Forums > Critique > OK, I want to see some SERIOUS models only!



Posts: 115

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

I would like to know

Feb 17 10 01:22 pm Link


jenna luxe

Posts: 540

Washington, District of Columbia, US

It's been 7 months... How do ya like me now? smile

Feb 18 10 12:12 am Link


Edward Price

Posts: 10

London, England, United Kingdom


Feb 18 10 06:05 am Link


Grace M

Posts: 48

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, US

Maybe you're on the wrong site for real models?

Feb 18 10 06:07 am Link


Grace M

Posts: 48

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, US

Obviously just kidding

Feb 18 10 06:08 am Link



Posts: 165

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I am very inetested in knowing where to market myself also

Feb 18 10 06:30 am Link


marissa charles

Posts: 2935

London, England, United Kingdom

Hey! have always liked your stuff, so I value your critique.

Feb 18 10 06:34 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Samantha Hahn wrote:
Interested please

Hi Samantha,
   You're a pretty girl and have very nice "next door girl" type features.  You may do well in Commercial maket, although your age is suspect if you want to do this in the big market like NY.   You may want to try out for Whilhelmina type agencies who don't scrutinze your age or height so much as the other agencies.  If you were inclined to go with an agency, I would probably stop doing nudity or anything like that.

  If you're not after anything like that and you're just interested in doing something for fun or you enjoy nudity, then this is the place for you smile.  However, I have to tell you that if you want to do artistic nudes, then learn how to be more artistic in your posing.  Check out Katy_T.  She's the best I've seen at that sort of thing.

  You can be sexy without being nude however and you can still do artistic and glamour work without the nudity (which I recommend).  Because of your "girl next door" looks, you can do a bit of edginess to bring you to the middle a little more, but I don't mean nudity.   You see, sexiness isn't at all about how nice looking your body is, but it's how much you're eyes give off that sexiness, coupled with the theme of your shoot.  For example: imagine the theme of you sitting in a coffee shop, dressed very conservatively but perhaps a bit of thigh showing with a garter holding up your nylons.  It's not the obvious that makes you sexy but the subtle things.  Anyway, I hope you get the idea.

  Use your dance background (ballet) to get your body to do the right poses.  Learn the set of poses that are good for glamour or art and add to those of your own creative mind. 

  Find the right photographers, MUAs, hair stylists, and wardrobe stylists to make everything in your shoot perfect.  Prepare well for shoots and don't take any of them for granted.

Romel Evans

Feb 18 10 10:46 am Link


Amber Gaines

Posts: 172

Jacksonville, Florida, US

give it to me straight, hard and dirty.

Feb 18 10 10:51 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Angie Adamson wrote:
I'm new, but would still love to know.

Sorry Angie your profile is closed and I can't look at anything of yours so maybe when you come back let me know.

Feb 18 10 10:55 am Link


Lori Marie Peterson

Posts: 38

Simpson Bay, Sint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles

Image Designers wrote:

Hi Lori Marie,
   you live on an island that I truly love.  I was there about 10 years ago and the taste is still on my lips.  Really nice easy going people there. 

Anyway, you are a very sexy model without even having to do nudity.  In your case you prove what I've been saying that sexiness is in the eyes and you know how to use them. 

You're 23 years old and 5'4", so that puts you out of any grand fashion ideas.  So what's left is the glamour, sports magazine work.  I think you would do great in those areas.  Especially if you keep using your eyes well like you do in what I saw.

You do need to get much better on your poses to go to the next level however.  I saw a couple that were ok but the ones on the bottom of the page could have been better...with better wardrobe also.

thanks so much for your input.

Feb 18 10 08:50 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Meia marie wrote:
Hm, intrested if you have time.

Hi Meia,
   First of all let me say this although you're a good looking girl, your site is one that will probably not excite anyone very soon.  The problem is that there's no impact from any of the images.  You have the same tired expression in all the images.  There's nothing in there that would stand out to anyone.

Get rid of all the images and invest in the best people you can find whether they are photographers, hair stylists, MUAs, Wardrobe people, etc.  But most of all, go learn how to model properly.  Learn your basic skills that you need which separate your images from home/family spun pictures. 

If you're going to get anywhere in this you're going to have to have some excitement to you and show some energy.  Right now you're severly lacking it and it's not due to your looks by any means.

Mar 01 10 06:52 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

emily caron wrote:
i'd like to know smile

Hi Emily,
  Well, just having mostly headshots in your portfolio won't go to far for you.  You're pretty and at 16, there's no reason you need to tell anyone that you're not doing nudes.  If they have any sense, they wouldn't ask you for nudes.

Get full length and 3/4 shots of you along with a very good beauty shot.  Get together with hair staylists and MUAs who think out of the box.   Because you have the girl next door looks, you need to balance it with some edgy attitude, expression, posing, hair, makeup and wardrobe.  Right now you basically have highschool portraits at best.  Get a move on and do get some professional work done, you're 16 and your modeling will end at 22. You have a long way to go to get good enough for fashion or any print work.
Start immediately!

Mar 01 10 06:59 pm Link


Britt H.

Posts: 30

London, Ontario, Canada

yes please!

Mar 01 10 07:03 pm Link


Diesel Rose

Posts: 153

San Francisco, California, US

me please!

Mar 01 10 07:04 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Nicole Duminie wrote:

Ok second try again...MM in its fantastic design and programming, is still losing posts. 

Anyway, sorry about the frustration.  It's happened so often lately that I just give up normally and don't visit for a while.

You're a very pretty girl and have one of my favorite looks here on mm.  I really like the Marilyn Monroe look.   You have not only a very pretty face but a great figure which I'm sure you've been told plenty of. 

However, with all the potential, I wish I'd see more of you doing things that past the basics.  I mean when you see so many nude or near nude people here, another one doesn't generate much interest.   In fact, you'd probably do better hiding more of you.  You're already naturally sexy, and when you force more sexiness it kind of takes away from  you...sort of like Pam Anderson. 

Start working on theme based shoots with out of the box thinking to make it unique.  The more you put into preparation (including poses and expressions) and selection of the right photographers, MUAs, etc, the better your results will be; as I'm sure you know.

Mar 01 10 07:23 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Erin Scime wrote:
I want to be represented by a top ny agency shooting editorials for idependent fashion mags

Hi Erin,
   if you do want to be represented then work on expressing yourself better.  If you want a top agency, you need to have the x-factor going for you.  Right now it's hard to tell if you have it or not since you don't have many images to show. 

  Get togheter with good ("FASHION") photographers and the best hair and mua people you can get to work with and show off your posing and expressiveness.  Right now you need to work heavily on those skills.

Mar 01 10 07:49 pm Link



Posts: 465

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Me please smile

Mar 01 10 09:39 pm Link


Kayla Renee

Posts: 143

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I think most people who give critiques do not want to be "mean", but I think you can be constructive without being mean.
So anything you say will be taken to heart smile

Mar 02 10 08:01 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Joshua-Dexter wrote:
Wasn't sure if I had posted for you already... would really like to know what you think. : )

Hi Joshua,
   I take it either you're not really looking to do fashion and instead artistic work or you're looking for acting type work (you look like Christopher Reves...aka Superman in that first image)  because from what I see there's really no fashion work in your portfolio...which is fine and I just wanted to clear that up.

Another thing is that you don't need the image, especially as an avatar with such an abstract face paint.  Again, it is meaningless.

   You seem to have a unqiue look and are doing some unique work in your portfolio.  I would say stick to what you're doing if you're not looking to make money out of fashion.  I would say you should really try out acting because to me it just seems that you'd fit in...of course, what I'm telling you is based solely on your looks and makeup and as we all know it takes much more than that to do acting.

  Anyway, if you are looking to do fashion, you'd need a whole different way of looking at things.  First of all you'd need to put up pictures of only yourself, unless there's a clear cut reason for having someone else in the picture.  Modeling is about you and not you and someone else....especially when you see more than a few images like that.  So from what i saw, you can take all the images of you and others off, since it serves no apparent modeling purpose.

Mar 04 10 06:08 am Link


James Hix

Posts: 19

New York, New York, US

That would be great

Mar 04 10 06:16 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Julie Briggs wrote:
Interested in some feedback.  I've only had one professional shoot though.

Hi Julie,
  There are two things you want to work on.  1) to make your portfolio very attractive and unique here so it catches some attention.  2) use this place as a diving board into some real work such as fashion. 

  First suggestion for your portofolio to be looked at is to make your avatar very attractive and easy to see.   Which isn't as easy to comprehend, especially if you're new.  The avatar is a thumbnail and usually hard to see unless it's a close up or bright and contrasty enough to be seen easily and attract immediate attention.  If it doesn't catch someone's attention in about 2 seconds, your portfolio won't be seen.  The image you have for your avatar is not the right one to have.  I would substitue of the first image of the second row instead.  In addition, your portfolio needs to have more images in it.  I do have to say I was impressed by your images and how nice you look for a plus sized model and one that 6'1".  Very very nice. 

As far as the second item (fashion work) I do think you have potential, but being 21, you're almost there at the end of the fashion modeling in the big markets since they cater to models that are 22 or younger.  I'm very sure that you can find work but it may take more work and hopefully your height wont get in the way since the dresses sizes may not accomodate your height...but you never know...especially for a plus size model.  You have one  thing especially going for you that you're put together very well.

Because of your good looks and killer body, you can probably fit some other genres as well such as pinup and glamour.

For any of these you need to learn the proper combinations of posing and expressions to get it all right but I have a feeling you'll do very well based on what's in your portfolio now.

-Romel Evans

Mar 04 10 06:24 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Logan DeHart wrote:
I wouldn't mind some feedback.

Hi Logan,
   I'm sorry that you think you're ready to make money already because from what I saw in your portfolio, I would say you're not close to making money.  Be thankful to get TF* work.  I'm being completely honest here.  You have a long way to go to stand out. 

I would throw out the whole portfolio and start new.  1) you need a better photographer to work with as most of the images are too dark or dull to be interesting. 2) you need to work on skills, especially your posing and expressiveness.  That will give your images some punch 3) get a haircut and style it and change it a lot to give your portfolio some extesibillity.  4) Use different wardrobe for all the shoots and don't have pictures of you and other people unless there's a strong purpose for it.

Mar 04 10 06:33 am Link


Brandon Ralph

Posts: 1247

Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

Image Designers wrote:

Hi Brandon,
  You have a limitted portfolio, but from what I saw I liked.  You have good clean looks and have the height and expressiveness that I think can get you somewhere.  Why don't you try sending your books to some of the NYC or the European agencies.  I think you have the good age factor and expressivess for a male model to make it.  However, you know it's a subjective thing and hopefully you introduce yourself to an agency at the right time and place when they're looking for someone of your caliber.

Thank you so much Image,
I would really love to send my port and get work from the NYC or European agencies.
Well, I'll send you a FR and i really hope you help me through. I have a 4 shoots lined up next week, and would love for you to view them once they are up and know what you truthfully feel. Thanks so much, and do take care.

Appreciate what your doing here, giving professional feedback. Thanks.
-Brandon R

Mar 04 10 08:10 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Kaylee Bendit wrote:
Go ahead

Hi Kaylee,
    One of the reasons for the profile is so that the photographer looking for someone to work with has an idea what you're up for.  I didn't see anything in there about what you're looking to do...just that you wont do nudes.  That's fine and good, but you should really say what you want to work on.  Anyway, I do see that you would like fashion without the height, but there's no fashion work in your portfolio.  It just seems like a bunch of pictures someone took of you in swim suits and lingirie.   

If you wanted advice, I'd say get rid of most of the images and start over and have some nice work with impact, wearing fashionable wardrobe.   

The truth is that showing what you're showing in there, people are more apt to not take you serious and you'll eventually be talked into nudity as many of the girls here end up doing.  You're only 19, so you have 3 years that you may be able to do some commercial work (no high fashion...sorry), but you may want to try with Wilhelmina agency which takes shorter models especially in the commercial areas.

Mar 05 10 12:56 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Bianca Baker wrote:
I'd love to hear your opinion smile

Hi Bianca,
   I like what I saw in your portfolio and you profile.  You seem like a really good girl who also has self esteem and drive to her.  Very good qualities...and of course being from my home state it really makes me like you even 
  Anyway, I see a lot of healhiness in you and I completely agree with you on the fitness side of things.  If you hadn't said that I would have for sure.  I think you have good enough work right now to send to an agency such as Whilhelmina that goes for shorter girls and got a good feeling you might make it.  Probably from where you live,  the closest large market would be Chicago.   
  With your fresh looks you can also do commercial and lifestyle work.  And if you felt the need, you would do well in Glamour also...of course I'm talking tasteful glamour.
  I sure hope you do well, let me know how you do with the agencies.

Mar 05 10 01:07 am Link


Erin Mae

Posts: 307

New York, New York, US

appreciate the feedback...I've updated my port if you could review that that would be great smile

Mar 05 10 01:09 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Lori Ilardi wrote:
I think I was missed I would love to hear what you think of my portfolio. I'm new and have only had a few photo shoots. I trying to get into commercial work . Let me know If you think I have a chance.

Thanks Again Lori

Yes, I see you found your critique.

Mar 05 10 01:12 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Alisha Ali J wrote:
I"m not sure if I was skipped or just not gotten to yet..sad

Hi Alisha, your Critique is on page 55.

Mar 05 10 01:14 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

JacRose wrote:
I'm still expanding my port....what do you think?

  You don't have much work showing in your portfolio, and would think that anyone truly serious and driven as you say you are, would be putting up a lot more images in there than you have already. 

  From the images I see, I think you definitely need to work on your basic skills for modeling (posing and expression).  Your images are bland at best right now and you need to give them some punch and there' s no way to do it other than by what I said. 

Practice practice and practice in front of a mirror and work with different hair styles and makeup.  If you're not willing to put up great amount of effort, you won't go anywhere, so rather than just talk in your profile, put some action into it.

Mar 05 10 01:22 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Erin Scime wrote:
appreciate the feedback...I've updated my port if you could review that that would be great smile

Hi Erin, I just did your critique and it was based on what I saw in your port that you have now.

Mar 05 10 01:24 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

L I L I T H wrote:
Let me know what you think! smile

Hi Lilith,
   You are mostly in the nude and glamour work catering to photographers.  There's not much money there but with your height agency work is a out of bounds.  So what should you do?

I would say your best bet is learn artistic posing and perhaps see if you could go into that arena, but nudes are not going to do you well except for certain photographers that just want to see you naked.

Mar 05 10 01:29 am Link


Erin Mae

Posts: 307

New York, New York, US

oh hah! that's funny... well I've come along way and I'm not nearly satisfied yet. smile

Thanks for the feedback!

Mar 05 10 01:39 am Link


Bianca Baker

Posts: 371

Newburgh, Indiana, US

Image Designers wrote:
Hi Bianca,
   I like what I saw in your portfolio and you profile.  You seem like a really good girl who also has self esteem and drive to her.  Very good qualities...and of course being from my home state it really makes me like you even 
  Anyway, I see a lot of healhiness in you and I completely agree with you on the fitness side of things.  If you hadn't said that I would have for sure.  I think you have good enough work right now to send to an agency such as Whilhelmina that goes for shorter girls and got a good feeling you might make it.  Probably from where you live,  the closest large market would be Chicago.   
  With your fresh looks you can also do commercial and lifestyle work.  And if you felt the need, you would do well in Glamour also...of course I'm talking tasteful glamour.
  I sure hope you do well, let me know how you do with the agencies.

Thank you!
Your home state is Indiana? smile It's the place to be... unless you want to pursue modeling! haha. I'll definitely send by work into Whilhelmina. It would be a dream if I could make it:)

I really appreciate the feedback and I'll take your advice seriously.

Thanks and best wishes,
Bianca Baker smile

Mar 09 10 03:18 pm Link


Bianca Baker

Posts: 371

Newburgh, Indiana, US

Image Designers wrote:
Hi Bianca,
   I like what I saw in your portfolio and you profile.  You seem like a really good girl who also has self esteem and drive to her.  Very good qualities...and of course being from my home state it really makes me like you even 
  Anyway, I see a lot of healhiness in you and I completely agree with you on the fitness side of things.  If you hadn't said that I would have for sure.  I think you have good enough work right now to send to an agency such as Whilhelmina that goes for shorter girls and got a good feeling you might make it.  Probably from where you live,  the closest large market would be Chicago.   
  With your fresh looks you can also do commercial and lifestyle work.  And if you felt the need, you would do well in Glamour also...of course I'm talking tasteful glamour.
  I sure hope you do well, let me know how you do with the agencies.

Thank you!
Your home state is Indiana? smile It's the place to be... unless you want to pursue modeling! haha. I'll definitely send by work into Whilhelmina. It would be a dream if I could make it:)

I really appreciate the feedback and I'll take your advice seriously.

Thanks and best wishes,
Bianca Baker smile

Mar 09 10 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 4

Middletown, Connecticut, US

if you get a chance, I'd love to hear your opinion.

Mar 09 10 03:44 pm Link


Ali Nelson

Posts: 63

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I would REALLY like to know what you think.  Thanks!!

Mar 09 10 04:42 pm Link



Posts: 94

Dallas, Texas, US


Mar 09 10 09:15 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Erin Scime wrote:
oh hah! that's funny... well I've come along way and I'm not nearly satisfied yet. smile

Thanks for the feedback!

Hey, in anything you do, to even come close to your potential, never be happy with anything you do.  When you are satisfied, you'll never get any further.  I wish you best of luck.

Mar 09 10 11:36 pm Link


Nichole Hopkins

Posts: 2997

Los Angeles, California, US

I hope I wasnt skipped sad

Mar 10 10 02:29 am Link