Forums > Critique > I'm bored, and you want a critique.


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Sweet Romance wrote:
*jumps in line* wink

I do implied and artistic nudes for pay. Unless you're super amazing trade is not an option for my nude work.
Please ask me about my rates

F.Y.I.-I have imperfections

I would like to shoot :
• With other female models
• Fashion type shoots
• Artistic Nudes
• Gore( I always wanted to try this)
• Lingerie
•Props(I love anything abstract)
• Lastly I need more color in my life

Philly-May 10th&11th
Washington DC-May 12-13th (geesh)
^^Everyone this is Shannon and I am kidnapping her and taking her on my road trip. Book her! Mayhem#436874 … 066c_m.jpg
Venice Beach, Florida-July22nd-26th

NO, at this time.For booking, Please go to my website:

What a few of my favorite people said about me:
-When I look at you my vocabulary is reduced to two words:
"God, Jen"-Tom Del

-Sweet Romance is amazing.  Help this girl make a full-time living out of this.  Hire her!-Andy Webster

-PS: you are the sex...meaning you rock!
PSS: you are my lemon pie smile-Shannon Kramp

-I'm proud and honored to have been able to work with you to create these. The fact that you're much fun to be around is a great thing too. p.s. Got pants?-Tobias Steiner

ADORN Fashion show-Founder

Current mood:Busy but, still keeping a smile … rofile.jpg … 38m0qr.gif

You have lots. I'll go over the best and worst (as far as I think)
You need to find a better version of this!
I don't know why this is 'clown',you look like a thoughtful ballerina.  Regardless, it's good.
I don't like how bright this one is. I can't see your face because of your hair, and I can't see your body because of the brightness sad
Different. Attention getting. Good.
lol I wish you had worn a nerd skirt, though, and not a stripper school girl costume looking version.
Thumbs up. Not wearing make up takes balls, and it's a great theme, you pulled it off well.
looks like a tearsheet, probably is one, and you look fantastic. (I'm really not sure what the Rit project is, I think it's because I live in the middle of nowhere)
Cute, casual, you look fantastic.
this looks more like an alley than a rooftop, if you have one that's cropped further out, so it looks like you're sunbathing on a roof rather than randomly wandering around next to a building in your swimsuit, I'd suggest that one.
I love dirty girls. And I don't mean that metaphorically this time!
I like your facial expression here, it's fun, but the outfit looks like your nerdgirl one, only the pink version, and that makes it less fun to me sad.
Looks like a tighter, black and white version of your pink sweater. You look good in both, personally, I prefer the pink sweater, but you still look good. I have absolutely no reason behind liking the pink one better.
My god, there is some kind of graffiti and I don't even care. This looks really fucking cool.
You look so young here! … id=5400245
I love a well done nude. Winner. … id=6265960
Excellent posing and expression. Like I need to tell you that. … id=6592213
Points for having your butt in it, since it's not in evidence anywhere else, but still...I'm not impressed.

-Your boobs are great. Your stomach is great. I am so jealous. What does your back look like?
-You have at least half a dozen shots of you in some sort of button down shirt, usually white, sometimes buttoned, usually not. Variety! Get new shirts! Same for the slutty school skirt and bra...Variety!
-Most of your shots start at mid-thigh or higher and go up from there. More full length please?
-Why don't you smile more?
-Your posing is fantastic, I've got nothing to say there. Good job!

Overall-you're pretty. I liked looking at your portfolio. I think you have small things to work on, and I'd like to see more variety, but yeah. You do not suck at all.

May 06 08 09:02 pm Link


Fleeting Glimpse Studio

Posts: 722

North, Virginia, US

Tell me what I want to hear, and what I don't want to hear...

May 06 08 09:03 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Lacy C wrote:
I would love a reality check.  Give it to me

I'm currently looking to expand my portfolio, TFCD, but I am open to paid work. I am most interested in artistic, original photography.  artistic and original is not a 'style', it's something everyone either aspires to, or deludes themselves that they've attained
I'm always open to ideas, and particularly excited about the following:
-High fashion in urban/ghetto setting
-Body painting - possibly painted into a background... hidden Don't get too specific, it stifles further idea generating, as well as giving other people your ideas free
-Head shots
-Bright exotic? fashion? fantasy? make-up
-50's pin up, possibly armed?
You don't need to say tear sheets, we know, all models want them, even weird alt girls like me
-Stock photography
-Emotional/conceptual work Interesting, creative images tell a story. It doesn't need to be stated, however, if you want a series, say series

Please tell me about your identifying marks, including tattoos, piercings, and scars. I know you have at least 2 of the three.
This is really cool, but your clothes don't match what you're doing.  Businesswomen don't hitchike while carrying guitar cases, and little rich girls running away from daddy/husband/whatever, don't live in neighborhoods with station wagons, honda civics, and un-landscaped lawns.
You are painfully stiff here. Painfully, painfully stiff. Also, wtf is going on here?
This, this could be good, but  your shirt is killing me. Because of the glitter-glare, your mask and the tree bark look to have a similar texture. your shirt, however, is extremely geometric, way too solidly black and white compared to the softer greys of everything else, overall, damaging to the 'feel' of the photo.
Cool. Nitpick of the photo: The reflection of your finger on the rail is the color of your skin. The skin it's reflecting is grey. Fix it.  Also, this image, just doesn't seem a pool sort of thing, unless we can see more of your surroundings.
Not a very flattering mouth expression. And your eyelashes and make up, do not go with this otherwise fairly natural, relaxed, contemplative image.
You look like a drowned rat. Not necesarily a bad look, but you already have another image of you in the same outfit/setting. Variety is good.
Ouch. Someone needs to teach your photographer about the time of day to shoot. This could be really good, but your face is shadowed, unlike your chest, and you don't look sultry, just annoyed that it's so bright out.
This looks like a snapshot. And the cropping is bad. You're only as good as the photographers you choose to display.
Unless this is a tear sheet, it's not the best of you. You don't really have a facial expression here.
Setting vs. Wardrobe
Not sure if you're lurking out of curiosity, fear, or sadness here. A clearer expression would make this great.
Your dog looks great here! You look like an afterthought. You should never look like an afterthought in your own portfolio.  Also, your face is all flashburned. … 8b489e.jpg
Naked girl covered in flowers? Why, what an original concept! sad
Facial expression plz? … id=1561719
Flat out, hands down, you win.
This is a really cool nude. Very relaxed, casual, candid feeling, without looking like a snapshot.  Geez, if you're willing to be naked, why ruin those other shots with bad wardrobe choices!?

Work on:
Facial expression
Relaxing and making the pose look natural.
Matching your wardrobe/make up to your surroundings and theme.

May 09 08 08:23 pm Link


Emberly Jabrielle

Posts: 82

Tallahassee, Florida, US


May 09 08 08:26 pm Link



Posts: 171

New York, New York, US

sure i would love to know what you think

May 09 08 08:34 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Barbara Saverino wrote:
I'm a photographer turned model and I'm just getting my feet wet.  Please let me know what you think!

You're a photographer, attempting modeling, and you should know better than this.

Your information is boring, and useless, and implies that you don't really care about modeling. You're either defensive, or really not interested, and would you waste your time on a model who didn't give a fuck?
Try something like:
I am a photographer (MM#555965), but I've recently decided to indulge my interest in being on the other end of the lens. I think my experience as a photographer will help me grow and create better images as a model, and I look forward to working with new people! Please specify SOMETHING you're interested in. Do you want to do fashion? glamour? beauty? art?

Your portfolio enhances the 'I don't give a fuck' image your 'About Me' section projects.
You have the same shot, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.
Wronkled sheets anyone?
This is exactly what the comments say it is.

Your top four is somewhere between good (the one mentioned above), and just barely acceptable.
Also, barely acceptable. For now.
Better background, and this would be an okay headshot.

That's 6 to keep, 7 to pretend never happened.

Facial expressions.
Full body shots.
You know what you expect from a model, now give the gift of a good, if new, model to a photographer.

May 09 08 08:37 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

New people at the thread, please read the op.
I still have several pages to go before I'm caught up with my first 5 days of responses, from weeks ago.
If you posted after Jessy Nix, you will not be critiqued.
If you have a problem with that, maybe you should have taken a minute to read the op.

May 09 08 08:39 pm Link



Posts: 171

New York, New York, US

no prob ;-)

May 09 08 08:42 pm Link