Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Freaking web models!


Seductive Smoking

Posts: 4

Dallas, Georgia, US

Myspace girls have proven themselves more reliable in my experience also. Models on this site generally send an email or two, have all this excitement/interest, then just sort of fade away..or they read emails but cant take the time to respond to them.

Aug 18 08 11:25 am Link



Posts: 54

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Tim Hammond wrote:
I don't get it.  I was contacted by a wannabe model on myspace.  Crazy girl wanted to shoot nude and didn't want money. (I know, that should have been my first warning, but I tend to trust people, what can I say?) Anyway, we e-mailed several times, made arrangements.  Wouldn't you know it - SHE SHOWED UP! And on TIME even!  What the hell?!  I don't know where she gets off acting like that!  Then, to top it off, she ticked off every pose I asked for, just like clockwork.

Now I probably shouldn't admit it, but this has happened to me several times, not only with myspace, but with MM models too.  I know, you're probably all asking how many times it takes me to learn my lesson.  I guess I'm just a sucker.  How can I avoid this in the future?

Someone really needs to tell these freaking web models to quit acting like responsible professionals!  Models, take some advice: if you wannabe a web model, you better flake like you mean it.  Otherwise no one will ever take you seriously!  When I go to the web for a model, I expect a flake, and I'm getting really sick of being disappointed.

Alert,the media!!! The end must be near!!! Global warming and now this??...LOL

Aug 18 08 11:28 am Link


au revoir

Posts: 5366

New York, New York, US

Moraxian wrote:
LOL - This is the best posting I've read on this forum in awhile.  smile

LMFAO thank you!

Aug 18 08 09:23 pm Link


au revoir

Posts: 5366

New York, New York, US

Moraxian wrote:
LOL - This is the best posting I've read on this forum in awhile.  smile

LMFAO thank you!

Aug 18 08 09:23 pm Link


au revoir

Posts: 5366

New York, New York, US

Moraxian wrote:
LOL - This is the best posting I've read on this forum in awhile.  smile

LMFAO thank you!

Aug 18 08 09:23 pm Link



Posts: 2190

Venice, Florida, US

Once, I shot with someone who gave me a ride home and bought me a coffee.

I vomited all over her passenger seat. It was terrible.

Aug 18 08 09:44 pm Link