Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > did i hear Dubya correctly ...mangoes



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

We send nuclear technology to India and they send us mangoes!

I am searching the news for it. Tell me that is not correct!

We can import mangoes from mexico, El Salvador , Jamaica, Costa Rica any place. Instead we trade plutonium for mangoes

We sell our future for fruit salad! what a concept!

Mar 06 06 11:27 am Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US


Are you serious????

In the voice of Napoleon Dynamite

Mar 06 06 11:31 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
We send nuclear technology to India and they send us mangoes!

I am searching the news for it. Tell me that is not correct!

We can import mangoes from mexico, El Salvador , Jamaica, Costa Rica any place. Instead we trade plutonium for mangoes

We sell our future for fruit salad! what a concept!

India already has nuclear technology, we are just giving them an upgrade. So tell me would you rather trade for mangoes or tech support? Give me the mangoes, at least they are useful.

"Thank you very much... come again."

Mar 06 06 11:54 am Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

I though he was in India trying to 'outsource' FEMA? wink .... oh, these aren't just any old Mangos: They're enriched. /tim

Mar 06 06 12:03 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Hey, I am Jamaican, and when I am returning from Jamaica with Mangoes, customs tell me I cannot bring them into the US. How about them apples ?

Mar 06 06 12:05 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

MIke , dont piss me off with this one.

I wrote about 10k lines of code that now resides in India.
I was offered the 'job' of going to India and maintaining it. You know that no US employees were going to move to India, it was a fake offer!
My last interview (Vegas) to write tech manuals showed me the light. The company had no US employees , all code camne from Inda,. There are 5 Indian employees in Vegas - QA testing and docs - because tey speak the language. So even the jobs in the US are going because we dont speak Hindi.

I am NOT interested in Dubya's mangoes deal. I am not interested in trading 80K per/year for a service job.

I can tell Dubya where to put his  mangoes

Mar 06 06 12:07 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Tony Culture Photoz wrote:
Hey, I am Jamaican, and when I am returning from Jamaica with Mangoes, customs tell me I cannot bring them into the US. How about them apples ?

That is the problem.. they think they are apples..

Mar 06 06 12:08 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
MIke , dont piss me off with this one.

I wrote about 10k lines of code that now resides in India.
I was offered the 'job' of going to India and maintaining it. You know that no US employees were going to move to India, it was a fake offer!
My last interview (Vegas) to write tech manuals showed me the light. The company had no US employees , all code camne from Inda,. There are 5 Indian employees in Vegas - QA testing and docs - because tey speak the language. So even the jobs in the US are going because we dont speak Hindi.

I am NOT interested in Dubya's mangoes deal. I am not interested in trading 80K per/year for a service job.

I can tell Dubya where to put his  mangoes

Sounds like you are already pissed off about Indian outsourcing. So would you rather get a hard good like mangoes or trade technology for more outsourcing? I think you and I are on the same page on this.

My point is if they are going to have the bomb would you rather thay have our bomb and need our parts (read influence) or have China's bomb and need thier parts? (read influnce).

Mar 06 06 12:13 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Mike Cummings wrote:

Sounds like you are already pissed off about Indian outsourcing. So would you rather get a hard good like mangoes or trade technology for more outsourcing? I think you and I are on the same page on this.

My point is if they are going to have the bomb would you rather thay have our bomb and need our parts (read influence) or have China's bomb and need thier parts? (read influnce).

I would prefer them to have China's bomb so that we can get it from the Indians and see what exactly the fuck China has...

In 100 years, the Chinese will rule the World!

Mar 06 06 12:20 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
We send nuclear technology to India and they send us mangoes!

I am searching the news for it. Tell me that is not correct!

We can import mangoes from mexico, El Salvador , Jamaica, Costa Rica any place. Instead we trade plutonium for mangoes

We sell our future for fruit salad! what a concept!

Well, remember how we supplied weapons to both iraq and iran so hopefully they'd slaughter each other into oblivion, or at least to keep them busy so as to stalemate them?  That's the idea here...the US loses more jobs, we get juicy mangos and India is our first line defense (sort of) against the thought goes.  It's a variation on the enemy of my enemy is my friend theory (the same theory in which we supplied Osama with goodies so he could be a terrorist and slaughter the sons of Russian parents). 

My question, is if we keep outsourcing all our high paying jobs, and everyone is basically at $7-$11/hour or uber rich, what happens to our consumer based economy?

The rest of the world ain't going to be buying our service based economy....especially the Asian nations (china and Japan) who are currently carrying a good deal of our debt.

Mar 06 06 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
That's the idea here...the US loses more jobs, we get juicy mangos and India is our first line defense (sort of) against the thought goes.  It's a variation on the enemy of my enemy is my friend theory (the same theory in which we supplied Osama with goodies so he could be a terrorist and slaughter the sons of Russian parents).

Whatr makes anyone thinks that India is on our side.  Do you think they will attack China for us! pleaseeeeee!
Do you think they will defend us. you need  therapy!
China does NOT have to attack us. They will OWN our ass in 5 years.
They finance  the Iraq war now;  If they call that IOU the economy crashes!

Mar 06 06 12:26 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Hamza wrote:

I would prefer them to have China's bomb so that we can get it from the Indians and see what exactly the fuck China has...

In 100 years, the Chinese will rule the World!

Yeah but in 101 years we will all be hungry again.

You do have a point, but I think if China gave them the bomb they would also impose the same security they have back home. I really don't want China having that much influence.

Mar 06 06 12:27 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
My question, is if we keep outsourcing all our high paying jobs, and everyone is basically at $7-$11/hour or uber rich, what happens to our consumer based economy?

History tells us that History Repeats Itself!

When there ceases to be a middle class and the rich keep getting richer and the poor poorer guess what happens???

R E V O L U T I O N !

Why do you think there are so many Gun Controll Laws???   The Government is trying to get a headstart!!!

You may call me crazy, but in 100 years when it happens, I wll be regarded as a Great Visionary!

Support the N R A !

Mar 06 06 12:28 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

Whatr makes anyone thinks that India is on our side.  Do you think they will attack China for us! pleaseeeeee!
Do you think they will defend us. you need  therapy!
China does NOT have to attack us. They will OWN our ass in 5 years.
They finance  the Iraq war now;  If they call that IOU the economy crashes!

China "owns" us now... just check any Wal~Mart. 70%+ of the products in Wal~Mart are made in China. (Wal~Marts numbers.. not mine)

Mar 06 06 12:30 pm Link


David Scott

Posts: 5617

Marion, Iowa, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
They finance  the Iraq war now;  If they call that IOU the economy crashes!

Don't forget all the countries around the world that owe us money though but we haven't called the IOU on them  ;-)

Mar 06 06 12:33 pm Link


LaMishia Allen

Posts: 59

Winchester, Virginia, US


Mar 06 06 12:36 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

My question, is if we keep outsourcing all our high paying jobs, and everyone is basically at $7-$11/hour or uber rich, what happens to our consumer based economy?

Hong Kong is a good example. Free economy, ultimate capitalism. There exist the super rich and the dirt poor. Not much in-between.

Mar 06 06 12:54 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

Whatr makes anyone thinks that India is on our side.  Do you think they will attack China for us! pleaseeeeee!
Do you think they will defend us. you need  therapy!
China does NOT have to attack us. They will OWN our ass in 5 years.
They finance  the Iraq war now;  If they call that IOU the economy crashes!

Look dude, I didn't say it was a good idea, but that's part of the theory behind mangoes for nukes.

It's a crazy balancing act as well given that we're kissing Pakistan's ass as well.

Mar 06 06 01:06 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

KM von Seidl wrote:

Look dude, I didn't say it was a good idea, but that's part of the theory behind mangoes for nukes.

It's a crazy balancing act as well given that we're kissing Pakistan's ass as well.

KM  the YOU is general not particular  NOt you personally!

Mar 06 06 01:13 pm Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

Hamza wrote:
In 100 years, the Chinese will rule the World!

Isn't that what they were saying about the US about 100 years ago  ... no  ... wait .. !!!

Mar 06 06 01:19 pm Link


Geoff Ryan

Posts: 7

Los Angeles, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
Look dude, I didn't say it was a good idea, but that's part of the theory behind mangoes for nukes.

It's a crazy balancing act as well given that we're kissing Pakistan's ass as well.

That's my personal favorite in this whole fiasco. One day Bush is giving the Indians help in enhancing their nuclear capabilities - pretty much snubbing every non-proliferation treaty - and the next day he's in Pakistan telling them they've got to step up their efforts in helping us in the war on terror! Not more than a month ago we bombed Pakistan, now we give their greatest rival better nuclear capabilities and we want them to help us? Iran is having a field day with this too because basically everything the UN has tried to establish as a limit for their nuclear ambitions has been trampled by our deal with India. If India, which when behind everyones back to develope the bomb, can go after nuclear energy programs with our support, why can't Iran build a nuclear "energy" plant?

Gotta love foreign diplomacy in the hands of ideological goons.

If you want to read what the arabic papers are saying about all this go to:

Mar 06 06 01:21 pm Link


William Coleman

Posts: 2371

New York, New York, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
We send nuclear technology to India and they send us mangoes!

I am searching the news for it. Tell me that is not correct!

We can import mangoes from mexico, El Salvador , Jamaica, Costa Rica any place. Instead we trade plutonium for mangoes

We sell our future for fruit salad! what a concept!

They're high-tech, cutting-edge, weaponized mangoes.  We can lob them at our enemies, who will eat them, swell up and explode.  Ha!

Mar 06 06 01:55 pm Link


WBV Artography

Posts: 1370

San Antonio, Texas, US

They are buying the tech.   It won't be cheap.  We open the trade [buying] of mangoes-one of Indias only sources of income next to 'Would you like some beef jerky with that hard drive?"

Doesn't matter-we're screwed.   We've been getting screwed sonce the 60's.  We have no manufacturing base here anymore.   Everything is outsourced then reimported as consumer goods that are built cheap and come apart.

That's ok- H5N1 is going to empty the planet of a chunk of population anyway.

Mar 06 06 01:57 pm Link



Posts: 429

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Remember the scene in Ghostbusters, when they turned on Dan Aykroyds  unlicensed and untested nuclear device...and then Harold Ramis and Bill Murray inched away from him into the corner of the elevator?  That's how we Canadians are beginning to feel about the U.S., and the goddam elevator is just as small!!  There is no where to run...crap.  WHAT CAN WE DO????

Mar 06 06 02:06 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

KM  the YOU is general not particular  NOt you personally!


Incidentally, I'm learning how to cook Mango chutney in preparation for the massive influx of fruit.

Mar 06 06 02:14 pm Link


White Dragon

Posts: 66

Brunswick, Georgia, US

Canada, the 51st state.

Mar 06 06 02:18 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

OK... did I miss something? I've been at a sci/fi convention the last few days so I've been out of the news more than ussual. It was my impression that Bush went to India and discussed nuclear energy with India and not bombs. India already has the bomb, they can already enrich uranium to make bombs... if I remember right that's not what was being discussed. So, I'm not getting this. Can someone point me to a news story that outlines the Bush trip and how it's going to influence India's nuclear weapons program. I'd be very interested in seeing it.

  I do agree with the theory that China will own us in 100 years. While it's off to a shaky start, eventually China's economy will own not just the U.S. but the world. I also think if the Eurpopean Union were to get their act together they'd own us as well. The world is always changing and I think the time of the US is started to wane. Time will tell, I guess. It was interesting that in the short-run sci/fi show "Firefly" China was the dominant power.


Mar 06 06 02:35 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

White Dragon wrote:
Canada, the 51st state.

Actually, Cheney only wants the western provinces- OIL shale

The Canadians can keep Quebec - no wait  they have hydro.

  Just joking Canucks!  the scourge of the south is inching your way. Just ask Stephen Harper!

Mar 06 06 02:38 pm Link



Posts: 1970

Silver Spring, Maryland, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
MIke , dont piss me off with this one.

I wrote about 10k lines of code that now resides in India.
I was offered the 'job' of going to India and maintaining it. You know that no US employees were going to move to India, it was a fake offer!
My last interview (Vegas) to write tech manuals showed me the light. The company had no US employees , all code camne from Inda,. There are 5 Indian employees in Vegas - QA testing and docs - because tey speak the language. So even the jobs in the US are going because we dont speak Hindi.

I am NOT interested in Dubya's mangoes deal. I am not interested in trading 80K per/year for a service job.

I can tell Dubya where to put his  mangoes

lol...i called tmobile last week to help me configure my sidekick II and it was a person of Hindi culture smile...Thank you where ever you are

Mar 06 06 02:40 pm Link



Posts: 2135

New York, New York, US

In 100 years, the Chinese will rule the World!

Hamza , sorry to let you down but we have already lost the empire , we didn't actually lose it ,we gave it years ago to the chinese!

Mar 06 06 10:13 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Zunaphoto wrote:
Remember the scene in Ghostbusters, when they turned on Dan Aykroyds  unlicensed and untested nuclear device...and then Harold Ramis and Bill Murray inched away from him into the corner of the elevator?  That's how we Canadians are beginning to feel about the U.S., and the goddam elevator is just as small!!  There is no where to run...crap.  WHAT CAN WE DO????

Try spending money on your military and stop relying on the good old USA to protect you.

Mar 07 06 03:15 am Link



Posts: 136

Norfolk, Virginia, US

Duncan wrote:
In 100 years, the Chinese will rule the World!

15 years ago wasn't everyone saying it was the Japanese that would control our country's economy? See the nice thing about free speech? Everyone lamblasts U.S. policy, preaches gllom and doom for the U.S. All those neat and abrasive points of view nicely keep the roaring masses passified because they spent all their time talking and writing, never acting. 300 million people in a world of 6 billion control the world. By bribery, chicanery, economic savvy, military might, inventiveness, versatility and sound thinking, a minority population has continually selected leaders who are wise enough to control the world.

Never have so many worked to maintain the comfort, luxury and standard of living of so few. The world supports America and America dangles the puppet strings by controlling dallups of economic power. We dangle our deficit in the face of every nation on the planet and dare anyone to act up lest the U.S. flew its muscle and show the awesome destructive power of a deficit. The US deficit is more powerful than the world's entire arsenal of nuclear weapons. That is the tool by which we run the world. Bow down all ye unworthy teeming masses before the might of Uncle Sam.

The Chinese will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

England once wanted to rule the world...the sun never sets on the British Empire. Hitler ended the British Empire. Had the British found the gall and courage to confront Hitler in the 1930s, when it should have, the U.S. may never have risen to world ascendency, Well, now, the sun never sets on the U.S. empire. Woe to the world if it ever does. Chaos will reign because the U.S. has the world by the balls. Gripe if you must, but it will not change things.

Raise your hands if you know the one country on the planet capable of countering the Chinese man for man. India, smucks! India! While the Chinese try to use terrorist insurgency against us through puppet organizations and nations, we counter by improving the economic viability of a population the size of China, yet keeping that country economically slaved to us. Cry havoc, and unleash the hounds of economics!

Mar 07 06 03:59 am Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

you voted for him....

Mar 07 06 08:00 am Link



Posts: 429

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Ha ha ha,  If we had a military, Uncle Sam would tell us exactly what we could and couldn't do with it.

Mar 07 06 08:07 am Link


images by elahi

Posts: 2523

Atlanta, Georgia, US

lets see if I can remember: Rise and Fall of Great Civilizations by Michael.....cant remember his last name..let me search my library...good book....

Mar 07 06 08:08 am Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

Well, we all know what this just boils down to...Bush is an idiot, plain and simple.

He gets us into more debt than we could possibly imagine, trades some of our better resources for fruit of all things (I mean, who really eats mangoes, come on!), his VP shoots a lawyer in the head and basically gets away with it, and he skimps our military on the right funding that they need (I know this, personally...try being in a military family, where your husband is the only steady income, and he gets screwed on that each month).

Let's all say it together now....Bush SUCKS! (personal opinion, but apparently a popular opinion)

Mar 07 06 08:41 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Zunaphoto wrote:
Ha ha ha,  If we had a military, Uncle Sam would tell us exactly what we could and couldn't do with it.

Sad part is you would let us. I was watching a show on the History Channel about a fantastic fighter airplane a Canadian company built. This plane was years ahead of it's time. Canadian Govt. killed the contract, had the prototype and molds destroyed and bought US planes. Why? You tell me.

Mar 07 06 10:08 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

BeccaNDSouth wrote:
Well, we all know what this just boils down to...Bush is an idiot, plain and simple.

He gets us into more debt than we could possibly imagine, trades some of our better resources for fruit of all things (I mean, who really eats mangoes, come on!), his VP shoots a lawyer in the head and basically gets away with it, and he skimps our military on the right funding that they need (I know this, personally...try being in a military family, where your husband is the only steady income, and he gets screwed on that each month).

Let's all say it together now....Bush SUCKS! (personal opinion, but apparently a popular opinion)

Better than Clinton trading high technology for a campain contribution.

BTW being in 'Bama you should understand a hunting accident. Please limit yourself to real isues, you will look less foolish that way.

Mar 07 06 10:11 am Link



Posts: 15650

New York, New York, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
It's a crazy balancing act as well given that we're kissing Pakistan's ass as well.

"using" pakistan, more like. last time i looked @ a map it reminded me of the old board game RISK. w has hopscotched invasions and deals (like india's nukes) to surround iran and pakistan, and box in syria and jordan between israel and iraq. this crescent has nothing to do with spreading freedom, it's all about controlling the whole region. look at the official washington reaction to the palestinian elections- w didnt like the result so they get punished. is that how freedom & democracy work?

Mar 07 06 10:56 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

qphotonyc wrote:

"using" pakistan, more like. last time i looked @ a map it reminded me of the old board game RISK. w has hopscotched invasions and deals (like india's nukes) to surround iran and pakistan, and box in syria and jordan between israel and iraq. this crescent has nothing to do with spreading freedom, it's all about controlling the whole region. look at the official washington reaction to the palestinian elections- w didnt like the result so they get punished. is that how freedom & democracy work?

They are getting punished because they will not renouce the destruction of Israel. So yes this is how freedom and democracy work. We have no obligation to fund the enemy of our friend.

Mar 07 06 11:01 am Link