Forums > Critique > I'm bored, and you want a critique.


Lindsey Arnold

Posts: 578

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

me too pleaseee!

Apr 07 08 05:31 am Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Emma-Christine wrote:
I would like critique please smile

Hai, Emma. You're pretty.

What kind of work do you want to do? Fashion? Art? Dance pictures?
You look very washed out here. It doesn't flatter you.

I can tell that you are a fantastic ballerina. You should try using that flexibility and awesomeness to do other things. Perhaps art nudes (if you are willing to art nudes), I think that this would be both a boon to the art world, and also profitable for you.

I wish you had more facial expressions. I really do. I think this would help you a whole lot.

I'm not really sure what else to tell you, until you know what direction you're going with your modeling.

Work on facial expressions. Try some variety. You look nice in your ballet poses and clothes. You look nice in your underclothes. You look nice fully dressed.

Now, go look angry. Go look happy and carefree. Look violent. Look smug. Try a fashion photo or two, maybe, and definitely if you're comfortable with it, do some art nudes. I bet you would rock the hell out of that.

Apr 07 08 05:35 am Link


Uniquely U Images

Posts: 482

Spokane, Missouri, US

Have fun and try to enjoy your visit!

Apr 07 08 05:52 am Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

ejholmes wrote:
mm hmm

(warning: you are awesome. I may find nothing useful to say)
Your profile wording is excellent. … e1b20e.jpg
I like this, but I really hope she's supposed to look like a hooker, otherwise, this could be bad...
I don't like the composite on this one, I would just stick with the top picture of her face and foot.
lol You fucking rock.
So trashy awesome, but I wish the beer bottle wasn't hiding so much of her face.
Holy flexibility! Fantastic!
The effects on this are weird and sweet.
Thumbs up. … 17952d.jpg
If you hadn't cut off her toes, this would be perfect.
I love this, but I think Jessalyn's composite one has the better two images:
I really like the top giggly one, but the one where she looks like she's sleeping or unconscious while wallpapered is also awesome.
The only flaw here is that her smoke ring looks super fake.
*swoon* … f33a37.jpg
Another thumbs up for you and Engel
lol You win!
Running out of good adjectives. Time to get thesaurus.
Killing me. This is hilarious.
I think I've had nights like this. Another winnar.
The picture by her feet might be just a little too much. Or maybe it's perfect. I don't know.
I can't decide if I like the way it looks like the smoke is coming out of her forehead or not...Otherwise, excellent. … 975265.jpg
Nice boob shot, but you already have a composite of Engel in this outfit. … a0b8a1.jpg
I don't like the hard spotlight effect here, it makes it look more like this was set up (even though we know pretty much all of them are)
OMG! What's happening? This is super cool.
This is good, but lacks something that many of your other photos have, and I'm not sure what it is, but it is not there.
Super awesome.
Do all of these models actually smoke? This is visually appealing. I like it.
You win.
I think the standing model should be looking at the other model, or looking away but not AT the camera. It's like she's aware you're there, but the other model isn't. It is still excellent.

.....I'm going to stop posting all the ones I think are awesome, unless they made me drool on my keyboard or there is some minor thing I can nitpick about them.
Much as I like to see a girl smoke, it seems excessive here.
I think this could have been slightly improved by not cutting off parts of his feet and head.
The light glare on the back of her knee is killing me. Otherwise, perfect. are a crazy person. thumbs up.
MEAT! You win!
Excellently done. It does not look cheesy, pornographic, or in any way awful, like many girl-on-girl shots do.
I am crying...

Because I am laughing so hard.
This reminds me of House of 1000 Corpses. Awesome.
I do not know why the paint is across her back, but not also across her legs/pants.
I want to be in her...ropes.  I think she should have lifted her head up a little more so it wasn't on/behind her arm at all.
(the world should see this awesomeness. or at least, the part of the world that is reading this thread)
This is so perfect.
I want to see more of her face, but it's still great just the way it is.
Her feet and her butt are two totally different colors....

Apr 07 08 05:54 am Link



Posts: 172

Seattle, Washington, US

Heather LeStabbityDeath wrote:

Beginning with your profile....
When are you available? Are you mostly/just looking for tfp? Do you travel?
You are definitely about to hit someone with that beer bottle. Well done!
This is pretty. It's very nice. I think the other model could have brought a little more emotion, but you rocked the hell out of it.
lovely headshot. It draws attention. Why isn't it your avatar?
I don't know why you call it meatball, you like like a vulnerable boy man who's just had a bad dream and wants a hug. I bet the wimmins love it.
Very relaxed. Very good.
It looks like your eyes are looking in two different directions, but otherwise I like this.  Because of the appearance of a lazy eye, I would make this one of the first I would take down when you get more stuff. Or hell, even now, you show plenty of versatility and have at least one other good headshot (I tend to look one at a time, so I haven't really seen past this one yet)
Stressful day? You portray it well.
Yup. You're a good looking kid. On with the show.
This is beautiful. I kind of wish you were either both looking at the camera, or both looking at each other though. As is, it has a sort of uncomfortable transitional feel, as though she's aware of an observer, but you aren't, so it's less 'capturing a moment' as 'almost interrupting one'
Is there a naked lady over there? You look pleased to be in your situation. Cool. The lighting gives the photo an intimate feeling.
Dude! Why is the shadow eating your hands?!
lol well done.

A few more full body shots wouldn't hurt you any, and by all means, continue to diversify, but overall, you seem a pretty versatile, talented, sort of man prop.

The most complete critique I've had.  I really appreciate the time you put into this.  Many thanks.

Apr 07 08 05:03 pm Link



Posts: 1139

West Hollywood, California, US


Apr 07 08 07:08 pm Link


Melanie Marie

Posts: 112

Lafayette, Louisiana, US

if you have time I would like to know

Apr 07 08 07:26 pm Link


better lighting studio

Posts: 256

Monson, Massachusetts, US

are you sti;; there? would love to hear from you! is your hair dry yet?

Apr 07 08 07:35 pm Link


Gear Shifter

Posts: 223

Seattle, Washington, US

Me! Me!

Apr 07 08 07:36 pm Link


Peter Manik

Posts: 323

Montgomery, New York, US

Have fun. Thanx.

Apr 07 08 07:41 pm Link



Posts: 446

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, US

id love a critique, not that i can offer you much to look at. but if you have the time id love the input smile

Apr 07 08 08:18 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Michael xx wrote:
Let's hear it smile

This will be short.
1: Figure out what you want to do. Fashion, man glamour, art, whatever. You will go nowhere until you have a goal.
2: Once you know what you want, make an effort to get good pictures.  Everything you have now looks like it should be on a myspace profile designed to pick up chicks.

You need a good headshot. You need a good full body shot. You need something with a facial expression besides 'fuck me, i'm cute'.

Apr 07 08 10:46 pm Link


Studio Jamore

Posts: 75

Roanoke, Virginia, US

If you still wanted to do a critique, I'd love one

Apr 07 08 10:55 pm Link


Nichole Hopkins

Posts: 2997

Los Angeles, California, US

dude id love a crit if your still giving them

Apr 07 08 10:57 pm Link



Posts: 145

Miami, Florida, US

me please

Apr 07 08 10:59 pm Link



Posts: 395

New York, New York, US

I thought I was in this one guess not

I am way down the list but will take one if you ever reach me

Apr 07 08 11:04 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Brownlee wrote:
me next

Lets begin with your profile. You manage to repeat yourself a lot. Try this:

"I model because I enjoy the ART of it, and for no other reason." (who are you quoting?  And if you intend to get paid, you might want to take this down and mention  that you do love the art of it, but money is also acceptable)

Dear MMer,
     I am eager to collaborate on some innovative, creative, eye-popping projects; I hope you feel the same.

      I am a one-stop-shop. I do my own styling, hair and make up, but i am surely open to working with others. My look shifts quite easily; I'm up for anything you throw my way (with the exception of nudity).

      I often shoot with my twin sister (Ericka # 678717). It eliminates the need for a escort, and for the photographer you get two shoots at once! If you are interested in working with us (and i hope you are) please shoot me a message for rates and TFCD opportunities.  If I am not shooting with Ericka, I will most likely bring an escort. Thank you for understanding.

      I am currently re-vamping my portfolio, and as such, would love to do some TFCD work with some fantastic photographers.

(Do you have a specific availability, and can you travel? If so, how far will you go, and what expenses do you expect to be covered, if any?)

                                                             Best Regards,
                                                             Erin Brownlee
Do NOT list your 'favorite' photographers. You will surely offend someone, and possibly someone that might offer you paid work or a great deal in the future.

These are all nice. Why the hell are they a composite?
Composites also make terrible avatars, because we can't see what you look like.
You have two other photos in this outfit in the previous composite. You should get rid of that composite, keep the gray dress picture from it, and keep this.
this is very classic and beautiful.
Why these completely unrelated composites?
The top one is fantastic. Let it stand alone.
The middle one is also amazing. Let it stand alone, as well.
The bottom one, while good, is NOT as good as the top one, and portrays similar emotion, but on the couch that is used for a completely different sort of feeling in the second one.
I think I'm going to be saying this a lot. Do a composite IF it tells a story. If it is important to the photo to be displayed next to others of the same photo.
I would keep the middle of these three, it has the best emotion of the setting, in the first your leg is cut off, and in the third you just look sort of out of place. The middle one is really really nice though.
Very cool.
All of these are really, really, good, but the top one is probably the best one for you, the model.
Take this down. You look smug, she looks happy, it doesn't match. And you already have other great photos of the two of you together with the same hair and make up.
I'm not really sure what's going on here, but you look nice.
The effects on this one make your skin look kind of bad. Do you have another one that's less photoshopped?
There has got to be a better picture of you from this fashion show. You look grouchy.
Gah. Composite. Just keep the bottom one.
You have another one in the same outfit, go on and get rid of that... You look nice in both of them, but you're not trying to cave dive in a skirt and button down here.

Overall, I would like to see fewer composites, and more emotion from you. You have a pretty face, but you don't vary your expression much.

Apr 07 08 11:12 pm Link


Tanya Weaver

Posts: 7650

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Ooh! Me too, please. smile

Apr 07 08 11:25 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US


Hi Gary. Very poetic page. It's 2008. Do you have the same goals?
What is your availability? Are you working on TFP/CD only? Will you shoot other styles if paid?

Your credits show you to be quite the beauty queen. Can you arrange that in such a way that we know what you've done at these pageants, or with these beauty queens?
This is a very pretty prom picture. You should be proud of yourself.
This is also pretty. Can you ask her to make a facial expression next time?
Everything you have done with this poor girl makes her look brain damaged.  Her expressions are really vacant. Also, if you're going to shoot a hat, get it all in the picture, or make her take it off.
That's a girl in a bathing suit. Technically well done.
Nice picture of a stripper. Make her make a real facial expression, not the 'i'll rub my tits in your face for a dollar' smile.
Stripper senior photo...Oh my...
This is a nice swimsuit photo, but what is she standing on?  I don't understand the architecture that is giving this photo a completely useless frame.
Something about this one bothers me. It might be her weird head angle. I think your photography is fine here.
This is a good portrait! I like it! She has attitude! Can she have elbows, too?
This is good, except I'd like to see a little more of her face
Wait, here's her face! Keep this one, get rid of the previous one. They are very similar, and this one is superior.
Sweet 80s! Awesome!
That's a nice picture of a nice lady, but either her make up is weird, or you over-corrected some things in photoshop.  She looks like a mannequin with reverse dark circles.
You can do muuuch better than this and we both know it.
She's pretty, you're a good photographer, but her facial expression here is awful, and while you left space on one side of her, you cut part of her arm off on the other side.
This is a really good shot, but again, her face looks just a little over-fixed. Still a lovely shot though.
Thumbs up.

Overall--just make sure you aren't cropping oddly, and try to get your models to emote more (not emo, emote wink ).

Apr 07 08 11:34 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Whew. knocked a few more out. I'll be starting with Morgan Booth tomorrow afternoon.

Apr 07 08 11:42 pm Link


Eros Alexander B

Posts: 93

Upland, California, US

why not

Apr 08 08 01:14 am Link


Sincerely Cymone

Posts: 327

Orlando, Florida, US

why not?

Apr 08 08 10:47 am Link



Posts: 1616

Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

Still bored? - I'm in!

Apr 08 08 11:05 am Link


JIC Photography

Posts: 177

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

ok let me hear what you think ..


Apr 08 08 12:33 pm Link


Jae Retouches

Posts: 12

Me please...... Thank you smile

Apr 08 08 12:37 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Morgan Booth wrote:
go for it

Hi, Morgan!
You're a good model. I might just ass-kiss a lot.

What's your availability and what styles do you want to shoot?
This is redundant:


You should always be updating your portfolio, no need to tell people its' going to happen.

We assume you will not flake. Saying that you wont is just silly.
This is great. How did you manage not to fall over?
This is a very good headshot, but I'm kind of creeped out by your hand, since your arm cuts off, then re-appears.
This is bright, shiny, and fantastic.
OMG! Facial expression! Super cute.
I don't know why you want a critique.
The very edge of your shoe is cut off in this, the only flaw in an otherwise cool image.
I miss your fingertips and your toes here.  The combination of the light and the way y our head is turned makes your face look a little chubby. Only flaws in a still cool picture.
Nicely done.
You're cute, but this is really grainy, like a snapshot, and your head is too close to your shoulder.
The posing in this is awesome. So much so that when you update and get rid of either this one, or the other one with the same make up, I would probably keep this one.
You look great. It's not your fault your toes are cut off again.
This is a bit lackluster. You do not look your best, and again, the photo doesn't look pro, just a good snapshot.
Purple hair looks good on you.

You're really awesome, Morgan, but I would like to see you have some facial expression. You only have one with any sort of facial expression, the rest is the same sort of smug look. Which you do well. Now move on and get some variety!

Apr 08 08 03:12 pm Link



Posts: 397

Dallas, Texas, US

Go ahead smile

Apr 08 08 03:13 pm Link


Melissa LeEllen

Posts: 18

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Hey Me please!

Apr 08 08 03:16 pm Link


steve prue

Posts: 785

Brooklyn, New York, US

oh my...nice crit thread.  if you got time and feel like it, have at it.


(btw - you have my favorite MM name.  i smile everytime i see it)

Apr 08 08 03:29 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

a2z Photo n Video wrote:
tell me

Your name is not very appealing. The capitalization is weird. Try A2Z.

Profle. Try this:
I love to work with models, new and experienced, to develop great portfolios. I like to shoot (headshots/portfolio work/art/fashion/pictures of you with your pet/satanic nuns in pools of jello). Please message me for rates and current specials.

I often work with make up artist (Insert name and MM#). Her rates are/are not included in my rates.

I am available for limited TF* work, please see my casting calls for details (post your casting calls here, not on myspace. No one will take you seriously if they know you are casting on myspace.)
Your logo is obnoxious. Please choose something smaller that doesn't detract so much from the photo.
This is a nice picture. Your logo is somewhat less distracting here.
This is nice. The two loose locks of hair over her back makes this photo look a *little* sloppy, and I wish her feet and knees were just a little more visible.  Again-logo.
Very nice nice. Your model looks relaxed, and well posed, everything in this is great.
The down tilt of her head, combined with the close crop, make this photo look cramped. Give her a little space over her head, and it'll be better. Also-logo.
Lovely. Where is her elbow?
Beautiful headshot, but I think it would be improved by capturing all of her head, and less of her shirt, which doesn't really stand out against a white background anyway.
Pretty model, beautiful location.  Her shirt is in better focus than her face. That makes me sad. Also, the lighting here is weird. I don't think this is a good one for backlight (even natural backlight). She needs something to light up her a bit more than the background.
Nice shot, but what is going on in the background?
Lovely, lovely. You have hit the pet peeve button though, props and accessories should only be in the face if they are framing the face, or a facial feature. This is just blocking part of her jawline. Also, your background here looks weird. Like parts of it were blurred, and parts of it weren't.
This leg position is not flattering, she looks like she has a broken leg.  What is her other arm doing? This has potential to be good, try a different angle, maybe a front one, so you can see both arms, and her back leg might look more natural.
Very pretty. Could you smooth the sheet out up by her arm and head?
This was a nice idea, but her black dress against the black pool table needs more dramatic lighting to stand out, and the pool cue rack behind her upper body is just distracting. Overall, the photo looks grainy and amateurish.
This is really nice. The only part I'm confused about is the slight halo that she has around her shoulder and head, that only exists on one side, and nowhere else along her body. … 5a79b5.jpg
This might be a little better with her head in more profile, and you can see her knee starting to bend, but you can't actually see the rest of that leg. Something about this just strikes me as off, but overall, interesting.
This is technically nice, but it looks a little more senior portrait than model portfolio.
Awesome capture. I wish there was less going on in the background, though.
High five!
Oh fun! Two tips:
1: You have blowout on her face-specifically her nose. Is bad.
2: The net is fine over her lips and nose, but try to get her eyes framed by the holes, not cut up by them.
Photographer self portrait...Check.

Overall, you are pretty all right. You seem to be getting better. I think you need a less obnoxious logo (maybe smaller, in a nicer type). You *definitely* need to put it somewhere that doesn't distract from the photo. If you want it to catch attention, try giving the photos a frame, black or white, or a color that looks good with the photo, and type your web address along the edge of it somewhere. Besides that, it's mostly little things that practice and experience will take care of.

Apr 08 08 05:38 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Non Toxic Photography wrote:

I need to borrow shoes from you.

Oh my, it's you! Did you leave? I can't find your profile...

Apr 08 08 05:39 pm Link


Duke Morse

Posts: 943

Dallas, Texas, US

Hit me with it smile

Apr 08 08 06:07 pm Link


Doll Thompson

Posts: 1165

Hammond, Louisiana, US

OMG. I love your work, it would be great getting a critique by you big_smile

Apr 08 08 06:29 pm Link


Rebeca Christina

Posts: 177

Floral Park, New York, US

me next!

please of course

Apr 08 08 06:31 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Echoe wrote:!

Hai, Echoe! How goes? I think I'll mostly be nit-picking at you, too.
Your words make me giggle. Good job. … d6e5c6.jpg
The skin on your face looks weird-loose hair? shadow? I'm not sure. Otherwise, Good.
beautiful work
Nicely done. Lift your arm up a little more, you have kind of a fold on the left side that could have been easily avoided. … 166901.jpg
Thumbs up
I like the other one like this muuuch better. This isn't bad. The other one is just way better.
Good. I wish it was more headshot than upper body, but good.
Sweet angle! I don't like the cropping by your feet, though, and it cuts off really close to your hand on one side.
Silly and awesome … 52a79c.jpg
Nice. … f63df7.jpg
Also very good. Nice artsy images big_smile
F-ing perfect. … f3b886.jpg
This is great for a photographers port. I think it would benefit you better if more of your face or body was visible, to show some sort of emotion. … 7158fd.jpg
I would hate to hold that foot position. The shadows on this are a little weird, but otherwise...You win.
Merry christmas to you too!
This one takes 2nd place in your angelic type photos, but for the sake of variety, I'd give up at least one, possibly two of them.
high five.

You are good model. Why do you need critique? A couple of head shots would be good for you.

Apr 08 08 06:35 pm Link


Minx & Fox

Posts: 19067

Palm Springs, California, US

*peeks in*

I swears I didn't disappear!

Apr 08 08 06:45 pm Link


Peter Manik

Posts: 323

Montgomery, New York, US

Thanx anyway.

Apr 08 08 06:49 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Art Ink Photography wrote:
me me me

Greetings from rainy Tuesday afternoon. 

Let's do some editing. Punctuation, phrasing. These are important.

My name is John, I'm 24 years old, and have over a decade of photography experience. I do everything, and I mean everything. I do not work in a studio. 

Photography came out of passion and ended up being a career. I started out doing action sports photos, anything and everything moving. Then the Glam (glamour? naked/nearly naked sexy ladies? Or do you mean like 'glamour shots'?)  side of photography came out so I've diversified.  I enjoy and excel at shooting, as mentioned, action and glamour, as well as (portfolio development, head shots, fashion, art, alt, goats eating cans)

(Message me for rates, they are reasonable/high/out of your price range but I'll accept gaming manuals, used stockings, and a milkshake in trade)
(I have several projects that I'm looking for models for, and will consider limited TF*. My rates for other projects are reasonable/negotiable)
(I am here on MM to create the one photo in my career to defines me. To reach that goal I am looking for trade with beautiful, talented, experienced/but not necessarily experienced) models).

I have done work for.....................
Ski Doo/BRP
Transword Skaterboarder: cover August 2005
RollerBlader Magazine: Profile for Jon Julio April 2002
Transword Snowboard Mag: December 2004
Free skier Magazine:January 2005

I have worked with the following models/photographers/muas/rampaging trolls on MM:
Name MM #42
Name MM #9

I find your logo to be distracting. I think it's the primary colors, or it could just be the white box around it.
This is fucking excellent, but could you crop it just a little closer on the right side to cut out that brownish board? It's fucking with all the blues of the wall next to it.
Also needs a closer crop--All the stuff on the left side of the frame is distracting. Maybe at the edge of the face-painted door? And could you bump up the contrast a little around her shoe? It stands out in the color shot, but in the black and white, you're losing it in the snow.
Winner! I love Alfred Hitchock, and I think he would be pleased with his tribute.
Something about this one gives it a real 'snapshot' feeling, and not in the good way. It might be the angle, but I think its the harsh shadows on her neck and chin and the blowout on her face that's doing it.
Ditch this, keep the other. This one is okay, but you cut off part of her shoe, and it just seems rather pointless, whereas the other one conveys an emotion and a scene.
The sudden, sharp, shadow here isn't very flattering. Or are those curtains? I don't know. Either way, you can do better.
This is a fun concept, and a lovely model, but...What is under her shoe? And could you bump the contrast a little, or maybe work on your black and white lighting, so that you aren't losing her against her background? You've got a lot of blowout on here, too.
High five!
Your lighting is really harsh, which would have worked here, except that her 'shadowed' eye has a bit of a gleam, and it makes the shadows look accidental.
You have blowouts everywhere in everything you did with this girl. It doesn't look artsy, it looks sloppy.
I would like this better if there was a nude art model doing some contortionist stuff in this!
This is not so good. The model looks hot and uncomfortable. Her pose is messed up, her skirt is obscuring her leg, which could have been fixed by asking her to move her foot down a little. The outfit looks terrible with the background. The uneven lighting makes one of her shoes look pink, and the other look red.  You cropped or shot it oddly, part of the door is visible, but so is part of the wall, and even the next wall where there's a corner. This is not flattering. This does not show your skill. At all.
This is kind of cool, but it would be nice if you had cut it off at the top of the bus, to 'frame' the photo more, and the side cropping was more even. And again, you've got a lot of random blow outs, the bus is clearer than the bottom half of the model.

Your work appears to be improving, but you need to clear out a lot of it. 4 really good photos will get you a lot more work than 4 good ones and 12 mediocre ones.  Work on your lighting, especially when you're shooting black and white. I don't have any specific tips on how to make it better, you might pop into the photographers forum and ask for help there.

Apr 08 08 07:14 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Peter Manik wrote:
Thanx anyway.

Did you change your mind?

Apr 08 08 07:15 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Apr 08 08 07:19 pm Link