Getting Started as a Model

I’ve been a freelance model, doing mainly nude and fetish work, for a few years now. I’ve had some success, enough that modeling is my full-time income. This article will, hopefully, help other models with similar interests be more successful.

Model: Ashley Graham; Photographer: T H Taylor

K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid

These are the basics…

Be on time

You have no idea how often this will get you complimented and rebooked. I pride myself on being on time or early. If you are going to be late, tell the producer or photographer as soon as you can.

This is forever

Those pictures you took with a pseudonym will be found by someone close to you. Bear that in mind whenever you shoot. Do you want to be portrayed like this? Are you OK with it if your mom finds them? I made sure everything I’ve done would not make me ashamed when my family found them… and they did find them.

Take pride in yourself

Get your roots done, go to the gym, and eat healthy. You’re selling a product and the product is you.

Networking sites

Be positive, be approachable, and be friendly. If you’re constantly bitching or posting negative things, trash-talking other models or photographers, your potential clients (photographers) may figure you’d be more trouble than you’re worth, and they may pass on you in favor of someone with a more positive attitude. If a model has a bad attitude on the job, they probably won’t get booked again.

Your reputation is all you have in this industry

This goes for everyone in the industry. If I hear from 4 people you are horrible to work with, I’ll pass on you—you should assume that others feel the same.

Stick to your guns

If you are asked to do something that is beyond the limits that you have set for yourself, it’s okay to say no. You should never let someone pressure you into going beyond your limits—that leads to regrets. If you’re doing things right, you should be proud of all the work you do. The best way to avoid this type of situation is clear communication—before the shoot happens. Make sure you understand what the photographer expects of you, and make sure that he or she is well aware of your limits. If someone starts pushing your limits, you need to politely remind them of what your limits are, and if they continue to push, it’s time to pack up your things and leave.

Model: Ashley Graham; Photographer: PXE

Starting a career as a model

I started modeling when I was 19. Before that I had acted my whole life. In 2008 I moved to DC, because I needed a creative outlet. I did not start out doing nude work. It took months of consideration to even think that I would ever model nude.

Finally, I gave in. However, my transition into nude modeling was different than most models. I did not want my first attempts to be with just anyone that was willing to pay me; I wanted to be sure that the resulting images were great, and something to be proud of. So, I scoured my area and found Mickle Design Werks and contacted him. We scheduled a shoot on an evening when Mosh was also scheduled to be there. I shot my first nudes while she was getting ready.  I can remember being terrified of her, because she was someone I looked up to.

One thing turned into another and now Mickle Design Werks is one of my closest friends in this industry. If I need advice, I call him. I think it was a good business move for me to shoot with him first. He created beautiful images of me that opened up doors to other awesome TF opportunities and paid work. Remember this: People will sometimes hire you based solely on your portfolio—and may be willing to pay more to a model with a quality portfolio, than a poorly done one that makes them think you care more about money than creating a beautiful image for them.

Fast forward to a year or so later, and I was able to quit my job as I was making more modeling than I was working. This may or may not happen to you, but if it does you have to make sure you calculate out how much you need to make per month to survive. I know I have slow months, as do other girls. When these months happen, what will you do? You still have rent and bills and food you need for survival. I can make enough in a weekend trip for that, but can you? This is a major thing one needs to think about before going full time. You should have enough money socked away for at least one month before considering quitting your job, two or three months worth would be even better.


It seems fun, right? I mean traveling models get to see all these cool places, right? That’s not true. For the most part, I shoot 4-12 hours a day, and every day I’m on the road. The only time I get off is in the evenings and it’s spent drinking wine with good friends I have met on the road. Some places all I see is a hotel room. I have overhead costs and I still need to make a profit.

Let’s see here (bear in mind, I rent cars and such because I can afford too): My most recent L.A. trip cost $400 for the flight and another $600 for a car for a week, so I need to make $1000 just to cover my costs, and that’s before I can make a profit. It seems simple and easy, but sometimes work falls through and things don’t turn out as planned. That’s okay, it happens, but make sure you can earn enough to make a profit. I often negotiate rates depending on the market, like upstate NY and such places. I don’t mind working more for a lower rate as long as I make a decent profit.

Cities like NYC, DC, San Francisco and Philly are great for public transportation, while some places you need a car, like L.A., TX, upstate NY, Milwaukee, Atlanta and FL. These places are spread out and photographers may or may not be willing to provide you with travel—ask them if they would mind giving you a ride;never assume they will do it. Assumptions are the worst thing you can do in this industry.

Model: Ashley Graham; Photographer: Paper Moon

Lose the ego

An ego is the worst thing you can have in this industry. You are no better, or no worse, then anyone else. Remember that! You are replaceable; there are twenty other models with similar looks and features. This means you need to be enjoyable to work with, so you get hired and re-hired. It’s simple, make people like you and you’ll work.

Be the best you can be

Practice your posing and facial expressions in a mirror and take note of what angles look the best.  Watch what you eat and go to the gym. Proper nutrition and exercise is as important as your ability to pose.

Don’t let those who insult you bring you down. Be proud of who you are. This industry can be harsh and can give you a weight complex or make you think you’re not good enough if you let it. Be your own cheerleading squad. If you’re considering plastic surgery, please consider it carefully and evaluate how much it would actually help your modeling career. And for many, getting your teeth fixed will do you much more good then getting breast implants, for example. You would not believe how much more I get booked now that I have an amazing smile.

Be strong

People who you thought loved you unconditionally will leave you. Being nude on the internet or in magazines is taboo by many people. Some will stay and some will go. I lost my ex-fiancé because I decided to pose nude. I lost my ex-boyfriend because he disapproved of bondage. It is what it is. If you are okay with what you’re doing, let them leave. You don’t need someone in your life that makes conditions on their love for you. My dad’s still here and my family is, even if they don’t approve of what I do, they leave me be. We talk about things other than work when I’m around. They still love me. That is what people should do. My boyfriend goes to shoots with me, has seen most of my content and knows what I do. I was upfront about it all and he told me the things he could not deal with me doing. He also said he just could not date someone who did it, but he would still be in my life. That’s pleasant to know.

This industry will eat you alive if you let it. The rumors are abundant, the talking behind the back is there, and sometimes it’s like high school all over again. Don’t listen to it. You do what you do and if people don’t like it, ignore them. Your limits will be pushed. It’s up to you to say no. There is nothing wrong with that. The producer or photographer may make you think there is something wrong, but they’re not saying that for your benefit, but for theirs. I started out doing glamour, moved to simple bondage and fetish, and then strenuous bondage, and am back doing glamour, and pretty fetish work. Everything I’ve done I did because I wanted to do it. I never cared about a paycheck, I did what made me happy and as long as I’m happy, that’s all that matters.

Ashley Graham

Ashley Graham is an internationally published fetish and glamour model. Her work has been featured on the websites of Holly Randall, Ken Marcus and Earl Miller. When not modeling or traveling, she is a full time student studying English. She has proceeded to broaden her career by learning the production side of video work. Follow her ramblings on her blog at

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105 Responses to “Getting Started as a Model”

  1. May 26, 2016 at 6:50 pm, Interested Observer said:

    Wish I could find a model like you in my town. Girls who say they want to be a model & don’t even return calls are so annoying.


  2. March 06, 2013 at 5:32 am, Michael Abela said:

    Great article. This should be the basis for every aspiring model out there. A very compact bursting at the seams article.


  3. January 21, 2013 at 3:47 pm, SepiaSeven said:

    You sound like you were far strong and more spirited than any of those men.
    I’ll take your advice if you promise to never change! I hope to look up to you.


  4. January 21, 2013 at 2:55 pm, Kelly Celty Sou said:

    wowweeee that post actually made me feel better and more confident! Now I feel like i have nothing to fear! thank you!


  5. January 21, 2013 at 2:53 pm, Rebecca Lawrence said:

    Well said, Ashley!


  6. January 20, 2013 at 11:44 pm, shiv said:

    that title “Getting started as a model” should really be reworded as “Getting started in Life – Be the happy person you choose to be”


  7. January 20, 2013 at 9:31 pm, Natalie said:

    thank you very much! this cleared up alot for me.


  8. January 20, 2013 at 7:19 pm, rita worth said:

    amazing..couldnt have helped more


  9. January 20, 2013 at 10:28 am, -Misha- said:

    Well written, Ashley. Very informative and to the point, it’s great you’re willing to share your experience with others. Although I’m not going to make it that far myself, I’m pretty sure that your article will help may aspiring models. Keep up the awesome work. Good luck to all!


  10. January 19, 2013 at 5:09 pm, niexv said:

    thaks for sharing.. im looking up for this.. such a big help! ~nexi


  11. January 19, 2013 at 3:55 pm, Shanice Flores said:

    I love love love this! I will remember every word of wisdom and advice <3


  12. January 19, 2013 at 2:50 am, Hadessah said:

    Brava, well said. Well written. Very Helpful.


  13. January 17, 2013 at 7:56 pm, Renae said:

    i love this, but it is still hard to tattoo in my brain. No one thinks i can make it as a model but me, not even my fiance.


  14. January 17, 2013 at 6:50 pm, Manny Cinnamon said:

    Creat advice!!!!!


  15. January 17, 2013 at 9:43 am, voxanatoir said:

    This is great advice. May I ask a question: Is 23 too old for a girl to start modeling?


  16. January 17, 2013 at 8:56 am, 2.5hollow said:

    THANK YOU!!!!….Finally one of these where its as informative and truthful as it is simple and direct! Also thank you for being a model who does take nude and fetish work and writing this….These are normally by models who dont and then their approach on the subject there of…is often VERY biased and almost judgmental….ALL NEW MODELS SHOULD TAKE THIS TO HEART!!


  17. January 16, 2013 at 3:49 pm, Selena Hernandez said:

    This is so true. GREAT ADVISE!


  18. January 16, 2013 at 3:22 pm, Antonio Carrasco said:

    This article is hilarious considering in the thumbnail on MM’s homepage she has her legs spread eagled. I’m all for hot glamour photos but maybe that shot isn’t the best to use with “How to Get Started as a Model”


  19. January 16, 2013 at 2:07 pm, Samir said:

    Really great article! Kudos for putting your experiences out there!


  20. January 09, 2013 at 12:23 pm, Julia Storozh said:

    thank you very much!!it’s very important for me as for a newbie


  21. December 27, 2012 at 2:55 pm, Ivy Lee said:

    Love this Ashley! I agree completely and it’s right along the lines with things I say to other beginner models asking my advice.


  22. August 18, 2012 at 8:01 am, Kerrie Greaney said:

    This message really helped me out as a beginner,ive now learned that being positive about yourself will help you along the way,Thank you 🙂 great advice


  23. June 06, 2012 at 11:24 am, Ally Pace said:

    I enjoyed this article. I never explored MM articles till now and will be reading more. She is right about not having a ego, working with models who don’t return calls sucks ass as well. Makes me not want to work with them again. The ego part is tough though, because everyone wants to be more important then the other but it takes all of their participation to make an awesome photo.


  24. May 09, 2012 at 1:34 am, Brookemichaelbookings said:

    This is a very uplifting article and helped me understand alot of things im going through now as model. Now I have a better mind set of how im going to do and handle things thank you


  25. May 03, 2012 at 4:52 pm, Laurie said:

    This is very useful! Thank you for posting!


  26. May 02, 2012 at 12:25 pm, Sbyardo0001 said:

    Great article. I’m just starting out in modeling and this article was uplifting.


  27. May 02, 2012 at 11:01 am, TheDevil'sDaughter said:

    Thank you so much for posting this!! Very helpful and extremely encouraging!!!


  28. May 02, 2012 at 5:32 am, Sstimages said:

    This is great advice for any model in any medium. Thanks, Ashley, as this will surely help any aspiring model to avoid painful mistakes.


  29. May 01, 2012 at 1:49 pm, Dani Boyd said:

    I am a model JUST getting started on my career. When I sw this I was at first skeptical but upon reading found myself pleasantly surprised. It was very informative and very helpful. I would encourage any up and comers to read it. Thank YOU so much for writing it! keep em coming girl:)


  30. May 01, 2012 at 11:03 am, Aaron said:

    Please get back to me i have a few personal questions .. thanx


  31. April 30, 2012 at 6:55 pm, Jacky Dee said:

    This just gets me more excited to start work 🙂 This was very informative as well as entertaining.


  32. April 30, 2012 at 5:00 pm, MrC said:

    Interesting… Just one question… Why do you refer to photographers as “Clients” You have been in magazines apparently… Was it not the magazine that hired the both of you?…. They may have left the choice of models up to the photographer… but I doubt the fees came out of his pocket. Please feel free to corect me if I am wrong.


  33. April 30, 2012 at 4:17 pm, Tian said:

    A really well written and highly informative and useful piece. Thanks for writing it and sharing it…


  34. April 30, 2012 at 1:36 pm, lola said:

    hi im 19 and trying to get into modeling in the boston area. i want to do pinup and tattoo stuff but im open to different types of modeling as well. if anyone has any advice or info it would be greatly appreciated


  35. April 29, 2012 at 10:29 pm, BriAnne Arasin said:

    Simply yet eloquently stated, makes complete sense and will definitely help out those who look at the industry with stars in their eyes because they don’t have the experience yet or want to make it so badly that they ignore all of the downsides.  In life there are downsides to everything that must be considered thoughtfully.  Thank you for sharing 🙂


  36. April 29, 2012 at 4:51 pm, Natashastarr69 said:

    I just read this and I’m so surprised   is like I’m in your skin   well said<3 This information was very helpful thank you so much xoxoxo


  37. April 29, 2012 at 11:41 am, Khitty Kobain said:

    This is exactly what I needed to read. Thank you for your wonderful words of advice.


  38. April 29, 2012 at 9:26 am, ชวริต การสมสิษฐ์ said:



  39. April 28, 2012 at 9:21 pm, N M Earlymodel said:

    thanks for the information.I am new this helps with the question


  40. April 28, 2012 at 9:05 pm, Andrew said:

    Excellent article Ashley and very sound advice for anyone starting out.


  41. April 28, 2012 at 5:04 pm, MsMissyStarR said:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with us! 


  42. April 27, 2012 at 11:57 am, V A Thompson said:

    So helpful glad i came across it and read it.. will help me as im just starting out. just got to do my portfolio now 🙂 


  43. April 26, 2012 at 11:08 pm, Chiaroscuro82 said:

    Very informative, thanks for sharing this! Although I’m not into the modeling aspect hehe, but ur article is very much helpful! Good luck with ur future endeavour!


  44. April 26, 2012 at 7:04 pm, Nativemom1977 said:

    Thank you for intuative outlook on the modeling business. I feel a little more at ease after what you’ve wrote…

    Thank you
    Cherie’ Parks


  45. April 26, 2012 at 3:34 pm, Sarahrosesapatka said:

    This was a wonderful article, very informative and very good advice! Thank you 🙂


  46. April 26, 2012 at 11:39 am, Amanda said:

    Thank you for writing this article.  It has really helped me.  Even if I am not doing nudes,  it really did help.


  47. April 26, 2012 at 10:47 am, Mz Amanda Mack said:

    Thank you for the help


  48. April 04, 2012 at 10:27 pm, Shida the Cheetah said:

    I really love this article. It was very well written. ^_^
    I have to say, ‘Stay Strong’ was my favorite part.
    The gossipers are there (especially in the larger modeling communities), but like Ashley said, let them talk. Don’t follow suit. It will hurt them to gossip, more than it hurts you to keep a straight face and continue to be professional and polite.
    And she hit the nail on the head about family and lovers as well. Have my lover and I fought over it? Indeed, multiple times. Did we reach a mutual understanding? Thankfully. Will I continue to pose nude, and for glamour and fetish work? Definitely! Will he leave me over it? Not assumedly so – 4 years and counting. Will I pose for playboy style nudes? Only for PlayBoy (haha).
    I do have to say though, since relocating, I’ve notice photographers seem so shocked to meet a model that is as upbeat and ‘smiling’ as I am. In places like Michigan and ATL, they love the happiness. Here, they seem to stick their noses up at it. I’m still trying to figure that one out…


  49. February 15, 2012 at 7:44 pm, Victory Love said:

    🙂 i have learned a lot of this this year of modeling. the last peace is the hardest… and the traveling is something i’m getting a foot in the door at… i have done some really interesting work but my goodness its hard as a freelance model to find paid gigs… i have legit experience.i’m just so poorly located…


  50. February 13, 2012 at 3:00 pm, Mari25100 said:

    I really appreciated your article. It helped me understand many things…thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge!


  51. January 26, 2012 at 5:12 am, a mom said:

    I am a 56 year old mother of a lovely girl -I mean inside and out-who models nude for artists. This article is actually very very good and wise advice for everyday living for anyone, my dear. I am glad that you are doing well and bless you.


  52. January 23, 2012 at 5:18 am, Andres Barcelo said:

    Thank you for writing this. It helped me solidify what things I need to change in order to become truly professional in this industry.


  53. January 23, 2012 at 3:39 am, Amanda M Solomon said:

    Thank you for writing this.


  54. January 23, 2012 at 12:05 am, Laquetta Hoyle said:

    Love the statement about the roots


  55. January 22, 2012 at 9:22 am, pixie99 said:

    Really happy to hear such a young girl starting out has such a good head on her shoulders ! Thank your family thats why they are still there supporting you ! Im 31 and just getting back into it after modeling as a child. I gave it up for my passion in ballet and people would never imagine the stress put on babygirls about weight ! Way to go love your work!!


  56. January 22, 2012 at 4:17 am, Rob said:

    I’m a photographer so I hope you don’t mind my $0.02. +1 to everything you said above. Be on time, be positive and don’t ever let ANYONE talk you into shooting something you aren’t comfortable shooting.


    • January 21, 2013 at 9:05 pm, Demonique said:

      As a photographer, do you think it’s shady that a guy that is supposedly professional for 20 years. Doesn’t want you to bring an escort to an interview, doesn’t have any proof of his work, and is offended that I asked the questions just for my safety? I really appreciate your feedback.Thank you.


      • January 23, 2013 at 1:41 pm, gamma said:

        If you’re not comfortable going to a session alone and the photog is not willing to accept an escort, walk away! I’ve done many sessions over the years and even if am not exactly a fan of escorts (specially jealuos boyfriends), part of my work as a photog is to create a rapport with the model in order to achieve great images. If she’s feeling like am about to assault her, I don’t think she’ll be able to show me her best!


  57. January 22, 2012 at 2:31 am, Crimson Reign said:

    I love that her article was shared here. Congrats Lady!! Continued success for 2012!


  58. January 22, 2012 at 12:57 am, Lalexander27 said:

    Thanks for the post there were things i knew and things i didn’t know, I do have a question though, How Do I get paid jobs?


  59. January 21, 2012 at 5:16 am, Booking Missnageeyang said:

    Great Advice. Thank you! #touched


  60. January 21, 2012 at 2:05 am, Amy Marie Model said:

    Thanks for the great advice!


  61. January 20, 2012 at 6:59 pm, Kennfree said:

    Great article. I’d like to add one thing for a model: never come to a shoot looking exhausted. It shows through. Pace yourself, even if it means cutting back on some shoots. Better to look fresh and at your best at fewer shoots than trying to fit in as many as possible.


  62. January 20, 2012 at 4:45 pm, Lindaledgerwood said:

    Im 19 and want to pose nude but don’t have a portfoli where do I get a photographer from ????


    • January 21, 2012 at 10:35 pm, Mari said:

      hey im a starting photographer, and looking for some models around london for a free photo shoot .. let me know if you’re interested .


  63. January 20, 2012 at 1:57 pm, Redberrie38 said:

    Im only new here…. What if you dont have alot of money for clothes etc


  64. January 20, 2012 at 12:26 pm, HaleyBuhhg said:

    Thank you so much!! It helped a lot. I am 16 and wanting to be a model, i have previous experience but this helped tons!!


  65. January 20, 2012 at 6:43 am, Reneja said:

    This was right in the nik of time because I was needing some confirmation about my career to know that I am on the right track. Although I’m not into fetish, I can relate to everything on this article. The thing about needing a quality port has let me know that it’s ok to be more picky about the quality. I am an experienced, good model & my port has done me no justice since that’s how I’m being judged. “The producer or photographer may make you think there is something wrong, but they’re not saying that for your benifit, but for theirs.” YES!!!! That is exactly what I’ve been dealing with. Of course I have not given in. It is very important to stay strong in your beliefs while not becoming divaish or too uptight about your standards. Yes it’s time for me to get paid work, but I’m still flexible enough to to TFs as well if the work brings quality & any other benifit to me. As a model who is serious about my craft, I have a right to be this way. This is a job where you have to pay your dues before you can actually get paid, so there is no reason to settle for less. Thank you so much for posting this, and if it’s ok with you, I would like to share this on my facebook to help other models working with me get the pointers they need to be successful.
    Best wishes to you & your career. Stay on your grind.



  66. January 19, 2012 at 11:32 pm, Tritondogroberts said:

    Ashley you are one of the best Models that I have worked with and everything you say here you do. Thanks for helping me out when I was just getting started.


  67. January 19, 2012 at 6:53 pm, Malena said:

    please help me im just starting 19 dont even have a portfoliostarted help


    • January 21, 2012 at 10:32 pm, Mari said:

      hello Malena where are you located ? Im a starting photographer and im looking for models to do some free photo shoots around london area.. 🙂 let me know . Mari


  68. January 19, 2012 at 3:48 pm, Ms. Sarah said:

    Thanks for the insight- I am a beginner and will keep all this in mind.


  69. January 19, 2012 at 7:33 am, Cowgurlatchison said:

    Great advice! This is a must read for all types of models.


  70. January 19, 2012 at 5:04 am, Jason Mobley said:

    That was most informative. Thanks for the insight.


  71. January 18, 2012 at 8:15 pm, Gabe Incarnato said:

    I’m really glad you took the time to write this.
    I found it very insightful, thank you very much 🙂


  72. January 18, 2012 at 8:52 am, said:

    As a photographer I enjoyed your article. The paragraph on “loosing the ego” should be taken on board. I have had some very sour experiences with models thinking they are the star of the show. The product is the star of the show and it is all of the teams job to make that look the best it can. Sometimes the product is the final image, this is created by the skills of the whole team any of which can ruin the product by bringing an attitude to the set.
    So thank you for writing this and I hope that all the aspiring talent out there take note.


  73. January 18, 2012 at 2:50 am, ADGphoto said:

    Great article, Ashley. Well done.


  74. January 17, 2012 at 8:54 pm, Tessa said:

    Wow! You really opened my eyes up to what this journey is going to be like. Thank you for the great advice! This was very helpful!


  75. January 17, 2012 at 8:11 pm, Efors said:

    Great article. I wish every model on this site, experienced or not, reads this.


  76. January 17, 2012 at 7:13 pm, Msperfect25 said:

    You hit every point on its head 🙂 great article!!!


  77. January 17, 2012 at 6:42 pm, Click Hamilton said:

    Ashley has always impressed the heck out of me. I’m happy we met.
    She’s always welcome back, anytime.


  78. January 17, 2012 at 5:09 pm, AlexisNikole said:

    Love Love Love, so true!!


  79. January 17, 2012 at 3:44 pm, Gwenflex said:

    love the article!


  80. January 17, 2012 at 10:02 am, MamboPhoto said:

    Great article – may I add that it is important to have attention to detail. Many times I have shot a model who has done her makeup great, nice hair etc but her nails are bitten or unpolished…. don’t forget the small things, you need to think of the complete package.


  81. January 17, 2012 at 6:00 am, Krystal Poncé said:



  82. January 17, 2012 at 5:01 am, Dan said:

    This information is very helpful and I would like to copy and paste it on my Facebook site with credits to give friends and other professionals more information.


  83. January 17, 2012 at 4:21 am, Andrzej said:

    Hey, great to hear this notes from the experienced model, I’m often working with newbies and most of the time when we are on the same page and with full respect we can do nice job – but I had bad experience as well.
    Cheers, I wish you the best and thanks for your great tutor.


  84. January 17, 2012 at 2:59 am, Anonymous said:

    A healthy diet and excercise make your body work better. It’s good for an altogether healthy lifestyle


  85. January 17, 2012 at 2:44 am, Wife2agrunt said:

    Thats such a great article! It helped me with some of the thongs I thought about 🙂


  86. January 17, 2012 at 2:25 am, Yi Yi Antoinette said:

    the prevalence of intolerance for excess weight in this article makes me uncomfortable. can fat models take less “pride in [themselves]” than thin models? why is dieting and exercise necessary to “being the best [I] can be?”


  87. January 17, 2012 at 12:17 am, HHPhoto said:

    Very impressive!! Having pride in your appearance, being polite, knowing and enforcing your limits, and managing your budget are only a few of the key points you covered so well. I look forward to working with you someday, should I be so fortunate.


  88. January 16, 2012 at 11:23 pm, NGGrigalunus said:

    Thank you for setting the record straight, Ashley. I’ve encountered WAY TOO MANY models, mostly young and inexperienced women in the last few months who truly believe the moment they start getting work from photographers they should get whatever amount of pay they demand and whatever ‘perks’ they desire, simply because they’re ‘a professional model’. When a model reaches the level of Linda Evangelista, Cindy Crawford, or Margaux Hemingway, then maybe I’ll consider giving them carte blanche. Until then, everyone leaves their attitude at the door, and eveyone is expected to work as hard as me while on location or in the studio.


  89. January 16, 2012 at 9:26 pm, vegasgirl said:

    This was one of the most helpful and informative article’s that i have ever read! Thank you so much for writing it!


  90. January 16, 2012 at 8:26 pm, Christopher Mickle said:

    Wow, I’m so amazed to hear someon else has the last name of Mickle, that’s a fantastic coincidence. Good writing and well-done.


  91. January 16, 2012 at 8:17 pm, Meetmisspaige said:

    I’m glad you mentioned that there’s a lot of work involved in being a freelancer, not just pretty pictures. You often spent ridiculous amounts of time traveling, will miss holidays, family and friends, and have to become a master of scheduling Jenga.

    It’s rewarding, but isn’t as easy as it looks 🙂


  92. January 16, 2012 at 7:18 pm, Info said:

    Thank you… 🙂


  93. January 16, 2012 at 7:12 pm, Sweet Annie Marie said:

    Your travel schedule sounds brutal! And you are right about being okay with your image on the web. Gone are the days when you could possibly hide anything. You’d think that would make people more open, but it seems as though it has made some folks even more closed-minded than ever.

    This is a great article!


  94. January 16, 2012 at 6:56 pm, said:

    great article…


  95. January 16, 2012 at 6:54 pm, Niall Barker said:

    Myriah moving to a bigger town worked for Craig Ferguson, the scottish comedian, but he took all the work away for others wanting to be an american chat show host ….


  96. January 16, 2012 at 6:42 pm, Dallas said:

    EXCELLENT ARTICLE!! although I, as a photographer, am not into nude imaging, the article is on point & one that I will b sharing with the up start models I know & come to know


  97. January 16, 2012 at 6:40 pm, Nmraz said:

    well im at the age of 22 and in good shape but i live in wisconsin where its hard to find people any suggestion for a future struggling model


  98. January 16, 2012 at 6:38 pm, Niall Barker said:

    Everything you say would work in any form of business. After that it is contacts. If you can make contacts then it could be in anything – no need to be just bar staff. So it comes down to money. How does the hourly rate for a ‘double’ in adverts copare – I’m thinking beauty products, as a earner while you try and make it as an actress.


  99. January 16, 2012 at 6:36 pm, Myriah-maple said:

    Was a very informative read thanks 🙂 I’m finding it hArd to find a agent , I’m thinking I’ll have to a bigger town


  100. January 16, 2012 at 6:34 pm, Vince Wolff said:

    this is a must read for ANY model, new or experienced. Great advice


    • August 18, 2012 at 8:02 am, Kerrie Greaney said:

      i totally agree with you here:)


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