Forums > Critique > 2 Pro Photographers - Honest & Constructive crits


dreslin photography

Posts: 1728

Pensacola, Florida, US

I can always use one

Apr 08 08 03:32 pm Link



Posts: 42

Los Angeles, California, US

What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger... hit me

Apr 08 08 03:32 pm Link



Posts: 6196

Columbus, Ohio, US

Hit me.

Apr 08 08 03:34 pm Link



Posts: 307


CEEKuno wrote:
:::sigh::: c'mon...I'll take my medicine

Kool shot.
And shots #1, 13, 19 are kool too.

The page overall is not that strong as far as straight up photography, but as you say - you are more into the design & illustration.

You hint at something new on the horizon - try to really push some kind of style, whatever you find yourself doing - that is the way to go. But keep pushing till you are really happy with the results.

Less can be more, so if you are not 100% into an image, don't put it up yet.

Best of luck!

Apr 08 08 03:36 pm Link



Posts: 307


S A Martin  Photography wrote:
If you are still doing it I'm curious....

NICE - some great shots in this style, you push the bright & ultra colors very well. A good look in lots of these shots.

Also dig 1, 2, 7, 9, 13, 17

But a couple almost repeats.
#16, 19, 20 - other shots with same model are stronger.
So maybe replace these images.

And for your outside shots, keep an eye on the sun position - make it work for you, not against you.
Try more early or late shooting in the day, avoid the high sun - unless it is needed for a specific look.

> Cheers!

Apr 08 08 03:43 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Michelle Webb

Posts: 162

London, England, United Kingdom

hellooooo, i have not done this in a wile  take a look at mine what should i change? add? get rid of?

Apr 08 08 03:46 pm Link


Marty Red

Posts: 1034

I'm in smile

Apr 08 08 03:46 pm Link


S A Martin Photography

Posts: 1337

Portland, Oregon, US

jeffreyLEESERphoto wrote:

NICE - some great shots in this style, you push the bright & ultra colors very well. A good look in lots of these shots.

Also dig 1, 2, 7, 9, 13, 17

But a couple almost repeats.
#16, 19, 20 - other shots with same model are stronger.
So maybe replace these images.

And for your outside shots, keep an eye on the sun position - make it work for you, not against you.
Try more early or late shooting in the day, avoid the high sun - unless it is needed for a specific look.

> Cheers!

Thank you for your time and kind words! I appreciate it!

Apr 08 08 03:52 pm Link


valerie smith

Posts: 90

would love a critique

Apr 08 08 03:56 pm Link


JIC Photography

Posts: 177

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

S A Martin  Photography wrote:
If you are still doing it I'm curious....

You got some good stuff, and not so good stuff. You have an eye for shooting but you seem to lack some tech skillz. All together good work but if you tighten up your Skillz exposure lighting etc.  you will have a much stronger portfolio..


Apr 08 08 03:59 pm Link


JIC Photography

Posts: 177

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Erica V Photography wrote:
I'm in!

Great stuff man. Good lighting great locations and good models.. Keep doin what you be doin... your shots are great.... All the best ..


Apr 08 08 04:00 pm Link


JIC Photography

Posts: 177

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

steve prue wrote:
oo!  interesting.  love to hear what y'all got to say about my images.  thanks in advance!

Like, Like, Like it... Your stuff is cool. Edgy thought out concepts... I really like the models and lighting... Like the concepts allot... Keep doin what you do.


Apr 08 08 04:03 pm Link


Aaron Wright

Posts: 764

Brooklyn, New York, US

Hey, I'm interested

Apr 08 08 04:05 pm Link


JIC Photography

Posts: 177

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

pretty in punk wrote:
im in dire need of photographers, with only 3 professional shoots ... please critique me

It shows that you have not had to many pro shoots... The weird bondage goth stuff is not my cup of tea, but if it is a way you want to go try and work with the rite people.. You have an ethnic look so you should play that up and try some high fashion shots with a MUA and Hair stylist. I would say in the end try and work with as many pro photogs as you cam...


Apr 08 08 04:06 pm Link



Posts: 47

Duluth, Georgia, US

Yes! your opinions would be greatly appreciated!


Apr 08 08 04:06 pm Link


JIC Photography

Posts: 177

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Khaos Productions wrote:
i'd love to get some feedback on how we're doing so far...before it gets to a point where i look back and go..."i've been taking shitty photos for five years"

I would say you are off to an ok start. The images still feel static and or hobby like. Models dont interest me or connect to me.. I would like to see some use of lighting as well outside... You need to challenge your self more, and look at as many photographers as you can... Best of luck and like i always say just shoot shoot shoot...


Apr 08 08 04:08 pm Link


Kindra Marie

Posts: 2089

San Diego, California, US

i can always use an honest opinion .. please

Apr 08 08 04:08 pm Link



Posts: 2049

Germantown, Maryland, US

I'm in.. why not smile

Apr 08 08 04:09 pm Link


JIC Photography

Posts: 177

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

PM White wrote:
Please smile

You have talent but your portfolio shows me really the same image again and again, not much of a selection. You have the skillz, great lighting and composition. You need to try more things and dont be afraid to lose a few battles cause when you do win your images will be great... All the best..


Apr 08 08 04:10 pm Link


Thorn Hill Studios

Posts: 379

Springfield, Massachusetts, US

couple of new images; feedback welcome

Apr 08 08 04:10 pm Link


JIC Photography

Posts: 177

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

John-Anthony  wrote:
I like feedback especially from pros

Not sure if you are joking, but you have great work.. You know that... I like your style high fashion look and it deff has that NYC selling factor.. Great shots, good work and keep making that paper....


Apr 08 08 04:12 pm Link


JIC Photography

Posts: 177

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Shaolin Photo wrote:
Do me and do me hard!

I like your images... Love the natural light in most and even the studio shots are done well.. would love to see more of what you do on here... Keep shooting and all the best..


Apr 08 08 04:15 pm Link


JIC Photography

Posts: 177

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

PamWhite wrote:
Pretty please smile

Hey Pam..

I think you look good overall. The one thing I would say is that you have the same face in every shot. I would watch that , and in a few you look scared or confused.. Your look and body and posing looks all good. Keep shooting with these photogs and just remember that your face is what connects you to the viewer..


Apr 08 08 04:18 pm Link


DollFactory Studios

Posts: 16

Seattle, Washington, US

i'll give it a go, if you're still doing this...

Apr 08 08 04:18 pm Link


JIC Photography

Posts: 177

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

ChrisKnightPhotography wrote:
ooo do me please smile

Look at you man... Amazing work!!! Why do you even need my opinion.. You know you are good... Love the shots, concepts, lighting, Models very nice!!!! Keep shooting and  send some of those models up north...


Apr 08 08 04:20 pm Link


Spinfire Productions

Posts: 12

Ansbach, Bavaria, Germany

Critique me! smile

Apr 08 08 04:29 pm Link



Posts: 307


steve prue wrote:
oo!  interesting.  love to hear what y'all got to say about my images.  thanks in advance!

JIC Photography  wrote:
Like, Like, Like it... Your stuff is cool. Edgy thought out concepts... I really like the models and lighting... Like the concepts allot... Keep doin what you do.


Agreed - so much to like here.
A great variety of models in your work, always a major plus.
So many different color palates in use, various degrees of high & low contrast.
Dig it all

Much love for this shot, reminds me of a great Kids in The Hall bit.

Apr 08 08 04:33 pm Link



Posts: 3880

Arcata, California, US

Hello Gentlemen...
If you are still offering... please take a look at mine.
I am planning to redo my port and your thoughts would be appriciated.
Thanks, Bob

Apr 08 08 04:34 pm Link


Anne Schaar

Posts: 310

Garfield Heights, Ohio, US

I'll have one please smile

Apr 08 08 04:35 pm Link



Posts: 307


pretty in punk wrote:
im in dire need of photographers, with only 3 professional shoots ... please critique me

Not a terrible start, but like you said - not too many pro shots yet.

Keep looking for more photogs to TF shoot with, and less can be more (i say that a lot) with new portfolios. Take out the weaker shots as soon as you can so there are not too many from the same series.

Even with a simple shoot, change outfits more to vary it up.

For you, I would suggest try to do at least 3 TF shoots with some decent shooters in your area in April.
2 of them in your style, a little glam & goth.
And shoot with at least one photog in a diff style, see if the contrast of styles produces some surprises that you did not expect.

You do have a nice skin tone, and looks like you are up to do some crazy make up if needed - go with that!

Best of luck!

Apr 08 08 04:39 pm Link



Posts: 307


Taking a break - we will be back on this later tonight

we are up to middle of page 2 now, we will get to everyone = promise

Apr 08 08 04:42 pm Link


Kalen Foley

Posts: 83

Sea Bright, New Jersey, US


Apr 08 08 04:43 pm Link



Posts: 395

New York, New York, US

JIC Photography  wrote:

Not sure if you are joking, but you have great work.. You know that... I like your style high fashion look and it deff has that NYC selling factor.. Great shots, good work and keep making that paper....


Wow thanks for the compliment. No jokes from me. I havent made any paper yet (not from photography at least) a couple more shoots and I think it will be time to send out my portfolio, only at this a year and a half.

Apr 08 08 04:49 pm Link



Posts: 3168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

jeffreyLEESERphoto wrote:
Kool shot.
And shots #1, 13, 19 are kool too.

The page overall is not that strong as far as straight up photography, but as you say - you are more into the design & illustration.

You hint at something new on the horizon - try to really push some kind of style, whatever you find yourself doing - that is the way to go. But keep pushing till you are really happy with the results.

Less can be more, so if you are not 100% into an image, don't put it up yet.

Best of luck!

Gracias...good insight...I've given this advice a thousand times. Thanks for the "pill"


Apr 08 08 04:49 pm Link



Posts: 307


cinema photography wrote:

Thanks for the crit. I will google Witken and see what hes about, never heard of him before.

edit: GAH! He is really out there.

Saw Witken do a speech once - he has a story from his childhood that is an "11" on the creep-out meter.
But great work!

Apr 08 08 04:51 pm Link



Posts: 286

Canaan, New Hampshire, US

My portfolio is in the process of a revamp but would love to know where you think I should head and what I need to work on.

Thank you!

Apr 08 08 04:52 pm Link


Studio K

Posts: 172

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Id love to get something constructive...doubley constructive

Apr 08 08 04:52 pm Link



Posts: 2306

Miami, Florida, US

JIC Photography  wrote:

WoW... I love your look and movement in all your shots. You have an amazing face and body and look stunning in some of your images.. I would not change a dam thing you are doing, and great choice of photographers you have worked with.. Keep shooting and if you ever get the Philadelphia area hit me up...


Sounds good to me! Thanks:D

Apr 08 08 04:58 pm Link


Joetian Photography

Posts: 12

San Jose, California, US

me please, I need to know problems of my picture, appreciate!

Apr 08 08 05:06 pm Link



Posts: 605

Greenville, South Carolina, US


Apr 08 08 05:10 pm Link