Forums > Critique > I'm bored, and you want a critique.


Alexandra O

Posts: 6

San Francisco, California, US

Me tooo!

[ I dont have a lot of stuff yet... but I love advice]

Apr 08 08 07:19 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Non Toxic Photography wrote:
*peeks in*

I swears I didn't disappear!

There you are! Yay!
Please tell me what you want to shoot!
Are her eyes really that color?
Nice. You almost start losing the edge of her face, but not enough to make it look fucked up, just enough to make it look soft.
This is really fun, but I think there's too much space at the top.
I don't like all the open space on this one either, maybe crop a little closer to her left side? The rocks near her feet on the right side are a pretty awesome addition, so I would definitely keep those.
This is really pretty. Eventually, I would take out some of the stuff you have of her, including at least one of the head shots, but I have no idea which one. Definitely keep one of the color ones though.
I'm not sure if his face is slightly out of focus, or if little kid heads are just kind of soft looking. Either way, child photography is way out of my style areas, so I'm just going to go with 'this seems like a good picture of a little kid'
She really stands out here! Good job!
The top of this photo seems much lighter than the bottom, and ends up making her face look a little washed out compared to her knees.
This is really nice. Something about her hair on the far side of her face is bothering me a little, but not enough to me dislike this picture.
I think this one has a little too much space, too, the sides are perfect, but there seems to be some extra at the top and bottom.  Edit: Nope. When seeing it all at once, this is perfect.
u r rockstar.
I like the previous one better. She looks like she's some sort of weird desert species flying along, in this one, she just seems misplaced.
Thumbs up.
I see a recurring theme here. Otherwise perfect photos have just a little too much empty space somewhere. This one is above her head.
Fantastic. Again, the space...but it might just be me. Most of the extra space here works, but since the sky is so...empty, no impeding storm or sweet sunset, it just seems to suck the life out of the photo a little.
lol If I were to change anything, I'd let her have a chin.
I don't like where you cut off her foot, but other than that, I say keep this one, and keep this one when you update, and go ahead and rotate out the previous one of this girl in the same outfit.
This is photographer excellence. Despite blending well with the surroundings, the wolf is an immediate focal point of the photo. Good job!
Thumbs up!

Let's see...I think you should work on your cropping a little, and maybe someday try some studio stuff, but you are pretty damn cool outside, so, you know, keep doing that!

Apr 08 08 07:34 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

FootNote Fotography wrote:
I want in!!!!

Dude. You have two. Cheater!!!!! But since between both of yours, you still have fewer than some of the other space hogs I've critiqued, I'll get both of yours wink

Words, words, words.
You repeat the thing about film a lot, but you know...that's probably necessary...
Please inform us as to what you want to shoot, unless you're up for absolutely anything, in which case you're just fine.
I don't like how bright the one side of her face is, and I wish all of her face was in focus, you're starting to lose it from her nose over, but otherwise, it is good picture.
This is sweet. I think she needs a plainer background though … 74e9b1.jpg
Winnar! (what is on the bottom left of the frame? Some sort of purse handle?) … 63fa4f.jpg
This is pretty, but I think she needs to have an entire head, you've lost her hair to the darkness.
Good job.
This again, seems awfully dark. Not that it should be bright, just that it's a little tiny bit too dark.
Where are her feet, and why did they disappear since there is so much space above her?
Sweeeet. I think the third person, the one in the way back on the side, is a little gratuitous, but works for this picture anyway big_smile … 2b6c1a.jpg
High five! … 985d20.jpg
I want to see more of the tying here, or else just her hands, including even the very edges of her fingertips.

Are you trying out color in your other profile? Ooooh...
this looks fantastic. Minor flaw: Cutting off the top of her hat.
Also fantastic. My take on how to improve it: Cut it on the right side between the trash can and the tires.
Boy, she is cute. There is a lot of empty space above her head, but it is still nice picture.
Get her hand out of her face. She's doing it in all of her pictures, and it's making you look boring.  Everything else about this is really cool.


Apr 08 08 07:53 pm Link


Lanya B

Posts: 1825

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Yes Please!

Apr 08 08 07:58 pm Link


Minx & Fox

Posts: 19067

Palm Springs, California, US

Heather LeStabbityDeath wrote:
Are her eyes really that color?

Yes they are that color. I hate her for it.

And I am a sucker for open space and weird croppings. tongue I know it isn't everyones cup of tea. big_smile

Apr 08 08 09:46 pm Link



Posts: 47

Duluth, Georgia, US

Yes! I would love your opinion! Thank you!

Apr 08 08 09:47 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Non Toxic Photography wrote:

Yes they are that color. I hate her for it.

And I am a sucker for open space and weird croppings. tongue I know it isn't everyones cup of tea. big_smile

What a bitch! I want eyes that color!

Is true, it is not my cup of tea, but that's the only thing I fault you for, and well, I'm a psycho and a model, so, ya know wink

Apr 08 08 09:58 pm Link


Peter Manik

Posts: 323

Montgomery, New York, US

No dear Heather, I did not change my mind, just thought you were quite busy . I don't want to waste your time. I don't have "artsy" stuff just plain glamour here on MM. My artsy stuff is on my own website.
I checked your port, good modeling anyway.

Apr 08 08 11:04 pm Link


Charles Song

Posts: 78

Pasadena, California, US

Well, I'd love a crit

Apr 09 08 02:47 am Link


Grant Ashford

Posts: 7

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Never one to disrespect another's opinion or taste so please do!

Apr 09 08 04:36 am Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

dreslin photography wrote:
why not

Words, words, words. I like words, but not yours.  You have no personality here. It's just...blah. Grab attention. Say something about yourself.
I shoot swimwear, glamour, and studio photography. This is/is not my full time job, so I am/am not always available for appointments. I look better in a bikini than Patsy Cline, but I'd still love to shoot you.

If you expect to get paid, don't call yourself 'semi-professional looking for more exposure'.   

Please message me for rates or select testing or TF* opportunities.

As for your photography, swimwear and glamour are way way away from my style. A quick off the cuff pointer is-watch your backgrounds. For the most part they are fine, but there are a few that are visible wrinkly, or in on location shots, where behind the models head is a little busy.
Are probably the two I like best.

Apr 09 08 04:36 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Nicole Jayne wrote:
go x

Hello. Your profile is not very informative.
Nice shoes.

Apr 09 08 04:49 pm Link


Ashley Graham

Posts: 26822

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

up for it

Apr 09 08 04:50 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Tom Holoubek wrote:
...please do.

Hello, Tom.
This sort of gives me a headache. Her body is extremely blurred, and parts of her have a double outline, but her head is extremely in focus. It sort of makes me feel like something is wrong with my contacts.
This is nice. The bright light and blowouts make her look really, really cool. I think it could be improved by cropping it a little less at the top and bottom, especially the top where it cuts off her elbow, but otherwise-cool!
I'm not a fan of selective coloring, but otherwise, this is a nice shot.
lol The super high almost straight down angle works here, but it makes what's going on at her feet sort of confusing. Is she standing in someone's hands? On their chest? or is that random ground that just looks weird?
The strong light doesn't work as well for this one, you're losing parts of her, and one side of her face looks really dark compared to the other side. Otherwise, good.
Again, her face is really bright, and it looks a little out of focus, but otherwise, really well done.
This is less impressive when you realize the model didn't change her clothes between shots, but overall, very good, it looks sort of like a publicity photo.
This is super cute. I still don't really like selective coloring, but it kinda works here wink
This is really nice. I think it would have worked better if she was in a setting rather than a studio, but still, well done.
Woah. Holy effects.
Excellent. 2 things come to mind--Where is the blood on her hands coming from? And is she crying, and thus smearing her mascara, or does she have a black eye? If it is a black eye, a good make up artist can help with effects.
Very nice. If your model is suppose to look like she's sleeping, have her relax the boob-covering arm a little, so it looks casual, rather than OMG! Don't let them see ma b00bs!!
Fucking brilliant. You sir, win.
She looks very, very awkward here, but it probably would be a good picture otherwise.
Another winner!
This is also really nice. A lot of emotion, both from the model, and from where you put her and how you lighted it. Very well done.

My advice: Stay away from boring, pretty shots.  You could do them, but you seem like you want to do something else, and that sort of comes through in those. By all means, practice, get better, but you just seem like the kind of guy that wants to spend all day getting his models to look as weird or fucked up or just costumed, as possible, and rocking the hell out of it.

Apr 09 08 07:56 pm Link


Suzyn Michelle

Posts: 135

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

how about me please!!

Apr 09 08 07:58 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Jamie Werner wrote:
how about me?!

How's it going, Jamie?
Your about me seems sort of condescending and obnoxious. Let's tone that down a bit, hmmm?

Now that I've seen my first dream in life come true, my beautiful baby daughter, I want to go chasing after this one. Ever since I was a little girl my family and friends have always told me I would make a great model. From elementary school and on, I loved make up, to the point that I got called 'Covergirl'. In high school I developed true passion and love for the art of photography and modeling!

I hope to find photographers to help me update and improve my portfolio.  Right now, I am doing TF* with select photographers, I'm fun to work and would love to try (glamour/alt/commercial/art). I am looking forward to meeting and working with some artistic minded people to help me learn and create beautiful art!

I've cut out some things that I'm sure you think are very important, but telling people that you intend to model post-baby because people said you couldn't and you're going to prove them wrong, sounds a little immature. Negatives are NEVER a good thing. Don't say 'I will NOT do nudes'. Just don't mention it. If they ask, say no.  Negativity right out there in front will turn away some great people.

Under credits, please list which magazines you've been in. Having a kid (even if it's yours) displaying them while laying on a red bedspread, seems a little tacky, at best. 

I'm not going to go over yours photo by photo. You're a pretty girl. You pose well enough. You have fairly good photographers. Most of your photos are really nice. Here is where you go wrong:
  -I have no idea how recent any of these are. Throughout varying hairstyles, you never mention when something was taken, or if it's recent. A handy tip would be to organize your photos, from most recent at the top, to least recent at the bottom.
This will help photographers figure out what you look like right now, a lot. 
   -You have no facial expressions. You need to have them! It's a common mistake, and I do it sometimes myself, but you have got to have facial expressions!
   -Can you please post a recent headshot, and a recent full length body shot? That way, we can see what you look like. big_smile

Apr 09 08 08:15 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Bill Spradlin wrote:
I'd like one too!

Hai, Billiam. big_smile
Your words are good.
I like this photo. The lighting is very awesome, attention grabbing, and dramatic. You win. However, I'd like to see your model doing something besides leaning on the wall, and maybe having some facial expression.
Again, good work on your part. I'd like to see a little more light, somehow, around her leg/foot/purse, you sort of start to lose her there in the shadows.  You also need to learn how to convince your model to make faces at you. This will come in time.
This is a really pretty shot. Can you leave a little blank space over her head so it doesn't look cramped?
This is extremely well done. Minor improvement: Have her move her back arm forward to rest her hand on her hip or thigh. In this shot, you're okay, you'll notice in other shots though, that moving an arm or leg behind can sometimes make your model look like an amputee. That is only awesome when it's the goal wink
Super fun!
I can't decide which one of these two I like better. If you want a more fashion/headshot look to your portfolio, when you update, keep this one.
Winner! (I have that necklace)
This is all good on your part. You fail because...The model has bad skin or too much make up, it's hard to tell which, but it sort of takes away from the photo.
This looks like a pretty cool snapshot of someone. It also looks like you are shooting in full daylight. Early morning, early evening, or gloomy days are actually better for shooting outside. The light isn't quite so harsh.

You seem to be off to a good start, young man. Keep it up big_smile

Apr 09 08 08:26 pm Link


Vincent J Tosto

Posts: 252

Rochester, New York, US

...have at it!!

Apr 09 08 08:28 pm Link


Sweet Romance

Posts: 6631

Buffalo, New York, US

*jumps in line* wink

Apr 09 08 08:31 pm Link



Posts: 47

Duluth, Georgia, US

did u forget about ME ? sad

Apr 09 08 08:33 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Shay Saldana wrote:
i would love to hear your critique

Hi Shay!

In your profile, you mention glamour and art. So far, you don't really seem to have either of those, is this because you haven't found the photographer to work with yet, or because you got the definitions mixed up? Just want to clarify, and if you really are working on glamour and art, San Antonio is a big town (in my mind, at least), so you should be able to try it out smile

Okay. Pictures.
3 shots, same outfit, keep this one:
Your expression and pose look really well with your clothes and surroundings. You look very nice here.
This shot makes you look a little chubby, and since we know you aren't, I'd take it out once you update.
This is pretty awesome. You look relaxed, casual, and smug.  You must be winning.
You are cute, this photo, less so. Either the angle or the lens makes your shoulder look big and your head look small. It is good enough-for now. When you update more, go ahead and keep the other one in this outfit.
Because you look much cooler in it.
This is a nice little headshot. Tip: When you are posing, don't actually rest your chin on or in your hand. Just get close enough that they are touching. As I'm sure you can see, it kind of shoves your chin up. You still look good.
Very cute. You win.
Awesome eye make up! Another winner!
This isn't your fault, but the crop and lighting on this are kind of fucked up, and the entire picture is a little tilted. When you start updating, this too, goes on the list of 'stuff to get rid of as fast as  possible'.

You have 5 good photos, and the rest aren't bad. That's something, for an MM port big_smile

For serious--(and I say this a lot) work on facial expressions. You also need to vary your poses a little, for the most part, you have variations on two poses, the exceptions being, when you are given a prop, and when you are sitting down.

Not a bad start.

Apr 09 08 08:37 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Samin wrote:
did u forget about ME ? sad

How could I forget about you? I didn't even see your first post, because it's on PAGE THREE...
And I'm still critiquing from PAGE ONE.

I'm going to quote part of my op, especially for you, in my next short post.

Apr 09 08 08:41 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Heather LeStabbityDeath wrote:
-This takes me awhile. I don't think I'm even halfway down page 1. If you can't be patient, don't ask.

Heather LeStabbityDeath wrote:
In order I am currently working on:
Spring Cleaning at the shop.


And then...
I'll hit page 2!

Apr 09 08 08:41 pm Link


Lacy C

Posts: 86

Hood River, Oregon, US

I would love a reality check.  Give it to me

Apr 09 08 08:41 pm Link


Barbara Saverino

Posts: 5

Manhattan, Illinois, US

I'm a photographer turned model and I'm just getting my feet wet.  Please let me know what you think!

Apr 09 08 09:26 pm Link


Cinema Photography

Posts: 4488

Boulder, Colorado, US

Sure, have a look and lemme hear your thoughts!

Apr 09 08 10:24 pm Link


Paul Vincent

Posts: 15

Long Island, Kansas, US

OK, let me have it... please.

I know my Avi is the wrong pic, but I was feeling

Apr 09 08 10:53 pm Link



Posts: 2336

Lexington, Kentucky, US

Thanks! I can always get an honest answer here in the critique forum, I appreciate yours!

Apr 09 08 11:19 pm Link


Luke Ryan

Posts: 95

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Hey, I am always up for a fresh perspective. thanks for your time.

Apr 10 08 12:31 am Link


Ronnie Jones Star

Posts: 112

Portland, Oregon, US

If you're still critiquing I would love one.  smile

Apr 10 08 12:38 am Link



Posts: 212

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Do me! please, thank you. I had a look at your own modelling port, it's great.

Apr 10 08 11:01 am Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

NewPhotograph wrote:
Would a model's opinion...have at it please!

Hai, guys (or girls)!
Since there are three of you, could you tell me a little bit about each of your photographers? Just a few sentences would be good.

And if you have a lot of projects going, MM has a great casting section, that might help you out, and all of your casting calls will be listed on your page with links to the actual casting call big_smile

There is a credits section here...Could you go ahead and use that? List your published work, or the models, muas, and anyone else on MM you've worked with for easy reference?
This is good. I think you could have made it better by getting her better framed on the stuff behind her, it's dark on one edge, but mostly her backdrop is the door.
Something about this isn't terribly appealing, but I'm not sure what. Maybe it's the way the cloth is dangling. It's a good picture, but it just doesn't have much...zazz.
Very nice. The only way this could be better would be to have her hand more out to the front of her hat, so you can see the rest of her face, but it works just the way it is. The lighting here is fantastic.
Weird. She looks like she's trying to be sexy, but her setting, her expression, the hard shadows, and her pose are just...not working together.
Again, this just doesn't quite work. She looks nice. She's got her fancy shoes, her make up, all that, and she's in a dirty, graffitied hallway? No go.
Here your model kills you. The set up and the lights are great, but her expression is just...unappealing. She does not look good. A better angry face would be nice.
Better girl with gun photo. This one is cliche, but her expression is much better, and your lights are still pretty nice, so it'll be fine.
Beautiful. You win, sir.
Good emotion, good positioning on your part. I wish the lighting was more dramatic to go with her mood, but it's pretty good the way it is.
I personally, am opposed to photos where you get all of a models arm, except for her elbow. Otherwise, nicely done.
This is good.
She looks a little stiff, but overall, this is pretty cool.
The hand-bra ruins an otherwise awesome image.
Oh my shadows. High five.
This is also really cool.  The darkness makes this great.
I think this must be the pin up you mentioned. Tips: Red belt = Red shoes.
Pin ups should look happy, cheesecake, silly. See Dita VonTease or Sabina Kelley for examples. They rock. This poor girl looks scared and confused.  Also, when a model is looking back at you, have her tip her head up a little so her chin isn't sinking into her shoulder.
This is much closer to pin up. Her clothes are good. Her hair is pretty allright. Make up is good. You cut off part of your plane's propellers, which is only bad because you didn't include them all the way, or totally cut them off. She also needs a little more life to her to really hit the 'oh my fucking pin up' standard.
hand bra...again? really?  you cut off her toes too.
This is pretty fucking sweet. Good job. Well lit, well posed, well cropped.
The light on this seems off, it's brighter near her feet than her head, but otherwise, it's okay.

You have some 'repeat images'-- same model, same outfit, different pose or setting. When you update, kill the extras first, it'll keep your portfolio from looking bland and boring.  Also, tell hand-bra that if she's that uncomfortable topless, to keep her damn shirt on.  If your model is extremely uncomfortable, that comes through in the photos, and looks bad on you. Overall, you're off to a good start, and good luck with your pin ups!

Apr 10 08 02:51 pm Link


E Hunter

Posts: 483

Portland, Oregon, US

Go for it

Apr 10 08 03:02 pm Link


Drew Chapman

Posts: 16

Huntsville, Alabama, US

hey tell me what you think

Apr 10 08 03:07 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US


I think your 'words' part would be better if the words came first and the awesome pictures of model discoveries came second big_smile Otherwise, you're good!

I don't know why you want a critique. You're great. The only thing I've noticed that *might* be a bad thing, and might just be your style, is that you have a habit of cutting off the very top of people's heads, even in 3/4 shots. In the head shots, it's cool, it keeps the focus on the face, the rest of the time, meh, they lose an inch of hair (or one guy, I'm pretty sure he lost another foot of hair. He had a lot of fuckin' hair wink )

Apr 10 08 03:08 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Selene Cleveland wrote:
please and thank you.

Hi, Selene. Welcome to modeling.
Let's start with your profile.
It's very short. It's very newbie, and it's very negative.
Hi, I'm Selene. I'm 18 and have just begun modeling. I'm looking for TF* to represent me well and help me learn. I am interested in shooting general portfolio shots, horror effects, pin ups (By the way, pinups can be and often are a tad suggestive, so keep that in mind.), and (insert other styles. You're too short for commercial and fashion, but I'm sure you know that. Fantasy, art, whatever). I'm available (all the time, most of the time, almost never), and would love to work with you.

Or something like that.  Don't tell people what you won't do on your page. They can figure it out. If you have no nudes, people who shoot all nudes, probably won't ask you.  If they do ask, just say no. People will accept that. Saying that I won't do this, and I won't do that, on your profile page makes you sound prissy and negative.

On to your photos. I hate to break it to you, but the photographer you worked with, is fucking awful. For now, keep these three:
(this is also suggestive. If you don't want to do nudity or 'suggestive' photos, you need to not do them.)

And this:
Can you get one of just you from these people? Because...honestly...I can't tell who you are.

You are a cute girl. You could probably get some cool shots. You need to find a better photographer. You need a good head shot, and a good full body shot. You may have to pay for them to get started.

Apr 10 08 03:22 pm Link



Posts: 282

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

you still being honest - lets hear it

Apr 10 08 03:25 pm Link


Selene Cleveland

Posts: 71

Killeen, Texas, US

here's the thing. that terrible photographer you said i my fucking husband. so why dont you watch your tongue? yeah thanks. and as for your critique? you can bite me. k? thanks!

Apr 10 08 03:33 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Shaolin Photo wrote:
I can't tell the time, but I'm interested.

Hi there. Your pictures are beautiful. Very talented guy, you are.  Every single one of them is gorgeous, and I have nothing bad to say.

About them.

Your 'about me' section is pretty awful though.  It's repetitive and redundant, so lets fix that.

I'm a Brit living in Malaysia. I primarily take portraiture, I especially enjoy dramatic portraiture using both ambient and strobed light. However, I shoot many different styles and I'm always looking for interesting new talents to work with--models, stylists, MUAs, etc.

I am willing to do TFP/TFCD shoots for the right model with the right ideas, especially interesting concept or location shoots.

You can reach me at shoot -at- shaolinphoto -dot- com

If you're not from Malaysia but you are heading over here for any reason, drop me a line.

Portfolio: (WIP)

Apr 10 08 03:34 pm Link


Xeris - Dwight

Posts: 4369

Austin, Texas, US

If you are still critiquing hit me up!

Apr 10 08 03:36 pm Link