it’s all true..
      Do you do Fine-Art Nudes? or Glamour? what do you model for ? Fashion??


      • February 20, 2016 at 1:44 pm, Agatha Delicious said:

        I do all sorts of modeling. From cosplay to erotic. I would like to do more Glamour and Fashion. 🙂 Fine art nudes would be awesome, too.


        • February 20, 2016 at 3:53 pm, Don Christian said:

          Ahh, I’ve hired models to do some World Of Warcraft Costplay a couple times, one time dressed up as a sexy druid, the other time as a warrior, i got ahold of a couple of nice swords and it really worked out.


          • February 20, 2016 at 6:50 pm, Agatha Delicious said:

            That is awesome! Cosplay is fun

          • February 20, 2016 at 8:41 pm, Don Christian said:

            Yeah i think so, if i had the money i would do shoots for hours doing costplay. there is a castle in Haverhill about 17 miles from me and i have done shoots there doing costplay..

          • February 21, 2016 at 1:05 am, Agatha Delicious said:

            Damn, you have a castle nearby? Where are you at??

          • February 21, 2016 at 1:49 pm, Don Christian said:

            I’m Dracut,mass area, about 25 miles north of Boston, Where are you?

          • February 21, 2016 at 2:10 pm, Agatha Delicious said:

            Vegas. No castles but lotsa desert!

          • February 21, 2016 at 3:09 pm, Don Christian said:

            Yeah plenty of desert, lol, might be a fun shoot tho, i would take advantage of that, i would do a nice Artistic Nude shoot with you and get images of you on the sand, and on hills of sand and stuff, think of the art that can be created… Or If your daring get a quick shot of you out at the Vegas lights when no one is looking sort of you on a hill somewhere posing nude with the Vegas lights in the background 🙂

          • February 21, 2016 at 3:26 pm, Agatha Delicious said:

            for sure! I’m Agatha D. on mm. If you ever wanna shoot let me know. PM me.

          • February 21, 2016 at 4:34 pm, Don Christian said:

            for sure, if you travel or ever get to this area that would work or if i ever get to your area same… 🙂
            Actually would love to do some fine-art nudes with you in the desert, on nice hills and stuff, we would have to do it early tho so the sand won’t be so hot.. 🙂

  7. February 17, 2016 at 12:18 pm, Sundal said:

    i stopped reading after ‘meat alternatives if you are vegetarian’. How about ‘vegetable alternatives if you are a corpse-muncher’. Fruits and vegetables are essential for keeping your skin looking young, your metabolism firing away and a high carb vegan diet is the best way to avoid the scourge of metabolic damage that burns out so many models by age 25 after years of yo-yo dieting. I’m 30 but still regularly book high-fashion editorials, lingerie campaigns and catalogues for models almost a decade younger than me. In all other respects, a good article but her nutritional advice is poor and irresponsible imho.


  8. February 17, 2016 at 1:40 am, Marie Lindström said:

    You are still very young my dear. Compare to me, that has one year to go
    before turning 50. It is mostly about what chances you get and which
    ones you decide to take. When you get older you prefer photographers in
    your own environment. Since internet has a different dimension on time
    and distance there is more possibilities today. Also, people take good
    care an we live longer and look healthier. Even without plastic surgery.
    Don´t worry, you look great and will look great. Wrinkles, scars and
    teeth is no big deal for good photographers. Still most mature models
    look better when the retouch is pretty simple. It is a fact that you
    shrink in length when you get older so not even that looks strange. It
    would rather look strange with giant old ladies and men, I guess.


  9. February 11, 2016 at 9:12 am, Brandi said:

    thanks for the article. I have been on Model Mayhem since 2010 or so. I like to see the potential for women in their thirties. I see the ads with the models that appear to be illustrating life in 30’s and above but no job postings.


  10. February 11, 2016 at 7:54 am, Noriko Cooper said:

    I’m a lifestyle stock photographer out of the Dallas area. My favorite models are 30 plus. It’s always a challenge to find good natural looking older models of all ethnicities. I even created a Facebook page called Dallas Jobs for Everyday models to try and find some. Most of the people that sign up are very young. When I was living in L.A. it was a little easier. If you are 30 plus with a more natural look meaning hair not over processed, tattoos and piercings everywhere there is a lot of lifestyle work you could do.


    • June 18, 2018 at 8:35 am, Vizza said:

      Are you still looking for models or know of anyone in the Dallas area needing models?


    • March 04, 2019 at 9:57 am, Nigar said:

      I am 36 years old woman . Can you help me to be a photomodel? I look younger than my age


  11. February 11, 2016 at 6:44 am, Lee Sterling said:

    As a photographer, most of the models I work with are in their 30s, with a few in their 40s and 50s. The modeling jobs are out there, you just have to go get them.


  12. February 10, 2016 at 10:35 pm, Dawn said:

    I’m going to be 40 at the end of the year but I’ve been told I still look like I’m in my early twenties… I modeled when I was in my teens and did promotional modeling in my twenties… Just curious if I even have a chance at still getting in the game at this age…?


  13. February 10, 2016 at 6:37 pm, Donna Anna said:

    Lol, I have to laugh when I read this article, its like hey your 30 now so your old well hey I’m 50 now and going to test shoots and auditions against women in their 20 and 30’s and getting the job. Age has absolutely nothing to do with it, it all depends on what they are looking for in a model. You either have the look they want or you don’t, they certainly are not interested in seeing your birth certificate. When I loose out on a job to a 25 year old I never think ‘oh well its because I was too old’ it’s more like this ‘I didn’t get the job because someone else fitted their job criteria more than I did’.


  14. February 10, 2016 at 4:25 pm, Shante Armstrong said:

    Great article! I am 30 but in this industry no one truly believes me as I look as if I am in my early 20’s so I just stopped giving my age unless asked.


  15. February 10, 2016 at 3:14 pm, Donna Crehan said:

    I am 50 and get just as much work now if not more then I did at 25. I have not had any plastic surgery, botox or anything done. I’m proud of my age and look and can work better then most 25 years old and more reliable.


  16. February 10, 2016 at 3:05 pm, DISPLAYMODE said:

    I think this article is noteworthy because it contradicts what common trends that say modeling is only for the young… Very well expressed. The most important things for any model is your health, natural beauty and fitness… Experience will bring your mood transition and posing skills, Then shoot with experience photographers who are good conceptual communicators …


    • February 10, 2016 at 3:47 pm, Nicole May said:

      This is very true. I agree with you it is all to do who you work with, photos you have and your ambition. Is not all about be beautiful, you have to be hard working too.


  17. February 10, 2016 at 1:57 pm, Chan Joseph said:

    I have Photography women in their 30’s. There a market out there and you can tap into it.


  18. February 10, 2016 at 1:42 pm, Erica Holden Lurie said:

    That is so funny that this article just popped up in my in-box as I was LITERALLY just going online to try to find a model in her 30s! I have a women’s clothing company and boutique called Garnish and I am looking for a muse/model to consistently represent my line, ideally someone in her 30s. We are in Portland, OR so if you know of anyone that might come to mind please have them get in touch, ASAP. Many thanks! Erica


    • December 02, 2016 at 8:22 pm, Tiffany Lamb said:

      Hi! If interested I can share my latest shots with you.


    • September 15, 2017 at 1:10 am, Eva Stover said:

      If you are still looking I can send some of my portfolio. Thank you


    • October 26, 2017 at 8:32 am, Tierra Kaiser said:

      I know this post is old but are you still looking for models?


    • March 04, 2019 at 9:58 am, Nigar said:

      Can I be a model for your company? I am 36 years old and I look younger


  19. February 10, 2016 at 1:36 pm, Don Christian said:

    That’s right, they are lots of girls in thier 30’s modeling, i do fashion, fine-art,glamour, portrait photography and last summer i did a photo shoot with with a 52 year old female, and she did pose some fine-art nude, and they was one specific, nude shot i done of her that won an award..
    Age is just a number, age doesn’t mean you can’t look good..
    Look at some of the tops celebs still modeling ie, Cindy Craford, Valire Bertinelli, look at Yasmina Rossi she is 59 and still modeling, age is just a number it don’t mean that as a model your put out to pasture..
    Keep it up girls your awesome..



    • February 20, 2016 at 12:26 pm, Agatha Delicious said:



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