Using Softboxes to Create a Perfectly Even White Background

Many photographers use umbrellas when they need an even, white background. Now, there is nothing wrong with umbrellas but there are other, perhaps even more convenient solutions.


Let us start by looking at the image above (1) in this article. Or more precisely, let us take a closer look at the even, white background. This was not created with umbrellas but with two Profoto RFi 1×6’ strip softboxes. If we had used umbrellas, we might have needed three or even four of them. In addition, the light from the softboxes is easier to control, which means that we do not need any flags on our set. Some would also argue that the light from a softbox is more even than the light from an umbrella.

In addition to our strip softboxes, we used one Profoto RFi 3×4’ as our main light. The second image (2) shows the effect of just the RFi 3×4’. The image looks good in its own right, and this setup could very well be used for a traditional portrait. But if we are going for a more high-key fashion look, we are going to have to add more lights!


The third image (3) shows the effect of just the two strip softboxes hitting the background. The important thing to remember here is not to use too much power. If the background gets too bright, you will lose details in the hair, the fringe details will burn out and you will get a glowing effect around your model. That can, of course, be used in a creative way, but that is not what we are trying to do here. Here we set the background lights to about ¾ f-stop over our main light and kept the edge detail intact.


The fourth image (4) shows the effect of both the main light and the background lights. This is exactly the same setup that we used for our main image (1). As you can see, the background is as white and even as they come. Now, remember that we needed only three softboxes and about 16 ft wide space to do it all in. You could set up a shoot like this in an office, in a hotel lobby or even in your basement or garage!


In conclusion, with the right set of tools, you can create a high-key fashion look with just a few softboxes.

Here’s a look behind the scenes…





Profoto, The Light Shaping Company, is the world’s leading manufacturer of photography lighting systems. Since 1968, Profoto has been providing photographers with innovative tools to create and shape light.

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6 Responses to “Using Softboxes to Create a Perfectly Even White Background”

  1. July 01, 2016 at 11:56 am, Victor Mitri said:

    what material you have used for the reflective ground surface? its different then the background!!!


  2. June 30, 2016 at 12:58 pm, Glenroy Alex Roberts Sr said:

    ? What is the distance between the model & the background? [email protected]


  3. June 29, 2016 at 3:46 pm, Rod Cole said:

    You don’t need strip boxes for that.! Get in closer with the light stands on the back drop and use reflectors. If light spills back flag them..


  4. July 07, 2013 at 11:22 pm, Dennis Roy Coronel said:

    Thank you so much for this! I truly was not expecting this win! Look forward for the mailman to deliver my Profoto Softbox 🙂

    Dennis Roy


  5. July 03, 2013 at 6:58 pm, Ryan Entwistle said:

    If you are going to overexpose to get even white, then umbrellas, brolly-boxes, or even no mod at all will work without expensive strip boxes. I do, however like strip-boxes for shooting wine/glassware.


  6. July 03, 2013 at 6:56 pm, Ryan Entwistle said:

    Your background looks over-exposed; there are many ways of doing this with multiple lights, but it can be done with a single large softbox on boom with the light off the top of the frame and the box pointed down and back.


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