Forums > Critique > OK, I want to see some SERIOUS models only!


Nichole Hopkins

Posts: 2997

Los Angeles, California, US

I hope I wasnt skipped sad

Mar 10 10 02:29 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Innocence-Lost wrote:
Go on then smile

  I liked what I saw in your portfolio.  I just dont' like the 3rd image on the 2nd row.  The rest are pretty good.  I like the artistic flavor to your work.  It shows sophistication as a model and for a 17 year old, that's saying a lot. 

I think, artistic work is your forte and you should continue, especially since you have the knack for it.  You're certainly a pretty girl and know how to best present yourself.  I like the fact that you're not getting too sexy and I hope you never do because that would bring down the quality of your work.

The postiive things that I notice are that your poses aren't badl and although you don't have a lot of different expressions, the one you do have is interesting.  This is what I think you should work on most.  Expressiveness is very important for modeling and the more expressive, the more interesting you will be seen.  I'd also work on as many combination of poses and expressions as possible. 

Adding photoshop skils and makeup/hair work to your list of skills is also very good, so try to be as potentially good as you can be in all your skills and you should be able to get work...or at least enough to help you through college.

Mar 10 10 04:14 am Link



Posts: 492

Leeds, England, United Kingdom

Any tips for me?

Mar 10 10 06:14 am Link


Centia Rose

Posts: 326

Epsom and Ewell, England, United Kingdom

Image Designers wrote:

  I liked what I saw in your portfolio.  I just dont' like the 3rd image on the 2nd row.  The rest are pretty good.  I like the artistic flavor to your work.  It shows sophistication as a model and for a 17 year old, that's saying a lot. 

I think, artistic work is your forte and you should continue, especially since you have the knack for it.  You're certainly a pretty girl and know how to best present yourself.  I like the fact that you're not getting too sexy and I hope you never do because that would bring down the quality of your work.

The postiive things that I notice are that your poses aren't badl and although you don't have a lot of different expressions, the one you do have is interesting.  This is what I think you should work on most.  Expressiveness is very important for modeling and the more expressive, the more interesting you will be seen.  I'd also work on as many combination of poses and expressions as possible. 

Adding photoshop skils and makeup/hair work to your list of skills is also very good, so try to be as potentially good as you can be in all your skills and you should be able to get work...or at least enough to help you through college.

Thank you very much! =]

Mar 10 10 11:53 am Link


Melody Quan

Posts: 62

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

me too? still doing it

Mar 10 10 11:55 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Nichole Hopkins wrote:
I hope I wasnt skipped sad

Hi Nichole, there are 4 or 5 people ahead of you on page 54 that I'm still on.  I'll get to you soon.

Mar 10 10 09:52 pm Link


Krystal Gale

Posts: 162

Bakersfield, California, US

Definatley let me know what you think.

Mar 10 10 10:03 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Elaine Ford wrote:
A critique from you would be great:)

Hi Elaine,
   You're a pretty girl with a very nice figure and great legs.  The problem you have is that it just stops there.  The portfolio is basically something you see all over the place for girls with little or some experience. 

  If you want to stand out and be noticed, you're going to have to do more thinking out of the box and ramp up on your basic skills (posing and expressing yourself).  Right now, its rather dull and lifeless.  I think getting beyond the "pretty girl pictures" look will help you a lot.  But you're going to have to really work on your skils as I said.

  In addition, you should have the photographer do the work more upfront where the image is better lit.  I see that the contrast is very high on some of those images and the images were a bit oversharpened on some of them.  Try colorfull backgrounds or outdoors since you're fair skinned and blond.  The problem with gray and white background is that if you blend in with the background a lot, it's difficult for post processing to get you to stand out against the background.  So try red and black which will make a difference. 

  Also be a bit playful and not try the old "oooo" with the mouth glamour technique.  It's old and needs to be archived forever.  Natural expressions are better and use your eyes to do most of the expression rather than the lower part of your face.

  You have a lot of what it takes physically, so it's just the effort part that you'll have to work on.

Mar 10 10 10:08 pm Link


Anastasia SK

Posts: 47

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I would like to know!

Mar 11 10 05:03 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

D_Romeo Ortenzi wrote:
Let me know! thank you... and wow this is such a long thread?!

Hi Romeo,
   You have unique features and can look different in your work depending on your styling.  All good stuff.  However, I'd stay away from looking Tres feminique, if you know what I mean.  Push for more masculin looks.  You seem to have good capabillity and think out of the box which is very good.  Just keep it going but be more masculin instead of leaning towards being more androgynous.

Mar 17 10 04:32 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Angela Lauren wrote:
I'd love a critique from you smile

Hi Angela, I critiqued you back on top of page 21.  Here's the direct link to it: … 31&page=21

Mar 17 10 04:39 pm Link


Elysia Winter

Posts: 328

New York, New York, US

Me! smile

Mar 17 10 04:44 pm Link


B Paige

Posts: 390

Bristol, Virginia, US

i need some good advice!

Mar 17 10 04:45 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

XSilkX wrote:
I'd like a point of you on my body&face cause i don't feel i have yet done what i want to show on my picture and just starting thanks:)

Hi Amandine,
   You're a pretty girl with very nice features.  What I see you lacking in is expressiveness.   You say you're affilliated with an agency, so I would take it that you're doing either fashion or commercial work.  Am I correct?  I would guess more on the commercial side since you're 5'7" but I'm not sure what the accepted height for fashion models is in france. 

Anyway, as I said expressiveness is the first thing you want to work on since I see the same basic expression in your portfolio.  Also, if you're doing fashion, or commercial work I would hope you'd show more fashion/commercial work in your portfolio.  The closest you come to it is the fantasy fashion, but it seems more to be on the artistic work rather than fashion. 

Also, if you want to stand out in the crowd here in MM, you should probably put up images with more impact.  You acheive that with images where you're standing out due to either expression/and/or pose.  So be more dramatic in your posing please and show more of a range of expressions (i.e. sad, happy, angry, scared, etc.).

Mar 17 10 04:53 pm Link



Posts: 24

Lake Elsinore, California, US

Can you do me please?

Mar 17 10 04:54 pm Link



Posts: 55

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

I'm game if you are still doing it

Mar 17 10 04:56 pm Link



Posts: 481

London, England, United Kingdom


Mar 17 10 05:16 pm Link


Julian Koj

Posts: 71

London, England, United Kingdom

me please?

Mar 17 10 05:23 pm Link



Posts: 417

Houston, Texas, US

tell me :]

Mar 17 10 05:57 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Nichole Hopkins wrote:
I really enjoyed your portfolio and would love a critique.

Hi Nichole,
   Sorry to get back to you so late....I haven't been doing this for a while.  You look great and I really like your eyes.  I think you can create interesting  moods by just using your eyes.
   I think you fit the art/glamour areas and feel that you need some work as far as posing.  Work on doing more than model 101 poses.  Try to see yourself as whole and not just parts.   Try to bring in the pose, the expression, the wardrobe (i think this is an area you also need to improve upon), hair, and location together.  I think you look very nice now, but if you want to go to the next step, start thinking out of the box.  The box being 80 percent of the MM work shown by models.  Don't be part of the crowd but try to stand out among them.
  You have good potential so don't waste it on just a lot of pictures.  Work on quality and uniqueness.

-Romel Evans

May 04 10 02:35 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Kate Baxter wrote:
Me Please! smile

Hi kate,
   I just had a look at your portfolio.  You're a pretty girl, but 2 things really stand out to me.  1) you're always turned to the same direction in your photos and 2) your images are basically a little more than standard portraits.  While it's nice to have some of those, they shouldn't account for most of the content in your portfolio.

   You have the girl next door looks, so you need to balance that with some edginess.  I don't mean NUDE!   Just some subtle sexiness.  Experiment and get ouf of the norm.

May 04 10 02:40 am Link



Posts: 321

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

I am in x

May 04 10 02:43 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Leah Jung wrote:
whenever you come back...

Hi Leah,
  Although a very pretty girl, your tattoos are super distracting.  I think you could have done well without them, but it's too late to tell you that.  Anyway, try to cover them up in your future shoots, because they make all the images look the same (same dressing basically no matter what you're wearing if they do show). 

  I think you need to show more moodiness than just "here I am in this pose and that pose, etc."  Show less body and more substance, meaning plan your shoots and stick to the plan.   Create images that would make the viewer want to know more about you.

May 04 10 02:47 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Nicole Dawes wrote:
I would definitely love some constructive criticism. Maybe it could help get me going in the right direction! smile

Hi Nicole, you look great and I really like the way you use your eyes.  You're very pretty indeed.

Get more full length and 3/4 length images with you doing more in terms of posing.

I like the direction you were going with the artistic background of the moon, but the pose and look just didn't work for it.  I'm guessing it wasn't planned and the photographer just did it.  For those you need to plan more and be elaborate with your looks.

I would drop the first 2 images of the last row and the 3rd one of the firs row as they don't get you anything.  I think because of your next door girl looks being subtly edgy works very well with you and I do see it.  But again be more elaborate.

May 04 10 02:52 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Kiah Davis wrote:

Hi Kiah,
   You need a lot of work as far as your modeling skills and choosing a good photographer.  You should never have images with strong dark shadow next to bright light contrast situation.  Drop that image from your work.  You shouldn't have similar images either.  They should be very unique.

  If you really want to do this, get good mua's to work with you at any cost.  You need to invest into it, otherwise you're wasting your time.

May 04 10 02:55 am Link



Posts: 1024

Shanghai, Shanghai, China

Hiya me please? smile

May 04 10 02:58 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Heather Vaughn Morris wrote:
Let me know what you think.



Hi Heather,
  You're a very pretty girl with a great body and make that very obvious in your images.  That's where the problem lies.  What you have in there, I can find in 100's  if not 1000's of images here.  You don't stand out in other words.

Get over the "in your face" sexy thing and become more subtle.  You are inviting GWCs big time to your portfolio when you display what you have there.  I think you have potential to look 1000% more sexiness if you were subtle with it.  In fact, since you are by nature sexy looking, you want to be extremely conservative and show just slight sexiness and very little skin.  Remember less is more and this whole thing is about working on the subconcious mind of viewers.  If they see all you have at a glance, then they wont have any interest in you. 

Try it, I think you'll find that you'll do much better.  Find quality, serious photographers who don't just go out there to shoot hot girls.  Someone who things more deeply than that would do you well.

May 04 10 03:02 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Leonid Basin wrote:
I would love to me critiqued!smile Thanks!

Hi Leonid,
   You have very unique looks and it would stand out more if you did shoots with a purpose.  What I see is that you just went casually to take some shots of yourself.  For guys, there's not many directions to go.  Unfortunately being 25, is not going to get your foot into the door much, unless some local work.  If you were 18 i would have told you ramping up your portfolio would help you considerably, but at 25 you're beyond that.  If you want just more notice here, just work on getting unique images with better wardrobe on here. 

Use good photographers to get you great shots.  Right now you're in big need of changes.

May 04 10 03:08 am Link


Nichole Hopkins

Posts: 2997

Los Angeles, California, US

Image Designers wrote:

Hi Nichole,
   Sorry to get back to you so late....I haven't been doing this for a while.  You look great and I really like your eyes.  I think you can create interesting  moods by just using your eyes.
   I think you fit the art/glamour areas and feel that you need some work as far as posing.  Work on doing more than model 101 poses.  Try to see yourself as whole and not just parts.   Try to bring in the pose, the expression, the wardrobe (i think this is an area you also need to improve upon), hair, and location together.  I think you look very nice now, but if you want to go to the next step, start thinking out of the box.  The box being 80 percent of the MM work shown by models.  Don't be part of the crowd but try to stand out among them.
  You have good potential so don't waste it on just a lot of pictures.  Work on quality and uniqueness.

-Romel Evans

Appreciated! thank you!

May 07 10 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 226

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Me please if your still going?

May 07 10 01:43 pm Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Sam Insanity Sunshine wrote:
Very new to modeling, need all the help I can get :p

Hi Sam,
  You have fine looks, but for some reason you come off thick...not a good fashion characteristic.  You want to look tall and masculin. 

  From what I see, you seem to be wanting to get into dramatics more than actually modeling.  If I'm wrong then first thing you should do is get rid of the other models in your portfolio. This is about you, not you hiding behind girls or confusing the viewer eyes.   Need to be in there alone and come off bold, masculin and strong.  Stay away from anything feminin in your looks or appearance.

May 08 10 12:47 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

SHinning Spirit  wrote:
i wana know

Sorry can't critique if your portfolio is gone.

May 08 10 12:47 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Terra R Morgan wrote:
I'd love to hear what you think.

Hi Terra,
  you're not bad looking but you seem to have the same look to you. Go to your portfolio and think as a 3rd person would.  look over all your pics and you'll see the same kind of expression throughout.

  I like the fact that you want to stay away from the bad stuff in modeling and whole heartedly agree with you. But in your face you seem always tense or nervous.  You can't do that.  Need to let your hair down especially if you are conservative.  Otherwise, you don't bring much to the viewer. 

  Without being trashy, you can still look sexy.  You need to figure that out for you how to walk the thin line where you look beautiful and elegant (for being conservative) but at the same time give a little bit of edge.

May 08 10 12:52 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

TEGAN_CC wrote:
Can you please do me?? Thanks

Hi Tegan,
  First of all your profile has information in there that is not coherant (for example: what is an RSA?)....perhaps that is very clear from where you come from but not everyone understands it so please make sure it's easy to understand.
  You're obviously pretty and sexy.  Being the fashion type, I don't think so.  I think you certainly belong in the promotional (calander, cars, etc.) work as you say you want to do, but here is a tip for you.  Try to do one of two things.  One is work on your upper legs to get the thighs more muscular, or not show them as you do with the shirt.  They seem to show you a bit chubby.

  You also need to practice on your poses and expressions. One basic expression just doesn't cut it in this area.  There are thousands of girls who do the same so you just don't stand out!!!  I wish models thought about that and try to be unique.  Don't worry about looking goofy, get all types of moods showing on your face, work hard in front of the mirror, practicing your expressions and poses.  Try to be more artistic in your poses, such as a ballet dancer would.  If you try to practice all these things it can only make you better and more in demand.

May 08 10 01:01 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Nate Washington wrote:

Hey Nate,
  you are looking for a photographer who can bring it out of you.  What do you have for the photographer that would make him want to photograph you.  You want editorial work, but do you know the concept of being editorial for a male?  You need to research these things and work on them.  However, I can tell you that if you're looking to do Editorial (in other words high fashion), you won't make it with that height.  For a male, he has to be at least 6-1 to 6-2 and have the elegant kind of looks (James Bondish) to make that.  I can see commercial, however, but I think you need to work hard on yourself and be able understand the posing and expressiveness needed to be the commercial model.  Certainly add a smile to your work.

May 08 10 01:06 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Lynn Wheeler wrote:
im pretty new to all this, some advice would really help smile

Hi Lynn,
  Well, you don't leave much to the imagination that's for sure, and that is precisely why you'll be in demand by the casual photographers (hobbiests or GWCs).  I you're going to be a real model you have to play a model and not just show skin.
  If you're really serious about this, it may surprise you that if you want to be truly sexy here, you'll have to do just the opposite of what you're doing.  Need to wear more clothes in essence.  The rule of thumb should be that if you're already naturally sexy, hide it!  Make the viewers imagine more and don't lay it out on the table.  The more sophisticated and educated  (not your 18 year old, high hormone guys) will not usually go for the skin.  They look for more subtle looks than just skin.

  However, if you're more into the exotic dancer type of thing that you advertise in your portfolio (the link under your name), then this may not make sense to you.  I hope you can see what I'm saying.  Remember less is more.

May 08 10 01:17 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Elouisa Childs wrote:
Me please!!!

Hi Elouisa,
   If I had to give you one big recommendation, it is to not tan so much.  Since tanned is mostly good for either swimsuite or some glamour, it is not proper for the other genres you're seeking.  I would try to get as light as possible if I were you.  Besides, hopefully by doing so you'll prevent any kind of skin cancer. 

  I like the fact that you don't do nudes.  Good for you!  Now, for the other genres, here's what I think:  You need to get rid of similar beach pictures and replace them with ones for let's say glamour, or if you're going to do commercial.  Fashion, unless you're going to do it in small local shows wont work for you due to age and height restrictions.  In addition, get rid of the posing and expressions 101.  Those two are the main ingredients to get you to be noticed and having the same general poses and expressions as everyone else isn't going to differentiate you from others.   You need to stand out like a sore thumb in this area, so work on your basic skills and I'm sure you'll get noticed more.

May 15 10 05:51 am Link


Image Designers

Posts: 1740

San Francisco, California, US

Joshua Wilkins wrote:
Me please!

Hi Joshua,
  It was very refreshing to see someone not flaunt their body around.  I really respect that.  I think you have very good clean looks with a great smile.  I think you would work well for commercial and fashion.  I just have one recommendation for you to be careful with.  Try to keep your neck straight (almost stiff and long) in your poses.  The last image of the 2nd row and the 2nd to the last image on the last row they give off a feminine quality, which you should try to avoid at all times.  Remember you're selling to men who don't really want to see anything feminine.

Also, try to show a bit more expressions.  You're doing better than many, but need to give more serious and agressive expressions. 

By the way, I really like the wardrobe you've used.  Very classy!!!

May 15 10 06:00 am Link


Sarah Y Gambrell

Posts: 3

Johnson City, Tennessee, US

I'm new, and don't have a lot, but any input that could help me would be appreciated! Thanks!

May 15 10 06:05 am Link


Sara Flower

Posts: 122

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I would greatly appreciate some feedback (I do have a small port for now, but I am working on fixing that).

May 15 10 06:39 am Link